Session 16/18 RYLA portrait

Rotary International
District 5810
North Central Texas, USA
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
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Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Purpose of this Presentation
To introduce you to the world of Rotary.
Inform you of the requirements for membership.
Inform you of the cost of being a member.
Allow you to determine if you want to be a
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Rotary’s Guiding Principles
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
First Guiding Principle
Object of Rotary
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Rotary’s Guiding Principles
Four basic principles guide Rotarians in achieving the
ideal of service and high ethical standards:
 Object of Rotary
 Classification Principle
 Avenues of Service
 The 4-Way Test
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Object of Rotary
First formulated in 1910, the Object of Rotary is to encourage and
foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and in
particular, to encourage and foster:
FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity
for service;
SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions; the
recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the
dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to
serve society;
THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s
personal, business and community life;
FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill,
and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional
persons united in the ideal of service.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Second Guiding Principle
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Classification is based on the founders' paradigm
of choosing cross-representation of each business,
profession, and institution within a community.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
What is Classification?
A classification
describes either the
principal business or
the professional service
of the organization that
the Rotarian works for
or the Rotarian's own
activity within
the organization.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Why a Classification System?
Rotary uses a classification system to:
 Establish and maintain a vibrant cross-section
or representation of the community's
business, vocational, and professional
interests among members
 Develop a pool of resources and expertise to
successfully implement service projects
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Examples of Classifications
 High schools
 Banking
 Insurance agency
 Pharmaceutical
 Universities
 Eye surgery
 Petroleum-distribution
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Third Guiding Principle
Avenues of Service
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Avenues of Service
The Avenues of Service, based on the Object of
Rotary, are Rotary’s philosophical cornerstone
and the foundation on which club activity is
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
What are the Avenues of Service?
There are four Avenues of Service:
 Club Service
 Vocational Service
 Community Service
 International Service
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
First Avenue of Service
Club Service
Focuses on strengthening fellowship and ensuring
the effective functioning of the club.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Second Avenue of Service
Vocational Service
Encourages Rotarians to serve others through their
vocations and to practice high ethical standards.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Third Avenue of Service
Community Service
Covers the projects and activities the club
undertakes to improve life in its community.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Fourth Avenue of Service
International Service
Encompasses actions taken to expand Rotary’s
humanitarian reach around the globe and to
promote world understanding and peace.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Fourth Guiding Principle
The 4-Way Test
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
The 4-Way Test
Created in 1932 by Rotarian Herbert J.
Taylor (who later served as RI president)
when he was asked to take charge of a
company that was facing bankruptcy.
This 24-word code of ethics for
employees to follow in their business and
professional lives became the guide for
sales, production, advertising, and all
relations with dealers and customers, and
the survival of the company is credited to
this simple philosophy. Adopted by
Rotary in 1943, The 4-Way Test has
been translated into more than a hundred
languages and published in thousands
of ways.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
What is The 4-way Test?
Of the things we think, say or do
1.Is it the TRUTH?
2.Is it FAIR to all concerned?
3.Will it build GOODWILL and
4.Will it be BENEFICIAL to
all concerned?
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
The following resources are available on the RI
Web site:
Object of Rotary
Vocational Service
The 4-Way Test
Manual of Procedure
Rotary E-Learning Center
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Your Club, District, and RI
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Rotary International
Rotary International, the association of Rotary
clubs, assists the 1.2 million Rotarians and more
than 32,000 Rotary clubs around the world in
advancing the Object of Rotary.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
The Structure of RI
Rotarians belong to Rotary clubs. Rotary clubs make up
districts. All Rotarians, clubs, and districts together make
up Rotary International.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Rotary Clubs
The Rotary club is the most
essential part of Rotary. It is
the Rotary club that unites
members who are dedicated
to providing service to their
local communities and
communities abroad. Without
clubs, the work of Rotary
would not be possible.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Rotary Districts
Clubs are assigned to a district based on geographic
location. Districts exist solely to help Rotary clubs
advance the Object of Rotary.
