Hydroclimate Variability : Diagnosis Prediction and Application Balaji Rajagopalan Department of Civil, Encironmental and Architectural Engineering And Co-operative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) University of Colorado Boulder, CO Fall 2003 A Water Resources Management Perspective Inter-decadal Decision Analysis: Risk + Values T • Facility Planning i – Reservoir, Treatment Plant Size m e • Policy + Regulatory Framework Climate – Flood Frequency, Water Rights, 7Q10 flow H o r i z o n • Operational Analysis – Reservoir Operation, Flood/Drought Preparation • Emergency Management – Flood Warning, Drought Response Data: Historical, Paleo, Scale, Models Hours Weather Climate Variability • Daily • Annual • Diurnal cycle • Seasonal cycle • Inter-annual to Interdecadal • Ocean-atmosphere coupled modes (ENSO, NAO, PDO) • Centennial • Millenial • Thermohaline circulation • Milankovich cycle (earth’s orbital and precision) Ann Max Flow American River at Fair Oaks - Ann. Max. Flood 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 1900 1920 1940 1960 Year 100 yr flood estimated from 21 & 51 yr moving windows 1980 2000 Modeling Framework What Drives Year to Year Variability in regional Hydrology? (Floods, Droughts etc.) Diagnosis Hydroclimate Predictions – Scenario Generation (Nonlinear Time Series Tools, Watershed Modeling) Decision Support System (Evaluate decision strategies Under uncertainty) Forecast Application Research Activities • Long Term Salinity Modeling on the Colorado River Basin (USBR, CADSWES) • Spring Streamflow forecasts on the Truckee / Carson Basin – Applications to Water Management (USBR Truckee Office, CADSWES) • Interdecadal Variability of Thailand and Indian Summer Monsoon • Seasonal Cycle Shifts in Western US Hydroclimatology and Flood Forecasting (NSF, NOAA/WWA) Research Activities.. • Tools for short term and long term streamflow forecasting and water management Decision Support System (CIRES/Western Water Assessment, NOAA, USGS) • Infrastructure Reliability Estimation under Hurricane Hazards (NSF, Profs. Corotis and Frangopol) Collaborators • Edith Zagona, Terry Fulp - CADSWES • Martyn Clark, Subhrendu Gangopadhyay - CIRES • NOAA - Western Water Assessment (WWA) • Katrina Grantz, James Prairie, David Neumann, Satish Regonda, Yeonsang Hwang, Nkrintra Singhrattna, Somkiat, Apipattanavis, Adam Hobson Courses • CVEN 3323 (Fall) HydraulicEngineering Pipe Network Design, Pumps, Open Channel flow Hydrology • CVEN 5333 (Fall) Physical Hydrology Hydrologic processes – Precipitation, Infiltration, Evapotranspiration, Runoff, Flood frequency analysis • CVEN 5833 (Spring) Advanced Data Analysis Techniques probability density estimation, Monte Carlo, bootstrap, Time series analysis, Regression analysis • CVEN 5454 Quantitative Methods Basic Probability and Statistics; Numerical Methods • CVEN 6833 (Spring 04) Hydroclimatology Large scale climate features (El Nino etc.), implications to regional hydrology, diagnosis from observed data, hydroclimate forecasts, global change ENSO as a “free” mode of the coupled oceanatmosphere dynamics in the Tropical Pacific Ocean The Asymmetric Response to El Nino and La Nina and a “Green’s Function” of Precipitation Response to SST anomalies Positive NAO •Stonger than usual •Subtropical High •Deeper than Normal Icelandic Low •Warm and Wet Winters in Europe •Cold and Dry Winters in N. Canada •Eastern US – Mild and Wet Winter The Time Series and Positive Phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation Winter NAO Summer (JJA) PDSI correlations with winter (DJF) NINO3 Ann Max Flow American River at Fair Oaks - Ann. Max. Flood 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 1900 1920 1940 1960 Year 100 yr flood estimated from 21 & 51 yr moving windows 1980 2000 Ratio of # days exceeding 50th & 90th %, El Nino vs La Nina Ratio of # days exceeding 90th %, El Nino & La Nina vs Neutral Source: Cayan et al, Journal of Climate, September 1999 Significant Differences in Atlantic Hurricane attributes relative to NINO3 phases Rajagopalan et al., 2000 Motivation • Colorado River Basin – arid and semi-arid climates – irrigation demands for agriculture • “Law of the River” – Mexico Treaty Minute No. 242 – Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Act of 1974 Motivation • Salinity Control Forum – Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 – Fixed numerical salinity criteria • 723 mg/L below Hoover Dam • 747 mg/L below Parker Dam • 879 mg/L at Imperial Dam • review standards on 3 year intervals – Develop basin wide plan for salinity control Salinity Damages and Control Efforts • Damages are presently, aprox. $330 million/year • As of 1998 salinity control projects has removed an estimated 634 Ktons of salt from the river – total expenditure through 1998 $426 million • Proposed projects will remove an additional 390 Ktons – projects additional expenditure $170 million • Additional 453 Ktons of salinity controls needed by 2015 Data taken from Quality of Water, Progress Report 19, 1999 & Progress Report 20,2001 Sources of Salinity • Natural Salt – Water flowing over rocks, sediments, etc. (increased Flows increased salinity) • Anthropogenic – return flows from agriculture, runoff from basins (more development increased salinity) (hard to quantify) • Large portion of salinity (roughly 60 ~ 70%) is natural Existing Colorado River Simulation System (CRSS) • Includes three interconnected models – salt regression model • USGS salt model – stochastic natural flow model • index sequential method – simulation model of entire Colorado River basin • implemented in RiverWare Existing Salt Model Over-Prediction Research Objectives • Investigate and improve the models for Simulation of natural salt Variability (Prairie et al., 2003) Simulating Natural Hydrologic Variability (Natural Flows) (Prairie et al. 2003) Case Study Area • Historic flow from 1906 - 95 • Historic salt from 1941 - 95 USGS gauge 09072500 (Colorado River near Glenwood Springs, CO) Comparison with Observed Historic Salt Prairie et al., 2003 USGS Natural Salt from the Nonparametric Model + Uncertainty CRSS Simulation Model for Future Prediction synthetic natural flow flow associated synthetic natural salt mass • Natural flows based on 1906-1995 salt • Natural salt model based on 1941-1995 future agriculture consumptive use irrigated lands agricultural salt loadings salt removed with exports future exports future municipal and industrial • Projected depletions 2002-2062 • Constant Ag salt loading of 137,000 tons/year • Constant salt removal with exports of 100 mg/L/year USGS stream gauge 09072500 simulated future flow simulated future salt mass Stochastic Planning Runs Projected Future Flow and Salt Mass • Passing gauge 09072500 • Based on 1906-1995 natural flows • 1941-1995 monthly salt models • Simulating 2002 to 2062 Policy Analysis Future Projections > 750,000 tons salt > 600 mg/L salt concentration Future Work • Extend the Flow and Salt Model to the entire basin (This is being done currently) • Improve modeling the “Reservoir effects” • Assess planning and management strategies in light of Salt projections in the Basin Ensemble Forecast of Spring Streamflows on the Truckee and Carson Rivers Study Area WINNEMUCCA LAKE (dry) NEVADA CALIFORNIA PYRAMID LAKE Nixon Stillwater NWR Derby Dam STAMPEDE Reno/Sparks INDEPENDENCE DONNER Fernley Newlands Project Farad MARTIS Carson City Ft Churchill Tahoe City LAKE TAHOE Fallon TRUCKEE RIVER BOCA PROSSER Truckee TRUCKEE CANAL CARSON RIVER LAHONTAN CARSON LAKE Motivation • USBR needs good seasonal forecasts on Truckee and Carson Rivers • Forecasts determine how storage targets will be met on Lahonton Reservoir to supply Newlands Project Truckee Canal Outline of Approach • Climate Diagnostics To identify large scale features correlated to Spring flow in the Truckee and Carson Rivers • Ensemble Forecast Stochastic Models conditioned on climate indicators (Parametric and Nonparametric) • Application Demonstrate utility of improved forecast to water management Annual Cycle of Flows Fall Climate Correlations Carson Spring Flow 500 mb Geopotential Height Sea Surface Temperature Winter Climate Correlations Truckee Spring Flow 500 mb Geopotential Height Sea Surface Temperature Climate Composites High-Low Flow Sea Surface Temperature Vector Winds Precipitation Correlation Geopotential Height Correlation SST Correlation Flow - NINO3 / Geopotential Height Relationship Hydrologic Forecasting • • • • Conditional Statistics of Future State, given Current State Current State: Dt : (xt, xt-t, xt-2 t, …xt-d1t, yt, yt- t, yt-2t, …yt-d2t) Future State: xt+T Forecast: g(xt+T) = f(Dt) – where g(.) is a function of the future state, e.g., mean or pdf – and f(.) is a mapping of the dynamics represented by Dt to g(.) – Challenges • Composition of Dt • Identify g(.) given Dt and model structure – For nonlinear f(.) , Nonparametric function estimation methods used • • • • K-nearest neighbor Local Regression Regression Splines Neural Networks Wet Years: 1994-1999 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Precipitation 1994 1995 1996 1994 1995 1996 1997 1997 1998 1998 1999 1999 Precipitation and Climate • Overprediction w/o Climate (1995, 1996) – Might release water for flood control– stuck in spring with not enough water • Underprediction w/o Climate (1998) Dry Years: 1987-1992 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1987 1988 1989 1987 1988 1989 Precipitation 1990 1991 1990 Precipitation and Climate • Overprediction w/o Climate (1998, 991) – Might not implement necessary drought precautions in