. Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Integrated Compliance Information System ICIS Case File Web Design Version 1.8 REVISED FINAL July 14, 2015 . OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Document Change History Version Number Date Description 0.1 4/2/2014 Initial Draft Release 1.0 4/29/2014 1.1 July 9, 2014 ICIS Case File Incorporated EPA Comments Updated design to allow Federal users to select Case File Type from Global Navigation menu Combined the Identify Linked Pathway Activities BGP and Set Status Type BGP into single Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type BGP Updated Sub Activity screen to new look and feel Added Section 8. Case File List Screens Removed CF-046 Removed rule that if CAA is selected for Federal Case Files then must select at least Air, RMP, or ICIS Facility Interest. Removed UDF 6 from the Search screen. Updated Section 9.1 to clarify that the BGP is called when the user enters or updates the Other Pathway Activities or Dates. Updated Section 9.1 to NOT copy linked Addressing Action/Date to linked Resolving Action/Date. Added error messages for CF-055 and CF-056 Updated CF-057 to reference Case File instead of Compliance Determination in the error message. Updated CF-073 to include the descriptions for the ERP values. Removed CF-074 and CF-105 Added # of Claims to CF-152 Added CF-210, CF-211, and CF-213 Updated CF-163 and CF-164 to clarify that they only apply if Violation Class = HPV Updated CF-195 to reference HPV Status instead of FRV Status Updated CF-196 – CF-199 to clarify that the Add/Link button is on the Edit Federal activity screen. Added error message for CF-198 Updated the Data Element Mapping to show that Case File Name is conditionally required. Updated the Data Element Mapping to shw that the Sensitive Data Flag will be set by the application. Added the Search, Clear, and Cancel buttons to the top of the Search Case File screen. Updated screens and Section 1 text to reflect that the Case File Identifier will only have data entry fields for the parts of the ID that are editable by the user. i OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Version Number Date 1.2 August 4, 2014 Description 1.3 August 27, 2014 1.4 September 10, 2014 Updated Add/Edit screens to standardize display of Case File Identifier Added Search, Clear, and Cancel buttons to top of Search screen. Removed the error messages for CF-138 and CF-139 Updated CF-081 and all Air screens to hyperlink the Activity Identifier to the View/Edit screen of the activity. Added CF-157B to require the Air Violation level FRV Determination Date to be less than or equal to HPV Day Zero Date. Updated DA screens to show that Programs is type-ahead text instead of checkboxes. Updated CF-095 to specify that Addressing Milestones are determined based on the Ref_Sub_Activity_Type.Addressing_Action_Fla g = Y. Updated data element mapping to specify that State must be a valid state in Ref_State where usage_indicator= N or B Updated for Air-1960. Remove “Must enter Federal Statute before selecting Method of Discovery” from the non-Air Case file screen. Updated for Air-1687, Air-1748. Changed logic for filtering NEI Action Types. The user must first select appropriate National Enforcement Initiatives. The NEI Action Types are filtered and displayed based on NEIs selected. 1.5 September 26, 2014 Updated CF-082 to add that ‘Under Enforcement Review’ will display for users with Enforcement Sensitive Privileges attempting to view a sensitive record outside of their geography. 1.6 December 5, 2014 Added requirements CF-157C – CF 157F to default FRV Determination Date per CR AIR1037 Updated FRV Determination Date in the Data Elements Mapping to show that FRV Determination Date defaults to the current date on Add Added requirements CF-052A, CF-052B, CF071A, and CF-071B, per CR AIR-1962 Added requirement CF-071C, per CR AIR-2203 Updated Search Case Files sample screen to show default values, per CRs AIR-1962 and AIR-2203. Updated Section 9.1.1 and requirement CF-087 to incorporate new Linked Discovery Action logic, per CR AIR-1030. Updated Figure 2.2 2. Global Navigation – Federal User (Air), per CR AIR-984. ICIS Case File ii OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Version Number Date 1.7 March 31, 2015 Description 1.8 April 21, 2015 1.9 July 14, 2015 ICIS Case File Text changes to clarify that a linked EA must have a Final Order for an Air Interest to set Case File Status to Resolved and that if multiple linked EAs qualify as the Resolving action and have the same latest Air Resolved Milestone Actual Date, the EA with the highest Activity ID is used. Table 9.1-5 and Business Rule CF-101 Text changes to clarify existing functionality for how facilities are populated Table 2.3-1, 4.3-1 Updated for CR Air-1782: o Section 2.0 narrative, Table 2.1-1, Table 2.3-1 o Section 7.0 narrative, Table 7.3-1 o Table 8.1-1, Table 8.1-2, Table 8.1-3 o Figure 8.2-5, 8.2-7 o Requirements: CF-200 to CF-223 Updated Screen Navigation Actions sections to reflect the actual behavior of the Cancel buttons (this is a documentation update only): Tables 2.1-1 and 4.1-1 Updated screen titles from “Related” to “Linked”. Added missing business rule CF-224. Updated for Air-3044: Added text to Search Compliance Monitoring describing autocomplete behavior for City Name. Per Air-2201, updated Figure 9.1-1, updated Table 9.1-1, updated requirement CF-102, and added requirements CF-102A to CF-102H for flagging Other Addressing Action/Date that was set based on Other Resolving Action/Date, and added Table 9.1-2 for sample scenarios. Per Air-1940, updated Figures 2.2-6, 2.2-10, 2.2-13, 4.2-3, 4.2-7, and 4.2-10 to show warning message above Comment field. Per Air-2297, added requirement CF-147A and updated DEM for Consultation Dates sort order. Per Air-2540/Air-1956, updated business rule CF-065 and Data Elements Mapping, and added text to the Search Case File introduction for the Air DA filter and rank order for Air Programs. Per DR Air-3436, added business rule CF-225 to not allow Program System Acronym to be FRS for Federal non-Air Case Files. iii OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 CASE FILE IDENTIFIER ............................................................................................................ 1 1.2 SUMMARY OF CHANGES FROM CURRENT ICIS FOR INITIAL RELEASE OF ICIS-AIR............... 3 2. ADD CASE FILE ...................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 SCREEN NAVIGATION ACTIONS.............................................................................................. 7 2.2 SAMPLE SCREEN .................................................................................................................... 9 2.3 USE CASE ............................................................................................................................. 21 3. SEARCH CASE FILES .......................................................................................................... 24 3.1 SCREEN NAVIGATION ACTIONS............................................................................................ 25 3.2 SAMPLE SCREEN .................................................................................................................. 25 3.3 USE CASE ............................................................................................................................. 29 4. EDIT CASE FILE ................................................................................................................... 30 4.1 SCREEN NAVIGATION ACTIONS............................................................................................ 30 4.2 SAMPLE SCREEN .................................................................................................................. 31 4.3 USE CASE ............................................................................................................................. 43 5. ADD/EDIT AIR VIOLATION .............................................................................................. 46 5.1 SCREEN NAVIGATION ACTIONS............................................................................................ 46 5.2 SAMPLE SCREEN .................................................................................................................. 46 5.3 USE CASE ............................................................................................................................. 48 6. DELETE CASE FILE ............................................................................................................ 50 6.1 SCREEN NAVIGATION ACTIONS............................................................................................ 50 6.2 SAMPLE SCREEN .................................................................................................................. 50 6.3 USE CASE ............................................................................................................................. 51 7. LINK/UNLINK CASE FILE ................................................................................................. 52 7.1 SCREEN NAVIGATION ACTIONS............................................................................................ 52 7.2 SAMPLE SCREEN .................................................................................................................. 53 7.3 USE CASE ............................................................................................................................. 56 8. CASE FILE LIST SCREENS ................................................................................................ 57 8.1 SCREEN NAVIGATION ACTIONS............................................................................................ 58 8.2 SAMPLE SCREEN .................................................................................................................. 63 9. CASE FILE BACKGROUND PROCESSING .................................................................... 70 9.1 IDENTIFY LINKED PATHWAY ACTIVITIES AND SET CASE FILE STATUS TYPE....................... 70 9.1.1 Identify Linked Discovery Action .............................................................................................................. 82 9.1.2 Identify Linked Notification Action ........................................................................................................... 84 9.1.3 Identify Linked Addressing Action ............................................................................................................ 85 9.1.4 Identify Linked Resolving Action............................................................................................................... 87 9.1.5 Set Case File Status Type .......................................................................................................................... 90 9.2 SET ENFORCEMENT RESPONSE POLICY ................................................................................ 91 ICIS Case File iv OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE 10. REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................ 94 11. DATA ELEMENTS MAPPING ........................................................................................ 131 APPENDIX A: ACRONYMS .................................................................................................. 162 List of Tables Table 1.2-1. Case File Add Screen Combinations .........................................................................................................4 Table 1.2-2. Add Case File Prepopulation Sources .......................................................................................................7 Table 2.1-1. Screen Navigation: Add Case File ............................................................................................................7 Table 2.3-1. Use Case: Add Case File ......................................................................................................................... 22 Table 3.1-1. Screen Navigation: Search Case Files ..................................................................................................... 25 Table 3.3-1. Use Case: Search Case File ..................................................................................................................... 29 Table 4.1-1. Screen Navigation: View/Edit Case File ................................................................................................. 30 Table 4.3-1. Use Case: Edit Case File ......................................................................................................................... 43 Table 5.1-1. Screen Navigation: Add/Edit Case File Air Violations ........................................................................... 46 Table 5.3-1. Use Case: Add/Edit Case File Air Violation ........................................................................................... 49 Table 6.1-1. Screen Navigation: Delete Case File ....................................................................................................... 50 Table 6.3-1. Use Case: Delete Case File ..................................................................................................................... 51 Table 7.1-1. Screen Navigation: Link Case File .......................................................................................................... 53 Table 7.1-2. Screen Navigation: Unlink Case File ...................................................................................................... 53 Table 7.3-1. Use Case: Link Case File ........................................................................................................................ 56 Table 7.3-2. Use Case: Unlink Case File ..................................................................................................................... 56 Table 8-1. Modules with Case File List Screens ......................................................................................................... 57 Table 8-2. Summary of User Access to Case File Tabs/Sub Links ............................................................................. 58 Table 8.1-1. Screen Navigation: Link/Unlink <Module> ............................................................................................ 58 Table 8.1-2.Case File List Screen Details .................................................................................................................... 59 Table 8.1-3.Add/Link Case File List Dropdown Options ............................................................................................ 63 Table 9.1-1. Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type Processing ...................................... 74 Table 9.1-2. System Generation of Other Addressing Action/Date based on Other Resolving Action/Date Scenarios ............................................................................................................................................................................ 78 Table 9.1-3. Identify Linked Discovery Action Processing ......................................................................................... 82 Table 9.1-4. Identify Linked Notification Action Processing ...................................................................................... 85 Table 9.1-5. Identify Linked Addressing Action Processing ....................................................................................... 86 Table 9.1-6. Identify Linked Resolving Action Processing ......................................................................................... 88 Table 9.1-7. Set Case File Status Type Processing ...................................................................................................... 90 Table 9.2-1. Set Enforcement Response Policy Processing ......................................................................................... 92 Table 10-1. Case File Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 94 Table 11-1. Case File Data Element Mapping ........................................................................................................... 131 List of Figures Figure 2.2-1. Global Navigation – Federal User (FE&C) ..............................................................................................9 Figure 2.2-2. Global Navigation – Federal User (Air) ...................................................................................................9 Figure 2.2-3: Global Navigation – Delegated Agency User ........................................................................................ 10 Figure 2.2-4. Add Delegated Agency Case File: Air Case File ................................................................................... 11 Figure 2.2-5. Add Delegated Agency Case File: Air Case File Continued ................................................................. 12 Figure 2.2-6. Add Delegated Agency Case File: Air Case File Continued ................................................................. 13 Figure 2.2-7. Add Federal Case File: Air Case File with NEI ..................................................................................... 14 ICIS Case File v OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 2.2-8. Add Federal Case File: Air Case File with NEI Continued ................................................................... 15 Figure 2.2-9. Add Federal Case File: Air Case File with NEI Continued ................................................................... 16 Figure 2.2-10. Add Federal Case File: Air Case File with NEI Continued ................................................................. 17 Figure 2.2-11. Add Federal Non-Air Case File ........................................................................................................... 18 Figure 2.2-12. Add Federal Non-Air Case File Continued .......................................................................................... 19 Figure 2.2-13. Add Federal Non-Air Case File Continued .......................................................................................... 20 Figure 2.2-14. Add Case File: Facilities from Add/Link Case File ............................................................................. 21 Figure 3.2-1. Search Case Files ................................................................................................................................... 26 Figure 3.2-2. Search Case Files Continued .................................................................................................................. 27 Figure 3.2-3. Search Case Files Continued .................................................................................................................. 28 Figure 3.2-4. Search Case File Results ........................................................................................................................ 29 Figure 4.2-1. Edit Delegated Agency Case File: Air Case File ................................................................................... 32 Figure 4.2-2. Edit Delegated Agency Case File: Air Case File Continued .................................................................. 33 Figure 4.2-3. Edit Delegated Agency Case File: Air Case File Continued .................................................................. 34 Figure 4.2-4. Edit Federal Air Case File with NEI ...................................................................................................... 35 Figure 4.2-5. Edit Federal Air Case File with NEI Continued..................................................................................... 36 Figure 4.2-6. Edit Federal Air Case File with NEI Continued..................................................................................... 37 Figure 4.2-7. Edit Federal Air Case File with NEI Continued..................................................................................... 38 Figure 4.2-8. Edit Federal Non-Air Case File.............................................................................................................. 39 Figure 4.2-9. Edit Federal Non-Air Case File Continued ............................................................................................ 40 Figure 4.2-10. Edit Federal Non-Air Case File Continued .......................................................................................... 41 Figure 4.2-11. Add/Edit Sub Activities (Air) .............................................................................................................. 42 Figure 4.2-12. Add/Edit Sub Activities (Non-Air) ...................................................................................................... 42 Figure 4.2-13. Add/Edit Sensitive Comments ............................................................................................................. 43 Figure 5.2-1. Add/Edit Air Violations ......................................................................................................................... 47 Figure 5.2-2. Add Air Violation .................................................................................................................................. 48 Figure 6.2-1. Delete Case File ..................................................................................................................................... 51 Figure 7.2-1. Air Delegated Agency List of Case Files Linked to the Case File ......................................................... 54 Figure 7.2-2. Air Delegated Agency List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the Case File (EPA User) ............... 55 Figure 8.2-1. List of Case Files Linked to the Facility (EPA menu) ........................................................................... 64 Figure 8.2-2. List of Case Files Linked to the Facility (State menu) ........................................................................... 65 Figure 8.2-3. List of Case Files Linked to the Facility (LCON menu) ........................................................................ 65 Figure 8.2-4. List of Case Files Linked to the Enforcement Action ............................................................................ 66 Figure 8.2-5. List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the Enforcement Action ...................................................... 67 Figure 8.2-6. List of Case Files Linked to the Compliance Monitoring Activity ........................................................ 68 Figure 8.2-7. List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the CM Activity .................................................................. 69 Figure 9.1-1. Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type ....................................................... 72 Figure 9.1-2. Identify Linked Discovery Action ......................................................................................................... 82 Figure 9.1-3. Identify Linked Notification Action ....................................................................................................... 84 Figure 9.1-4. Identify Linked Addressing Action ........................................................................................................ 86 Figure 9.1-5. Identify Linked Resolving Action .......................................................................................................... 88 Figure 9.1-6. Set Case File Status Type....................................................................................................................... 90 Figure 9.2-1. Set Enforcement Response Policy ......................................................................................................... 92 ICIS Case File vi OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE 1. INTRODUCTION This design document includes both Federal and Delegated Agency Case Files and replaces the ICIS Compliance Determination design document. Case File is the new name for the ICIS Compliance Determination module. Once the Regulatory Agency has determined that there are one or more issues warranting additional research or analysis as potential violations, they begin compiling the information in the Case File. ICIS-Air users will use the Air Violations screen of the Case File module to record data about claims of potential violations. ICIS-Air users will connect the discovery actions that identified or confirmed issues, any actions taken to inform the facility, and any addressing and resolving actions on the Case File. These actions are the Case File’s Pathway Activities and can be user-entered or system-generated based on the activities linked to the Case File. Case Files reported by ICIS-Air users include both federal and non-federal case files. Nonfederal case files will be referred to as Delegated Agency (DA) Case Files and include actions issued by State, Tribal and LCON agencies. The types of Case Files are: Air Case File National Enforcement Initiative (NEI) Determination Air Case File with NEI Deficiency Detected Violation Detected Case Screening No Violation No Deficiency Delegated Agency Case Files will have Type set to Air Case File (values that are set by the system cannot be changed by the user), while Federal users will have the option to choose any type for Federal Case Files. 1.1 CASE FILE IDENTIFIER The Case Identifier has a geographic component and a unique identifier component. An HQ user entering a Federal Case File record will select from all Region values (default value is HQ but can be edited) to populate the Region/State portion of the Case File Identifier. For a Regional user entering a Federal Case File record, the value for Region/State in the Case File Identifier will be set to the Region associated with the User ID. A value that is defaulted by the system can be edited by the user, while a value that is set by the system cannot. A Delegated Agency Case File record cannot be identified as both an LCON and a State Case File. For a State or Tribe user, the system will set the value for Region/State in the Case File Identifier to the State/Tribe associated with the User ID. LCON will be set to 000. For an LCON user, the system will set the value for Region/State in the Case File Identifier to the State ICIS Case File 1 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE associated with the User ID and will set the value for LCON to the LCON assigned to the User ID. A Regional user assisting in entry of a State Case File must select from all State/Tribe values within their Region to populate the Region/State portion of the Case File Identifier. A Regional user entering an LCON Case File must do the same. If a State is selected, LCON values will be filtered based on the State selected. An HQ user assisting in entry of a State Case File must select from all State/Tribe values to populate the Region/State portion of the Case File Identifier. An HQ user entering an LCON Case File must do the same. If a State is selected, LCON values will be filtered based on the State selected. For all users entering Delegated Agency Case Files, the Region Code, which is stored in the database as part of the activity’s geographic data, will be system-generated based on the State/Tribe value defaulted or selected and will be non-editable. Users only will be able to add, edit, and delete a Case File within their own jurisdiction (e.g. Alabama state users may edit data for Alabama; Region 1 users may edit data for states, tribes, or LCONs within their region). For Federal records, the Case File Identifier will be system generated based on the value populated in the Region/State field. The following is the format of the Case File Identifier for Federal records: Positions 1-2: HQ or Region Code based on the Case File Region value Positions 3-5: '000' Position 6: Program Code, ‘F’ for Federal records Positions 7–25: numeric increment that is unique to the combination within a common value for positions 1–6 (i.e., must be unique within Region), variable in length with maximum of 25 alphanumeric characters total for the entire Case File Identifier. For Delegated Agency records, the Case File Identifier will be system generated based on the values populated in the Region/State and LCON fields. The following is the format of the Case File Identifier for Delegated Agency records: Positions 1-2: State or Tribe Code based on the Case File State value Positions 3-5: LCON code based on the Case File LCON value. If no value exists, use '000' Position 6: Program Code, ‘A’ for Air DA records Positions 7–25: numeric increment that is unique to the combination within a common value for positions 1–6 (i.e., must be unique within LCON, State, or Tribe), variable in length with maximum of 25 alphanumeric characters total for the entire Case File Identifier. When displayed on Add screens, the Case File ID will have data entry boxes only for the parts of the ID that are editable by the user who is adding the record (e.g., there will be a State dropdown if a State Enforcement Action is entered by an EPA user). Any parts of the Case File Identifier ICIS Case File 2 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE that cannot be entered by the user will be displayed as text. On Edit screens, the Case File Identifier will be displayed as text only. The following functions are available for the Case File module: Add Search/Search Results View/Edit Add, Edit, and Delete Air Violations (for Air records only) Delete Link/Unlink. 