LHC Experiments and the PACI A Partnership for Global Data Analysis Harvey B. Newman, Caltech Advisory Panel on CyberInfrastructure National Science Foundation November 29, 2001 http://l3www.cern.ch/~newman/LHCGridsPACI.ppt Global Data Grid Challenge “Global scientific communities, served by networks with bandwidths varying by orders of magnitude, need to perform computationally demanding analyses of geographically distributed datasets that will grow by at least 3 orders of magnitude over the next decade, from the 100 Terabyte to the 100 Petabyte scale [from 2000 to 2007]” The Large Hadron Collider (2006-) The Next-generation Particle Collider The largest superconductor installation in the world Bunch-bunch collisions at 40 MHz, Each generating ~20 interactions Only one in a trillion may lead to a major physics discovery Real-time data filtering: Petabytes per second to Gigabytes per second Accumulated data of many Petabytes/Year Large data samples explored and analyzed by thousands of globally dispersed scientists, in hundreds of teams Four LHC Experiments: The Petabyte to Exabyte Challenge ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, LHCB Higgs + New particles; Quark-Gluon Plasma; CP Violation Data stored ~40 Petabytes/Year and UP; CPU 0.30 Petaflops and UP 0.1 to 1 Exabyte (1 EB = 1018 Bytes) (2007) (~2012 ?) for the LHC Experiments Evidence for the Higgs at LEP at M~115 GeV The LEP Program Has Now Ended LHC: Higgs Decay into 4 muons 1000X LEP Data Rate (+30 minimum bias events) All charged tracks with pt > 2 GeV Reconstructed tracks with pt > 25 GeV 109 events/sec, selectivity: 1 in 1013 (1 person in a thousand world populations) LHC Data Grid Hierarchy CERN/Outside Resource Ratio ~1:2 Tier0/( Tier1)/( Tier2) ~1:1:1 ~PByte/sec Online System Experiment ~100-400 MBytes/sec Tier 0 +1 ~2.5 Gbits/sec Tier 1 IN2P3 Center INFN Center RAL Center ~2.5 Gbps CERN 700k SI95 ~1 PB Disk; Tape Robot Tier 2 FNAL: 200k SI95; 600 TB 2.5 Gbps Tier2 Center Tier2 Center Tier2 Center Tier2 Center Tier2 Center Tier 3 InstituteInstitute Institute ~0.25TIPS Physics data cache Workstations Institute 100 - 1000 Mbits/sec Tier 4 Physicists work on analysis “channels” Each institute has ~10 physicists working on one or more channels TeraGrid: NCSA, ANL, SDSC, Caltech A Preview of the Grid Hierarchy and Networks of the LHC Era StarLight: Int’l Optical Peering Point (see www.startap.net) Abilene Chicago Indianapolis Urbana Pasadena San Diego UIC I-WIRE OC-48 (2.5 Gb/s, Abilene) ANL Multiple 10 GbE (Qwest) Multiple 10 GbE (I-WIRE Dark Fiber) Solid lines in place and/or available in 2001 Dashed I-WIRE lines planned for Summer 2002 Starlight / NW Univ Multiple Carrier Hubs Ill Inst of Tech Univ of Chicago Indianapolis (Abilene NCSA/UIUC NOC) Source: Charlie Catlett, Argonne Current Grid Challenges: Resource Discovery, Co-Scheduling, Transparency Discovery and Efficient Co-Scheduling of Computing, Data Handling, and Network Resources Effective, Consistent Replica Management Virtual Data: Recomputation Versus Data Transport Decisions Reduction of Complexity In a “Petascale” World “GA3”: Global Authentication, Authorization, Allocation VDT: Transparent Access to Results (and Data When Necessary) Location Independence of the User Analysis, Grid, and Grid-Development Environments Seamless Multi-Step Data Processing and Analysis: DAGMan (Wisc), MOP+IMPALA(FNAL) CMS Production: Event Simulation and Reconstruction Simulation Digitization No PU GDMP PU Common Prod. tools (IMPALA) CERN FNAL Moscow INFN Caltech UCSD In progress UFL Imperial College Bristol Wisconsin IN2P3 Helsinki Fully operational Not Op. Not Op. Not Op. “Grid-Enabled” Automated US CMS TeraGrid Seamless Prototype Caltech/Wisconsin Condor/NCSA Production Simple Job Launch from Caltech Authentication Using Globus Security Infrastructure (GSI) Resources Identified Using Globus Information Infrastructure (GIS) CMSIM Jobs (Batches of 100, 12-14 Hours, 100 GB Output) Sent to the Wisconsin Condor Flock Using Condor-G Output Files Automatically Stored in NCSA Unitree (Gridftp) ORCA Phase: Read-in and Process Jobs at NCSA Output Files Automatically Stored in NCSA Unitree Future: Multiple CMS Sites; Storage in Caltech HPSS Also, Using GDMP (With LBNL’s HRM). Animated Flow Diagram of the DTF Prototype: http://cmsdoc.cern.ch/~wisniew/infrastructure.html Baseline BW for the US-CERN Link: HENP Transatlantic WG (DOE+NSF) Transoceanic Networking Integrated with