Using Action Research To Empower North Carolina Educators A Race to the Top Initiative NC Department of Public Instruction Educator Effectiveness Division Best Practices for Vocabulary & Word Walls Greg Griffin, M. Ed., NBCT Harnett County Schools Harnett Central Middle School Internet/Wireless Network NCCAT_Guest_ Wifi nccat_airserver Password R3c@pp21 Friday01# Log in as student Room: YIXAX2MN Why Vocabulary & Word Walls? •Students’ vocabularies are limited. •Academic vocabulary is crucial to success in every content area. •All teachers, regardless of content, can benefit from understanding best practices for vocabulary instruction. • Many districts are mandating that word walls be used in middle school but teachers don’t know how to use it to maximize achievement. Project Overview Research best practices for vocabulary and word wall creation/implementation on the middle school level Survey students and staff Implement new strategies with my eighth grade students while observing vocabulary scores and reading levels Look for opportunities to share strategies with my colleagues and encourage implementation Collect feedback informally throughout the year Pay attention to vocabulary scores and reading levels Post-survey students and staff Create a set of recommendations Guiding Questions What is the best way to teach vocabulary in middle school? What is the best way to make word walls work to maximize student achievement? What words should be taught? Can word walls be used effectively in any content area? What do students think about vocabulary and word wall strategies/games? What strategies do teachers think are working best for their students? Pre-Survey Results (Students) 79 responses collected, all eighth grade students Almost 40% said their teachers have word walls up but don’t use them 36% agreed that word wall games can be effective 40% said that word walls were created without any type of student input Over 10% said they did not know what a word wall is Over 10% said that they did not know what a word wall is supposed to be used for Pre-Survey Results (Teachers) 28 responses collected from 6th, 7th, 8th grade teachers Almost 90% said that they have used word walls before 28% agreed that their word walls are interactive 64% said they did not know how to play learning games that involve the word wall 30% said that their word walls were organized graphically About 35% color-coded 25% said have word wall, don’t know how to use it 25% said have it up due to requirement Findings Word walls should be legible from anywhere in the room Color At times, organized graphically Interactive Meaningful words from the curriculum Visual representations Speaking Humor Music Choosing Words to Teach Padlet Link Introducing Students to Words Mr. Griffin’s GRE Crash Class Unit 1 abscond chicanery endemic impecunious ossify venerate sagacious obviate irascible lugubrious insipid esoteric After the robbery the two crooks absconded with 10,000 dollars and were never heard from again. absconded: departed secretly and hid with stolen property The chicanery and treachery of the obnoxious student reached new heights when she stole colored paper clips from Mr. Griffin’s desk for a third time and made homemade jewelry out of them. chicanery: deception or trickery Buttermilk biscuits and sweet tea are endemic to North Carolina and many other places in the south. endemic: existing in a certain place or region; common, native My impecuniousness reached new heights (or lows) when I was forced to visit the Coin Star machine at the local Food Lion at the end of January. impecunious: having little or no money The ‘horns’ of a giraffe are the direct result of ossification. ossification: causing something to become hard like bone No one is more venerated in the American Christian world than Billy Graham. venerated: respected, considered great Lucille Van Pelt feels that she is so sagacious that she sells advice to her friends for a nickel a pop. sagacious: having an ability to understand difficult ideas and to make good decisions The anticipated closings due to snow may obviate a need to call in sick. obviate: to make something no longer necessary Mr. Griffin is extremely irascible when he hasn’t had enough sleep. irascible: becoming angry very easily; having a bad temper Darlene’s overreaction in front of the casket at the funeral home was such a lugubrious, ridiculous reaction that everyone mocked her and the cheap Payless pumps that she rode in on. lugubrious: very sad, especially