
ALA / EBSS Committee Meeting Notes
Date: Monday, February 23, 2015
Committee name: EBSS Advisory
Name of person submitting meeting notes: Dana Peterman
Members and Guests present: Dana Peterman, Judy Walker, Deborah Schaeffer, Rachel E.
Cannady, Mary Feeney Chimene Elise Tucker, Scott Collard, Rebecca C. Murphey, Joyce
Garczynski, Ann Medaille, Christina Cicchetti, Tiffany Baglier, Elena Soltau, Katherine Farmer,
Jennifer J. Elder, Faith Steele, Deborah B. Gaspar, Maria Ann Jules, Marilia Antunez, Scott
Walter, Irene M. H. Herold
Excused: Bernadette Lear, Brian Quinn, Jill Morningstar
Time and Place Convened: 10:00 am to 11:30 am, US/Pacific ; Virtual meeting via ReadyTalk
and Google Doc.
Convener: Dana Peterman
1. Approval of Agenda. Approved
2. Minutes: Approved the June 28, EBSS Advisory Council minutes.
3. Meeting ACRL Presidential Candidates Scott Walter and Irene Herold
On March 17, there is a live virtual forum coming up for both candidates using Adobe
Connect (see http://www.acrl.ala.org/acrlinsider/archives/9976 for details) . In addition,
there is a College & Research Libraries News article that details their backgrounds (Scott
Walter and Irene M. H. Herold ACRL candidates for 2015: A look at who’s running for
office Coll. res. libr. news January 2015 76:34-38). Both candidates urged all members to
EBSS should be her home because her undergraduate degree was in English with a
Behavioral Science concentration (5 credits short of a second degree in anthropology),
and a secondary teaching certification. She taught in the public schools for almost a
decade before becoming a librarian. To provide an introduction beyond what is available
in the January and February C&RL News articles, Herold focused her remarks on her
background in leadership and leadership development: creating, leading, studying and she
wrote several articles, book chapters, and has a forthcoming book on it. Moved through
college libraries to current position in an ARL member library. Herold got her PhD in
Managerial Leadership in the Information Professions from Simmons.
Walter started his association with ALA through EBSS. As chair of EBSS, he created the
Higher Education and Communications Studies committees. His Higher Education
connection has continued. Walter was Education librarian at Washington State
University,where he got his PhD, which focused on Higher Education and Library
Science. He prefers to listen to everyone else rather than to himself, then ask questions.
The biggest question he has heard has concerned value, not the value of libraries, but of
what ACRL brings to its members. How is the value of membership maximized via
ACRL resources and networks while moving broader agendas forward? Walter sees
librarians attention divided and that they have competing priorities for limited resources.
How does one create an engaged membership under these conditions?
Questions from EBSS Advisory Council Members:
Scott Collard:
How you would make new members feel comfortable taking leadership roles, especially
because it’s getting harder to fill slates?
Walter responds that issue is not unique to EBSS. Wants to do work to get people
engaged at critical points in time at beginning, middle, or senior career.
Herold responds that this is a member-driven, member-engaged organization. Wants us to
know that ACRL has increased by 500 this year. Usually in a “bounce” year, you’ll see
membership rise. She wants people to know that sections are not limited to advertising
through their only email list. In addition, ACRL does not limit the number of sections to
which you may belong. The chairs of the committees, etc. should be talking to the
following generation. Think about folks from other sections whose interests might cross
with our own.
Chimene Tucker:
[There are 3 areas required for promotion and tenure for faculty status librarians:
research, publication and service. Service is usually taken to mean service to the
profession or university] Over time a faculty librarian can experience a change in career
focus from that of associations to contributions to his or her university. How can ACRL
remain relevant for promotion and tenure when that happens?
ACRL is currently reviewing its recommendations on promotion and tenure standards for
academic librarians. Thinks that this document supports those seeking promotion and
tenure showing service in ACRL is of value for members' service requirements. Herold
also commented that the information framework is another area of engagement for
members to interconnect with ACRL.
It’s clear that this is the mid-career problem. ACRL can’t control what aspects of work
are prioritized on your campus, but it can look at career arcs in a more thoughtful way
and see what’s needed at each phase of a librarian’s career. ACRL can create a targeted
effort to work on strengths at each phase of a career. Secondly, it can promote among
library leadership that the senior leadership view the association as having value. If senior
leadership is supportive, then it has an impact on the decisions that people make.
