DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Common Implementation Strategy Working Group on Data, Information and Knowledge Exchange (WG DIKE) Meeting of a Drafting Group on Art. 13/14 reporting 0930-1730: 28 October 2014 Room C, BU-5, Avenue de Beaulieu 5, B-1160, Brussels Agenda item: 3 Document: DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 Title: Reporting on MSFD Programme of Measures (Art. 13) and on exceptions (Art. 14) Prepared by: Milieu Ltd and DG Environment Date prepared: 23/10/2014 Background: This document is a revised and further developed version of DIKE_10-2014-03 which takes account of the comments received from WG DIKE (29-30 September meeting and subsequently) and from WG ESA (14 October meeting). This document will be revised on the basis of the discussions at the Drafting Group meeting and used to replace the current Annex 3 of the Recommendation on Programme of Measures which outlines the reporting on PoMs (Note: introductory text and details of the Art. 16 assessment are not intended to be added to the PoM Recommendation). MSCG will be requested to adopt the PoM Recommendation at its meeting on 10-11 November, whilst the reporting on PoMs (i.e. this paper as a new Annex 3, and as revised by the DG) will be submitted separately to the MSCG for their consideration. The Drafting Group of WG DIKE is requested to: a. Review and, where possible, finalise the elements of the attached paper which are to be used as Annex 3 to the Recommendation on Programme of Measures; b. Identify outstanding issues, if any. DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 Reporting and assessment of the MSFD Programmes of Measures 23 October 2014 Version 4 DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this document are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not represent the official position of the European Commission. The main authors of this report are Jan Cools, Bastiaan Vermonden, Alice Belin and Claire Dupont (Milieu Ltd). Milieu Ltd. (Belgium), 15 rue Blanche, B-1050, Brussels, tel: 32 2 506 1000; Fax 32 2 514 3603; e-mail: claire.dupont@milieu.be and alice.belin@milieu.be; web address: www.milieu.be DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 Contents Section 1 Section 1. Objective of this concept note ........................................................................... 5 Section 2 Section 2. Setting the scene ................................................................................................ 6 1.1 2.1 The MSFD PoM recommendation ..................................................................................... 6 2.1 2.2 PoM Reporting under the WFD: Key Types of Measures (KTMs).................................... 10 3.1 2.3 Reporting on measures under other European policies ................................................. 11 Section 3 Reporting of MSFD Programmes of Measures .................................................................. 12 3.1 Conceptual approach to the MSFD PoM reporting ............................................................... 12 1.1 Key Types of Measures for MSFD .......................................................................................... 13 4.1 Reporting sheets.................................................................................................................... 14 3.1 Text-based country/regional fact sheets .............................................................................. 16 3.1 Adopting WFD reporting to MSFD reporting needs .............................................................. 18 Section 4 Section 4 Article 16 Assessment ........................................................................................ 20 DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 Section 1 Objective of this concept note According to Article 5(2)(b) of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), Member States should develop a Programme of Measures (PoM) by 2015 latest and notify the European Commission of their PoM within three months (Article 13(9)). The Commission will undertake an assessment of the Member States' PoMs (Article 16) and provide guidance to the Member States on these within six months of receiving all these notifications. The assessment is expected to be presented in the form of national and regional assessment reports, as was done for the Article 12 assessment of the Article 8, 9 and 10 reports, published in 2014. This concept note is based on the provisions of the MSFD and the document entitled “Programmes of measures under MSFD – Recommendations for establishment/implementation and related reporting” (hereafter called the “PoM recommendation”), as discussed at the Marine Strategy Coordination Group (MSCG) and the Marine Director's meetings in May and June 20141. The PoM recommendation outlines the process towards the development of a PoM by each Member State. As stated in the PoM Recommendation, the process starts by the identification of existing measures that are relevant for the MSFD. A gap analysis is then undertaken which is followed by the identification and selection of new measures to be applied under the MSFD (after a feasibility study and cost benefit analysis). Exceptions (under Art. 14) are then assessed and, if applicable, justified. A draft PoM is issued and then finalised after a public consultation process (Figure 1). In view of the principle to streamline reporting and thus avoid duplication of work, the reporting on the PoM under the MSFD does not need to contain the information which has already been reported under the Water Framework Directive (WFD). To streamline the process, the PoM reporting content is to be closely linked with that of the WFD and corresponding reporting requirements. A factor that allows this close coordination of the reporting efforts under the WFD and the MSFD is the timing of reporting for both directives which coincide and are only days apart in March 2016. In preparation for the reporting exercise, this concept note aims to: Support the development of the reporting questions for the PoM (art. 13) and exceptions (art. 14) under the MSFD; Build upon the reporting framework already in place under other European policies, specifically the WFD; Provide a basis for the discussion on the final products that will be derived from this reporting and the assessment questions needed for the Commission's Art. 16 assessment. In the sections that follow, this paper first sets the scene (Section 2) by explaining the approach of the work which utilises elements from the PoM recommendation, the existing typologies for measures in other European Directives, the categories present in MSFD Annex VI as well as the "WFD reporting guidance 2016"2 that provides guidance to the design of the assessment and reporting questions for the PoM and exceptions reporting under the MSFD. In the second part (Section 3), the report presents the conceptual approach for the reporting on MSFD PoMs based on data-based reporting sheets, descriptive national fact sheets and extended WFD reporting. Finally, Section 4 presents first indicative headline questions to be used for the Article 16 assessment by the Commission. 