
2015 PNP Division
Awards & Business Meeting
Welcome Emanuele Vendramini Division Chair
Awards Ceremony
Committee/Officer Reports
New Business
PNP Social Details
Adjourn | Drink tickets | 6:20 walk to Social
 Emanuele Vendramini Division Chair
to our
2015 PNP
Best Dissertation Award
Jill Nicholson-Crotty, Chair
Wiley | Jossey-Bass, Sponsor
Justin M. Stritch
 An Examination Of Personnel Instability In
Public Organizations
Best Doctoral Conference Paper
SAGE, Sponsor
Richard Tuck
Robert Mittelman
 Say When: A Theory Of Peak Social
Charles H. Levine Best
Conference Paper
Routledge, Sponsor
Sarah M. L. Krøtel
Anders R. Villadsen
When Does Public Socialization Lead To
Turnover? The Role Of Organizational
Carlo Masini Award for
Innovative Scholarship
Elio Borgonovi, Chair
Hong, Sounman
 Ethnic Diversity In Public Organizations
And Public Service Performance:
Empirical Investigation
Best Journal Article
Kaifeng Yang, Chair
Lieke Oldenhof
Jeroen Postma
Kim Putters
 On Justification Work: How Compromising
Enables Public Managers To Deal With
Conflicting Values
Best Book
Amy Smith, Chair
Zachary W. Oberfield
 Becoming Bureaucrats: Socialization At The
Front Lines Of Government Service
Honorable Mention
Charles R. Epp, Steven Maynard-Moody &
Donald Haider-Markel
 Pulled Over: How Police Stops Define Race and
JPART PNP Top Reviewer Awards
Brad Wright & Ken Meier
Edmund Stazyk
Sandra Groeneveld
Claudia Ferrante
Skylar Rolf
Tina Saksida
Christine Shaefer
Justin Stritch
Sounman Hong
Deneen Hatmaker
Shoko Kato
Michelle Shumate
Karen Hult
Carolyn Dexter Award
PNP Nominee
“paper that best meets the objective of internationalizing
the Academy”
Anthony Fee
Helena Heizmann
Sid Gray
 Making Cross-Cultural Capacity
Development Relationships Work
William H. Newman Award
PNP Nominee
“best annual meeting paper based on a recent
Hong, Sounman
 Citizen Participation in Budgeting: A Choice
Between the Antidemocratic Competence of
Elites and the Superficialities of Mass
Special Thanks: Award Sponsors
 Journal of Public Administration
Research and Theory
 Wiley
 Public Management Review &
Committee and Officer
Program Chair Report
Robert Christensen
Division Papers (216/108=50%)
Discussion Papers (12)
Panels (30)
Symposia: 5 (1 Showcase)
Reviewers-Reviews: 185-416
2015 PDW Chair Report
Deneen Hatmaker
 6 PNP Sponsored PDWs
 11 AOM Division Co-Sponsorships
 Doctoral Consortium – Co-Chairs Adam Eckerd and
Robin Lemaire
22 students from 15 universities from 4 different countries
12 faculty from 11 universities from 3 different countries
Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory
University at Albany – SUNY
Virginia Tech
University of Tennessee
University of Connecticut
The Public and Nonprofit Division
2015 Division Chair Report
Emanuele Vendramini
 Elected Positions
 Nominated Positions
2015 Elected Positions
 Program Chair Kira Reed
(Syracuse University)
 Membership Committee:
Michelle Shumate
(Northwestern University)
 Best Article Award
Committee: Yvonne
Brunetto (Southern Cross
 Best Book Award Committee:
Corrado Cuccurullo
(Second University of Naples)
 Best Dissertation Award
Committee: Mark Hager
(Arizona State University)
Nominated Positions
 Treasurer: Russell Hassan (Ohio State U.)
 Doctoral Consortium Director: Eva
Witesman (Brigham Young U.)
 PDW Chair: Deborah Blackman (UNSW
Newsletter Editor and Secretary
Kira Reed
9 Newsletters
Open Rates
Reviewer certificates
Paper presenter communications
Publication outlet
2015 Treasurer Report
Russell Hassan
Starting Balance $ 3376
Division Allocation $ 10235
Donations: $ 9499
Cardiff, Catholic, Bocconi, UGA, OSU, VTech, UConn, BYU, Sage,
Wiley, Routledge
Expenditures: $15,500 (more awards, offsite social)
Estimated Carry $7610
Membership Committee Report
Carol Brunt
Membership Growth (May 2015 to July 2015) Credited to Online Presence:
Academic 553 to 594
Executive 77 to 89
Student 195 to 211
Emeritus 23
Total 848 to 917
New Business
Incoming Division Chair
Leisha DeHart-Davis
Incoming Program Chair
Kira Reed
 2016 Anaheim, California
 August 5-9
 Theme: Making Organizations
PNP Highlights
Behavioral Public Administration: Showcase Symposium
 Monday, Aug 10 2015 9:45AM - 11:15AM at Pinnacle
Vancouver Harbourfront Hotel in Harbourside Ballroom I
PNP Plenary: Strategy in Public and Nonprofit
 Monday, Aug 10 2015 4:45PM - 6:15PM at Pinnacle
Vancouver Harbourfront Hotel in Salon A
PNP Social 6:30
Cardiff & Catholic Universities: Signature Sponsors
 Coal Harbour Community Centre 480 Broughton St
 Hotel right on Hastings, 2 blocks, right on Broughton (towards
water), or
 Go to the sea wall, turn left go about 2.5 blocks
 Catered by social enterprise: Potluck Catering
 mission of Potluck Café Society is to transform lives by
creating jobs and providing healthy food for people living in
Vancouver's Downtown Eastside …. Potluck Café Society
operates Potluck Café & Catering to create jobs for
neighborhood residents with barriers to traditional employment
and earn revenue to support its community programs.
PNP Social 6:30pm