Week 4
• Notices
– The final Friday in Week 13 is the 4th June 2004
• Questions
– Unit Administration - Supervisor’s Roles
• Project Plan and Reporting
• Sample Data
• The Business Case is due this week
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CSE9020 Week 4
This week we are going to look (briefly) at
– Documents and Standards
– Some Aspects of Quality
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CSE9020 Week 4
The Documents you are going to produce are
– 1. The Business Case Justification (week 4)
– 2. The Methodology and Quality Planning
Document (week 6)
– 3. Standards to be used in the Preparation of the
User Manual (week 7)
– 4. The Testing Strategy (week 8)
– 5. The Outline of the Acceptance Test
Specification (week 10)
– 6. The User Manual (week 13)
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This means
(a) you will need to be clear as to the content of
each of these documents
(b) your reports will need to be informative but
precise and concise (short but meaningful)
(c) team members will probably be deployed to
write parts of the reports
(d) the quality reviewer will need to ensure
conformity of style and content
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(e) each member of the team must be aware of
the content of the complete document
(perhaps a ‘final reading’ session)
(f) the final total document must be quality
assessed, amended if necessary, and then
certified as being the final and complete
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General Requirements for Documents
1. Each Document presented is to have
– The Name of the Deliverable
– The Group Number
– The Group Members’ Names
– The Group Members’ I.D. Numbers
– The Unit Code and Name
– The Supervisor’s Name
– The Due Date
– A Table of Contents
– A Short Synopsis (Executive Summary)
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General Requirements for Documents
2. The documents are to be produced using Word
3. Spell checking is to be used
4. Section numbering is to be used
5. If paragraphing numbering is required, the particular
document standard is to be applied. Paragraph numbering is
required for all documents which act as source documents
for further development (e.g. the Testing Strategy and
Acceptance Test Specifications)
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6. Each submitted document is to have the Quality Reviewer’s
certificate included
7. Each submitted document is to be accompanied by a
Certificate which indicates the contribution of each member
to the document’s content and style
8. The Certificate is to be signed by each member indicating
acceptance of time, effort and skill contributions of the other
A copy of the Certificate is available from the web page
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Project Objectives are to be identified
Project Scope is to be identified
Project Responsibilities are to be identified (these may alter
later as the project progresses and emphases change)
Project Risks are to be identified and a brief description of
management of the risk included
Task Effort Estimates - at his stage these can only be rough
assumptions, which will be further refined as the project
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CSE9020 Week 4
Task Effort Estimates (con’t);
A spreadsheet is the preferred approach - Microsoft Project
would seem to be not necessary (and it is not a project
requirement for you to rush off and develop skills in this
Activities must be assigned to each team member.
Later activities will probably have more than 1 member
assigned to a task or tasks
The base unit of the ‘cost’ or ‘load’ is the person hour
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As a guide, each phase of the project should consume a
maximum 25% of the total effort
No phase should be less than 10% of the total effort
Quality effort should be in the range of 5% to 15% of the
total project effort.
You should read the Quality Requirements Statement in the
handout. Progress onto the Quality Forms which will then
form the basis of the development of the Quality Index
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These are outlined in the handout papers from Week 1.
They are to be followed, and need to be associated with
each particular Document.
Where the standards are directed at the form of a document,
don’t go overboard. The main objective should be to adhere
to the standard to produce a valuable, quality document
which meets the requirements.
You are not in the business of producing TV type products
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Presentation of Documents:
Documents of 10 pages or less can be stapled once, top left
Larger documents should be bound either with a spiral
binder or submitted in a two-ring A4 folder.
Plastic envelopes or documents wallets are not satisfactory
There is no extra benefit in using colour printing. Variation of
font and print style can be used at your discretion.
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Some definitions
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• The Standards associations (and hence the United Nations)
has agreed that:
• Quality is Fitness for purpose
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Quality Control
• The operational techniques and activities that are used to
fulfil the requirements for quality
• What the testers do to check that the quality is OK
• Fathers play with their children’s toys
• Aunts taste one chocolate before handing the box around
• …..
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Quality Assurance
• All those planned and systematic actions
necessary to provide adequate confidence
that a product or service
will satisfy given requirements for quality
confidence is about reliability
• A quality product is about consistency,
hence ‘planned and systematic actions’
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Quality System
• If we are going to have quality assurance, we need
To make everything work together
- the testing equipment
-the testers
-the reporting of test results
-the corrective measures
-agreement about corrective measures
-agreement about the overall objectives
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Quality Manual
• The Quality manual is the document that describes the
attitudes of an organisation to quality
practices within the organisation
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The Quality Plan
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Quality Plan
What is it ?
It is the policy and procedures required for control of
It needs a set of development standards and procedures and
clear definition of the deliverable (s) from the stages used in
the development
Quality is the ability of a product to meet (or to exceed) the
agreed/defined user specifications
It MUST be an integral part of the product - NOT an add-on
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Quality Plan
This is another way of saying that quality is built into the
produce from its initialisation - not as an afterthought
A well developed, and enforced, quality plan will focus on
• the scope of work to be done
• the deliverables
• the standards and their use
• the system environment
• the various reviews, their outcomes and the effect on
the development (extra effort, change of direction ..)
• sign offs required
• change management (= management of change)
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Quality Plan
Quality is associated and directed at:
- Content
- Continuity
- Accuracy
- Presentation
- Cohesiveness
- Problem Solution
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CSE9020 Week 2
Quality Plan
You should include some comments about your team’s attitude,
strategy, acceptance and recognition of a Quality Plan.
How are you going to apply the Quality Plan ?
Here are a few suggestions:A clear, agreed work breakdown
No moonlighting or ‘all my own work’ approach
Size each task so that it can be understood, assigned, and
Make sure each task has a deliverable, and that the deliverable
matches the requirement
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Quality Plan
Inspect (and correct where necessary) each deliverable
Have walkthroughs - a ‘state of the project’ review
Have deliverable test plans - any major points omitted, any
errors, any non-alignment with other deliverables ?
Listen carefully to your Quality Reviewer - reach agreement by
consensus - don’t ‘hang out’.
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CSE9020 Week 2
Quality Plan
Quality Plan Standards identify the policies and procedures to
be adopted and followed by the team. (they may be slightly
different from other teams)
The Quality Plan probably includes
– An Interviewing Standard
– Standards for Meetings
– User Manual
– Testing
– Reviews
– Project Methodology
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Quality Plan
And equally importantly There must be some tangible way which ‘proves’ that each
standard has been employed
The development of the method must be correctly managed
Some random thoughts:
The team coordinator should produce a statement outlining
the need for for both a quality plan, and for its
Each team member should be aware of the responsibility
placed on them (and others) and accept and follow all
standards. If you are in doubt, ask the Team Co-Ordinator
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Quality Plan
• What aspects need standards ?
• How’s this for starters – Project Management
– Development Development
– Testing
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CSE9020 Week 2
Quality Plan
Quality System : format, structure, procedures, standards
Documentation Control : Adherence to the standards
Internal Reviews and checks : Detect nonconformity early ?
Change standards, procedures
Accurate and rapid access to these standards - each team
member to have a copy (diskette , CD-Rom - CD Reader ?)
Any problems with sending standards via email ?
Acknowledgement of receipt ?
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CSE9020 Week 2
Quality Plan
And finally ----Have you identified the RISKS in your project ?
What are they ?
Have you prioritised them ?
What’s your Plan B if Plan A shows some cracks ?
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A Reminder
The Methodology and Quality Planning Document is due in
Week 6
The Standards for the User Manual Document is due in
Week 7
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