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History of Allen Rotary Club
• Club 01816
• Chartered May 26, 1978
• Constitution and Bylaws available on request
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Allen Noon Rotary Club Officers
Selected by President-Elect
Approved by Board of Directors
Voted on by Club Members
Rotation of Club Officers
President Elect
Participation in Officer Rotation is open to any Member!
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Allen Rotary Club
Committee & Subcommittees
Shirley Mangrum
Billy Robinson
Robert Weaver
Jeri Phillips
Chip Snyder
Bill Serafini
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Allen Rotary Club
Committee & Subcommittees
Board of
Service Projects
Randy Sandifer
Griff Moore
The Rotary
Susan Bernard
Public Relations
Club Administration
Jennifer Grimm
Steve Burch
• Classifications
• Community Development
• Alumni
• Public Relations
• Photographer (Ron Stenlake)
• Attendance
• Membership
• Community Service
• Annual Giving
• Member Development
• Environmental Protection
• Grants
• Fellowship Activities
• Rotary Information
• Human Development
• Group Study Exhange (GSE)
• Magazine
• International Service Exchange
• Permanent Fund
• Programs (Wayne Hinton)
• Partners in Service
• PolioPlus
• Caterers
• Rotary Volunteers
• Scholarships
• Facilities
• Club Bulletin
• Vocational Service
• World Community Service
• Youth
• Coats for Kids
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
District 5810
This is our District which is located in North
Central Texas and is made up of 3,200 plus
Rotarians in more than 60 Rotary Clubs.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
How do districts help clubs?
Districts expand fellowship between Rotarians and build
on these relationships to foster service. Districts offer a
variety of programs, like Group Study Exchange and
Rotaract, that help clubs expand their service
opportunities to the local community and communities
In addition, districts support clubs through training
programs and recognition programs.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
District Programs
Examples of district-based service programs, training
programs, and recognition programs include:
• Multidistrict World Community Service projects
• Rotary Friendship Exchange
• District assembly
• District membership seminar
• District Rotary Foundation seminar
• RI Service Above Self Award
• Presidential Citations
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
The District Structure
District leadership plays an important role in ensuring
the future success of the district and of Rotary
Each year, the clubs of a district nominate a Rotarian to
serve as their district governor. The elected governor
oversees the entire district by providing leadership and
support to clubs and Rotarians.
The district governor appoints Rotarians to serve as
assistant governors, district committee members, and
district trainers.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
District Governor
The responsibilities of a district governor include:
• Organizing new clubs
• Strengthening existing clubs
• Promoting membership growth
• Promoting cordial relations among clubs and between
the clubs and RI
• Issuing a monthly letter to each club president and
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Assistant Governors
Assistant governors help provide support to their
assigned clubs by:
• Meeting with and assisting club presidents-elect
• Attending each club assembly
• Visiting each club regularly
• Suggesting ways to enhance Rotary development
• Identifying and encouraging the development of future
district leaders
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
District Committees
District committees exist to help carry out the goals of
the district by addressing areas like membership
development and public relations. District committees
also serve as a resource to club committees and
coordinate service projects for clubs such as Youth
Exchange and Matching Grants projects.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
District Committees
The eight recommended district committees include:
1. Membership development
2. Extension
3. Finance
4. On-going district-level programs (e.g. Interact,
Rotary Community Corps)
5. Public relations
6. District conference
7. The Rotary Foundation
8. RI Convention promotion
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
District Trainers
The district trainer works with the governor to develop and
conduct training for the:
• Presidents-elect training seminar
• District assembly
• District team training seminar
• District leadership seminar
• Rotaract leadership training
• Other training events in the district as appropriate
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Support areas of RI
The mission of Rotary International is to support its
member clubs in fulfilling the Object of Rotary by
fostering unity among clubs, strengthening and
expanding Rotary around the world, communicating
worldwide the work of Rotary, and providing a system of
international administration. Rotary International
