New Zealand

New Zealand
Made by: Oskov Alex
Teacher: L. S. Lapina
Ardatov School No.2
2009 year.
Geographical position
 Flag
 People
 Lifestyle
 Flora and Fauna
 Literature
New Zealand is an island country
in the Southwest Pacific Ocean.
New Zealand belongs to a large
island group called Polynesia.
The country is situated
on two main islandsthe North Island
and the South Island.
A notable feature of New Zealand's geography is the
country's great number of rivers. The Waikato River in the
North Island is New Zealand's longest river, measuring in at
425 km. New Zealand also has beautiful lakes; Lake Taupo
is the largest and lakes Waikaremoana and Wanaka are two
of the most beautiful.
Lake Taupo
Waikato River
lake Wailkaremoana
The New Zealand and Australian flags are very much alike.
With the British flag in the top left-hand corner, the New
Zealanders show the stars of the Southern Cross in red on a
blue field.
The first people who settled in New Zealand were brownskinned people called Maoris. They came from Polynesian
islands located northeast of New Zealand. First European
settled in the island in the beginning of the 18th century.
Today most New Zealanders are descendants of the early
European settlers. Maoris make up about 12 per cent of the
About four fifths of New Zealand’s population live in urban
areas. Traffic jams seldom occur, even in downtown areas.
Large cities have excellent restaurant, theatres, concert
halls. City life tends to be rather quiet. Near a fifth of
people live in rural areas. People live in their houses with a
small garden. Some of them live in isolation in farms and
ranchers. Its have electricity.
The greatest of the trees in New Zealand
is the kauri.
Kauris are tall, straight trees,
and their wood is excellent
for making boats and houses.
Today you cannot cut down
kauri trees, the few remaining are
now protected by law.
The tallest kauri in New Zealand
is Tane Mahuta; it is fifty-two
meters tall,
and more than 1,200 years old.
The most famous New Zealand’s bird is kiwi. It has
become the country’s symbol. It’s a small, tubby bird.
Despite the fact that nighttime is when they are most
active, they are still fairy lazy, sleeping for up to 20
hours a day
New Zealand is also the home of the tuatara, one of the
oldest types of animals in the world. They are about
sixty centimeters long and have a third ‘eye’ on the top
of their heads; tuataras sleep during the winter, and
they use their third eye to walk themselves up in spring.
It is a lizard-like reptile dating back to the age of the
dinosaurs. It may live over 100 years.