1. T H E M A S K O R ( T H E T R I A L S O F A N D T R I B U L A T I O N S E X I S T E N C E ) THE CAST: Blake Reid as John Zanni Michael Torkington as Kane Capitano Jackie McIntyre as Sofia Innamorati Luke Schemen-Rogers as Carlos Brahooni (this doesn't make sense!!!!!!!!) Vivienne Tran as Kitty Nicholls Oscar Edwards as Connor Bell Andrew Rushby as Henry-James Clark-Johnson THE CREW: Leon Nguyen: Director/co-writer Vivienne Tran: Co-writer/Producer Andrew Rushby: Co-writer/Co-director Matthew Sherren: Cinematographer Hugo Webster: Assistant Cinematographer SUPPORTING CAST/CAMEOS: David Hii: Furious Man Leon Nguyen: Surgeon #1 [cameo] John Baker: 2. T H E M A S K O R (T H E T R I A L S A N D T R I B U L A T I O N S O F E X I S T E N C E ) Draft III FADE IN: TITLE OVER: " I T A L L B E -J O H N A L L S I X D O E S N ' T F E E T S A M U E L S , C O R M A T T E R . W E ' L L U N D E R " A N G L A I S FADE OUT: 3. Black. Cut through scenes that represent Commedia Dell’Arte theatre. [BLURRED SOUND OF THEATRE AND COMEDIA SCORE] Black in-between. Show scenes of catastrophe. [BLURRED SOUND OF SHOUTING AND COMEDIA SCORE.] CUT: BLACK TITLE OVER: The Mask or (The Trials and Tribulations of Existence). FADE IN: INT. MODERN APARTMENT –DARK ROOM Camera focused on a middle aged man [appears Australian, poorly dressed, but fully clothed], turning his back on the camera. He appears to be fully clothed. After a long silence, he finally gets up and leaves the room. The camera is focusing on a letter....it appears to the man's resignation letter. It says The Fools of the North. The camera still focuses on the room and we can hear yelling and screaming. A few seconds later, Zanni walks back up, with visible cuts and bruises. He packs up all his belongings and starts swearing under his breath. He exits the studio and is called by someone. Time passes. CUT: EXT. APPARTMENT BUILDING TITLE OVER: 8 MONTHS LATER 8 MONTHS LATER, he enters back into his apartment, another room with a black interior. His phone rings. MAN: What now? PICKS UP CALL. MAN: Hello? VOICE: Hi there, Mr. John Zanni. 4. ZANNI: Who is this? VOICE: I am Connor Bell, a producer on a production of John Samuels' Cor Anglais. ZANNI: Oh, I've heard of that. Nobody knows about that play. BELL: Yeah... ZANNI: So why are you calling ME up? BELL: I just heard you resigned from The Fools of the North, that Commedia Dell'Arte group that everyone loved. ZANNI: Yeah, before that ONE performance of The Fools Banquet. PAUSE. ZANNI: Alright, I’ll do it. BELL: Okay, great! I'll see you at the stage in about an hour or so. BELL HANGS UP. ZANNI LOOKS ECSTATIC. 5. ZANNI: [mutters] This is great. BELL WALKS BACK TO HIS APARTMENT. IT HAS A VERY BLEAK INTERIOR AND IS AESTHETICALLY BLAND. ZANNI: Bloody hell...[thinks] What should I do? PHONE RINGS. ZANNI: What now? ZANNI PICKS UP THE PHONE. HE IS GREETED BY A FEMALE VOICE YELL OBSCENITIES AND SCREAMING. THE AUDIENCE CAN HEAR HER SWEARING...IMPROV. ZANNI APPEARS CONFUSED. ZANNI: Who....is this? THE FEMALE VOICE STOPS FOR A LITTLE BIT AND THEN SHE YELLS AGAIN. INNAMORATI (O.S.): I am your f-ing girlfriend! ZANNI: What, Sofia Innamorati? INNAMORATI: Excuse me...EX-girlfriend. 6. ZANNI: Excuse me? INNAMORATI: You heard me! ZANNI: Don't ever call this phone number again, alright? Just delete this phone number. [hangs up] CUT TO INNAMORATI'S SIDE, WHERE SHE GETS VERY ANGRY AND STARTS WRECKING HER APARTMENT. SCENE CUTS BACK TO ZANNI, WHO APPEARS TO BE FIDDLING WITH HIS PAPERS. ZANNI CAN HEAR VOICES IN HIS HEAD..... VOICE #1 (O.S.): Why did you quit Commedia Dell'Arte? Are you some sort of insane cocksucker or something? VOICE #2(O.S.): You ran yourself into the ground. Don't expect any sympathy from me. VOICE #3(O.S.): Come back here, you meaningless twat! GET BACK HERE! Several voices can be heard. Zanni starts becoming delusional and starts shaking around. He is interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Zanni looks confused. ZANNI: [Speechless for a few moments] Who is it? INNAMOIRATI (O.S.): YOU KNOW WHO IT IS! 7. ZANNI: [whispers] Oh shit. Zanni rushes into his bathroom, on the way to the bathroom he appears to grab a jacket (it is a bathrobe), the audience thinks he is trying to escape. Switch to Innamorati's perspective INNAMORATI(O.S.): If you don't let me in now, I swear…- Zanni opens the door wearing a bathrobe. Wanting some intimacy. He appears to flash. INNAMORATI: Whoa, shit! I came here to get my jacket, you ass! In disgust, Innamorati slams the door in Zanni's face. Switch to Innamorati's side. She is leaving the apartment building. She gets a phone call. INNAMORATI: Bloody hell, [muttered] ... [answers phone] What!? [said forcefully but not aggressively]. BELL: Hi. My name is Connor Bell, producer of a performance of Cor Anglais. INNAMORATI: How did you get this number? BELL: I got it from...umm....some guy. 8. INNAMORATI: Who? BELL: Doesn't matter. [clears throat] So....do you want to be in Cor Anglais? INNAMORATI: The hell is Cor..whatever the hell that is? BELL: Just go to the Mervin Plentammp Theatre in about half an hour. I'll see you there. I'll have to explain some things [hangs up]. INNAMORATI: [mutters] A bit of a twit. But... I need the money. Oh what the hell. Innamorati walks to the theatre, which is very close to Zanni's apartment. The theatre says 'Mervin Plentammp Theatre'. INNAMORATI: Hmph. Camera cuts to Pantalone and Capitano, hanging around in the backstage of the Mervin Plentammp Theatre. Capitano's phone rings. CAPITANO: Hmm...??? [picks up phone] What's going on, mate? BELL: Hi, Mr. Capitano. My name is Connor Bell, producer on Cor Anglais and, you know, stuff. Do you want to be in Cor Anglais? 9. CAPITANO: What the bloody hell is Cor Ang...whatever that is? BELL: Some Beckett play. What, are you smoking weed? CAPITANO: Exactlyyyyy!!! [drugged tone] BELL: [sighs] Is there anyone else with you? CAPITANO: Yeah, Pantalone, the stoner lying next to me. PANTALONE: [drugged voice] Hi, there! WHO IS IT? BELL: Oh, Pantalone, the veteran actor of the Commedia Dell'Arte group! PANTALONE: What now? BELL: Endgame. Samuel Beckett. Heard of it? PANTALONE: What's Cor Anglais? BELL: [sighs] Well, fair enough. Umm...you want to be in it? 10. PANTALONE: Okay.... BELL: So, half an hour, Mervin Plentammp theatre. Go! PANTALONE: Ok! Ok! Fine! [hangs up] CAPITANO: You druggo, we're already in the theatre. PANTALONE: What? CAPITANO: Some Commedia Dell'Arte reunion. PANTALONE: I don't remember this. CAPITANO: [sighs] You don't remember anything, you druggo. PANTALONE: [in agreement] Fair point. THE TWO WALK TO THE CURTAINS AND PULL IT OPEN. THEY CAN SEE CONNOR BELL. BELL: Damn, that was quick! THE CAMERA FOCUSES ON THE DOOR. IT LINGERS THERE BEFORE THE CAMERA APPROACHES THE DOOR, OPENS IT INTO DARKNESS. 11. INT. DR. NICHOLLS' OFFICE CUT: The camera opens up on a young women, Kitty Nicholls, who appears to be sitting at a desk writing some paperwork. She looks around her small office. On the whiteboard next to her, it says, in whiteboard marking: 'SORRY, BUT HE DIDN'T MAKE IT'. Nicholls looks at this once more and, with a pause, ends up wrecking everything in the office. NICHOLLS: [indistinct cursing] NICHOLLS: [tears falling down her face and sniffles]. Why? I tried everything I could! Why?...WHY!? [breaks down and collapses on her chair] PHONE RINGS. NICHOLLS: Erggghh [Whining] .......a shit day gets shittier. NICHOLLS PICKS IT UP. NICHOLLS: [almost yells] What the f-?! BELL: Hello? Is that Kitty Nicholls? NICHOLLS: What the hell do you want? 12. BELL: Err...should I call back later? NICHOLLS: [sniffles] I'm sorry, I'm having a crap day. [regains composure] Who are you? BELL: My name is Connor Bell, and I'm a producer of Cor Anglais. NICHOLLS: [silent] WHAT THE HELL IS Cor...whatever the hell you just said. BELL: Fuck's sake...not again. NICHOLLS: Well, you can't expect me to know. I work at a freakin' hospital. How can I know about drama plays? BELL: I....thought you were the producer/director of that troupe (struggles to remember and then finally realises) Yeah! The Fools of the North! NICHOLLS: [almost disbelieving but pretends not to know] Err....what's a troupe...? BELL: You know exactly what I'm talking about. NICHOLLS: No, I absolutely do not... 13. BELL: Oh for shit's sake! You know EXACTLY what I'm trying to goddamn convey here, Kitty. Bloody hell. NICHOLLS: [sighs] Alright, you win. I used to be producer and then the whole troupe collapsed like a house of cards. Two guys left.......and then the whole thing fell down. I really don't want to talk about this...... BELL: Fine. Do you want to be producer on Endgame? NICHOLLS: [pondering] Hmm...maybe, I'll think about it. BELL: Meet me at the Mervin Plentammp theatre in fifteen minutes. See ya. BELL HANGS UP. NICHOLLS SIGHS AND SHAKES HER HEAD. NICHOLLS: [sighs] What have I gotten myself into? NICHOLLS GRABS HER COAT AND LEAVES THE HOSPITAL. CUT: INT. MOTEL BEDROOM. Shadows of movement and flickers of light can be seen. Camera zooms in onto a shaking bed. [SCORE: ORGASMIC NOISES/SQUEAKING OF BED]. A man (Johnson) with a young-ish and attractive appearance, is seen making love to a woman, he is smoking a cigarette. 14. PHONE RINGS The man withdraws from making love and tosses the woman aside. He answers his phone (on bedside table). Woman seems quite frustrated. INTERCUT PHONE CONVERSATION BELL: Hi, is this Henry James Clark-Johnson? CLARK-JOHNSON: Yeah. Why? BELL: I am Connor Bell. You see, I am the producer of Samuel Beckett's Endgame. Ever heard of it? CLARK-JOHNSON Nuh. BELL: Well, anyway. I want you to direct. I have you’re looking for work? CLARK-JOHNSON: Yes, ah, yes I am. [Johnson now becomes attentive]. BELL: Well? What do you think? CLARK-JOHNSON: I’ll do it!!! [Said with great confidence]. 15. BELL: Well...Ok then! Be down at the Mervin Plentammp Theatre in a half an hour for a production meeting. CLARK-JOHNSON: Ummm. Ok then. Bye. Johnson gets out of his bed, almost naked, and rushes to get dressed. WOMAN: Where are you going? CLARK-JOHNSON: Sorry, Susie, I gotta go. WOMAN: It’s Rebecca, you asshole. [Storms out]. CLARK-JOHNSON: [sassy tone] Whatever. Johnson rushes out of the door. CUT SCENE. INT.: MERVIN PLENTAMMP THEATRE CUT: Zanni enters the theatre first. He encounters Connor, at the foot of the stage. ZANNI: Hey, Connor. What's been going on? 16. BELL: Not much really...I'm just waiting for other people. ZANNI: [curious stare] Who exactly? AT THIS MOMENT, INNAMORATI APPEARS IN THE DOORWAY. ZANNI: Shit. BELL: Oh, there you are! INNAMORATI: Hey-[cuts herself off and looks at Zanni. Anger rises] ZANNI: Err...... THE TWO LOOK AT EACH OTHER. CAPITANO AND PANTALONE ARE LOOKING AT THE TWO FROM THEIR SEATS. THE TWO START LAUGHING UNCONTROLLABLY. ZANNI: Shut up guys! CAPITANO: Fine. [mutters] Fucker. ZANNI AND INNAMORATI TURN BACK TO THEIR FORMER COLLEAGUES. ZANNI: Could you please leave me alone? 