EW Customized Living Services Establishing Component Rates

Establishing Component Rates &
Individual Service Plans for
EW Customized Living Services
Background Information
Aging and Adult Services, MN
Department of Human Services
March, 2009
This information is being
provided for background only.
These slides are not part of
today’s presentation.
Information contained here:
Very little bit of history
Program integrity goals
Brief on implementation strategies for
rate-setting and services planning “tool
Review of Component Input & Negotiated
Rates Worksheets
Policy resource information
Customized Living
Is an important part of the service
array for older people
Is part of a very large market:
more HwS than NF capacity in
Portion of EW total spending spent
on CL/24 CL services continues to
EW CL Trends
The number of EW persons served in HwS
settings continues to grow
The aging of “Boomers” over the next 1020 years will greatly increase demand for
long term care services
These facts result in an increasing demand
to demonstrate accountability
2007 Customized Living Legislation
Changed the name from AL/AL+ to CL, 24-Hour CL
Established parameters for authorizing and
purchasing CL and 24 hr CL under the EW program.
Rate and service parameters are detailed in MN
Statute 256B.0915 governing EW under subd. 3e and
Reflects federal waiver requirements as well as
specific MN statutory language
By implementing 2007 legislation….
Achieve program integrity goals, assure
federal compliance
Provide individuals with maximum choice
of services to meet their needs
Maintain/improve provider capacity
Federal Quality Assurance
For all participants of all waiver programs,
and for all services purchased under ANY
waiver program:
Consumer must have a documented need for
the service
Rates are paid within parameters established
by the state
Identified needs are being met within the
overall community support (care) plan
Evidence-based quality management
systems (i.e. we need to “prove” it)
CMS Requirements for
EW Renewal
EW plan is negotiated between DHS and
CMS for 5 year increments
New EW plan, effective July 1,2008 was
approved in September
CMS was concerned about rate disparity
DHS agreed to require that all counties
and tribes use DHS-issued CL tools as a
condition of EW renewal
Under Managed Care
If MCOs use the county or tribal provider
network, they will use the tribal or countynegotiated component rates and apply the tool to
individual services planning and authorization
While CMS recognizes that MCOs are allowed to
establish rates and contracts with providers
differently, DHS will also encourage MCOs not
contracting through counties to use the new tool.
Under Managed Care
MCOs requested the State to develop the
new tool and have been part of the
development and testing process.
The Right Service for the Right
Person at the Right Price
DHS has responsibility to ensure that the
“right rate is paid for the right service, for
the right person”.
This has also been a working definition of
“quality” for many years.
“Right” Service
There is assessed need for the service
Is the person’s choice/preference in how to
meet the need
Will be delivered by the provider
Is within the provider’s competency
Meets service definition as approved in the
waiver plan
Is delivered in compliance with other MA
Statutory Language Related to the
“Right” Service
Customized living services must not
include rent or raw food costs.
The lead agency shall ensure that there is
a documented need for all services
Statutory Language Related to the
“Right” Service
The lead agency shall ensure that the frequency
and mode of supervision of the recipient and the
qualifications of staff providing supervision are
described and meet the needs of the recipient.
Shall not authorize 24-hour customized living
services unless there is a documented need,
based on criteria in 256B.0915, Subd. 3h, for 24hour supervision
Statutory Language Related to the
“Right” Rate
The authorized payment rate must be based on services
to be provided.
The payment agreement must specify the services and
the amount of each service to be provided.
Negotiated rates must not exceed payment rates for
comparable EW or MA services.
Rates must reflect economies of scale
Implementation Strategies: Rate
Setting and Individual Services
Planning: 2007 -2008
Training and bulletins related to change to
CL/24hr CL
Established criteria for 24 hr CL
MMIS changes to support this
Creation of the Contract Planning Worksheet
Statewide meetings regarding that Worksheet
Implementation Strategies:
2008 to Present
Work group established to design a rate setting
and services planning tool that meets the
requirements in state and federal law.