1.2 SUMMARY OF CHANGES FROM CURRENT ICIS FOR INITIAL RELEASE OF ICIS-AIR The following is a summary of changes from existing ICIS Compliance Determination functionality: Compliance Determination has been renamed to Case File, and the entire module has been redesigned. Sub Activities and Related Activities are only available for Federal Case Files, and the functionality for those areas has not changed from ICIS Compliance Determination. Delegated Agency Case Files can be created. Previously, only Federal Compliance Determination records could be created. The Search capability has been expanded to allow the user to search on most of the new Case File fields. Current ICIS does not support sensitive comments for Compliance Determination activities. Air Case Files can have multiple sensitive comments. Current ICIS supports only one non-sensitive comment for a Compliance Determination activity. All Case Files can have multiple non-sensitive comments. Current ICIS does not support recording specific violations related to a Compliance Determination. Air Case Files can have multiple Air Violations. Current ICIS does not have the concept of Pathway Activities. Air Case Files can have four Pathway Activities – Discovery Action, Notification Action, Addressing Action, and Resolving Action – either entered by the user or system generated based on linked activities. Current ICIS does not have a Compliance Determination Identifier. Case Files have a Case File Identifier consisting of the Region/State Code, LCON Code, Program Code, and a system-generated unique identifier. Current ICIS does not support the concept of a Lead Agency for Compliance Determination activities. Case Files have a Lead Agency field that is defaulted on Add, but can be changed by the user. ICIS Case File 3 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE 2. ADD CASE FILE This section provides a summary of screen navigation, sample screens, and a use case for the Add Case File function. The Case File screens consist of many of the same fields but are slightly different depending on the Case File Type. Table 1.2-1. Case File Add Screen Combinations describes differences between the Add screens based on Case File Type: Table 1.2-1. Case File Add Screen Combinations User-Provided Information: Fed or DA Case File Type DA Air Case File Fed Air Case File Set/Defaulted fields Set Status Type Default Lead Agency Set Program System Acronym (Air Facility only) Set Federal Statute Other notes: -1 Facility only and must be Air -Law Section does not appear on DA screen and is saved as “Other” - Consultation Date is not editable. Set Status Type Default Lead Agency Other notes: -1 Facility only and must be Air - Consultation Date is editable. Fed Air Case File with NEI Set Status Type Default Lead Agency Other notes: -1 Facility only and must be Air - Consultation Date is editable. ICIS Case File What the screen shows: Fields that dynamically display Case File Information: Enforcement Response Policy (display only) Enforcement Sensitive Indicator Case File Dates Earliest FRV Determination Date (display only) Earliest HPV Day Zero Date (display only) Pathway Activities Discovery Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Discovery Action Other Type/Other Date Notification Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Addressing Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Addressing Action Other Type/Other Date Resolved Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Resolved Action Other Type/Other Date Case File Information: Enforcement Response Policy (display only) Case File Dates Earliest FRV Determination Date (display only) Earliest HPV Day Zero Date (display only) Pathway Activities Discovery Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Discovery Action Other Type/Other Date Notification Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Addressing Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Addressing Action Other Type/Other Date Resolved Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Resolved Action Other Type/Other Date Same as Federal Air Case File, plus: National Enforcement Initiative Determination Facility NEI Initiated Action Type Facility NEI Initiated Action Date Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Type Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Date Facility No Further Action Type Facility No Further Action Date HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval Date NEI Determination Comment 4 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE User-Provided Information: Fed NEI Default Lead Agency Other notes: -1 to many Facilities and can be any Facility Interests. Facility Interest - Consultation Date is editable. Fed Other types Default Lead Agency Other notes: -1 to many Facilities and can be any Facility Interests. - Consultation Date is editable. What the screen shows: Case File Information: Method of Discovery Violation Class Type Follow-up Action Enforce AO Case File Dates Discovery Date Determination Date Occurrence Start Date Occurrence End Date PLUS NEI data Case File Information: Method of Discovery Violation Class Type Follow-up Action Enforce AO Case File Dates Discovery Date Determination Date Occurrence Start Date Occurrence End Date Delegated Agency Case Files It should be noted that Case File Identifier, Case File Type, Status Type, Programmatic System Acronym, Federal Statute, Enforcement Response Policy, Earliest Federally Reportable Violation (FRV) Determination Date, and Earliest High Priority Violation (HPV) Day Zero Date cannot be edited on the Add Delegated Agency Case File screen. Enforcement Response Policy – the policy that defines EPA’s enforcement response under the Clean Air Act (CAA), e.g., whether the violation constitutes an FRV, HPV, non-FRV, or other. FRV, as defined by the Draft Guidance of Federally-Reportable Violations for Clean Air Act Stationary Sources dated September 2013. HPV, as defined by the Draft Timely and Appropriate Enforcement Response to High Priority Violations- Revised dated December 2013. The system will default the following values: Case File Type – ‘Air Case File’ Programmatic System Acronym – ‘AIR’ Federal Statutes – ‘CAA’ Lead Agency The system will generate the following fields when the user saves the record: Federal Law Section – ‘OTHER’ (not displayed on screen) Case File Identifier Status Type – based on Pathway Activities Enforcement Response Policy – based on Air Violation data. ICIS Case File 5 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Earliest FRV Determination Date and Earliest HPV Date will be system generated once Air Violations have been added to the Case File. At a minimum, the following data elements must be populated to add a Delegated Agency Case File: Case File Identifier (system-generated) Case File Type (system-generated) Linked Facility Federal Statutes (system-generated) Federal Law Section (system-generated) Programs Status Type (system-generated) Enforcement Response Policy (system-generated). Federal Case Files On the Add Federal Case File screen, LCON, Case File Identifier, and Added Programs cannot be edited. Added Programs will be populated based on the selected Law Sections. Case File Identifier and Status Type will be generated after the user saves the record. Additional fields, including some that are not editable, may be displayed, depending on the Case File Type selected. At a minimum, the following data elements must be populated to add a Federal Case File: Case File Identifier (system-generated) Case File Name Case File Type Linked Facility Federal Statutes Federal Law Section Programs (system-generated) Status Type. Add Case File can be launched from several places that will prepopulate and associate some data. Table 1.2-2. Add Case File Prepopulation Sources summarizes these functions. ICIS Case File 6 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Table 1.2-2. Add Case File Prepopulation Sources Source Screen List of Case Files Linked to the Facility Voluntary Disclosure Federal Compliance Monitoring Activity List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the <Module> Launch Mechanism Add Case File Dropdown Add Case File Prepopulation Case File Facility prepopulated based on source facility Add/Link Case File Dropdown (launches Add Federal Case Files only) Add/Link Case File Dropdown (launches Federal and Air DA Case Files) Modules: Compliance Monitoring Case File Enforcement Action Case File Facility prepopulated based on source record facility Upon Save, validates that: o Correct number of facilities are on the target record o Warning message if no facility in common between source and target record If at least one facility in common, system links new Case File to the source record using Pipeline Processing from related activities 2.1 SCREEN NAVIGATION ACTIONS Table 2.1-1. Screen Navigation: Add provides a list of the navigation options when adding a Case File record. Entry Point describes how the user navigates to the specific screen to perform the action. User Action describes the actions performed by the user on the screen. Exit Point describes the results of the user’s action. Table 2.1-1. Screen Navigation: Add Case File Entry Point Home → Search Case Files → Case File Search Results → View/Edit Case File → Add Case File Home → Add Case File ICIS Case File User Action Save Exit Point System saves the record and navigates to the View/Edit screen of the current record. Save and Add Another System saves the record and navigates to the Add Case File screen. Save and Add Air Violations (only available for Air Case File and Air Case File with NEI) System saves the record and navigates to the Add/Edit Air Violations screen. Cancel System does not save the record and navigates to the Home screen. Save System saves the record and remains on the View/Edit screen of the current record. Save and Add Another System saves the record and navigates to the Add Case File screen. Save and Add Air Violations (only available for Air Case File and Air Case File with NEI) System saves the record and navigates to the Add/Edit Air Violations screen. Cancel System does not save the record and navigates to the Home screen. 7 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Entry Point Home → Search Case File → Case File Search Results → Add Case File Home → Other Module Location → Case File tab→ Add Case File (Navigation Menu) Home → Edit Voluntary Disclosure or Federal Compliance Monitoring Activity → Add/Link Case File Home → Other Module Location → Case File tab→ List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked → Add Case File (Add/Link Case File dropdown) ICIS Case File User Action Save Exit Point System saves the record and remains on the View/Edit screen of the current record. Save and Add Another System saves the record and navigates to the Add Case File screen. Save and Add Air Violations (only available for Air Case File and Air Case File with NEI) System saves the record and navigates to the Add/Edit Air Violations screen. Cancel System does not save the record and navigates to the Home screen. Save System saves the record and remains on the View/Edit screen of the current record. Save and Add Another System saves the record and navigates to the Add Case File screen. Save and Add Air Violations (only available for Air Case File and Air Case File with NEI) System saves the record and navigates to the Add/Edit Air Violations screen. Cancel System does not save the record and navigates to the Home screen. Save System saves the record and remains on the View/Edit screen of the current record. Save and Add Another System saves the record and navigates to the Add Case File screen. Save and Add Air Violations (only available for Air Case File and Air Case File with NEI) System saves the record and navigates to the Add/Edit Air Violations screen. Cancel System does not save the record and navigates to the Home screen. Save System saves the record and remains on the View/Edit screen of the current record. Save and Add Another System saves the record and navigates to the Add Case File screen. Save and Add Air Violations (only available for Air Case File and Air Case File with NEI) System saves the record and navigates to the Add/Edit Air Violations screen. Cancel System does not save the record and navigates to Search Case File screen. 8 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE 2.2 SAMPLE SCREEN Case File screens will vary slightly depending on the Case File Type, as described in Table 1.2-1. Case File Add Screen Combinations. Figure 2.2-1. Global Navigation – Federal User (FE&C) and Figure 2.2-2. Global Navigation – Federal User (Air) provide an illustration of the Global Navigation for Federal Users. Users can access the Search and Add Case File screens directly from the dropdown menu. Figure 2.2-1. Global Navigation – Federal User (FE&C) Figure 2.2-2. Global Navigation – Federal User (Air) Figure 2.2-3: Global Navigation – Delegated Agency User provides an illustration of the Global Navigation for Delegated Agency Users. Note that an LCON user would see the Air menu but not the NPDES menu. Users can access the Search and Add Case File screens directly from the dropdown menu. ICIS Case File 9 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 2.2-3: Global Navigation – Delegated Agency User The following sample screens illustrate the Add Case File screen for a Delegated Agency Case File from the perspective of a State user. ICIS Case File 10 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 2.2-4. Add Delegated Agency Case File: Air Case File ICIS Case File 11 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 2.2-5. Add Delegated Agency Case File: Air Case File Continued ICIS Case File 12 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 2.2-6. Add Delegated Agency Case File: Air Case File Continued The following sample screens illustrate the Add Case File screen for different types of Federal Case Files. ICIS Case File 13 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 2.2-7. Add Federal Case File: Air Case File with NEI ICIS Case File 14 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 2.2-8. Add Federal Case File: Air Case File with NEI Continued ICIS Case File 15 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 2.2-9. Add Federal Case File: Air Case File with NEI Continued ICIS Case File 16 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 2.2-10. Add Federal Case File: Air Case File with NEI Continued ICIS Case File 17 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 2.2-11. Add Federal Non-Air Case File ICIS Case File 18 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 2.2-12. Add Federal Non-Air Case File Continued ICIS Case File 19 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 2.2-13. Add Federal Non-Air Case File Continued If the Add Case File activity is initiated from an Add/Link Case File dropdown on a List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the <Module> Screen, a different Facilities section will be displayed on the Add screen. If the source record has only one Facility, then the system will select the Link checkbox next to that Facility for the user. If the source record has more than one Facility, then the system will leave the checkboxes blank, and the user will be required to affirmatively select Facilities by clicking the Link checkbox next to the desired Facility. Federal Non-Air Case Files can be associated with one or more Facilities while Air DA Case Files, Federal Air Case Files, and Federal Air Case Files with NEI can be associated with one and only one Facility. If the user does not select a Facility, or selects more than one for an Air Case File (Air DA Case File, Federal Air Case File, Federal Air Case File with NEI), they will receive an error message upon Save. If the user searches for Facilities to link and selects one for Air Case Files, the system will remove any previously listed Facilities (regardless of whether they have been checked) and will replace them with the searched for and selected Facility, which will be set to checked. If the user searches for Facilities to link, and selects one or more for Federal Non-Air Case Files, the system will add the newly selected Facilities to the previously listed Facilities (regardless of whether they have been checked). The newly selected Facility(ies) will be set to checked. ICIS Case File 20 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 2.2-14. Add Case File: Facilities from Add/Link Case File shows the Facilities portion of the screen when the Add was initiated from the Add/Link Case File dropdown. Figure 2.2-14. Add Case File: Facilities from Add/Link Case File 2.3 USE CASE Table 2.3-1. Use Case: Add Case File contains the use case for adding a Case File. The use case provides the steps for user input and the system response that corresponds to each user action. ICIS Case File 21 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Table 2.3-1. Use Case: Add Case File ICIS Case File 22 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Step 1. User Input User indicates the desire to add a Case File. 2. ICIS Case File System Response System verifies user privileges. System displays the Add Case File screen: • For a State or LCON user, system displays the Add DA CF screen with Case File Type set to Air Case File. • For a Federal user, if user selected Air Case File - Federal, system displays the Add Federal CF screen with Case File Type set to Air Case File. • For a Federal user, if user selected Air Case File - State, system displays the Add DA CF screen with Case File Type set to Air Case File. • For a Federal user, if user selected Air Case File - LCON, system displays the Add DA CF screen with Case File Type set to Air Case File. • For a Federal User, if user selected Air Case File with NEI – Federal, system displays the Add Federal CF screen with Case File Type set to Air Case File with NEI. • For a Federal User, if user selected NEI – Federal, system displays the Add Federal CF screen with Case File Type set to National Enforcement Initiative Determination. • For a Federal User, if user selected Other – Federal, system displays the Add Federal CF screen with a dropdown for Case File Type (includes all active values except Air Case File, Air Case File with NEI, and National Enforcement Initiative Determination). System pre-populates the Facility information based on the source record (i.e., Facility ID, Facility Site Name, and Facility Address) if user initiates Add Case File from any of the following sources: The Add Case File dropdown on the List of Case Files Linked to the Facility screen The Add/Link Case File dropdown at the bottom of the Voluntary Disclosures or Edit Federal Compliance Monitoring Activity screens The Add/Link Case File dropdown on the List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the <Module> screens. 23 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Step 3. User Input User enters the data and saves. System Response System validates data against business rules. If processing of the data results in an error/exception condition, the • System generates an error message and rejects the transaction. • Use case continues at Step 2 for data correction unless the user cancels or exits the transaction. Else • System saves the record to the database • If the selected Facility is a non-ICIS owned interest (i.e., it is not ICIS, NPDES, or AIR) and it does not exist in the icis_facility_interest table, the system copies the interest from frs_facility_site to icis_facility_interest. • If the Add was initiated from a Compliance Monitoring Activity, a Voluntary Disclosure, or a List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the <Module> screen and the Case File has at least one Facility in common with the initiating record, the Case File is also linked to the source using Related Activities Pipeline Processing. System determines if Case File Type = Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI. 4. If Case File Type = Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI, the system performs Background Processing (BGP): • Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type BGP Else • Use case terminates. 5. Use case terminates. 3. SEARCH CASE FILES This section provides a summary of screen navigation, sample screens and a use case for the Search Case File function. The Search Case File functionality is shared between existing ICIS and ICIS-Air. Users may search on Facility Information, Case File Information, Location Information, Pathway Activities, National Enforcement Initiative Determination, Air Specific Information, or User Defined Fields. The Search Case File Results screen will, by default, display up to 200 records that match the criteria entered on the Search Case Files screen. The user may change that to display up to 500 records if that is their preference. The Search Results screen will default the sort order according to Case File ID. The Case File ID column will be sorted alphabetically in ascending order. Users will be able to click on Case File ID, Case File Name, Case File Type, Status, Programmatic ID/Facility Site Name, Enforcement Response Policy, Determination Date, and HPV Day Zero Date column headers to re-sort the Search Results by a specific column of data. ICIS Case File 24 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE The default sort when a column is clicked is alphabetical ascending. For date fields, the default sort when a column is clicked lists most current date to least current date. If the column is clicked twice the sort will change to alphabetical descending. For date fields, it will list least current dates to most current dates. In the search results list, each record’s Case File ID will be a hyperlink. By clicking on the hyperlink, the system will navigate to the View/Edit screen for that specific record. Within the Air Specific Information section, users have the ability to search on Air Programs. The Air Programs field type ahead will display Federal and DA Air Programs (where ref_program.program_category_code=AIR). Federal Air Programs (where ref_program.program_category_code=AIR and where activity_filter_code has ref_activity_filter.air_da_flag=N) will be displayed with Program description first, followed by its corresponding activity filter code description in parentheses, i.e. (EPA only), followed by the Program code in parentheses. The activity filter code description is hardcoded within the search results program values, so ICIS will not return search results for the activity filter description, i.e. “(EPA only)”, portion that follows the program description. Air DA Programs will be displayed with Program description first, followed by the Program code in parentheses. Air Programs will be sorted ascending by Air Sort Order. Note: Federal Air Programs do not have an assigned sort order, so they will appear last in the list of values. 3.1 SCREEN NAVIGATION ACTIONS Table 3.1-1. Screen Navigation: Search Case Files provides a list of the navigation options when searching for a Case File record. Entry Point describes how the user navigates to the specific screen to perform the action. User Action describes the actions performed by the user on the screen. Exit Point describes the results of the user’s action. Table 3.1-1. Screen Navigation: Search Case Files Entry Point Home → Search → Case Files User Action Search Exit Point System performs search and displays the Search Results screen with data that match the search criteria. Clear System clears the user-entered data on the screen. Cancel System does not perform search and navigates to the Home screen. 3.2 SAMPLE SCREEN The following sample screens illustrate the Search Case Files and Search Case File Results screens. The following is a list of sections on the Search Case File screen: Facility Information Case File Information Location Information ICIS Case File 25 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Pathway Activities National Enforcement Initiative Determination Air Specific Information User Defined Fields 1-5. If a user chooses to enter search criteria for City Code (Location Information section), the user must first select a State. Once a State has been selected, a user may enter search criteria for City Code, which will be an autocomplete and will filter results as criteria is typed. ICIS will list results based on City Name, but the autocomplete filtering will display “City Name (County Name, State Code) City Code”. Figure 3.2-1. Search Case Files ICIS Case File 26 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 3.2-2. Search Case Files Continued ICIS Case File 27 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 3.2-3. Search Case Files Continued ICIS Case File 28 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 3.2-4. Search Case File Results 3.3 USE CASE Table 3.3-1. Use Case: Search Case File contains the use case for searching for a Case File record. The use case provides the steps for user input and the system response that corresponds to each user action. Table 3.3-1. Use Case: Search Case File Step 1. User Input User enters search criteria and indicates the desire to Search a Case File. 2. Use case terminates. ICIS Case File System Response System returns the search results with a list of Case Files matching user entered criteria. 29 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE 4. EDIT CASE FILE This section provides a summary of screen navigation, sample screens, and a use case for the Edit Case File function. It should be noted that on the Edit Delegated Agency Case File screen, Case File Identifier, Case File Type, Status Type, Programmatic System Acronym, Federal Statute, Enforcement Response Policy, Earliest FRV Determination Date, and Earliest HPV Determination Date cannot be edited. On the Edit Federal Case File screen, LCON, Case File Identifier, and Added Programs cannot be edited. 4.1 SCREEN NAVIGATION ACTIONS Table 4.1-1. Screen Navigation: View/Edit Case File provides a list of the navigation options when editing a Case File record. Entry Point describes how the user navigates to the specific screen to perform the action. User Action describes the actions performed by the user on the screen. Exit Point describes the results of the user’s action. Table 4.1-1. Screen Navigation: View/Edit Case File Entry Point Home → Search Facility → Facility Search Results → View/Edit Facility → Case File tab → View/Edit Case File Home → Search Case File → Search Case File Results → View/Edit Case File Home → Add Case File ICIS Case File User Action Save Exit Point System saves the record and remains on the View/Edit screen of the current record. Save and Add Another System saves the record and navigates to the Add Case File screen. Save and Add Air Violations (only available for Air Case File and Air Case File with NEI) System saves the record and navigates to the Add/Edit Air Violations screen. Cancel System does not save the record and navigates to the Home screen. Save System saves the record and remains on the View/Edit screen of the current record. Save and Add Another System saves the record and navigates to the Add Case File screen. Save and Add Air Violations (only available for Air Case File and Air Case File with NEI) System saves the record and navigates to the Add/Edit Air Violations screen. Cancel System does not save the record and navigates to Search Case File Result screen. Save System saves the record and remains on the View/Edit screen of the current record. 30 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Entry Point Home → Other Module Location → Case File tab→ View/Edit Case File User Action Save and Add Another Exit Point System saves the record and navigates to the Add Case File screen. Save and Add Air Violations (only available for Air Case File and Air Case File with NEI) System saves the record and navigates to the Add/Edit Air Violations screen. Cancel System does not save the record and navigates to Search Case File screen. Save System saves the record and remains on the View/Edit screen of the current record. Save and Add Another System saves the record and navigates to the Add Case File screen. Save and Add Air Violations (only available for Air Case File and Air Case File with NEI) System saves the record and navigates to the Add/Edit Air Violations screen. Cancel System does not save the record and navigates to the Home screen. 4.2 SAMPLE SCREEN Case File screens will vary slightly depending on the Case File Type. The following is a list of data areas on the Edit Case File Screen for all Case File Types: Basic Information Linked Facility Statutes Programs Case File Information Case File Dates Applicable Pollutants Pathway Information Initiatives Cross Media Indicators Government Contacts User Defined Fields Comments. The following sample screens illustrate the Edit Case File screen for a Delegated Agency Case File. ICIS Case File 31 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 4.2-1. Edit Delegated Agency Case File: Air Case File ICIS Case File 32 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 4.2-2. Edit Delegated Agency Case File: Air Case File Continued ICIS Case File 33 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 4.2-3. Edit Delegated Agency Case File: Air Case File Continued The following sample screens illustrate the Edit Case File screen for different types of Federal Case Files. ICIS Case File 34 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 4.2-4. Edit Federal Air Case File with NEI ICIS Case File 35 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 4.2-5. Edit Federal Air Case File with NEI Continued ICIS Case File 36 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 4.2-6. Edit Federal Air Case File with NEI Continued ICIS Case File 37 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 4.2-7. Edit Federal Air Case File with NEI Continued ICIS Case File 38 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 4.2-8. Edit Federal Non-Air Case File ICIS Case File 39 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 4.2-9. Edit Federal Non-Air Case File Continued ICIS Case File 40 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 4.2-10. Edit Federal Non-Air Case File Continued Figure 4.2-11. Add/Edit Sub Activities (Air) and Figure 4.2-12. Add/Edit Sub Activities (Non-Air) illustrate the Add/Edit Sub Activities screen in which a user can add, edit, and delete sub activities. Sub Activities are accessed via the Sub Activities sub-link on Federal Edit Case File screens. ICIS Case File 41 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 4.2-11. Add/Edit Sub Activities (Air) Figure 4.2-12. Add/Edit Sub Activities (Non-Air) Note: the audit data for sub activities will be for the sub activity with the latest modified by/date. ICIS Case File 42 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 4.2-13. Add/Edit Sensitive Comments illustrates the Add and Edit Sensitive Comments screen from the perspective of a State user. Sensitive Comments are accessed via the Sensitive Comments sub-link on the Edit Case File screens for Air Case Files (Case File Type = Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI). Figure 4.2-13. Add/Edit Sensitive Comments 4.3 USE CASE Table 4.3-1. Use Case: Edit Case File contains the use case for editing a Case File record for all Case File Types. The use case provides the steps for user input and the system response that corresponds to each user action. Table 4.3-1. Use Case: Edit Case File Step 1. 2. User Input User searches for the record to edit. User indicates the desire to edit a Case File. 3. ICIS Case File System Response System provides a list of records that match the search criteria. System verifies user privileges. System displays the View/Edit Case File screen. 43 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Step 4. User Input User edits the data and saves. If processing of the data results in an error/exception condition, the • System generates an error message and rejects the transaction. • Use case continues at Step 2 for data correction unless the user cancels or exits the transaction. Else • System saves the record to the database. • If the selected Facility is a non-ICIS owned interest (i.e., it is not ICIS, NPDES, or AIR) and it does not exist in the icis_facility_interest table, the system copies the interest from frs_facility_site to icis_facility_interest. System determines if Case File Type = Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI. 5. 6. 7. System Response System validates data against business rules. User clicks the Sub Activities link. (Federal Case Files only) User enters data for a new sub activity and saves. If Case File Type = Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI, system performs Background Processing: • Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status BGP • Set Enforcement Response Policy BGP Else • Use case continues at Step 6. System displays the Add/Edit Sub Activities screen; if there are no sub activities for the record currently, a single blank row appears. System validates data for all sub activities on the screen against business rules. If processing of the data results in an error/exception condition, the • • 8. 9. User indicates the desire to add a new sub activity. User edits data in an existing sub activity and saves. System generates an error message and rejects the transaction. Use case continues at Step 7 for data correction unless the user cancels or exits the transaction. Else • System saves the record(s) to the database. The system adds a new blank row for data entry on the same screen. System validates data for all sub activities with at least one data element entered on the screen against business rules. If processing of the data results in an error/exception condition, the • • 10. User marks some sub activities for deletion and saves. Else • System saves the record(s) to the database. System validates data against business rules. If processing of the data results in an error/exception condition, the • • 11. User clicks the Sensitive Comments link. (Air Case Files only) ICIS Case File System generates an error message and rejects the transaction. Use case continues at Step 9 for data correction unless the user cancels or exits the transaction. System generates an error message and rejects the transaction. Use case continues at Step 10 for data correction unless the user cancels or exits the transaction. Else • System deletes the marked records from the database and saves edits to any remaining sub activities. System displays the Sensitive Comments screen. 44 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Step 12. User Input User edits the data and saves. System Response System validates data against business rules. If processing of the data results in an error/exception condition, the • System generates an error message and rejects the transaction. • Use case continues at Step 12 for data correction unless the user cancels or exits the transaction. Else • System saves the record to the database. 13. Use case terminates. ICIS Case File 45 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE 5. ADD/EDIT AIR VIOLATION This section provides a summary of screen navigation, sample screens and a use case for the Add/Edit Air Violation function. Users will be able to enter Air Violation data only if the Case File Type is Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI and the user has Enforcement Sensitive privileges. At a minimum, the following data elements must be populated to add an Air Violation: Violation Type Program. 5.1 SCREEN NAVIGATION ACTIONS Table 5.1-1. Screen Navigation: Add/Edit Case File Air Violations provides a list of the navigation options when adding/editing a Case File Air Violation record. Entry Point describes how the user navigates to the specific screen to perform the action. User Action describes the actions performed by the user on the screen. Exit Point describes the results of the user’s action. Table 5.1-1. Screen Navigation: Add/Edit Case File Air Violations Entry Point Home → Search Facility → Facility Search Results → View/Edit Facility → Case File tab → View/Edit Case File → Add/Edit Air Violation Save User Action Exit Point System saves the record and navigates to the Add/Edit screen of the current record. Home → Search Case File → Search Results → View/Edit Case File → Add/Edit Air Violation Save System saves the record and navigates to the Add/Edit screen of the current record. Home → Add Case File → Save and Add Air Violation Save System saves the record and navigates to the Add/Edit screen of the current record. Home → Other Module Location → Case File tab→ View/Edit Case File → Add/Edit Air Violation Save System saves the record and navigates to the Add/Edit screen of the current record. 5.2 SAMPLE SCREEN The following is a list of data areas on the Add/Edit Case File Air Violation screen: Facility Advised of Violation Air FRV/HPV Details When adding an Air Violation, some data at the Case File level may also be updated. These data are: Enforcement Response Policy Earliest FRV Determination Date Earliest HPV Day Zero Date ICIS Case File 46 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE The following sample screens illustrate the Add/Edit Case File Air Violation screens from the perspective of a State user. Figure 5.2-1. Add/Edit Air Violations ICIS Case File 47 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 5.2-2. Add Air Violation 5.3 USE CASE Table 5.3-1. Use Case: Add/Edit Case File Air Violation contains the use case for adding or editing Air Violations. The use case provides the steps for user input and the system response that corresponds to each user action. ICIS Case File 48 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Table 5.3-1. Use Case: Add/Edit Case File Air Violation Step 1. User Input User searches for the record to edit. System Response System provides a list of records that match the search criteria. 2. User indicates the desire to edit a Case File. System verifies user privileges. 3. System displays the View/Edit Case File screen. 4. User selects the Air Violation link. 5. User adds or edits the data and saves. If processing of the data results in an error/exception condition, the • System generates an error message and rejects the transaction. • Use case continues at Step 4 for data correction unless the user cancels or exits the transaction. Else • System saves the record to the database. • System updates the Case File data fields per business rules. System performs Background Processing: • Set Enforcement Response Policy BGP 6. 7. System displays the Add/Edit Air Violation screen. System validates data against business rules. Use case terminates. ICIS Case File 49 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE 6. DELETE CASE FILE This section provides a summary of screen navigation, sample screens and a use case for the Delete Case File function. 6.1 SCREEN NAVIGATION ACTIONS Table 6.1-1. Screen Navigation: Delete Case File provides a list of the navigation options when deleting a Case File record. Entry Point describes how the user navigates to the specific screen to perform the action. User Action describes the actions performed by the user on the screen. Exit Point describes the results of the user’s action. Table 6.1-1. Screen Navigation: Delete Case File Entry Point Home → Search Facility → Facility Search Results → View/Edit Facility → Case File tab → Delete Case File Home → Search Case File → Search Case File Results → Delete Case File Home → Other Module Location → Case File tab → List Case File → Delete Case File User Action Yes Exit Point System deletes the record and navigates to the List Case File screen. Cancel System does not delete the record and navigates to the List Case File screen. Yes System deletes the record and navigates to the List Case File screen. Cancel System does not delete the record and navigates to the List Case File screen. Yes System deletes the record and navigates to the List Case File screen. Cancel System does not delete the record and navigates to the List Case File screen. 6.2 SAMPLE SCREEN Figure 6.2-1. Delete Case File below illustrates the warning/ confirmation message Delegated Agency users receive when deleting a Case File. ICIS Case File 50 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 6.2-1. Delete Case File 6.3 USE CASE Table 6.3-1. Use Case: Delete Case File contains the use case for deleting a Case File record. The use case provides the basic steps, user input and system response that apply to that step. The Delete link will only display if the user has privileges to Delete. Table 6.3-1. Use Case: Delete Case File Step 1. 2. 3. User Input User searches for the record to delete. User indicates the desire to delete a Case File. User confirms deletion. System Response System provides a list of records that match the search criteria. If the record is linked to other records: • System prompts user to confirm the deletion or cancel with a list of the types of records that may be linked to the record being removed. Else • System prompts user to confirm the deletion or cancel. System validates against the business rules. If processing of the data results in an error/exception condition, the • System generates an error message and rejects the transaction. • 4. Use case continues at Step 2 for data correction unless the user cancels or exits the transaction. Use case terminates. ICIS Case File 51 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE 7. LINK/UNLINK CASE FILE Case Files can be linked or unlinked to other Activities including: Other Case Files (DA Case Files only) Compliance Monitoring Activities Compliance Assistance Activities (Federal Case Files only) Voluntary Disclosures (Federal Case Files only) Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADRs) (Federal Case Files only) Incidents (Federal Case Files only) Enforcement Actions. To link or unlink a DA Case File to another Case File, a user must click on the Linked Case File link from the Edit screen of a Case File record. After clicking the link, the List of Case Files Linked to the Case File screen is displayed. It shows a list of Case Files that are linked to the Case File being edited. If no Case Files are linked, then the list will be blank. From this screen, a user may link Case Files or unlink Case Files that are already linked. (Federal Case Files can be linked to each other through Related Activities/Pipeline functionality.) To link Case Files, a user clicks List to Link, the List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the Case File screen is displayed, and it allows users to see a list of all the Case Files that are eligible to be linked to the current Case File based on a common Facility Interest. A user may select one or multiple Case Files from this list to link to the source Case File record. Alternatively, a user may select an option from the Add/Link Case File dropdown on the List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the Case File screen. This dropdown will launch the selected Add Case File screen prepopulated with the Facility(ies) from the source record. Upon save, if the target Case File still has at least one facility in common with the source record, the system will link the two records using Related Activities Pipeline Processing. Table 8.1-3.Add/Link Case File List Dropdown Options in Section 8 details the values for the dropdown list based on the user and the source record. To link other types of records to a Case File the user will navigate from the Edit Case File screen to the tab for the record type the user wants to link (e.g., Compliance Monitoring tab). When linking a Delegated Agency Case File to any other Activities, it must not already be linked to the current Case File. See Section 8. Case File List Screens for a description of the behavior of Case File screens. These screens will also have an Add/Link Case File dropdown. This section provides a summary of screen navigation, sample screens and a use case for the Link and Unlink Case File functions. In this section, the example shows linking and unlinking a Case File to a Case File only. 7.1 SCREEN NAVIGATION ACTIONS Table 7.1-1. Screen Navigation: Link Case File provides navigation flow for linking a Case File record and another existing Case File record. Entry Point describes how the user navigates to ICIS Case File 52 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE the specific screen to perform the action. User Action describes the actions performed by the user on the screen. Exit Point describes the results of the user’s action. Table 7.1-1. Screen Navigation: Link Case File Entry Point Home → Search Facility → Facility Search Results → View/Edit Facility → Case File tab→ List Case File → View/Edit Case File → Linked Case Files → List to Link → List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the Case File Home → Search Case File → Search Results-List Case File → View/Edit Case File → Linked Case File → List to Link → List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the Case File User Action User selects records and selects Link. Exit Point System creates links between the selected records to the current record and navigates to the List of Case Files Linked to the Case File screen. Cancel System does not link the records and navigates to the List of Case Files Linked to the Case File screen. User selects records and selects Link. System creates links between the selected records to the current record and navigates to the List of Case Files Linked to the Case File screen. Cancel System does not link the records and navigates to the List of Case Files Linked to the Case File screen. Table 7.1-2. Screen Navigation: Unlink Case File provides navigation flow for unlinking a Case File and another existing Case File. Entry Point describes how the user navigates to the specific screen to perform the action. User Action describes the actions performed by the user on the screen. Exit Point describes the results of the user’s action. Table 7.1-2. Screen Navigation: Unlink Case File Entry Point Home → Search Facility → Search Results-List Facility → View/Edit Facility → Case File → List Case File → View/Edit Case File → Linked Case Files → List of Case Files Linked to the Case File User Action User selects records and selects Unlink. Exit Point System removes links between the selected records from the current record and refreshes the List of Case Files Linked to the Case File screen. Home → Search Case File → Search Results-List Case File → View/Edit Case File → Linked Case Files → List of Case Files Linked to the Case File User selects records and selects Unlink. System removes links between the selected records from the current record and refreshes the List of Case Files Linked to the Case File screen. 7.2 SAMPLE SCREEN Figure 7.2-1. Air Delegated Agency List of Case Files Linked to the Case File and Figure 7.2-2. Air Delegated Agency List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the Case File below illustrate the Delegated Agency Case File screens for linking and unlinking to other Case Files. ICIS Case File 53 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 7.2-1. Air Delegated Agency List of Case Files Linked to the Case File ICIS Case File 54 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 7.2-2. Air Delegated Agency List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the Case File (EPA User) ICIS Case File 55 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE 7.3 USE CASE Table 7.3-1. Use Case: Link Case File contains the use case for linking a Delegated Agency Case File record. The use case provides the basic steps, user input and system response that apply to that step. A user will only be able to link and unlink activities if the user has privileges to Link/Unlink. Table 7.3-1. Use Case: Link Case File Step 1. 2. User Input User searches for the record to edit. User indicates the desire to edit a Case File. 3. 4. 7. 8. 9. System verifies user privileges. System displays the View/Edit Case File screen. User indicates the desire to link the Case File and related Case File. 5. 6. System Response System provides a list of records that match the search criteria. User selects one or more Case Files and selects Link. User selects an option on the Add/Link Case File dropdown. System displays the List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the Case File screen, which lists any Case Files that are eligible to be linked to the current Case File based on the following business rules: • The Case File must be linked to at least one of the Facility Interests associated with the current Case File. • The Case File must not already be linked to the current Case File. If no Case Files that are eligible to Link to the current Case File are found, the system: • Displays no results. Else • Use case continues at Step 6. System creates a link between each selected Case File to the current Case File. System launches the selected Add Case File screen, populating the Facilities on the Add screen with the source Case File’s facilities. Use case continues at the appropriate Add Case File use case. Use case terminates. Table 7.3-2. Use Case: Unlink Case File contains the use case for unlinking a Case File record. The use case provides the basic steps, user input and system response that apply to that step. Table 7.3-2. Use Case: Unlink Case File Step 1. 2. User Input User searches for the record to edit. User indicates the desire to edit a Case File. 3. 4. 5. 6. User indicates the desire to unlink the Case File and related Case File User selects one or more related Case Files and selects Unlink. Use case terminates. ICIS Case File System Response System provides a list of records that match the search criteria. System verifies user privileges. System displays the View/Edit Case File screen. System displays the List of Case Files Linked to the Case File screen. System deletes the link between each selected Case File and the current Case File, but it does not delete the unlinked Case Files. 56 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE 8. CASE FILE LIST SCREENS This use case is specific to the list screens for Case Files. For a general overview of tabs, sublinks, and list screens, refer to the ICIS Security and Navigation document. Table 8-1. Modules with Case File List Screens lists the modules that have a Case File List Screen that can be accessed through a tab or sub-link. Table 8-1. Modules with Case File List Screens Module Facility Incident Voluntary Disclosure (VD) Compliance Monitoring (CM) Case File (CF) Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Enforcement Action (EA) Compliance Assistance Tab/Sub-link Case File Tab Case File Tab Case File Tab List Screen List of Case Files Linked to the Facility List of Case Files Linked to the Incident List of Case Files Linked to the Voluntary Disclosure Case File Tab List of Case Files Linked to the Compliance Monitoring Activity List of Case Files Linked to the Case File (see Section 7) List of Case Files Linked to the ADR Linked Case Files Sub-link Case File Tab Case File Tab Case File Tab List of Case Files Linked to the Enforcement Action List of Case Files Linked to the Compliance Assistance Activity Security will be applied to the list screens such that if a user clicks a tab or sub-link from within a record to which they have access, that user will not see any linked activities that they are not allowed to access. For example, if a State user with the sensitive data privilege looks at a nonsensitive EPA EA and then clicks the Case File tab, if the EA that the user was looking at was linked to a sensitive LCON CF, the user will not be able to see the linkage between the EA (which they can see) and the LCON sensitive record (which they cannot). See the ICIS Security and Navigation document for details on which users can see which records. Throughout this section, references to these List screens that apply to all the screens will use the convention: List of Case Files Linked to the <Module>. The system will display the list screen of linked Case Files (CFs) for a given module. Linked Case Files may not be relevant for every type of record in a source module. Table 8-2. Summary of User Access to Case File Tabs/Sub Links summarizes which users see the Case File tabs/sub-links from the edit screens and any applicability rules or messages for tabs. For example, an EPA user would see the Case File tab in all the listed source modules, while State and LCON users would not have access to the tab in the FE&C only activities (because they do not access those activities). ICIS Case File 57 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Table 8-2. Summary of User Access to Case File Tabs/Sub Links Facility CF EA CF EPA User X X X X FE&C only activity (i.e., Incident, Vol. Disc., ADR, Comp. Assist.) X State User X X X X N/A LCON User X X X X N/A 8.1 SCREEN NAVIGATION ACTIONS Table 8.1-1. Screen Navigation: Link/Unlink <Module> provides navigation flow for linking a Case File record and another Module record. Entry Point describes how the user navigates to the specific screen to perform the action. User Action describes the actions performed by the user on the screen. Exit Point describes the results of the user’s action. Table 8.1-1. Screen Navigation: Link/Unlink <Module> Entry Point Home → …→ View/Edit <Module> → Case File tab User Action User selects List to Link and links records Exit Point System navigates to the List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the <Module> screen. User there selects records to link and selects Link. System navigates to the List of Case Files Linked to the <Module> screen. User selects List to Link and selects Add/Link Case File dropdown System navigates to the List of Case Files Eligible to be Linkd to the <Module> screen. User there selects Add/Link Case File Dropdown. System navigates to the selected Add Case File screen. User selects Case File records and selects Unlink. System unlinks the records and navigates to the List of Case Files Linked to the <Module> screen. Table 8.1-2.Case File List Screen Details lists the data elements and their sources and formatting for the List of Case Files Linked to the <Module> screen. ICIS Case File 58 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Table 8.1-2.Case File List Screen Details Case Files Linked to the <Module> Screen Details 1 Context Header The header will display the header information for the record being edited as the header elements are displayed on the Edit <Module> screen. See the Edit section of the ICIS Security and Navigation document for the content of each module’s context headers. 2 Columns The following columns will be displayed on the screen for each linked CF: • Case File ID – The Case File ID will be hyperlinked to provide a fast path to the Edit Case File screen • Case File Name – icis_comp_determination.comp_determination_uid – icis_activity.activity_name • Case File Type – Ref_comp_determination_type.comp_determination_type_desc (derived from icis_comp_determination.comp_determination_type_code) • Status – Ref_activity_status.activity_status_desc (derived from icis_activity.activity_status_code) • Programmatic ID/Facility Site Name – If there are multiple facilities, they will all be listed in ID/Name pairs, with hard returns between pairs – Icis_facility_interest.pgm_sys_acrnm – Icis_facility_interest.pgm_sys_id – Icis_facility_interest.facility_name • Enforcement Response Policy – Ref_air_violation_severity.air_violation-severity_type_code (derived from icis_comp_determination.enf_response_policy_code) • Determination Date – Air Case Files: use stored procedure to find earliest FRV Determination Date based on Air Case File Violations – Other CF types: Icis_comp_determination.comp_determination_date • HPV Day Zero Date – Use stored procedure to find earliest applicable HPV Day Zero Date 3. Filtering ICIS Case File • Actions – This column will provide actions for individual records. See Individual Record Actions below. This column will not display for sub-link list screens. • Users will have the ability to filter the list by making an entry in the Filter box. This box filters the records to identify those that have the entered text; it has an implicit starting and ending wild card. 59 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Case Files Linked to the <Module> Screen Details 4. Sorting • The default sort order is by Case File Identifier in ascending order. • All columns will be dynamically sortable. – When the up arrow icon next to the column header is clicked, the results will display in ‘ascending’ order for that particular column. – When the down arrow icon next to the column header is clicked, the results will display in ‘descending’ order for that particular column. – Columns can also be sorted by clicking the column header; once for ascending, twice for descending. 5. Pagination and Navigation • Sorting functionality will be implemented on the entire result list (globally and not per page). If the user sorts on the Activity Name the first time, results will be displayed by Activity Name in ascending order. If the user moves onto Page 3 and clicks on a column header, the user will be taken back to Page 1 with the results sorted in ascending order. • All Case Files linked to the <Module> will be displayed, even if there are more than 500 • A default of 200 records will be displayed per page, and the user will have the ability to indicate whether to change that default to the following options: – – – – – – Individual Record Actions 25 50 100 200 All • Users will have the ability to filter the linked Case Files by making an entry in the filter box. This box filters the records to identify those that have the entered text; it has an implicit starting and ending wild card. • Each page will show the number of records in the following format: Showing # to # of # entries (e.g., Showing 1 to 200 of 550 entries) • Users can navigate among multiple pages by using the following options: – – – – – 6. 10 First: takes the user to the first page Previous: takes the user to the previous page <#>: takes the user to the specific page Next: takes the user to the next page Last: takes the user to the last page The following actions will be listed next to each record for tab based list screens. • Delete – Executes the Delete CF use case. – If the user executes Delete and has the delete privilege and geographic access to the record, the selected record will be deleted, and the screen will refresh and return the user to the List of Case Files Linked to the <Module> screen o If the user does not have the privileges to delete the record, they will receive the following error message: “Sorry, you do not have the privilege to finish the transaction.” 7. Link and Unlink Actions ICIS Case File NPDES and Air screens allow users to link and unlink records directly on the List of Case Files Linked to the <Module> screen. These screens are: • List of Case Files Linked to the Case File • List of Case Files Linked to the Enforcement Action • List of Case Files Linked to the Compliance Monitoring Activity 60 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Case Files Linked to the <Module> Screen Details The two choices on the List of Case Files Linked to the <Module> screen are: • Unlink: Must be used in conjunction with selecting one or more already linked CFs to unlink from the source record on the List of Case Files Linked to the <Module> screen. – The user must have the Link/Unlink Case File privilege or this button will not display – The user will be able to select multiple CFs to unlink using either a select all function or individually selecting and de-selecting records. Select All will apply only to the current screen’s records. – If the user attempts to unlink without selecting any records, they will receive an error message – Upon selecting the unlink option after selecting one or more CFs, the system will return the user to the List of Case Files Linked to the <Module> screen with the unlinked record(s) removed from the List; if the unlinked CF is of Type Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI, and it has been unlinked from a Compliance Monitoring Activity or an Enforcement Action, the system calls Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type background processing for each unlinked Case File. • List to Link: displays the List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the <Module> screen – The user must have the Link/Unlink Case File privilege, or this button will not display – The list of eligible CFs screen will list CFs meeting the following criteria: o The CF must be linked to at least one of the Facility Interests in the source record o The CF must not already be linked to the source record – On the list of eligible CFs screen, the user will be able to select multiple eligible CFs to link. – There will be a Select All checkbox and the ability to individually select and de-select records. Select All will apply only to the current screen’s records. – There will be a Cancel button which takes the user back to the List of Case Files Linked to the <Module> screen without linking any records. – If the user attempts to link without selecting any records, they will receive an error message. – Upon selecting the link option after selecting one or more CFs, the system will return the user to the List of Case Files Linked to the <Module> screen which will display any newly linked CFs; o if the newly linked CF is of Type Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI, and it has been linked to one or more Compliance Monitoring Activities or Enforcement Actions, the system calls Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type background processing for each newly linked Case File. o On the List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the Enforcement Action screen, if the Enforcement Action is non-sensitive and has been linked to any sensitive Case Files of Type Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI, the system changes those linked Air Case Files to non-sensitive – This screen will use the same sorting and pagination as the main List of Case Files Linked to the <Module> screen with one exception: o If this is the List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the Enforcement Action, the CFs will be grouped and sorted by the Facility’s Program System Acronym and Program System ID. There will be a header for each new facility that displays the Program System Acronym, Program System ID, and Facility Name ICIS Case File 61 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Case Files Linked to the <Module> Screen Details 8. Add Case File Action from Facility The List of Case Files Linked to the Facility screen will display an Add Case File option that allows the user to not only Add the record but also prepopulates the new Case File with the facility from which the Add was initiated. If the user does not have the Add Case File privilege, they will see the dropdown menu, but the links for adding records will be greyed out. The user’s options for adding via this option rather than the global navigation vary based on the user’s geography: EPA User Add Options: Add Case File: • Air Case File – EPA: Initiates INS01: Add Federal CF with Type = Air Case File – State: Initiates: Add Delegated Agency CF = Air Case File – LCON: Initiates: Add Delegated Agency CF = Air Case Rile • Air Case File with NEI – EPA: Initiates INS01: Add Federal CF with Type = Air Case File with NEI • National Enforcement Initiative Determination – EPA: Initiates INS01: Add Federal CF with Type = National Enforcement Initiative Determination • Other – EPA: Initiates INS01: Add Federal CF with Type as a dropdown State User Add Options: • Add Case File: Initiates: Add Delegated Agency CF LCON User Add Options: • 9. Add/Link Case File Option from CF, EA, or CM List of CFs Eligible to be Linked screens Add Case File: Initiates: Add Delegated Agency CF The List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the <Module> screens will display an Add/Link Case File dropdown that allows the user to launch an Add Case File screen prepopulated with the facilities from the source record. Upon saving, if the new target Case File has at least one facility in common with the source record, the system will link the two records using Pipeline Processing. Table 8.1-3.Add/Link Case File List Dropdown Options shows the dropdown options. The dropdown menus for the Add/Link Case File dropdowns on the List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the <Module> screens will be tailored based on the following general principles and will be consistent across an Activity within those constraints (e.g., all List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the X screens will have the same Add drop down menu for EPA users with the Add function): User Geography: EPA, State, and DA users will have different add options o EPA users will be able to add Federal, State Air, and LCON Air CFs ICIS Case File 62 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE o State users will be able to add State Air CFs o LCON users will be able to add LCON CFs User Functions: o Users without the Add Case File function will have that link greyed out. Source Activity program o Users on a State NPDES activity will be prevented from adding a State or LCON Air Case File via graying out of the link o Users on a State or LCON Air Activity will be prevented from adding a State NPDES Case File because there is no such thing as a State NPDES Case File, so the link will not appear. Table 8.1-3.Add/Link Case File List Dropdown OptionsTable 8.1-2.Case File List Screen Details shows the possible Add/Link Case File dropdown menu options for List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the <Module> screens based on the above principles. Table 8.1-3.Add/Link Case File List Dropdown Options User Geog EPA State LCON Source Activity FE&C (EA, CM, CF) User Has Add Functions? Yes Add/Link Case File Dropdown Content Air DA (EA, CM, CF) Yes State NPDES (EA, CM) Yes Any (EA, CM, CF) No FE&C Air DA State NPDES Any FE&C Air DA State NPDES Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Air Case File Federal State LCON Air Case File with NEI Federal NEI Federal Other Federal Air Case File Federal State LCON Air Case File with NEI Federal NEI Federal Other Federal Air Case File Federal State LCON Air Case File with NEI Federal NEI Federal Other Federal Air Case File Federal State LCON Air Case File with NEI Federal NEI Federal Other Federal N/A Air Case File State Air Case File State Air Case File State N/A Air Case File LCON Air Case File LCON Any No Air Case File LCON 8.2 SAMPLE SCREEN Figure 8.2-1 through Figure 8.2-3 below illustrate the List of Case Files Linked to the Facility Screens with their special add options for each user geography. ICIS Case File 63 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 8.2-1. List of Case Files Linked to the Facility (EPA menu) ICIS Case File 64 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 8.2-2. List of Case Files Linked to the Facility (State menu) Figure 8.2-3. List of Case Files Linked to the Facility (LCON menu) Figure 8.2-4 through Figure 8.2-7 illustrate the screens to link Case Files to Compliance Monitoring activities and to Enforcement Actions. ICIS Case File 65 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 8.2-4. List of Case Files Linked to the Enforcement Action ICIS Case File 66 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 8.2-5. List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the Enforcement Action ICIS Case File 67 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 8.2-6. List of Case Files Linked to the Compliance Monitoring Activity ICIS Case File 68 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 8.2-7. List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the CM Activity ICIS Case File 69 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE 9. CASE FILE BACKGROUND PROCESSING Background processes (BGPs) are used to generate and update ICIS-Air data related to Case Files. These processes are user-initiated. For example, when a user links an activity to a Case File, the actions may trigger a background process to run. 9.1 IDENTIFY LINKED PATHWAY ACTIVITIES AND SET CASE FILE STATUS TYPE Linked Pathway Activities are Compliance Monitoring activities and Enforcement Actions that are linked to the Case File and meet the criteria to be the Case File’s Discovery Action, Notification Action, Addressing Action, or Resolving Action. Status Type is a Case File-level field that is system-generated for Case Files of Type Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI. This process evaluates the Case File’s Pathway Activities to determine the value for Status Type. ICIS-Air will run the Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type BGP against current live data if any of the following criteria are met: User enters or updates any of the Other (manual) Pathway Activities or associated dates. User links a Compliance Monitoring activity to a Case File. User unlinks a Compliance Monitoring activity from a Case File. User edits a Compliance Monitoring activity that is linked to a Case File. User links a Formal or Informal Enforcement Action to a Case File. User unlinks a Formal or Informal Enforcement Action from a Case File. User edits a Formal or Informal Enforcement Action that is linked to a Case File. User deletes a Compliance Monitoring Activity or Enforcement Action that is linked to a Case File. When this background process is triggered, it will recalculate all of the Linked Pathway Activities for the Case File. If no values change in the following fields when the process runs, the Updated By and Updated Date fields will not be changed: Linked Discovery Action Linked Discovery Action Date Other Discovery Action Other Discovery Action Date ICIS Case File 70 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Linked Notification Action Linked Notification Action Date Linked Addressing Action Linked Addressing Action Date Other Addressing Action Other Addressing Action Date Linked Resolving Action Linked Resolving Action Date Other Resolving Action Other Resolving Action Date Figure 9.1-1. Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type provides an illustration of the overall process, which calls five sub-processes. A table detailing each step in the flow also is included in this section. ICIS Case File 71 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 9.1-1. Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type ICIS Case File 72 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Identify Identify Linked Linked Pathway Pathway Activities Activities and and Set Set Case Case File File Status Type Status Type Yes 1. 1. Identify Identify Linked Linked Discovery Discovery Action Action 2. 2. Identify Identify Linked Linked Notification Notification Action Action 6B. Does Other Addressing Action database flag = Y? 3. 3. Identify Identify Linked Linked Addressing Addressing Action Action No No 6D. 6D. Identify Identify Linked Linked Addressing Addressing Action Action 7A. 7A. Set Set Other Other Resolving Resolving Action/ Action/ Date Date to to Other Other Addressing Addressing Action/ Action/ Date Date 7B. 7B. Set Set Case Case File File Status Status Type Type End End No 6A. 6A. Does Does aa Resolving Resolving and and Addressing Addressing value value exist for Other exist for Other Addressing Addressing Action? Action? 4. 4. Identify Identify Linked Linked Resolving Resolving Action Action 6C. 6C. Set Set database database flag flag == NN 7. Does Other Addressing Action database flag = Y? Yes Yes Yes 5. 5. Are Are Other Other Addressing Addressing and and Linked Linked Addressing Addressing Actions Actions Blank? Blank? No Yes 6. 6. Are Are Other Other Resolving Resolving and and Linked Linked Resolving Resolving Actions Actions Blank? Blank? No No 5A. 5A. Does Does aa Resolving Resolving and and Addressing Addressing value value exist for Other exist for Other Resolving Resolving Action? Action? No 5B. 5B. Does Does aa value value exist exist for for Linked Linked Resolving Resolving Action? Action? Yes 5B1. 5B1. Set Set Linked Linked Addressing Addressing Action/ Action/ Date to Linked Date to Linked Resolving Resolving Action/ Action/ Date Date Yes 5A1. 5A1. Set Set Other Other Addressing Addressing Action/ Action/ Date Date to to Other Other Resolving Resolving Action/ Action/ Date Date and and set set database database flag=Y flag=Y 5C. 5C. Set Set Case Case File File Status Status Type Type End End 8. 8. Was Was Other Other Addressing Addressing Action/Date Action/Date blanked blanked out? out? Yes No 11. 11. Was Was Other Other Resolving Resolving Action/Date Action/Date blanked blanked out? out? Yes 12. 12. Blank Blank out out Other Other Resolving Resolving and and Addressing Addressing Action/ Action/ Date Date and and set set database database flag flag == NN Yes No 10. 10. Was Was Other Other Resolving Resolving Action/Date Action/Date changed changed (not (not blanked blanked out)? out)? No End End 13. 13. Identify Identify Linked Linked Addressing Addressing Action Action 14. 14. Set Set Case Case File File Status Status Type Type 9A. 9A. Set Set database database flag=N flag=N Yes 9. Was Other Addressing Action/Date changed? No ICIS Case File 73 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Table 9.1-1. Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type Processing contains a description of the items from the ID Linked Pathway Activities flow. The Item Number column refers to the Processing step being referenced. The Item Description column gives a more in-depth explanation of each step of the process. The Mapping to Requirements Table column references the specific requirements that are checked in that step. All requirements relating to the flow can be found in Table 10-1. Case File Requirements. Table 9.1-1. Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type Processing Item Number Item Description Mapping to Requirements Table 1. Identify Linked Discovery Action System performs Identify Linked Discovery Action processing, which is described in Table 9.1-3. Identify Linked Discovery Action Processing. N/A 2. Identify Linked Notification Action System performs Identify Linked Notification Action processing, which is described in Table 9.1-4. Identify Linked Notification Action Processing. N/A 3. Identify Linked Addressing Action System performs Identify Linked Addressing Action processing, which is described in Table 9.1-5. Identify Linked Addressing Action Processing. N/A 4. Identify Linked Resolving Action System performs Identify Linked Resolving Action processing, which is described in Table 9.1-6. Identify Linked Resolving Action Processing. N/A 5. Are Other Addressing and Linked Addressing Actions Blank? System determines if both Other Addressing Action and Linked Addressing Action are blank for this Case File. If both fields are blank, processing continues at Step 5A; otherwise, processing continues at Step 6. N/A 5A. Does a Resolving and Addressing value exist for Other Resolving Action? System determines if a value that is considered to be both Addressing and Resolving exists for Other Resolving Action. If it does, processing continues at Step 5A1; otherwise, processing continues at Step 5B. N/A 5A1. Set Other Addressing Action/Date to Other Resolving Action/Date and set database flag=Y. Because both Other Addressing Action and Linked Addressing Action are blank, the system populates Other Addressing Action with the Other Resolving Action and Other Addressing Action Date with Other Resolving Action Date and sets ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag to ‘Y’. Processing continues at Step 5C. CF-102, CF-102D, CF-102E, CF-102F, CF-102G 5B. Does a value exist for Linked Resolving Action? System determines if a value exists for Linked Resolving Action. If it does, processing continues at Step 5B1; otherwise, processing continues at Step 6. N/A 5B1. Set Linked Addressing Action/Date to Linked Resolving Action/Date Because both Other Addressing Action and Linked Addressing Action are blank, the system populates Linked Addressing Action with the Linked Resolving Action and Linked Addressing Action Date with Linked Resolving Action Date. Processing continues at Step 5C. CF-103 5C. Set Case File Status Type System performs Set Case File Status Type processing, which is described in Table 9.1-7. Set Case File Status Type Processing. N/A ICIS Case File 74 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Item Number Item Description Mapping to Requirements Table 6. Are Other Resolving and Linked Resolving Actions Blank? System determines if both Other Resolving Action and Linked Resolving Action are blank for this Case File. If both fields are blank, processing continues at Step 6A; otherwise, processing continues at Step 7. N/A 6A. Does a Resolving and Addressing value exist for Other Addressing Action? System determines if a value that is considered to be both Addressing and Resolving exists for Other Addressing Action. If it does, processing continues at Step 6A1; otherwise, processing continues at Step 7. N/A 6B. Does Other Addressing Action database flag = Y? If Other Addressing Action has ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag = ‘Y’, then processing continues at Step 6C; otherwise, processing continues at Step 7A. N/A 6C. Set database flag = N The system sets ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag to ‘N’. Processing continues at Step 6D. 6D. Identify Linked Addressing Action System performs Identify Linked Addressing Action processing, which is described in Table 9.1-5. Identify Linked Addressing Action Processing. N/A 7. Does Other Addressing Action database flag = Y? If Other Addressing Action has ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag = ‘Y’, then processing continues at Step 8; otherwise, processing continues at Step 7A. N/A 7A. Set Other Resolving Action / Date to Other Addressing Action / Date Because both Other Resolving Action and Linked Resolving Action are blank and the Other Addressing Action value is considered Addressing and Resolving, the system populates Other Resolving Action with the Other Addressing Action and Other Resolving Date with the Other Addressing Date. Processing continues at Step 6B. CF-104 7B. Set Case File Status Type System performs Set Case File Status Type processing, which is described in Table 9.1-7. Set Case File Status Type Processing. N/A 8. Was Other Addressing Action/Date blanked out? System determines if Other Addressing Action and Other Addressing Action Date were blanked out. If they were not, processing continues at Step 9; otherwise, processing continues at Step 11. N/A 9. Was Other Addressing Action/Date changed? System determines if Other Addressing Action and/or Other Addressing Action Date was changed. If the one or both fields were changed, processing continues at Step 9A; otherwise, processing continues at Step 10. N/A 9A. Set database flag = N Because Other Addressing Action and/or Other Addressing Action Date was changed, the system sets ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag to ‘N’. Processing continues at Step 14. CF-102A, CF-102B, CF-102C 10. Was Other Resolving Action/Date changed? System determines if Other Resolving Action and/or Other Resolving Action Date was changed. If the one or both fields were changed, processing continues at Step 5A1; otherwise, processing continues at Step 11. N/A 11. Was Other Resolving Action/Date blanked out? System determines if Other Resolving Action and Other Resolving Action Date were blanked out. If they were, processing continues at Step 12; otherwise, processing continues at Step 5A1. N/A ICIS Case File 75 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Item Number Item Description Mapping to Requirements Table 12. Blank out Other Resolving and Addressing Action/Date and set database flag = N System blanks out Other Resolving Action, Other Resolving Action Date, Other Addressing Action, and Other Addressing Action Date and sets ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag to ‘N’. Processing continues at Step 13. CF-102H 13. Identify Linked Addressing Action System performs Identify Linked Addressing Action processing, which is described in Table 9.1-5. Identify Linked Addressing Action Processing. N/A 14. Set Case File Status Type System performs Set Case File Status Type processing, which is described in Table 9.1-7. Set Case File Status Type Processing. N/A The processing flow illustrates that Other Resolving Action/Date can be populated to the value that the user provided for Other Addressing Action/Date, and vice versa. Only in the cases where the Other Addressing Action/Date is populated based on the value that the user provided for Other Resolving Action/Date, ICIS will track this auto-population by setting a database flag (ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag). In the cases where the system has flagged that the Other Addressing Action/Date record was set based on Other Resolving Action/Date (i.e., Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag=Y), the following scenarios apply: 1. User changes Other Addressing Action to any other value (either ‘Addressing only’ or ‘Addressing and Resolving’). The system updates the Addressing Action value as indicated by the user and set flag=N. 2. User changes Other Addressing Action Date to a different value. If newly entered date passes existing chronology business rules, the system updates the Other Addressing Action Date as indicated by the user and sets the flag=N. If the newly entered date fails the existing chronology business rules, the system returns an error. The change is not saved, and the flag remains Y. 3. User changes Other Addressing Action to any other value (either ‘Addressing only’ or ‘Addressing and Resolving’) and changes Other Addressing Action Date. If newly entered date passes existing chronology business rules, the system updates the Other Addressing Action and Date as indicated by the user and sets the flag=N. If the newly entered date fails the existing chronology business rules, the system returns an error. The change is not saved, and the flag remains Y. 4. User blanks out Other Addressing Action and Date. The system sets Other Addressing Action/Date to the values from Other Resolving Action Date. System (re)sets the flag to Y. 5. User blanks out Other Addressing Action but not Date. The system returns an error because it fails existing business rule that if Date is entered, Action must be entered. The change is not saved, and the flag remains Y. 6. User blanks out Other Addressing Action Date, but not Action. The system returns an error because it fails existing business rule that if Action is entered, Date must be entered. The change is not saved, and the flag remains Y. ICIS Case File 76 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE 7. User changes Other Resolving Action to any other value. The system updates the Other Resolving Action value as indicated by the user. The system updates the Other Addressing Action value to match. The flag remains Y. 8. User changes Other Resolving Action Date to any other value. The system updates the Other Resolving Action Date value as indicated by the user. The system updates the Other Addressing Action Date value to match. The flag remains Y. 9. User changes both Other Resolving Action and Other Resolving Action Date. The system updates the Other Resolving Action and Date values as indicated by the user. The system updates the Other Addressing Action and Date values to match. The flag remains Y. 10. User blanks out Other Resolving Action but not Date. The system returns an error because it fails existing business rule that if Date is entered, Action must be entered. The change is not saved, and the flag remains Y. 11. User blanks out Other Resolving Action Date, but not Action. The system returns an error because it fails existing business rule that if Action is entered, Date must be entered. The change is not saved, and the flag remains Y. 12. User blanks out Other Resolving Action and Date. System blanks out Other Addressing Action and Date (in addition to Other Resolving Action and Date), and sets the flag=N. 13. User blanks out Other Addressing Action and Date and Other Resolving Action and Date. System blanks out Other Addressing Action and Date and Other Resolving Action and Date, and sets the flag=N. 14. User links an Enforcement Action that qualifies as an Addressing Action and returns to Case File screen, then deletes Other Addressing Action. The system displays Linked Addressing Action and Other Resolving Action, and sets flag=N. The following table further describes the expected results for the scenarios above. Some scenarios listed in the Scenario column includes a reference number, which corresponds to the number in the above list: ICIS Case File 77 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Table 9.1-2. System Generation of Other Addressing Action/Date based on Other Resolving Action/Date Scenarios Scenario *all scenarios assume that no Linked Pathway Activities exist User adds a Case File record with Other Resolving Action/Date entered. User adds a Case File record with Other Addressing Action/Date entered and the value for Other Addressing Action is an Addressing and Resolving value. User adds a Case File record with Other Addressing Action/Date entered and the value for Other Addressing Action is an Addressing Only value. User edits an existing record where database flag = N. User changes Other Addressing Action Date and Other Resolving Date to different valid dates. User edits an existing record where database flag = N. User blanks out Other Addressing Action and Date. User edits an existing record where database flag = N. User blanks out Other Resolving Action and Date. User edits an existing record where database flag = Y. User changes Other Addressing Action to another Addressing and Resolving value. (Refer to #1 above) User edits an existing record where database flag = Y. User ICIS Case File Before Other Pathway Activity Other Pathway Date (None) (None) User Edits DB Other Pathway Activity Flag N Addr: (none) Rslv: Close Out Memo (None) (None) N Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 12/02/2012 Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 12/02/2012 Rslv: (none) Rslv: (none) Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 N (None) (None) N Addr: Other Action (Addressing Only) Rslv: (none) Addr: 11/01/2011 Rslv: (none) N Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 12/02/2012 N Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 11/01/2011 Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 11/01/2011 N Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 N Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Addr: (none) Addr: (none) Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 12/02/2012 Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Y Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 N Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 12/01/2012 Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 12/01/2012 Rslv: (none) Rslv: (none) Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 N Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 12/02/2012 Y Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Addr: Lead Change Addr: 11/01/2011 Addr: Lead Change Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Rslv: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 Rslv: 12/02/2012 N Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 12/02/2012 Y Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Addr: Other Action (Addressing Only) Addr: 11/01/2011 Rslv: 12/02/2012 N Other Pathway Date Addr: (none) Rslv: 12/02/2012 After Other Pathway Activity Other Pathway Date DB Flag Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 12/02/2012 Y Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Addr: 11/01/2011 Addr: Other Action Rslv: (none) (Addressing Only) Rslv: (none) Addr: 11/01/2011 Addr: Other Action Rslv: 12/02/2012 (Addressing Only) 78 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE changes Other Addressing Action to an Addressing Only value. (Refer to #1 above) User edits an existing record where database flag = Y. User changes Other Addressing Action Date to a different valid date. (Refer to #2 above) User edits an existing record where database flag = Y. User changes Other Addressing Action Date and Other Resolving Date to different valid dates. (Refer to #2 above) User edits an existing record where database flag = Y. User changes Other Addressing Action to another Addressing and Resolving Action value and changes Other Addressing Date to a different valid date. (Refer to #3 above) User edits an existing record where database flag = Y. User changes Other Addressing Action to an Addressing Only value and changes Other Addressing Date to a different valid date. (Refer to #3 above) User edits an existing record where database flag = Y. User blanks out Other Addressing Action and Date. (Refer to #4 above) User edits an existing record where database flag = Y. User blanks out Other Addressing Action but not Date. ICIS Case File Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: Close Out Memo Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 12/02/2012 Y Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 N Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 12/02/2012 Y Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 11/01/2011 Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 11/01/2011 N Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 12/02/2012 Y Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Addr: Lead Change Addr: 11/01/2011 Addr: Lead Change Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Rslv: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 Rslv: 12/02/2012 N Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 12/02/2012 Y Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Addr: Other Action Addr: 11/01/2011 Addr: Other Action (Addressing Only) Rslv: 12/02/2012 (Addressing Only) Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 Rslv: 12/02/2012 N Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 12/02/2012 Y Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Addr: (none) Addr: (none) Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 12/02/2012 Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Y Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 12/02/2012 Y Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Addr: (none) Addr: 12/02/2012 System returns error Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Y 79 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE (Refer to #5 above) User edits an existing record where database flag = Y. User blanks out Other Addressing Date but not Action. (Refer to #6 above) User edits an existing record where database flag = Y. User changes Other Resolving Action to another Addressing and Resolving Action value. (Refer to #7 above) User edits an existing record where database flag = Y. User changes Other Resolving Date to a different valid date. (Refer to #8 above) User edits an existing record where database flag = Y. User changes Other Resolving Action to another Addressing and Resolving Action value and changes Other Resolving Date to a different valid date. (Refer to #9 above) User edits an existing record where database flag = Y. User blanks out Other Resolving Action but not Date. (Refer to #10 above) User edits an existing record where database flag = Y. User blanks out Other Resolving Date but not Action. (Refer to #11 above) User edits an existing record where database flag = Y. User blanks out Other Resolving Action and Date. (Refer to #12 above) User edits an existing record where database flag = Y. User ICIS Case File Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 12/02/2012 Y Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: (none) Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 Y Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 11/01/2011 Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 Addr: Lead Change Rslv: Lead Change Rslv: 11/01/2011 Rslv: Lead Change Addr: 11/01/2011 Rslv: 11/01/2011 Y Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 Y Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 11/01/2011 Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 12/02/2012 Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 12/02/2012 Y Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 Y Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 11/01/2011 Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 Addr: Lead Change Rslv: Lead Change Rslv: 12/02/2012 Rslv: Lead Change Y Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 Y Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 11/01/2011 Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 System returns error Rslv: (blank) Rslv: 11/02/2012 Y Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 Y Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 11/01/2011 Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 System returns error Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: (blank) Y Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 Y Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 11/01/2011 Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 Addr: (none) Rslv: (none) Rslv: (none) Rslv: (none) Addr: (none) Rslv: (none) N Addr: Close Out Memo Addr: 11/01/2011 Y Rslv: Close Out Memo Rslv: 11/01/2011 Addr: (none) Rslv: (none) Addr: (none) Rslv: (none) N Addr: (none) Rslv: (none) System returns error Addr: (none) Rslv: (none) Y Addr: 12/02/2012 Rslv: 12/02/2012 80 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE blanks out Other Addressing Action/Date and Other Resolving Action/Date. (Refer to #13 above) ICIS Case File 81 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE 9.1.1 Identify Linked Discovery Action Figure 9.1-2. Identify Linked Discovery Action is a diagram depicting the process to identify the Case File’s Linked Discovery Action and Date. A table detailing each step in the flow also is included in this section. Figure 9.1-2. Identify Linked Discovery Action Identify Identify Linked Linked Discovery Discovery Action Action 1. 1. Does Does Other Other Discovery Discovery Action Action Type Type Exist? Exist? No 2. 2. Identify Identify all all linked linked Compliance Compliance Monitoring Monitoring Activities Activities that that meet meet all all of of the the following following criteria: criteria: -- Activity Activity Type Type in in (INF, (INF, INS, INS, INV) INV) -- Actual Actual End End Date Date exists exists 3. 3. Do Do any any of of the the linked linked CM CM Activities Activities from from Step Step 22 also also have have Stack Stack Test Test Report Report Received Received Date? Date? Yes Yes 4. 4. How How many many records records meet meet criteria? criteria? >1 1 1A. 1A. Return Return to to calling calling program program 4B. 4B. Save Save Activity Activity ID ID as as the the Linked Linked Discovery Discovery Action. Action. Save Save the the Stack Stack Test Test Report Report Received Received Date Date as as the the Linked Linked Discovery Discovery Action Action Date. Date. No 5A. 5A. Blank Blank out out existing existing Linked Linked Discovery Discovery Action Action 0 5. 5. How How many many records records meet meet criteria criteria from from Step Step 2? 2? >1 5B. 5B. Save Save the the Activity Activity ID ID of of the the record record with with the the Earliest Earliest Actual Actual End End Date Date as as Linked Linked Discovery Discovery Action. Action. Save Save that that date date as as the the Linked Linked Discovery Discovery Action Action Date. Date. 4A. 4A. Save Save the the Activity Activity ID ID of of the the record record with with the the Earliest Earliest Stack Stack Test Test Report Report Received Received Date Date as as Linked Linked Discovery Discovery Action. Action. Save Save that that date date as as the the Linked Linked Discovery Discovery Action Action Date. Date. 4A1. 4A1. Return Return to to calling calling program program Note: If multiples exist with same Stack Test Report Received Date, use the lowest Activity ID 6. 6. Return Return to to calling calling program program 1 5C. 5C. Save Save Activity Activity ID ID as as the the Linked Linked Discovery Discovery Action. Action. Save Save the the Actual Actual End End Date Date as as the the Linked Linked Discovery Discovery Action Action Date. Date. Note: If multiples exist with same Actual End Date, use the lowest Activity ID Table 9.1-3. Identify Linked Discovery Action Processing contains a description of the items from the Identify Linked Discovery Action flow. The Item Number column refers to the Processing step being referenced. The Item Description column gives a more in-depth explanation of each step of the process. The Mapping to Requirements Table column references the specific requirements that are checked in that step. All requirements relating to the flow can be found in Table 10-1. Case File Requirements. Table 9.1-3. Identify Linked Discovery Action Processing Item Number Item Description Mapping to Requirements Table 1. Does Other Discovery Action Type Exist? System determines if a value exists for Other Discovery Action Type. If it does, processing continues at Step 1A; otherwise, processing continues at Step 2. CF-087 1A. Return to calling program Identify Linked Discovery Action processing is complete. Processing returns to the main flow of the calling program (Table 9.1-1. Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type Processing (#2)). CF-087 ICIS Case File 82 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Item Number Item Description Mapping to Requirements Table 2. Identify all linked Compliance Monitoring Activities that meet all of the following criteria: Activity Type in (INF, INS, INV) Actual End Date Exists System identifies all of the Case File’s linked Compliance Monitoring activities that meet the criteria to be Discovery Actions. Processing continues at Step 3. CF-087 3. Do any of the linked CM Activities from Step 2 also have Stack Test Report Received Date? System determines if any of the linked CM Activities that meet the criteria in Step 2 also have Stack Test Report Received Date. If any of the records have Stack Test Report Received Date, these take precedence over the others, and processing continues at Step 4. Otherwise, processing continues at Step 5. CF-087 4. How many records meet criteria? System determines how many of the Case Files linked Compliance Monitoring Activities that meet the criteria to be a Discovery Action also have Stack Test Report Received Date. If multiple records have Stack Test Report Received Date, processing continues at Step 4A. If only one record has Stack Test Report Received Date, processing continues at Step 4B. CF-087 4A. Save the Activity ID of the record with the Earliest Stack Test Report Received Date as Linked Discovery Action. Save that date as the Linked Discovery Action Date. Of all the records that meet the criteria to be Discovery Actions and also have Stack Test Report Received Date, the system chooses the record with the earliest Stack Test Report Received Date. If multiple records exist with the earliest Stack Test Report Received Date, the system chooses the one with the lowest Activity ID. The system saves the Activity ID of the selected record as the Linked Discovery Action and the Stack Test Report Received Date as the Linked Discovery Action Date. Processing continues at Step 4. CF-087 4A1. Return to calling program Identify Linked Discovery Action processing is complete. Processing returns to the main flow of the calling program (Table 9.1 1. Identify Linked Pathway Activities Processing (#2)). 4B. Save the Activity as the Linked Discovery Action. Save the Stack Test Report Received Date as the Linked Discovery Action Date. System has determined that only one linked Compliance Monitoring activity meets the criteria to be the Discovery Action and also has Stack Test Report Received Date. The system saves the Activity ID of that Compliance Monitoring activity as the Linked Discovery Action and the Stack Test Report Received Date as the Linked Discovery Action Date. Processing continues at Step 4A1. CF-087 5. How many records meet criteria from Step 2? System determines how many of the Case File’s linked Compliance Monitoring activities meet the criteria to be Discovery Actions. If no records meet the criteria, processing continues at Step 5A. If multiple records meet the criteria, processing continues at Step 5B. If only one record meets the criteria, processing continues at Step 5C. CF-087 5A. Blank out existing Linked Discovery Action System has determined that none of the Compliance Monitoring activities linked to the Case File meet the criteria to be Discovery Actions. If Linked Discovery Action already exists, then it no longer qualifies. The system blanks out the Linked Discovery Action and Linked Discovery Action Date fields for the Case File. Processing continues at Step 6. CF-087 ICIS Case File 83 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Item Number Item Description Mapping to Requirements Table 5B. Save the Activity ID of the record with the Earliest Actual End Date as Linked Discovery Action. Save that date as the Linked Discovery Action Date. Of all the records that meet the criteria to be Discovery Actions, the system chooses the record with the earliest Actual End Date. If multiple records exist with the earliest Actual End Date, the system chooses the one with the lowest Activity ID. The system saves the Activity ID of the selected record as the Linked Discovery Action and the Actual End Date as the Linked Discovery Action Date. Processing continues at Step 6. CF-087 5C. Save Activity ID as the Linked Discovery Action. Save the Actual End Date as the Linked Discovery Action Date. System has determined that only one linked Compliance Monitoring activity meets the criteria to be the Discovery Action. The system saves the Activity ID of that Compliance Monitoring activity as the Linked Discovery Action and the Actual End Date as the Linked Discovery Action Date. Processing continues at Step 6. CF-087 4. Return to calling program Identify Linked Discovery Action processing is complete. Processing returns to the main flow of the calling program (Table 9.1-1. Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type Processing (#2)). 9.1.2 Identify Linked Notification Action Figure 9.1-3. Identify Linked Notification Action is a diagram depicting the process to identify the Case File’s Linked Notification Action and Date. A table detailing each step in the flow also is included in this section. Figure 9.1-3. Identify Linked Notification Action 2A. 2A. Blank Blank out out existing existing Linked Linked Notification Notification Action Action 0 Identify Identify Linked Linked Notification Notification Action Action 1. 1. Identify Identify all all linked linked Informal Informal Enforcement Enforcement Actions Actions that that meet meet all all of of the the following following criteria: criteria: -- Enforcement Type is defined as Enforcement Type is defined as aa Notification Notification Action Action -- Achieved Achieved Date Date exists exists 2. 2. How How many many records records meet meet criteria? criteria? 1 2C. 2C. Save Save Activity Activity ID ID as as the the Linked Linked Notification Action. Notification Action. Save Save Achieved Achieved Date Date as as the the Linked Linked Notification Notification Action Action Date. Date. >1 2B. 2B. Save Save the the Activity Activity ID ID of of the the record record with with the Earliest the Earliest Achieved Date Achieved Date as as Linked Linked Notification Notification Action. Action. Save Save that that date date as as the the Linked Linked Notification Notification Action Action Date. Date. 3. 3. Return Return to to calling calling program program Note: If multiples exist, use the lowest Activity ID Table 9.1-4. Identify Linked Notification Action Processing contains a description of the items from the Identify Linked Notification Action flow. The Item Number column refers to the Processing step being referenced. The Item Description column gives a more in-depth explanation of each step of the process. The Mapping to Requirements Table column references the specific requirements that are checked in that step. All requirements relating to the flow can be found in Table 10-1. Case File Requirements. ICIS Case File 84 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Table 9.1-4. Identify Linked Notification Action Processing Item Number Item Description Mapping to Requirements Table 1. Identify all linked Informal Enforcement Actions that meet all of the following criteria: Enforcement Type is defined as a Notification Action Achieved Date exists System identifies all of the Case File’s linked Informal Enforcement Actions that meet the criteria to be Notification Actions. Processing continues at Step 2. CF-088 2. How many records meet criteria? System determines how many of the Case File’s linked Informal Enforcement Actions meet the criteria to be Notification Actions. If no records meet the criteria, processing continues at Step 2A. If multiple records meet the criteria, processing continues at Step 2B. If only one record meets the criteria, processing continues at Step 2C. 2A. Blank out existing Linked Notification Action System has determined that none of the Informal Enforcement Actions linked to the Case File meet the criteria to be Notification Actions. If a Linked Notification Action already exists, then it no longer qualifies. The system blanks out the Linked Notification Action and Linked Notification Action Date fields for the Case File. Processing continues at Step 3. CF-088 2B. Save the Activity ID of the record with the Earliest Achieved Date as Linked Notification Action. Save that date as the Linked Notification Action Date. Of all the records that meet the criteria to be Notification Actions, the system chooses the record with the earliest Achieved Date. If multiple records exist with the earliest Achieved Date, the system chooses the one with the earliest Activity ID. The system saves the Activity ID of the selected record as the Linked Notification Action and the Achieved Date as the Linked Notification Action Date. Processing continues at Step 3. CF-088 2C. Save Activity ID as the Linked Notification Action. Save the Achieved Date as the Linked Notification Action Date. System has determined that only one linked Informal Enforcement Action meets the criteria to be the Notification Action. The system saves the Activity ID of that Informal Enforcement Action as the Linked Notification Action and the Achieved Date as the Linked Notification Action Date. Processing continues at Step 3. CF-088 3. Return to calling program Identify Linked Notification Action processing is complete. Processing returns to the main flow of the calling program (Table 9.1-1. Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type Processing (#3)). 9.1.3 Identify Linked Addressing Action Figure 9.1-4. Identify Linked Addressing Action is a diagram depicting the process to identify the Case File’s Linked Addressing Action and Date. A table detailing each step in the flow also is included in this section. ICIS Case File 85 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 9.1-4. Identify Linked Addressing Action Identify Identify Linked Linked Addressing Addressing Action Action 1. 1. Does Does Other Other Addressing Addressing Action Type Action Type Exist? Exist? 2. 2. For For each each linked linked Formal Formal Enforcement Enforcement Action Action determine determine the the earliest earliest Actual Actual Date Date for for an Addressing an Addressing Milestone. Milestone. This This isis the the Addressing Addressing Date. Date. Yes 1A. 1A. Return Return to to calling calling program program 3. 3. Of Of the the Addressing Addressing Dates Dates identified identified in in previous previous step, step, ID ID all all that that meet meet the the following following criteria: criteria: -- Addressing Addressing Date Date <=Other <=Other Resolving Resolving Action Action Date Date 4A. 4A. Blank Blank out out existing existing Linked Linked Addressing Addressing Action Action 0 4. 4. How How many many records records meet meet criteria? criteria? 1 4C. 4C. Save Save Activity Activity ID ID of of the the EA EA as as Linked Linked Addressing Action. Addressing Action. Save Save its its Addressing Addressing Date Date as as the the Linked Linked Addressing Addressing Action Action Date. Date. >1 4B. 4B. Save Save the the Activity Activity ID ID of of the the EA EA with with the the Earliest Earliest Addressing Milestone Addressing Milestone Actual Actual Date Date as as Linked Linked Addressing Addressing Action. Action. Save Save that date as the that date as the Linked Linked Addressing Addressing Action Action Date. Date. 5. 5. Return Return to to calling calling program program Note: If multiples exist, use the lowest Activity ID Table 9.1-5. Identify Linked Addressing Action Processing contains a description of the items from the Identify Linked Addressing Action flow. The Item Number column refers to the Processing step being referenced. The Item Description column gives a more in-depth explanation of each step of the process. The Mapping to Requirements Table column references the specific requirements that are checked in that step. All requirements relating to the flow can be found in Table 10-1. Case File Requirements. Table 9.1-5. Identify Linked Addressing Action Processing Item Number Item Description Mapping to Requirements Table 1. Does Other Addressing Action Type Exist? System determines if a value exists for Other Addressing Action Type. If it does, processing continues at Step 1A; otherwise, processing continues at Step 2. CF-094 1A. Return to calling program Identify Linked Addressing Action processing is complete. Processing returns to the main flow of the calling program (Table 9.1-1. Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type Processing (#4)). CF-094 2. For each linked Formal Enforcement Action determine the earliest Actual Date for an Addressing Milestone. This is the Addressing Date. System evaluates all of the Formal Enforcement Actions linked to the Case File to determine the earliest Actual End Date of a qualifying Milestone for each one. For purposes of this calculation, that date is the Addressing Date. Processing continues at Step 3. CF-094, CF-095 3. Of the Addressing dates identified in previous step, ID all that meet the following criteria: Addressing Date <= Other Resolving Date (Other Resolving Date may not exist. In that case, the Addressing Date is considered to meet this criterion.) System evaluates all of the Addressing Dates identified in Step 2, and determines which ones meet the date order criteria. Processing continues at Step 4. CF-094, CF-095 ICIS Case File 86 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Item Number Item Description Mapping to Requirements Table 4. How many records meet criteria? System determines how many of the Case File’s linked Formal Enforcement Actions meet the criteria from the previous steps to be Addressing Actions. If no records meet the criteria, processing continues at Step 4A. If multiple records meet the criteria, processing continues at Step 4B. If only one record meets the criteria, processing continues at Step 4C. 4A. Blank out existing Linked Addressing Action System has determined that none of the Formal Enforcement Actions linked to the Case File meet the criteria to be Addressing Actions. If Linked Addressing Action already exists, then it no longer qualifies. The system blanks out the Linked Addressing Action and Linked Addressing Action Date fields for the Case File. Processing continues at Step 6. CF-094, CF-095 4B. Save the Activity ID of the EA with the Earliest Addressing Date as Linked Addressing Action. Save that date as the Linked Addressing Action Date. Of all the records that meet the criteria to be Addressing Actions, the system chooses the record with the earliest Addressing Date. If multiple records exist with the earliest Addressing Date, the system chooses the one with the earliest Activity ID. The system saves the Activity ID of the selected record as the Linked Addressing Action and the Addressing Date as the Linked Addressing Action Date. Processing continues at Step 5. CF-094, CF-095 4C. Save Activity ID of the EA as the Linked Addressing Action. Save its Addressing Date as the Linked Addressing Action Date. System has determined that only one linked Formal Enforcement Action meets the criteria to be the Addressing Action. The system saves the Activity ID of that Formal Enforcement Action as the Linked Addressing Action and the Addressing Date as the Linked Addressing Action Date. Processing continues at Step 5. CF-094, CF-095 5. Return to calling program Identify Linked Addressing Action processing is complete. Processing returns to the main flow of the calling program (Table 9.1-1. Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type Processing (#4)). 9.1.4 Identify Linked Resolving Action Figure 9.1-5. Identify Linked Resolving Action is a diagram depicting the process to identify the Case File’s Linked Resolving Action and Date. A table detailing each step in the flow also is included in this section. ICIS Case File 87 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 9.1-5. Identify Linked Resolving Action Identify Identify Linked Linked Resolving Resolving Action Action 1. 1. Does Does Other Other Resolving Resolving Action Action Type Type Exist? Exist? No 2. 2. Identify Identify all all linked linked Formal Formal Enforcement Enforcement Actions Actions that that have have aa Final Final Order Order 5A. 5A. Blank Blank out out existing existing Linked Linked Resolving Resolving Action Action 5A1/5B1. 5A1/5B1. Return Return to to calling calling program program Yes 1A. 1A. Return Return to to calling calling program program 0 3. 3. Do Do all all linked linked Formal Formal EAs EAs that that have have aa Final Final Order Order for for an an Air Air Interest Interest also also have have Actual Actual Date Date for for Air Air Resolved Resolved Milestone? Milestone? Yes 4. 4. Of Of the the linked linked Formal Formal EAs EAs from from the the previous previous step, step, identify identify those those with with Air Air Resolved Resolved Milestone Milestone Actual Actual Date Date >= >= (Linked (Linked Addressing Addressing Action Action Date Date and and Other Other Addressing Addressing Action Action Date). Date). 5. 5. How How many many records records meet meet criteria? criteria? >1 1 No 3A. 3A. Blank Blank out out existing existing Linked Linked Resolving Resolving Action Action 3A1/5C1. 3A1/5C1. Return Return to to calling calling program program 5B. 5B. Of Of the the linked linked Formal Formal EAs EAs from from the the previous previous step, step, Save Save the the Activity Activity ID of the record with the latest ID of the record with the latest Air Air Resolved Resolved Milestone Milestone Actual Actual Date Date as as the the Linked Linked Resolving Resolving Action. Action. Save Save that that date date as as the the Linked Linked Resolving Resolving Action Action Date. Date. Note: If multiples exist, use the highest Activity ID 5C. 5C. Save Save Activity Activity ID ID of of the the EA EA as as Linked Linked Resolving Resolving Action. Action. Save Save its its Resolved Resolved Milestone Milestone Actual Actual Date Date as as the the Linked Linked Resolving Resolving Action Action Date. Date. Table 9.1-6. Identify Linked Resolving Action Processing contains a description of the items from the Identify Linked Resolving Action flow. The Item Number column refers to the Processing step being referenced. The Item Description column gives a more in-depth explanation of each step of the process. The Mapping to Requirements Table column references the specific requirements that are checked in that step. All requirements relating to the flow can be found in Table 10-1. Case File Requirements. Table 9.1-6. Identify Linked Resolving Action Processing Item Number Item Description Mapping to Requirements Table 1. Does Other Resolving Action Type Exist? System determines if a value exists for Other Resolving Action Type. If it does, processing continues at Step 1A. Otherwise, processing continues at Step 2. CF-101 1A. Return to calling program Identify Linked Resolving Action processing is complete. Processing returns to the main flow of the calling program (Table 9.1-1. Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type Processing (#5)). CF-101 2. Identify all linked Formal Enforcement Actions that have a Final Order System evaluates all of the Formal Enforcement Actions linked to the Case File to identify the ones that have at least one Final Order. Processing continues at Step 3. CF-101 3. Do all linked Formal EAs that have a Final Order for an Air Interest also have Actual Date for Air Resolved Milestone? System evaluates all linked Formal Enforcement Actions to determine if they all have an Actual Date for the Air Resolved Milestone. If they do, processing continues at Step 4; otherwise, processing continues at Step 3A. If none of the linked Formal Enforcement Actions that have an Air Interest also have a Final Order, processing continues at Step 3A (because the EA will not have an Actual Date for the Air Resolved Milestone). CF-101 3A. Blank out existing Linked Resolving Action System has determined that none of the Formal Enforcement Actions linked to the Case File meet the criteria to be Resolving Actions. If a Linked Resolving Action already exists, then it no longer qualifies. The system blanks out the Linked Resolving Action and Linked Resolving Action Date fields for the Case File. Identify Linked Resolving Action processing continues at Step 3A1. Otherwise, processing continues at Step 4. CF-101 ICIS Case File 88 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Item Number Item Description 3A1. Return to calling program Identify Linked Resolving Action processing is complete. Processing returns to the main flow of the calling program (Table 9.1-1. Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type Processing (#5)). 4. Of the linked Formal EAs from the previous step, identify those with Air Resolved Milestone Actual Date >= (Linked Addressing Action Date and Other Addressing Action Date). (Some or all of these dates may not exist. If none exist, The Formal EA is considered to meet this criterion.) System evaluates all of the linked Formal Enforcement Actions that have Final Orders for an Air Interest to identify those with a qualifying Air Resolved Milestone Actual End Date. Processing continues at Step 5. 5 How many records meet criteria? System determines how many of the Formal Enforcement Actions linked to the Case File meet the criteria from the previous steps to be Resolving Actions. If no records meet the criteria, processing continues at Step 5A. If multiple records meet the criteria, processing continues at Step 5B. If only one record meets the criteria, processing continues at Step 5C. 5A. Blank out existing Linked Resolving Action System has determined that none of the Formal Enforcement Actions linked to the Case File meet the criteria to be Resolving Actions. If a Linked Resolving Action already exists, then it no longer qualifies. The system blanks out the Linked Resolving Action and Linked Resolving Action Date fields for the Case File. Processing continues at Step 5A1. 5A1. Return to calling program Identify Linked Resolving Action processing is complete. Processing returns to the main flow of the calling program (Table 9.1-1. Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type Processing (#5)) 5B. Of the linked Formal EAs from the previous step, save the Activity ID of the record with the latest Air Resolved Milestone Actual Date as the Linked Resolving Action. Save that date as the Linked Resolving Action Date. System evaluates all of the linked Formal Enforcement Actions that that meet the criteria to be Resolving Actions to identify the record with the latest Air Resolved Milestone Actual Date. If multiple records exist with the latest Air Resolved Milestone Actual Date, the system chooses the one with the highest Activity ID. The system saves the Activity ID of the selected record as the Linked Resolving Action and that date as the Linked Resolving Action Date. Processing continues at Step 5B1. 5B1. Return to calling program Identify Linked Resolving Action processing is complete. Processing returns to the main flow of the calling program (Table 9.1-1. Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type Processing (#5)) 5C. Save Activity ID of the EA as Linked Resolving Action. Save its Air Resolved Milestone Actual Date as the Linked Resolving Action Date. System has determined that only one linked Formal Enforcement Action meets the criteria to be the Resolving Action. The system saves the Activity ID of that Formal Enforcement Action as the Linked Resolving Action and the Air Resolved Milestone Actual Date as the Linked Resolving Action Date. Processing continues at Step 5C1. 5C1. Return to calling program Identify Linked Resolving Action processing is complete. Processing returns to the main flow of the calling program (Table 9.1-1. Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type Processing (#5)). ICIS Case File Mapping to Requirements Table CF-101 CF-101 CF-101 CF-101 89 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE 9.1.5 Set Case File Status Type Figure 9.1-6. Set Case File Status Type is a diagram depicting the process to set the Case File Status Type. A table detailing each step in the flow also is included in this section. Figure 9.1-6. Set Case File Status Type 1. 1. Does Does Case Case File File Type Type == Air Air Case Case File File or or Air Air Case Case File File with with NEI? NEI? Set Set Case Case File File Status Status Type Type Yes 2. 2. Does Does Case Case File File have have Linked Linked // Other Other Resolving Resolving Action? Action? No Yes 1A. 1A. Do Do not not generate generate Case Case File File Status Status Type Type 2A. 2A. Set Set Case Case File File Status Status Type Type to to Resolved Resolved No 3. 3. Does Does Case Case File File have have aa Linked Linked // Other Other Addressing Addressing Action? Action? No 4. 4. Does Does Case Case File File have have aa Linked Linked Notification Notification Action? Action? No 5. 5. Does Does Case Case File File have have aa Linked Linked // Other Other Discovery Discovery Action? Action? Yes Yes Yes 3A. 3A. Set Set Case Case File File Status Status Type Type to to Addressed Addressed 4A. 4A. Set Set Case Case File File Status Status Type Type to to Notified Notified 5A. 5A. Set Set Case Case File File Status Status Type Type to to Discovered Discovered End End No 6. 6. Set Set Case Case File File Status Status Type Type to to Data Data Entered Entered End End Table 9.1-7. Set Case File Status Type Processing contains a description of the items from the Set Status Type flow. The Item Number column refers to the Processing step being referenced. The Item Description column gives a more in-depth explanation of each step of the process. The Mapping to Requirements Table column references the specific requirements that are checked in that step. All requirements relating to the flow can be found in Table 10-1. Case File Requirements. Table 9.1-7. Set Case File Status Type Processing Item Number Item Description Mapping to Requirements Table 1. Does Case File Type = Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI? System determines if the Case File Type is Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI. If it is either one of those values, processing continues at Step 2. Otherwise, processing continues at Step 1A. CF-109 1A. Do not generate Case File Status Type Because this is not an Air Case File (Case File Type of Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI), the system does not generate Status Type. Status Type will be user entered for this Case File. Set Status Type processing ends. CF-109 2. Does Case File have Linked / Other Resolving Action? System evaluates the Case File to determine if it has a Resolving Action (either Linked or Other). If it does, processing continues at Step 2A; otherwise, processing continues at Step 3. CF-109 2A Set Case File Status Type to Resolved System has determined that the Case File has a Resolving Action and sets Status Type to Resolved. Set Status Type processing ends. CF-109 3. Does Case File have Linked / Other Addressing Action? System evaluates the Case File to determine if it has an Addressing Action (either Linked or Other). If it does, processing continues at Step 3A; otherwise, processing continues at Step 4. CF-109 ICIS Case File 90 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Item Number Item Description Mapping to Requirements Table 3A. Set Case File Status Type to Addressed System has determined that the Case File has an Addressing Action but no Resolving Action and sets Status Type to Addressed. Set Status Type processing ends. CF-109 4. Does Case File have Linked Notification Action? System evaluates the Case File to determine if it has a Linked Notification Action. If it does, processing continues at Step 4A; otherwise, processing continues at Step 5. CF-109 4A. Set Case File Status Type to Notified System has determined that the Case File has a Notification Action but no Addressing or Resolving Actions and sets Status Type to Notified. Set Status Type processing ends. CF-109 5. Does Case File have Linked / Other Discovery Action? System evaluates the Case File to determine if it has a Discovery Action (either Linked or Other). If it does, processing continues at Step 5A; otherwise, processing continues at Step 6. CF-109 5A. Set Case File Status Type to Discovered System has determined that the Case File has a Discovery Action but no Notification, Addressing, or Resolving Actions and sets Status Type to Discovered. Set Status Type processing ends. CF-109 6. Set Case File Status Type to Data Entered System has determined that the Case File does not have any Discovery, Notification, Addressing, or Resolving Actions and sets Status Type to Data Entered. Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Status Type processing ends. CF-109 9.2 SET ENFORCEMENT RESPONSE POLICY Enforcement Response Policy is a Case File-level field that exists for Case Files types of Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI. This process evaluates the Case File’s Air Violations to determine the value for Enforcement Response Policy. It is triggered whenever the Case File’s Air Violations are saved. Figure 9.2-1. Set Enforcement Response Policy is a diagram depicting the process to populate the Case File’s Enforcement Response Policy field. A table detailing each step in the flow is also included in this section. ICIS Case File 91 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Figure 9.2-1. Set Enforcement Response Policy 1. 1. Does Does Case Case File File have have any any Air Air Violations? Violations? Set Set Enforcement Enforcement Response Response Policy Policy No Yes 2. 2. Do Do any any of of the the Air Air Violations Violations have have Violation Violation Class Class == HPV? HPV? Yes 2A. 2A. Do Do any any of of those those Air Air Violations Violations have have HPV HPV Designation Designation Removal Removal Date Date == null? null? Yes 2A1. 2A1. Set Set Enforcement Enforcement Response Response Policy Policy to to HPV HPV End End No No 1A. 1A. Set Set Enforcement Enforcement Response Response Policy Policy to to Blank. Blank. 3. 3. Do Do any any of of the the Air Air Violations Violations have Violation have Violation Class Class == FRV? FRV? Yes 3A. 3A. Set Set Enforcement Enforcement Response Response Policy Policy to to FRV FRV Yes 4A. 4A. Set Set Enforcement Enforcement Response Response Policy Policy to to Non-FRV Non-FRV No 4. 4. Do Do any any of of the the Air Air Violations Violations have Violation have Violation Class Class == NonNonFRV? FRV? No 5. 5. Set Set Enforcement Enforcement Response Response Policy Policy to to Other Other End End Table 9.2-1. Set Enforcement Response Policy Processing contains a description of the items from the Set Enforcement Response Policy flow. The Item Number column refers to the Processing step being referenced. The Item Description column gives a more in-depth explanation of each step of the process. The Mapping to Requirements Table column references the specific requirements that are checked in that step. All requirements relating to the flow can be found in Table 10-1. Case File Requirements. Table 9.2-1. Set Enforcement Response Policy Processing Item Number Item Description Mapping to Requirements Table 1. Does Case File have any Air Violations? System determines if the Case File has any Air Violations. If it does, processing continues at Step 2. Otherwise, processing continues at Step 1A. CF-073 1A. Set Enforcement Response Policy to Blank Because there are no Air Violations for this Case File, the system sets the Enforcement Response Policy to blank. Set Enforcement Response Policy processing ends. CF-073 2. Do any of the Air Violations have Violation Class = HPV? System evaluates all of the Case File’s Air Violations to determine if any have Violation Classification of HPV (the most severe). If they do, processing continues at Step 2A; otherwise, processing continues at Step 3. CF-073 2A. Do any of those Air Violations have HPV Designation Removal Date = null? System evaluates all of the Case File’s Air Violations that have Violation Class = HPV to determine if any of them have HPV Designation Removal Date equal to null (meaning the HPV designation has not been removed). If so, processing continues at Step 2A1; otherwise processing continues at Step 3A. CF-073 ICIS Case File 92 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Item Number Item Description Mapping to Requirements Table 2A1. Set Enforcement Response Policy to HPV System has determined that at least one of the Air Violations that does not have an HPV Designation Removal Date has Violation Classification of HPV. The system sets Enforcement Response Policy to HPV. Set Enforcement Response Policy processing ends. CF-073 3. Do any of the Air Violations have Violation Class = FRV? System evaluates all of the Case File’s Air Violations to determine if any have Violation Classification of FRV. If they do, processing continues at Step 3A; otherwise, processing continues at Step 4. CF-073 3A. Set Enforcement Response Policy to FRV The system sets Enforcement Response Policy to FRV. Set Enforcement Response Policy processing ends. CF-073 4. Do any of the Air Violations have Violation Class = Non-FRV? System evaluates all of the Case File’s Air Violations to determine if any have Violation Class = Non-FRV. If they do, processing continues at Step 4A; otherwise, processing continues at Step 5. CF-073 4A. Set Enforcement Response Policy to Non-FRV The system sets Enforcement Response Policy to Non-FRV. Set Enforcement Response Policy processing ends. CF-073 5. Set Enforcement Response Policy to Other The system has determined that the Case File does not quality for Enforcement Response Policy of HPV, FRV, or Non-FRV. The system sets Enforcement Response Policy to Other. Set Enforcement Response Policy processing ends. CF-073 ICIS Case File 93 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE 10. REQUIREMENTS Table 10-1. Case File Requirements lists the requirements that apply to Case File functions. Each row has a unique ID which identifies the Requirement ID. The Description column describes the specific functional or business rule requirement that is being applied to the Case File module. The Error/Warning/Informational Message column lists the specific message that will display on the screen. Functional requirements do not have error/warning/informational messages. An error message will display if a business rule is violated and prevents the user from saving the record. A warning message displays when a user is required to confirm the action prior to saving the record. An informational message displays after the record is saved. The Web Function column identifies all functions to which the requirement applies. Table 10-1. Case File Requirements ID Description General Case File Requirements The system shall enforce the security model for the users to CF-001 view, add, edit, and delete a Case File. Refer to ICIS-Air Security Requirements. The system shall enforce Enforcement Sensitive privileges CF-002 for a Case File according to the following rules: The entire Case File is Enforcement Sensitive if the Enforcement Sensitive Indicator = Yes Air Violation records are always Enforcement Sensitive Enforcement Sensitive Comments are always Enforcement Sensitive. The Federal Case File shall have some or all of the following CF-003 links: Basic Info Air Violations (Enforcement Sensitive Privileges required; only Air Case File and Air Case File with NEI) Sensitive Comments (Enforcement Sensitive Privileges required; only Air Case File and Air Case File with NEI) Sub Activities Related Activities ICIS Case File Error/Warning/Informational Message Web Function The user does not have the privileges to perform this transaction. All Web Functions N/A Add/Edit/Delete N/A Edit 94 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-004 Description The DA Case File shall have some or all of the following links: Basic Info Air Violations (Enforcement Sensitive Privileges required) Sensitive Comments (Enforcement Sensitive Privileges required) Sub Activities (Federal Users) Related Activities (Federal Users) Linked Case Files (DA Users) The Air Violations link shall only be displayed if the user has CF-005 Enforcement Sensitive privileges and the Case File Type = Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI. The Sensitive Comments link shall only be displayed if the CF-006 user has Enforcement Sensitive privileges and the Case File Type = Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI. The system shall allow the user to add a new Case File. CF-007 The system shall allow the user to view a Case File. CF-008 The system shall allow the user to edit an existing Case File. CF-009 The system shall allow the user to delete an existing Case CF-010 File. An LCON user cannot add, edit, or delete a State Case File. CF-011 An LCON user cannot add, edit, or delete a Federal Case CF-012 File. A State/Tribe user cannot add, edit, or delete an LCON Case CF-013 File. A State/Tribe user cannot add, edit, or delete a Federal Case CF-014 File. Case File Identifier For LCON users entering an LCON Case File, the system CF-015 shall generate the State field to the State associated with the User ID. For LCON users entering an LCON Case File, the system CF-016 will generate the LCON field to the LCON associated with the User ID. For State/Tribe users entering a State Case File, the system CF-017 shall generate the State field to the State/Tribe associated with the User ID. For State/Tribe users entering a State Case File, the system CF-018 shall prevent the user from entering LCON. ICIS Case File Error/Warning/Informational Message N/A Web Function Edit N/A Edit N/A Edit N/A N/A N/A N/A Add View Edit Delete N/A N/A Add/Edit/Delete Add/Edit/Delete N/A Add/Edit/Delete N/A Add/Edit/Delete N/A Add N/A Add N/A Add N/A Add 95 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-019 CF-020 CF-021 CF-022 CF-023 CF-024 CF-025 CF-026 CF-027 CF-028 CF-029 CF-030 ICIS Case File Description For Regional users entering a State or LCON Case File, the system shall filter the values for State based on the States associated with the user's Region. For HQ users entering a State or LCON Case File, the system shall display all display all values for State. For Regional users entering a State Case File, the system shall prevent the user from entering LCON. For HQ users entering a State Case File, the system shall prevent the user from entering LCON. For an LCON Case File, HQ and Regional users will not be able to enter LCON until State has been selected. For an LCON Case File entered by HQ and Regional users, once a value for State is selected, LCON field values will be filtered based on the LCONs within the specified State. For a Regional user entering a Federal Case File, Region will be system generated to the Region associated with the user ID. For an HQ user entering a Federal Case File, Region will be a picklist of the regions and shall default to HQ. The system shall generate the DA Case File ID according to the following algorithm: Positions 1-2: State Code Positions 3-5: LCON Code based on the Case File LCON value. If value does not exist, use ‘000’ Position 6: A for Air DA Positions 7-25: System generated numeric increment that is unique to the combination within a common value for positions 1-6 The system shall generate the Federal Case File ID according to the following algorithm: Positions 1-2: Region Code Positions 3-5: ‘000’ Position 6: F for Federal Positions 7-25: System generated numeric increment that is unique to the combination within a common value for positions 1-6 The system shall allow the Case File ID to be variable length for positions 7-25. Case File ID must be unique within the Region, State, LCON, and Program (positions 1-6). Error/Warning/Informational Message N/A Web Function Add N/A Add N/A Add N/A Add N/A Add N/A Add N/A Add N/A Add N/A Add N/A Add N/A Edit N/A Add 96 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID Description Case File Deletion CF-031 When deleting a Federal Case File record, the system will display a confirmation message prior to deleting. CF-032 When deleting a Delegated Agency Case File record, the system will display a confirmation message prior to deleting. When deleting a Case File record, if any other Activities are linked to the Activity, the system shall delete the link to each Activity, but not delete the Activity. Case File Data Elements The system shall display the following data elements on the CF-034 Add Case File screen when Case File Type = Air Case File: CF-033 - - ICIS Case File Error/Warning/Informational Message Web Function Are you sure you want to delete the selected Case File? The following will be unlinked from this Case File (if found): ADRs Case Files Compliance Assistance activities Compliance Monitoring activities Formal Enforcement Actions Incidents Informal Enforcement Actions Voluntary Disclosures Are you sure you want to delete the selected Case File? The following will be unlinked from this Case File (if found): Case Files Compliance Monitoring activities Formal Enforcement Actions Informal Enforcement Actions N/A Delete N/A Add Delete Delete Case File Identifier Case File Type Case File Name Status Type Lead Agency Case File Description Linked Facility - Prog. Sys. Acronym - Programmatic ID - Facility Site Name - FRS ID - Address - County Federal Statutes 97 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-035 Description Law Sections (Fed only) Programs Program Description Enforcement Response Policy Enforcement Sensitive Indicator (DA only) Earliest FRV Determination Date Earliest HPV Day Zero Date Applicable Pollutants Discovery Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Discovery Action Other Type Discovery Action Other Date Notification Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Addressing Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Addressing Action Other Type Addressing Action Other Date Resolving Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Resolving Action Other Type Resolving Action Other Date Lead Agency Change / Superseded By Consultation Date EPA National Initiative Federal Facility Activity Federal Facility Activity Comment Government Contacts -Affiliation Type - Name - Phone - Fax - Email - Office - Organization User-Defined Fields 1-6 Comments The system shall display the following data elements on the Add Case File screen when Case File Type = Air Case File with NEI: - ICIS Case File Error/Warning/Informational Message Web Function N/A Add Case File Identifier Case File Type Case File Name Status Type Lead Agency Case File Description 98 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID ICIS Case File Description Linked Facility - Prog. Sys. Acronym - Programmatic ID - Facility Site Name - FRS ID - Address - County Federal Statutes Law Sections Programs Program Description Enforcement Response Policy Earliest FRV Determination Date Earliest HPV Day Zero Date Applicable Pollutants Discovery Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Discovery Action Other Type Discovery Action Other Date Notification Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Addressing Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Addressing Action Other Type Addressing Action Other Date Resolving Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Resolving Action Other Type Resolving Action Other Date Lead Agency Change / Superseded By Consultation Date EPA National Initiative Federal Facility Activity Federal Facility Activity Comment Government Contacts -Affiliation Type - Name - Phone - Fax - Email - Office - Organization User-Defined Fields 1-6 Comments National Enforcement Initiative Facility NEI Initiated Action Type Facility NEI Initiated Action Date Error/Warning/Informational Message Web Function 99 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-036 ICIS Case File Description Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Type Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Date Facility No Further Action T type Facility No Further Action Date HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval Date NEI Determination Comment The system shall display the following data elements on the Add Case File screen when the Case File Type = National Enforcement Initiative Determination: Case File Identifier Case File Type Case File Name Status Type Lead Agency Case File Description Linked Facility - Prog. Sys. Acronym - Programmatic ID - Facility Site Name - FRS ID - Address - County Federal Statutes Law Sections Programs Program Description Method of Discovery Violation Class Type Follow-Up Action Enforce AO Discovery Date Determination Date Occurrence Start Date Occurrence End Date Applicable Pollutants Lead Agency Change / Superseded By Consultation Date EPA National Initiative Federal Facility Activity Federal Facility Activity Comment Government Contacts -Affiliation Type Error/Warning/Informational Message Web Function N/A Add 100 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-037 ICIS Case File Description - Name - Phone - Fax - Email - Office - Organization User-Defined Fields 1-6 Comments National Enforcement Initiative Facility NEI Initiated Action Type Facility NEI Initiated Action Date Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Type Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Date Facility No Further Action T type Facility No Further Action Date HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval Date NEI Determination Comment The system shall display the following data elements on the Add Case File screen when the Case File Type is not Air Case File, Air Case File with NEI, or National Enforcement Initiative Determination: Case File Identifier Case File Type Case File Name Status Type Lead Agency Case File Description Linked Facility - Prog. Sys. Acronym - Programmatic ID - Facility Site Name - FRS ID - Address - County Federal Statutes Law Sections Programs Program Description Method of Discovery Violation Class Type Follow-Up Action Enforce AO Error/Warning/Informational Message Web Function N/A Add 101 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-038 CF-039 ICIS Case File Description Discovery Date Determination Date Occurrence Start Date Occurrence End Date Applicable Pollutants Lead Agency Change / Superseded By Consultation Date EPA National Initiative Federal Facility Activity Federal Facility Activity Comment Government Contacts -Affiliation Type - Name - Phone - Fax - Email - Office - Organization User-Defined Fields 1-6 Comments The system shall display a context header on the Edit Case File screen with the following fields: Case File Identifier Case File Name Case File Type EPA Region Status Type The system shall display the following data elements on the Edit Case File screen when Case File Type = Air Case File: Case File Identifier Case File Type Case File Name Status Type Lead Agency Case File Description Linked Facility - Prog. Sys. Acronym - Programmatic ID - Facility Site Name - FRS ID - Address - County Federal Statutes Error/Warning/Informational Message Web Function N/A Edit N/A Edit 102 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-040 ICIS Case File Description Law Sections (Fed only) Programs Program Description Enforcement Response Policy Enforcement Sensitive Indicator (DA only) Earliest FRV Determination Date Earliest HPV Day Zero Date Applicable Pollutants Discovery Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Discovery Action Other Type Discovery Action Other Date Notification Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Addressing Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Addressing Action Other Type Addressing Action Other Date Resolving Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Resolving Action Other Type Resolving Action Other Date Lead Agency Change / Superseded By Consultation Date EPA National Initiative Federal Facility Activity Federal Facility Activity Comment Government Contacts -Affiliation Type - Name - Phone - Fax - Email - Office - Organization User-Defined Fields 1-6 Comments The system shall display the following data elements on the Edit Case File screen when Case File Type = Air Case File with NEI: Case File Identifier Case File Type Case File Name Status Type Lead Agency Case File Description Linked Facility Error/Warning/Informational Message Web Function N/A Edit 103 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID ICIS Case File Description - Prog. Sys. Acronym - Programmatic ID - Facility Site Name - FRS ID - Address - County Federal Statutes Law Sections Programs Program Description Enforcement Response Policy Earliest FRV Determination Date Earliest HPV Day Zero Date Applicable Pollutants Discovery Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Discovery Action Other Type Discovery Action Other Date Notification Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Addressing Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Addressing Action Other Type Addressing Action Other Date Resolving Action Type/Date via Linked Activity Resolving Action Other Type Resolving Action Other Date Lead Agency Change / Superseded By Consultation Date EPA National Initiative Federal Facility Activity Federal Facility Activity Comment Government Contacts -Affiliation Type - Name - Phone - Fax - Email - Office - Organization User-Defined Fields 1-6 Comments National Enforcement Initiative Facility NEI Initiated Action Type Facility NEI Initiated Action Date Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Type Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Date Error/Warning/Informational Message Web Function 104 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-041 ICIS Case File Description Facility No Further Action T type Facility No Further Action Date HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval Date NEI Determination Comment The system shall display the following data elements on the Edit Case File screen when the Case File Type = National Enforcement Initiative Determination: Case File Identifier Case File Type Case File Name Status Type Lead Agency Case File Description Linked Facility - Prog. Sys. Acronym - Programmatic ID - Facility Site Name - FRS ID - Address - County Federal Statutes Law Sections Programs Program Description Method of Discovery Violation Class Type Follow-Up Action Enforce AO Discovery Date Determination Date Occurrence Start Date Occurrence End Date Applicable Pollutants Lead Agency Change / Superseded By Consultation Date EPA National Initiative Federal Facility Activity Federal Facility Activity Comment Government Contacts -Affiliation Type - Name - Phone Error/Warning/Informational Message Web Function N/A Edit 105 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-042 ICIS Case File Description - Fax - Email - Office - Organization User-Defined Fields 1-6 Comments National Enforcement Initiative Facility NEI Initiated Action Type Facility NEI Initiated Action Date Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Type Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Date Facility No Further Action T type Facility No Further Action Date HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval Date NEI Determination Comment The system shall display the following data elements on the Edit Case File screen when the Case File Type is not Air Case File, Air Case File with NEI, or National Enforcement Initiative Determination: Case File Identifier Case File Type Case File Name Status Type Lead Agency Case File Description Linked Facility - Prog. Sys. Acronym - Programmatic ID - Facility Site Name - FRS ID - Address - County Federal Statutes Law Sections Programs Program Description Method of Discovery Violation Class Type Follow-Up Action Enforce AO Discovery Date Determination Date Error/Warning/Informational Message Web Function N/A Edit 106 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-043 CF-044 CF-045 CF-047 ICIS Case File Description Occurrence Start Date Occurrence End Date Applicable Pollutants Lead Agency Change / Superseded By Consultation Date EPA National Initiative Federal Facility Activity Federal Facility Activity Comment Government Contacts -Affiliation Type - Name - Phone - Fax - Email - Office - Organization User-Defined Fields 1-6 Comments The system shall require the user to enter the following data elements to save a DA Air Case File: Linked Facility Programs The system shall require the user to enter the following data elements to save a Federal Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI: Case File Name Case File Type Linked Facility Federal Statute Law Sections The system shall require the user to enter the following data elements to save a Federal Case File when Case File Type is not in (Air Case File, Air Case File with NEI): Case File Identifier Case File Name Case File Type Status Type Linked Facility Federal Statute Law Sections For a State Case File record, the system shall default Lead Agency to ‘State’. It can be edited. Error/Warning/Informational Message Web Function Case File Identifier: This field is required. Case File Type: This field is required. Linked Facility: This field is required. Programs: This field is required. Case File Identifier: This field is required. Case File Name: This field is required. Case File Type: This field is required. Linked Facility: This field is required. Federal Statute: This field is required. Law Sections: This field is required. Add/Edit Case File Identifier: This field is required. Case File Name: This field is required. Case File Type: This field is required. Status Type: This field is required. Linked Facility: This field is required. Federal Statute: This field is required. Law Sections: This field is required. Add/Edit N/A Add Add/Edit 107 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-048 CF-049 CF-050 Linked Facility CF-052 CF-052A CF-052B CF-053 CF-054 CF-055 CF-056 ICIS Case File Description For an LCON Case File record, the system shall default Lead Agency to ‘Local’. It can be edited. For a Federal Case File record, the system shall default Lead Agency to ‘EPA’. If Case File Type = ‘National Enforcement Initiative Determination or Air Case File with NEI’ then at least one of the following data elements must be entered: Facility NEI Initiated Action Type Facility NEI Initiated Action Date Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Type Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Date Facility No Further Action T type Facility No Further Action Date HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval Date NEI Determination Comment Error/Warning/Informational Message N/A Web Function Add N/A Add At least one value must be entered in the National Enforcement Initiative Determination section because Case File Type = <Case File Type value>. Add/Edit The system shall set the value for Program System Acronym to AIR on the DA Case File screen. The system shall default the following fields on the Search Facility to Link popup based on the user profile: HQ User – Do not default Region, State, or LCON Regional User – Default Region State User – Default State LCON User – Default LCON In all cases, the values for Region, State, and LCON will not be filtered based on User ID, and can be changed by the user. On the Search Facility to Link popup, the system will filter location fields as follows based on selected criteria: If Region is selected, filter State and LCON If State is selected, filter LCON, City Code, County The system shall display the Program System Acronym as a non-editable field for Delegated Agency Case File records. The system shall ensure that the Case File is associated with an existing Programmatic ID. The system shall require that an Air Case File (Case File Type = Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI) is associated with one and only one Air Facility. The system shall allow a non-Air Case File (Case File Type <> Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI) to be associated with one or many Facilities. N/A Add/Edit N/A Add/Edit N/A Add/Edit N/A Add/Edit N/A Add/Edit For Air Case File Types, only one Facility can be linked, and that Facility must be an Air Facility. Add/Edit Please select at least one Facility Interest. Add/Edit 108 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-057 Description If Program System Acronym = NPDES and Case File Type = Violation Detected, the system shall display an information message that the user should enter a Single Event Violation in ICIS–NPDES. Error/Warning/Informational Message You have entered a Case File Type of Violation Detected against a NPDES Facility Interest. To track additional information about the violation, you may want to enter a Single Event Violation for this Facility Interest in the NPDES system. N/A The system shall allow a user to unlink a Facility from a Case File. A Facility cannot be unlinked from a Case File if it is the only The selected Facility cannot be unlinked from the Case File CF-059 Facility in common between the Case File and one of the because it is the only Facility that is common in the Case activities in its Pipeline (a Federal module). File’s Pipeline. A Facility cannot be unlinked from a Case File if it is the only The selected Facility cannot be unlinked from the Case File CF-060 Facility in common between the Case File and one of its because it is the only Facility linking this activity to one or Related Activities (Linked Activities). more Related Activities. The Facilities linked to a Compliance Monitoring Activity N/A CF-200 will be sorted by the Program System Acronym/Program System ID combination in ascending order. The system shall ensure that the user does not enter FRS as Program System Acronym cannot be FRS. CF-225 the Program System Acronym for a Federal Non-Air Case File. Linked Facilities when Add Initiated from Add/Link Case File dropdown on List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked screen If the add has been initiated by an Add/Link Case File N/A CF-201 dropdown, link/unlink Facility functionality will be displayed. If the add has been initiated by an Add/Link Case File N/A CF-202 dropdown, and the source record has a single Facility, the checkbox next to the prepopulated facility will be selected by the system for the user. If the add has been initiated by an Add/Link Case File N/A CF-203 dropdown, and the source record has multiple Facilities, the checkbox next to the prepopulated facilities will be blank. If the add Air DA Case File, Federal Air Case File, or Federal N/A CF-204 Air Case File with NEI has been initiated by an Add/Link Case File dropdown, and the user chooses to search for facilities to link, the act of searching for and selecting a new facility will erase any previously listed Facilities (even if their checkbox has been checked) and will default select the searched for Facility. CF-058 ICIS Case File Web Function Add/Edit Add/Edit Edit Edit Add/Edit Add/Edit Add Add Add Add 109 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-205 Description If the add Federal Non-Air Case File has been initiated by an Add/Link Case File dropdown, and the user chooses to search for facilities to link, the act of searching for and selecting a new facility will add the newly selected facilities to the previously listed Facilities and will default select the searched for Facility(ies). If the add has been initiated by an Add/Link Case File CF-224 dropdown, and the target record is an Air DA Case File, then the system shall ensure that the Facility is an Air DA Facility. Programs/Law Sections/Statutes If Federal Statute = CAA and Programs = FederallyCF-061 Enforceable Requirement, then Program Description is required. For DA records, the system shall generate Law Sections as CF-062 “OTHER”. (This field is not displayed on the screen.) The system shall set the value for Federal Statute to CAA on CF-063 the Delegated Agency Case File screen. The system shall display the Federal Statute as a non-editable CF-064 field for Delegated Agency Case File records. The system shall filter Programs for DA Case File records to CF-065 include only Air DA programs (i.e., ref_program.program_category_code = ‘AIR’ and ref_program.activity_filter_code has ref_activity_filter.air_da_flag = Y). For Federal Case Files, the system shall filter Law Sections CF-066 based on the Federal Statute(s) selected. For Federal Case Files the system shall set Programs based CF-067 on the Law Section(s) selected. For Federal Case Files, if Case File Type = Air Case File or CF-068 Air Case File with NEI, at least one Federal Statute must be CAA. Case File Information The system shall default the Enforcement Sensitive Indicator CF-069 to ‘No’. (DA only) If a sensitive Case File (Enforcement Sensitive Indicator = CF-070 ‘Yes’) is linked to a non-sensitive Formal Enforcement Action, the system shall set the Case File’s Enforcement Sensitive Indicator to ‘No’. (DA only) If a sensitive Case File (Enforcement Sensitive Indicator = CF-071 ‘Yes’) is linked to an Informal Enforcement Action, the system shall set the Case File’s Enforcement Sensitive Indicator to ‘No’. (DA only) ICIS Case File Error/Warning/Informational Message N/A Web Function Add An Air DA activity can only have a Facility linked that has a Program System Acronym of AIR. Add Program Description: This field is required because Federal Statute selected is CAA and “FederallyEnforceable Requirement “was selected for Programs. N/A Add/Edit N/A Add/Edit N/A Add/Edit N/A Add/Edit N/A Add/Edit N/A Add/Edit Federal Statutes: At least one statute must be CAA for the selected Case File Type. Add/Edit N/A Add N/A Edit N/A Edit Add 110 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-072 CF-073 Case File Dates CF-075 CF-076 CF-077 CF-078 Description Enforcement Sensitive Indicator must be ‘No’ if the Case File is linked to an Informal Enforcement Action or non-sensitive Formal Enforcement Action. (DA only) The system shall generate Enforcement Response Policy as the most severe classification associated with the Air Violation Type of the Air Violations linked to the Case File. Violations that have an HPV Designation Removal Date do not qualify as HPV status, but do qualify as FRV. The four classification values, in descending order of severity, are: HPV: High Priority Violation FRV: Federally-Reportable Violation Non-FRV: Non-Federally Reportable Violation Other Error/Warning/Informational Message Enforcement Sensitive Indicator: This Case File is linked to a non-sensitive Enforcement Action and cannot be made sensitive. N/A Web Function Edit For Federal Case Files, Occurrence Start Date must be less than or equal to the following dates: Discovery Date Determination Date Current Date Occurrence End Date For Federal Case Files, Discovery Date must be less than or equal to the following dates: Determination Date Current Date For Federal Case Files, Determination Date must be less than or equal to the Current Date. Occurrence Start Date: This field must be less than or equal to Discovery Date, Determination Date, Current Date, Occurrence End Date. Add/Edit Discovery Date: This field must be less than or equal to Determination Date and Current Date. Add/Edit Determination Date: This field must be less than or equal to Current Date. Add/Edit For Federal Case Files, Occurrence End Date must be less than or equal to the Current Date. Occurrence End Date: This field must be less than or equal to Current Date. Add/Edit N/A Edit N/A Edit N/A Edit The system shall generate Earliest FRV Determination Date with the earliest FRV Determination Date of the Air Violations linked to the Case File. The system shall generate Earliest HPV Day Zero Date with CF-080 the earliest HPV Day Zero Date of the Air Violations linked to the Case File for which HPV Designation Removal Date is null. Pathway Activities For Linked Pathway Activities, the system shall display the CF-081 Activity Unique Identifier (hyperlinked to the View/Edit screen for the Activity), Activity Type, and associated date (determined by ID Linked Pathway Activities BGP) unless the action is Enforcement Sensitive. CF-079 ICIS Case File Add/Edit 111 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-082 CF-083 CF-084 CF-085 CF-086 CF-087 Description If the linked Addressing Action is Enforcement Sensitive, the system shall store the Activity ID of the linked action, but display “Under Enforcement Review” instead of the Linked Addressing Action Type, Identifier, and Date if the user viewing the screen does not have Enforcement Sensitive Privileges. If the user does have Enforcement Sensitive Privileges but the linked Addressing Action is Enforcement Sensitive and outside of the user’s geography, the system shall display “Under Enforcement Review” instead of the Linked Addressing Action Type, Identifier, and Date. If Other Discovery Action Type is entered, then Other Discovery Action Date must be entered. If Other Discovery Action Date is entered, then Other Discovery Action Type must be entered. Other Discovery Action Date must be less than or equal to the current date If Other Discovery Action Type is entered, then the system will blank out Linked Discovery Action Type and Date. If Other Discovery Action Type is blank, the system shall select the linked Discovery Action from the linked activities that meet the following criteria: Linked Compliance Monitoring Activity of Type INS, INV, or INF Actual End Date exists Error/Warning/Informational Message N/A Web Function Edit Other Discovery Action Date: This field is required because Other Discovery Action Type exists. Other Discovery Action Type: This field is required because Other Discovery Action Date exists. Other Discovery Action Date: This date must be less than or equal to the current date. N/A Add/Edit N/A Edit, Link/Unlink Activities via tabs or Related Activities, Edit linked Compliance Monitoring Activities Add/Edit Add/Edit Edit If any of the these activities also have Stack Test Report Received Date, system sets the one (that has both Stack Test Report Received Date and Actual End Date) with the earliest Stack Test Report Received Date as the Linked Discovery Action. System sets the Stack Test Report Received Date as the Linked Discovery Action Date. If multiples exist, use the lowest Activity ID. If none of these activities also has Stack Test Report Received Date, system sets the Linked Discovery Action as the activity with the earliest Actual End Date. System sets Linked Discovery Date as the Actual End Date of the Linked Discovery Action. If multiples exist, use the lowest Activity ID. ICIS Case File 112 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-088 CF-089 CF-090 CF-092 CF-093 CF-094 CF-095 CF-096 ICIS Case File Description The system shall set the linked Notification Action from the linked activities that meet the following criteria: Linked Informal Enforcement Action that is defined as a Notification Action Achieved Date (Activity Status Date) exists Of all linked activities that meet the above criteria, system sets the Linked Notification Action as the activity with the earliest Achieved Date (Activity Status Date). System sets Linked Notification Date as the Achieved Date (Activity Status Date) of the Linked Notification Action. If multiples exist, use the lowest Activity ID. If Other Addressing Action Type is entered, then Other Addressing Action Date must be entered. If Other Addressing Action Date is entered, then Other Addressing Action Type must be entered. Other Addressing Action Date must be less than or equal to the following dates: Current Date Other Resolving Action Date If Other Addressing Action Type is entered, then the system will blank out Linked Addressing Action Type/Date. If Other Addressing Action Type is blank, the system shall set the Linked Addressing Action according to the following rules: For each linked Formal Enforcement Action, ID the earliest Actual Date for a Milestone that is defined as an Addressing Milestone Of the Milestone Dates in the above bullet, ID the ones that are <= Other Resolving Action Date Of the Milestones in the above bullet, identify the one with the earliest Actual Date and set this Enforcement Action as the Linked Addressing Action. If multiples exist, use the lowest Activity ID. Set the Linked Addressing Action Date as this Milestone Date. For purposes of calculating the Linked Addressing Action, the system shall consider the Milestones as Addressing Milestones if Ref_Sub_Activity_Type.Addressing_Action_Flag = Y. If Other Resolving Action Type is entered, then Other Resolving Action Date must be entered. Error/Warning/Informational Message N/A Web Function Edit, Link/Unlink Activities via tabs or Related Activities, Edit linked Enforcement Action Other Addressing Action Date: This field is required because Other Addressing Action Type exists. Other Addressing Action Type: This field is required because Other Addressing Action Date exists. Other Addressing Action Date must be less than or equal to Current Date and Other Resolving Action Date. Add/Edit N/A Edit N/A Edit, Link/Unlink Activities via tabs or Related Activities, Edit linked Enforcement Action N/A Edit, Link/Unlink Activities via tabs or Related Activities, Edit linked Enforcement Action Add/Edit Other Resolving Action Date: This field is required because Other Addressing Action Type exists. Add/Edit Add/Edit 113 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-097 CF-098 CF-100 CF-101 CF-102 CF-102A ICIS Case File Description If Other Resolving Action Date is entered, then Other Resolving Action Type must be entered. Other Resolving Action Date must be less than or equal to Current Date. If Other Resolving Action Type is entered, then the system will blank out Linked Resolving Action Type/Date. If Other Resolving Action Type is blank, the system shall set the Linked Resolving Action Type according to the following criteria: All linked Formal EAs that have a Final Order for an Air Interest also have an Actual Date for Air Resolved Milestone Air Resolved Milestone Actual Date >= (Other Addressing Action Date and Linked Addressing Action Date) Set the Linked Resolving Action Type as the Enforcement Action with the latest Air Resolved Milestone. Set the Linked Resolving Action Date as latest Air Resolved Milestone Date. If multiples exist, use the highest Activity ID. Note: If none of the linked Formal EAs have a Final Order for an Air Interest, then the EAs will not have an Air Resolved Milestone Actual Date and will not resolve the Case File. If Other Addressing Action and Linked Addressing Action are blank and Other Resolving Action has a value that is considered Resolving and Addressing (XREF_Pathway_Category_Type.Pathway_Type_Code has corresponding Category Code = ADDR and RSLV), the system shall set Other Addressing Action to Other Resolving Action and Other Addressing Date to Other Resolving Date and set the ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway. Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag =Y. If ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway. Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag=Y and the user changes the Other Addressing Action to another value, then the system shall update the Addressing Action value as indicated by the user and set ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway. Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag=N. Error/Warning/Informational Message Other Resolving Action Type: This field is required because Other Addressing Action Date exists. Other Resolving Action Date: This date must be less than or equal to the Current Date. N/A Web Function Add/Edit N/A Edit, Link/Unlink Activities via tabs or Related Activities, Edit linked Enforcement Action N/A Edit, Link/Unlink Activities via tabs or Related Activities, Edit linked Enforcement Action N/A Edit Add/Edit Edit 114 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-102B CF-102C CF-102D CF-102E CF-102F ICIS Case File Description If ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway. Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag=Y and the user changes Other Addressing Action Date to a different value that is less than or equal to the current date and Other Resolving Action Date, then the system shall update the Other Addressing Action Date as indicated by the user and set ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway. Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag=N. If all of the following conditions are true: --ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway. Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag=Y --the user changes Other Addressing Action to another value --the user changes Other Addressing Action Date that is less than or equal to the current date and Other Resolving Action Date Then: The system shall update the Other Addressing Action and Date as indicated by the user and set the ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway. Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag =N. If the ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway. Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag =Y and the user blanks out Other Addressing Action and Date, then the system shall set Other Addressing Action/Date to the values from Other Resolving Action/Date and set the ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway. Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag =Y. If the ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway. Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag =Y and the user changes Other Resolving Action to another value, then the system shall update the Other Resolving Action value as indicated by the user, update the Other Addressing Action value to match, and set the ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway. Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag =Y. If the ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway. Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag =Y and the user changes Other Resolving Action Date to any other value, then the system shall update the Other Resolving Action Date value as indicated by the user, update the Other Addressing Action Date value to match, and set the ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway. Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag =Y. Error/Warning/Informational Message N/A Web Function Edit N/A Edit N/A Edit N/A Edit N/A Edit 115 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-102G CF-102H CF-103 CF-104 CF-106 Status Type CF-107 CF-107A ICIS Case File Description If all of the following conditions are true: --ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway. Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag =Y --the user changes Other Resolving Action to another value --the user changes Other Resolving Action Date to another Date Then: The system shall update the Other Addressing Action and Date values to match and set the ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway. Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag =Y. If the ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway. Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag =Y and the user blanks out Other Resolving Action and Date, then the system shall blank out Other Addressing Action and Date to match Other Resolving Action/Date and set the ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway. Rslv_to_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag =N. If Other Addressing Action and Linked Addressing Action are blank and Linked Resolving Action exists, the system shall set Linked Addressing Action to Linked Resolving Action and Linked Addressing Date to Linked Resolving Date. If Other Resolving Action and Linked Resolving Action are blank and Other Addressing Action has a value that is considered Resolving and Addressing (XREF_Pathway_Category_Type.Pathway_Type_Code has corresponding Category Code = ADDR and RSLV), the system shall set Other Resolving Action to Other Addressing and Other Resolving Date to Other Addressing Date. If the ID Linked Pathway Activities background process runs but data are not changed, the Updated By and Updated Date fields should not be changed. Error/Warning/Informational Message N/A Web Function Edit N/A Edit N/A Edit, Link/Unlink Activities via tabs or Related Activities, Edit linked Enforcement Action N/A Edit, Link/Unlink Activities via tabs or Related Activities, Edit linked Enforcement Action N/A Edit, Link/Unlink Activities via tabs or Related Activities, Edit linked Compliance Monitoring Activities, Edit Linked Enforcement Action For a Federal Case File for which case File Type <> Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI, Status Type shall be an editable field using REF_Activity_Status active values. For a Federal Case File for which case File Type <> Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI, Status Type shall default to Data Entered on an Add transaction. N/A Add/Edit NA Add 116 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-108 CF-109 CF-110 NEI CF-111 CF-112 CF-113 CF-114 CF-115 ICIS Case File Description For a Federal Case File, if Status Type is user entered and then Case File Type is set to Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI, the system shall overwrite the user-entered Status Type value with the system-generated value. For an Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI, the system shall generate Status Type according to the following rules: If Linked / Other Resolving Action exists, set to Resolved. If Linked / Other Addressing Action exists AND Linked / Other Resolving Action does not exist, set to Addressed. If Linked Notification Action exists AND Linked / Other Addressing Action does not exist AND Linked / Other Resolving Action does not exist, set to Notified. If Linked / Other Discovery Action exists AND Linked Notification Action does not exist AND Linked / Other Addressing Action does not exist AND Linked / Other Resolving Action does not exist, set to Discovered. If no Pathway Activities exist, set to Data Entered. The value will not be editable. If the Status Type background process runs but data are not changed, the Updated By and Updated Date fields should not be changed. Error/Warning/Informational Message N./A Web Function Add/Edit N/A Edit, Link/Unlink Activities via tabs or Related Activities, Edit linked Compliance Monitoring Activities, Edit Linked Enforcement Action N/A Edit, Link/Unlink Activities via tabs or Related Activities, Edit linked Compliance Monitoring Activities, Edit Linked Enforcement Action Facility NEI Initiated Action Type must be entered if Facility NEI Initiated Action Date is entered. Facility NEI Initiated Action Date must be entered if Facility NEI Initiated Action Type is entered. The Available Facility NEI Initiated Action Types are displayed as a concatenation of: ‘<National Enforcement Initiative code> - <Sub-Initiative short description> - < Facility NEI Initiated Action Type short description>’. The system shall filter the values for Facility NEI Initiated Action Type based on the selected NEI. The Available Facility NEI Initiated Action Types are displayed sorted in ascending order by National Enforcement Initiative code. Facility NEI Initiated Action Type: This field is required because Facility NEI Initiated Action Date exists. Facility NEI Initiated Action Date: This field is required because Facility NEI Initiated Action Type exists. N/A Add/Edit N/A Add/Edit N/A Add/Edit Add/Edit Add/Edit 117 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-116 CF-117 CF-118 CF-119 CF-120 Description Facility NEI Initiated Action Date must be less than or equal to the current date. The system shall filter the values for Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Type based on the selected NEI. The Available Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Types are displayed sorted in ascending order by National Enforcement Initiative code. The Available Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Types are displayed as a concatenation of: ‘<National Enforcement Initiative code> - <Sub-Initiative short description> <Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Type short description>’. Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Type must be entered if Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Date is entered. CF-121 Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Date must be entered if Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Type is entered. CF-122 Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Date must be less than or equal to the current date. Facility No Further Action Type must be entered if Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Date is entered. Facility No Further Action Date must be entered if Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Type is entered. The system shall filter the values for Facility No Further Action Type based on the selected NEI. The Available Facility No Further Action Types are displayed as a concatenation of: ‘<National Enforcement Initiative code> - <Sub-Initiative short description> <Facility No Further Action Type short description>’. The Available Facility No Further Action Types are displayed sorted in ascending order by National Enforcement Initiative code. Facility No Further Action Date must be less than or equal to the current date. HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval must be selected if HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval Date is entered. HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval Date must be selected if HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval is selected. CF-123 CF-124 CF-125 CF-126 CF-127 CF-128 CF-129 CF-130 ICIS Case File Error/Warning/Informational Message Facility NEI Initiated Action Date: This date must be less than or equal to the Current Date. N/A Web Function Add/Edit N/A Add/Edit N/A Add/Edit Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Type: This field is required because Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Date exists. Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Date: This field is required because Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Type exists. Facility Addressed/Controlled Action Date: This date must be less than or equal to the Current Date. Facility No Further Action Type: This field is required because Facility No Further Action Date exists. Facility No Further Action Date: This field is required because Facility No Further Action Type exists. N/A Add/Edit N/A Add/Edit N/A Add/Edit Facility No Further Action Date: This date must be less than or equal to the Current Date. HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval: This field is required because HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval Date exists. HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval Date: This field is required because HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval exists. Add/Edit Add/Edit Add/Edit Add/Edit Add/Edit Add/Edit Add/Edit Add/Edit Add/Edit 118 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-131 Comments CF-132 CF-133 CF-134 CF-135 CF-136 CF-137 CF-138 CF-139 CF-140 Audit CF-141 CF-142 CF-143 CF-144 Description HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval Date must be less than or equal to the current date. Error/Warning/Informational Message HQ Addressed/Controlled Approval Date: This date must be less than or equal to the Current Date. Web Function Add/Edit The system shall allow the user to enter multiple nonsensitive comments for a Case File. The system shall allow the user to enter multiple sensitive comments for a Case File. The system shall require that Case File Comments (Sensitive Comment) be entered when Case File Comments Author is entered, and vice versa. The system shall generate the Created By based on the Created By field in the database for Sensitive Comments. The system shall generate the Created Date field based on the Created Date field in the database for Sensitive Comments. The system shall generate the Updated Date field based on the Updated Date field in the database for Sensitive Comments. The system shall verify that the user who is attempting to edit the Case File Sensitive Comment is the same user who initially entered the comment (Created By). The system shall verify that the user who is attempting to delete the Case File Sensitive Comment is the same user who initially entered the comment (Created By). The system shall list the sensitive comments in ascending chronological order by Created Date. N/A Add/Edit N/A Edit The value for Case File Comments cannot be all blanks. Author cannot be empty. Edit N/A Edit N/A Edit N/A Edit N/A Edit N/A Edit N/A Edit The system shall write to the audit table when a new Case File is created. The system shall write to the audit table when a Case File record is updated and saved. The system shall display values for Last Updated By and Last Updated Date within the Case File record when a Case File is updated and saved. The system shall write to the audit table when a Case File record is deleted. N/A Add N/A Edit N/A Edit N/A Delete N/A Add/Edit N/A Add, Edit Add/Edit Add/Edit Consultation Date The system shall allow the user to enter multiple Consultation CF-145 Dates. The system shall allow the user to delete a Consultation Date. CF-146 Consultation Date can only be entered, edited, or deleted by CF-147 an EPA user. ICIS Case File 119 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-147A Air Violation CF-148 CF-149 CF-150 CF-151 CF-152 CF-152A ICIS Case File Description Consultation Dates shall be sorted in reverse chronological order when displayed on the screen. Note that newly entered data will be sorted after save. Error/Warning/Informational Message N/A Web Function Add/Edit The system shall allow the user to add a new Air Violation record. The system shall allow the user to edit an existing Air Violation record. The system shall allow the user to delete an existing Air Violation record. The system shall display the following fields in the context header of the Air Violations screen: Case File Identifier Case File Name Case File Type Case File Status EPA Region Code The system shall display the following data elements on the Add/Edit Air Violations screen: Method of Advisement Facility Advised of Violation Date Violation Type Pollutant Program Program Description FRV Determination Date HPV Day Zero Date # of Claims HPV Designation Removal Basis HPV Designation Removal Date Occurrence Start Date Occurrence End Date Air Violations must be unique based on the combination of the following fields: Violation Type Pollutant Program Program Description FRV Determination Date HPV Day Zero Date Occurrence Start Date Occurrence End Date N/A Edit N/A Edit N/A Edit N/A Edit N/A Edit Air Violations must be unique based on the combination of the following fields: Violation Type Pollutant Program Program Description FRV Determination Date HPV Day Zero Date Occurrence Start Date Occurrence End Date Edit 120 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-213 Description Method of Advisement is required if Facility Advised of Violation Date is entered and vice versa. CF-153 The available values for the Air Violation-level Pollutant field will be values selected for the Case-File level Applicable Pollutants field. The available values for the Air Violation-level Programs will be values selected for the Case-File level Programs field. The system shall require the user to enter the following fields to save an Air Violation record: Violation Type Program Pollutant is required if Pollutant Required Indicator = Y for the selected Violation Type in REF_Air_Violation_Type. CF-154 CF-155 CF-156 CF-157 CF-157A CF-157B CF-157C CF-157D CF-157E CF-157F ICIS Case File The system shall display Violation Type as Violation_Class_Code – Air Violation_Type_Desc, sorted in ascending order (based on full concatenation of description) in the picklist based on REF_Air_Violation_Type. FRV Determination Date must be less than or equal to the current date. FRV Determination Date must be less than or equal to HPV Day Zero Date. When the Add Air Violation screen is displayed, the system will default FRV Determination Date to the current date. It can be edited. When the user clicks Done on the Add Air Violation screen, the system will validate that FRV Determination Date is populated. If it is not, when the system redisplays the screen with the error message, it will default FRV Determination Date to the current date. When the Edit Air Violation screen is displayed, if FRV Determination Date is not already populated, it will default to the current date. It can be edited. When the user clicks Done on the Edit Air Violation screen, the system will validate that FRV Determination Date is populated. If it is not, when the system redisplays the screen with the error message, it will default FRV Determination Date to the previously saved value (if one exists). Otherwise, it will default to the current date. Error/Warning/Informational Message Method of Advisement: This field is required if Facility Advised of Violation Date is entered. Facility Advised of Violation Date: This field is required if Method of Advisement is entered. N/A Web Function Edit N/A Violation Type: This field is required. Program: This field is required. Edit Pollutant: This field is required for the selected Violation Type. Edit N/A FRV Determination Date: This field must be less than or equal to the current date. FRV Determination Date: This field must be less than or equal to the HPV Day Zero Date. N/A Edit FRV Determination Date: Enter a value less than or equal to the current date. Add N/A Edit FRV Determination Date: Enter a value less than or equal to the current date. Edit Edit Add 121 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-158 Description HPV Day Zero Date is required if Violation Class = HPV for the selected Violation Type. Error/Warning/Informational Message HPV Day Zero Date: This field is required for the selected Violation Type. Web Function Edit CF-159 HPV Day Zero Date can only be entered if Violation Class = HPV for the selected Violation Type. Program Description is required if Program = FederallyEnforceable Requirement. HPV Day Zero Date: This field is only applicable for HPV Air Violations. Program Description: This field is required if Program selected for the Air Violation is “Federally-Enforceable Requirement. Occurrence Start Date: This field must be less than or equal to Occurrence End Date. HPV Designation Removal Basis: This field is required because HPV Designation Removal Date exists. HPV Designation Removal Date: This field is required because HPV Designation Removal Basis exists. HPV Removal Designation Basis: This field cannot be entered for the selected Violation Type. HPV Removal Designation Date: This field cannot be entered for the selected Violation Type. This Air Violation cannot be deleted from the Case File because it is the only Air Violation and the Case File’s Enforcement Response Policy = HPV. Edit Program cannot be edited because it exists on an Air Violation record. Pollutant cannot be edited because it exists on an Air Violation record. Edit N/A Add/Edit N/A Add/Edit N/A Add/Edit N/A Search CF-160 Air Violation Occurrence Start Date must be less than or equal to Air Violation Occurrence End Date. If Violation Class = HPV, HPV Designation Removal Basis CF-163 is required if HPV Designation Removal Date is entered. If Violation Class = HPV, HPV Designation Removal Date is CF-164 required if HPV Designation Removal Basis is entered. HPV Designation Removal Basis can only be entered if CF-165 Violation Class = HPV for the selected Violation Type. HPV Designation Removal Date can only be entered if CF-166 Violation Class = HPV for the selected Violation Type. An Air Violation cannot be deleted if both of the following CF-167 are true: It is the only Air Violation record for the Case File Enforcement Response Policy = HPV A Case File-level Program cannot be removed if that Program CF-210 also exists for an Air Violation for that Case File. A Case File-level Pollutant cannot be removed if that CF-211 Pollutant also exists for an Air Violation for that Case File. Government Contacts The system shall allow the user to associate zero to many CF-168 government contacts to a Case File. The system shall require user to associate an Affiliation Type CF-169 to a government contact. The system shall filter the list of Affiliation Type values to CF-170 those where Xref_Affiliation_Module.App_Module_Code indicating Compliance Determination. Search Case Files The system shall allow the user to search for Case Files based CF-171 on predefined search data elements: Facility Information: Program Interest FRS/Programmatic ID Facility Site Name State Facility ID CF-162 ICIS Case File Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit 122 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID ICIS Case File Description Registration Number Location Information EPA Region Address City State-Region Code State Zip Code Country County LCON Case File: Case File Identifier Case File Type Case File Name Status Type Federal Statutes Law Sections Added Programs Violation Class Enforcement Response Policy Case File Determination Date Range Earliest HPV Day Zero Date Range Lead Agency Pathway Activities Discovery Action Type Discovery Action Date Range No Discovery Action Identified Notification Action Type Notification Action Date Range No Notification Action Identified Addressing Action Type Addressing Action Date Range Not Yet Addressed Resolving Action Type Resolving Action Date Range Not Yet Resolved NEI Initiative Sub-Initiative Initiated Action Type Addressed/Controlled Action Type No Further Action Type Air Specific Information Error/Warning/Informational Message Web Function 123 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-071A CF-071B CF-071C CF-172 CF-173 CF-173A CF-174 ICIS Case File Description Air Programs Pollutants User Defined Fields UDF 1 UDF 2 UDF 3 UDF 4 UDF 5 The system shall default the following fields on the Case File Search based on the user profile: HQ User – Do not default Region, State, or LCON Regional User – Default Region State User – Default State LCON User – Default LCON In all cases, the values for Region, State, and LCON will not be filtered based on User ID, and can be changed by the user. On the Case File Search screen, the system will filter location fields as follows based on selected criteria: If Region is selected, filter State and LCON If State is selected, filter LCON, City Code, County The system shall default the Program Interest field to ‘AIR’ on the Search screen if the screen is accessed from the Global Air Menu. The value can be changed. The system shall perform searches using an implicit ending wildcard for the following search fields: FRS/Programmatic ID State Facility ID Facility Site Name Registration Number Case File Identifier Case File Name The system shall filter Air Programs to include only Clean Air Act Programs. On the Search Results screen, the Determination Date field shall display either the Case File Determination Date (for non-Air Case Files) or the Earliest FRV Determination Date (for Air Case Files). The system shall provide the user a list of search results that matches the search criteria for Case Files. Error/Warning/Informational Message Web Function N/A Search N/A Search N/A Search N/A Search N/A Search N/A Search N/A Search 124 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-175 Description The system shall display the following data elements on the Case File Search Results screen: Case File Identifier Case File Name Case File Type Status Programmatic ID Facility Site Name Enforcement Response Policy Determination Date HPV Day Zero Date The system shall display Case File search results with a CF-176 default sort order by Programmatic ID in ascending order. The system shall allow the user to click on the column CF-177 headers on the Case File search results screen based on the following rules: The initial click on a column header will sort the data in ascending order If the column is clicked a second time, the sort order will be in descending order The system shall allow the user to click on the following CF-178 column headers to sort:: Case File Identifier Case File Name Case File Type Status Programmatic ID Facility Site Name Enforcement Response Policy HPV Day Zero Date Link/Unlink Other Activities to a Case File in the Case File Module The system shall filter the display of eligible Enforcement CF-179 Action records to be linked based on the criteria that the record to be linked must be associated with at least one Facility that is also associated with the current Case File record and must not already be linked to that Case File. The system shall allow the user to unlink a Case File record CF-180 from Enforcement Action records. The system shall filter the display of eligible Compliance CF-181 Monitoring records to be linked based on the criteria that the record to be linked must be associated with at least one Facility that is also associated with the current Case File record and must not already be linked to that Case File. ICIS Case File Error/Warning/Informational Message N/A Web Function Search N/A Search N/A Search N/A Search N/A Link/Unlink N/A Link/Unlink N/A Link/Unlink 125 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-182 Description Error/Warning/Informational Message The system shall allow the user to unlink a Case File record N/A from Compliance Monitoring records. The system shall filter the display of eligible Compliance N/A CF-183 Assistance records to be linked based on the criteria that the record to be linked must be associated with at least one Facility that is also associated with the current Case File record and must not already be linked to that Case File. The system shall allow the user to unlink a Case File record N/A CF-184 from Compliance Assistance records. The system shall filter the display of eligible Voluntary N/A CF-185 Disclosures to be linked based on the criteria that the record to be linked must be associated with at least one Facility that is also associated with the current Case File record and must not already be linked to that Case File. The system shall allow the user to unlink a Case File record N/A CF-186 from Voluntary Disclosure records. The system shall filter the display of eligible ADR records to N/A CF-187 be linked based on the criteria that the record to be linked must be associated with at least one Facility that is also associated with the current Case File record and must not already be linked to that Case File. The system shall allow the user to unlink a Case File record N/A CF-188 from ADR records. The system shall filter the display of eligible Incident records N/A CF-189 to be linked based on the criteria that the record to be linked must be associated with at least one Facility that is also associated with the current Case File record and must not already be linked to that Case File. The system shall allow the user to unlink a Case File record N/A CF-190 from Incident records. For DA Case Files, the system shall filter the display of N/A CF-191 eligible Case File records to be linked based on the criteria that the record to be linked must be associated with at least one Facility that is also associated with the current Case File record and must not already be linked to that Case File. The system shall allow the user to unlink a Case File record N/A CF-192 from Case File records. Add/Link Case File Dropdown from List of Case Files Eligible to Be Linked to the <Module> Screen The system shall allow the user to link Case Files to N/A CF-206 Compliance Monitoring Activities using the Case File tab in the Compliance Monitoring module. ICIS Case File Web Function Link/Unlink Link/Unlink Link/Unlink Link/Unlink Link/Unlink Link/Unlink Link/Unlink Link/Unlink Link/Unlink Link/Unlink Link/Unlink Link/Unlink 126 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-207 CF-208 CF-209 CF-210 CF-211 CF-212 CF-213 CF-214 ICIS Case File Description The system shall allow the user to link Case Files to a Compliance Monitoring Activity that meet the following criteria: Share at least one Facility with the Compliance Monitoring Activity Not already linked to the Compliance Monitoring Activity The system shall allow the user to unlink Case Files from Compliance Monitoring Activities using the Case File tab in the Compliance Monitoring module. The system shall allow the user to Add and Link a Case File to a source Compliance Monitoring Activity on the List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the Compliance Monitoring Activity screen. The linked Facilities from the source Compliance Monitoring Activity shall be populated on the Add screen for the new Case File and shall be editable. If the user initiates an Add and Link Case File, upon Save of the new Case File the source and target have a Facility in common, the system shall link the new Activity to the source Compliance Monitoring Activity invoking Pipeline Processing in the Related Activities Tech Spec. If the user initiates an Add and Link Case File from a source Compliance Monitoring Activity, and upon Save the source and target do not have a Facility in common, the system shall present a warning message and will allow the user to continue and save the record without linking. The system shall allow the user to link Case Files to Enforcement Actions using the Case File tab in the Enforcement Actions module. The system shall allow the user to link Case Files to an Enforcement Action that meet the following criteria: Share at least one Facility with the Enforcement Action Not already linked to the Enforcement Action The system shall allow the user to unlink Case Files from Enforcement Actions using the Case File tab in the Enforcement Actions module. Error/Warning/Informational Message N/A Web Function Link/Unlink N/A Link/Unlink N/A Link/Unlink N/A Link/Unlink The Case File cannot be linked to the Compliance Monitoring Activity because they do not have a Facility in common. Do you wish to continue? Link/Unlink [Note (not part of error message): if Yes is selected, the Case File is saved but not linked to the source Compliance Monitoring Activity. If No is selected, the Case File is not saved and the user is returned to the Add Case File screen.] N/A Link/Unlink N/A Link/Unlink N/A Link/Unlink 127 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-215 CF-216 CF-217 CF-218 CF-219 CF-220 CF-221 CF-222 ICIS Case File Description The system shall allow the user to Add and Link a Case File to a source Enforcement Action on the List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the Enforcement Action screen. The linked Facilities from the source Enforcement Action shall be populated on the Add screen for the new Case File and shall be editable. If the user initiates an Add and Link Case File from a source Enforcement Action, and upon Save of the new Case File the source and target have a Facility in common, the system shall link the new Activity to the source Enforcement Action invoking Pipeline Processing in the Related Activities Tech Spec. If the user initiates an Add and Link Case File from a source Enforcement Action and upon Save the source and target do not have a Facility in common, the system shall present a warning message and will allow the user to continue and save the record without linking. The system shall allow the user to link Case Files to other Case Files using the Linked Case Files sub-link in the Case File module. The system shall allow the user to link Case Files to a Case File that meet the following criteria: Share at least one Facility with the Case File Not already linked to the Case File The system shall allow the user to unlink Case Files from other Case Files using the Linked Case File sub-link in the Case File module. The system shall allow the user to Add and Link a Case File to a source other Case File on the List of Case Files Eligible to be Linked to the Case File screen. The linked Facilities from the source other Case File shall be populated on the Add screen for the new Case File and shall be editable. If the user initiates an Add and Link Case File from a source Case File, and upon Save of the new Case File the source and target have a Facility in common, the system shall link the new Activity to the source Case File invoking Pipeline Processing in the Related Activities Tech Spec. Error/Warning/Informational Message N/A Web Function Link/Unlink Link/Unlink The Case File cannot be linked to the Enforcement Action because they do not have a Facility in common. Do you wish to continue? Link/Unlink [Note (not part of error message): if Yes is selected, the Case File is saved but not linked to the source Enforcement Action. If No is selected, the Case File is not saved and the user is