Linear Collider

Presentation at NEPPSR
August 21st, 2003
Professor Homer Neal (Yale)
What is a linear collider and what can it do
The role of a LC in the LHC era
The NLC/JLC/TESLA linear collider R&D & Detector(s)
Steps to fruition
- H. Neal
- H. Neal
- H. Neal
- H. Neal
- H. Neal
Why leptons? The proton is not a simple object
This is a bit of an
exageration because
it is Au on Au but
its not far from the
Why electrons and not muons or tau leptons?
Muon decay creates currently insurmountable difficulties
like neutrino radiation. Taus are even worse.
Why linear?
Small mass particles lose a lot of energy when
accelerated in a circle at high energies.
Energy loss per turn:
4 e 2  2 4
E 
 Loss 1013 worse for e than p
3 radius
- H. Neal
Large Hadron Collider:
Good luminosity and
“easy” to get to high energies
but with low energy precision
and no beam polarization
Challenges: high event rate and
radiation level
Lepton collider:
Colliding bare partons  collision
energy precisely known, polarizatio
controlable, collision point well
determined, energy tunable
Lower event rates and backgrounds
but still a challenge for precise/
delicate inner detectors
- H. Neal
An Example of Beautiful Clean Physics at a Lepton Linear Collider
- H. Neal
To this 
Note: Full NLC
length not shown!!!
this 
~25 km long!
- H. Neal
Justifications for the push to
have higher energy colliders
We still haven't found the Higgs and it is essential
for understanding
how the particle masses are generated
There are many indications of the existence of new
physics accessible
at the next generation of colliders:
Dark matter - what is the source of all that matter
(SUSY CDM may be the answer)
Dark energy - why cannot we fully explain "the“
accelerating universe
Matter dominance - If BaBar/Belle measurements
continue to match the SM predictions, we've got a
problem. (can we detect CP violation in the lepton
a cosmological time dependence (maybe some clues
from precision high energy measurements)
- H. Neal
- H. Neal
Why all the Hoopla Concerning Models like SUSY
Solves naturallness problem:
Divergent terms are automatically
cancelled by terms from the
g S2
g F2
M ~ M  2   mF  2 2  mS2
potentially unifies SM forces
including gravity
includes a Higgs mechanism
with a heavy top
sin 2 W  0.23
provides a dark matter candidate
could potentially have strong enough CP violation to explain observed
matter dominance
- H. Neal
Sparticle Spectrums for various SUSY Model Parameter Sets
Point 1
c1 0 c1 0
c1 0 c2 0
c1  c1 
c1  c2 
e e/ m m
t t
H+ H -
q q
- H. Neal
Even if you don't believe in SUSY or even in the Higgs,
it is essentially impossible to construct a model where
there is not some new physics that will be discovered by
the future colliders.
Answers/Resolutions to these issues
will results from discovery of
new physics along with precision
measurements that will elucidate
what model is the correct model
of nature.
- H. Neal
Conclusions from:
"The Case for a 500 GeV e+e- Linear Collider"
All known models with a fundamental Higgs boson satisfy mh < 205 GeV
Any model using the current EW data that has mh>500 GeV predicts other observable new physics phenomena at <
500 GeV
The lightest SUSY particles are most probable to appear at < 500 GeV and all charginos/neutralinos at < 800 GeV
The observation of no new physics at LHC would increase the necessity of precision EW measurements at the LC
- H. Neal
The Justification for a LHC and a LC
As in the past, the physics
progress greatly benefits
from having hadron and
lepton machines operating
- H. Neal
While the main role of discovery will go to the LHC,
the future linear collider will be essential in clarifying
what those discoveries are and for measuring the properties of any new particles
(mass, spin, couplings).
The LC and LHC play a symbiotic role. The discoveries at the LHC will be analyzed by the LC and in term
provide feedback essential
for further LHC exploration.