in an exaggerated or insincere way Mr. Griffin began teaching the novel The Incredible Journey but ditched it like a hot potato after the first twenty pages. He could tell that his students found it to be extremely insipid. insipid: not interesting or exciting; dull or boring Conspiracy theorists believe that occult symbolism and imagery in music videos present esoteric messages. esoteric: taught to or understood by members of a special group; hard to understand; secretive _growth_zone.jpg The “Floating Frayer” WORD WALL BINGO Pop Quiz! BUZZ WORD • Similar to the game Taboo • Students can play in teams of 2 or 3 • Can be done with any content • Students give clues and guess words • One minute rounds • Students may pass only once per round Buzz Word breakfast economics Chik-fil-A nutrients roller coaster longitude hand sanitizer mixed number iPhone s_(15662939969).jpg/715px-LeBron_James_(15662939969).jpg equator chicanery economics internet Navajo cardiovascular stanza Super Bowl reservoir coordinates mantle pizza irony blog analyze irascible temptation Duck Dynasty photosynthesis Nicki Minaj WORD WALL B-BALL 3-2-1 Student Identifies Word Correctly Without Help 3 Shots Student Identifies Word Correctly With Assistance 2 Shots Student Cannot Identify Word Correctly With or Without Assistance 1 Courtesy Shot Play with teams, in rounds Play boys against girls Great filler activity when you have a few extra minutes unexpectedly Add points to lowest grades for incentives Other Word Wall Strategies Fly Swatter/Spatula Competition Creative Writing Sticky Notes Design Competitions Charades Post-Survey Results (Teachers) 35 responses collected from 6th, 7th, & 8th grade teachers 89% of teachers said they see the benefit in finding ways to make word walls interactive 70% said they have thought about how to create and use word walls more this year than at any time in the past Over 90% said they saw the benefit in color-coding and arranging the words graphically Almost 50% said their students contributed to creating word walls in their classroom this year 8% feel that word walls aren’t that useful when it comes to teaching their specific content Post-Survey Results (Students) 62 students responded, all 8th grade students 86% said vocabulary games help them to learn better 86% said the use of photographs helps them to learn 57% said the use of music helps them to learn words 31% said they would like to help the teacher design a word wall 72% said graphic organizers on the wall are beneficial 75% said they are more engaged when the teacher uses humor or humorous materials 73% said Buzz Word is fun and helps them to learn (3% disagreeing, 24% neutral response) 81% said Word Wall Bingo is fun and helps them to learn (5% disagreeing, 14% neutral response) Analysis of Vocabulary Scores All Classes Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 Average Strategy Used Test 1 83 79 81 71 79 Teacher Created Slide Deck, Music Test 2 85 82 85 76 82 Teacher Created Slide Deck, Music Test 3 81 78 69 76 Teacher Created Slide Deck, Music Test 4 68 70 70 76 71 Teacher Created Slide Deck, Music Test 5 91 84 96 88 90 Floating Frayer, Teacher Created Slide Deck, Music Test 6 73 73 64 77 72 Bingo, Teacher Created Slide Deck, Music Test 7 81 81 78 75 79 B-Ball, Teacher Created Slide Deck, Music Test 8 90 85 87 89 88 Student Created Slide Deck, Music Analysis of Reading Levels September January Average 7.2 Grade Level Equivalent, All Classes 8.0 May 7.5 References Hackathorn, J., Garczynski, A. M., Blankmeyer, K., Tennial, R. D., & Solomon, E. D. (2011). All Kidding Aside: Humor Increases Learning at Knowledge and Comprehension Levels. Journal Of The Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning, 11(4), 116-123. Harmon, J. M., Wood, K. D., Hedrick, W. B., Vintinner, J., & Willeford, T. (2009). Interactive Word Walls: More Than Just Reading the Writing on the Walls. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 398408. Jackson, J., Tripp, S., & Cox, K. (2011). Interactive Word Walls: Transforming Content Vocabulary Instruction. Science Scope, 45-49. Leonhardt, A. (2011). Making Your Music Word Wall Work. General Music Today, 23-27. Yates, P. H., Cuthrell, K., & Rose, M. (2010). Out of the Room and into the Hall: Making Content Word Walls Work. The Clearing House, 31-36. Feedback . Conclusion of Presentation •Thank you for your participation. Contact Information: Name: Greg Griffin School/District: Harnett Central Middle School Phone:(910) 578-6746 Website: