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Distributed Computing
Lecture 12
Wenbing Zhao
Cleveland State University
• Project report requirement
• Transaction processing concepts
• Distributed transaction and two phase
• Midterm #2
– 12/6 Wednesday
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Project Report Requirement
• Theory track
– Introduction: define the problem and provide
motivation why we need a solution
– Background: so that readers can understand the
techniques used to solve the problem
– Current state of the art: what are the fundamental
techniques used to solve the problem. Ideally, provide
a taxonomy of the techniques
– Open issues and future research directions: what
are the hard problems remaining to be solved?
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Project Report Requirement
• Implementation track
– Introduction: define the problem domain and your
implementation. Provide motivation on your system
– System model: assumption, restrictions, models
– Design: component diagram, class diagram, pseudo
code, algorithms, header explanation
– Implementation: what language, tools, libraries did
you use, a simple user guide on how to user your
– Performance and testing: throughput, latency, test
– Related work
– Conclusion and future work
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Project Requirement
• What you should NOT do
– Take an application from Internet or your friend => F grade
– False claim of working prototype, fabricate performance data and
test cases => F grade
– Use other’s slides for presentation
• What you should do
– If used any open source code, acknowledge it in both your
source code and your report, and provide reference
– Extensively comment your code
– Follow good naming and coding conventions
– Use a source version control system, such as cvs, svn
– If your code does not work, acknowledge it in your report
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Project Report Requirement
• Report format: IEEE Transactions format. 4-10 pages
– MS Word Template
– LaTex Template
• (main text)
• (bibliography)
• Report due: Dec 13 mid-night
(electronic copy of the report & source code is required)
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Why Transaction Processing?
• To achieve a form of fault tolerance
– If something bad happens in a middle of a set of
operations, we abort and rollback to the original state
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Transaction and ACID Properties
A transaction is a collection of operations on the state of
an object (database, object composition, etc.) that satisfies
the following properties:
• Atomicity: All operations either succeed, or all of them fail. When
the transaction fails, the state of the object will remain unaffected by
the transaction.
• Consistency: A transaction establishes a valid state transition.
• Isolation: Concurrent transactions do not interfere with each other.
It appears to each transaction T that other transactions occur either
before T, or after T, but never both.
• Durability: After the execution of a transaction, its effects are made
permanent: changes to the state survive failures.
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Primitives for Transactions
Make the start of a transaction
Terminate the transaction and try to commit
Kill the transaction and restore the old values
Read data from a file, a table, or otherwise
Write data to a file, a table, or otherwise
reserve WP -> JFK;
reserve WP -> JFK;
reserve JFK -> Nairobi;
reserve JFK -> Nairobi;
reserve Nairobi -> Malindi;
reserve Nairobi -> Malindi full =>
Example transactions
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Transaction Classification
• Flat transactions: a sequence of operations that
satisfies the ACID properties (the most common one)
• Nested transactions: A hierarchy of transactions that
– Concurrent processing of subtransactions, and
– Recovery per subtransaction
• Distributed transactions: A (flat) transaction that span
multiple databases distributed across the network
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Implementation of Transactions
• Private workspace
• Writeahead log
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Private Workspace
A transaction gets its own copy of the (part of the) database. When things
go wrong delete copy, otherwise commit the changes to the original
The file index and
The situation after a
After committing
disk blocks for a
transaction has modified
three-block file block 0 and appended block 3
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Writeahead Log
Use a writeahead log in which changes are recorded allowing one to
roll back when things go wrong
x = 0;
y = 0;
x = x + 1;
x = y * y;
A transaction
Fall Semester 2006
[x = 0 / 1]
[x = 0 / 1]
[y = 0 / 2]
[x = 0 / 1]
[y = 0 / 2]
[x = 1 / 4]
The log before & after each statement is executed
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Concurrency Control
• Goal: Increase efficiency by allowing several transactions
to execute at the same time
• Constraint: Effect should be the same as if the
transactions were executed in some serial order
General organization of
managers for handling
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Concurrency Control
General organization of
managers for handling
distributed transactions
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
• Consider a collection E of transactions T1, … Tn
• Goal is to conduct a serializable execution of E:
– Transactions in E are possibly concurrently executed according to
some schedule S