17. CAPITANO + PANTALONE: [sassy tone] Whatever.... KITTY NICHOLLS SUDDENLY WALKS IN BEFORE ZANNI CAN ANSWER. NICHOLLS: Hi, I was called in by Con-[cuts herself off and gapes at everyone] ZANNI: My god! Kitty? What are you doing here? NICHOLLS: Same reason why you're here. I got offered a job as producer of some play called 'Endgame', whatever that is. BELL: [Looks at Nicholls and sees her uniform] So you really do work at a hospital? NICHOLLS: Obviously. Why would I be walking down the street in a doctor's uniform? BELL: I...thought you were lying. NICHOLLS: [Looks at Bell and glares at him] Do you really think I would lie about something that important? BELL: 18. Well...I...errr... NICHOLLS: [Sighs] Whatever, save your breath. Let's get on with this. I have work to do so let's get this over and done with. THE DOOR SUDDENLY OPENS AND CLARK-JOHNSON STRUTS IN. CLARK-JOHNSON: [flamboyant] Hellooooo....everyone [cuts himself off] CLARK-JOHNSON LOOKS AROUND. CLARK-JOHNSON: What...the...f... CAPITANO CUTS HIM OFF. CAPITANO: Bloody hell! Are we going to do anything here, or is another person just going to walk in and we'll overreact about it? BELL: You know, guys, he's got a point. CAPITANO: Exactly. [nods pretentiously] THE TROUPE LOOKS IN DISGUST AT HIM BUT THE CONVERSATION CONTINUES. BELL: Okay. Let's kick this off. [clears throat and sets up the stage]. Let's do this. 19. PAUSE AS HE STARES AS EVERYONE. THEY SEEM TO BE DISORIENTATED. BELL: Okay...We aren't going to do any acting today because I planned this session as a meeting. ZANNI: You mean, to plan out who has which role and stuff? BELL: Exactly. ZANNI: Oh goddamit! BELL: Honestly, you keep rambling on like that. Just....get over there [points to stage] ZANNI: Bloody bastard..... HIS STARE INDICATES SIGNS OF CONFLICT. BELL: You're calling ME a bloody bastard? You're the one who is supposed to be the 'bloody bastard'! Who was the one who gave you a job? ME! You should be thanking ME! ZANNI: [looks disbelieving] Well, YOU should have told us that this was going to be a meeting! I have better things to do than talk. 20. INNAMORATI: John, stop being a bitch cos you're holding all of us up. CAPITANO: She has a point, you know. ZANNI: Shut up! No one asked for your opinion. BELL: [Starts to get angry] Will you stop wasting time?! Cut it out! If you want to waste time, you may as well just go and sit in the corner there. [Points to the corner of the stage] ZANNI: [Glares at Bell] Are you setting me on a time-out! BELL: If you don't co-operate... ZANNI: [looks outraged and raises his fists at Bell] I dare you, I double dare you! INNAMORATI: Zanni! You're going to hurt someone! ZANNI: Like I care...bitch... 21. INNAMORATI: I'll show you a bitch! SHE GOES OVER TO ZANNI AND HITS HIM IN THE FACE. HE RECOILS. ZANNI: [Keels over in pain] ...You insane cocksukers. THE TROUPE ADVANCE TOWARDS ZANNI, ONLY TO BE STOPPED BY NICHOLLS. NICHOLLS: [glares at everyone] Stop it! All of you! You guys should be ashamed of yourselves! NICHOLLS: [Points at Zanni] Connor probably had to work his ass off to arrange this meeting. Not to mention that he had to find all our phone numbers as well. He offers you a job and what do you do in return? You go and start an argument. ZANNI: [looks down in shame] CLARK-JOHNSON: I ain't....having that shit! NICHOLLS: [points at Innamorati] And you! You can't just start calling people a bitch. Just because they are one, doesn't mean you have to rub it in! It's just going to wound the person up and make the argument worse! INNAMORATI: 22. [Looks guilty] NICHOLLS: [Points at Capitano] You make fair points but the argument didn't need any of those comments. All you had to do was to step in and stop it. NICHOLLS: [Points at Bell] You are in charge here! How can you let all of us argue like that! And then you put John on time-out! Seriously? You can say that to a two year old! Not a 23 year old! He's not a baby anymore for god's sake! It's pathetic! BELL: [Looks sheepish] PANTALONE: Hey! What are you getting angry at for? I didn't do anything! NICHOLLS: Exactly. You never do anything, you druggo! PANTALONE: [Nods approvingly] Fair point. BELL: [Looks impressed] BELL'S CONSCIENCE: Wow! For a small person, she can exercise control over the group really well. Well, however she does it, I'm glad I recruited her. BELL: 23. [clears throat] So...enough of this nonsense! Let's get to business! THE TROUPE NOD AND START TO DISCUSS. BELL: So, Henry here is going to be director of 'Endgame' JOHNSON: [puffs out his chest] Oh yeah! You guys are all under my control now! THE TROUPE LOOK DISGUSTED. BELL, HOWEVER, DOESN'T NOTICE THIS. JOHNSON SMIRKS. JOHNSON'S CONSCIENCE: At last! The power is all mine! And with the money rolling in, I'll be rich and famous! And there'll be sexy, horny ladies as well. JOHNSON: [Looks evilly at everyone. When he sees Nicholls and Innamorati, he licks his lips and smirks] JOHNSON'S CONSCIENCE: And I'm working with two ladies as well. This will be fun... BELL: Kitty, you'll be producer I hope? NICHOLLS: [Smiles] I'll try. BELL: 24. Excellent! JOHNSON'S CONSCIENCE: Even better! Now I actually get to work closely with women! Plus, she's Asian. I've never had sex with an Asian before...I wonder what it's like? BELL: John, you'll be-[gets cut off by Nicholl's phone going off] NICHOLLS: Sorry about this. [answers phone] NICHOLLS: Hello? Oh, hi Susie! Do you need anything...WHAT?! [looks shocked] You mean now?...Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can. [presses 'end call'] INNAMORATI: Who was it? NICHOLLS: Sorry guys but I have to leave. [quickly gets up]. INNAMORATI: Why? NICHOLLS: Emergency surgery. Gotta get there before the patient does. See ya! [runs to the door] BELL: 25. [whispers to her] Thanks for earlier. You know, for getting them in control and stuff. NICHOLLS: [smiles softly] It's my job. I'm producer aren't I? [walks out the door]. BELL: Ok...well, with Kitty gone...I think we should just leave it here for today... INNAMORATI: [Looks angry] WHAT??!! BELL: [Remembers what Nicholls said] I mean...err...let's get started with this! INNAMORATI: Phew! I thought you said we should leave it for today! BELL: [Mutters] I did. BELL: As I was saying...With me in charge, Henry as director and Kitty as producer, that leaves you four left. [Points to Zanni, Innamorati, Capitano and Pantelone]. BELL: John, you'll be Benjamin Figg. 26. ZANNI: [nods] BELL: Carlos, you'll be Qinton Anderson. PANTALONE: [Smoking a cigarette and in a drugged voice] Who the fuck is- BELL: [Cuts off Pantalone, looks disgusted and turns to Capitano] What the hell is he smoking? CAPITANO: Marijuana. BELL: [shakes his head] Carlos, you'd better stop smoking shit. First, it's bad for you, and second, you won't be able to do anything. PANTALONE: [Sassy tone] Whatever. BELL: [Rolls his eyes] Anyway...Kane, you'll be Hamish Veernon. PANTALONE: [Giggles and laughs uncontrollably] Luke...I am your father! Hahahaha! THE TROUPE LOOK AT HIM IN DISGUST. 27. ZANNI: How much weed do you smoke? CAPITANO: He smokes about 3kg of marijuana everyday. INNAMORATI: He's gonna die soon enough. BELL: [Nods his head in agreement] Yeah. And also Carlos, "Luke, I am your father" is from Star Wars. PANTALONE: [Sassy tone] Whatever. BELL: Can someone knock him out for me? He's too high and he's going to disrupt the session. INNAMORATI WALKS UP TO PANTALONE AND HITS HIS PRESSUE POINT. PANTALONE THEN FALLS TO THE GROUND UNCONSCIOUS. BELL: Thank you. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah! Sofia, you'll be Maria Jenkins. INNAMORATI: [Nods] 28. BELL: Ok...now that you guys know which character you are, it's time to get the plot and who the characters are nailed inside your heads. BELL: So...basically Hamm is blind and cannot stand; Clov is Hamm's servant and cannot sit; Nagg is Hamm's father, who has no legs and lives in a dustbin; and Nell, who is Hamm's mother, who also has no legs and lives in a dustbin next to Nagg. ZANNI: So, basically we're all disabled? BELL: Pretty much. ZANNI: Ok then. BELL: The plot is fairly simple as well. ZANNI: Yeah....simple...[seems disbelieving....does he know something about the plot...?] BELL: Okay. Centre stage! Let's get on with this!!! THE LIGHTS AT THE STAGE SUDDENLY LIGHT UP. GLOOMY INTERIOR. INNAMORATI: 29. Whoa! What's happened to this place? BELL: Some...shit... ZANNI: Has this place even been used before? BELL: Actually...come to think of it, me and a few people just came in here a few days ago...so I guess that's a no...Actually... you know what? How about we just call it a day and go home and rest? INNAMORATI: That sounds fine to me! I'm tired! What's the time? [looks down at her watch] Shit! it's 6! I have to get home and make dinner! ZANNI: [yawns] I agree. BELL: Okay then...how about we met here again tomorrow at 8am sharp? CAPITANO: Sounds good to me! BELL: Can one of you phone Kitty to let her know? INNAMORATI: Yup 30. BELL: [Looks down at Pantalone] What are we going do with him? CAPITANO: Just leave him there. He'll be fine. BELL: [Shrugs] Whatever you say. THE TROUPE LEAVE, EXCEPT FOR CLARK-JOHNSON, WHO APPEARS TO BE LOOKING AT THE STAGE IN CONTEMPLATION. HE THEN STARTS A MONOLOGUE. CLARK-JOHNSON: [melancholic] Who am I, but a fool....a fool from the north...none of this makes any sense. I don't care about anything anymore. I really...just...want to fly.....soar with the birds and eagles..... ZANNI SUDDENLY WALKS IN. CLARK-JOHNSON LOSES HIS STEADY AND MELANCHOLIC COMPOSURE AND GETS TO HIS 'RAPIST' MENTALITY AGAIN. CLARK-JOHNSON: Oh...what? Hi, John [said in creepy manner]. ZANNI: Errrrr....why are you still here? CLARK-JOHNSON: [In a creepy manner] Just contemplating some matters. ZANNI: Right...I just came back here to get my coat. I forgot it. 31. ZANNI GRABS HIS COAT AND LEAVES. CLARK-JOHNSON: [In a dark composure]...and so it begins... THE LIGHTS TURN OFF INSTANTLY. CLARK-JOHNSON LEAVES THE STAGE. CAMERA CUTS TO ZANNI, WALKING TO HIS APARTMENT. INT. ZANNI'S APARTMENT. ZANNI APPEARS TO BE FIDDLING AROUND WITH A FEW BELONGINGS. SOMEONE APPEARS TO BE KNOCKING AT THE DOOR. ZANNI: Who is it? FEMALE VOICE: [coughs] ZANNI: [sighs and mutters] Not again. ZANNI RELUCTANTLY OPENS THE DOOR. ZANNI: What do you want, Sofia? INNAMORATI: Umm....err..... ZANNI: What....do you want? 32. INNAMORATI: I...umm...wanted to apo-[cut off by sounds of moaning. Zanni appears to be as confused as Innamorati] PAUSE. INNAMORATI: Let me guess, new girlfriend? ZANNI: No, that's a ringtone that Henry James Clark-Johnson installed on my goddamn phone whilst it was still in my coat. That bastard. ZANNI FETCHES THE PHONE. HE PICKS UP. ZANNI: Hi? Oh...sorry, I'm just talking to my ex-girlfriend. Well, technically we separated but not broke up....wait....what? What's going on now? Okay, fine, I'll be there. [hangs up] ZANNI LOOKS IN THE DIRECTION OF INNAMORATI. ZANNI: Yeah...umm......Bell says that I should meet with him at the Briskanoka Café. It's about a few minutes away from here. Do you want to say anything else before I head away...? INNAMORATI SEEMS TO BE THINKING ABOUT THE PROSPECT OF RESTARTING HER RELATIONSHIP WITH ZANNI, BUT SHE PUSHES AWAY THE THOUGHT FOR NOW. INNAMORATI: Not right now. I'm going to be at my apartment if you need me. 33. INNAMORATI LEAVES. ZANNI LEAVES AND WALKS IN THE DIRECTION OF THE BRISKANOKA CAFÉ. INT. BRISKANOKA CAFÉ. ZANNI WALKS IN AND SPOTS BELL SITTING AT A TABLE IN THE CORNER OF THE CAFÉ. ZANNI: What's up, Connor? BELL: Well, seeing that you're troupe seemed really...tense around each other...I was wondering whether you could tell me a bit about them... ZANNI: [Looks down] There really isn't anything you should know about us... BELL: Oh yes there is. I've watched your performances. I've watched you guys backstage-[Gets cut off by Zanni] ZANNI: That's creepy. BELL: That's not the point. The point that I'm trying to make out here I that you guys used to have so much fun. You guys laughed together, shed tears together...you were like a family. ZANNI: Well...seeing that you're our boss, I guess you deserve to know... 34. BELL: So?... ZANNI: [Clears throat] Well, for starters, we'll just start off with Sofia. Ummm...so, Sofia is 23. She's really nice when you get to know her but she has one heck of a temper. She's funny, whacky, a good actress, loving, caring...