By Edward BooTT
way, way back many centuries ago...
Before Sophocles was even born a revolution
took place. This was the birth of theatre where
ritual rites turned into performances and a group
of dances (called a chorus) grew out of these
....a few years later...
Over time this
chorus altered and
formed a group of
about 15 performers
that worked as a
unit and through
song and dance
Thespians Are Born
Then suddenly one
man decided to step
away from his chorus
and say part of the
story by himself, he
was called Thespis,
and people who
followed his methods
are still called
Thespians to this
day!!!! The actor was
So... What about SOPHOCLES?
Sophocles however didn’t like the idea of just one actor,
or the idea of two which was bought in by Aeschylus –
he wanted 3 and so he did!!! This led the way for more
and more actors to be introduced over the centuries!
Although still, Sophocles kept the idea of the Chorus who
danced and sang sections of the story and broke a play
into episodes – or between songs (in which the actors
Sophocles’ Work
Sophocles wrote more than 120 plays during the
course of his life; although the majority have
been lost and never been found, although 7 do
 He was the first playwright to look in depth at
characters as a result of his inclusion of the third
 Throughout his life he won many awards even
though he was in great competition with his
The Theban Plays
Sophocles’ most famous works
are those of his Theban Plays.
 The Theban Plays consist of
three plays: Antigone, Oedipus
the King & Oedipus at Colonus.
 All three plays concern the fate
of Thebes during and after the
reign of King Oedipus.
 The three plays are not a true
trilogy even though they are
often presumed to be when in
actual fact they are written
over 40 years.