English 9B Day 1-March 18 Agenda book items/PRIDE videos & discussion Get to know you activity Day 2-Tuesday,March 19 Syllabus Hand in info form (syllabus) by FRIDAY Day 3-Wednesday, March 20 Watch the “Power of Words” Video on YouTube Day 4- Thursday, March 21 Watch video “The Daring Lesson” Video Link:http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/divided/etc/view.html Questions handout The daring lesson video questions Hand in Parent Info Form Hand out books – Read Prologue aloud. Day 5- Friday, March 22 Journal #2 – In a half page written, write what you find interesting so far about The Book Thief? Predict one thing that may happen in the book based on the prologue. Due for today – pages 1-15 (finish reading aloud pages 6-15); discuss while reading Pass out packets - begin reading pages 16-35 for Tuesday; work on questions as you read. Day 6- Monday, March 25 Journal #3 – Describe Hans Hubermann. In your life, to whom is he similar? Explain using examples. Discuss Questions from previous day and continue reading pages 36-55 while working on questions (due Wed) Quiz over Part 1 on Day 8 Day 7-Tuesday, March 26 Discuss (in groups) yesterday’s reading and questions Discuss the following topics as well: Hans Hubermann not supporting Hitler – why do you think he doesn’t? (pg 63) The Jesse Owens Incident and Rudy’s discussion with his father (56-59) Mr. Steiner’s contradictory political views (pg 59) Liesel’s fight (pgs 77-80) Read pages 56-80 (due Thurs) and work on questions Quiz over part 1 tomorrow! Day 8- Wednesday, March 27 Quiz over Part 1 (pages 1-80) Activity #1 – Color Activity - pass out and explain-This is homework Part 2 Quiz is Monday Day 9- Thursday, March 28 Hand in Journals 1-3. Begin reading pages 81-100 (part 2) Work on questions while reading – due on Monday Work on Activity #1 – Colors Defined - due on Day 11 Day 10 – Monday, April 8 Journal #4 – Finishing the The Gravedigger’s Handbook was something Liesel felt proud in doing. Describe a time when you completed something and felt happy or excited. Explain the situation in a half page. Hand in Colors Defined activity – share a few Discuss pages 81-100 (in groups) Go over assigned questions and then HAVE A DISCUSSION: Liesel is stealing her second book due to “anger and dark hatred.” What do you think this means? Hans spending what little he has on Liesel. How Rosa reacts to his choice in this matter. When the Rosa states about Liesel’s mom, “Who knows what they’ve done to her?” (95). What do you think this means? Why Rosa became so angry with Liesel and what her apology meant. Read pages 101-122 and complete questions for that section - due for Tuesday! Day11- Tuesday, April 9 Journal #5 – Read the Poem “Courage” and writes a response to it. How does Liesel display courage? Click here for poem Couragex2Go over previous quiz Discuss through pages 122 POINTS OF DISCUSSION: The point in the book burning? How did the Fuhrer’s birthday answer Liesel’s questions about her mom? (110-111, 115) What was Rosa worried about when she could not find the Nazi flag? (102) When it states that Hans juniors “silver in his eyes…had been Fuhrered.” (103). How are Hans and his son different? (104-05) Why did Hans smack Liesel? Explain the situation and what he was trying to do? (116-17) Who do you think saw her take the book? There’s a description of this person on page 122. Have you seen this description earlier in the novel? Courage Activity - Courage assignment – due on Monday Quiz over Part 2 tomorrow (pages 81-122)–this is cumulative, so you may see questions from part 1 as well! Day 12-Wednesday, April 10 Part 2 Quiz – through page 122 Part 3 Quiz on Day 15 Read pages 125 – 141, peach packet questions through # 18 and white packet through Complete questions Hand in Courage activity Day 13 –Thursday, April 11 Journal #6 – Liesel is intrigued and overwhelmed by the great number of books she sees. Why do you think this is so exciting to her? Explain a time when you have felt intrigued or excited by something that others may seem very simple. Discuss pages 125-141, questions 1-6 (peach packet) and through 18 in white packet. Read 142-160 for Friday – peach packet (part 3, through #15); white packet through #22 Day 14-Firday, April 12 Finish through 161-170 Watch One Survivor Remembers Video Part 3 Quiz on Monday after discussion of last nine pages. Day 15-Monday, April 15 Discuss Part 3 for a half hour to prep for quiz. Points