accomplishes this support through:
• RI Board of Directors
• RI staff
• The Rotary Foundation
• RI publications
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors governs Rotary International
and establishes policy for the entire organization.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
RI Staff
RI staff, commonly referred to as the Secretariat,
administers the day-to-day operations of Rotary. RI
staff provides administrative support to clubs and
districts, works on promoting Rotary through public
relations, Rotarian training, and service programs, and
also offers a variety of community service networking
opportunities, like the World Community Service
Projects Exchange Database.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
The Rotary Foundation
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International provides
clubs and districts with project support through grant
programs and educational programs. The mission of The
Rotary Foundation is to support the efforts of Rotary
International in fulfillment of the Object of Rotary,
Rotary’s Mission, and the achievement of world
understanding and peace.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Rotary International produces a variety of publications
to help support clubs and districts, including:
• The Official Directory, which contains a list of all
clubs, names and addresses of their presidents and
secretaries, meeting times and places, and additional
• THE ROTARIAN and the Rotary World Magazine
Press, which provide all Rotarians with Rotary news
• Rotary World, which provides club presidents and
secretaries with up-to-date Rotary information
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
The following resources are available on the RI Web
• Rotary E- Learning Center
• Administrative Services
• News and Information
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Attendance Requirement
One of the responsibilities of membership in a
Rotary club is fulfilling the minimum attendance
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Purpose of Attendance
The purpose of the attendance requirement is to
foster fellowship among club members.
Attending club meetings is your opportunity to
make new friends and keep in touch with
established friends.
Meetings also keep you in touch with the current
events of your club, district, and Rotary
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Attendance Credit
As explained in the Standard Rotary Club
Constitution, each member must meet the
following conditions to satisfy the attendance
• Attend or make up at least 60% of regular
Rotary club meetings in each half of the year.
• Attend at least 30% of their club’s regular
meetings in each half of the year.
• A member may not miss or fail to make up
four consecutive meetings.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Attendance for a Meeting
You must be present for at least 60% of a club
meeting for it to count towards the attendance
For example, at a 60 minute meeting, you would
need to be present for at least 36 minutes.
30 min
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Attendance at Your Club
You also need to attend at least 30% of your own
club’s regular meetings in each half of the year.
For example, if your club holds 26 regular weekly
meetings in a half year, you must attend at least 8
of these meetings.
Required attendance
Can be made up or
excused (70%)
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
If you cannot attend a club meeting, there are many
ways you can still receive attendance credit.
According to Art. VIII, Section 1 of the Club
Constitution, these include:
• Attending a meeting of another club
• Attending a meeting of a Rotaract or Interact
club or Rotary Community Corps
• Attending certain district or RI meetings
• Participating in a club-sponsored event
• Attending a club board or service committee
meeting with authorization of the club board
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Make-up Credit
In order to get attendance credit, you must
attend a make-up meeting or event within
14 days before or after the regular time of
your missed meeting.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Meetings of Other Clubs
You can make up at clubs all around the world.
Making up a meeting at another club is an
opportunity to:
• Meet a new group of Rotarians.
• Observe how another club operates.
• Share information about your club.
• Make international contacts for club projects.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Finding Other Rotary Clubs
To locate a club for a make up meeting, you can
use the online club locator or the Official
Directory. Your club secretary should have a
copy of the Official Directory.
Be sure to ask the club secretary to sign a card or
note as proof of your attendance. If you do not
have a signed document your club may not give
you attendance credit for the visit.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Rotaract, Interact, or RCC
Attending the meeting of a Rotaract club,
Interact club, or Rotary Community Corps is a
great way to explore these RI programs.
