Simone Besseling
WK 1
Marketing process - 1. Marketing 2. Communication 3. Media (never starts other way around!)
Media planning = process that should result in how to deliver our ads to selected target group in
most effective and efficient way.
Difference marketing objective vs communication objective (macdonalds example)
Marketing --> enlarging turnover, increase number cash transactions with 12% (reach, frequency,
continuity, weight, cost)--> MEDIA OBJECTIVES
Communication --> Positioning macdonalds as the one with best price/quality product in NL (AIDA,
awereness,knowledge,puchase, attention ect)
Media planner would most be interested in media research.
ATL Above the line = advertising through media such as tv, cinema radio, print to promote brand
(impersonal, mass orientated, difficult to measure )
BTL Below the line = marketing/sales activities that directly lead to trial or purchase by using more
targeted media like in-store displays, direct mail etc. (more individual, measurabe, nowadays more
and more BTL)
TTL Through the line = involves both strategies. (example - tv commercial 'come into store to smaple
the xcv product' )
Performance based pricing = only paying for measurable results
-Based on leads
-Based on clicks
-Based on transactions
-Based on visitots
Chapter 2, class wk2
Media channels = a TV, a radio , can also be a book or magazine (but not the content, that is the
What we use is a media vehicles discovery channel, ads/articles in books/magazines
Advertisement = the media vehicle
(wat is je message)
The book/magazine it is in = the media channel (hoe verstrek je je message?)
Nett reach = Number / percentage of people exposed to a media vehicle with the message once
during the advertising period.
Potential contact with a medium is not always a realistic contact. Some people may not have any
contact with the medium at all, some may have contact and some will have contact with your
Simone Besseling
campaign. The NETT users in this, are the ones who have contact with the medium, and the people
who have contact with the campaign.
Numerical reach= Number of people seeing/watching message ( 8% of 550.000 = 44.000)
Percentage reach=Percentage of people seeing/watching message ( 110.000 of 550.000 = 20%)
Fequency is how many times a consumer of the target group is expected to be exposed to the vehicle
with the advertisers message within a specific time period. (exposure to media vehicle not the
message) --> so might me exposed to watching discovery, but not the ad in the commercial break.
B-coefficient = the higher the % of people thatwill remember the ed. (it is found after research. not
an estimation)
Rating (Rtg)  persons who see or hear a particular program as a percentage of the total population
(so 100.000 households, 60.000 are watching tv, 20.000 voice of holland, ratio: 20.000/100.000=20%)
Rating Points  1% of a particular group, is 1 rating point. So 15.3% is 15.3 rating.
EXAM QUESTION  rating (tv and radio) = coverage (Printed Media)
Coverage includes; number of copies and number of households
Share: Number of people turned to a particular TV station as a percentage of all people watching TV
at the same time.
EXAM QUESTION  In media we use ratings or share? Mostly
Difference Rating and share = Rating is people watching tv programma/entire population
Share is people watching tv program/ people watching TV. Share tells how a vehicle competes with
other vehicles. Rating tells how a vehicle perform in term of place/time to total potential audience.
Gross reach= sum of the number of people every individual the medium reaches (people can be
counted multiple times)
In case multiple counting (received message per person more than once) Gross Rating points (GRP’s)
GPR’s = to measure effectiveness of advertisement. It is the unit definition used fot all media to
compare media and/or accumulate reach. It includes Reach x frequency
GRP formulas
GRP = Gross Rating points
GRP = R% x F
R% = GRP : F
F= GRP :R%
**Media buyers when buying media space look at number of GRP's.
** GPR of 257 means, 275% are people you have reached in a particular group. (might mean,
reached 50% of target goup, who has seen is 5 times(frequency)
Simone Besseling
Audience=number of readers/viewers/listeners
Accumulative Audience = total people seen your ad (also counted mulptiple)
Unduplicated Audience = total people seen ad once.