of discussion: o The reason Max is going to 33 Himmel—what do they think based on what is said on page 169? o What Rudy and Liesel did during the summer to keep them busy. Discuss all of their o o o o thefts (161-170, 150-153). Why Ilsa Hermann is “damaged.” What Max’s journey might bring him. Who is Arthur Berg and why is he important? Who is Otto Sturm and what importance does he play on pages 161-170? Take Part 3 Quiz Part 4 Quiz on Day 19 No reading required for tomorrow! Day 16-Tuesday, April 16 Go over Part 2 Quiz Read pages 173 – 186 and complete questions 1- 10 in peach packet, and 23-24, 26 in white packet. Day 17-Wednesday, April 17 Go over Part 3 Quiz Points of discussion from pages 173-186 Who is Walter Kugler and what meeting where he and Hans arranging for “later on, in the night” (pgs. 159, 184)? Explain. How would Hans know Max Vandenburg? What is the story about Hans and Max’s father (Erik)? What were the two mistakes that Hans made? Why were these mistakes? Listen to pages 187-204 and complete questions Day 18- Thursday, April 18 Reading day– pages 205-238 Discuss toward the end of the hour (after the reading) Quiz over section 4 tomorrow! Day 19-Friday, April 19 Continue discussion/review from yesterday 1. Go through packet questions and discuss answers with group members Reread The Stand over Man pgs 223-236 and discuss the meaning behind it, i.e. the pictures, what it says, etc. Discuss how Max is treated by the Hubermanns. Explain the story of Erik Vandenburg and Hans Hubermann. How does Max know Walter? What does Walter do for Max? How has Rosa changed during this section? Take Part 4 Quiz Part 5 Quiz on Day 27 Day 20-Monday April 22 Introduce Theme Analysis Essay Choose a theme and find your lines today Read pages 241-248 (up to The Weatherman: Mid-May) In the reading, pay attention to: Rudy saving the book (he does not die of hypothermia); What do you think it says about Rudy when it states, “He’d [Rudy] have been glad to witness her [Liesel] kissing his dusty, bomb-hit lips” (242); What does Liesel take to Max on Thursdays? Max and Liesel often sat in the basement together doing what? Day 21- Tuesday, April 23 Teach thesis statement Hand Write Body paragraph 1 and 2 for essay – focus on your theme and use your example within the paragraph Read pages 248-257 (up to The Showdown: June 24) Day 22-Wednesday, April 24 Type body paragraph #1 and #2 Points of Emphasis from yesterday are reading (248-257): Explain Max’s fantasy; what else does Max do to pass time? What does he ask Liesel to do each day and why is this different coming from a child? Reread page 254 and focus on the words of Adolf Hitler to Max Vandenburg– this is what Max believes Hitler would say if this were the situation. Why would Hitler say this? What does it say about those who follow him? Why does Max tell Liesel that he wins? HOMEWORK: Read pages 257 from The Showdown to 271 Day 23-Thursday, April 25 Set up in MLA (handout) Finish body paragraph #3 and write conclusion Write Conclusion – In it, predict how you think the theme will continue throughout the final chapters of the novel, ending with your final thoughts on the theme. Points of emphasis from yesterday are reading (pgs 257-271): Why Liesel was in some ways “forced” to take The Whistler and her interaction with Ilsa Hermann. What the mayor said in the Molching Express about hard times. When Liesel says to Ilsa, “You think you’re the only one?”(262), what does this mean? Liesel says it’s her fault as the reason Rosa lost her last client. How does Rosa respond and what does this say about their relationship at this point? What does the 7 on the dice represent? What is wrong with Tommy Muller’s ears? Who is Franz Deutscher? Read pages 272 – 281 – The Losers and Sketches Day 24-Friday, April 26 Write an introduction to your essay – start with an attention getter, introduce the theme and define it and why you feel this is the overall theme of The Book Thief. Last sentence should be your thesis statement. Peer edit BY Sunday night! Points of emphasis from yesterday’s reading: Who is Viktor Chemmel and how does he treat Rudy and Liesel? What did Liesel find of Max’s and how did it make her feel? Homework – Read “The Whistler and the Shoes” pages 282 – 292 Finish any portion of the essay you maybe did not get to. You will do your final revisions on Monday and submit a final draft. Day 25-Monday, April 29 Complete revisions on essay and do