· Using fake documents

o İkinci Vize İçerikleri
o MDB1031:VOCAB : (20p) I. vizeden sonra işlenen 3 metnin sadece
"Vocabulary in Context" bölümündeki sözcükler sınava dahildir
o READING: (40p) 15p Scanning, 15p Multiple-Choice, 10p Vocab in
o WRITING: (40p) Girişi verilmiş bir classification essay'e iki body
paragraf yazılacak.
 Body Paragraph Evaluation Rubric
o proper topic sentence (with a signal word) 4 pts
o first supporting sentence 2 pts
o first evidence/example 2 pts
o second supporting sentence 2 pts
o second evidence/example 2 pts
o content&coherency 3 pts
o vocab&grammar&spelling 5 pts
o !!! Repetitive or off-topic sentences will not be evaluated.
MDB1051:İlk vize formatından tek farkı çoktan seçmeli bölümün çıkarılmış olmasıdır.Öğrenciler sadece 4. ve
5. ünitelerden sorumlular
1. Classification Essay: Analyzing the Thesis Statement and Writing Proper Body
Analyze the classification essay thesis statements below. Identify the topics and the categories.
1-Doctors Without Borders obtained funding mainly from two different sources: individual donors and
non-governmental organizations.
2-The situtations which Medecins Sans Frontieres give emergency aid can be sorted in four: natural
disasters, epidemics, war, malnutrition.
3-William Sheldon categorized human body into three groups according to their shapes; the endomorph,
the mesomorph and the ectomorph.
4-The book collection of Mrs. Monteith is classified as fiction, poetry, and philosophy.
5-The common types of cakes my mother bakes can be listed in three groups according to their
ingredients: chocolate, cheese, and lemon.
6-Janelle's shoes can basically be divided into two: flats and heeled.
7-Methods for birth today fall into two categories: normal and c-section.
8-Major problems of Istanbul today can be classified into three groups: traffic, pollution and rapid
Note that all thesis statements need to:
* have a topic
* be a full sentence
* define at least 2 categories
* use classification essay signal words
Now carefully read the body paragraphs below and define the functions of each sentence in the paragraph.
Please pay significant attention to the use of conjunctions.
1Firstly, MSF (Doctors Without Borders) have almost 4 million individual donors. They support MSF monthly
or annually. Their donations may differ from 100 dollars a month to 100.000 dollars annually. Donors are
from all over the world: from Italy to Alaska… Also, donations are not restricted with money only. Some
people prefer to donate blood, whereas some of them donate food and emergency kits regularly. All in all,
these philanthropists are pleased and proud of what they’re doing.
Secondly, there are numerous non-governmental organizations which aim to support MSF. These
organizations include local charities too but most of them consist of international teams working hand in
hand to help MSF. Moreover, in developed countries, these NGOs organize seminars at schools to raise
awareness about MSF. There are some international companies that support MSF with their products, too.
As a result, NGOs in the world not only fund the MSF financially but also provide food, beverages,
emergency kits, cleaning supplies and educate the youth to take responsibility in the future.
Sentence 1:
Sentence 2:
Sentence 3:
Sentence 4:
Sentence 6:
Sentence 7:
Sentence 1:
Sentence 2:
Sentence 3:
Sentence 4:
Sentence 5:
Note that each body paragraph needs to:
* have a topic sentence starting with a proper signal word
* have at least 2 supporting statements
* include examples and evidences
* use conclusion signal words, if it has a conclusive sentence
Read the body paragraphs below and discuss whether they follow the rules above.
First of all, her real love is high-heeled shoes. However, they are not always welcome. For example if she
will ride a bike or take a walk with friends along the seaside, heeled shoes are not preferable. In these
situations, she wears her flats: sneakers, sports shoes or ballerina flats…Also, loafers and espadrilles are
her favorites to wear to college. In conclusion, for her tiring days the flats are user-friendly and they don’t
cause foot pain.
On the other hand, her high-heeled shoes which she adores are perfect for an event. For a date out, she
may prefer a 6-inch stiletto. If it’s a birthday party at a pub and if it snows outside, she would definitely
choose a pair of knee-high boots. Ankle strap shoes or sandals with shiny colors are her favorites during
summer. Also, she has d’Orsay pumps to wear to cultural events such as concerts and plays.
Now try to write body paragraphs for some of the thesis statements in part A.