TAI = Total audience impressions (based on numerical reach) RxF (reach(how many, 25n mil) x
frequency (hoe many times watched, 5x p.p) = 125 million TAI
Effective Reach = Number of consumer reached at least three times
Effective Rating Points (ERP) =Gross reach of a campaign for those people who were reached at least
three times. As a percentage of the target group.
EXAM QUESTION  As a media planner you’d rather talk about ERP’s than
Rating Points (RP’s)
Effective Frequency = number of range of exposures required to produce a desired impact (eg sales,
brand awareness, brand liking) At least 3 to be effective frequency, or more.
EXAM QUESTIONS! : Check bottom page:
Continuity - keeps same
(lack of brand loyalty, intense
competition, ) Short PLC
Continuity - pulsing advertising
under-arm deodorants, sell all year, but more in summer
months. Need it whole year, product with limited budget
intense competition.
Continuity - flighting advertising
Like halloween costumes (little waist of
advertising) Summer holidays, Winter
ice creams, seasonal products. Intro PLC
Product in introductory stage of PLC (product life cycle) reach is more important
Product in maturity stage of PLC frequency is more important
LAST QUESTION EXAM  Class assignment - Newspaper reach and frequency
(handed out fist class)
Answers: 1) 40 2)26 3)12 4)a 18
Simone Besseling
A disruptive technology or disruptive innovation is an innovation that helps create a new market
and value network, and eventually goes on to disrupt an existing market and value network (over a
few years or decades), displacing an earlier technology. --> INTERNET
Web1.0 - one way
Web 2.0 - 2 way traffic - sender and retriever start communicating via the web - start of social media
Web 3.0 - Personalized content, internet anywhere/anyplace (mobile) , datadriven, real time web
Interactive advertising is growing faster than traditional advertising (its better measuarable,
changable, testable).
Search is much less expensive than Direct marketing.
page view (PV) or page impression = request to load single page of intenet site.
pages per visit = average pages per visit.
bounce rate = total number of visits viewing one page (navigate away from site after seeing entrance
Conversion ratio = average number of visitors who visit the site who make a purchase of perform
some sort of action. IMPORTANT
Affliation = marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor
brought by the affiliate's own marking efforts. 90% of all Affiliate marketing is conducted on a CPA
model or Cost per Sale.
Simone Besseling
Week 4
EXAM QUESTION  exam - Difference between strategy and tactict
a: Strategy, long term planning, WHY, overall things. tactics is short term 'doing' HOW, detailed.
Strategy questions -- Target group description, media behavior, mass media/one to one approach,
media channel choice, rough budget allocation
Tactics questions -- Media vehicle selection, number of ads & scheduling, detailed budget
Qualitative aspects = impact, context, timing aspects, message life, relevancy, memorization ect.
Quantitative aspects = circulation, reach data, costs (CMP. CPC, CPA, CPL)
Mass media (newspapers/televidion or more one to one approach (internet)
Cross selling is – you buy a book about prosche, and Porsche could say are you interested in a testride? Combining products. Amazon is the best example. Second one free, of for half price.
High conversion; your desired goal (it can be a sale, or a test ride)
Umfelt/ context = environment in which you advertise.
Receiver aspect = determined bij sitation in which receiver get's in touch with message (at home,
way to office, with friends ect.)
Ssender aspects = The medium itself, content of medium, pace. What page, what other ads.
Advertisers think in quarters Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4. Most expensive is Q4, consumers spend more (chrismas,
sinterklaas ect) so media vehicles raise prices!
Week 5+6
From P's to E's
-Product to Experience
-Place to Everyplace
-Price to Exchange
-Promotion to Evangelism
Quantitative : Medium Selectivity - How good or bad does a certain medium rech my target group
Selectivity index =
%of target group in total reach
------------------------------------------- x100
%of target group in the universe
Simone Besseling
Less than 100 = target group under represented. Vehicle not selective on target group
100 = target group is proportionally presented
more than 100 = target group is over represented: vehicle is selective on target group
Reach Vs frequncy
TV = Reach
Radio = Frequency
Magazine = Frequency
Newspaper= Frequency
Oudoor = Reach
Direct mail = Reach
Banners = Reach