4. Officer Reports
Chair - Dana Peterman : Executive Committee has met and decided to create an
Education Committee (to be formed at Annual), and to change the name of the
Distinguished EBSS Librarian Award committee to EBSS Librarian Award Committee.
EBSS funded 2 scholars for ACRL in Portland, Silvia Vong (Collaborative Learning
Librarian, University of St. Michael's College in the University of Toronto) and Kimberly
Miller (Research and Instruction Librarian, Albert S. Cook Library, Towson University).
As a duty of the Chair, Dana has placed requests for meetings at Annual to ALA and they
have been scheduled. Twelve committees will meet during the All-Committees
(Consolidated) meetings time slots (9:15AM to 10:45AM and report out and wrap up to
11:15AM) with the new committee, Education, being formed at that time. There are four
meetings outside the regular schedule including: Advisory; Social Work/Social Welfare;
Conference Program Planning--Orlando, 2016; Curriculum Materials; Executive. The
Nominating committee will not meet during Annual. The program, Boots on the Ground:
Making Academic Libraries Work for Veterans, an update on ERIC, and the Research
Poster Forum have also been scheduled. New chairs and leaders will meet at 8:30AM
during the All-Committees meeting (aka Consolidated) time slot. The orientation meeting
will not overlap with any other EBSS meeting.
b. Vice Chair - Bernadette A. Lear (Excused) - Dana Peterman reporting: Bernadette
has been working with the appointments for all committees. After speaking with chairs
from all of the EBSS committees, Bernadette learned that there is interest in a new
committee focused on education. Committee leadership (Executive) discussed the
creation the new committee, which will be called Education and which will take shape at
Annual. In her communications with committee chairs, Bernadette emphasized that they
have the power to create programs and products and that they should feel empowered to
do what is needed for the committee. Dana reminded chairs that they can seek assistance
from anyone in a leadership position within EBSS.
Past Chair - Scott Collard: He is working on updating the EBSS manual and on his
presentation and orientation for new EBBS leaders at Annual. The orientation for new
leaders will take place on Saturday, June 27 from 8:30AM to 9:15AM in the room where
All-Committees (Consolidated) meetings take place. ACTION: email Scott about what
you wish you knew before you became a leader.
d. Secretary - Elena Soltau: (ACTION: send questions and suggestions to Elena, newly
appointed Secretary after Merrie’s resignation)
Members At-Large - Mary Feeney with Jennifer Harvey: They had virtual
discussion assessing pre-teacher literacy skills. They were 30 participants and they
received feedback from 4. They will have a new topic in mid-April, possibly on
implementing the New Frameworks for Information Literacy. Thanks to Ann and Joyce
for helping them to find speakers. They are currently planning the Dutch Treat for
5. Committee Reports (Note: If you cannot attend, please send your committee reports directly
to Dana Peterman at dpeterma@uci.edu and cc Elena Soltau at soltau@nova.edu)
● Communication Studies - Joyce Garczynski: The Communication Studies Committee has
begun to gather journalism students’ and practitioners’ research “stuck places” in an
effort to modify journalism information literacy standards to fit with the new Framework.
Also the committee has begun to plan the 2015 media tour during ALA Annual
Conference in San Francisco. It looks like the tour will include Twitter and the committee
is waiting for the company to firm up the schedule before the committee begins to
publicizing it.
● Conference Program Planning - Dana Peterman: Both speakers, Jared
Hoppenfeld and Ed Tinoco, have been confirmed. The program, Boots on the Ground:
Making Academic Libraries Work for Veterans, is about veteran services offered in
libraries and is scheduled for Saturday, June 27 from 1 to 2:30PM (followed 30 minutes
later by the Research Poster Forum). Jared is looking at a national program and Ed, who
is a veteran, will review his environmental scan of services offered to veterans in
academic institutions.
● Curriculum Materials - Faith Steele - The Midwinter meeting took place on February 2.
They are revising the Curriculum Materials Center (CMC) guides. They have a first draft
and will finalize it during Annual. In addition, they have some other projects in the
queue. They will be meeting at Annual on Sunday, June 28 from 8:30AM to 10AM,
where will finalize the CMC guidelines.