– Schedule S is equivalent to some totally ordered execution of T1,
… Tn
• Two operations Op(Ti, x) and Op(Tj, x) on the same data
item x, and from a set of logs may conflict at a data
– read-write conflict (rw): One is a read operation while the other
is a write operation on x
– write-write conflict (ww): Both are write operations on x
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Basic Scheduling Theorem
• Concurrency control - process conflicting reads
and writes in certain relative orders
• Read-write and write-write conflicts can be
synchronized independently,
as long as we stick to a total ordering of
transactions that is consistent with both types of
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Synchronization Techniques
• Two-phase locking: Before reading or writing a data
item, a lock must be obtained. After a lock is released,
the transaction is not allowed to acquire any more locks
• Timestamp ordering: Operations in a transaction are
timestamped, and data managers are forced to handle
operations in timestamp order
• Optimistic control: Don’t prevent things from going
wrong, but correct the situation if conflicts actually did
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Two-phase Locking
• There are only READ and WRITE operations
within transactions
• Locks are granted and released only by
• Locking policy is to avoid conflicts between
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Two-phase Locking
• Rule 1: When client submits Op(Ti,x), scheduler tests
whether it conflicts with an operation Op(Tj,x) from some
other client. If no conflict then grant Op(Ti,x), otherwise
delay execution of Op(Ti,x)
– Conflicting operations are executed in the same order as that
locks are granted
• Rule 2: If Op(Ti,x) has been granted, do not release the
lock until Op(Ti,x) has been executed by data manager
– Guarantees LOCK => Op => RELEASE order
• Rule 3: If RELEASE(Ti,x) has taken place, no more
locks for Ti may be granted
– Combined with rule 1, guarantees that all pairs of conflicting
operations of two transactions are done in the same order
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Two-Phase Locking
Centralized 2PL: A single site handles all locks
Primary 2PL: Each data item is assigned a primary site to handle its locks. Data
is not necessarily replicated
Distributed 2PL: Assumes data can be replicated. Each primary is responsible
for handling locks for its data, which may reside at remote data managers
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Two-phase Locking: Problems
• Problem 1: System can come into a deadlock. How?
– Practical solution: put a timeout on locks and abort transaction on
• Problem 2: When should the scheduler actually release a lock:
– (1) when operation has been executed
– (2) when it knows that no more locks will be requested
• No good way of testing condition (2) unless transaction has been
committed or aborted
• Moreover: Assume the following execution sequence takes place:
RELEASE(Ti,x) => LOCK(Tj,x) => ABORT(Ti).
• Consequence: scheduler will have to abort Tj as well
(cascaded aborts)
• Solution: Release all locks only at commit/abort time
(strict two-phase locking)
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Strict Two-Phase Locking
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Two-Phase Commit – Achieving Atomicity
in Distributed Transactions
• Model: The client who initiated the computation acts as a
coordinator; processes required to commit are the
• Phase 1a: Coordinator sends VOTE_REQUEST to
participants (also called a pre-write)
• Phase 1b: When participant receives VOTE_REQUEST
it returns either YES or NO to coordinator.
If it sends NO, it aborts its local computation
• Phase 2a: Coordinator collects all votes;
if all are YES, it sends COMMIT to all participants,
otherwise it sends ABORT
• Phase 2b: Each participant waits for COMMIT or ABORT
and handles accordingly
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
Two-Phase Commit
The finite state
machine for the
coordinator in 2PC
Fall Semester 2006
The finite state
machine for a
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
2PC – Failing Participant
Consider participant crash in one of its states, and
the subsequent recovery to that state:
• Initial state: No problem, as participant was unaware of
the protocol
• Ready state: Participant is waiting to either commit or
abort. After recovery, participant needs to know which
state transition it should make => log the coordinator’s
• Abort state: Need to make entry into abort state
• Commit state: Also make entry into commit state
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
2PC – Failing Coordinator
• If it fails, the final decision is not available until the
coordinator recovers
• Alternative: Let a participant P in the ready state
timeout when it hasn’t received the coordinator’s
– P tries to find out what other participants know
• Question: Can P not succeed in getting the required
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao
2PC – Failing Coordinator
• Question: Can P not succeed in getting the required
• Observation: Essence of the problem is that a
recovering participant cannot make a local decision: it is
dependent on other (possibly failed) processes
– There might exist one participant that has received a COMMIT
decision from the coordinator and subsequently failed (more or
less concurrently failed with the coordinator)
– The rest of participants cannot unilaterally decide to abort the
Fall Semester 2006
EEC-681: Distributed Computing Systems
Wenbing Zhao