SIOP Model Lesson Plan Template Course: _EDBL 3321-001_____ Semester: _Spring____ Name: Maria Johnson______ English Language Arts and Reading- (2)(D), (3)(B), (6)(A)(D) TEKS Standards Social Studies- (12)(A) ELPS- (1) (A) (E), (3) (B) (E) Theme Lesson topic Content objective(s) Community Family Upon completion of the lesson, the student will be able to identify and give examples of family members and their roles. Language Objective(s) Learning strategies Key vocabulary Upon completion of the lesson, the student will be able to recite and discuss family member titles and be able to verbally provide examples in conversation. Metacognitive- The student will be introduced to the topic with the video, and after will be asked to make a connection by brainstorming what they think the video was about, and what they will be learning about. Cognitive- The student will use the flashcards provided as a visual to make connections to the family members. Social/Affective- The student will work in a group to complete the family invader game. Family, mom, dad, parents, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, grandparents, son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, mother,father Materials Lesson Plan Sequences Time (30 minutes) Building background (Activities to link to The student will watch the video, ESL Family Video, at prior, and the family learning/knowledge) video at Texas A&M University-San Antonio, modified by Hsiao-ping Wu, Ph.D. (40 minutes) Comprehensible input (presentation of language & content objectives, presentation of new information) to introduce them to the topic. The teacher will discuss the videos with them afterwards, and answer any questions. The teacher will ask if anyone could tell what the videos were about from the pictures. She will then have the students brainstorm what they think the videos were about, and what they think the lesson will be about, and draw or write it on a blank sheet of paper. After the presentation of objectives: The teacher will hand out the worksheet, All About Me, and the class will complete it together with the teacher, with the teacher giving the students the new English vocabulary as needed. The teacher will help with each line and section of the worksheet, paying special attention to the new information on the worksheet, such as how many people are in the family, who lives with them, drawing a picture of their family, and what they want to be when they grow up. As the worksheet is completed, the teacher should discuss the fact that they belong to a family, and everyone’s family is different. The teacher will call all of the students to the carpet, so they can sit in a circle. Each student should share his answers with the class. The teacher will introduce additional family members through the use of flash cards that contain a picture of the family member, followed by the word. The teacher will ask as each new flashcard is introduced, if anyone knows what the picture is? For the first time through, it is okay for them to identify it in their home language, but the teacher will also introduce the English word, and have everyone repeat it. The teacher will model what each picture/word is, pronounce it several times, and have the students repeat it back first as a class, and then individually. Learning strategies Metacognitive- The student will be introduced to the topic with the video, and after will be asked to make a connection by brainstorming what they think the video was about, and what they will be learning about. Cognitive- The student will use the flashcards provided as a visual to make connections to the family members. Texas A&M University-San Antonio, modified by Hsiao-ping Wu, Ph.D. Social/Affective- The student will work in a group to complete the family games. Interaction (40 minutes) Practice & Application (Meaningful activities, interaction, strategies, feedback) (20 minutes) Review & Assessment The students will interact directly with the teacher during the All About Me worksheet, and during the flashcard activity. The students will work in groups during the Family games. The teacher will have the students break into groups of 3-4 students. Each group will be given the family board game, a die, and 3-4 marking chips. The students will rock-paper-scissors to see who goes first. The students will roll the die and move to the corresponding space and answer the question in the box. The game is designed to allow the students to learn more about each other’s family. When completed: The teacher will hand out the worksheet, Family Tree Worksheet. The students will fill in the worksheet using the family vocabulary they have learned. Review key vocabulary: family, mom, dad, brother, sister, parents, grandmother, grandfather, daughter, son, mother, father, grandson, granddaughter Review key concepts: family, family roles, community Assessment : Have each student recite the vocabulary to their partner. Hold up the flashcards with just the pictures, and have the students recite the appropriate vocabulary. Have each student tell their partner about their families, including how many are in their family. Texas A&M University-San Antonio, modified by Hsiao-ping Wu, Ph.D. Extension The students will take home the space invader family board game to play at home with their families. The teacher will explain that families are part of a community, and because community helpers will be the next lesson, the students are to go home and think about any community helpers that they know of, draw a picture of them, and bring it back the next day. Texas A&M University-San Antonio, modified by Hsiao-ping Wu, Ph.D.