To locate these clubs in your area contact
• Club leadership
• District Rotaract committee chair
• District Interact committee chair
• District Rotary Community Corps committee
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
District or RI Meetings
Attendance can be made up if you attend one of
the following district or RI meetings:
• District conference
• District assembly
• District committee meeting (at request of the
district governor)
• RI committee meeting
• RI Convention
• Rotary zone institute
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Club-sponsored Events
Supporting the service work of your club by
participating in one of the following clubsponsored events can also count as a make-up.
• Club service project
• Club-sponsored community event
• Other club meetings or events as authorized
by the club board
Check with your club secretary to see what other
club events count as make-ups.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Board or Committee Meetings
Just as you can receive attendance credit
for serving RI through district and RI
committees, serving your club through
holding a seat on the club board or in an
assigned club committee can count as a
make-up, if authorized by the board.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Excused Absences
Absences may be considered excused if
• The absence complies with the conditions and under
circumstances approved by your club’s board. The
board may excuse an absence for reasons it considers
to be good and sufficient.
• The sum of the member’s years of membership and
age equals 85 or more. That member can request the
club’s board make an exception to the attendance
requirement. The member must notify the club
secretary in writing regarding their desire to be
excused from attendance.
Note: An excused absence does not provide attendance credit.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Failure to meet the attendance requirement may
result in termination of membership if the
member fails to
• Attend or make-up at least 60% of club
meetings in each half of the year
• Attend 30% of their own club’s regular
meetings in each half of the year
• Attend or make-up four consecutive meetings
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
The following resources are available on the RI
Web site:
• Manual of Procedure
• Rotary E-Learning Center
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Menu of Service Opportunities
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Menu of Service Opportunities
The Menu of Service Opportunities is a
recommended list of service priorities for clubs
and districts. The Menu of Service
Opportunities helps Rotary clubs focus on
specific areas of concern to all Rotarians when
planning service projects.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Menu of Service Opportunities
Literacy and Numeracy
Children at Risk
Preserve Planet Earth
Urban Concerns
Disabled Persons
Health Care
International Understanding and Goodwill
Population Issues
Poverty and Hunger
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Literacy and Numeracy
Rotary clubs are encouraged to support literacy projects, such as
reading to children, teaching adult literacy classes, and working
with education professionals to improve literacy in schools.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Children at Risk
Rotarians are encouraged to focus their attention and resources
on vulnerable and troubled children. Rotary clubs worldwide are
working to provide education, housing, and a safe, secure
environment for needy children.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Preserve Planet Earth
Rotarians are encouraged to live environmentally conscious
lifestyles, to increase the number and diversity of environmental
service projects carried out by clubs, and to promote awareness
of the critical environmental issues affecting their communities
and the planet.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Urban Concerns
Rotarians are encouraged to
focus attention on areas of
concern to all communities,
including community
terrorism, gun violence,
domestic violence, ethnic and
religious intolerance,
unemployment, lack of
recreational facilities, hunger,
and homelessness.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Disabled Persons
Rotarians are encouraged to
help prevent disabilities
through measures taken against
malnutrition, environmental
pollution, inadequate prenatal
and postnatal care.
Additionally, Rotarians work
on barriers to employment,
providing job training to
persons with disabilities.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Health Care
Rotarians initiate health care prevention and education projects.