- H. Neal
Furthermore, there are many measurements/observations
that will only be possible at either
the LHC or the LC
Its quite possible that LHC will see a wealth of signals and will need
the lc to determine what some of those are and in turn influence what
the lhc running program should be,
- H. Neal
There are many competing physics processes and
the polarization help to separate and verify processes
- H. Neal
- H. Neal
- H. Neal
- H. Neal
Feeding in LC results in to Analysis Sparticle Masses at
From the analysis of SUSY (SPS) point 1a at ATLAS and CMS
Reconstructed masses of squarks and gluinos are correlated to
the mass of the neutralino through the analysis
of the sparticles in the decay chain
Using the measurement of mc from
the LC greatly improves the LHC mass
measurement for other sparticles
Gjelsten, Lykten,
Miller, Osland,
- H. Neal
We thank the Higgs is almost in the bag ...
CMS/ATLAS should
easily see it, but they'll
need the LC to verify
that it is indeed the
Higgs and to make
precision measurements
of its properties.
- H. Neal
The Higgs at a LC
Measurement of the Higgs
branching ratios allows one
to verify that it is indeed the
Higgs that you've found!
e+e-Zh produces 40,000
Clean initial state gives
precision Higgs mass
Model independent Higgs
branching ratios
- H. Neal
Precission Higgs Mass Measurements
Expected Higgs signal at a
500 GeV LC for 30 /fb
very clean .... very precise
- H. Neal
In many parts of the
parameter space, only a
single Higgs decay
mode can be observed
by LHC
- H. Neal
Extrapolation of the susy mass parameters measured at a LC from the
TeV scale to the grand unification scale.
gluinos and
squarks mass
gaugino mass
from selectron
Note: Very difficult to do at LHC
- H. Neal
- H. Neal
Precision Measurements
A LC could run at the Z pole
with high luminosity yielding
~Giga Z's per year.
Also, there exist the possibility
of having a dedicated low energy
interaction region detector for
either physics at the Z, W-pair or
top pair threshold.
- H. Neal
extra-dimensions: many theories for
Some More Fun Physics explaining the weakness of gravity
and even the time evolution of a involve
models with an extra-dimension.
A LC could observe the pressence of this
extra dimension.
Physics Today, February, 2002
- H. Neal
- H. Neal
Polarizing the beams
P. Saez et al.
Much more difficult for positrons!!!!
- H. Neal
At issue:
An e+e- linear collider
operating at about a TeV with possible upgrade to several TeV
1034 cm2/sec (300 fb-1/yr)
with one or two detectors
polarized electron beam (Pe = 80%)
possibly a polarized positron beam
possibly a gamma-gamma collision option
either warm or cold acceleration technology
A long-term facility with regional control and analysis centers
around the globe.
- H. Neal
World Wide Effort
US/North America
(The Asian Committee for Future Accelerators )
(the European Committee for Future Accelerators )
- H. Neal
The Next Linear Collider (NLC) – North American Style
Baseline design:
25 km site
two 10 km linacs sized for 1 TeV
fill ½ of linacs for 500 GeV
Final focus, Injector design for 1.5 TeV.
Possibly two IRs; one for TeV collisions
the other operating upto 500 GeV
Electron Polarization80%
•Positron polarization
•e- e- collision
•  collisions
- H. Neal
Next Linear Collider Test Accelerator
Small accelerator prototype
The Final Focus Test Beam facility
developing and validating the optical
design of linear collider final beam focus
systems for obtaining stable and extremely
narrow beams.
Accelerator Test Facility (ATF @ Kou Enerugii Kosokuki Kenkyuu Kikou)
A test damping ring for the low emittance beams required for the NLC
The Accelerator Structure SETup (ASSET)
- H. Neal
A Sample of LC Accelerator Projects (from the Himmel List)
ID: 104
short project description: Processing of superconducting half-cells before welding (chemistry, Ti vacuum bake)
ID: 116
short project description: Low Level RF System Simulations
ID: 95
project_size: small
skill_type: physicist
short project description: Remote operation of TESLA Test Facility linac at DESY
ID: 96
project_size: small
skill_type: physicist
short project description: Remote operation of Photoinjector Laboratory (FNPL) at Fermilab
ID: 97
skill_type: physicist
short project description: Consider needs of LC remote operation system
ID: 98
project_size: large
short project description: Accelerator Control and Machine Protection System (MPS)
ID: 99
project_size: small
skill_type: materials science
short project description: Mechanical properties and microstructure, metallic and interstitial gases, material
ID: 100
skill_type: materials science
short project description: RRR issues - hydrogen degassing, Ti firing, low temperature bakeout.