MDB1031 Classification Essay Exercise
Writing a Classification Essay
This type of essay is a very specific one as it deals with the classification of organizing the logical
connections in it. In order to write a professional classification essay, three advices should be kept
in mind. First of all the organized categories are expected to fully reveal the theme of the essay
and therefore must be very useful in terms of the classification classification. In spite of the
amount of the separated categories each of them must follow one logical principle. And also each
of the presented categories is to provide examples.
Classification essay Outline & Structure
This rubric is a condensed treatment of the classification essay writing, this outline is just a
description of the main facts and rules about how to write this type of essay. One should practice
as much as possible to become good in writing a classification essay.
1. Introduction
(The basic part pf the introduction is the thesis statement. The strength of the thesis statement
depends on how well it reveals the topic and its classification. It is to justify the specific categories
chosen for this classification).
The thesis statement has a very determined logical structure: theme® its classification® chosen
categories (the number of categories is suggested to be limited to three in order not to blur the
For instance: Exchange students can face three benefits: education, experience and cultural
1. Body
First category (The less important category).
Second category
Third category (The most important one and requires brighter examples).
In a good classification essay each category must follow one organizing principle. The categories
can be organized on the basis of forming different groups of arguments).
1. Conclusion
The conclusion is the summary of the analyzed categories and the restatement of the thesis
Classification essay format
This type of essay like all others could be formated in MLA, Chicago/Turabian, APA, AMA. That
depends on your essay topic, subject area and the assignment requeirements. Please be
consistent following the one style of format of all the essay elements: Title, headings, paragraphs
Text pages, Fonts, Indents, Justifications, Spacing, Page numbers, Emphasis, Footnotes,
reference list etc.
Useful Expressions and Exercise for Categorizing
a)A list of structure vocabulary that signals classification
class/ classification
some of
most of
all of
to classify/divide into
to sort
to include
________ fall into _____ category
________ can be divided into ______ classes
to be listed
b) Below is a list of sixteen words. Arrange them into three categories and give each
category a name.
surfing on the internet
credit cards
Category 1:
Category 2:
Category 3:
c) Now, write a classification essay thesis statement for each category. You may or may
not categorize in order to include the words in parentheses. Try using the expressions
d) In a classification essay, it is very important to be able to state your criteria/principle
of categorization/classification. Now, identify the classification principle for each of the
thesis statement above.
123e) Now, write classification essay thesis statements for any of the following topics.
Magazines , Problems of living in Istanbul
f) Build 2 body paragraphs for your thesis statement.
MDB1031 How to Write a Classification Essay
1. Divide your topic into 3 groups using one rule or classifying principle. Make sure
category names are the same type of word: e.g. all nouns or adjectives or phrases.
*Some dividing principles are:
a. Degree=best, average, worst; most, average, last=levels of something
b. Time=past, present, future
c. Location=where it happens or where it is found
2. Write your thesis statement with the topic, controlling principle and categories.
Example: Books can be classified according to their cost as expensive, affordable, and
Example: My friends can be divided into three groups by how they answer the
telephone: polite, cheerful, and rude.
3. Each category will become a Body Paragraph in the order that they are mentioned in the
Thesis Statement.
4. Make a quick outline or chart of the categories with definitions and descriptions and
Books can be classified according to their cost as expensive, affordable, and cheap.
Definition: cost
55-200 TL
25-50 TL
5-20 TL
When Published
New release
With 1-2 years
More than 2 years
Book cover
Hard cover
Soft or paperback
Paper or used
Where to buy
Used bookstores,
Street sellers
To Kill a Mockingbird
Catcher in the Rye
5. Be clear when defining and describing each category and showing the differences between
6. Write the Introduction using the funnel style of general to specific to thesis.
a. Step One: Generalize your overall topic and write a Hook or Interest- getting
b. Step Two: Make the topic a little more specific and write another sentence.
c. Step Three: Write a sentence that is close to what you say in the thesis
statement, but not exactly. Maybe mention the topic and categorizing
principle, but not the categories.
d. Step Four: Use a transition to connect your thesis statement with the
sentence just before it. *transitions: however, in fact, actually.
7. Write the Body paragraphs in the order mentioned in thesis statement.
a. Step One: Write a topic sentence for the paragraph that defines the
*Use transitions such as: first type, second type, third type; first kind, next group, last,
another, an additional, a final.
Example: The first category that books can be divided into contains the most expensive
books which cost between 55-200 YTL.
b. Step Two: Give 1- 2 supporting points which will describe and explain the
c. Step Three: Give 1-2 examples of the supporting points of typical members
of the group and explain and describe them with details.