Working on many fronts, projects provide access to health care,
build supportive environments, teach healthy choices, and prevent
diseases such as polio, HIV/AIDS, malaria, or tuberculosis.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
International Understanding and Goodwill
International Understanding and Goodwill encourages Rotary
clubs, in both their local communities and communities abroad,
to promote peace and goodwill through club-to-club contacts,
international service projects, peace programs, and cultural and
educational exchanges.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Population Issues
Many Rotary clubs focus on projects that help the global
problem of sustainable development. Rotarians are asked to
undertake projects that directly impact population growth and
sustainable development.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Poverty and Hunger
Rotarians are encouraged to conduct service projects to
help conquer poverty and hunger in communities
around the world.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
The following resources are available on the RI
Web site:
• Communities in Action
• Menu Of Service Opportunities
• Rotary E-Learning Center
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
The Rotary Foundation
Rotary International
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Mission Statement
The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to
support the efforts of Rotary International in
the fulfillment of the Object of Rotary,
Rotary's mission, and the achievement of
world understanding and peace through local,
national, and international humanitarian,
educational, and cultural programs.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Your Foundation
Your Foundation operates because of both Rotarian
involvement and Rotarian financial contributions
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Programs and Funding
Rotarians support The Rotary Foundation through
participation and financial contributions. The Rotary
Foundation programs include:
• Humanitarian Programs
• Educational Programs
• PolioPlus
Support for these programs comes from:
• Annual Programs Fund
• The Permanent Fund
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Programs: Humanitarian
The Humanitarian Grants Program provides grants to
fund club and district service projects in local and
international communities.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Humanitarian Grants
Matching Grants support Rotary clubs and districts
as they work with international partners to address
humanitarian conditions that benefit communities in
Volunteer Service Grants support the travel of
Rotarians planning or implementing international
service projects.
District Simplified Grants support the service
activities or humanitarian endeavors in which districts
engage in local and international communities.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
How To Participate in
Humanitarian Grants
• Initiate a Matching Grant project.
• Sponsor an Individual Grant recipient.
• Ask your district to support a local project with a
District Simplified Grant.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Programs: Educational
Educational Programs provide funding for students,
faculty, and young professionals to serve abroad.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Educational Programs
Group Study Exchange provides a unique cultural and
vocational exchange opportunity for young professionals.
Ambassadorial Scholarships provide opportunities for
students to study abroad and serve as ambassadors of
Rotary Centers for International Studies provide
opportunities for scholars to study international relations
and peace and conflict resolution.
Rotary Grants for University Teachers provide
opportunities for higher education faculty to teach at
colleges and universities in developing countries.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
How To Participate in
Educational Programs
• Sponsor a scholarship application to compete at
the district level.
• Host a visiting GSE team member in your home
or business.
• Recommend alumni for membership.
• Invite a current scholar or alumnus to speak to
your club.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Programs: PolioPlus
Rotary's priority program supports
global efforts to eradicate polio.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
PolioPlus Funding
In 1985, Rotary launched PolioPlus, one of the
most ambitious humanitarian programs ever
undertaken by a private-sector organization.
Today, the world is on the threshold of
eradicating the poliovirus.
The need for funding remains the largest
obstacle to completing the eradication process.
Rotary International has launched a large
fundraising campaign to help fully eradicate
the poliovirus.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
How To Participate in PolioPlus
• Support the PolioPlus Partners Program.
• Promote awareness of Rotary's polio eradication
efforts in the media.
• Contribute to the Polio Eradication Fundraising
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Financial Support
Rotarian contributions fund The Rotary Foundation
programs. Gifts can be made to two funds:
• The Annual Programs Fund is the primary source of
support for the Educational and Humanitarian
programs of The Rotary Foundation. Gifts of any size
are welcome.
• The Permanent Fund secures the future of programs for
tomorrow. The principal is never spent but a portion of
the interest earnings are directed to programs each year.
The Permanent Fund is built primarily through bequest
gifts and outright gifts of US$10,000 or more.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Annual Programs Fund
Because the Annual Programs Fund is spent in full
each year, it must be continually replenished.
Every Rotarian is asked to become a Rotary
Foundation Sustaining Member by making a
contribution of US$100 or more every year to the
Annual Programs Fund.
All gifts to the Annual Programs Fund also count
toward Paul Harris Fellow recognition.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
SHARE is the system which districts use to participate in
Rotary Foundation Programs.
Rotary clubs are organized into units known as districts.
Foundation contributions are tabulated by district.