sufficient time 1991 1992 1992 Fall Prediction w/ Climate 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Wet Years 1987 1988 1989 1987 1988 1989 1990 1990 1991 1991 1992 1992 Dry Years • Fall Climate forecast captures whether season will be above or below average • Results comparable to winter forecast w/o climate Simple Water Balance St = St-1 + It - Rt • St-1 is the storage at time ‘t-1’, It is the inflow at time ‘t’ and Rt is the release at time ‘t’. • Method to test the utility of the model • Pass Ensemble forecasts (scenarios) for It • Gives water managers a quick look at how much storage they will have available at the end of the season – to evluate decision strategies For this demonstration, • Assume St-1=0, Rt= 1/2(avg. Inflowhistorical) Water Balance 1995 Storage 1995 K-NN Ensemble PDF Historical PDF Truckee-Carson RiverWare Model Future Work • Stochastic Model for Timing of the Runoff Disaggregate Spring flows to monthly flows. • Statistical Physical Model Couple PRMS with stochastic weather generator (conditioned on climate info.) • Test the utility of these approaches to water management using the USBR operations model in RiverWare Initial Study Area: 6 reservoirs in # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Jaguaribe-Metropolitano Hidrossytem # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # $ %U T # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # T $ T $ # #% U# T $ # # # # # # U % # # Reservatório T 0- 54 $ T 54 -148 $ # # # # # # #% U ##$ T# # # # # # $$T T # # # Fortaleza % U S # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## S # T $ # # S # S # # # # T $ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # T# %U $ # # # # ## # Oros Reservoir # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # N # # # # # # # # 1001 -4725 4726 -9705 # 9706 -21909 # 21910 -48163 # 48164 -465319 Demanda U 0.3 % U 0.3- 0.57 % U 0.57- 4 % % U 4- 5.11 % U 5.11- 9.14 S NódePassagem # Link Canais.shp Rios.shp Açudespol.shp Bacia.shp # # # 175 -480 # # # # T $ 480 -1940 T $ População.dbf # % U % U #% U # T $ 148 -175 W E # # S Jaguaribe 80% irrigation 20% municipal Mainly in Aug To November Metropolitan 80% Municipal 20% Irrigation Uniform distribution Over the year Seasonality of Oros Inflow Flow (m^3/s) 400 Mean 350 Median 300 Quantile (75) Quantile (25) 250 Quantile (90) 200 Quantile (10) 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Month Seasonality of rain determined by N-S migration of the ITCZ Rain Start: ITCZ reaches Southernmost (Feb) + January Cold Fronts Rain End: ITCZ migrates N of Equator (June-July) Predictors for Ceara Rainfall/Flow Factors that Affect the ITCZ dynamics – State of Tropical Pacific: El Nino – State of the tropical Atlantic 90 Marginal 90% 80 70 Per90% Per75% 60 Per50% Marginal 75% 50 Per25% Per10% 40 Obs 30 Marginal 50% 20 10 Marginal 25% Marginal 10% 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Oros Annual Flow Forecast from previous July – model fit 1914-1991, k=30 Correlation (Median==Obs)=0.91 Seasonal Cycle Shifts in Annual Cycle of Streamflows Key Points • Low Frequency Climate Variability (LFV) on interannual to centenial time scales is a significant part of “natural” variability in the climate system. – A few large-scale climate forcings (“modes”) contribute to MOST of the LFV – ENSO, NAO, PDO – The forcings have large-scale spatial structure and modulate regional climate • These forcings manifest into LFV in regional hydroclimate variables – – – – Droughts Floods (mean flows, maximum flows, flood frequency) Seasonal Temperature and Precipitation and their spells Storm days • Implications for – – – – Regional Flood-frequency analyses Resources planning/management Hazard management/response strategies Hydroclimate modeling of watersheds and river basins Research Directions • Drought Severity – Longer Records/Tree Rings for diagnosis – Time Scale for Forecasting? Statistical Properties of Drought ? • Operational Analyses – Seasonal Supply & Demand • P, T, Q => Attributes to Forecast ? • Role of Groundwater ? • Seasonal Low Flow Attributes • Low Frequency variations in flood probabilities – Nonstationarity => Risk analysis, Regionalization – Seasonal Forecast Possibility => Disaster insurance and planning • Theoretical and Conceptual Models – Predictability => Concepts and Assessment – Framework: Dynamics of Variability & Mechanisms <= Role of Numerical, Conceptual and Stochastic Models Publications / References • 2 MS Thesis http://cadswes.colorado.edu/ (go to publications) • http://civil.colorado.edu/~balajir (go to publications) ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering Water Resources Research, AMS Journal of Hydrometeorology, AMS Journal of Climate • http://cires.colorado.edu (go to Wester Water Assessment) • http://www.cdc.noaa.gov/