1 The version used for this concept note is version 13 of 27 May 2014 (MD-2014-1-1 Annex Item 2.1 PoM - final.pdf). 2 Discussed during the WFD SCG meeting of May 2014 and further updated on 9 July 2014 https://circabc.europa.eu/w/browse/0467f5e1a4a2-464c-8fff-59a0826567b8 Milieu Ltd Consortium Version 4 - 23/10/2014 Support to the implementation of the MSFD / 5 Draft Concept for Technical Assessment of PoM & exceptions DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 Section 2 Setting the scene 2.1 The MSFD PoM recommendation The PoM recommendation defines a Programme of Measures (PoM) as “a set of measures that the MS is responsible for implementing, put into context with each other and referring to the environmental targets they address”. The PoM includes existing and new measures and is to be developed in accordance with MSFD Art. 13(1). Art. 13(1) Member States shall, in respect of each marine region or subregion concerned, identify the measures which need to be taken in order to achieve or maintain good environmental status, as determined pursuant to Article 9(1), in their marine waters. Those measures shall be devised on the basis of the initial assessment made pursuant to Article 8(1) and by reference to the environmental targets established pursuant to Article 10(1), and taking into consideration the types of measures listed in Annex VI. In this concept paper, the following are summarised: a. Categories of measures under the MSFD; b. Process to develop the MSFD PoM; c. Content of the MSFD PoM. a. Categories of measures under the MSFD Four categories of measures have been defined in the PoM recommendation (Table 1). The PoM recommendation does not propose to further classify the measures by the typology proposed in MSFD Annex VI (Table 3), but recognises that measures may have different modes of action as shown in Table 2. However, at the Water Directors' and Marine Directors' meeting of 5-6 June 2014 in Heraklion, Greece it was agreed to develop the MSFD PoMs and their reporting in close conjunction with the PoMs reporting for the WFD. Considering that the Reporting Guidance of the WFD had already been developed and agreed, and considering that many measures to improve the status of the marine environment are land-based and thus considered under the WFD, the MSFD reporting will follow the WFD reporting guidance, to the extent possible and feasible. An important aspect of this coordinated reporting is that under the MSFD, in line with the WFD reporting, measures are to be reported under a predefined set of Key Type of Measures (KTMs). Further information on the WFD 2016 reporting guidance is given in section 2.2. The need for coordinated WFD-MSFD reporting does not exclude the addressing of specific issues under the MSFD. For example, the need for cooperation within the MSFD (sub)regions, as required under MSFD Art. 5(2), in order to develop a coherent and consist approach is more developed under the MSFD, whereas the reporting on the WFD is more detailed in terms of cost reporting and economic analysis. WFD reporting, already in its second reporting cycle, is able to report quantitative figures whilst under the MSFD more substantial data gaps are anticipated and hence a more descriptive approach to reporting is proposed. Milieu Ltd Consortium Version 4 - 23/10/2014 Support to the implementation of the MSFD / 6 Draft Concept for Technical Assessment of PoM & exceptions DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 Table 1: Categories of measures (adapted from PoM recommendation) Measures Measure category Costeffectiveness analysis (CEA) Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) Article 13(1) & 13(2) EXISTING No No Measures relevant for the maintenance and achievement of GES under the MSFD that have been adopted under other policies and implemented 1.a Article 13(1) & 13(2) EXISTING No No Measures relevant for the maintenance and achievement of GES under the MSFD that have been adopted under other policies but that have not yet been implemented or fully implemented 1.b Art 13(3) NEW Yes* Yes* Additional measures to achieve GES which build on existing EU legislation and international agreements but go beyond what is already required under these 2.a Case by case Case case Art 13(3) NEW Yes Yes Additional measures to achieve GES which do not build on existing EU legislation or international agreements, i.e. that are completely new 2.b by Table 2: Modes of action of measures (from PoM recommendation) N° Mode of action 1 Technical: an actual action that one can see (and measure) in the field. In principle a wide range of measures have a primarily technical mode of action. 2 Legislative: Adapting or supplementing national environmental law and other national legislation influencing the marine environment to implement environmental targets and to achieve/maintain GES. 3 Economic: such as economic incentives that provide financial motives to stimulate a desired behaviour or discouraging an unwanted behaviour. Financial instruments are often aimed at the uptake of technical measures. For example, a subsidy for beach resorts of 20 Euros for each additional garbage bin they place. 4 Policy driven: Policy instruments can be economic incentives, but also other instruments, such as voluntary agreements with stakeholders, communication strategies, awareness raising, and education. For example, the government launches an information campaign to make the beach resorts aware of the new subsidy they can get for placing more garbage bins, or beach resorts informing their customers where the litter bins are located, or teachers telling children it is fun to collect waste and put it in a litter bin and gives you a clean beach as well. Table 3: Typology of MFSD measures (from MSFD Annex VI); measures need to address the typology, but reporting of PoMs is not structured using this typology. N° Description of measure 1 Input controls: management measures that influence the amount of a human activity that is permitted. 