Course Planning Entering Grade 10 •Graduation Requirements •Grade 10 Focus •PDP Pre-IB Grade 10 Counsellors Catherine Walton/Wiljo Lum A-G 981-1173 Marla McLellan H-M 981-1174 Stewart McAllen N-Z 981-1326 Graduation Requirements To Graduate: 48 Required Credits + 28 Elective Credits + 4 Graduation Transitions = 80 Credits for Graduation ** minimum of 16 credits at the Grade 12 Level Graduation Requirements Required Credits: English Language Arts 10, 11, 12 Socials Studies 10, 11 Science 10 and 11 or 12 Math 10 and 11 or 12 Physical Education 10 Planning 10 Fine Arts or Applied Skills Graduation Requirements Mandatory Provincial Exams: Math 10 Science 10 Language Arts 10 Socials 11 Language Arts 12 20% of final mark 20% of final mark 20% of final mark 20% of final mark 40% of final mark Provincial Exam Scholarship based on these results. Course Planning Required Courses in Grade 10: English 10 a Math 10* Planning 10* 2 electives * Social Studies 10 Science 10 Physical Education 10* *More details to come Course Planning Mathematics Options Foundations of Math 10 Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 10 Enriched Math 10 PDp Check with teacher for recommendations Course Planning Physical Education Options: Girls Boys Leadership (co-ed, 25 hours of service) Girls Fitness (rec centre pass necessary) Course Planning Planning 10 topics: Graduation Program Education and Careers Health Finances Available as a blended course as well as in timetable. Course Planning Planning 10 Options: Take as one of eight courses 2. Take as a ninth course outside timetable at West Van Secondary (blended course) 3. Take during Summer School (if available) 4. Take via any on-line school (self-paced course) Grade 10s must have 8 courses in the timetable. 1. Course Planning Languages: Languages are considered an elective Sp/Jap/Man 9 French 9 Sp/Jap/Man 11 French 10 Course Planning Elective Courses: Languages (French, Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin) Computers (ICT, New Media) Art (Art Foundations, Animation, Yearbook, Photo, Multi Media, Art West) Music (Orchestra, Concert Band, Guitar, Rock Band,Jazz Band) Theatre Arts (Dance, Drama, Choir, Film &T.V.) Home Economics (Foods, Textiles, Family Studies, Yoga) Business (Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Accounting ) Technology (Mechanics, Woodwork, Drafting, Skills Explor.) Course Planning Woodwork 9 Carpentry 11 beginners take Woodwork 10 Technology 9 Auto 11 beginners take Mechanics 10 Drafting 9 Drafting 12 beginners take Drafting 11 English Language Learners Select same level as this year Timetable adjustments will be made in May based on teacher recommendations For example: Eng 9 LA Eng 10 LA Course Planning Blended Courses (online & PM classes) New Media and Technology 11 Fashion Industry 12 Planning 10 Course Planning Recommendation Required: PE 10: Leadership Theatre Production 10 PM All PDp / IB courses Street Dance Company (audition) Rock Band (singers audition) District Programs offered through WVSS Art West 45 District Honour Choir Premier District Basketball Academy Super Achievers Course Descriptions District Programs Available to WVSS Students Sports Academies First Aid Swim Training (FAST Program) Course Description International Baccalaureate IB Coordinator Joanne Pohn Entrance Testing: Feb. 12th @ 3:00 pm Room #C206 English PDP Math PDP Social Studies PDP Second Language PDP Science PDP Pre-Diploma French, Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin are offered as PDP In special cases you may begin a new language If you are currently taking a PDP course you will select IB 11 SL PDP Math 10 IB Math SL 11 Pre-Diploma Priority is given to Full Diploma Students Students selecting less than full Diploma will be placed on a waitlist. Selection will be based upon test results, term 2 report card and work habits. ELL Students Students currently taking Language Adapted or Transitional courses may only select PDP Math and Science Application for Full PDP Fill out application and return to the IB office by February 2nd. All students must have written IB Test and students applying for the full program will be interviewed before Spring Break. Students select courses they wish to take. Courses will be adjusted based upon final decision. Second Course Planning Session 1-1 1-2 1-2 1-3 Artibise Artibise Yalowega Artibise Wednesday, Feb 18 Wednesday, Feb 18 Friday, Feb 20 Wednesday, Feb 18 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 Espenhain Espenhain Yalowega/Diehl Espenhain/Artibise Tuesday, Feb 17 Tuesday, Feb 17 Tuesday, Feb 17 Tuesday, Feb 17 Course Change Deadline *** It is very important that you carefully consider your course requests. Friday, March 6th is the Final Day for any changes to your course requests. After this date students will be placed on a wait list Any Questions? Check counselling website (under Course Planning)