Each district's contributions to the Annual Programs Fund
are split, with 50 percent going to the district (to its
District Designated Fund or DDF), which can be used for
a program of the district’s choice, and 50 percent going to
The Rotary Foundation (known as the World Fund or
WF), which funds programs for which every district may
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Your Foundation Makes a Difference
Rotarian financial support and
active involvement result in:
• Vaccinations against polio
• Clean drinking water
• Education
• International understanding
• Foster care
• Life-saving surgery and
medical care
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
The following resources are available on the
RI Web site:
• Rotary Foundation Facts
• Rotary Foundation Quick Reference
• Rotary Foundation Annual Report
• Rotary E-Learning Center
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Rotary International Programs
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
About Rotary Programs
Rotary International offers a broad range of
humanitarian, intercultural, and educational programs
and activities designed to advance the organization's
ultimate goal of world understanding and peace.
Nine Structured Programs help clubs and districts
achieve their service goals in their own communities
and in communities abroad, fostering fellowship and
goodwill in the process.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
The Programs
Rotary Community Corps
Rotary Fellowships
Rotary Friendship Exchange
Rotary Volunteers
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
World Community Service
Youth Exchange
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Interact is a service club for young people ages 14-18. Sponsored
by local Rotary clubs, Interact clubs give young people an
opportunity to participate in fun, meaningful service projects
while developing leadership skills and meeting new friends.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Rotaract is a service club for young people ages 18 to 30.
Sponsored by local Rotary clubs, Rotaract clubs conduct
community and international service projects, and participate
in professional and leadership development activities.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Rotary Community Corps
A Rotary Community Corps (RCC) is a group of nonRotarian men and women who share Rotarians' commitment
to service. Under the guidance of a sponsoring Rotary club,
RCC members put their own skills to work to improve the
quality of life in their communities.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Rotary Fellowships
Rotary Fellowships are groups of Rotarians organized by
recreational or vocational interests. Rotary Fellowships
unite Rotarians in friendship and service, the exchange of
ideas, and the pursuit of international understanding.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Rotary Friendship Exchange
Rotary Friendship Exchange provides Rotarians the opportunity
to experience other cultures by staying in the homes of Rotarians
in other countries. The program advances international
understanding and peace through personal contact across borders
while developing interclub relationships.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Rotary Volunteers
The Rotary Volunteers program increases Rotarian participation
in volunteer activities by providing service opportunities in a
volunteer’s local community and communities abroad. At the
international level, two directories are available to match
registered Rotary Volunteers with service projects.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
In the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) program,
young people ages 14-30, chosen for their leadership potential,
attend a seminar, camp, or workshop to discuss and practice
leadership skills. Rotary clubs and districts select participants
and organize the event.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
World Community Service
Through the World
Community Service program,
Rotarians conduct
community service projects
to meet human needs and
improve lives. Clubs in need
of help to complete a project
partner with a club abroad
willing to provide funds,
materials, and technical and
professional assistance.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Youth Exchange
Youth Exchange is an international exchange program that
provides thousands of young people with the opportunity to
meet people from other lands and to experience their cultures,
beginning a lifetime of international understanding.
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
The following resources are available on the RI
Web site:
• Communities in Action
• RI Programs Section
• Rotary E-Learning Center
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Public Relations:
The Responsibility of
Each Rotarian
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
"In the promotion of understanding,
it is important to reach large
numbers – non-Rotarians as well as
Rotarians – and you cannot reach
large numbers privately."
– Paul Harris, founder of Rotary
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
Club Public Relations
Public relations (PR) strengthens awareness of club
activities for the general public and club members.