the TeraGrid, Abilene, Regional Nets and Continental Network Infrastructures in US, Europe, Asia, South America Link Bandwidth (Mbps) 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 BW (Mbps) 310 622 1250 2500 5000 10000 US-CERN Plans: 155 Mbps to 2 X 155 Mbps this Year; 622 Mbps in April 2002; DataTAG 2.5 Gbps Research Link in Summer 2002; 10 Gbps Research Link in ~2003 Transatlantic Net WG (HN, L. Price) Bandwidth Requirements [*] 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 CMS 100 200 300 600 800 2500 ATLAS 50 100 300 600 800 2500 BaBar 300 600 CDF 100 300 D0 400 BTeV 20 40 100 200 300 500 DESY 100 180 210 240 270 300 1100 1600 2300 400 3000 2000 3000 6000 1600 2400 3200 6400 8000 CERN 155- 622 1250 2500 5000 10000 BW 310 [*] Installed BW. Maximum Link Occupancy 50% Assumed The Network Challenge is Shared by Both Next- and Present Generation Experiments Internet2 HENP Networking WG [*] Mission To help ensure that the required National and international network infrastructures Standardized tools and facilities for high performance and end-to-end monitoring and tracking, and Collaborative systems are developed and deployed in a timely manner, and used effectively to meet the needs of the US LHC and other major HENP Programs, as well as the general needs of our scientific community. To carry out these developments in a way that is broadly applicable across many fields, within and beyond the scientific community [*] Co-Chairs: S. McKee (Michigan), H. Newman (Caltech); With thanks to R. Gardner and J. Williams (Indiana) Grid R&D: Focal Areas for NPACI/HENP Partnership Development of Grid-Enabled User Analysis Environments CLARENS (+IGUANA) Project for Portable Grid-Enabled Event Visualization, Data Processing and Analysis Object Integration: backed by an ORDBMS, and File-Level Virtual Data Catalogs Simulation Toolsets for Systems Modeling, Optimization For example: the MONARC System Globally Scalable Agent-Based Realtime Information Marshalling Systems To face the next-generation challenge of Dynamic Global Grid design and operations Self-learning (e.g. SONN) optimization Simulation (Now-Casting) enhanced: to monitor, track and forward predict site, network and global system state 1-10 Gbps Networking development and global deployment Work with the TeraGrid, STARLIGHT, Abilene, the iVDGL GGGOC, HENP Internet2 WG, Internet2 E2E, and DataTAG Global Collaboratory Development: e.g. VRVS, Access Grid CLARENS: a Data Analysis Portal to the Grid: Steenberg (Caltech) A highly functional graphical interface, Grid-enabling the working environment for “non-specialist” physicists’ data analysis Clarens consists of a server communicating with various clients via the commodity XML-RPC protocol. This ensures implementation independence. The server is implemented in C++ to give access to the CMS OO analysis toolkit. The server will provide a remote API to Grid tools: Security services provided by the Grid (GSI) The Virtual Data Toolkit: Object collection access Data movement between Tier centers using GSI-FTP CMS analysis software (ORCA/COBRA) Current prototype is running on the Caltech Proto-Tier2 More information at http://heppc22.hep.caltech.edu, along with a web-based demo Modeling and Simulation: MONARC System Modelling and understanding current systems, their performance and limitations, is essential for the design of the future large scale distributed processing systems. The simulation program developed within the MONARC (Models Of Networked Analysis At Regional Centers) project is based on a process oriented approach for discrete event simulation. It is based on the on Java(TM) technology and provides a realistic modelling tool for such large scale distributed systems. SIMULATION of Complex Distributed Systems MONARC SONN: 3 Regional Centres Learning to Export Jobs (Day 9) <E> = 0.83 CERN 30 CPUs <E> = 0.73 1MB/s ; 150 ms RTT CALTECH 25 CPUs NUST 20 CPUs <E> = 0.66 Day = 9 Maximizing US-CERN TCP Throughput (S.Ravot, Caltech) TCP Protocol Study: Limits We determined Precisely The parameters which limit the throughput over a high-BW, long delay (170 msec) network How to avoid intrinsic limits; unnecessary packet loss Methods Used to Improve TCP Linux kernel programming in order to tune TCP parameters We modified the TCP algorithm A Linux patch will soon be available 2) Fast Recovery (Temporary state to repair the lost) New loss 1) A packet is lost Losses occur when the cwnd is