Osmond Junior High School Band/Chorus 2012-13 Purpose: The purpose of the Osmond Junior High music department is to serve as a creative outlet for all students while developing musical ability in those who wish to participate, and additionally to serve both the school and community of Osmond through its public performances. Grading: Points are given for performance on instruments/voice, written reports, quizzes, exams, and classroom participation. Students earn 3 points per day for exhibition of skill development, bringing necessary materials to class, and participation. Concert performances are worth 100 points, and other assignments will be assigned points TBA based on the length of the assignment (these will be announced in advance.) Your grade for this class is based on the number of points you earn from the above items in proportion to the total number of possible points that can be earned from all units in the quarter. Example: If the total possible number of points anyone could earn during the quarter was 325, and you earned 240 points, then your grade would be 240 ÷ 325 or 74% (C) for the course. The percentage and grade system used for this class is as follows: 93 – 100% A 77 – 84% C 69 – Below F (No Credit) 85 – 92% B 70 – 76% D Supplies Needed: 1)Band instrument (if applicable) 2)Music/Folder and pep band lyre (band only) (concert folders provided-marching folios/lyres available for purchase through director) 3)Pencil 4)Instrument-specific materials (reeds, valve oil, etc. are also available for purchase through director) *please be conscious of the physical state of your supplies, and look for any potential problems before they arise. Be proactive! 5)Concert dress clothes (church-appropriate: no jeans please!) Quarter 1. Concert band/chorus Part 1 and Fall Concert: Students will learn basic concert band etiquette for rehearsals and performances and develop instrumental performance skills. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and development in a Fall Concert performance (10/08/13). Unit 1: Basic concert etiquette and technique, sight-read Fall Concert selections Unit 2: Macro-rehearsal of phrasing and musicality of Fall Concert selections by large sections Unit 3: Micro-rehearsal of individual phrases of Fall Concert selections Unit 4: Synthesize elements of all rehearsals in preparation for Fall Concert, post-concert analysis Quarter 2. Concert band/chorus Part 2 and Holiday Concert: Students will learn basic concert band etiquette for rehearsals and performances and develop instrumental performance skills. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and development in a Holiday Concert performance (12/05/13). Unit 5: Basic concert etiquette and techniques, sight-read Holiday Concert selections Unit 6: Macro-rehearsal of phrasing and musicality of Holiday Concert selections by large sections Unit 7: Micro-rehearsal of individual phrases of Holiday Concert selections Unit 8: Synthesize elements of all rehearsals in preparation for Holiday Concert, post-concert analysis Quarter 3. Concert band/chorus Part 3 and Mid-Winter Concert: Students will continue development of performance techniques and will exhibit skills through a Mid-Winter Concert (3/4/14). Unit 8: Advanced concert band techniques, sight-read Mid-Winter Concert selections Unit 9: Macro and micro-rehearsals of Mid-Winter Concert selections, continue technique development Unit 10: Synthesize elements of rehearsals in preparation for Mid-Winter Concert, post-concert analysis Quarter 4. Concert band/chorus Part 4, JH Music Contest, and Graduation/Memorial Day: Students will continue development of performance techniques and will exhibit skills through performances at JH Music Contest at Norfolk (date TBD), District Music Contest in Hartington, NE (4/25/14), OHS Graduation (5/10/14), and Memorial Day Ceremony (5/26/14). Unit 11: Macro/Micro rehearsals of individual/section/full band selections for Music Contest(s) Unit 12: Prepare OHS Graduation selections and Memorial Day selections, begin work on new pep band selections for fall 2014