It is the responsibility of each Rotarian to promote
the good work of Rotary by:
– Wearing a Rotary pin everyday
– Understanding and discussing the Object of
Rotary and Rotary programs and activities
– Sharing the good works of the club and Rotary
with non-Rotarians through personal and
professional contacts
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Benefits of Public Relations
Effective public relations for your club will help:
– Recruit new members and volunteers
– Retain current members as they see that their
efforts make a difference
– Raise the club’s profile in the community and
increase its service potential
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Public Relations Activities
Club activities that attract media
attention include:
– Service projects that meet a
community need or highlight a larger
news trend
– An international service project
supported by your club
– Projects that involve local youth
– An account of life in another culture
by an Ambassadorial Scholar Group
Study Exchange team member
– Stories with a strong visual element
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Public Relations Resources
Each club can develop outreach material to
promote their club and Rotary:
– Brochures
– Web sites
– News releases
– Fact sheets
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Public Relations Resources
Rotary International also provides public
relations tools. These include:
– Publications and brochures
– Public service announcements (PSAs)
– RI Web site
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Outreach Materials
A news release, brochure, fact sheet, or Web site
should answer the following questions:
– Who
– What
– Where
– When
– Why
– How
It is also important to always include the club’s
contact information.
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RI Resources
Rotary International provides PR training materials and
outreach tools to promote Rotary. These include:
PR Training
 Effective Public Relations: A
Guide for Rotary Clubs (257EN)
 Public Relations: Make it Work
for You (video, 269-EN)
 Regionalized Fact Packs (389,
390, 391, 392-EN)
 PR Tips, a bi-weekly e-mail
PR Tools
Centennial Promotion
Kit (602-EN)
Rotary Fact Pack (267EN)
Public service
announcements (print,
radio, and video)
This is Rotary (001-EN)
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Public Service Announcements
Rotary International
provides public service
announcements (PSAs) in
print or video. These PSAs
promote the work of Rotary
and The Rotary Foundation.
PSAs help put a face on
those who benefit from club
service projects. They are a
powerful membership
recruitment tool.
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RI Web Site
The Effective Public Relations section of the RI
Web site offers:
– PR Tips, a twice monthly newsletter
– RI fact sheets
– Press release templates that can be customized
– Key Rotary messages
– Information on PR awards
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The following resources are available on the RI
Web site:
– Public Relations Download Center
– Rotary graphics and photographs
– Centennial downloads
– Rotary News Basket
– Rotary E-Learning Center
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Rotary International
Web Site Tour
A Global Network of Community
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The RI Web site includes up-to-date information about
events, programs, and general Rotary and Foundation
Contents include:
 Discussion forums
 Publications for order or free
 Member Access
 Online training
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E-Learning Tour of
This e-learning module will help you familiarize yourself with the
RI Web site’s contents and features.
Throughout this e-learning module, you will have the opportunity
to enter the live Web site. To return to this module,
click the back button in your Web navigation toolbar.
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RI Home Page
The RI home page,, is the starting point to
navigate the RI Web site. The Web site is continuously evolving
and changing.
Over 7 million people visit the site each year, and about 10
million files are downloaded each year. On average, over 600,000
visitors come to every month.
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RI Home Page Features
Rotary highlights
Learn more about the
RI President’s
emphases for the year.
News highlights
Press Center
Polio Eradication
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Rotary Language Communities
The Web site serves all nine Rotary language communities. The
original English Web site is partly translated in eight languages.
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Activity Links
The Web site has five activity links and an advanced
search option.
Contact Us
Club Locator
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This activity link allows you to make an online contribution to
help Rotary and its Foundation realize their dreams for the next
100 years.
For Rotarians and non-Rotarians
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This activity link allows you to shop the RI Catalog and the
virtual shopping mall. Select purchases benefit The Rotary
Browse the RI Catalog for books,
audiovisual programs, official club
forms and supplies, RI
publications, promotional
materials, and more.
Purchase RI emblem merchandise from licensed suppliers.
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Club Locator
Search the Club Locator activity link to find the meeting
time and place of any Rotary Club. The database is updated
Club Locator highlights
Visit an E-Club
Narrow your search or search
by city, club, or district.
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This activity link allows you to visit RI Discussion Rooms.
This international forum, to share knowledge and ideas,
links Rotarians globally.