ID: 101
project_size: medium
skill_type: physicist
short project description: Improved scanning of superconducting materials - eddy current, squids
ID: 103
project_size: large
skill_type: materials science
short project description: : Explore the use of materials other than Nb in superconducting cavities, e.g., Nb3Sn.
ID: 105
project_size: small
short project description: TESLA Cavity Flanges and Seals.
ID: 111
short project description: low level RF Digital Feedback Hardware
- H. Neal
:120 Hz
- H. Neal
Solution found for
problem with
deterioration at input to
acceleration structure!!!
- H. Neal
- H. Neal
- from Torr Robenheimer
- H. Neal
from: JLC
Roadmap Report
Draft released
February 12, 2003
- H. Neal
TESLA Specifications
total length of the facility 33 km
(including two 15-kilometer acceleration sections)
accelerator tunnel with approx. 5 m diameter
collision energy of 500 GeV
X-ray wavelength of 5 to 0.05 nanometer
~20k superconducting accelerating
operating temperature of 2 K, i.e. -271
deg Celsius
depth underground 10 - 30 meters
collision points/particle physics
experiments Initially one
(expandable to two, in an underground
number of cryogenic halls 7
- H. Neal
The Tesla layout taken from the
completed TESLA TDR.
- H. Neal
The TESLA high gradient superconducting accelerating cavities
For a 500 GeV center of mass linear collider needs accelerating fields
of about 25 MV/m.
800 GeV requires about 35 MV/m.
cavity frequency 1.3 GHz; standing wave pi-mode operation
operation temperature 2 K (-271 deg Celsius)
cavity bandwidth approx. 400 Hz
material: Niobium with high thermal conductivity
fabrication technique:
* electron beam welding
* hydro forming
* spinning
- H. Neal
A Proposed Schedule for TESLA
* studies at the TESLA Test Facility
1999 / 2000
* demonstration of the new SASE FEL principle
1999 / 2000
* complete project proposal, approval
* project ready for final decision
* estimated construction time
2001 / 2002
6 to 8 years
- H. Neal
Tunnel Route
* In order to fully exploit the research potential of the new facility, the TESLA tunnel must b
constructed as an exact extension of the western straight section of the HERA accelerator
* In other words, the TESLA tunnel will begin on
the DESY site in Hamburg and run in a
north-northwesterly direction through the district of
Pinneberg in Schleswig-Holstein
* The electron-positron collision zone lies on the
outskirts of Ellerhoop, some 16.5 kilometers from
DESY. When complete, the site will accommodate
the underground hall for particle physics experiments
and an X-ray laser facility. It will also house various supply and infrastructural facilities
* In addition, seven large supply halls, all with access to the tunnel, will be strategically
located along the route.
- H. Neal
- H. Neal
Free Electron Laser for X-rays
Extremely high beam currents would be produced at very low beam emittance, i.e. very high
beam quality. The basis of the FEL principle for wavelengths within the nanometer region
and below it can be summarized as follows: short electron bunches are made to emit
coherent synchrotron radiation while passing through a long undulator - a long magnetic
structure with rapidly alternating field directions. The goal of the TTF FEL is a unique
source of coherent radiation in the VUV range, i.e. with wavelengths of approx. 6
- H. Neal
- H. Neal
US involvement in TESLA
* APS/Argonne, Chicago, IL
* Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
* Fermilab, Batavia, IL
* Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory, Newport News, VA
* UCLA Dep.of Physics, Los Angeles, LA
- H. Neal
A 1 TeV machine
doesn't mean that that's
its limit.
Remember: LEPII got to
higher and higher
energies during a given
run with mini-ramps
using a similar concept.
Energy and luminosity
can be played against
each other.
D. Burke
- H. Neal
Photon-Photon Option would allow:
direct production of positive charge parity resonances such the SM
Higgs boson
production of heavy Higgs bosons with masses < 1.5 ECM
pair production of charged Higgs bosons with 10x the cross-section for
electron-positron collisions
- H. Neal
Upgrade Paths
Pulse structure most suitable for adding onto a warm LC.