[trails off] BELL: [Nods] Ok then, what about Kane? ZANNI: Kane is also 23. He can get a bit annoying sometimes. He's really arrogant as well. He hates being wrong, he makes good remarks, his punches are painful so don't get on his bad side, and yeah... BELL: Alright, what about Carlos? ZANNI: [Laughs softly] Well, as you've seen today, Carlos is a druggo. He smokes god-who-knows-what, he's funny, a veteran actor, the oldest in our group, being 25, and he's was a big hit back then in 'The fools of the North' BELL: Henry? ZANNI: You have to watch out for Henry. I guess...he's gone a bit funny in the head ever since the troupe split up. He's 23, hits on women, we 35. caught him having sex with some chick, he's got some sort of a 'rapist' mentality, he has tried to rape Sofia, and he's a man-whore. BELL: [Looks a bit shocked] Wow...anyway, what about Kitty? ZANNI: Kitty is the youngest and shortest of the group. She's 22, a doctor and surgeon, she's really smart, she's really sweet when you get to know her, she's fairly innocent as well. She's also really organised and can get the whole troupe in control. BELL: [Nods] So...what happened to the troupe? Apparently you guys fell out or something... ZANNI: Well, I quit and then Henry said that he wanted to quit too. We had a massive argument and then we fell apart. BELL: Well, that's all I need to know so thanks for that. [Stands up from the table] ZANNI: [Follows suit] I guess I'll see you tomorrow then. BELL: Yeah...so I'll see you later then [Walks away] ZANNI WALKS BACK TO HIS APARTMENT. 36. INT. ZANNI'S APARTMENT. ZANNI IS SEEN LYING ON HIS BED DEEP IN THOUGHT AND THEN STRTS A MONOLOGUE. ZANNI: What have done to myself. I was so happy with the troupe back then...What happened to us? Why did we fall apart? Why did I even quit?...[sighs] Connor's right...we are tense around each other......who am I? Who am I to judge everyone? Who am I to make such rash decisions.....who...am....I?! Why would I do this to everyone...to make them......like thi-[cut off] SOMEONE KNOCKS ON THE DOOR AGAIN. ZANNI: I better hide...hmm....[darts into the bathroom]. INNAMORATI: Get out of there, Zanni! ZANNI: I'm taking a shit! INNAMORATI: What? ZANNI: DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT! [sounds of toilet flushing] PAUSE UNTIL ZANNI DARTS BACK INTO HIS APARTMENT. ZANNI: What ever could you want? 37. INNAMORATI: We.....need to talk. ZANNI: Why? INNAMORATI: I would like to......say sorry for how I've acted. ZANNI: What? INNAMORATI: Er..... ZANNI OPENS THE DOOR. PAUSE. ZANNI BREAKS THE SILENCE. ZANNI: So, what's new? INNAMORATI: I'm not even sure anymore. I've been through 6 boyfriends, 5 apartments and 9 criminal offences. I think there's something wrong with me.... ZANNI: Something wrong? How could it be? INNAMORATI: I don't know...ever since the troupe collapsed on itself, I think I've been through some serious shit. 38. ZANNI: You don't need to be that pessimistic. INNAMORATI: Doesn't matter....I'm due for a trial in court in a few days. ZANNI: What...happened? INNAMORATI: I think I must have been drunk or something. I remember....smashing this guy's head in. Poor bastard. In hospital for nearly 7 months. ZANNI: Did they bust you? INNAMORATI: Almost immediately. They locked me up in a cell for the night. Released me. But, I have to do something about it. I can't just...you know...keep going on like this. ZANNI: Well...I can sort of see your pain. Depression for 3 months, most of it on a bender or something. INNAMORATI: We've both had a crazy 8 months, haven't we? ZANNI: Yeah....umm.........[signals awkwardly] INNAMORATI: Should I go? 39. ZANNI: Up to you. THE TWO STAND IN AWKWARD SILENCE. INNAMORATI ENDS UP LEAVING. ZANNI STARES OUT INTO THE EMPTY SPACE. HE ENDS UP CLOSING THE DOOR. HE RETURNS TO HIS BED. HE SIGHS. ZANNI'S CONSCIENCE: Are you crazy? You're going to get together with her again? You druggo....you've been smoking too much marijuana. Do you really love her? Or do you just date her for fame? Look at her! She's already landed herself in court and jail! She's a nut-job! ZANNI: Shut up! Nobody asked you for your opinion. ZANNI'S CONSCIENCE: Whatever you say. But at the end of the day, it all comes down to your decision and how it affects others. ZANNI EVENTUALLY DRIFTS OFF TO SLEEP. CAMERA BLACKENS. CAMERA CUTS INTO THE NEXT MORNING. INT. MERVIN PLENTAMMP THEATRE. ZANNI: So, you know, who's the next one, I asked. And he didn't respond. CAPITANO: Well, it could've honestly been some sort of a tumour or something. ZANNI: Sexual harassment he says. The bastard riled up the crowd! Nearly got lynched. 40. BELL: [Walks in] Ok then! Stop razzling and dazzling, we need to get a move on! Is everyone here? BELL: [Looks around and sees Nicholls missing] Where's Kitty? THE TROUPE EXCHANGE BLANK LOOKS. BELL: For shit's sake! Did anyone call her yesterday saying we have rehearsal today? INNAMORATI: [Looks sheepish] Oops. I forgot to call her. BELL: [Looks suspicious] Why? INNAMORATI: Just contemplating some matters... BELL: [Sighs] Whatever, I have your scripts so take a good look at it while I call Kitty. BELL HANDS EVERYONE THEIR SCRIPTS AND TAKES OUT HIS PHONE AND DIALS NICHOLLS'S NUMBER. CAMERA CUTS TO NICHOLLS'S SIDE. INT. NICHOLLS'S OFFICE/HOSIPTAL. 41. NICHOLLS HAS JUT FINISHED A SURGERY AND IS WALKING BACK TO HER OFFICE. WHEN SHE WALKS IN, SHE TAKES OUT AN APPLE. BEFORE SHE CAN EAT IT, HER PHONE RINGS. NICHOLLS: [Looks agitated] For god's sake! Can't I do anything in peace without getting bombarded by phone calls?! NICHOLLS: [Picks up her phone] Hello? BELL: There you are! Where are you? NICHOLLS: At work as usual. Why? BELL: We have rehearsal so be at the Mervin Plentammp Theatre in 10. NICHOLLS: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down there. First of all, since when did we have rehearsal? BELL: Sofia forgot to call you to let you know that we have rehearsal today. So, coming? NICHOLLS: I'm sorry Connor, but I won't be able to come today until at least 3, when I finish working. 42. BELL: How can you be bloody working on weekends?! NICHOLLS: Because it's my job! I'm a surgeon and a doctor for pete's sake! I do this for the economy! Please try to understand! BELL: Come on! Can't you just get out of work and come here? It's not that big of a deal if you just miss out on one day of work! NICHOLLS: [Starts to get angry] Not a big deal? It makes all the difference in the world! I operate on 8 people and treat 13 people a day and you think it's not a big deal? BELL: Kitty, calm down-[Gets cut off by Nicholls] NICHOLLS: You think they make me do this? IT'S MY JOB! I WANT TO DO IT! SOMEONE HAS TO LOOK AFTER THE POOR PEOPLE OUT THERE WHO ARE SUFFERING! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO FREAKIN' SELFISH? WHY IS THIS ENDGAME SO IMPORTANT TO YOU? NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT IT! NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOU! BELL, BEING THE SENSITIVE PERSON HE IS, STARTS WELLING UP TEARS. NICHOLLS [cont.]: This is YOUR project, not mine, you insignificant little bastard. I'm only producer. How important can I be?...I'm sorry Connor, but this is about you, not me. [Nicholls hangs up] NICHOLLS: 43. [Breathes in and out heavily and then realises what she has said to Bell and immediately feels bad. She then starts a monologue.] Oh god! I'm such a terrible person? Why would I say that to him? I should never let my anger get the better of me. I'm so stupid and selfish!...Connor only did what was best for the troupe and then I go and say that stuff to him? Connor must hate me so much now...Who are you Kitty Nicholls?...He's not the selfish one...you are... CAMERA CUTS BACK TO BELL, WHO HAS STARTED CRYING. BELL'S CONSCIENCE: Kitty's right. You are a selfish bastard. She's smart enough to quit a job if she doesn't enjoy it. She loves her job so much that she will stay there for her full shift and take care of people who are disadvantaged, because she's a selfless person...and you tried to take that away from her...I have to apologise after this... BELL: [Wipes his eyes and turns back to the others] Ok, you lot! Time to get practicing! CAPITANO: Have you been crying? BELL: No...what are you talking about? Now get a move on. Centre stage. let's go! CLARK-JOHNSON: So.......I don't remember what I have to do. What do I have to do? BELL: [Sighs] You're just the director, remember! Just direct! It can't be that difficult. 44. CLARK-JOHNSON: Sure is. [Looks evilly at Innamorati] CLARK-JOHNSON'S CONSCIENCE: And with me being director, I can do anything I want...mwa ha ha! BELL: Ok! Is everyone in their spots? Good! I'll leave Henry with you now, good luck to all of you. CLARK-JOHNSON: [Turns to Bell] What do I say now? BELL: [sighs] Just show everyone around. How would you like this production to play out? CLARK-JOHNSON: Okay...umm....Zanni to the chair in middle of stage that Bell has conveniently set up. ZANNI: Right. [Zanni walks over to chair]. CLARK-JOHNSON: Ok, now sit on it. ZANNI CAUTIOUSLY SITS ON THE CHAIR. CLARK-JOHNSON: Now stay there. Pantalone get over here and stand by the corner there. [Points to the left corner of the stage] 45. PANTALONE WALKS OVER TO THE LEFT CORNER OF THE STAGE. CLARK-JOHNSON: Now stare at Zanni like a creepy molester. AS PANTALONE IS STARING AT ZANNI, ZANNI STARTS TO FEEL DISTURBED AND UNCOMFORTABLE. CLARK-JOHNSON: Capitano and Innamorati, go and stand in those boxes that have been conveniently set up. INNAMORATI: [Getting suspicious] Why? CLARK-JOHNSON: Just...do as I say. INNAMORATI AND CAPITANO CAUTIOUSLY CLIMB INTO THE BOXES. CAPITANO: Why do we even have to do this? CLARK-JOHNSON: Because that's where your characters stay, apparently... INNAMORATI: What do you mean by, apparently? 46. CLARK-JOHNSON: It says in the script... INNAMORATI: Urgh! CLARK-JOHNSON: Good! Now on the count of three, I'm going to say 'action' and you will start saying your lines. Got that? THE TROUPE NOD SLOWLY AND CAUTIOUSLY. CLARK-JOHNSON: 3...2...1[cut off by a stagehand walking in, with a nosebleed]. CLARK-JOHNSON: The hell? What happened to you? STAGEHAND: I got hit in the face by some bastard. CLARK-JOHNSON: Who? STAGEHAND: One of the other stagehands. CLARK-JOHNSON: [Turns to Bell] Can you go and check it out? 47. BELL LEAVES THE STAGE AND FOLLOWS THE STAGEHAND OFF STAGE INTO THE WINGS AND BACKSTAGE. CLARK-JOHNSON: Anyway...where was I up to? Oh yeah! 3...2...1...Action! THE STAGE LIGHTS SUDDENLY DIM DOWN A BIT AND THE SPOTLIGHT LANDS ON PANTALONE. PANTALONE: [Stares at Zanni] Finished, it's nearly finished, it must nearly be finished. [Pauses] Grain upon grain, one by one, and one day, suddenly, there's a heap, a little heap, the impossible heap. CLARK-JOHNSON: Cut! Cut! That was good! Just like the old times. PANTALONE: Old times? ZANNI: What the hell? CLARK-JOHNSON: Anyway...where's Bell? INNAMORATI: He's backstage. CLARK-JOHNSON: Can someone go and check what's happening. I'm worried... 48. CLARK-JOHNSON'S CONSCIENCE: Now's my time to reign. I have all the power! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha! And now, everyone is under my control... THE TROUPE THEN GET INTO AN ARGUMENT, ALMOST BY DEFAULT. CLARK-JOHNSON CANNOT FIGURE OUT WHY THE ARGUMENT STARTED IN THE FIRST PLACE. THEY DISPERSE ANGRILY. TIME LASPE. BELL RE-APPEARS. PANTALONE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO REMAINS. BELL: What the hell? PANTALONE: They started it! PANTALONE LEAVES. BELL IS LEFT TO CONTEMPLATE EVERYTHING. HE LEAVES THE STAGE AND HEADS TOWARDS THE HOSPITAL. BELL ARRIVES AT THE HOSPITAL AND GOES TOWARDS THE RECEPTIONIST. BELL: Hi, I'm looking for Dr. Kitty Nicholls? RECEPTIONIST: I'm afraid that Dr. Nicholls is too busy and unavailable at the moment. However, I'm here if you need me, big boy. [Runs an arm seductively down Bell's arm] BELL: Look, I really need to talk to her! Can't you just tell me where her office is? RECEPTIONIST: 49. How about I show you? [Grabs holds of Bell's hand] BELL: [Starts to get uncomfortable] Look, I really appreciate the help but I think I can manage...