Danish Animals - The TED Project

 The hedgehog lives in parks,
gardens and in the forest, in
most of Europe. And it is
very common in Denmark.
 The hedgehogs eats insects,
worms and sometimes apples
that are falling down from
apple trees.
 It is brown and it has 6000
spikes on its bag, and they are
very sharp. The hedgehog can
be up to 30 cm long. And it
weighs about 500 - 1500g
 The female gets 4-6 cubs at
the time. And she is
pregnant in 35 days.
 The hedgehog don’t have enemies, the only animal
that can kill the hedgehog it is the badger, but the
badger doesn’t normally eat hedgehogs.
Made by Fiona 6th grade Denmark
 The squirrel lives in the
trees, in inter alia forests,
gardens, and parks all over
 The squirrel is especially a
herbivore, and eats seeds,
nuts and acorns. Sometimes
the squirrel eats insects and
nestlings or birds eggs.
 The female gets 3-7 cubs,
and they are pregnant for
36-42 days.
 The squirrel can be 6-7 years
old, but most of them dies
when they are 3-4 years old.
Pine marten
Squirrel cub
 The squirrels enemies is the fox, the cat
and the pine marten.
 The squirrel has a white belly, and a
long, bushy, brown-red tail.
Made by Helena 6th grade Denmark
 The badger eat Worms,
rabbits, snakes, mice
and moles.
 The females get 1-5
pups. The pups come
out in the end of
February, and the first
of March.
 The badger is between  The badger is
6-20 kg and it`s length
Denmark’s biggest
is between 68-80 cm
predator, bigger
than the fox.
 The footprints is
around 5 cm long, with
five toes.
 The green places is
where the badger
 There are many badgers who gets
bogged down by a car on the road.
Made by Anders 5th grade Denmark
The Fox
 The fox has a very distinctive look. It looks
like a slender, medium-sized dog. The body
measures approx. 70 cm, tail about 40 cm
long and it weights usually 6.5-8 kg. The
male is slightly larger than the female.
 The Fox eats: Hedgehog, Moles, mice and
a brown bat.
 You can see the fox mostly at night and in
the early morning.
 The fox can make over 40 different sounds
 The fox live everywhere in Denmark. You
can find it in country and nowadays even in
the cities. Foxes stay together in family
flocks to protect their territory of against
strangers foxes.
 Sometimes the fox gets ran over
the cars because some fox live in
the city
Made by Frederik 5th grade Denmark
The White Stork
 The stork has been very common in
Denmark for hundreds a years. And in
the old days it was said that the stork
came with the babies.
 Unfortunately the stork is very seldom
and in 2013 there where only two
couples and all their nestling died.
 The stork eats: frogs, toads, fish,
insects, snails, grass snakes and even
mice and small birds.
 It lays 3-5 eggs.
 The Stork comes to Denmark in April
and migrate again in September.
Made by Daniel 6th grade Denmark
 An owl looks like a bird, it has tiny legs and
it can turn its head all around.
 It has an excellent hearing and a very good
vision, therefore it can easily hunt by night.
 The owl lays 3-4 eggs in March. Their
nest is a hole in a tree.
 The most common owl in Denmark is the
tawny owl.
 The Owl just eats: field voles and other
mice, lizards, frogs, insects and earthworms.
It swallows its prey and then the owl
disgorges the indigestible parts of its food
The left
overs from a
Young tawny
Made by Nikolai 6th grade Denmark