*Use transitions such as: a good example, a typical example, an excellent example, for
instance, such as.
d. Step Four: Write a concluding sentence of the paragraph to summarize how
your examples relate to your classification principle.
*Use transitions such as: therefore, for this reason, as a result, consequently, lastly, finally.
8. Make sure all body paragraphs give similar types of information and supporting points so
that the reader can be clear on the differences between the categories.
9. Write the Concluding Paragraph.
a. Step One: Paraphrase your thesis statement.
b. Step Two: Paraphrase topic sentences from the three body paragraphs.
c. Step Three: Write a concluding statement that gives your opinion, suggestion, or
prediction about the information in the essay. Do not write “I think that,” but use it to help you
clarify what you think, and then just state it.
Example: (I think that) People should buy discounted books or go borrow them from the library
because first edition books have become too expensive.
1. Okuma-Konuşma, The Workforce of the 21st Century
Suggested Video:
Follow-Up Questions for the video:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1- <!--[endif]-->What are the working conditions in Dongguan?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2- <!--[endif]-->Why does the speaker think workers are content with
working conditions?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->3- <!--[endif]-->How is the speaker’s mood/tone about conditions in
China? Do you agree with her?
Warm-up: *Brainstorming about today’s workforce and working conditions
Possible answers: Working conditions, Outsourcing, Low-skill jobs X High skill jobs, Hi-tech jobs, Costgoes up X goes down, Supply Chain, Global X Local /Mobile workforce, Blue Collar/White Collar
Worker Supply- Demand (the balance between the amounts of goods available and the amount that
people ask for),
*Ask these questions to make ss talk with the vocabulary above
Would you like to work in a foreign country? Why? /Why not?
What qualities/skills do you think the 21st century workers need?
While Reading Questions
PAR. 1
a) How would you describe ‘a skilled worker’?
b) What kind of opportunities are these skilled workers offered at work?
PAR. 2
<!--[if !supportLists]-->a) <!--[endif]-->What is a low-skill job? What kinds of businesses are
considered as low-skill job?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->b) <!--[endif]-->Why is outsourcing a profitable thing for companies?
PAR. 3
<!--[if !supportLists]-->a) <!--[endif]-->Why do employees in host countries criticize outsourcing?
PAR. 4
<!--[if !supportLists]-->a) <!--[endif]-->Why are workers more willing to work in other countries
when you compare the situation in the past?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->b) <!--[endif]-->Can Turkish workers also work in different countries as
European workers? Why? Why not?
PAR. 5
a) How does mobile workforce help the economy of the country that a worker leaves?
Collocations: modern businesses, mobile workforce, skilled worker, developing/industrialized country,
low-skilled/high-tech jobs-workplaces, move across national borders
Post reading activity: Have the students analyze and comment on the images about globalization
(Appendix 4). Try to make them discuss the concepts covered in the unit.
Lead- In:
Suggested Movie: Schooling, Dangerous Minds
Suggested Books: Dead Poets’ Society
Suggested website: http://baskabirokul.blog.com
Suggested Video: http://www.ted.com/talks/ken_robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity.html
Questions for the Video (Write the questions on the board before ss start watching)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1- <!--[endif]-->What’s the public education for?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2- <!--[endif]-->What’s the profound mistake in education?
Lead-In: While introducing the topic, the following vocabulary can be written on the board to make
the students think about the topic:
alternative education = non traditional / non conventional /non standardized education
traditional education=mainstream /conventional education/standardized education (Traditional
learning is a kind of rote learning. Also remind the students the word “learn/know by heart” means to
Warm-up: Make ss talk about the alternative forms of education. Suggested answers:
homeschooling /home-based learning
distance learning / e- learning / learning online
alternative high school
The Montessori school system (was characterized by an emphasis on freedom within limits,
independence & respect for a child’s mental development as well as technological advancements in the
vocational schools
Alternative Warm-up: Make ss think about the main differences between traditional and alternative
education in terms of curriculum, teaching, place, dressing code, rules, etc… Suggested answers:
Traditional Education
Alternative Education
standardized curriculum and teaching
variety in courses and teaching
in-class education
Homeschooling/ online learning etc.