- H. Neal
The LC Detector(s)
TESLA detectors
- H. Neal
Detector Challenges in Comparison to those for ATLAS/CMS
3-6 times closer inner vertex layer to the IP (higher vertexing precision),
30 times smaller vertex detector pixel sizes (improved position resolution andtwo-track
30 times thinner vertex detector layers (reduced multiple scattering and photon
6 times less material in the tracker (better momentum resolution and reduced photon
10 times better track momentum resolution (better event selection purity) and
200 times higher granularity of the electromagnetic calorimeter, enabling sophisticated
energy flow algorithms.
However, the radiation hardness requirements are significantly less than at the LHC.
- H. Neal
The NLC Large Detector Current Model
- H. Neal
- H. Neal
Large Detector Tracking Systems
- H. Neal
The Vertexing as an Example of Required R&D
The detector has to be
made tolerant to the
e+e- pairs produced at
whatever radius is
levels at JLC/NLC/TESLA
expected to be 100 to 1000x
higher than at SLC
the neutron backgrounds are
expected to be ~3 x 108
(also 100 to 1000x higher than at
- H. Neal
The background and bunch
stress the vertex detector
Background in VXD at 1.5 cm with B=3 Tesla
4x10-6 hits/pixel/bunch(NLC/JLC), 12x10-6 hits/pixel/bunch(TESLA)
Requirement for NLC/JLC ~8 msec readout time
Requirement for TESLA ~50 msec
(due to large number of bunches in a pulse train)
Expect to achieve a readout rate of 25µ50 MHz
Remaining factor of improvement can be obtained from increasing the number
of readout channel
JLC/NLC: ~36 for 25 MHz
TESLA: ~3000 readout amplifiers at 50 Mhz
- H. Neal
The detectors have to be
thinned to reduce multiplescattering and sensitivity to
Have to find a way to support
thinned structures without break them!
- H. Neal
- H. Neal
Estimated Detector Costs
- H. Neal
International Organizing Committee of the Worldwide Study of Physics and Detectors for Future Linear e+eColliders
* Charles Baltay, Yale University
* Sachio Komamiya, University of Tokyo
* David Miller, U. C. London
North American Committee Members
* Jim Brau, University of Oregon (USA)
* Robert Carnegie, (Canada)
* Paul Grannis, SUNY, Stony Brook (USA)
* Mark Oreglia, University of Chicago (USA)
* Charles Prescott, SLAC (USA)
Asian Committee Members
* Shinhong Kim, Tsukuba University (Japan)
* Joo Sang Kang, Korea University Seoul (Korea)
* Takayuki Matsui, KEK (Japan)
* G. P. Yeh, Taiwan
* Tao Huang, University of Beijing (China)
European Committee Members
* Michael Danilov, ITEP (Russia)
* Rolf Heuer, CERN/DESY (Germany)
* Marcello Piccolo, Frascati (Italy)
* Francois Richard, Orsay (France)
* Ron Settles, Munich (Germany)
- H. Neal
The American Linear Collider Physics Group
Jim Brau (U. Oregon,
Mark Oreglia (U. Chicago,
Executive committee:
1 Ed Blucher (University of Chicago,
1 Dave Gerdes (University of Michigan,
1 Lawrence Gibbons (Cornell,
1 Dean Karlen (University of Victoria,
1 Young-Kee Kim (University of California, Berkeley,
1 Hitoshi Murayama (University of California, Berkeley,
1 Jeff Richman (University of California, Santa Barbara,
1 Rick Van Kooten (Indiana University,
- H. Neal
Groups within the ALCPG
Detector and Physics Simulations
Vertex Detector
Particle I.D.