2 Output controls: management measures that influence the degree of perturbation of an ecosystem component that is permitted. 3 Spatial and temporal distribution controls: management measures that influence where and when an activity is allowed to occur. 4 Management coordination measures: tools to ensure that management is coordinated. Milieu Ltd Consortium Version 4 - 23/10/2014 Support to the implementation of the MSFD / 7 Draft Concept for Technical Assessment of PoM & exceptions DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 N° Description of measure 5 Measures to improve the traceability, where feasible, of marine pollution 6 Economic incentives: management measures which make it in the economic interest of those using the marine ecosystems to act in ways which help to achieve the good environmental status objective. 7 Mitigation and remediation tools: management tools which guide human activities to restore damaged components of marine ecosystems. 8 Communication, stakeholder involvement and raising public awareness. b. Process to develop the MSFD Programme of Measures The content of the PoM and the process to develop it is described in the PoM recommendation. Figure 1 shows the process. It follows from the logic of the Directive that the starting point for the PoM is the environmental targets of MSFD Article 10, provided they are set in an adequate and coherent way, i.e. they address the key pressures which are preventing the achievement of GES (see Art. 12 report3). In order to identify the need for new measures which are needed to achieve or maintain GES, MSFD Art. 13 sets out some requirements for the identification and selection of individual measures and for establishing the programme of measures. In addition, this scheme needs to allow for early and effective opportunities for public consultation. 3 http://ec.europa.eu/environment/marine/eu-coast-and-marine-policy/implementation/reports_en.htm Milieu Ltd Consortium Version 4 - 23/10/2014 Support to the implementation of the MSFD / 8 Draft Concept for Technical Assessment of PoM & exceptions DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 Inventory of existing measures * Towards GES, targets, and reduction of pressures Gap analysis Measures which are technically feasible, cost-effective and sustainable. Identification and selection of new measures Application of exceptions? YES NO Article 14 application Identification of cases. Justification of exceptions. Identification of ad-hoc measures. Draft PoM Public Consultation Final PoM Figure 1 Overview of the process for the development of a Programme of Measures and the identification of exceptions. (*) Existing measures are considered to be all measures currently implemented and those which are going to be implemented as planned under EU legislation other than the MSFD (e.g. WFD, Habitats and Birds Directives) and/or international agreements. c. Content of the MSFD Programme of Measures The content of the PoM, as cited in the PoM recommendation, shall contain: An overview of the existing measures (categories 1.a and 1.b) with reference to their original publication; A short analysis of the contribution towards GES (baseline) and the gap that needs to be addressed (gap analysis); A list of new measures including a summary: Milieu Ltd Consortium Version 4 - 23/10/2014 Support to the implementation of the MSFD / 9 Draft Concept for Technical Assessment of PoM & exceptions DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 o Category 2.a measures, if described elsewhere, brief details with reference to a document with a more exhaustive description (e.g. WFD PoM), if not full description; o For category 2.b measures, full description; Justification for exceptions, where no measure will be taken. The PoM recommendation also suggests what is to be reported for new measures: Method for selecting measures; Implementation (e.g. by legal, policy, socio-economic and financial instrument), including overview of potentially co-financed measures (MSFD Art. 22) where relevant; Identification of spatial protection measures and the purpose for which they are put in place (e.g. contributing to coherent and representative networks of marine protected areas under MSFD Art. 13(4)); Cost-effectiveness and/or cost benefits of the measures (how it has been taken into account?) and sustainability (MSFD Art. 13(3)); Overall coordination or input to other EU legislation and policies (including international agreements); Overall regional coordination including possible impacts on the marine waters of other countries (MSFD Art. 13(8)); Public consultation information. 2.1 PoM Reporting under the WFD: Key Types of Measures (KTMs) In the WFD reporting guidance 2016, detailed reporting schemes are proposed. These include reporting based on 25 Key Types of Measures (KTM). KTMs have been predefined as the categories under which measures have to be reported. The 2016 KTMs are based on the KTMs defined for the 2012 progress reports on the implementation of the programme of measures, the new ones reported by Member States in 2012 and commonly reported significant pressures not previously incorporated by predefined KTMs. Table 4 shows the KTMs as included in the WFD 2016 reporting guidance. Considering that many of the pressures on the European seas are land-based, many of the WFD KTMs are relevant to the marine environment as well and thus the measures are also relevant to help achieve or maintain GES and to achieve environmental targets under the MSFD.Table 4: KTMs for the 2016 WFD reporting (Note: text in red indicates modifications to the WFD KTM title to help distinguish them from MSFD KTMs) N° 1 WFD KTM description Construction or upgrades of wastewater treatment plants 2 Reduce nutrient pollution from agriculture 3 Reduce pesticides pollution from agriculture 4 Remediation of contaminated sites (historical pollution including sediments, groundwater, soil) Improving longitudinal continuity (e.g. establishing fish passes, demolishing old dams) Improving hydromorphological conditions of water bodies other than longitudinal continuity (e.g. river restoration, improvement of riparian areas, removal of hard embankments, reconnecting rivers to floodplains, improvement of hydromorphological condition of transitional and coastal waters, etc.) 5 6 Milieu Ltd Consortium Version 4 - 23/10/2014 Relevance to MSFD Relevant for the reduction of nutrient loads & solid particles (D5, D10) Relevant for the reduction of nutrient loads (D5) Relevant for the reduction of contaminants loads (D8, D9) Relevant for the reduction of contaminants loads (D8, D9) Relevant in relation to diadromous fish (D1) Relevant (D7) Support to the implementation of the MSFD / 10 Draft Concept for Technical Assessment of PoM & exceptions DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 N° 7 WFD KTM description Improvements in flow regime and/or establishment of ecological flows Relevance to MSFD Unlikely 8 Water efficiency technical measures for irrigation, industry, energy and households Water pricing policy measures for the implementation of the recovery of cost of water services from households Water pricing policy measures for the implementation of the recovery of cost of water services from industry Water pricing policy measures for the implementation of the recovery of cost of water services from agriculture Advisory services for agriculture Unlikely 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Drinking water protection measures (e.g. establishment of safeguard zones, buffer zones etc.) Research, improvement of knowledge base reducing uncertainty Measures for the phasing-out of emissions, discharges and losses of priority hazardous substances or for the reduction of emissions, discharges and losses of priority substances Upgrades or improvements of industrial wastewater treatment plants (including farms) 17 Measures to reduce sediment from soil erosion and surface run-off 18 Measures to prevent or control the adverse impacts of invasive alien species and introduced diseases Measures to prevent or control the adverse impacts of recreation including angling Measures to prevent or control the adverse impacts of fishing and other exploitation/removal of animal and plants Measures to prevent or control the input of pollution from urban areas, transport and built infrastructure 19 20 21 22 Measures to prevent or control the input of pollution from forestry 23 Natural water retention measures 24 Adaptation to climate change 25 Measures to counteract acidification (in freshwater systems) 2.1 Unlikely Unlikely Unlikely Relevant for nutrient and pesticide reduction (D5, D8, D9) Relevant for seawater desalination (D7) Relevant, could be applied to all descriptors Relevant for the reduction of contaminant loads (D8, D9) Relevant for the reduction of nutrients, solid particles and contaminant loads (D5, D8, D9, D10) Possibly relevant for the reduction of nutrients & sediments (D5, D7) Relevant (D2) Relevant (D2, D3, D10, D11) Relevant (D1,D3, D4, D6) Relevant for the reduction of pollution in general (D5, D8, D9, D10, D11) Possibly relevant for the reduction of nutrient and contaminant loads (D5, D8, D9) Relevant for positive effects on nutrients and sediment transport (D5, D7) Relevant, in particular when related to the coastal zone (D1, D4, D6, D7) Unlikely Reporting on measures under other European policies Besides measures under the WFD, the existing measures under other policies, such as for example the Common Fisheries Policy, the Habitats and Birds Directives and for offshore pollution, can also contribute to achieving GES in the marine environment. It is important that measures under other policies are also incorporated into the MSFD PoMs. Milieu Ltd Consortium Version 4 - 23/10/2014 Support to the implementation of the MSFD / 11 Draft Concept for Technical Assessment of PoM & exceptions DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 Section 3 Reporting of MSFD Programmes of Measures 3.1 Conceptual approach to the MSFD PoM reporting In order to not repeat reporting efforts already undertaken through the WFD in 2016, and to ensure consistency, comparability and coordinated action, the proposed approach for reporting of the MSFD PoMs is to build upon the existing WFD reporting framework in the following ways: a. Use the 2016 WFD reporting for the land-based measures which are relevant to MSFD but are also reported under WFD; b. Use the WFD approach to organising the measures according to a set of Key Types of Measures (KTMs), which reflect the main types of pressure that the measures need to address in order to achieve the MSFD environmental targets and to achieve or maintain GES; c. Use the WFD approach to reporting on specific measures, by adopting the template for describing each measure and by having this information held at national level (on a national web site) rather than reported directly to the Commission (as xml files). This approach reduces the reporting requirements for MSFD to: a. Reporting on ‘MSFD KTMs’ which are specific to the marine environment; b. Reporting on measures which are additional to those of WFD, either existing measures under other policies or new ‘MSFD measures’; c. Reporting on issues which are specific to the MSFD, such as links to Art. 10 environmental targets and GES, regional cooperation and exceptions. The reporting package for the MSFD PoMs consists of the following (Figure 2): - - - Reporting sheets which include mainly categorical (quantitative) information and which are to be reported centrally to ReportNet (as xml files). This information will facilitate the assessment of adequacy, consistency and coherence between Member States and across the marine (sub)regions and enable the preparation of statistical information on the PoMs; 'Fact sheets', held, maintained and made available at suitable web sites (e.g. in pdf or html format). These provide an overview of the PoMs (e.g. on general approaches to their preparation) and more specific details on each measure. Where appropriate, the fact sheets can be prepared jointly for measures which are implemented across multiple countries (e.g. under Regional Sea Conventions or other international agreements). If appropriate, the information could also be used for public consultation purposes; Extended WFD reporting, to cover the MSFD needs, for land-based measures reported under WFD but which also contribute to achieving the MSFD environmental targets and GES in the marine environment. A coordinated approach between the MSFD and WFD implementation processes in each Member State will be necessary to make the relevant links between the two reporting processes. Based on the Member State's reports (which may include joint reporting), the Commission will undertake an EU assessment that will fulfil the provisions of MSFD Art. 164. An outline of the reporting fields for each of these three elements of the package is given in the following sections. These are set out in more detail in Annex 1 to provide the basis for defining the specific reporting formats which will be prepared following agreement on the overall approach (in the PoM recommendation). 4 A first version of the proposed assessment framework for this is presented in section 4. Milieu Ltd Consortium Version 4 - 23/10/2014 Support to the implementation of the MSFD / 12 Draft Concept for Technical Assessment of PoM & exceptions DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 Figure 2 Components of the reporting package for MSFD Programmes of Measures (which are to be used for the Commission’s Article 16 assessment). 3.1 Key Types of Measures for MSFD The basis for a coordinated reporting between the WFD and MSFD, as agreed by the Marine and Water Directors, is the development of a joint set of Key Types of Measures (KTMs). In the WFD 2016 Reporting Guidance, a set of 25 KTMs has been developed (see section 2.2). Additional KTMs are needed to address sea-based pressures and other types of action for the MSFD. Considering that the list of KTMs is part of a coordinated reporting and that many WFD KTMs can contribute to achieving environmental targets and GES for the MSFD, the numbering of MSFD KTMs has been set to continue from that of the WFD KTMs. The set of additional KTMs needed for the MSFD, which are not yet covered under the WFD, is given in Table 5. These are based on the list of pressures in MSFD Annex III Table 2. Several KTMs address additional needs that are not directly related to a specific pressure; these can be found at the bottom of the KTM table. The measures identified as relevant for the MSFD PoM, both existing measures under WFD and other policies and new 'MSFD measures', are assigned to the relevant KTM (either the WFD KTMs or the MSFD KTMs) to provide a consistent structure to the reporting and to facilitate assessment of the PoM under MSFD Art. 16. Table 5: Key Types of Measures (KTMs) for the MSFD, supplementing the WFD KTMs listed in Table 4. N° Additional KTMs for MSFD reporting 26 Measures to reduce physical loss of seabed habitats in the marine environment (beyond WFD Coastal Waters) 27 Measures to reduce physical damage to the marine environment (beyond WFD Coastal Waters) 28 Measures to reduce inputs of energy to the marine environment, including underwater noise 29 Measures to reduce marine littler 30 Measures to reduce interferences with hydrological processes in the marine environment (beyond WFD Coastal Waters) 31 Measures to reduce contamination by hazardous substances (synthetic substances, nonsynthetic substances, radio-nuclides) and the systematic and/or intentional release of substances in the marine environment from sea-based or air-based sources Milieu Ltd Consortium Version 4 - 23/10/2014 Support to the implementation of the MSFD / 13 Draft Concept for Technical Assessment of PoM & exceptions DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 N° Additional KTMs for MSFD reporting 32 Measures to reduce sea-based accidental pollution 33 Measures to reduce nutrient and organic matter inputs to the marine environment from seabased or air-based sources 34 Measures to adapt to climate change impacts on the marine environment (including marine acidification) 35 Measures to reduce the introduction and spread of non-indigenous species in the marine environment and for their control 36 Measures to reduce biological disturbances in the marine environment from the extraction of species, including incidental non-target catches 37 Measures to reduce other types of biological disturbance, including death, injury, disturbance and translocation of marine species and the introduction of genetically-modified individuals of marine species 38 Measures to address the introduction of microbial pathogens 39 Measures to restore and conserve marine ecosystems, including habitats and species 40 Measures related to Spatial Protection Measures for the marine environment (addressing multiple pressures) 41 Complementary activities on research and improvement of the knowledge base to facilitate the devising of measures5 3.1 Reporting sheets Information to be reported in xml format to ReportNet will focus on categorical information with limited descriptive information. Descriptive information, relating to general approaches to the PoM and to the specific measures, is to be reported in the 'fact sheets' (see section 3.4). The XML reports will consist of three sections: a. Reporting on KTMs; b. Reporting on individual measures, linked to the respective KTM; c. Reporting on exceptions, linked to the respective KTM. In these reports, the information on the KTM, measure and exception is linked to the spatial coverage (i.e. the relevant MS, (sub)regions and assessment areas), to the environmental targets defined by the MS (Art. 10), to the GES Descriptors (Art. 9) and to the Art. 8 assessments via the elements of MSFD Annex III (at a generalised level); website links provide access to more detailed information in the fact sheets. A schematic overview and main contents of the reporting sheets is provided in Figure 3. The set up allows for one individual measure or exception to be linked to one or more KTMs. Additionally, each report6 can be linked to one or more Member States, (sub)regions and assessment areas, thus reducing the reporting effort and enabling joint reporting where this is appropriate. 5 Complementary activities do not need to be aligned to specific environmental targets. Therefore, for such activities there is no need to carry out cost-benefits and/or cost-effectiveness assessment 6 Subject to technical feasibility at xml schema preparation phase. Milieu Ltd Consortium Version 4 - 23/10/2014 Support to the implementation of the MSFD / 14 Draft Concept for Technical Assessment of PoM & exceptions DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 Figure 3: Components of the xml reporting sheets MSFD Art.13 (PoM) and Art. 14 (exceptions), with outline contents The main contents of each section are as follows: Report on each KTM: a. b. c. d. e. KTM code/name Measures associated to the KTM Sufficiency of measures for the KTM to achieve environmental targets and GES Links to relevant targets, GES Descriptors and Annex III elements Spatial coverage of the KTM (MS, (sub)regions, assessment areas, geographic zones) Report on each measure: a. b. c. d. Measure code/name Spatial coverage of the measure (MS, (sub)regions, assessment areas, geographic zones) Links to relevant targets, GES Descriptors and Annex III elements Web link to further information (i.e. to 'fact sheet' for the measure) Report on each exception: a. b. c. d. e. Exception code/name Exception type and justification Mitigation Spatial coverage of the exception (MS, (sub)regions, assessment areas, geographic zones) Links to relevant targets, GES Descriptors and Annex III elements Milieu Ltd Consortium Version 4 - 23/10/2014 Support to the implementation of the MSFD / 15 Draft Concept for Technical Assessment of PoM & exceptions DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 In the WFD reporting against each KTM, a set of indicators has been developed to monitor progress in achieving the KTM (i.e. reducing the pressure to particular levels). For the MSFD reporting on KTMs, this approach is replaced by linking the KTM to the MSFD Article 10 targets, as these should effectively define the goals set by each Member State to reduce each pressure to levels which will lead to GES being achieved or maintained. Table 6 shows examples of individual measures for selected KTMs. Examples are given for each type of measures, ranging from existing measures to new measures (types 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b according to Table 1). Examples are given for land-based measures (reported under WFD KTMs) and sea-based measures (reported under MSFD KTMs). Table 6: Example measures for selected KTMs KTM KTM description n° WFD KTMs (land-based measures) Examples of individual associated to KTMs 1 Construction or upgrades of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) 2 Reduce nutrient pollution from agriculture measures Type of measure Extending a planned upgrade of a WWTP to reduce also the inflows of plastics into the marine environment More stringent nutrient treatment to reduce coastal eutrophication Reduce application of fertiliser to agricultural fields Winter cover crops to reduce nutrients leaching into the groundwater 1b Restriction on seabed trawling in selected areas Permits for deep-sea mining exploitation Beach litter removal plan Economic incentives to deposit shipping waste, including old fishing gear, at port reception facilities Reduce off-shore pollution Inspection of illegal dumping of shipping waste into the sea 2a 2a 1a 1a MSFD KTMs (sea-based measures) 27 29 33 3.1 Measures to reduce physical damage to the marine environment (beyond WFD Coastal Waters) Measures to reduce marine littler Measures to reduce nutrient and organic matter inputs to the marine environment from seabased or air-based sources 2b 2a or 2b 2b 1b 2a or 2b Text-based country/regional fact sheets To complement the more categorical information reported in the xml reporting sheets, more textbased 'fact sheets' should be prepared which include qualitative and descriptive information for the PoM. This more flexible format is intended to provide further detail on the PoM, at a general level and for each measure. Where appropriate, the relevant information can be prepared jointly by Member States in a (sub)region. Such joint documentation can provides an indication of the cooperation in development and implementation of PoMs across the (sub)region and also reduce efforts in preparation of the documentation. These national and regional fact sheets can be prepared in pdf or html formats and be posted on suitable national or regional web sites where they are available to stakeholders, other Member States and the Commission. Milieu Ltd Consortium Version 4 - 23/10/2014 Support to the implementation of the MSFD / 16 Draft Concept for Technical Assessment of PoM & exceptions DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 General fact-sheet: The following “table of content” (and guiding questions in each section) is proposed for the national fact sheet. Additional questions/information can be added if the Member State wishes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Update on environmental targets a. Which version of your environmental targets (MSFD Art 10) does the PoM address (e.g. as reported in 2012; revised update on ReportNet; revised update available at national level)? Provide date and link. b. Did you set any operational targets that relate to concrete implementation measures to support their achievement (Annex IV (2))? Inventory of existing measures a. Has an inventory of existing measures under other legislation been undertaken (including measures for which implementation is pending)? b. How have you assessed to which extent the existing measures are sufficient to achieve environmental targets and GES? c. Does this analysis (done in question 2b) identify a gap between the baseline scenario (i.e. current status taking into account implementation of existing measures) and what is needed to deliver the environmental targets and achieve or maintain GES? d. Describe the outcomes of the analysis. New measures a. When selecting new measures, how have you ensured that they are based on / take into account: Technical feasibility Sustainability: a combination of Impact Assessment (environmental, social and economic), cost-effectiveness analysis and cost-benefit analysis7 b. Will you designate additional marine protected areas covering the relevant biodiversity components? How will the spatial protection measures contribute to a coherent and representative network of marine protected areas covering the relevant biodiversity components in the (sub)region? c. Have you taken consideration of maritime spatial planning when designing new measures? Regional cooperation and transboundary impacts a. Describe how (sub)regional coordination in development of PoMs was undertaken, and what were the key outcomes (e.g. coordinated national PoMs, joint measures, identification of issues for EU/international consideration) b. How did you assess the transboundary impacts on waters beyond your marine waters? c. How and when were any identified transboundary impacts (positive and negative) notified to affected states? How were their views taken into account in your final set of PoMs? Obligations in relation to public consultation (Art. 19(2)) a. When was the public consultation undertaken? b. Where/how? (consultation website) c. Did the Public Consultation include: i. All measures reported under Art. 13? ii. All exceptions reported under Art. 14? iii. If not, provide a list of the measures and/or exceptions which were not included and a reason for this. d. How was the Public Consultation taken into account? Administrative process (Art. 13(3) and 13(10)) Description of implementation process (together with administrative framework (e.g. the policy tools or plans containing the measures, including new measures, for protecting the marine environment (e.g. WFD PoM, National Waste prevention plans)) 7 Following the PoM recommendation, sustainability is not to be assessed separately, but assessed as a combination of impact assessment, SEA and CEA/CBA. Milieu Ltd Consortium Version 4 - 23/10/2014 Support to the implementation of the MSFD / 17 Draft Concept for Technical Assessment of PoM & exceptions DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 Fact-sheet for a measure: As minimal information per measure is included in the Reporting Sheet (xml file), a fact sheet (national or regional) should be prepared to provide further details on the measure. The format/content is given below, based on the format used for WFD reporting on each measure. NOTE: where the measure is already reported under the WFD process, there is no need to report this again, but simply provide a URL web link in the Reporting Sheet to where the WFD measure fact sheet can be accessed. Content of the fact sheet: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. 3.1 Measure code/name Description Measure type (i.e. 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b) Existing or new measure – policy used (e.g. Habitats Directive, RSC measure, MSFD) Temporal coverage (start date, end date if appropriate) Responsible Competent Authority and delivery authorities/organisations Mode of implementation (e.g. legal, policy, economic) CEA and CBA undertaken (Not needed/Yes/No) Financing (state of securing, source of funding) Level of coordination in implementation (e.g. Local, national, regional) Obstacles to delivery Effectiveness of implementation – indicators, milestones Adopting WFD reporting to MSFD reporting needs The reporting of measures under the WFD KTMs in 2016 is expected to make a relevant and significant contribution to achieving GES for the MSFD, especially to address land-based water-borne pressures which are also affecting the marine environment. There is a need to add "new" KTMs which are mainly focused on sea-based (and air-based) pressures in order to cover any new MSFDspecific measures. This extension to the existing WFD approach will facilitate comparability and the consolidation of information at the EU level. Member States are expected to "bundle" their national measures (usually much more detailed than the KTMs) to report them in an aggregated way as KTMs. The 25 predefined KTMs for the 2016 WFD reporting, as well as their relevance to MSFD, are listed in Table 4. The 2016 WFD reporting guidance already includes linkages to the MSFD by means of new reporting questions that cover the MSFD. These are listed in the textbox below. Questions related to MSFD in the 2016 WFD reporting on measures: Is this measure relevant for the purpose of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive? Has the preparations of the WFD RBMP/PoM been coordinated with the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive? In developing the WFD PoM, have you assessed the need for additional measures/more stringent measures beyond those required by the WFD in order to achieve the relevant MSFD objectives in coastal and marine environment? If MSFD Assessment is “yes”, for which issues are additional measures needed to meet the MSFD objectives? Choice is given between Nutrients, chemicals, litter, others Please provide a reference to where more information can be found on the coordination with the MSFD implementation and the consideration of the MSFD objectives in developing the WFD PoM. Was joint consultation carried out on the Marine Strategy? If yes, provide more information in the RBMP/background documents. Milieu Ltd Consortium Version 4 - 23/10/2014 Support to the implementation of the MSFD / 18 Draft Concept for Technical Assessment of PoM & exceptions DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 The already existing question on MSFD relevance in the section entitled “Mapping KTMs to individual measures”8 is shown below. Existing question: Schema element: MSFDRelevance Field type / facets: Yes, No, Unknown Guidance: Required: Is this measure relevant for the purpose of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive? More specific information on the relevance of the WFD measure to MSFD implementation is required, in particular, to make the links to the relevant environmental targets, GES descriptors and Annex III elements. Rather than add this detail to the WFD reporting (which could be at a fine resolution (water body/river basin), the information is captured in the MSFD Reporting Sheet. This will ensure the linkages are made to WFD reporting whilst allowing the specific MSFD information to be kept with similar information for non-WFD measures. 8 p.241 of the WFD 2016 Guidance report Milieu Ltd Consortium Version 4 - 23/10/2014 Support to the implementation of the MSFD / 19 Draft Concept for Technical Assessment of PoM & exceptions DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 This section is not to be included in the PoM Recommendation Section 4 Article 16 Assessment Article 16 MSFD requires the Commission to make an assessment, within 6 months, of whether the programmes “constitute an appropriate framework to meet the requirements” of the MSFD (Article 16 assessment). This includes assessing the adequacy, consistency and coherence of the information reported by the Member States. In order to guide the Member States on the content of their PoM reporting (Article 13), it is important to also define the questions used to make the assessment of adequacy, consistency and coherence as per Article 16 MSFD. To define these assessment questions, a modular approach similar to that used for the Art. 12 assessment of monitoring programmes is followed, with first a set of headline assessment questions. Where relevant the PoM recommendations have been integrated. A more detailed set of assessment questions on the adequacy, consistency and coherence of the measures reported will then be developed along with the structure of the information that Member States should report in order to allow this assessment. The preliminary set of headline assessment questions are: 1. Has a public consultation been undertaken? 2. Has an inventory of existing measures under other legislation been undertaken (including measures for which implementation is pending or on-going)? 3. Has the MS assessed to which extent the existing measures are sufficient to achieve GES and environmental targets? Has a gap analysis been made between baseline scenario (i.e. current status taking into account implementation of existing measures) and GES and environmental targets? 4. Have new measures been identified to bridge the gap between baseline scenario and the desired status of the marine environment (GES and targets)? 5. When selecting new measures have MS ensured that they are based on / taken into account: a. Technical feasibility b. Sustainability (Impact assessment, cost-effectiveness analysis and cost-benefit analysis) 6. Has (sub)regional coordination in development of PoMs been undertaken, and what were the key outcomes (e.g. coordinated national PoMs, joint measures, identification of issues for EU/international consideration) 7. Have the transboundary impacts on waters beyond the MS waters been assessed? 8. Has the Member State considered the implications of its PoM on waters beyond its jurisdiction? 9. How and when were any identified transboundary impacts (positive and negative) notified to affected states? How were their views taken into account in their final set of PoMs? 10. Has the Member State designated marine protected areas covering the relevant biodiversity components? 11. Are the measures linked to maritime spatial planning?Are all pressures reported under Article 8 covered by the KTMs of the PoM (existing or new)? 12. Are all targets reported under Article 10 covered by the KTMs of the PoM (existing or new)? Milieu Ltd Consortium Version 4 - 23/10/2014 Support to the implementation of the MSFD / 20 Draft Concept for Technical Assessment of PoM & exceptions DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 Overall assessment question 13. Does the programme of measures (PoM) as a whole constitute an appropriate programme to meet the requirements of the MSFD (GES and targets)? 14. If not and gaps have been identified, are these gaps justified by exceptions (see Section 5.2 for more detailed assessment questions on exceptions)? Questions related to assessment of coherence: 1. Are the PoM coherent and comparable across the region? 2. Do the spatial protection measures result in a coherent and representative network of marine protected areas covering the relevant biodiversity components? A preliminary identification of the products from the Article 16 assessment includes: A list of products will be developed inspired by the products for the WFD agreed upon by the Water Directors in December 2013 in “Reporting: Update of planning of work with regard to the revision of the WFD reporting guidance and reporting exercise; discussion and endorsement of the proposed approach” (WD/2013-2/79). One of the main products from the assessment will be the national, regional and EU-level Article 16 assessment reports. A preliminary structure of the national report is presented below. Country report Section 1. Introduction and cross-cutting issues Description of the submission process to the Commission (dates, types of documents, format of the documents, etc.) Short summary of the overall approach and structure of the MS PoM. Section 2 Assessment of adequacy of the PoM as a whole Headline question: Does the PoM as a whole constitute an appropriate programme to meet the requirements of the MSFD? Will the programme (or several, if appropriate) enable the achievement of GES (taking into account where exceptions have been applied)? The programme, including all existing and new measures, addresses all relevant targets reported under Article 10 or provides an adequate justification for excluding particular targets The programme, including all existing and new measures, addresses all the relevant pressures reported under Art. 8 or provides an adequate justification for excluding certain pressures All the new measures where relevant have been assessed for sustainability using an appropriate assessment methodology such as CBA. The reporting identifies all significant gaps in the requirements for the programme of measures The reporting includes plans for filling all gaps identified. The exceptions under Art. 14 have been applied correctly 9 https://circabc.europa.eu/sd/a/7aa45212-86e3-44bd-8fa6-ee3ca3abddb2/WD_7_Reporting state of play and way forward.doc Milieu Ltd Consortium Version 4 - 23/10/2014 Support to the implementation of the MSFD / 21 Draft Concept for Technical Assessment of PoM & exceptions DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 Where exceptions have been applied, adequate ad hoc measures have been applied Transboundary impacts are addressed The programme as a whole constitutes a consistent programme, including in relation to what has been reported by the Member State under Articles 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. Section 3 Assessment of adequacy by KTMs If existing measure: assessment of gap analysis (existing measures – achievement of GES) If new measure: assessment of technically feasible, CBA/CEA, sustainability, etc. Coverage of relevant targets (Article 10) Coverage of relevant pressures (Article 8) If relevant, assessment of exception for not taking the measure Milieu Ltd Consortium Version 4 - 23/10/2014 Support to the implementation of the MSFD / 22 Draft Concept for Technical Assessment of PoM & exceptions DIKE DG_PoM-2014-2 Annex: Outline reporting schema The elements of the reporting package have been set out in the embedded spreadsheet to show the reporting questions in more detail, including use of categorised responses and text fields. Once the overall approach is agreed (in the PoM recommendation), this can be refined as fact sheet templates and xml schemas, together with associated guidance. The file contains the following sections: a. b. c. d. e. General questions (fact sheet) Measures (partly xml report, partly fact sheet) KTMs (xml report) Exceptions (xml report) KTMs – list of WFD and MSFD KTMs 1410MSFD_PoMsrep orting.xls Milieu Ltd Consortium Version 4 - 23/10/2014 Support to the implementation of the MSFD / 23 Draft Concept for Technical Assessment of PoM & exceptions