wearing uniforms in higher education
no dress code
While-Reading/ Pre&Post Reading Questions:
1. What does education provide? /What is education for?
2. What would your ideal education be like?
3. What forms of alternative education do you know?
4. What are the alternative education settings available in your country?
5. Are there any similarities between Montessori School and alternative high schools /If yes, what are
they? (Par. 3)
6. Why do you think parents choose homeschooling? (Par. 4)
7. What are the advantages /disadvantages of homeschooling?
8. Do you prefer taking distance learning courses? Explain your idea by giving supports.
9. If you were the Minister Of National Education, what would you like to change in the current
10. What do you think of the future of alternative education?
Vocabulary exercises: Match the words with the related ones:
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
1.look for /find
a. online
2.take class
b. in school /at home /online
c. globally
4. grow /expand
d. popular / distance learner
5. skilled /semi-skilled/unskilled
e. a job
6. take place
f. worker
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
Collocations: Public education, improve one’s life, standardized tests, business leaders,
emotional/physical/academic needs, multi-aged groups, passive/real learning, global demand, take
tests/classes online, internet access, have right to education/ education right, shortage/lack of skilled
Post Reading Activity:
Discussion: Ask ss whether they agree with the idea of the writer that “Alternative learning will
continue to grow”. (Here remind the ss the use of “be likely to+V1)
Suggested Movies: 15 Minutes, Mr Bone
Suggested Video:
Follow-Up Questions for the Video:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1- <!--[endif]-->What is undercover journalism?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2- <!--[endif]-->What are the cases that the journalist reported?
*Write“ethics” in capitals in the middle of the board (add the meaning if you like) and students can be
asked to brainstorm on what’s ethical and what’s not (is it ethical for students to cheat or plagiarize)
Ethics: moral principles that determine a person’s behavior in his activities
Forms: ethical X unethical (adj)
ethically X unethically (adv)
Maxim: an absolute moral statement about a universal truth; such as: “murder is wrong”.
Immanuel Kant:” Act only on those maxims that you could be, at the same time will to be a
universal law.”
Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated.
*Then students can be asked to brainstorm about “ethical reporting”. Suggested answers:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[endif]-->Telling the truth
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[endif]-->Using fake documents/ using documents illegally
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[endif]-->Interference into private life of people
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[endif]-->Violating human rights
<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[endif]-->Having an impact on national security
Scan the journalists’ Code of Ethics (Appendix 1) and discuss some of the items.
While-Reading Questions
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1. <!--[endif]-->Why would journalists need to change/alter the facts?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->What are the criteria for a newspaper’s popularity?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->3. <!--[endif]-->What do our people generally look for in a newspaper?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->4. <!--[endif]-->What kind of news would disturb/bother you?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->5. <!--[endif]-->Would undercover reporting be considered beneficial for
the society?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->6. <!--[endif]-->In what other ways would undercover reporters serve for
the benefit of the society?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->7. <!--[endif]-->Can you name some undercover reporters in Turkey or in
the world?
Match the synonyms of the boldface words and phrases in the text on pages 31-33 with the definitions
given below: (one item in the text will be extra)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->a) <!--[endif]-->Try to persuade someone to do something wrong (tempt)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->b) <!--[endif]-->Work or do something secretly (go undercover)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->c) <!--[endif]-->Numerous cases/incidents (many examples)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->d) <!--[endif]-->Very exciting and surprising (sensational)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->e) <!--[endif]-->They must be honest (journalists must always tell the
<!--[if !supportLists]-->f)
<!--[endif]-->They have an appetite for celebrity news (but the public
wants to read about it)
Break the law- Be under pressure - Get into trouble - Lose control - Tell the truth - Make money
Make sure - Go too far - Put pressure on - Go undercover - Cover/Find/Get a story
Suggested Video: How Social Media Can Make History
Follow-Up Questions for the Video:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1- <!--[endif]-->What’s the influence of the digital media during the
earthquake in China?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2- <!--[endif]-->Do you remember the name given to the censorship on
the internet in China?
Ask ss whether they have OR follow a blog? Are blogs modern diaries?
Ask ss the differences between traditional and digital/alternative media?
Ask ss which medium they prefer to follow daily news. (Remind ss that “medium” is the singular form
of “media”)
How can citizens be journalists? Can you give examples from your daily life?
What would the advantages and drawbacks of citizen journalism be?
Collocations: take place, well-trained journalist, provide information, make a statement/comment,
make sure, have control over the news, publish/report news, add/post comment, do business
Post-Reading Questions:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1- <!--[endif]-->How did the internet change the ways that traditional
media made money?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2- <!--[endif]-->Do you think banning the websites or restricting the
internet access are acceptable in today’s world?