[runs away] BELL THEN STARTS SEARHING THE HOSPITAL FLOORS UNTIL HE REACHES FLOOR 12. HE WALKS DOWN A CORRIDOR AND FINDS A DOOR, SAYING 'DR. K NICHOLLS'. HE KNOCKS ON THE DOOR. NICHOLLS: Come in... BELL: [Comes into the room and sees Nicholls] Kitty? NICHOLLS: [Looks up and is shocked] C-Connor? BELL: Look Kitty...I'm really sorry about what I said today-[Gets cut off by Nicholls running out of the room] BELL: Kitty? Where are you going? NICHOLL'S CONSCIENCE: Oh no! How did he find me? Never mind that, I have to get away from him. I said those terrible stuff to him! He probably hates me! What is he doing here? 50. NICHOLLS RUNS DOWN THE CORRIDOR AND HIDES IN THE SURGERY ROOM. BELL WALKS DOWN THE CORRIDOR AND WALKS IN THE SURGERY ROOM. BELL: Kitty? Where are you? I know you're in here somewhere. NICHOLLS SEES THE EMERGENCY EXIT AND TRIES TO GET OUT BUT IS SPOTTED BY BELL. BELL: Kitty! Stop running away! NICHOLLS RUN THROUGH THE EXIT DOOR AND DASHES THROUH THE CORRIDOR. BELL FOLLOWS HER AND STARTS CHASING HER. BELL: Kitty! Come back! Stop running! NICHOLLS IGNORES BELL AND GOES THROUGH THE X-RAY ROOM. BELL'S CONSCIENCE: Damn! She's fast! BELL CONTINUES TO RUN AFTER NICHOLLS AND FINALLY CATCHES UP TO HER. HE GRABS HOLD OF HER WRIST. BELL: Kitty...I know what I said hurt your feelings and you probably hate me but please hear me out. NICHOLLS: [Stops running and stays still] 51. BELL: I'm sorry for the stuff I said this morning. I didn't know you loved your job that much. I was being selfish, as you said I was. I'm sorry...please forgive me. NICHOLLS: [Turns around] I'm sorry too. What I said this morning to you was out of order. I let my anger get the better of me and I took my anger out on you. BELL: That's ok. [Let's go of Nicholls's wrist] NICHOLLS: [Sighs and looks at her watch] It's 6, I'd better get back to work. BELL: What! You're crazy! What time do you come home then? NICHOLLS: Around 10. BELL: You're crazy. Have you even eaten anything yet?! NICHOLLS: ...No... BELL: [Shakes his head and starts to leave] 52. NICHOLLS: Where are you going? BELL: Buying you food. NICHOLLS: What! No! Don't do that! I have stuff already! BELL: Too bad! [Leaves] NICHOLLS: [Shakes her head and walks to her office] CAMERA CUTS TO INT. CLARK-JOHNSON'S APARTMENT. HE APPEARS TO BE TALKING TO CAPITANO. HE IS THREATENING CAPITANO AND IS TRYING TO BLACKMAIL HIM. CLARK-JOHNSON: Look here, you bastard. If you don't do as I say, you'll be sorry! CAPITANO: I have nothing to be sorry about! You have no right to do this to me! CLARK-JOHNSON: How about I make you a deal? If you do what I want and work with me, I promise you 10kg of whatever type of weed you want. I'll give you half of my pay and you'll leave without a criminal record. 53. CAPITANO: [Pondering] How can I know that you'll promise me this? CLARK-JOHNSON: Trust me. I'm a drug-dealer, a director and a man-prostitute. How can I be wrong? I have all the experience. CAPITANO: Alright...I'll do it. What do you want me to do? CLARK-JOHNSON: Eliminate Bell. I need to have all the power and money rolling in as possible. We need to get rid of Bell and his success. And...we need to take away what he loves the most...and we need to cause as much trouble for the troupe to wire up Bell. CAPITANO: How are we going to do this? CLARK-JOHNSON: [Smirks evilly] All in good time... CAMERA CUTS TO INT. ZANNI'S APARTMENT. HE APPEARS TO BE WATCHING TV. HE SUDDENLY GETS A PHONE CALL. ZANNI: Who is this? UNKNOWN VOICE[vo]: I'm sorry, but your lover, Sofia Innamorati is dead. 54. ZANNI: WHAT? UNKNOWN VOICE[vo]: I'm sorry. She fell off her balcony and died. ZANNI: WHAT! WHO IS THIS?! UNKNOWN VOICE SUDDENLY HANGS UP. ZANNI IS LEFT IN CONFUSION. HE WALKS OUT OF HIS APARTMENT AND GOES OVER TO ANOTHER APARTMENT, PRESUMABLY INNAMORATI'S. ZANNI: The...hell? ZANNI KNOCKS ON THE DOOR. INNAMORATI RESPONDS. INNAMORATI: Hi? ZANNI: Wait...........Sofia.....someone said that you were dead....? INNAMORATI: [Suddenly opens her door] What! Who said that! ZANNI: Some weird druggo probably...but that voice sounded so familiar though...I got worried... INNAMAROTI: 55. Well, I'm still here, healthy and alive so there's nothing to worry about! ZANNI: Yeah, but...you could've died...I didn't want that to happen. INNAMORATI: [Touches Zanni's shoulder] Honestly, John, there's nothing to worry about. I'm fine and still living. What could possibly happen? ZANNI: [Whispers] Anything... INNAMORATI: I'm glad that you care for me, and I really appreciate it, but you have to stop being so paranoid. ZANNI: But I have to worry! I can't lose you! Remember what happened last year? Clark-Johnson tried to rape you! If I hadn't come in, what would have happened? I LOVE YOU! INNAMORATI: [Looks shocked] Y-you still love me? ZANNI: Yes...wait...Clark-Johnson! What if he's up to something? The whole troupe might be in danger! And he's director! Sorry, Sofia, but I have to go! ZANNI RUNS OUT OF THE APARTMENT AND HEADS BACK TO HIS APARTMENT, LEAVING INNAMORATI TO CONTEMPLATE WHAT HE HAD JUST SAID. 56. CAMERA CUTS TO ZANNI'S APARTMENT, WHERE HE IS PACING IN THE LIVING ROOM. HE APPEARS TO BE DEEP IN THOUGHT. ZANNI: I don't get it...why would Clark-Johnson do something like hat? But...I can't just jump to conclusions as well...I just don't know...but I do know that there is someone after the group...I guess we just have to keep a close eye on Clark-Johnson from now on...I have to tell Connor! ZANNI PICKS UP HIS PHONE AND DIALS BELL'S NUMBER. BELL: Hello? ZANNI: Connor? Is that you? BELL: Yeah mate? What's up? ZANNI: I think there's someone after the troupe! We could be in serious shit! BELL: WHAT! How do know this? ZANNI; I got a phone call from some random guy, and he said that Sofia was dead. I went to her apartment and she was fine! I swear, there's someone trying to split the group up! 57. BELL: This is really weird...any suspicions? ZANNI: Clark-Johnson... BELL: What? You mean Henry? How can he be a suspect? He's the director! ZANNI: Exactly! He probably wants all the power and fame! BELL: You have a point there...alright, I'll get everyone to look out for him. ZANNI: Okay, thanks, I'll see you tomorrow. [Hangs up] CAMERA CUTS TO THE NEXT DAY AT THE MERVIN PLENTAMM THEARTRE. THE TROUPE ARE REHEARSING. ZANNI: Outside of here it's death...Alright, be off. PANTALONE: [Walks off stage] CLARK-JOHNSON: Cut! That was great! Now, next part! 3...2...1...Action! 58. ZANNI: We're getting on. CAPITANO: Me pap! ZANNI: Accursed progenitor! CAPITANO: Me pap! ZANNI: The old folks at home! No decency left! Guzzle, guzzle, that's all they think of. [Whistles] PANTALONE: [Enters stage] ZANNI: Well! I thought you were leaving me. PANTALONE: Oh not just yet, not just yet. CAPITANO: Me pap! ZANNI: 59. Give him his pap. PANTALONE: There's no more pap. CLARK-JOHNSON: Cut! Just a question, what the hell is a pap? THE TROUPE EXCHANGE BLANK LOOKS. CLARK-JOHNSON: [Turns to Bell] What's a pap? BELL: [Shrugs] I don't know... NICHOLLS: It's basically baby food. Which is mush. INNAMORATI: How do you know this? NICHOLLS: It's called going to university and learning. PANTALONE: Who needs university? Honestly Kitty. NICHOLLS: 60. [Coldly] You need a degree to get a job. But that's something you wouldn't know Carlos. CLARK-JOHNSON: Anyway...last act and then we can all go home! INNAMORATI: [Mutters] Thank god... CLARK-JOHNSON: 3...2...1...Action! ZANNI: [To Capitano] Do you hear that? There's no more pap. You'll never get anymore pap. CAPITANO: I want me pap! ZANNI: Give him a biscuit. PANTALONE: [Leaves stage] CLARK-JOHNSON: Cut! Ok...good job everyone! I think we can call it a day. BELL: Great! [Leaves abruptly] 61. NICHOLLS: I'll see you all tomorrow then. I have to go back to work... ZANNI: I have to go too! INNAMORATI: I'll come with you. ZANNI AND INNAMORATI BOTH LEAVE, LEAVING PANTAONE, CAPITANO AND CLARKJOHNSON. CLARK-JOHNSON: You two are coming with me. PANTALONE: Why? I wanna go home and have a good smoke. CLARK-JOHNSON: All in good time my friends...[Smirks evilly] All in good time... PANTALONE AND CAPITANO EXCHANGE CONFUSED LOOKS. CAMERA CUTS TO ZANNI AND INNAMORATI WALKING TOGETHER. INNAMORATI: John... ZANNI: 62. Yeah? INNAMORATI: About what you said yesterday...do you really still love me? ZANNI: Yes...I do...even when we separated, I still cared for you...I still got worried...do you still love me? INNAMORATI: Yes. ZANNI: So...what happens now? INNAMORATI: It's up to you...we can get back together or leave it for later. ZANNI: I think we should leave it for later, because there's someone after the troupe. INNAMORATI: What?! Since when? ZANNI: [Sighs] Remember yesterday when I got that phone call saying that you were dead? INNAMORATI: Yeah... 63. ZANNI: Connor and I reckon there's someone out the trying to disband the troupe. We suspect Clark-Johnson. INNAMORATI: Wow, that's really weird. ZANNI: Yeah, I know... THE TWO STOP AT INNAMORATI'S APARTMET. INNAMORATI: Well, I'd best be going now. Goodbye John [Kisses his cheek] ZANNI STANDS SHOCKED AND AWESTRUCK. HE THEN STARTS WALKING BACK TO HIS APARTMENT WHILE BLUSHING. CAMERA CUTS TO PANTALONE'S APARTENT. HE APPEARS TO BE DEALING WITH CAPITANO AND CLARK-JOHNSON. PANTALONE: So...what do you want from me? CLARK-JOHNSON: Weed. PANTALONE: If I gave you some, how much would you pay me? 64. CLARK-JOHNSON: $5000. PANTALONE: Fair enough. What type of weed would you like? CLARK-JOHNSON: Marijuana, cannabis. Oh yeah, and Capitano tells me here you have drugs as well, so I'll have some of those. PANTALONE: I have ecstasy and cocaine. CLARK-JOHNSON: I'll have both of those. PANTALONE: Why are you buying so much shit off me anyway? CLARK-JOHNSON: You'll find out soon enough...come Capitano! We have matters to discuss. Good day to you Pantalone. CAPITANO AND CLARK-JOHNSON ABRUBTLY LEAVE PANTALONE'S APARTMENT. CAMERA CUTS TO CLARK-JOHNSON'S APARTMENT WHERE HE IS DISCUSSING WITH CAPITANO. CAPITANO: So...we have the drugs to overdose Bell with now, so what's next? CLARK-JOHNSON: 65. Next, we have to try and cause as much trouble as we can for the troupe as possible. I've already targeted Zanni and Pantalone. I've already screwed up Innamorati. CAPITANO: How? CLARK-JOHNSON: I put in some hydrocarbon fluids into her tea this morning when she wasn't looking. She'll be poisoned at any minute now... CAPITANO: So, who next? CLARK-JOHNSON: Well, we've practically did some serious shit to the troupe already but there is one more person who will be a bit of a difficulty but we'll manage. CAPITANO: Who? CLARK-JOHNSON: [Smirks evilly] Nicholls... CAMERA CUTS TO INNAMORATI'S APARTMENT. SHE APPEARS TO BE THROWING UP IN THE BATHROOM. SHE THEN COMES INTO THE LIVING ROOM WHERE SHE THE STARTS HAVING DIFFICULTY BREATHING AND FALLS TO THE GROUND. THERE IS SUDDENLY A KNOCK ON THE DOOR. ZANNI: Sofia? You in there? 66. ZANNI OPENS THE DOOR AND SEES INNAMORATI ON THE FLOOR UNCONSCIOUS. ZANNI: Sofia! [shakes her] Sofia! Wake up goddamit! [checks her pulse] SHIT! Sofia! Don't die! [tears pour down his face] ZANNI: I have to get you to hospital. [Carries Innamorati out of her apartment and into her car. He then drives to the hospital] CAMERA CUTS TO ZANNI TAKING INNAMORATI INTO THE HOSPITAL. HE RUNS UP TO THE RECEPTIONIST. ZANNI: [fast talk] I HAVE TO SEE DR. NICHOLLS IMMEDIATELY! I...SAW THIS GIRL VOMITING IN HER APARTMENT AND I BROUGHT HER HERE QUICKLY! RECEPTIONIST: And, who is this girl? ZANNI: My ex-girlfriend Sofia Innamorati. RECEPTIONIST: Ok. Dr. Nicholls will be on the way down immediately. Just lie her on the bed in the E.R and Dr. Nicholls will be down with her. ZANNI: Thanks... ZANNI WHEELS INNAMORATI AWAY. INNAMORATI APPEARS TO BE VAGUELY TWITCHING. 