Xcel workbook that reflects these requirements
Workbook contains tools for providers, contract
managers, and case managers and care
Review of the Contract
Management Tools
February video conference
Reviewed the Component Input and
Negotiated Rates worksheets
Step 1:
Contract Planning Worksheet
Clarifies component services the provider will make
available, as well as any limitations or special features of
services made available
Is based on component services that are allowable under
the EW service definition
Reflects the Uniform Consumer Guide (required of all
Assisted Living) to the extent possible
Is a fillable Word document
For communication between provider and lead agencies
EW Customized Living Workbook
Step 2: Contract Management
Component Rates Input Worksheet:
is used to establish rates for component services.
Main focus for today.
Negotiated Rates Output Worksheet for
component services:
automatically populated by the Component Rates
Input Worksheet
Person Responsible to Complete
The provider who is enrolled in Minnesota Health
Care Programs (MHCP) as the licensed provider
of EW CL/24CL service must complete the
If an enrolled Class A or Class F provider delivers
CL/24CL in more than one registered Housing
with Services establishment, the Class A or Class
F provider must complete a worksheet for each
Housing with Services establishment in which
they deliver services to EW consumers.
Contract Managers
Lead agency staff responsible for negotiating
contracts with waiver providers will review the
provider’s proposed component rates.
The lead agency may, at its discretion, request
verification from the provider of staffing
reported, and the average numbers of residents
reported as served.
The lead agency may be a county, a managed
care organization, or a tribe under contract with
DHS to manage and administer the EW program.
EW Customized Living Workbook:
Reference Worksheets
These worksheets reflect state limits on
comparable services, case mix budgets,
CL/24 hr CL rate limits
These worksheets provide data needed to
“automate” the workbook
There is no input work to be done, the
reference worksheets are populated by
AAS as part of the toolkit
The Purpose of the
Component Input Worksheet
The Component Input Worksheet:
Provides information to establish the hourly
service rate for each component service
Accounts for individual as well as shared
Captures staff resources available to deliver
services. This information is needed to
determined shared service rates.
Calculates shared supervision rates
Establishes per-meal charges, means for
summoning assistance
Component Input Worksheet
Limits the component rate to the closest
equivalent EW or MA service as required in
The service level and associated rate used within the
toolkit is for the required staff competency level and
the rate associated with that staff competency.
Requires the provider to evaluate staff
schedules, and staff assignments, including the
number of residents served by the staff resource
Sections on the Input Worksheet
Provider Information
Services Sections
Hourly Rate Limits
Report Average Staff Time: Staff
Report “Average Number of Residents”
Briefly reviewed each section at February video
Negotiated Component Rates
After completion of the Input Worksheet,
the information provided will populate the
Negotiated Component Rates Form.
This form provides the dollar amounts for
component rates that are used when
completing an individual’s CL/24CL service
delivery plan in order to help calculate the
amount to be authorized for those
Hourly Rate Limits
The hourly rate limits listed in the Worksheet are those
established by DHS in consideration of 2007 legislative
Negotiated rates for component services cannot exceed
these limits. See Handout.
These limits will only change if the Legislature grants
increases or requires decreases in the comparable rates
used and described below. If this occurs, DHS will
update the tool to reflect these changes.
These rate limits represent the rate for an hour of
service. An individual customized living or 24 hour
customized living service delivery plan can and typically
will include units of any given component service of less
than an hour. In this case, the time and price will be
calculated as such on the individual plan.
Elderly Waiver Bulletin 07-25-01C
Replaced all previous bulletins related to AL and
AL+ **
Policy regarding the need to attach dollars to
services and individualize service plans is not new
Provider standards are not new
Changes in license name but not requirements
**NOTE: All DHS bulletins expire two years from date of issue.
for Component Rates”
Document attached to Bulletin 09-25-01
Provides more detail about each cell within
the worksheet