Male anatomy vocab



Match each vocabulary word with the correct answer. You can only use one for each.

Epididymis A male sexual organ consisting of the internal root and the external shaft and glands.

The portion of the penis that extends internally into the pelvic cavity. Spongy body

Seminiferous tubules



The length of the penis between the glands and the body.

The head of the penis; it is richly endowed with the nerve endings.

Interstitial cells

The structures in the shaft of the penis that engorge with the blood during sexual arousal.

A cylinder that forms a bulb at the base of the penis extends up into the penile shaft and forms the penile glands.

A covering of skin over the penile glans. Ejaculation


Genital retraction syndrome (GRS)

The rim of the penile glans

Semen or seminal fluid



Vas deferens

A highly sensitive thin strip of skin that connects the glans to the shaft on the underside of the penis.

The pouch of skin of the external male genitals that encloses the testes.

Male gonad inside the scrotum that produces sperm and sex hormones.

A cord attached to the testis that contains the vas deference, blood vessels, nerves, and cremasteric muscle fibers.

A condition in which the testes fail to descend from the abdominal cavity to the scrotal sac.

Thin, coiled structures in the testes which the sperm are produced. Urology

Cavernous bodies

Seminal vesicles

Emission phase


Cells located between the seminiferous tubules that are the major source of androgen in males.

The structure along the back of each testis in which sperm maturation occurs.

A sperm-carrying tube that begins at the testis and ends at the urethra.

Male sterilization procedure that involves removing a section from each vas deferens.

Two short ducts located within the prostate gland. Retrograde ejaculation




Spermatic cord


Expulsion phase



Nocturnal emission


The tube through which urine passes from the bladder to the outside of the body.

Small glands adjacent to the terminals of the vas deferens that secrete an alkaline fluid.

A gland located at the base of the bladder that produces about 30% of the seminal fluid released during ejaculation.

Two pea-sized glands located alongside the base of the urethra in the male that secrete an alkaline fluid during sexual arousal.

A viscous fluid ejaculated through the penis that contains sperm and fluids from the prostate, seminal vesicles, and Cowper’s glands.

The process by which the penis or clitoris engorges with blood and increases in size.

The process by which semen is expelled from the body through the penis.

The first stage of male orgasm, in which the seminal fluid is gathered in the urethra bulb.

The second stage of male orgasm, during which the semen is expelled from the penis by muscular contractions.

The process in which semen is expelled into the bladder instead of the penis.

Involuntary ejaculation during sleep also known as a wet dream. Urethra

Cowper’s gland Unusual, culture-bound phenomenon in which a male believes his penis is shrinking and retracting into his body.

A widely used term for the genital retraction syndrome. Shaft

Prostate gland

Ejaculatory ducts



Surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis.

A condition characterized by an extremely tight penile foreskin.

The medical specialty dealing with reproductive health in both sexes.

A cheesy substance that sometimes forms under the foreskin.


Match each vocabulary word with the correct answer. You can only use one for each.