● Curriculum Materials Ad Hoc - Judy Walker: The committee is in the final stages of
publishing the Curriculum Materials Directory and will be done after ACRL, most likely
in April or May. The Directory will be going into a repository at University of North
Carolina at Charlotte. ACTION: email committee if interested in involvement.
● Distinguished EBSS Librarian Award - Elena Soltau: The committee met December 12.
Discussed candidates but never got a response from Wiley about their continued
sponsorship. Did not get candidates that fit the criteria for the award this year.
Committee chose to abstain from selecting a winner for 2015. Dana Peterman said the
committee’s name is changing and removing “distinguished” along with the money.
● Electronic Resources in Communication Studies - Chimene Tucker: The committee met
the last week in January. The committee question the purpose of “electronic” in its title
and if it were more productively a part of the Communication Studies committee. The
was not sure what it meant be called Electronic Resources in the 21st century. Tucker is
wondering if the committee has a useful purpose. Dana Peterman said that if the
committee had any suggestions to revise their charge, to please send them to him. Mary
Feeney wondered if it should be called a Resources committee. Joyce Garczynski thought
that having two committees for communication studies was useful for the section.
Peterman suggested considering altering their charge to focus on projects and/or
programs. Garczynski proposed a discussion at Annual. ACTION: Chemene Tucker will
inquire of the committee how they might envision a new charge and/or a new name and
email their suggestions to him and Bernadette during Annual or by email.
● ERIC Users - Katherine Farmer co-chair with Tiffany Baglier had a meeting on Friday,
February 27, 2015 w/ERIC. ERIC presentation is scheduled at Annual for Sunday at
1PM and will be providing updates on new things they are doing. Re-examining its
selection policy and how to get peer review beyond just journals. Will hopefully have a
draft doc available for comment before Annual. Working on Thesaurus changes. Will be
doing 15 topic summaries to help freshmen and/or sophomores delving into topics in
education. Working with NIH to export citations from ERIC apart from what can do from
a db provider. Implementing public access policy. Taking hour-long video created in
2014 and turn it into 5 minute blurbs. As a cttee. decided that will develop a ERIC toolkit
or primer and make it available on the EBSS website.
● Higher Education - Debbie Gaspar. - The committee met on February 17th for its
Midwinter meeting. The committee will present a round table in Portland at ACRL on
outreach and meeting the needs of adjunct faculty. This session grew out of a session
from Vegas conversation. Using the roundtable as a fact finding session on how to work
with adjunct faculty, what are their needs, and how to communicate with them. The
committee wants follow up its survey using Qualtrics, online survey software, by sending
it out to EBSS members. When asked about end product or goal, the committee said that
it would explore IRB thru their institutions regarding research and publishing
● Instruction for Educators - Ann Medaille: Was in the meeting earlier, but had to
leave before giving the committee report. ACTION: Contact Chair. From email to Dana
Peterman and Elena Soltau sent on March 5, 2015: “The Instruction for Educators
Committee is working on a library guide that contains a variety of instructional content
that will be linked to the Information Literacy Standards for Teacher and Education as
well as the new IL Framework. The committee anticipates that when it is completed,
education librarians will be able to copy instructional content from the library guide into
their own guides as needed. The committee is keeping a close eye on the developments
occurring with the new Framework and are considering ways to find connections
between the new Framework and the teacher education standards.”
Membership and Orientation - Have 8 members on the committee. They are working on
the Facebook page and organizing information. Started up a calendar. Discussing
informal mentoring programing and making as flexible as possible. Working on a draft in
Google Doc. Wants to connect w/Members at Large on social or if another committee is
working on this, please contact them.. Numbers are slightly lower than they were during
the past ACRL. Their statistics have remained stable. They have not dropped nor
increased dramatically (14 members reinstated and 37 members who dropped). Scott
mentions that the ACRL bump might not occur until after ACRL 2015. Scott and DP
mention that it’s usually coordinated w/Members at Large.
Nominating - Deborah Schaeffer: Thanked her committee members for helping out. Jill
Morningstar and Chimene Tucker are running for Member-at-Large, Kaya Van Beynen is
running for Vice-chair/Chair-elect, and Ericka Arvidson Raber and Samantha Godbey for
Secretary. Deborah is excited about these candidates and what they have been able to
Online Learning Research - Rachel Cannady and Rebecca Murphey co-chairs: Final
stages of putting together article. Committee met on Jan 28 and putting finishing touches
on article by Annual. Committee is looking for a new chair.