67. THE CAMERA FOCUSES ON THE STERILE CEILING. CUT TO THE SAME CEILING, BUT IN A DIFFERENT ROOM. INT. INNAMORATI'S HOSPITAL ROOM. INNAMORATI: [groggily wakes up] Erghh....what the hell happened? NICHOLLS: Thank god! You're awake! We thought we lost you there. INNAMORATI: What happened? NICHOLLS: Well, you had a very strong dose of hydrocarbonated fluids in your system. I don't know how that happened but it might have been something you drank today. INNAMORATI: Thank you Kitty. You're a life-saver. NICHOLLS: The pleasure's all mine. But you shouldn't be thanking me, you should be thanking John. If he hadn't taken you here immediately, you would have been dead. INNAMORATI: John...saved me? 68. NICHOLLS: He certainly did. INNAMORATI LOOKS AT ZANNI AND THEY ARE SOON LOST IN THEIR OWN EYES. NICHOLLS LOOKS AMUSED AND LEAVES THE ROOM. SHE THEN DIALS BELL'S NUMBER. BELL: Hello? NICHOLLS: Connor, I have news. BELL: Kitty? What is it? NICHOLLS: It's about Sofia. This news is going to shock you a bit, so meet me at the Briskanoka Café. [Hangs up] NICHOLLS: [Walks back into the hospital room] Well, I'm off so you love birds can stay in here or leave. Sofia, I think you should stay here for the night so the nurses can keep an eye on you in case anything happens. NICHOLLS WALKS OUT OF THE HOSPITAL. INNAMORATI AND ZANNI APPEAR TO BE FLIRTING WITH EACH OTHER. NICHOLLS HEADS TOWARDS THE BRISANOKA CAFÉ. INT. BRISKANOKA CAFÉ. CAMERA CUTS TO BELL'S SIDE. HE WALKS INTO THE CAFÉ AND SPOTS NICHOLLS IN THE CORNER WITH DRINKS. HE WALKS OVER TO HER. BELL: Hey Kitty, what's up? 69. NICHOLLS: Oh, hi Connor. Sit down, I have something to tell you. BELL: [Sits down and shoots Nicholls a confused look] NICHOLLS: I got you a coffee by the way. [Gestures towards the cup] BELL: Thanks. So, what happened? You sounded really urgent on the phone. NICHOLLS: It's about Sofia. BELL: What happened? NICHOLLS: She drank something that had hydrocarbon in it. John says that she passed out when he discovered her in her apartment. BELL: Wow, who could've possibly put hydrocarbon in her drink? NICHOLLS: [lowers her voice] I think it might be Henry. BELL: I suspected that as well. 70. NICHOLLS: [pauses] What should we do? BELL: I...umm....I'm not sure. NICHOLLS: I think we need to keep a close eye on him for a while. He could be up to anything right now and we wouldn't know. BELL: Ok. NICHOLLS: [Yawns and looks at her watch] I'd best be heading home. NICHOLLS LEAVES. BELL IS LEFT TO PONDER. THE CAMERA FADES INTO BLACKNESS. IT THEN TITLES THE SCREEN 'TWO WEEKS LATER' TWO WEEKS LATER, THE TROUPE ARE REHEARSING AT THE MERVIN PLENTAMMP THEATRE. PANTALONE: I'm trying...ever since I was whelped. ZANNI: We're getting on... CAPITANO: [Knocks on the box next to him] 71. INNAMORATI: What is it my pet?...time for love? CAPITANO: Were you asleep? INNAMORATI: Oh no! CAPITANO: Kiss me. INNAMORATI: We can't. CLARK-JOHNSON: Cut! That was excellent! Let's do one more act before we can have a lunch break. 3...2...1...Action! CAPITANO: I've lost me tooth. INNAMORATI: When? CAPITANO: I had it yesterday. INNAMORATI: 72. Ah, yesterday... INNAMORATI AND CAPITANO TURN AND FACE EACH OTHER. CAPITANO: Can you see me? INNAMORATI: Hardly. And you? CAPITANO: What? INNAMORATI: Can you see me? CAPITANO: Hardly. INNAMORATI: So much the better, so much the better. CAPITANO: Don't say that...our sight has failed. CLARK-JOHNSON: Cut! Well done everybody! I think we earned a well-deserved lunch break now. Make sure you be back by 2. THE TROUPE HEAD OUT EXCEPT FOR NICHOLLS, BELL AND CLARK-JOHNSON. 73. NICHOLLS: I'll be in the office. I need to sort out some financial technicalities. BELL: I'll be backstage with the crew. NICHOLLS AND BELL HEAD OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS. CLARK-JOHNSON'S CONSCIENCE: Now is the chance...everyone is gone...mwa ha ha! CLARK-JOHNSON ABRUBPTLY LEAVES THE THEATRE. CAMERA CUTS TO NICHOLLS'S SIDE. SHE APPEARS TO BE WRITING SOME PAPERWORK AND SIGNING SHEETS. SHE LOOK AT HER WATCH. NICHOLLS: Half an hour until we start again...damn! I wasn't able to complete these paper works! THE DOOR SUDDENLY CREAKS OPEN AND NICHOLLS SPINS AROUND TO SEE CLARKJOHNSON WITH AN EVIL SMIRK ON HIS FACE. NICHOLLS: Henry! What can I do for you? CLARK-JOHNSON: Keep quiet and don't make a noise, bitch! NICHOLLS: 74. What are y-[Gets cut off by Clark-Johnson putting a blindfold over her eyes] NICHOLLS: Let go of me, you bastard! CLARK-JOHNSON PUTS A CLOTH OVER NICHOLLS MOUTH AND THEN PROCEEDS TO TIE HER HANDS ON THE CHAIR. CLARK-JOHNSON: I've had a lot of experience with girls before...but never before with an Asian. I wonder what it'll be like to have sex with you... NICHOLLS: [Muffles something] CLARK-JOHNSON: Keep quiet, bitch or I'll get caught! CLARK-JOHNSON STARTS TAKING OF HIS SHIRT AND NICHOLLS STARTS SQUIRMING IN THE CHAIR. CLARK-JOHNSON: This will be fun... CAMERA CUTS TO BELL LAUGHING WITH THE CREW. BELL: I'm going to have to go fellas! I've got to sort out some paper work. BELL LEAVES BACKSTAGE AND HEADS TOWARDS THE OFFICE. HE KNOCKS ON THE DOOR. 75. BELL: Kitty? You in there? [Presses his ear against the door and hears a commotion and someone cursing.] BELL: Kitty? What's going on in there? BELL HEARS MUFFLED YELLING AND BURSTS INTO THE ROOM AND SEES CLARKJOHNSON ATTEMPTING TO RAPE NICHOLLS BUT CAN'T BECAUSE SHE IS THRASHING AROUND THE CHAIR. CLARK-JOHNSON: Keep still you fucking, stupid bitch! BELL: Holy shit! NICHOLLS: Mmmph. BELL: KITTY! BELL RUNS FORWARD AND TACKLES CLARK-JOHNSON. BELL: What the hell do you think you're doing! Harassing an innocent person! [Knocks Clark-Johnson out] NICHOLLS: 76. Mmph! BELL: Kitty! Are you alright?! [Unties Nicholls and takes off the blindfold and cloth] NICHOLLS: [Breathes heavily] Thank goodness Connor! [Hugs Bell] BELL: What happened? NICHOLLS: He-he tried to molest me! THE TROUPE SUDDENLY BURST INTO THE ROOM. CAPITANO: What the heck is happening here? BELL: Your pal here was trying to molest Kitty! INNAMORATI: WHAT! HE TRIED TO RAPE KITTY?! ZANNI: That's what happened to Sofia last time! PANTALONE: 77. [Smoking a cigarette and says in a drugged voice] What the hell is going on here? NICHOLLS: Are you high? INNAMORATI: Yes, he is. BELL: Someone tie Clark-Johnson up and lock him in a the janitor's closet. CLARK-JOHNSON: Too late... ZANNI: You bastard! CLARK-JOHNSON: [Menacingly] I will have my revenge Bell! [Walks out of the room] BELL: Ummm...do you guys know what he meant by that? CAPITANO: No... NICHOLLS FROWNS AS SHE LOOKS AT CAPITANO FIGETTING AROUND. SHE NOTICES THAT HE LOOKS VERY UNCOMFORTABLE. 78. PANTALONE: So...are we going to continue rehearsing...? SILENCE BELL: No. Not now. Tomorrow maybe. But I think we need a break from all this shit. ZANNI: I agree. I going to go home. You coming over Sofia? INNAMORATI: Yup. [Grabs Zanni's hand and the two walk off together holding hands] BELL AND NICHOLLS EXCHANGE SMUG SMIRKS WHILE LOOKING AT INNAMORATI AND ZANNI FLIRTING WITH EACH OTHER. PANTALONE: Bloody hell...I'm going! CAPITANO: Yeah...same here... CAPITANO ABRUBPTLY LEAVES. BELL: What's up with him? NICHOLLS: 79. [Frowns] I don't know... NICHOLLS: Well...if we're finished for the day, I think I'll go back to work. BELL: Okay then...I'll come with you. NICHOLLS: Why? BELL: Because that shit-head Clark-Johnson might attempt to molest you again! NICHOLLS: Don't worry. I'll be fine. I couldn't protect myself last time because Clark-Johnson tied me up. I'll be fine. BELL: No you won't. NICHOLLS: Connor, stop being so freakin' stubborn! Am I like, some sort of damsel in distress now? Do I look like one? Do you think I'm some sort of delicate doll or something? BELL: What! No! Of course it's not like that! Besides, that's not what I'm trying to goddamn convey here Kitty! NICHOLLS: 80. Well then, what are you trying to 'goddamn' convey? It's not like Clark-Johnson is going to stalk me now is it? Stop being so freakin' paranoid! BELL: I'm being the paranoid one? Well...I SHOULD GODDAMN BE! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO BLOODY NAÏVE? I COULD HAVE FUCKING LOST YOU IN THERE! IF I HADN'T COME IN, WHO BLOODY, GODDAMN KNOWS WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED! DON'T YOU FUCKING SEE WHAT I'M TRYING TO TELL YOU KITTY? I LOVE YOU! NICHOLLS: [Looks surprised and shocked] BELL: [Sighs] I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said that. NICHOLLS: [Smiles and grabs Bell's hand] So, if you love me, what are you waiting for? I need to go back to work and you did say that you were coming with me. Did you not? BELL GRINS LIKE A TWO YEAR OLD AND WALKS TOWARDS THE HOSIPTAL WITH NICHOLLS. CAMERA CUTS TO INT. ZANNI'S APARTMENT. HE APPEARS TO BE LAUGHING WITH INNAMORATI. ZANNI: And...yeah....that's how that whole thing happened. THEY BOTH PROCEED TO LAUGH AGAIN. INNAMORATI: 81. I'm going to have some tea. ZANNI: Do you wanna go to the Briskanoka Café? INNAMORATI: Where's that? ZANNI: Some place south of here. 2km's I think. INNAMORATI: Okay then... THE TWO WALK OUT OF THE APARTMENT AND HEAD TOWARDS THE BRISKANOKA CAFÉ. INNAMORATI: I wonder where that Clark-Johnson is right now. ZANNI: Hopefully somewhere far away from us. And I bloody hope that he's not with Kitty... INNAMORATI: [Shudders] God. Thank goodness Connor was there. ZANNI: Oh yeah...about that...what's going on between Kitty and Connor anyway? 82. INNAMORATI: [Shrugs] I don't know. Maybe they're going out or something. ZANNI: Those two would make an unusual couple. I was certainly not expecting that. THE TWO ARRIVE AT THE BRISKANKO CAFÉ. INNAMORATI: Are the food and drinks here any good? ZANNI: It takes a while to order but it's worth the wait. Trust me. INNAMORATI: Okay...because I don't want to be drinking shit. ZANNI: You won't. CAMERA CUTS TO INT. PANTALONE'S APARTMENT. HE APPEARS TO BE RUMMAGING AROUND HIS APARTMENT. PANTALONE: [hyperventilating] Shit...shit....shit....no....no....It can't be discovered....no...... PANTALONE: Fuck! That stupid Clark-Johnson!...shit...no...no... 83. HE THEN PROCEEDS TO TAKE OUT A BUNCH OF MONEY FROM A BOX. PANTALONE: SHIT! THAT FUCKING SHIT-HEAD! HE GAVE ME FAKE MONEY! ARGH! PANTALONE THEN PROCEEDS TO WRECK HIS APARTMENT. PANTALONE: This is all Bell's fault! That stupid scamp! He was the one who hired Clark-Johnson in the first place! I will have my revenge! PANTALONE GOES INTO HIS BATHROOM AND TAKES OUT A BOX. HE LOOKS INSIDE IT AND SMIRKS. PANTALONE: And these will be just the thing. I'll get Capitano to do this part! Ha! No one will catch me... CAMERA CUTS TO CLARK-JOHNSON'S APARTMENT. HE IS CORNERING CAPITANO AND YELLING AT HIM. CAPITANO: Please... CLARK-JOHNSON: This won't do at all! I got away from it but they probably called the police! This is all your fault! You should've said it was a prank or something! CAPITANO: I'm sorry... 84. CLARK-JOHNSON: And you should damn well be! I probably have a criminal record now and the police could be on the look out! I'm in deep shit here, don't you see?! CAPITANO: I'll make it up to you... CLARK-JOHNSON: You'd better damn well be... PAUSE CLARK-JOHNSON: Now get out of my sight before I can change my mind about you. CAPITANO SCRAMBLES OUT OF THE APARTMENT IN FEAR. CLARK-JOHNSON: [Mutters] Shit... CLARK-JOHNSON TAKES OUT A CIGARETTE. CLARK-JOHNSON: Oh well. It won't make that much of a difference anyway because I already have a plan. Bell with be gone soon enough and then I will reign supreme! CLARK-JOHNSON TAKES OUT A BOX. CLARK-JOHNSON: 85. And these babies will help, if Capitano is willing to co-operate again... CAMERA CUTS TO INT. BRISKANOKA CAFÉ. ZANNI AND INNAMORATI ARE TALKING. INNAMORATI: Wow. You're right! The drinks here are amazing! And same with the chocolate cake too! ZANNI: [Smiles smugly] Told you so! INNAMORATI: [Sighs contently] Remember the day we first met? ZANNI: [Laughs] Jesus! How can I forget? We hated each other! INNAMORATI: [Mutters] Tell me about it... THE TWO SUDDENLY REMEMBER THE FLASHBACK. CAMERA FADES INTO THE FLASHBACK. INNAMORATI APPEARS TO BE RUNNING UNTIL SHE BUMPS INTO SOMEONE. SHE GETS KNOCKED OVER AND LOOKS UP. SHE GLARES AT THE PERSON. INNAMORATI: Watch where you're going! ZANNI: 86. Sorry. Let me help you there. [lends a hand] INNAMORATI SCOFFS AND BATS THE HAND AWAY. SHE STANDS UP. INNAMORATI: Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to be late. ZANNI: [Scoffs] How rude! CAMERA CUTS TO PRESENT DAY. ZANNI AND INNAMORATI ARE LAUGHING AT THE FLASHBACK. INNAMORATI: I was so rude to you! ZANNI: Yeah...you were. INNAMORATI: I was running late to work and then I inconveniently got knocked over. ZANNI: No wonder why you were in such a rush! INNAMORATI: Yeah... THE TWO LOOK INTO EACH OTHER'S EYES AND GET DISTRACTED. THEY THEN START LEANING FORWARDS TOWARDS EACH OTHER BUT IS SUDDENLY INTERRUPTED. 