returned to the Add Case File screen.] N/A Link/Unlink N/A Link/Unlink N/A Link/Unlink N/A Link/Unlink N/A Link/Unlink 128 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-223 Description If the user initiates an Add and Link Case File from a source Case File and upon Save the source and target do not have a Facility in common, the system shall present a warning message and will allow the user to continue and save the record without linking. Sub Activities (Federal Only) Sub Activity Actual Date must be <= current date. CF-193 CF-194 CF-194A Sub Activity Types are filtered based on the Compliance Activity Type. Sub Activity Type is required to save a Sub Activity. Air Facility Summary FRV Status The system shall populate HPV Status on the Facility CF-195 Summary screen for the Facility linked to Air Case Files (Case File Type = Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI) indicating the highest status of non-resolved HPV violations according to the following rules: Display as Unaddressed HPV if any Case Files with Enforcement Response Policy = HPV have Status Type = Discovered or Notified Display as Addressed HPV if any Case Files with Enforcement Response Policy = HPV have Status Type = Addressed and none have Status Type = Discovered or Notified Display as null if all Case Files with Enforcement Response Policy = HPV have Status Type = Resolved. Error/Warning/Informational Message The Case File cannot be linked to the Case File because they do not have a Facility in common. Do you wish to continue? Web Function Link/Unlink [Note (not part of error message): if Yes is selected, the Case File is saved but not linked to the source Case File. If No is selected, the Case File is not saved and the user is returned to the Add Case File screen.] Sub Activity Actual Date: This field must be less than or equal to the current date. N/A Add/Edit Sub Activity Type: This field is required. Add/Edit N/A Add/Edit Add/Edit For this calculation, the system shall exclude all Case Files that meet either of the following criteria: Status Type = Data Entered Case File is Enforcement Sensitive HPV Status is not a stored data element. This calculation is performed when the Facility Summary screen is accessed so that the proper value can be displayed. Add/Link Case File from FE&C Edit Buttons (Federal only) ICIS Case File 129 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE ID CF-196 CF-197 CF-198 CF-199 ICIS Case File Description If the Case File Add is initiated from Add/Link button on the Edit Federal Compliance Monitoring Activity, the system shall default the Facilities on the Add Case File screen to the Facilities on the source Compliance Monitoring Activity. If the Case File Add is initiated from Add/Link button on the Edit Voluntary Disclosure, the system shall default the Facilities on the Add Case File screen to the Facilities on the source Voluntary Disclosure. If the Case File Add is initiated from Add/Link button on the Edit Federal Compliance Monitoring Activity, upon save, the system shall link the new Case File to the source Compliance Monitoring Activity if the two still share at least one facility, the system shall invoke Pipeline Processing in the Related Activities Tech Spec. If the Case File Add is initiated from Add/Link button on the Edit Voluntary Disclosure, upon save, the system shall link the new Case File to the source Voluntary Disclosure if the two still share at least one facility, the system shall invoke Pipeline Processing in the Related Activities Tech Spec. Error/Warning/Informational Message N/A Web Function Add N/A Add For Air Case File Types, only one Facility can be linked, and that Facility must be an Air Facility. Add N/A Add 130 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE 11. DATA ELEMENTS MAPPING Table 11-1. Case File Data Element Mapping includes the data element name as displayed on the screen, whether the field is system required (SR?), programmatically required (PR?), and conditionally required (CR?). It also provides the default values that will be displayed when the user first arrives at the Add screen, how the data will be displayed on the screen, the source reference table, values for the selection boxes, and sort order, and where the data will be saved in the target database table and columns. Table 11-1. Case File Data Element Mapping Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Y N Both System Generated Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Target Database Table & Column Case File Context Header Case File Identifier Y Case File Name Case File Type ICIS Case File N Y N Y N N Both Both System Generated based on Case File Name System Generated based on Case File Type Display Data Only in Context Header Alphanumeric Max Length 25 characters Display Data Only in Context Header Alphanumeric Max Length 100 characters N/A ICIS_Comp_Determination.Com p_Determination_UID N/A ICIS_Activity.Activity_Name Display Data Only in Context Header Alphanumeric Max Length 100 characters REF_Comp_Determination_Type REF_Comp_Determination_Type .Comp_Determination_Type_Des c where REF_Comp_Determination_Type .Comp_Determination_Type_Cod e=ICIS_Comp_Determination.Co mp_Determination_Type_Code 131 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Status N N N Both System Generated based on Case File Status Type System Generated based on State Code EPA Region N N N Both State/EPA Flag ICIS Case File Y N N Both System Generated Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Target Database Table & Column Display Data Only in Context Header Alphanumeric Max Length 100 characters REF_Activity_Status REF_Activity_Status.Activity_St atus_Desc where REF_Activity_Status.Activity_St atus_Code=ICIS_Activity.Activit y_Status_Code Display Data Only in Context Header Display REF_State.Region_ code for the State value selected Alphanumeric Max Length 2 characters Does not display Alphanumeric Length = 1 REF_Region ICIS_Activity.Region_Code If the user has selected to add a Federal Case File, set to E. If the user has selected to add a State Case File, set to S. If the user has selected to add an LCON Case File, set to L. ICIS_Activity.State_EPA_Flag 132 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Y N N Fed Value is system generated based on Region associated with User ID. Value is editable for HQlevel users. For State and LCON Users value is System generated based on State associated with User ID Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Target Database Table & Column Basic Information Basic Information:: Region / State Basic Information:: Region / State ICIS Case File Y N N DA Single Select Dropdown Alphanumeric Max Length 2 characters Single Select Dropdown Alphanumeric Max Length 2 characters REF_Region Valid Values: o Values currently in ICIS REF_Region Sort Order: o Alphabetic - Ascending o Results filtered based on geography of User ID ICIS_Activity.Region_Code REF_State Valid Values: o Values currently in ICIS REF_State where usage_indicator=N or B Sort Order: o Alphabetic - Ascending o Results filtered based on geography of User ID ICIS_Activity.State_Code 133 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Basic Information:: LCON N N N Both For LCON Users, value is system generated based on LCON associated with User ID. Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Single Select Autocomplete Length of Largest Value Display REF_Air_Lcon.Lco n_Desc where REF_Air_Lcon_Co de=ICIS_Activity.A ir_Lcon_Code REF_Air_Lcon For Federal and State users, values are filtered based on the selected State. Target Database Table & Column ICIS_Activity.Air_Lcon_Code For Federal and State records, value is system generated as 000. Basic Information:: Case File Identifier Y N N Both N/A Max Length 25 characters N/A ICIS_Comp_Determination.Com p_Determination_UID Basic Information:: Case File Name N N Y Both N/A Alphanumeric Free-form text Max Length 100 characters N/A ICIS_Activity.Activity_Name ICIS Case File 134 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Basic Information:: Case File Type Y N N Both Air Case File for Air Delegated Agency records Data Entered Basic Information:: Status Type Y N N Both Basic Information:: Case File Description ICIS Case File N N N N/A Dropdown Length of Largest Value Display REF_Comp_Determ ination_Type.Comp _Determination_Ty pe_Desc where REF_Comp_Determ ination.Comp_Deter mination_Type_Cod e=ICIS_Comp_Dete rmination.Comp_De termination_Type_ Code Dropdown Length of Largest Value Display REF_Activity_Statu s.Activity_Status_D esc where REF_Activity_Statu s.Activity_Status_C ode=ICIS_Activity. Activity_Status_Co de Alphanumeric Free-form text Max Length 4000 characters Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) REF_Comp_Determination_Type Only active values Sort Order o Alphabetical, ascending N/A REF_Activity_Status Only active values Target Database Table & Column ICIS_Comp_Determination.Com p_Determination_Type_Code ICIS_Activity.Activity_Status_C ode ICIS_Comp_Determination.Descr iption_Text 135 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Basic Information:: Lead Agency N Y N DA For Federal records, value is EPA. For State records, value is State. For LCON records, value is Local Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Target Database Table & Column Dropdown Length of Largest Value Display REF_Agency_Type. Agency_Type_Desc Alphanumeric Max Length 15 characters Alphanumeric Free-form text Max Length 10 characters Alphanumeric Max Length 50 characters N/A ICIS_Facility_Interest.Pgm_Sys_ ID N/A ICIS_Facility_Interest.Pgm_Sys_ Acrnm N/A ICIS_Facility_Interest.Facility_N ame Alphanumeric Max Length 50 characters Alphanumeric Max Length 50 characters N/A ICIS_Facility_Interest.Location_ Address N/A ICIS_Facility_Interest.Supplemen tal_Location_Text REF_Agency_Type values where REF_Agency_Type.Activity_Group _Code=CMD Only active values ICIS_Activity.Air_Lead_Agency _Type_Code Linked Facility Linked Facility:: Programmatic ID Y Y N Both N/A Linked Facility:: Program System Acronym N N N Both N/A Linked Facility:: Facility Site Name N N N Both N/A Linked Facility:: Address Street 1 N N N Both N/A Linked Facility:: Address Street 2 N N N Both N/A ICIS Case File 136 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Linked Facility:: County N N N Both N/A Linked Facility:: State N N N Both N/A Linked Facility:: Zip Code N N N Both N/A Linked Facility:: FRS ID N N N Both N/A Y Y N Both CAA for Air Delegated Agency records Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Display REF_County.Count y_Name where REF_County.Count y_Code=ICIS_Facil ity_Interest.County_ Code Alphanumeric Max Length 2 characters Numeric Max Length 14 characters Alphanumeric Max Length 12 characters Dropdown REF_County Target Database Table & Column ICIS_Facility_Interest.County_C ode N/A ICIS_Facility_Interest.State_Cod e N/A ICIS_Facility_Interest.Zip N/A ICIS_Facility_Interest. Facility_UID XREF_Activity_Law_Section.Sta tute_Code Statutes/Programs Statutes:: Federal Statutes Law Sections:: Law Sections ICIS Case File Y Y N Fed N/A Dropdown REF_Statute Valid values: o Values currently in REF_Statute o XREF_Program_Law_Section.S tatute_Code where Activity_Group_Code=CMD Sort Order: o Alphabetic - Ascending Order by Statute Code REF_Law_Section Valid values: o Values currently in REF_Law_Section o XREF_Program_Law_Section. Law_Section_Code where Activity_Group_Code=CMD XREF_Activity_Law_Section.La w Section_Code 137 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Programs:: Programs Y Y N Both N/A Multi-select with Autocomplete On Air screen for Delegated Agency, display REF_Program.Progr am_Desc (ref_program.progra m_code) Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Programs:: Program Description N N N DA N/A Alphanumeric Max Length 100 characters REF_Program where program_category_code = ‘AIR’ and ref_program.activity_filter_code has ref_activity_filter.air_da_flag = Y Valid values: o Values currently in REF_Program o XREF_Program_Law_Section.P rogram_Code where Activity_Group_Code=CMD for Federal Statute selected Sort Order: o Alphabetic - Ascending Order by ref_program.air_sort_order N/A Target Database Table & Column XREF_Activity_Program.Progra m_Code ICIS_Comp_Determination.Other _Program_Text Pollutants ICIS Case File 138 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Pollutants:: Applicable Pollutants N N N Both N/A Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Target Database Table & Column Multi-select with Autocomplete Length of Largest Value On Air screen for Delegated Agency, display REF_Pollutant.Poll utant_Desc where REF_Pollutant.Poll utant_Category_Co de=AIR N/A ICIS_Comp_Determination.Super seded_By ICIS_Comp_Det_Consultation.C onsultation_Date REF_Pollutant Sort Order: o Alphabetic – Ascending by Pollutant Name XREF_Activity_Pollutant.Polluta nt_Code Pathway Information Pathway Information:: Lead Agency Change/Supersed ed By N N N Both N/A Alphanumeric Free-form text Max Length 100 characters Pathway Information:: Consultation Date N N N Both N/A Display only for Delegated Agency users Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Sort Order: o Reverse Chronological Order by Consultation Date Initiatives ICIS Case File 139 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Initiatives:: EPA National Initiative N N N Both N/A Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Multiselect Length of Largest Value Dropdown Length of Largest Value Display REF_Cross_Media_ Indicator.Cross_Me dia_Indicator_Desc where REF_Cross_Media_ Indicator.Fed_Facili ty_Indicator_Code= ICIS_Activity_Cros s_Media.Fed_Facilit y_Indicator_Code Alphanumeric Max Length 4000 characters REF_Priority where Region_Code=HQ Sort Order: o Reverse Chronological Order by Fiscal Year o Alphabetic – Ascending Order by Priority Description Target Database Table & Column XREF_Activity_Priority.Priority_ Code Cross Media Indicators Cross Media Indicators:: Federal Facility Activity N Cross Media Indicators:: Federal Facility Activity Comment N N N Both N/A N N Both N/A REF_Cross_Media_Indicator ICIS_Activity_Cross_Media.Fed_ Facility_Indicator_Code N/A ICIS_Activity_Cross_Media.Fed_ Facility_Comment Ref_Air_Violation_Severity ICIS_Comp_Determination.Enf_ Response_Policy_Code Air Case File (if Case File type = Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI) Case File Information:: Enforcement Response Policy ICIS Case File N N N Both N/A Display only 140 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Case File Information:: Enforcement Sensitive Indicator1 Case File Dates:: Earliest HPV Day Zero N N N DA No N N N Both N/A Case File Dates:: Earliest FRV Determination Date N N N Both N/A Checkbox Display only Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Display only Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Valid Values: o Yes o No (default) Target Database Table & Column ICIS_Activity.Sensitive_Data_Fla g N/A N/A N/A N/A Air Case File: Pathway Activities 1 For other activities sensitive_data_flag is set by a trigger, but for Case File since it can be updated by the user and through linking to non-sensitive Enforcement Actions, the application will take the responsibility for populating the flag for Case Files. ICIS Case File 141 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Discovery Action Type/Date:: Discovery Action Other Type N N N Both N/A Discovery Action Type/Date:: Discovery Action Other Date N Discovery Action Type/Date:: Discovery Action via Linked Activity N ICIS Case File N N N N Both Both N/A N/A Dropdown Display Ref_Pathway_Type. Pathway_Type_Des c where xRef_Pathway_Typ e. Pathway_category_ Code=DSCV Sort By: xref_pathway_categ ory_type.sort_order ASC Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Display only Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Ref_Pathway_Type Target Database Table & Column ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Manua l_Pathway_Type_Code and ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Pathw ay_Category_Code=DSCV (Discovery Action) N/A ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Manua l_Pathway_Date and ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Pathw ay_Category_Code=DSCV (Discovery Action) Linked Compliance Monitoring Activity with Facility ID in common ICIS_Air_Comp_Det_Pathway.Li nked_Activity_ID and ICIS_Air_Comp_Det_Pathway.Li nked_Pathway_Date WHERE pathway_category_code = DSCV (Discovery Action) 142 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Notification Action Type/Date:: Notification Action via Linked Activity N N N Both N/A Display only Linked Enforcement Action Activity with Facility ID in common ICIS_Air_Comp_Det_Pathway.Li nked_Activity_ID and ICIS_Air_Comp_Det_Pathway.Li nked_Pathway_Date WHERE pathway_category_code = NTFN Addressing Action Type/Date:: Addressed Action Other Type N N N Both N/A Dropdown Ref_Pathway_Type. Pathway_Type_Des c where xRef_Pathway_Typ e. Pathway_category_ Code=ADDR Sort By: xref_pathway_categ ory_type.sort_order ASC Ref_Pathway_Type ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Manua l_Pathway_Type_Code Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Target Database Table & Column and ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Pathw ay_Category_Code=ADDR (Addressing Action) and ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Pathw ay_Category_Code=RSLV (Resolving) Addressing Action Type/Date:: Addressed Action Other Date N N N Both N/A Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format N/A ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Manua l_Pathway_Date and ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Pathw ay_Category_Code=ADDR (Addressing Action) and ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Pathw ay_Category_Code=RSLV (Resolving) ICIS Case File 143 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Addressing Action Type/Date:: Addressing Action via Linked Activity N N N Both N/A Resolving Action Type/Date:: Resolving Action Other Type N N N Both N/A Resolving Action Type/Date:: Resolving Action Other Date N N N Both N/A Display only Dropdown Display Ref_Pathway_Type. Pathway_Type_Des c where Ref_Pathway_Type. Manual_Pathway_T ype_Code=ICIS_Co mp_Det_Pathway.M anual_Pathway_Typ e_Code Sort By: xref_pathway_categ ory_type.sort_order ASC Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Target Database Table & Column Linked Enforcement Action Activity with Facility ID in common ICIS_Air_Comp_Det_Pathway.Li nked_Activity_ID and ICIS_Air_Comp_Det_Pathway.Li nked_Pathway_Date WHERE pathway_category_code = ADDR (Addressing Action) Ref_Pathway_Type ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Manua l_Pathway_Type_Code and ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Pathw ay_Category_Code=ADDR (Addressing Action) and ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Pathw ay_Category_Code=RSLV (Resolving) N/A ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Manua l_Pathway_Date and ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Pathw ay_Category_Code=ADDR (Addressing Action) and ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Pathw ay_Category_Code=RSLV (Resolving) ICIS Case File 144 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Resolving Action Type/Date:: Resolving Action via Linked Activity N N N Both N/A (N/A) N N N Both N/A N/A (Not displayed) Display only Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Target Database Table & Column Linked Enforcement Action Activity with Facility ID in common ICIS_Air_Comp_Det_Pathway.Li nked_Activity_ID and ICIS_Air_Comp_Det_Pathway.Li nked_Pathway_Date WHERE pathway_category_code = RSLV (Resolving Action) Set based on Figure 9.1-1. Identify Linked Pathway Activities and Set Case File Status Type ICIS_Comp_Det_Pathway.Rslv_t o_Addr_Sys_Gen_Flag REF_Discovery_Method ICIS_Comp_Determination.Disco very_Method_Code Case File (if Case File type <> Air Case File or Air Case File with NEI) Case File Information:: Method of Discovery ICIS Case File N N N Fed N/A Dropdown Length of Largest Value Display REF_Discovery_Me thod.Discovery_Met hod_Desc where REF_Discovery_Me thod.Discovery_Met hod_Code=ICIS_Co mp_Determination. Discovery_Method_ Code 145 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Case File Information:: Violation Class Type N N N Fed N/A Case File Information:: Follow-up Action N N N Fed N/A Case File Information:: Enforce AO ICIS Case File N N N Fed No Dropdown Length of Largest Value Display REF_Violation_Cla ss.Violation_Class_ Desc where REF_Violation_Cla ss.Violation_Class_ Code=ICIS_Comp_ Monitor.Violation_ Class_Code Dropdown Length of Largest Value Display REF_Followup_Act ion.Followup_Actio n_Desc where REF_Followup_Act ion.Followup_Actio n_Code=ICIS_Com p_Determination.Fo llowup_Action_Cod e Checkbox Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Target Database Table & Column REF_Violation_Class ICIS_Comp_Determination.Viola tion_Class_Code REF_Followup_Action ICIS_Comp_Determination.Follo wup_Action_Code Valid Values: o Yes o No ICIS_Comp_Determination.Enf_ Admin_Order_Flag 146 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Case File Dates:: Discovery Date N N N Fed N/A Case File Dates:: Determination Date N N N Fed N/A Case File Dates:: Occurrence Start Date N N N Fed N/A ICIS Case File Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Target Database Table & Column N/A ICIS_Comp_Determination.Disco very_Date N/A ICIS_Comp_Determination.Com p_Determination_Date N/A ICIS_Activity.Actual_Begin_Dat e 147 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Case File Dates:: Occurrence End Date N N N Fed N/A National Enforcement Initiative Determination:: Facility NEI Initiated Action Type N N Y Fed N/A National Enforcement Initiative Determination:: Facility NEI Initiated Action Date N N Y Fed N/A Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) N/A Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format NEI (if Case File type = Air Case File with NEI or National Enforcement Initiative Determination) ICIS Case File Multi-select Display REF_Initiated_Acti on_Type.Initiated_ Action_Type_Desc where REF_Initiated_Acti on_Type.Initiated_ Action_Type_Code =XREF_Comp_Det _Initiated_Actn.Initi ated_Action_Type_ Code Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format N/A REF_Initiated_Action_Type Target Database Table & Column ICIS_Activity.Actual_End_Date XREF_Comp_Det_Initiated_Actn .Initiated_Action_Type_Code ICIS_Comp_Determination.Initiat ed_Action_Type_Date 148 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) National Enforcement Initiative Determination:: Facility NEI Addressed/Contr olled Action Type N N Y Fed N/A National Enforcement Initiative Determination:: Facility Addressed/Contr olled Action Date N N Y Fed N/A ICIS Case File Multi-select Display REF_NEI_Sub_Initi ative.NEI_Sub_Initi ative_Code – REF_NEI_Sub_Initi ative.NEI_Sub_Initi ative_Short_Desc REF_Addr_Ctrl_Ac tion_Type.Addr_Ctr l_Action_Type_Sho rt where REF_Addr_Ctrl_Ac tion_Type_Type.Ad dr_Ctrl_Type_Code =XREF_Comp_Det _Addr_Ctrl_Actn.A ddr_Ctrl_Action_Ty pe_Code Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) N/A REF_NEI_Sub_Initiative REF_Addr_Ctrl_Action_Type Target Database Table & Column XREF_Comp_Det_Addr_Ctrl_Ac tn.Addr_Ctrl_Action_Type_Code ICIS_Comp_Determination.Addr _Ctrl_Action_Type_Date 149 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) National Enforcement Initiative Determination:: Facility No Further Action Type N N Y Fed N/A National Enforcement Initiative Determination:: Facility No Further Action Date N N Y Fed N/A National Enforcement Initiative Determination:: HQ Addressed/Contr olled Approval N N N Fed No ICIS Case File Multi-select Display REF_No_Further_A ction_Type.No_Furt her_Action_Type_D esc where REF_No_Further_A ction_Type.No_Furt her_Action_Type_C ode=XREF_Comp_ Det_No_Futher_Act n.No_Further_Actio n_Type_Code Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Checkbox Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) REF_No_Further_Action_Type Target Database Table & Column XREF_Comp_Det_No_Futher_A ctn.No_Further_Action_Type_Co de N/A ICIS_Comp_Determination.No_F urther_Action_Type_Date ICIS_Comp_Determination.HQ_ Addr_Ctrl_Approval_Flag Valid Values: o Yes o No 150 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) National Enforcement Initiative Determination:: HQ Addressed/Contr olled Approval Date N N N Fed N/A National N Enforcement Initiative Determination:: NEI Determination Comment Government Contacts N N Fed N/A Affiliation Type N/ A N/ A Both N/A N/ A First Name ICIS Case File N/ A N/ A N/ A Both N/A Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Alphanumeric Free-form text Max Length 4000 characters Display REF_Affiliation_Ty pe.Affiliation_Type _Desc where REF_Affiliation_Ty pe.Affiliation_Type _Code=XREF_Acti vity_Person.Affiliati on_Type_Code Dropdown Length of Largest Value Display only Max Length 30 characters Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Target Database Table & Column N/A ICIS_Comp_Determination.HQ_ Addr_Ctrl_Approval_Date N/A ICIS_Comp_Determination.NEI_ Comment_Text N/A REF_Affiliation_Type.Affiliation_T ype_Desc Dropdown filtered based on Affiliation_Category Sort By: o Alphabetic by Affiliation_Type_Desc XREF_Activity_Person.Affiliatio n_Type_Code ICIS_Person.First_Name 151 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Last Name N/ A N/ A N/ A Both N/A Office N/ A N/ A N/ A Both N/A Organization N/ A N/ A N/ A Both N/A Start Date of Association N/ A N/ A N/ A Both Current Date End Date of Association N/ A N/ A N/ A Both N/A N N Both N Display only Max Length 30 characters Display only Max Length 100 characters Display only Max Length 50 characters Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) N/A Target Database Table & Column ICIS_Person.Last_Name Sort Order: o Alphabetic by Office_Name ICIS_Office.Office_Name Sort Order: o Alphabetic by Organization_Name ICIS_Organization.Organization_ Name N/A XREF_Activity_Person.Begin_D ate N/A XREF_Activity_Person.End_Dat e ICIS_Regional_Data.String1 User Defined Fields User Defined Fields:: 1 ICIS Case File N Checkbox Valid Values: o Yes o No 152 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) User Defined Fields:: 2 N N N Both N/A User Defined Fields:: 3 N N N Both N/A User Defined Fields:: 4 N N N Both N/A User Defined Fields:: 5 N N N Both N/A User Defined Fields:: 6 N N N Both N/A Alphanumeric Free-form text Max Length 50 characters Alphanumeric Free-form text Max Length 50 characters Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Alphanumeric Free-form text Max Length 4000 characters Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Target Database Table & Column N/A ICIS_Regional_Data.String2 N/A ICIS_Regional_Data.String3 N/A ICIS_Regional_Data.Date1 N/A ICIS_Regional_Data.Date2 N/A ICIS_Regional_Data.String4 Sub Activities ICIS Case File 153 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Sub Activity Type Y N N Fed N/A Planned Date Actual Date N N N N N N Fed Fed N/A N/A Display REF_Sub_Activity_ Type.Sub_Activity_ Type_Desc where ICIS_Sub_Activity. Sub_Activity_Type _Code = REF_Sub_Activity_ Type_Code Dropdown Length of Largest Value Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Target Database Table & Column REF_Sub_Activity_Type.Sub_Activ ity_Type_Desc Dropdown filtered based on Activity_Type_Code = CMD and Status_Flag = A Sort By: Alphabetic by Sub_Activity_Type_Desc ICIS_Sub_Activity.Sub_Activity _Type_Code N/A ICIS_Sub_Activity.Planned_Date N/A ICIS_Sub_Activity.Actual_Date Comments ICIS Case File 154 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Comments N N N Both N/A Sensitive Comments:: Comments N N N Both N Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Target Database Table & Column Alphanumeric Free-form text Max Length 4000 characters N/A ICIS_Activity_Comment.Comme nt_Text Alphanumeric Free-form text Max Length 4000 characters N/A Alphanumeric Max Length 30 characters N/A ICIS_Activity.Created_By N/A ICIS_Activity.Created_Date where ICIS_Activity_Comment.Comme nt_Type_Code is blank ICIS_Activity_Comment.Comme nt_Text where ICIS_Activity_Comment.Comme nt_Type_Code=STC (for State Sensitive comments) or LCC (for LCON Sensitive comments) Basic Information Continued Created By N N N Both System generated based on User ID Created Date N N N Both System generated based on date of data entry ICIS Case File Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format 155 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Last Modified By N N N Both System generated based on User ID Last Modified Date N N N Both System generated based on date of data entry N N N Both N/A Alphanumeric Max Length 30 characters Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Target Database Table & Column N/A ICIS_Activity.Updated_By N/A ICIS_Activity.Updated_Date Air Violations Facility Advised of Violation:: Method of Advisement ICIS Case File Dropdown Length of Largest Value Display REF_Fac_Advised_ Violation.Fac_Advi sed_Violation_Desc where REF_Fac_Advised_ Violation.Fac_Advi sed_Violation_Code =ICIS_Comp_Deter mination.Fac_Advis ed_Violation_Code REF_Fac_Advised_Violation ICIS_Air_Comp_Det_Fac_Adv_ Viol.Fac_Advised_Violation_Cod e 156 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Facility Advised of Violation:: Date N N N Both N/A N N Both N/A Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) N/A Target Database Table & Column ICIS_Air_Comp_Det_Fac_Adv_ Viol.Fac_Advised_Violation_Dat e Air Violation Details Air HPV/FRV Details:: Air Violation Type Y ICIS Case File Dropdown Length of Largest Value Display REF_Air_Violation _Type.Air_Violatio n_Type_Desc where REF_Air_Violation _Type.Air_Violatio n_Type_Code=XRE F_Air_Comp_Det_ Violation.Air_Viola tion_Type_Code REF_Air_Violation_Type ICIS_Air_Comp_Det_Violation. Air_Violation_Type_Code 157 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Air HPV/FRV Details:: Program Y N N Both N/A Air HPV/FRV Details:: Program Description N N Y Both N/A Air HPV/FRV Details:: Pollutant N N Y Both N/A ICIS Case File Dropdown Length of Largest Value Display REF_Program.Progr am_Desc (Program_Code) Alphanumeric Free-form text Max Length 100 characters Dropdown Length of Largest Value Display REF_Pollutant.Poll utant_Desc where REF_Pollutant.Poll utant_Category_Co de=AIR Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Target Database Table & Column REF_Program where REF_Program.Program_Category_ Code=AIR and ref_program.activity_filter_code has ref_activity_filter.air_da_flag = Y Valid values: o Values currently in REF_Program o XREF_Program_Law_Section.P rogram_Code where Activity_Group_Code=CMD for Federal Statute=CAA Sort Order: o Alphabetic - Ascending Order by ref_program.air_sort_order N/A ICIS_Air_Comp_Det_Violation.P rogram_Code ICIS_Air_Comp_Det_Violation.P ollutant_Code REF_Pollutant ICIS_Air_Comp_Det_Violation. Other_Program_Text 158 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Air HPV/FRV Details:: FRV Determination Date N N N Both Current Date Air HPV/FRV Details:: HPV Day Zero Date N N Y Both N/A Air HPV/FRV Details:: Occurrence Start Date N N N Both N/A ICIS Case File Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) Target Database Table & Column N/A ICIS_Air_Comp_Det_Violation.F RV_Determination_Date N/A ICIS_Air_Comp_Det_Violation. HPV_Day_Zero_Date N/A ICIS_Air_Comp_Det_Violation. Occurrence_Begin_Date 159 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Air HPV/FRV Details:: Occurrence End Date N N N Both N/A # of Claims N Y N Both 1 Air HPV/FRV Details:: HPV Designation Removal Basis N N Y Both N/A ICIS Case File Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Number Dropdown Length of Largest Value Display REF_Air_Designati on_Removal.Air_D esignation_Removal _Desc where REF_Air_Designati on_Removal.Air_D esignation_Removal _Code= XREF_Air_Comp_ Det_Violation.Air_ Designation_Remov al_Code Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) N/A Target Database Table & Column ICIS_Air_Comp_Det_Violation. Occurrence_End_Date Valid values 1-99 ICIS_Air_Comp_Det_Violation. Nmbr_Of_Occurrence REF_Air_Designation_Removal ICIS_Air_Comp_Det_Violation. Air_Designation_Removal_Code 160 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE Data Element Name SR ? PR ? CR ? Fed/DA/ Both Default Value Displayed Data Type Displayed (Type, Length) Air HPV/FRV Details:: HPV Designation Removal Date N N Y Both N/A ICIS Case File Date o EDT: Must be valid date in yyyy-mm-dd format o Web: Must be valid date in mm/dd/yyyy format Data Validation (REF Table, Valid Values, Sort Order) N/A Target Database Table & Column ICIS_Air_Comp_Det_Violation. Air_Designation_Removal_Date 161 OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE APPENDIX A: ACRONYMS Table Appendix A: Acronyms-1: Acronym List Acronym Definition BGP Background Processing CAA Clean Air Act CF Case File CM Compliance Monitoring DA Delegated Agency EPA Environmental Protection Agency FRS Facility Registry System FRV Federally-Reportable Violation HPV High Priority Violation HQ Headquarters ICIS Integrated Compliance Information System LCON Local Control Agency NEI National Enforcement Initiative ICIS Case File 162