final submittal. The revisions may be based off of your peer critiques. Submit to Theme Final Draft when ready! Must be submitted by class tomorrow for full credit. Points of emphasis from Friday are reading (282-292): Why was Rudy furious on his way home from Hitler Youth? What would make him feel better? Where was their next thievery and what did they get? Read 293 – 303 Day 26-Tuesday, April 30 Discuss 241-303 Quiz Day 27 over Part 5 Day 27-Wednesday, May 1 Part 5 Quiz! Part 6 Quiz on Day 30 Read pages 305 – 324 Day 28-Thursday, May 2 Read pages 325 – 338 Complete points of emphasis questions Day 29-Friday May 3 Discussion through page 338 (use questions as a basis for this) Read Pages 339 – 350 Part 6 quiz Monday! Day 30-Monday, May 6 o Part 6 Quiz o Part 7 Quiz on Day 35 o Begin Part 7 – pages 351 – 370 Day 31-Tuesday, May 7 Character drawing and poem activity Pages 371 – 384 Points of emphasis (351-370): Why was Hans suddenly getting work? What did he work for? What made him a good tradesman? What did Liesel do while Hans painted? Hans explains what Rosa used to be like, which was what? What did Liesel get to try that summer? What is Rudy prepping for? How long did he train and how did he do? What was the name of the next book Liesel gets? How does she get it? How is this situation different than the last time she got a book? Rudy goes and gets Liesel because of something he sees on Grande Strasse. What was it? Explain that situation. What happened after they took it? Day 32 –Wednesday, May 8 Hand in Character Sketch and poem Points of emphasis (371-384): Whose house did they use as a bomb shelter? How many people were in the basement? List the families (373). Liesel came up with a list of people who seemed most afraid based on the way they looked. Who were they? On page 376 Death describes his pity for the people at this time, but who does he pity more and why? In Sept. when the first alarms rang, what did Max do when everybody went to the shelter? We find out that the first raid was fake– what happened? The second one was not–how do we know? What did Liesel do in the basement that helped to distract the people? How is this situation different than when she was at school? Why didn’t Hans bring his accordion the second time? Read 385 -403 Day 33-Thursday, May 9 COWS for revisions 1. Print out your essay 2. Look at my comments and write/fix your mistakes on your printed document 3. Add details where it asks for details, etc. 4. Edit on your document and have others read it (adults)–you have the ENTIRE weekend! 5. If you can, print my comments! 6. This must be submitted by Monday at 8am. Continue reading after submitting Part 7 quiz on Monday Day 34 –Friday, May 10 Read pages 405 – 430 Day 35-Monday, May 13 Part 7 quiz; read pages 431-451 Revisions are due by the end of the day on WEDNESDAY! Submit to REVISION assignment! Before listening to comments: PRINT YOUR ESSAY FROM YOUR WORD DOCUMENT; then, sign in to turnitin and open up your graded essay. Look at the comments and write corrections on your essay and notes to make corrections; then, listen to the comments and write notes about it. You can pause to write. Day 36-Tuesday, May 14 Read for tomorrow – 452 – 471 POINTS OF EMPHASIS 407 – 451 “Dominoes and Darkness” 407 – 411 – How does Rudy’s little sister refer to the men in the kitchen? What do the dominoes represent? For the German party to want Rudy was considered a what? They did not take Rudy–why? What happened because of this? Had Rudy heard the final words of the two men, what would he have done? “The Thought of Rudy Naked” 412-415 – What is the point of this chapter? Why didn’t Rudy tell anybody about this? Who was the third boy? Why were the boys examined? Who did he end up telling about of that day after the men came? “Punishment” 416 – 419 – How does Hans punish himself? What was his true punishment? Who else was punished and for what? “The Promise Keeper’s Wife” 420 – 430 – What did Alex Steiner and Hans Hubermann do together? While there, what did Hans do and how did people react? On his way home, what did Hans accidentally do? In the morning, Rosa asks Liesel for a bucket…why? What does Hans ask Liesel to look after? Why would he ask her to do this of all things? What was his promise before leaving? After Rudy’s dad leaves, what does Rudy set out to do? What did Liesel see Rosa doing late one night into the morning? Why was witnessing of this considered “great