87. WAITER: Have you finished with your plates? ZANNI: Err...what? Oh, sorry, yes we are. ZANNI HANDS THE WAITER SOME MONEY AND HE THEN TAKES THE PLATES AND CUPS AWAY. INNAMORATI: I'd best be heading home now. ZANNI: Same here. It was good catching up with you again. INNAMORATI: Yeah. We should do it more often. THE COUPLE STAND THERE AWKWARDLY UNTIL INNAMORATI KISSES ZANNI'S CHEEK. INNAMORATI: Goodbye John. ZANNI: [Blushes] Bye... CAMERA FADES INTO DARKNESS. 88. CAMERA CUTS TO THE NEXT WEEK. CAPITANO IS OFFERING BELL A DRINK. BELL: Thanks Kane. All this directing can get tiring. BELL CHUGS DOWN THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF THE CUP. CAPITANO: Do you want anymore...? BELL: Nah, it's fine. But thanks. With the drinks you've been giving me all week, I've more energized than ever! So thanks! CAPITANO: No problem... BELL: Okay you guys! We'll do one more act before we have a lunch break! CAPITANO: I'll be right back... BELL: [Starts acting strange] O-okaaaaaaay. CAPITANO RUNS OUT OF THE BUILDING AND INTO AN ALLEYWAY WHERE HE MEETS UP WITH CLARK-JOHNSON. 89. CLARK-JOHNSON: There you are! What's Bell doing? CAPITANO: He's directing the troupe. CLARK-JOHNSON: Have you been giving him the drinks every four hours? CAPITANO: Yes. CLARK-JOHNSON: Excellent. Now we can get this plan out of the way too. CAPITANO: I've also been giving Bell some drugged foods as well. CLARK-JOHNSON: From who? CAPITANO: Pantalone... CLARK-JOHNSON: Did he find out that I gave him the fake $5000? CAPITANO: Yes...and he's blamed it on Bell for hiring you in the first place. He asked me to put some drugs into Bell's food. 90. CLARK-JOHNSON: This is going better than I thought it would. It's not much longer until he can't continue anymore...and the power will be all mine...[Smirks evilly] CAPITANO: So...what now? CLARK-JOHNSON: Meet me here in precisely one hour. See whether Bell is going out. If he does, make sure that it is somewhere near here. Then, lure him pass here and we'll take it on from there. CAPITANO: Okay... CAMERA CUTS TO THE TROUPE REHEARSING. BELL: Where's Kane gone to? NICHOLLS: He's coming. [Points towards Capitano running onto the stage] CAPITANO: Sorry...got caught up with some business... BELL: Okay everyone. Into your positions. 3...2...1...Action! 91. ZANNI: Mine was always that...got him that time! CAPITANO: I'm listening. ZANNI: Scoundrel! Why did you engender me? CAPITANO: I didn't know. ZANNI: What? What didn't you know? CAPITANO: That it'd be you...you'll give me a sugar-plum? ZANNI: After the audition. CAPITANO: You swear? ZANNI: Yes. CAPITANO On what? 92. ZANNI: My honour. [Laughs] CAPITANO: Two. ZANNI: One. CAPITANO: One for me and one for-[Cut off by Zanni] ZANNI: One! Silence!...where was I?...it's finished, we're finished...nearly finished...there'll be no more speech... BELL: Cut! That was good! Now we can go and have a lunch break. ZANNI: Okay! Great! [Grabs Innamorati's hand and runs off] CAPITANO: I'm going to go too... PANTALONE: [Lights cigarette and walks off] BELL: I'll be down at the groceries if you need me. 93. NICHOLLS: Connor! Wait! BELL: Yes? NICHOLLS: Have you been feeling alright lately? You've been acting strange all week. BELL: I'm fine, Kitty. Don't worry. [Walks off] NICHOLLS: [Sighs] CAMERA CUTS TO BELL WALKING OUT OF THE GROCERY STORE AND INTO THE ALLEYWAY.MHE IS THEN CONFRONTED BY TWO THUGS. THUG #1: Well, well, well, look who it is. THUG #2: Mr. Connor Bell... BELL: Errr...hi...is there anything I can do for you? THUG #1: 94. You can do everything for us. THUG #1 AND #2 ADVANCE TOWWARDS BELL AND CORNER HIM. BELL: Look...I don't want to pick a fight here... THUG #2: You won't have to. Just do as we say...and give us all the power. BELL: I can't...I mean no harm... THUG #1: That does it! We mean all harm. THE TWO THUGS GRAB HOLD OF BELL BY HIS SHIRT. BELL: Please...I'll give you all my money if you let me go... THUG #2: Yes...we need that too. But that's not our highest priority at the moment. We care about...all the power so we can have...hot, vigorous sex from both ends...we care about all of this. THUG #1: Including that pretty, little girlfriend of yours... BELL: 95. No! You can have everything I own! Don't you dare touch my girlfriend! I'll give all of my money...please, just don't hurt Kitty... THUG #2: We don't care! BELL: Please, please, let me g-[gets punched in the stomach by thug #1] AHH...fuck...[falls to the ground] THE THUGS THEN CONTINUE TO HIT AND KICK BELL. THUG #2: GIVE US EVERYTHING YOU OWN! BELL: [Coughs up blood] I just told you I would... THUG #1: That doesn't fucking matter! [Hits Bell] BELL: [Continues coughing up blood] AHH...fucking...hell...[Tries stand up but is kicked in the stomach again and falls over in pain] THUG #1: [Takes Bell's wallet] We'll have this. THUG #2: And we'll take this bag of food as well. 96. THE TWO THUGS WALK AWAY. BELL SUDDENLY RECONISES THE THUGS AS CAPITANO AND CLARK-JOHNSON. BELL: Hey! [Coughs] C-come ba-back h-[collapses and falls unconscious] CAMERA CUTS TO INT. MERVIN PLENTAMMP THEATRE. THE TROUPE APPEAR TO BE CONFUSED AS BELL IS NOT PRESENT. ZANNI: Where's Connor? NICHOLLS: He said he was going to get some groceries. THE DOOR SUDDENLY BURSTS OPEN AND CAPITANO COMES RUNNING IN WITH CLARK-JOHNSON. CAPITANO: Guys! I found Clark-Johnson! We can lock him up now! INNAMORATI: Thank god! Good job Kane! NICHOLLS: Hang on...where have you been all this time? CAPITANO: I was on the way to get groceries and then this guy showed up. NICHOLLS: 97. Is that so?...because guess what? Connor also went to get groceries. You didn't tell us where you were going... CAPITANO: [Starts to get nervous] No...it's...just that I...errr... NICHOLLS: Where's Connor?! CLARK-JOHNSON: Oh well, your pretty little boyfriend is gone forever. ZANNI: The hell with that shit, Clark-Johnson! Where is he? CLARK-JOHNSON: I'm not te-[Gets cut off by Innamorati slapping him in the face] ZANNI THEN GETS A PHONE CALL. ZANNI: What now?! [Picks up the phone] ZANNI: Hello?...Connor? BELL: [Coughs] H-help... THE LINE GOES DEAD. 98. NICHOLLS: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM?! ZANNI THEN TACKLES CLARK-JOHNSON AND TIES HIM UP. NICHOLLS: You guys deal with these two. I'm going to look for Connor. CLARK-JOHNSON: Stop her! CAPITANO RUNS TOWARDS NICHOLLS AND GRABS HOLD OF HER. NICHOLLS: Let go of me you asshole! [Elbows Capitano and kicks him in the balls] CAPITANO KEELS OVER IN PAIN AND INNAMORATI TIES HIM UP. NICHOLLS RUNS OUT OF THE THEATRE AND STARTS LOOKING FOR BELL. NICHOLL'S CONSCIENCE: Crap! Where could you be Connor?! Those shitty assholes! I knew they were up to something! NICHOLLS RUNS THROUGH THE ALLEYWAY AND SPOTS BELL LYING DOWN AND UNCONSCIOUS. BELL: K-kitty? Is that y-you? [Blood comes out of his mouth] NICHOLLS: 99. Oh my god! What did they do to you? [Takes out a cloth and wipes his mouth] BELL: They-they r-[falls unconscious] NICHOLLS: Connor! Oh god! Please...no...[checks his pulse] SHIT! Connor! Stay with me! I have to get you to hospital...this is all my fault... NICHOLLS THEN TAKES BELL TO HER CAR AND DRIVES HIM TO HOSPITAL. CAMERA CUTS TO INT. HOSPITAL. NICHOLLS IS SEEN RUNNING IN. RECEPTIONIST: Dr. Nicholls! What's happening?! NICHOLLS: Get all the surgeons ready at the E.R! We have an emergency! RECEPTIONIST: [Nods and runs off] NICHOLLS THEN LIES BELL ON THE HOSPITAL BED AND WHEELS HIM TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM. NICHOLLS: Hang in there Connor! Help is on the way... CAMERA CUTS TO INNAMORATI AND ZANNI. THEY ARE KNOCKING CAPITANO AND CLARK-JOHNSON UNCONSCIOUS. INNAMORATI'S PHONE RINGS. 100. INNAMORATI: Hello? Kitty!...You found him?...Ok, we're on our way. ZANNI: Has Kitty rescued Connor yet? INNAMORATI: It seems so, yes. ZANNI: So, what we are going to do with these guys? [visible blood on his hands] INNAMORATI: Let's not beat them to death, alright? We need to prosecute these FUCKERS. ZANNI: Okay....what shall we do now? CAMERA CUTS TO INT. EMERGENCY ROOM. NICHOLLS IS WORKING ALONGSIDE OTHER SURGEONS AND IS OPERATING ON BELL. SURGEON #1: Dr. Nicholls! Come here! Quick! NICHOLLS: What is it? SURGEON #1: There seems to be something wrong with his blood. The machine's detected something in it. 101. NICHOLLS: [Nicholls look at the machine and is shocked] Oh god! He's suffered a drug overdose as well! SURGEON #1: What drugs? NICHOLLS: Cocaine, nicotine, ecstasy, marijuana and cannabis. SURGEON #2: [Says while operating] That's a heck of a lot of drugs. NICHOLLS: We'd better all those drugs out of his system before it's too late. THE TWO STARE AT EACH OTHER. PAUSE. CUT TO BELL'S HOSPITAL ROOM AFTER HIS SURGERY. BELL: [coughs] NICHOLLS: You've been through something, have you? BELL: [weakly laughs] Yes, my dear, I have. THE TWO OF THEM SIGH. NICHOLLS PUTS ON AN INQUISITIVE LOOK. 102. NICHOLLS: So, why did they target you? BELL: I have no idea. Maybe it was to do with the fact that I had so much power over the production....I don't know, I can't confirm anything. NICHOLLS: Do you need me here, or not? BELL: Your choice. THE TWO CONTINUE TALKING, BUT THIS CONVERSATION BECOMES INDISTINCT TO THE AUDIENCE. CUT TO PANTALONE STARING AT THE SCREEN. PANTALONE'S CONSCIENCE: This is it, huh? This is the final descent. You're smoking your last joint. You're breathing your last breath. You're- [cut off by someone breaking down the door]. ZANNI: Goddamit, Carlos! Get up! GET UP! PANTALONE'S CONSCIENCE: And just when you were going to give up. Oh well, life goes on. INNAMORATI: Is he alright? ZANNI: He seems to be tripping balls. 103. INNAMORATI: Wow, he tried to kill himself. ZANNI: What? INNAMORATI SHOWS PANTALONE'S ATTEMPTS AT SLITTING HIS WRISTS (WHICH FAILED). ZANNI: Wow. He tried to commit suicide? INNAMORATI: Do you think we should take him to the hospital? ZANNI: Absolutely. ZANNI AND INNAMORATI DRAG HIM OUT. FROTHY LIQUID COMES OUT OF HIS MOUTH. THE TWO IGNORE IT. CUT TO ZANNI AND INNAMORATI IN THE HOSPITAL, WITH AN UNCONSCIOUS PANTALONE. RECEPTIONIST: Hello there. ZANNI: Yeah, this guy's name is Carlos Pantalone, and he is suffering from a minor drug overdose and partially slit wrists. RECEPTIONIST: There's the stretcher [points to the stretcher]. Drag him to E.R. and Dr. Nicholls will see you th-[cut off by revelation]. Oh yeah, I forgot that Dr. Nicholls is taking care of her boyfriend. 104. ZANNI: I see. ZANNI AND INNAMORATI DRAG OFF PANTALONE. NICHOLLS LEAVES BELL'S HOSPITAL ROOM. CLOSE-UP OF BELL IN HIS HOSPITAL ROOM. BELL: [mutters] Finally, some peace and quiet...... BELL SOON AFTER NOTICES SOMETHING. BELL APPEARS TO STRUGGLE WHEN TWO MASKED MEN COME IN AND DRAG HIM OFF. MASKED MAN #1 MUFFLES HIM. PAUSE. NICHOLLS RETURNS AFTER THE MASKED MEN HAVE GONE OUT OF THE HOSPITAL. NICHOLLS: [notices that Bell is missing] Connor....Connor? WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? WHERE...THE...F... [interrupted by a cut to the next scene where Bell is being tortured by the two masked men.] BELL: [coughs] What do you jerk-offs want from me now? MASKED MAN #1: As we stated before, Mr. Bell, it appears that you are not giving in to our demands. MASKED MAN #2: We must report that your girlfriend, Dr. Kitty Nicholls is now officially deceased. 105. BELL: WHAT? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS? MASKED MAN #1: Because you didn't listen to us. You kept on going with that amateur production of yours. You could've never adapted such a complex play like that. MASKED MAN #2: We want your power. We want your success. And most importantly, we want your precious, little girlfriend. BELL: But........what could be the purpose of be the purpose? All you're proving bloodthirsty psychopaths who care about and sorrow to EVERYONE taking my beloved? What could is that you're a bunch of nothing else than causing pain IN THE WORLD! MASKED MAN #2 PUNCHES BELL IN THE STOMACH. BELL: [coughs up blood] You won't do anything anyway. Opening night is in a week. You're all screwed. Every one of you. I tried to make this work. MASKED MAN #1: Well, it doesn't matter. You're going to die in the most embarrassing way possible. We overdosed you. BELL: WHAT?! MASKED MAN #1: 106. Those drinks I gave to you and that food...all full of drugs that good ol' Pantalone provided to me. BELL: You goddamn bastards! MASKED MAN #1 TAKES OFF HIS MASK. IT IS REVEALED TO BE CAPITANO. THIS IS DONE FOR MASKED MAN #2 AS WELL [CLARK-JOHNSON]. BELL: Wait....Kane....what are you doing in this plot? I understand Henry and all, because he's a power-hungry sexual predator, but....you? Kane? I thought you were merely harmless. An arrogant actor, yes, but I thought I could trust you. CAPITANO APPEARS TO BE PONDERING BELL'S STATEMENT BUT CLARK-JOHNSON INSISTS THAT HE SHOULD KEEP ON GOING. CAPITANO: [slightly unsteady] Err......hand over the production to us. BELL: NEVER! CLARK-JOHNSON HITS BELL AGAIN. CAPITANO: [pauses and appears to be struggling with his words] BELL: You really going to do this to me, Kane? I thought we had a friendship going along. 5 years and all. You told me all about The Fools of the North and your aspirations. And then you told me you guys broke up. Why would you do this to me? 107. CAPITANO: [silent] BELL: I told you about the Endgame production. I wanted you to be the lead guy. You didn't tell anyone, but that was fine. You kept hiding it, did you? You didn't tell anyone. And I was fine with that. I was hiring. I wanted you to get success. I wanted you to accomplish everything you were talking about. Why would you affiliate yourself with such a traitor as Henry James Clark-Johnson? I don't expect any answers, but......I just needed to tell you that. Remind you of that. THE ROOM IS SILENT. CAPITANO APPEARS TO BE RECONSIDERING HIS ACTIONS, WHICH HE HAS NEVER DONE BEFORE. HE IS ABOUT TO SAY SOMETHING UNTIL CLARK-JOHNSON INTERRUPTS HIM. CLARK-JOHNSON: Enough of this bullshit! Let's get this over and done with! CLARK-JOHNSON TAKES OUT A KNIFE AND STABS BELL IN THE ARM. HE IS ABOUT TO STAB HIM IN THE STOMACH BUT IS STOPPED BY CAPITANO PUSHING IT AWAY. THE KNIFE CUTS INTO BELL'S STOMACH. BELL: AHH...fuck... CAPITANO: You okay? BELL: [Coughs up blood and looks dazed] BELL'S CONSCIENCE: 108. This is the end...I didn't get to see the play produced but at least I got the pleasure to meet all the Commedia Dell'Arte group. Goodbye world...good Kitty, my love, I will reunite with you soon... CAMERA CUTS TO INNAMORATI, ZANNI AND NICHOLLS BUSTING DOWN THE DOOR. ZANNI APPEARS TO BE HOLDING A CROWBAR. ZANNI: Goddamit! What the hell is going on?! CLARK-JOHNSON: HOW THE HELL DID YOU GUYS GET HERE? ZANNI: Capitano tipped us off. CLARK-JOHNSON: [turns to Capitano] So that's why you were on the phone. You traitor. NICHOLLS RUSHES OVER TO BELL. NICHOLLS: Oh, Connor, what did they do to you? BELL DOESN’T RESPOND. HE IS ALREADY UNCONSCIOUS. A FAINT LINE ACROSS BELL'S STOMACH CAN BE SEEN. ZANNI: Okay, Henry, tell us why you kidnapped Connor and nearly killed him?! What is the reasoning? Are you a goddamn sadist? CLARK-JOHNSON: Yes. I am! FUCK YOU ALL! 109. CLARK-JOHNSON PULLS OUT A GUN. ZANNI: Holy sh- CLARK-JOHNSON FIRES BULLETS INTO THE CEILING. CAPITANO: Dude, dude, calm down....just calm down....stop firing that gun and we'll get some drinks at Briskanoka. CLARK-JOHNSON: NO WAY, YOU TRAITOR! CLARK-JOHNSON AIMS HIS GUN AT CAPITANO AND FIRES. CAPITANO COLLAPSES AND IS PRESUMABLY MURDERED. NICHOLLS TACKLES CLARK-JOHNSON WHILST CAPITANO IS DRAGGED AWAY BY INNAMORATI. ZANNI SIGNALS OVER TO NICHOLS. ZANNI: Good job Kitty! BELL SUDDENLY REGAINS CONSCIOUSNESS AND COUGHS UP BLOOD. NICHOLLS: Connor! BELL: K-kitty...is th-that you? I-I thought you were d-dead... NICHOLLS: Of course I'm not dead. I'm right here. 110. BELL: I d-don't think I'll make it Kitty...but...I love you...good bye...[Falls unconscious] NICHOLLS: [Starts crying] You are not going to die and you are going to make it. You're a strong person. ZANNI: Capitano and I are going to take this bastard to jail. You and Sofia take Connor to the hospital. THE TROUPE HEAD OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS. CAMERA CUTS INT. HOSPITAL, WHERE INNAMORATI AND NICHOLLS ARE TAKING BELL INTO THE E.R. NICHOLLS: Stay strong, Connor! Help is coming. INNAMORATI: I'll stay out here. NICHOLLS: Ok. [Runs into the Emergency room] INNAMORATI TWIDDLES HER FINGERS SLOWLY AND SIGHS. INNAMORATI: [mutters to herself] Where's John when you need him? CAMERA CUTS TO INT. POLICE STATION. CAPITANO AND ZANNI ARE HANDING CLARK-JOHNSON IN. 111. ZANNI: I would like to report this man, Henry James Clark-Johnson for attempted murder, kidnapping and rape. POLICEMAN: Ok sir. We'll lock him up. Any thing we should put down for him before he gets trialed in court? ZANNI: He attempted murder and kidnapped Connor Bell, famous play producer/director, he attempted to rape Sofia Innamorati, famous actress and Kitty Nicholls, famous producer and well-respected surgeon of the Caduceus Hospital, and he's a drug-dealer. POLICEMAN: Okay, sirs. We'll keep an eye out on this one. [Drags Clark-Johnson towards the jail cells] CLARK-JOHNSON: I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE! YOU MARK MY WORDS! CAPITANO: What now? ZANNI: Let's get back to the hospital. We need to check on Carlos and Connor. CAPITANO: What happened to Carlos? ZANNI: 112. Drug overdose and attempted suicide. CAPITANO: Tsk. I don't know what goes through that guys head sometimes... ZANNI: Me neither... CAMERA CUTS TO INT. EMERGENCY ROOM. NICHOLLS IS OPERATING ON BELL, FRANTICALLY TRYING TO KEEP HIM ALIVE. NICHOLLS: Come on....stay with me, Connor, stay with me. FRANTICALLY OPERATING. THE HEART RATE MACHINE SUDDENLY GOES HAYWIRE AND BELL'S HEARTBEAT DECREASES. NICHOLLS AND THE OTHER SURGEONS GET FRANTIC. NICHOLLS: Razzle dazzle! Get the O- blood transfusion here right away! He's losing too much blood! NICHOLLS THEN RUNS AND PULLS OUT A DEFRIBILATOR. NICHOLLS: Goddammit, Connor! Stay with me. NICHOLLS ACTIVATES THE DEFRIBILATOR AND SAVES BELL AFTER SEVERAL TENSE MINUTES. 113. NICHOLLS: Thank god...I thought I was going to lose him. SURGEON #3: Another fantastic and successful surgery if I may say so Dr. Nicholls! SURGEON #2: I agree. Excellent job! NICHOLLS: Thanks, but you guys helped me out as well. [Looks at Bell's frail body] CONVERSATION GOES INDISTINCT. CUT TO ZANNI AND INNAMORATI DISCUSSING THE MATTERS OF THE TROUPE. ZANNI: Well, what now? Is Endgame still a thing? INNAMORATI: Absolutely. Opening night is tomorrow. ZANNI: Can't we cancel the whole thing? We've suffered enough at the hands of Clark-Johnson. INNAMORATI: But, there are thousands and thousands of people waiting for this performance. Everyone's looking forward to this. Capitano quit, but I think we should get a replacement actor. We can't delay it. It's far too late for that. ZANNI: [sighs] I guess this is truly my final act. 114. ZANNI WALKS OFF. ZANNI'S CONSCIENCE: Curtains up, huh? Curtains up. ZANNI WALKS BACK TO HIS APARTMENT AND SITS DOWN ON HIS BED. HE APPEARS TO BE PONDERING SOMETHING. ZANNI'S CONSCIENCE: I wonder what Kane Capitano is doing. Probably being an egotistical smeckhead like he usually is. Why did he even associate with ClarkJohnson in the first place? INNAMORATI WALKS IN. INNAMORATI: I still have your spare keys so I came here to see what you were up to. ZANNI: We've all been through some serious shit, haven't we? INNAMORATI: [Sighs and sits next to Zanni] Yes...we have. ZANNI: I wish I never quit and left the troupe. We were all so happy back then. And then we split up and we became like this. INNAMORATI: Even if we did split up, we'd end up seeing each other again. 115. ZANNI: You have a point there. INNAMORATI: Yes, shit has happened to us but...I guess...in the end...we all have a happy ending in some way... ZANNI: What are we going to do with the play? INNAMORATI: I guess we could delay it for a week, because we need Connor, Kitty and Carlos there. ZANNI: Oh yeah, how's Carlos holding up? INNAMORATI: By the sounds of Kitty, he's alright now...I swear that girl can fix everyone up, no matter how severe... ZANNI: [Laughs] Yeah... INNAMORATI: Do you want to go back to the hospital and see Carlos and Connor? ZANNI: Yeah...let's do that. 116. CAMERA CUTS TO INT. PANTALONE'S HOSPITAL ROOM. NURSE: Is there anything I can get for you sir? PANTALONE: A glass of water would be nice... NURSE: Okay. THE NURSE WALKS OUT OF THE ROOM. PANTALONE SIGHS AND SITS UP. PANTALONE: What have I done to myself? [Looks at the slits on his wrist] I'm such a coward. Why did I even attempt to take my life? ZANNI AND INNAMORATI WALK IN. ZANNI: Hey Carlos, how are you feeling? PANTALONE: Exhausted but I've never felt better... ZANNI: That's good to hear. I'm sure you'll recover well. PANTALONE: When's opening night? 117. INNAMORATI: It was supposed to be tomorrow but we delayed it to a week because we can't do it without you, or Kitty, or Connor. PANTALONE: They told me to stop taking drugs...they have a point...I should...but it's addictive... ZANNI: At least you're in better shape than Connor. PANTALONE: What happened to that scamp? ZANNI: He got beaten and stabbed by Henry and Kane, and he suffered from a drug overdose. PANTALONE: That stupid fucker, Henry, he gave me fake money and stole all my weed... THE NURSE WALKS BACK IN HOLDING A GLASS OF WATER. NURSE: Here you are sir, hopefully after some rest, you'll feel yourself again. PANTALONE: Thank you... 118. INNAMORATI: Well, we'll leave you here to rest Carlos, we're going to go and see Connor now. PANTALONE: Okay. CAMERA CUTS TO INT. BELL'S HOSIPTAL ROOM. BELL SLOWLY OPENS HIS EYES AND WAKES UP. BELL: [Groans] Ergh...I'm so sore...[Sit up] BELL LOOKS DOWN AND SEES STITCHES ON HIS ARM AND HIS STOMACH. HE LOOKS AROUND THE ROOM. BELL: Where's everyone? Where's Kitty? BELL SLOWLY STANDS UP AND CLUTCHES HIS STOMACH. BELL: AHH! Why the hell does this hurt so much. I need pain killers... NICHOLLS WALKS IN AND SEE BELL. NICHOLLS: Connor! You're awake! BELL: 119. [Suddenly hugs Nicholls] Thank god you're not dead... NICHOLLS: Who said I was dead? BELL: Clark-Johnson... NICHOLLS: To hell with him, he was just trying to trick you. BELL: I'm sore... NICHOLLS: You're suppose to be lying down and resting. BELL: I need pain killers though... NICHOLLS: No you don't. What you need is rest. And you're supposed to be sore. It means you're healing. BELL: Okay. THE TWO STARE INTO EACH OTHER'S EYES AND GET DISTRACTED. THEY START TO LEAN IN TOWARDS EACH OTHER BUT IS SUDDENLY INTERRUPTED BY ZANNI AND INNAMORATI WALKING IN. 120. INNAMORATI: [Smirks] Are we interrupting something here? NICHOLLS: [Blushes] No! I was just checking up on Connor. ZANNI: Yeah...'checking up' BELL AND NICHOLLS GLARE AT ZANNI. ZANNI: So...how are you feeling Connor? BELL: Really sore and Kitty won't let me take pain killers. NICHOLLS: Just lie down, for god's sake. ZANNI: You know, Kitty, you should probably give him painkillers anyway, just to ease the pain of getting stabbed in the stomach. Just saying. NICHOLLS: [sighs] Connor should be fine. He's not supposed to take pain killers while he's in this state. The pills will make his system worse from the drug overdose. But I think the play needs to be delayed by another week. This whole thing is a goddamn nightmare. ZANNI APPEARS TO BE PONDERING WHILST HOLDING HANDS WITH INNAMORATI. HE THEN FINALLY RESPONDS. 