Muon Detector
Data Acquisition, Magnet, and Infrastructure
Interaction Regions, Backgrounds: Stan Hertzbach
IP Beam Instrumentation
New Physics at the TeV Scale and Beyond
Radiative Corrections (Loopverein)
Top Physics, QCD, and Two Photon
Precision Electroweak
gamma-gamma, e-gamma Options
e-eLHC/LC Study Group
- H. Neal
- H. Neal
Getting support from DOE
for University LC R&D
- H. Neal
- H. Neal
DESY PRESS INFORMATION, Hamburg, November 18, 2002
German Science Council Recommends International Accelerator Project TESLA
The German Science Council, an agency of the German government, assessed the TESLA project
planned by the research center DESY in cooperation with international partners to, be worthy of support
under certain conditions. The assessments of nine appraised large scale facilities for basic research in the
natural sciences have been published today. "We are very glad that the Science Council changed its first
positive statement about TESLA to the German federal government to a recommendation, and we are
looking forward to hear the upcoming evaluations" said Professor Albrecht Wagner, chairman of the
DESY Directorate, "since we have complied with the conditions posed by the Science Council".
The Science Council listed two conditions in its first evaluation statement: to detail the
project proposal for the superconducting electron-positron linear collider with respect to
international funding and cooperation, and to present a revised technical project proposal
for the TESLA X-ray laser version with a separate linear accelerator. In October, DESY sent
the corresponding papers to the Science Council: a draft for the administrative, organizational and
financial structures of an international linear collider collaboration and a complementary technical
project proposal for the X-ray laser as well as a respective memorandum for each theme, including the
current scientific-political developments. These papers will influence the further evaluation. The final
decision of the federal government regarding the TESLA project is expected in 2003.
TESLA stands for TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator - a particle accelerator facility operating at teraelectronvolt energy
which is being developed in an international collaboration. TESLA comprises of a 33-kilometer-long linear accelerator bringing
electrons into collision with their antiparticles, the positrons, and an X-ray laser laboratory. The special feature of the new facility: A
new type of superconducting accelerators allow collisions between particles at an extremely high level of energy and serve as a source
of intense and extremely short X-ray flashes with laser properties. The TESLA X-ray lasers will offer new perspectives for research in
different disciplines - from physics and chemistry to biology, materials research and medicine. TESLA is to be established
- H. Nealand
Here is a translation of today's press release from the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research. See for the original.
Andreas Kronfeld
thereby ensuring Germany's international top position in basic research
[Edelgard Bulmahn is the minister for research. There are four paragraphs in which she says how important basic
research in science is for Germany. I don't have time to translate it all. It says that 1.6 Billion Euro are planned for large
projects, and that these large projects require close international cooperation. Scroll down to ``Entscheidung über die
Großgeräte der naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagenforschung'', and I'll start from there.]
Decision on Large-scale Facilities for Basic Research in the Natural Sciences
- The reseach center DESY in Hamburg shall receive a new kind of free electron laser. Because of the location of
the site, Germany is prepared to carry half of the 673 million Euro investment cost. Discussions on European
cooperation will proceed expeditiously, so that in about two years a construction decision can be taken.
Constructionwill take about six years. Today no German site for the TESLA linear collider will be put forward.
This decision is connected to plans to operate this project within a world-wide collaboration. Therefore, one must wa
on developments abroad. On the question of site, it is neither sensible nor necessary for Germany to act alone.
DESY will, however, be allowed to continue its research work [on TESLA] in the existing international
framework, to facilitate German participation in a future global project.
- H. Neal
The decisions of the German Ministry for Education and Research concerning
TESLA was published on 5 February 2003:
DESY in Hamburg will receive the X-FEL
Germany is prepared to carry half of the 673 MEuro investment cost.
Discussions on European cooperation will proceed expeditiously, so that i
about two years a construction decision can be taken.
TESLA Collider
Today no German site for the TESLA linear collider will be put forward.
This decision is connected to plans to operate this project within a worldwide collaboration
DESY will continue its research work on TESLA in the existing
international framework, to facilitate German participation in a future
global project
- H. Neal
Consequences for the LC
path chosen by TESLA to move towards approval was recommended by the German Science Council and is
generally considered to be the fastest one.
will now take the other path used for international projects (e.g. ITER):
unite first behind one project with all its aspects, including the technology choice, and then
approach all possible governments in parallel in order to trigger the decision process and site selection.