beauty” (429)? “The Collector” 431 – 437 – What were the jobs of Rudy and Hans in the war? Where were they sent? Why was Hans’ job dangerous? What did they call themselves? Why do you think it is important that we know that they all “owned” a seat in the truck they drove? Why was Hans’ letter so short? What was Hans doing when Death visited? Hans trips over something…what is it and what happens a few moments later? “The Bread Eaters” 438 – 441 – Why was Frau Holtzapfel one of Liesel’s favorite distractions now? How many more parades of Jews occurred between Oct. and Dec? What did Liesel look for? What did she and Rudy do one day when a group of Jewish people marched? What happened because of this? “The Hidden Sketchbook” 442 – 451 – Describe the hidden sketchbook–where was it hidden? Who was it for? What did it mean? Explain its contents and the importance of them. Day 37-Wednesday, May 15 o Discuss pages 407-471 (see POE handout) o Read 472 – 493 o Part 8-10 Quiz on Day 40 Day 38-Thursday, May 16 READING DAY! Discuss pages 472-493 Read – 495 – 528 Day 39-Friday, May 17 Finish Book Thief – Final Quiz Monday (part 10) Discuss POE handout BRING TEXTBOOKS for Day 40 Day 40-Monday, May 20 GOAL: Students will demonstrate knowledge for the final chapters of the novel. Discuss final chapters Book Thief Final Quiz (parts 8- 10) BRING TEXTBOOKS! Day 41-Tuesday, May 21 Listen to song – R&J Watch Shakespeare Video and take notes on pages 2 & 3 Complete page 4 by reading pages 690-693 in textbook Quiz Day 42 over pages 2&3 – Shakespeare Introduction Day 42-Wednesday, May 22 Quiz over Shakespeare introduction (pages 2-3 in packet) Day 46 is your next quiz AFTER QUIZ: Define words from packets (page 5)–look in purple section of textbook for literary term definitions Assignment given for the Prologue of Act 1 (group work) 1. Read page 698 in book–the little bubbles are defined in the right margins (use these to help with your activity) 2. On page 7 in packet, you and your group need to write what each of the lines mean (in your own words) 3. As a group, choose 8 to 10 lines that you can visually represent 4. Draw a picture/pictures to represent the lines (if you do not get done, each person can have their own drawing to work on for tomorrow)–due tomorrow at the beginning of the hour. 5. Make sure the lines are written on your visual. Day 43-Thursday, May 23 Go over Prologue Group Assignments and interpret prologue in packet Begin reading Act 1, scene 1 – up through the Prince’s monologue to the Capulets and Montagues Answer questions 1 & 1-2 for Act 1, Scene 1 Day 44-Friday, May 24 Continue Reading Act 1, Scenes (finish 1) and complete 2-3 Day 45-Monday, May 27 Finish Act 1, Scenes 4-5 Quiz over Act 1 TOMORROW! Day 46-Tuesday, May 28 Short lesson by link crew (half hour) Act 1 Quiz Act 2 Quiz on Day 50 Begin Act 2, scene 1 Day 47-Wednesday, May 29 HOMEWORK: Mask Activity due on Friday (assignment in R&J Study Guide at end of Act 1 questions) – DUE FRIDAY! Act 2, Scene 2 (listen to Act 2, Scene 2 on CD after reading) Day 48-Thursday, May 30 Watch Act 1 of movie (end after the party) Act 2 Balcony scene activity (on own) – due at end of hour Day 49-Friday, May 31 Finish Act 2, Scenes 3-6 (listen to 3&4; read 5&6) Quiz on Day 53 over ACT 2 Masks are due on Monday! Day 50-Monday, June 3 Turn in Masks! Act 2 quiz Act 2 Movie Hand out extra credit project (due Mon. Nov. 26) Day 51-Tuesday, June 4 Begin Act 3, Scenes 1-3 Quiz over Act 3 Day 52-Wednesday, June 5 Finish Act 3 – quiz tomorrow Hand out Personal Essay Assignment Day 53-Thursday, June 6 Quiz over Act 3 Watch Act 3 Day 54-Friday, June 7 Begin Act 4, Scenes 1-3 Extra Credit projects due on Monday, Nov. 26! Hand out final exam essay assignment – we will finish these in class on Mon, Nov. 26 (due at end of our) Quiz over Act 4 & 5 on Day 57 Day 55-Monday, June 10 Finish Act 4 Make up quizzes! Extra Credit projects due on Hand out Figurative Language practice – use this as part of your study guide for the exam! Work on Essay Day 56-Monday, March 11 Read Act 5 Go over fig. lang. handout from yesterday Finish movie Work on Essay Extra Credit projects due on Mon, Nov. 26! ACT 4&5 Quiz tomorrow! Day 57- Tuesday, March 12 Quiz over Act 4 & 5 Essay is due at the end of the hour for exams Day 58-Wednesday, March13 Full Day, Zero hour and 1st Hour Exams Day 59- Thursday, March 14 2nd and 3rd Hour Exams ½ day Day 60-Friday, March 15, 3rd and 4th hour exams ½ day