The Hybrid Cost Proxy Model: Portugal Edition D. Mark Kennet William W. Sharkey Instituto das Comunicações de Portugal 16-17 November, 2000 Forward-looking economic cost Represents the cost of a competitive new entrant with newly constructed facilities if it: Operates efficiently using modern technology employed in efficient network configurations Serves the total demand for costed item Serves customers located in their current positions connected by efficient network routing to efficient switching machines Earns a “normal” return appropriately adjusted for risk 2 Definition of efficient network model Most economically efficient technology capable of providing stated level of service Model should reflect substitution between technologies as relative prices change 3 Implications of FLEC assumption Embedded network is irrelevant Except for scorched node wire center assumption Assists consistency with record-keeping and geographical constraints Assumes use of only current best, least-cost technologies Costs must be those of a network that is efficient for the desired purpose (e.g. voice grade network for universal service; higher quality network design may be appropriate for interconnection and unbundled element pricing) 4 Advantages of Proxy Model Approach Proxy modeling: Minimizes data collection requirements and administrative burdens on companies Is the only methodology reasonably capable of needed levels of disaggregation Addresses consistently the costs of families of interrelated network elements Provides transparency and rigor to the costing process 5 HCPM Overview Open data structure Input files can be easily verified and modified by the user Alternative inputs can easily be accommodated (both publicly available Census data and geocoded customer location information can be used) All source code is freely available 6 HCPM Overview (cont.) Loop design module deploys plant to the specific locations determined by customer location module Explicit optimization routines are used minimum cost spanning tree algorithms for the design of feeder and distribution routes optimization over technology type: fiber, HDSL, or analog 7 A Typical Wire Center Exchange Area Boundary Trunks to Other Wirecenters Wire Center Serving Area Serving Area SAI Feeder Cable (Copper or Fiber) Serving Area RT SAI SAI Distribution Cable (Copper) Terminal/Splice RT Drop or Service Wire NID LEGEND Serving Area NID = Network Interface Device RT = Remote Terminal SAI = Serving Area Interface Adapted from Engineering and Operations in the Bell System, 2nd Edition, 1983 8 Steps in Network Design Use a clustering methodology to determine serving areas (SA) Overlay a grid structure on each cluster and assign customer locations to micro-grid cells Design distribution plant for each SA Design feeder plant to connect all serving areas to the central office switch 9 The Clustering Algorithm Divisive method Maximal size serving areas are created subject to maximum copper distance constraint maximum line count constraint 10 Geocode and Surrogate Locations, Évora service territory Évora 11 Closer view of Évora locations 12 Clusters Created for Évora 13 Grid Overlay for Every Serving Area (Cluster) Microgrid 14 Distribution Plant in a Microgrid Cable Junction Points Drop Wire Vertical Branching Cable 15 Connecting Microgrids to a Remote Terminal Cable Junction Point Unpopulated Cell Microgrid Boundary SAI Populated Cell 16 Distribution Network for Évora Distribution routing calculated by HCPM 20 kilofeet, north-south 10 0 -10 -20 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 kilofeet, east-west 17 Pinetree feeder Feeder branches Serving Area Interfaces Feeder backbone Central office 18 “Optimized” feeder routing Central office Serving area interfaces 19 The Feeder Algorithm Minimum structure distance network 20 The Feeder Algorithm (cont.) Minimum cable distance network 21 The Feeder Algorithm (cont.) Balanced network 22 The Feeder Algorithm (cont.) Balanced network with rectilinear distance 23 The Feeder Algorithm (cont.) Balanced network with junction nodes 24 Feeder Network for Évora Feeder Route Map Produced by HCPM 38.63 38.62 38.61 degrees latitude 38.60 38.59 38.58 38.57 38.56 38.55 38.54 38.53 -8.02 -8.00 -7.98 -7.96 -7.94 -7.92 -7.90 -7.88 -7.86 -7.84 degrees longitude 25 The Switching and Interoffice Network Tandem Switch Dedicated Common Common IXC or CLEC Interoffice Trunks End office Switch Point of Presence End office Switch Direct Wire Center Wire Center 26 Switching Costs Line ports Trunk ports Common control call processing Signaling network costs 27 Interoffice Networks C A B (a) Mesh-like Interoffice Network b C A B (b) Interoffice Ring Network 28 Expenses Cost of capital Depreciation Operating Expenses Overhead Costs 29 Cost of capital Very contentious issue – essentially two broad choices Base on historical rate of return; or Assume that competition changes capital market structure for firms Should real option value be included? 30 Economic depreciation Difficult to estimate “economic depreciation since depreciation allowances in telecommunications were determined under “cost plus” regulation International benchmarks may prove useful 31