121. ZANNI: I know Capitano quit the play.....but where is he? THE GROUP ARE IN SILENCE. BELL FINALLY RESPONDS. BELL: I think he might've disappeared. Might've got guilt after aiding Clark-Johnson in his coup d'état. ZANNI: Do you think we need a replacement actor? BELL: Absolutely. NICHOLLS: Okay. John, Sofia, go out and find someone to replace Capitano. I'm going to stay with Connor incase something happens again. [hugs Bell]. BELL: Okay, okay, sweetie, just.....don't be too forceful. ZANNI AND INNAMORATI LEAVE. BELL AND NICHOLLS START FLIRTING. CAMERA FOLLOWS ZANNI AND INNAMORATI. ZANNI: So...who to pick? INNAMORATI POINTS TOWARDS THE MERVIN PLENTAMMP THEATRE. INNAMORATI: Why can I hear someone performing in there? 122. ZANNI SHRUGS WHILST THE TWO ENTER THE MERVIN PLENTAMMP THEATRE. THEY NOTICE AN ACTRESS ON STAGE, PERFORMING A MONOLOGUE. ACTRESS: What am I, but a sorrowful wench....picking apart the roses and smashing the bricks........why this hard life? Why this hard road? ZANNI: [whispers to Innamorati] I thought we were supposed to get a replacement actor not actress. INNAMORATI: Well, we can hire her anyway. She sounds spectacular. ZANNI: Although there's that guy as well [points to ACTOR] ACTOR: But...what of the roses? What of the daisies? ACTRESS: [mockingly spits] Those are insignificant to my power. ZANNI INTERRUPTS. ZANNI: Hey, guys, what are you doing here, by the way? ACTOR LOOKS OVER. ACTOR: We're rehearsing a play. I think it's called Magnificent Days at Perleon Manor. Some obscure play by a woman named Jennifer Langley. Died one hundred and eighty years ago. We're planning to revive it. 123. ZANNI: I see....when is this performance? ACTOR: Tomorrow, I think. ZANNI: And, what, pray tell, is your name? ACTOR: I'm Brent Johnson, and this is my fiancee, Samantha Connor. CONNOR: Hi. JOHNSON: So.....what brings you here? ZANNI: I'm John Zanni, a Commedia Dell'Arte actor who used to be in Fools of the North. I'm doing a performance of Samuel Beckett's Endgame, but the whole play basically collapsed. I don't know what to do anymore. And this [signals to Innamorati] is my ex-girlfriend Sofia Innamorati. INNAMORATI: [interrupts and then clears thraot] Girlfriend, not ex. ZANNI: Yeah, ok. Umm...how's your play going? Is it as disastrous as my play? JOHNSON: Well, the director committed suicide, an actor that we had nearly killed himself on stage, the replacement actor tripped over and fell 124. on his face and the whole play is over-budget. But, you know, aside from that, I think everything's alright. ZANNI: That's something to swallow, huh? Well, basically what happened in the production of Endgame is that my girlfriend here got poisoned with hydrocarbon in her tea, the veteran actor on the stage nearly overdosed on drugs, the producer/director was beaten up by members of the cast for the play, the former director was a goddamn creep, an honest-to-god sexual predator, our producer nearly got raped by by our former director and one of our actors quit. JOHNSON: That's quite a lot as well, isn't it? ZANNI: [Sighs] Anyway...because of what happened to our production, we were wondering whether you would be interested to take part of 'Endgame'? CONNOR: [Pondering] Maybe...can we meet the rest of your troupe? INNAMORATI: Sure, but they're in hospital. JOHNSON: We'll come along anyway. It's best to get to know who you're working with before you join in. INNAMORATI: Well said. ZANNI: 125. The hospital's this way [Points left] CONNOR: You mean the Caduceus Hospital? INNAMORATI: Yeah. How do you know of it? JOHNSON: That's the place where we took our director when he killed himself. The surgeon operating on him couldn't save him, no matter what she did or how she tried. CONNOR: We don't blame her though. It was a risky surgery, apparently. His life was high at risk and they couldn't do anything about it. The surgeon tried though, despite the protests. What was her name again? [Struggles to remember but then realises] Oh yeah! Dr. Kitty Nicholls. ZANNI: You mean Kitty? She's our producer. JOHNSON: Wow. Really? INNAMORATI: Yeah. CONNOR: Who else is in your troupe? ZANNI: 126. There's Connor Bell, who's the director/producer, Kane Capitano, but he quit, Henry James Clark-Johnson, who was the serial rapist and sex predator, and Carlos Pantalone, who tried to commit suicide. JOHNSON: You mean the famous veteran actor Carlos Pantalone? ZANNI: Yup. The very same. JOHNSON: Wow. Really? [Gets excited] Oh boy! I actually get to meet him in real life! He's my idol! INNAMORATI: He's a bit of an idiot. And don't get all jumpy around him because he's still in a delicate state. JOHNSON AND CONNOR: Okay! ZANNI: Well, we're here... THE FOUR WALK THROUGH THE DOORS AND GO UP TO THE RECEPTIONIST. ZANNI: Hi, could you tell us where Carlos Pantalone and Connor Bell are? I heard that they got moved into a different ward. RECEPTIONIST: 127. Certainly. Floor 14, Llewelyn ward. Mr. Pantalone is in room 16 and Mr. Bell is in room 29. ZANNI: Thank you. THE FOUR WALK INTO PANTALONE'S ROOM. HE APPEARS TO BE READING THE NEWSPAPER. ZANNI: Hey Carlos. What's holding up? PANTALONE: [Snorts] Apparently Zayn Malik of One Direction left the group. From stress, so he says...and to top off, they've stopped their tour. INNAMORATI: They won't be able to last long without him anyway. ZANNI: Never really liked them anyway... PANTALONE: [Looks from behind Zanni] And who are these young scamps here? ZANNI: Carlos, meet Brent Johnson and Samantha Connor. They are the replacing actors of 'Endgame'. PANTALONE: Pleasure to meet you. 128. JOHNSON: Can I get your autograph? PANTALONE: Still well-known am I? Well, of course. [Signs piece of paper] INNAMORATI: Well, we'll be off Carlos. We've gotta introduce these guys to Connor as well. PANTALONE: Goodbye. THE FOUR CONTINUE TO WALK DOWN THE LONG CORRIDOR UNTIL THEY STOP AT ROOM 29. THEY GO IN AND SEE NICHOLLS TENDING TO BELL. NICHOLLS LOOKS UP. NICHOLLS: Oh, hi guys. I just need to listen to Connor's breathing and heart beat so I'll be with you in a minute. ZANNI AND INNAMORATI LOOK AT BELL AND NICHOLLS AND EXCHANGE SMIRKS. CONNOR AND JOHNSON SEND THEM QUIZZICAL LOOKS. INNAMORATI: [Whispers] Those two are going out with each other. CONNOR: Oh... NICHOLLS: 129. I've seen you guys before...weren't you the people who sent in that director who tried to kill himself? CONNOR: Yeah... NICHOLLS: Sorry I couldn't save him. I thought I did, and then the next day, they said he died... JOHNSON: Meh. Don't worry about it. He was a bit of a nut-job anyway. BELL: [Walks over to the group] And who might you guys be? JOHNSON: I'm Brent Johnson and this is my fiancée, Samantha Connor. BELL: [Shakes their hands] Nice to meet you. I'm Connor Bell, director of the production 'Endgame'. I assume that you guys are the replacement actors? CONNOR: Yes. BELL: Isn't the opening act tomorrow? INNAMORATI: 130. It was. We moved the date to next week. BELL: Good. ZANNI: [Looks at his watch] It's 9. We should be heading home. [Points to Connor and Johnson] And you guys should be getting some rest for that play of yours tomorrow. JOHNSON: Nah. Screw it. It wasn't even ready for performing yet... ZANNI: [Shrugs] Whatever you say. NICHOLLS: I'll have to go too Connor, but I'll get my friend Susie to look out for you. BELL: Okay. THE TROUPE SAY THEIR GOODBYES AND LEAVE. CAMERA FADES INTO DARKNESS AND TITLE 'ONE WEEK LATER' FADES IN. CAMERA CUTS TO INT. NICHOLLS'S APARTMENT. SHE APPEARS TO BE PLAYING THE PIANO. CAMERA STAYSON NICOLLS FOR A FEW MINUTES UNTIL THERE IS A SOUND OF A DOOR OPENING. NICHOLLS DOESN'T SEEM TO NOTICE. BELL WALKS IN AND STANDS BEHIND NICHOLLS. BELL: I didn't know you played piano. 131. NICHOLLS: [Jumps and turns around. She sees Bell and quickly relaxes] You surprised me. BELL: Sorry. I just wanted to come in and see what you were up to...are you ready for tonight? NICHOLLS: Yeah. I think so. I'm not sure what to wear though... BELL: If you wore a nice dress, it would compliment the suit I'm wearing...but I don't know whether I should wear a tie or a bowtie... NICHOLLS: Wear a bowtie like all directors. BELL: Okay. BELL PROCEEDS TO WEAR A BOWTIE. NICHOLLS: So, it's time, huh? BELL: Absolutely. It's the moment I've been waiting for.....for 6 months! NICHOLLS: [Laughs] Okay, wait here. I have to go and get dressed. 132. BELL: Okay. NICHOLLS RUNS INTO HER BEDROOM. BELL STARTS LOOKING AT THE PHOTOS, AWARDS AND CERTIFICATES IN NICHOLLS APARTMENT. NICHOLLS THEN RUNS OUT IN A DRESS. NICHOLLS: So...what do you think? BELL: You look great. NICHOLLS: Thanks. BELL: [Offers a hand to Nicholls] Shall we? NICHOLLS: [Laughs] Yes, we shall. THE TWO WALK OUT OF THE APARTMENT HOLDING HANDS. CAMERA CUTS TO INT. MERVIN PLENTAMMP THEATRE AN THE TROUPE ARE GETTING READY FOR THE OPENING NIGHT. BELL: Are you all feeling alright? THE TROUPE: Yes! 133. BELL: Excellent! Let's do this! THE CAMERA CUTS TO THE PERFORMANCE, WHICH IS INDISTINCT UNTIL THE ENDING. BELL AND NICHOLLS ARE WATCING FROM BEHIND THE CURTAINS. ZANNI: Give me the dog. PANTALONE: Quiet! THE CONVERSATION BETWEEN ZANNI AND PANTALONE SLOWLY BECOMES INDISTINCT. BELL: They're doing Endgame quite well, aren't they? NICHOLLS: Definitely. BELL: Well...this has been my dream for years now. I've always wanted to do this..... THE TWO LOOK AT EACH OTHER AND CONTINUE TALKING. THE CAMERA CUTS TO THE FINAL SCENE. ZANNI: This is what we call making an exit. 134. PANTALONE: I'm obliged to you, Clov. For your services. ZANNI: Ah pardon, it's I am obliged to y-[interrupted by a furious man] FURIOUS MAN: I have had it up to HERE with this arthouse bullshit! Especially you! [points to ZANNI]. You have irritated me ever since you tried to launch your failing career. You absolute ass! THE FURIOUS MAN MAKES HIS WAY TO THE STAGE, WITH THE CROWD CLAMORING. ZANNI BECOMES INCREASINGLY WORRIED. THE FURIOUS MAN LUNGES AT ZANNI AND TACKLES HIM. ZANNI: Okay, okay, calm down. What the hell do you want? THE FURIOUS MAN PUNCHES ZANNI IN THE FACE. ZANNI: ....f- ANOTHER MAN STANDS UP, WHO APPEARS TO BE WEARING A MASQUERADE MARK. MASQUERADE MAN: Hey! John! I'm coming over there! MASQUERADE MAN RUNS OVER AND DRAGS THE FURIOUS MAN OFF STAGE. MASQUERADE MAN: You don't FUCK with John Zanni! He is my friend! 135. ZANNI SEEMS TO BE SHOCKED AT CAPITANO'S SELFLESS ACTION. HE TAKES OFF HIS MASK, AND REVEALS HIMSELF TO BE A MORE SULLEN CAPITANO. CAPITANO LOOKS OUT OVER THE STAGE WHILST DRAGGING THE FURIOUS MAN. CAPITANO: Curtain call. LIGHTS FADE. THE CROWD CHEERS. CAPITANO APPEARS TO BE MUTTERING SOMETHING TO THE FURIOUS MAN. CAPITANO: Someone's waiting for you... FURIOUS MAN: Who? CLARK-JOHNSON APPEARS. HE EVILLY CACKLES. FURIOUS MAN: No...not him....please....I'll give you all my cash! CAPITANO: [pauses] I'm sorry. But this is what you get for fucking with the troupe. THE CAMERA FOCUSES ON SOMETHING ELSE AS WE CAN HEAR THE FURIOUS MAN'S SCREAMS/YELLS/CRIES. PAUSE. THE TROUPE GO BACKSTAGE, WHILST BELL AND NICHOLLS ARE STILL FLIRTING WITH EACH OTHER. 136. THE CAMERA THEN FOCUSES ON THE CEILING OF THE THEATRE. BLACK SCREEN. CAMERA OPENS UP ON A MEETING AT THE MERVIN PLENTAMMP THEATRE. ZANNI: Wow, that was some crazy shit, wasn't it? INNAMORATI: Absolutely, you nearly got yourself thrashed. It's thanks to Kane, huh? CAPITANO: Well...ever since I quit the production, I've had some time to think over my actions. I'm not going to say anything else, but, I've had a few relationships and I've definitely reconsidered everything I've done to you guys. I'm sorry about that. Especially to you, Connor. BELL: Mate, don't worry about it. It's all in the past. PANTALONE: [pondering] Whatever happened to Henry? CAPITANO: Oh, I just let him out on bail for a little bit to help you guys out with that asshole audience member. Henry's back in jail, but I'm sure he'll come out better than he ever was. BELL: Well, should we do another play and face the disasters or.... NICHOLLS: Or? 137. THE TROUPE PONDER FOR A FEW SECONDS. ZANNI FINALLY RESPONDS. ZANNI: We continue Commedia Dell'Arte. PAUSE. THE TROUPE: That's a great idea, and....[indistinct] END.