'ICFA initiative
for an international co-ordination:
Asian SG
European SG
International LC SC
- H. Neal
LC: Phase I
J. Hewett
- H. Neal
Reconstructing the Higgs Potential
~ 4/4
V(H) = mH2H2/2 +vH3 + 
Baur, Plehn, Rainwater
Assume  =  = SM = mH2 /2v 2
Higgs self-coupling determined with
better accuracy at:
• LC for mH < 140 GeV
• LHC for mH > 140 GeV
LHC measurements improve with LC
input on Higgs properties
- H. Neal
Specific US Issues
What is the future for physics in the US????
If the only possibility is to build the facility in europe or Japan, will the US
government provide its share of the funding for a facility abroad?
Will the US physicists being content having the only major HEP facilities
outside the country?
What will become of Fermilab?
What will SLAC's role be even if the facility is built in the US?
How do you invision using the regional centers for students?
How to make the case to the government?
- H. Neal
University LC Accelerator & Detector R&D Funding
Individual Investigator's Desires
Guidance on projects
from Rogers, Himel,
and Finley
Consortia Proposals
Funding profile
from NSF
Review Committee
NSF Consortium
Funding profile
from DOE
Prioritized Recommendations
Guidance on priorities
from U.S. Physics & Detector
Group (Oreglia & Brau) and
International Group
(Hoyer et al)
Review Committee
DOE Consortium
Individual Investigators
July 14, 2003
American Linear Collider Workshop
- H. Neal
(from HEPAP report)
RECOMMENDATION 1: We recommend that the United States take steps to remain a world
leader in the vital and exciting field of particle physics, through a broad program of research focused
on the frontiers of matter, energy, space and time.
The U.S. has achieved its leadership position through the generous support of the American people.
We renew and reaffirm our commitment to return full value for the considerable investment made by
our fellow citizens. This commitment includes, but is not limited to, sharing our intellectual insights
through education and outreach, providing highly trained scientific and technical manpower to help
drive the economy, and developing new technologies that foster the health, wealth and security of
our nation and of society at large.
RECOMMENDATION 3: We recommend that the highest priority of the U.S. program be a
high-energy, high-luminosity, electron-positron linear collider, wherever it is built in the world.
This facility is the next major step in the field and should be designed, built and operated as a fully
international effort.
We also recommend that the United States take a leadership position in forming the international
collaboration needed to develop a final design, build and operate this machine. The U.S.
participation should be undertaken as a partnership between DOE and NSF, with the full
involvement of the entire particle physics community. We urge the immediate creation of a steering
group to coordinate all U.S. efforts toward a linear collider.
- H. Neal
Words of Motivation from Neil Calder:
In the last 10 years there has been a revolution in our concept of the Universe and the
realities of our new knowledge are much stranger than could have been imagined. The
ingredients of our universe were first accurately measured as recently as March this
year. The results are staggering - 4% Atoms, 23% Dark Matter, 73% Dark Energy.
The implications of this new understanding are enormous. We, and everything we can
see with our most powerful instruments, make up only 4% of the Universe. We are a
tiny minority. The rest is waiting to be discovered. We are at a turning point in the
history of knowledge. Has there ever been more compelling challenge for exploration?
The Linear Collider is the key to understanding this weird and wonderful universe that
we inhabit. Making precise measurements is the name of the game and only accelerator
based experiments can provide the controlled conditions needed to make sense of the
new cosmological observations. Measure, measure, measure is the imperative for
historic discoveries!
The Linear Collider will not only investigate new frontiers in physics and technology
but also in international science collaboration. This project will go ahead as a closely
coordinated international collaboration, with shared costs and shared benefits, on a scale
and scope never before seen in science. The US is the world’s foremost scientific nation.
Participation in the Linear Collider will reinforce this leadership and give our young
scientists the challenge of taking part in the most exciting scientific quest of the 21st
- H. Neal
Its an exciting time for high-energy physics and its exploration
through a new generation of high-energy colliders
The case for a high energy e+e- LC is strong
There are many opportunities for research and development and a
new push is being made to reenergize the effort in the US
While the path through the red-tape is not obvious and serious
thought is needed, the main focus should be on the importance of
the physics and the thorough design of the accelerator and detector.
- H. Neal