Register by entering a user
name and password.
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Contact Us
This activity link allows you to contact RI and Foundation
staff members if you have any questions, comments, or need
support for
• Administration
• Membership
• RI Programs
• Web, Publications,
or Public Relations
• Scholarships
• Training
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The search feature allows you to use key words such as
“Rotary training” to search the RI Web site.
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Ten Main Rotary Sections
The RI Web site’s main navigation bar features ten main
Rotary sections.
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About Rotary
The About Rotary section features RI information,
including the mission statement, strategic plan, calendar, and
other highlights.
About Rotary
navigation options
are displayed along
the left-hand side of
the screen.
View the latest
Rotary news.
About Rotary highlights
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
The Membership section features information and resources
for prospective, new, and continuing members.
Membership navigation
options are displayed
along the left-hand side
of the screen.
Membership highlights
Subscribe online to the
Membership Minute
e-mail newsletter.
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The Rotary Foundation
The Rotary Foundation section links to local, national, and
international humanitarian, educational, and cultural
The Rotary Foundation
navigation options are
displayed along the lefthand side of the screen.
View the latest news on
The Rotary Foundation.
Participate and contribute
to the Every Rotarian,
Every Year effort.
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RI Programs
The RI Programs section links to the nine structured
programs and service opportunities that help clubs and
districts achieve their service goals.
Many RI programs
have an e-mail
newsletter. Click on a
program and subscribe
Access the World Community Service (WCS)
Projects Exchange Database.
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The Newsroom section features publications, downloads,
and press center features, as well as advertising information.
This page is updated daily. Access the latest news on
 Polio and Foundation
 RI Programs and
Service Projects
 Events
 Announcements
View Rotary feature stories.
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The Events section features the latest information about RI
events, such as the annual RI Convention that takes place
around the world. Register online and download forms and
promotional materials.
Events navigation options
are displayed along the lefthand side of the screen.
Link to RI Convention’s Host
Organization Committee Web
site and research events in
Events highlights
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Club-District Support
The Club-District Support section provides resources for
officers and all Rotarians.
Navigation options
are displayed along
the left-hand side of
the screen.
Access updated Board
Club-District Support
Rotary E-Learning Center- Guiding Principles
The Training section provides support for those who lead
Rotary as well as those who train Rotary leaders. Access
RI manuals for free download
Training tips
Training Talk e-mail newsletter
Training Best Practices
Training highlight
Visit the Rotary E-Learning Center for
independent study of RI information.
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Many RI publications and forms are available for download
in the following categories:
• Presidential Materials
• Membership
• The Rotary Foundation
• RI Programs
• Newsroom
• Events
• Club-District Support
• Training
Access language downloads
• Graphics
The necessary software is needed to
open downloaded files.
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Member Access
Member Access is a tool for Rotarians to make
contributions and manage e-mail subscriptions. Club and
district officers have access to additional records and
reports. To register, you will need
• Your district’s number
• Your club’s number
• Your membership ID
• A valid e-mail address
Member Access
A Tool for Club Presidents and
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For more information on the RI Web site
 Go to
 Contact RI Staff.
 Visit the Rotary E-Learning Center.
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Cost of Membership
Club dues
District dues
Rotary International dues
Special events
Contributions to Rotary Foundation
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Qualifications for Membership
1. You must be currently or previously actively
engaged in the business or profession in which
you are classified in the club.
2. You must have a place of business or residence
located in the locality of the club or the
surrounding area.
3. You may not be a member of any similar
community or service clubs which would
substantially reduce your opportunity to
comply with the obligations of membership.
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Qualifications for Membership
4. You must be of good character and good
business and professional reputation.
5. You must be willing and able to attend club
meetings. (60% attendance is required during
each 6 month period)
6. You must be willing and able to pay the dues
required for club membership.
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What do you do now?
If you are interested in being
considered for membership in a Rotary
Club, please talk with the person who
gave you this disk.
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