Psychology - Jennifer Elder (submitted by email): Midwinter Virtual Meeting took place
on February 28, 2015. At that Meeting, the Psychology Committee received an update
on the Instruction Practices of Psychology Librarians Survey Project that is being led by
committee member, Mike Mungin. The committee also discussed the migration of the
Resources for Psychology Librarians pages from the now-defunct ACRL wiki to
PBworks and took nominations for the 2015-2016 committee chair.
Publications and Communications - Nancy DuPree not available ACTION: Elena will
email Nancy for a report. Midwinter meeting had not taken place as of this meeting.
Reference Sources and Services - Christina Cicchetti co-chair with Katelyn Angell: The
Midwinter meeting will take place soon. The agenda will include a discussion regarding
the two wikis sites that the committee maintains on ALA’s platform - the Toolbox and the
Social Science Directory. The committee would like to get usage statistics to find out
how useful the tools are. ACTION: Christina or Katelyn will contact Megan Griffin to
see if they can get usage statistics for the Toolbox and Social Science Directory.
Research Committee - Jill Morningstar (excused and read in from a previous report at
Executive by Dana) : The committee received six proposals, down from nine last year,
but it is being more strict about the kinds of research it accepts. The committee will
probably accept three or four proposals. The chair will send out an email to the
committee later today with the proposals to review using a previously agreed upon rubric.
The committee will meet virtually sometime in the next two weeks to determine who will
present at Annual. The committee will notify presenters before the end of early bird
registration on March 16. Volunteers for the Research Poster Forum have been
determined for Annual, so the committee only needs to identify presenters for the Forum,
which is scheduled for Saturday, June 27 from 3-4:30PM. Yu-Hui will work with APA
on catering.
● Scholarly Communication - Brian Quinn (submitted by email): The EBSS Scholarly
Communication Committee is working collaboratively with members of ACRL/STS
(Science and Technology Section) and ASEE (American Society for Engineering
Education) on a joint survey of scholarly communication needs and interests of our
members. The committee had been working on the questions to be included in the survey
and it is now in final form. Julie Speer at Virginia Tech is the PI (Principal Investigator),
and she has submitted the survey to the Virginia Tech IRB (Institutional Review Board)
for approval. There have been some technical problems with the Co-PIs gaining access to
the Virginia Tech IRB website, which is making the approval process take longer than
usual. At the Scholarly Communication Midwinter meeting, committee members
reviewed the survey and discussed how best to distribute it once it is approved. Some of
the suggestions by committee members include: creating a relatively brief window for
response, releasing the survey toward the start of the semester, use the EBSS listserv and
distribution by EBSS committee chairs to their committees as possible venues, consider
using social media such as Facebook, announce the survey early in the week, and send
follow-up email reminders on different days of the week. During the meeting, the
committee also discussed its charge and concluded that it is well-articulated and does not
need to be revised. The committee also discussed possible future projects, including
collaborating with other EBSS committees on a webinar or a Hot Topics session for
scholarly communication issues.
● Social Work/Social Welfare - (not met for Midwinter. will be meeting later) ACTION:
Elena will follow up for a report from Laura Koltutsky, the chair .
Other Business - No other business
Time Adjourned: 11:22AM
Action items:
● All members of Advisory email Scott Collard about what you wish you knew before you
became a leader so that he can add it to the presentation for new leaders at Annual.
● Reference Sources and Services co-chairs Christina Cicchetti and Katelyn Angell will
email Megan Griffin to obtain usage statistics for the the Toolbox and the Social Science
Directory to see if there is value in continuing to update the products.
● Email the Curriculum Materials Ad Hoc committee if you have collections that you
believe are not included in the directory.
● Dana Peterman will contact the chair of the Instruction for Educators committee, Ann
Medaille, for its report to add to these notes. DONE
● Elena Soltau will contact Nancy DuPree for a report of the Publications committee
midwinter meeting.
● Elena Soltau will contact Laura Koltutsky for a report of the Social Work/Social Welfare
committee midwinter meeting.
● Chemene Tucker will inquire of the Electronic Resources in Communication Studies how
it might envision a new charge and/or a new name and email their suggestions to him and
Bernadette either during Annual, or ahead of Annual by email.