larger than 3,5 Mbyte 3) Back to slow start (Fast Recovery couldn’t repair the lost The packet lost is detected by timeout => go back to slow start cwnd = 2 MSS) Congestion window behavior of a TCP connection over the transatlantic line Reproducible 125 Mbps Between TCP performance between CERN and Caltech CERN and Caltech/CACR 140 120 Caltech 135 Mbps between CERN and Chicago Status: Ready for Tests at Higher BW (622 Mbps) in Spring 2002 Without tunning 100 Mbps Result: The Current State of the Art for Reproducible Throughput 125 Mbps between CERN and 80 60 By tunning the SSTHRESH parameter 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Connection number 9 10 11 Agent-Based Distributed System: JINI Prototype (Caltech/Pakistan) Includes “Station Servers” (static) that host mobile “Dynamic Services” Servers are interconnected dynamically to form a fabric in which mobile agents Lookup Service travel, with a payload of physics analysis tasks Prototype is highly flexible and robust against network outages Amenable to deployment on leading edge and future portable devices (WAP, iAppliances, etc.) Station Server “The” system for the travelling physicist The Design and Studies with this prototype use the MONARC Simulator, Station and build on SONN studies See http://home.cern.ch/clegrand/lia/ Server Lookup Discovery Service Lookup Service Station Server Globally Scalable Monitoring Service Discovery Lookup Service Proxy Lookup Service Push & Pull rsh & ssh existing scripts RC snmp Monitor Farm Monitor Service Component Factory GUI marshaling Code Transport RMI data access Farm Monitor Client (other service) Examples GLAST meeting 10 participants connected via VRVS (and 16 participants in Audio only) VRVS 7300 Hosts; 4300 Registered Users In 58 Countries 34 Reflectors; 7 In I2 Annual Growth 250% US CMS will use the CDF/KEK remote control room concept for Fermilab Run II as a starting point. However, we will (1) expand the scope to encompass a US based physics group and US LHC accelerator tasks, and (2) extend the concept to a Global Collaboratory for realtime data acquisition + analysis Next Round Grid Challenges: Global Workflow Monitoring, Management, and Optimization Workflow Management, Balancing Policy Versus Moment-to-moment Capability to Complete Tasks Balance High Levels of Usage of Limited Resources Against Better Turnaround Times for Priority Jobs Goal-Oriented; According to (Yet to be Developed) Metrics Maintaining a Global View of Resources and System State Global System Monitoring, Modeling, Quasi-realtime simulation; feedback on the Macro- and MicroScales Adaptive Learning: new paradigms for execution optimization and Decision Support (eventually automated) Grid-enabled User Environments PACI, TeraGrid and HENP The scale, complexity and global extent of the LHC Data Analysis problem is unprecedented The solution of the problem, using globally distributed Grids, is mission-critical for frontier science and engineering HENP has a tradition of deploying new highly functional systems (and sometimes new technologies) to meet its technical and ultimately its scientific needs HENP problems are mostly “embarrassingly” parallel; but potentially “overwhelming” in their data- and network intensiveness HENP/Computer Science synergy has increased dramatically over the last two years, focused on Data Grids Successful collaborations in GriPhyN, PPDG, EU Data Grid The TeraGrid (present and future) and its development program is scoped at an appropriate level of depth and diversity to tackle the LHC and other “Petascale” problems, over a 5 year time span matched to the LHC time schedule, with full ops. In 2007 Some Extra Slides Follow Computing Challenges: LHC Example Geographical dispersion: of people and resources Complexity: the detector and the LHC environment Scale: Tens of Petabytes per year of data 5000+ Physicists 250+ Institutes 60+ Countries Major challenges associated with: Communication and collaboration at a distance Network-distributed computing and data resources Remote software development and physics analysis R&D: New Forms of Distributed Systems: Data Grids Why Worldwide Computing? Regional Center Concept Goals Managed, fair-shared access for Physicists everywhere Maximize total funding resources while meeting the total computing and data handling needs Balance proximity of datasets to large central resources, against regional resources under more local control Tier-N Model Efficient network use: higher throughput on short paths Local > regional > national > international Utilizing all intellectual resources, in several time zones CERN, national labs, universities, remote sites Involving physicists and students at their home institutions Greater flexibility to pursue different physics interests, priorities, and resource allocation strategies by region And/or by Common Interests (physics topics, subdetectors,…) Manage the System’s Complexity Partitioning facility tasks, to manage and focus resources HENP Related Data Grid Projects Funded Projects PPDG I USA GriPhyN USA EU DataGrid EU PPDG II (CP) USA iVDGL USA DataTAG EU DOE NSF EC DOE NSF EC $ 2M $ 11.9M + $1.6M € 10M $ 9.5M $ 13.7M + $2M € 4M 1999-2001 2000-2005 2001-2004 2001-2004 2001-2006 2002-2004 About to be Funded Project GridPP* UK PPARC >$15M? 2001-2004 Many national projects of interest to HENP Initiatives in US, UK, Italy, France, NL, Germany, Japan, … EU networking initiatives (Géant, SURFNet) US Distributed Terascale Facility: ($53M, 12 TFL, 40 Gb/s network) * = in final stages of approval Network Progress and Issues for Major Experiments Network backbones are advancing rapidly to the 10 Gbps range: “Gbps” end-to-end data flows will soon be in demand These advances are likely to have a profound impact on the major physics Experiments’ Computing Models We need to work on the technical and political network issues Share technical knowledge of TCP: Windows, Multiple Streams, OS kernel issues; Provide User Toolset Getting higher bandwidth to regions outside W. Europe and US: China, Russia, Pakistan, India, Brazil, Chile, Turkey, etc. Even to enable their collaboration Advanced integrated applications, such as Data Grids, rely on seamless “transparent” operation of our LANs and WANs With reliable, quantifiable (monitored), high performance Networks need to become part of the Grid(s) design New paradigms of network and system monitoring and use need to be developed, in the Grid context Grid-Related R&D Projects in CMS: Caltech, FNAL, UCSD, UWisc, UFl Installation, Configuration and Deployment of Prototype Tier2 Centers at Caltech/UCSD and Florida Large Scale Automated Distributed Simulation Production DTF “TeraGrid” (Micro-)Prototype: CIT, Wisconsin Condor, NCSA Distributed MOnte Carlo Production (MOP): FNAL “MONARC” Distributed Systems Modeling; Simulation system applications to Grid Hierarchy management Site configurations, analysis model, workload Applications to strategy development; e.g. inter-site load balancing using a “Self Organizing Neural Net” (SONN) Agent-based System Architecture for Distributed Dynamic Services Grid-Enabled Object Oriented Data Analysis MONARC Simulation System Validation CMS ProtoTier1 Production Farm at FNAL CMS Farm at CERN Measurement Mean measured Value ~48MB/s Simulation Muon Jet <0.90> <0.52> MONARC SONN: 3 Regional Centres Learning to Export Jobs (Day 0) 1MB/s ; 150 ms RTT CERN CALTECH 30 CPUs 25 CPUs NUST 20 CPUs Day = 0 US CMS Remote Control Room For LHC Full Event Database of ~40,000 large objects Request Parallel tuned GSI FTP Full Event Database of ~100,000 large objects Request “Tag” database of ~140,000 small objects Parallel tuned GSI FTP Bandwidth Greedy Grid-enabled Object Collection Analysis for Particle Physics (SC2001 Demo) Julian Bunn, Ian Fisk, Koen Holtman, Harvey Newman, James Patton The object of this demo is to show grid-supported interactive physics analysis on a set of 144,000 physics events. Initially we start out with 144,000 small Tag objects, one for each event, on the Denver client machine. We also have 144,000 LARGE objects, containing full event data, divided over the two tier2 servers. Using local Tag event database, user plots event parameters of interest User selects subset of events to be fetched for further analysis Lists of matching events sent to Caltech and San Diego Tier2 servers begin sorting through databases extracting required events For each required event, a new large virtual object is materialized in the server-side cache, this object contains all tracks in the event. The database files containing the new objects are sent to the client using Globus FTP, the client adds them to its local cache of large objects The user can now plot event parameters not available in the Tag Future requests take advantage of previously cached large objects in the client http://pcbunn.cacr.caltech.edu/Tier2/Tier2_Overall_JJB.htm