K-Isomers in the transfermium region Barbara Sulignano Ultimate goal: Where is the next shell gap in the superheavy region ? Probe : K isomers in very heavy nuclei (Z~100 and N ~152) Experimental technique Prompt and delayed spectroscopy of Perspectives Instruments of the future CEA DSM Dapnia SPhN 254,252No Chart of nuclei Production of SHE s ~ 1pb Nuclear structure investigation s~ 0.3-3 mb CEA DSM Dapnia SphN Nilsson single particle energies / MeV • Protons, Z = 110 • Neutrons, N = 162 • • • 1i11/2 • 1j13/2 • 3p1/2 • 1k17/2 • 2h11/2 • 3p3/2 • 2f5/2 • 3d3/2 • 4s1/2 • 2g7/2 • 3d5/2 • 2f7/2 • 1h9/2 • 1i13/2 ž ž [N n z ] 1/2 9/2 [404] 7/2 [413] 5/2 5/2 [422] 7/2 3/2 [431] 9/2 1/2 [440] 3/2 g9/2 • 1j15/2 • 2g9/2 • 1i11/2 • P. Möller et al, 1997 CEA DSM Dapnia SphN Spherical Prolate Single particle energies at Z = 100, N = 152 Mean field with SLy4, M. Bender et al. CEA DSM Dapnia SphN Macroscopic-microscopic model, A. Sobiczewski et al. Problem : Position of shell gaps are model dependant Experimental investigations are necessary •Beta decay •In-beam spectroscopy of odd nuclei •Isomeric decay K-isomer CEA DSM Dapnia SphN What we can learn from K-isomers • Information about Nilsson level energy gaps – E.g. Is the energy gap at Z=102 or Z=100? For the gap at Z=102 the low lying p-p states should be observed. • Influence on stability of super heavy elements – Isomeric state may be a key factor in enhanced stability of these nuclei when isomeric lifetime exceeds the g.s. lifetime. Experimental information see e.g. 270Ds or 250No. Supported also by theory. F.R. Xu et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 252501 (2004) • Pair gap – The pairing interaction is one of the most important residual and is still not described satisfactory • Rotational states – Study of populated rotational states built on g.s. or isomeric states CEA DSM Dapnia SphN What is a K isomer? Why K isomers occur? • Deformed nucleus • Breaking of particle pairs at Fermi Surface • Excitation energy of quasi-particle: Collective rotation Single particle K is the Projection of Total Intrinsic angular momentum on the symmetry axis E ( ) 2 2 K = Ω1+ Ω2 π = π1π2 Ω2π2 Isomers decay by: Fermi surface electron conversion, Ω1π1 Ωπ[NnzΛ] gamma emission, particle emission (p, a, +, -) SF CEA DSM Dapnia SphN ground state 2-qp state Isomer Identification Spontaneous fission – 250No D. Peterson et al. Phys. Rev. C74 014316 (2006) only tentative assignment is possible T1/2=43 ms T1/2=3.7 ms ? g Direct measurements of the electromagnetic transitions in the nucleus are necessary - Lifetimes -Decay mode -Energies of transitions - Branching ratios With high enough statistic one can obtain all possible information!!! - Energy of excited levels - Spin & parity - Deformations CEA DSM Dapnia SphN Techniques Prompt spectroscopy At target position beam g Filter recoil TOF faisceau g det Isomer t Si -det 1) Recoil implanted in pixel of DSSD 2) Gamma-rays at target position in coincidence with recoil Rotational bands built on gs or K-isomer g.s. CEA DSM Dapnia SphN Delayed spectroscopy At focal plane Isomer t g /e- Filter beam Target recoil TOF 1) Recoil implanted in pixel of DSSD 2) Burst of conversion electrons in same pixel from isomer decay 3) Gamma-rays in coincidence with electron burst 4) Recoil decays in same pixel by alpha/fission Isomeric decay. Key idea was to tag on isomer by searching for burst of conversion electrons and using a single pixel as a calorimeter. G.D. Jones (Liverpool), NIM A 488 471 (2002)8 CEA DSM Dapnia SphN g g.s. a t Evidence for K-Isomers in 48Ca + 206Pb 252No 252No at SHIP (GSI) + 2n s (252No) = (426 ± 2) nb Kp= 8- Kp= 2- a) Re- g(e-) b) Re – g (e-)- a c) Re – g (e-) Sf CEA DSM Dapnia SphN Kp= 0+ B.Sulignano et al. EPJ (2007) Evidence for K-Isomers in 252No Two-quasi-particle neutron states: (5/2+[622] 9/2-[734]) 2- - 929 keV (7/2+[624] 9/2-[734]) 8- - 1254 keV W-S calculation of levels in 252No 11/2- [725] -5.50 7/2+ [613] -5.72 3/2+ [622] -5.78 -5.93 1/2+ [620] Kp= 8- Kp= 2- 152 9/2- [734] -7.00 Fermi level -7.31 -7.57 -8.07 150 7/2+ [624] 5/2+ [622] 1/2+ [613] B.Sulignano et al. EPJ (2007) CEA DSM Dapnia SphN K-Isomers of 48Ca +208Pb 254No 254No at RITU s (254No) = (2050 ± 460) nb Delayed Re-gamma-electron coincidence for the short lived isomer. Kp= 16+ T1/2 = 275 (7) ms Delayed Re-gamma-electron coincidence for the short lived isomer. Kp= 8T1/2 = 198 (13) ms Kp= 3+ 254 102 CEA DSM Dapnia SphN No152 Herzberg et al. Nature 442, 896 (2006) C.Gray-Jones et B.Sulignano, PRL to be published K-Isomers of 254No Two-quasi-particle proton states: (1/2-[521] 7/2-[514]) 3+ - 988 keV Kp= 16+ (9/2+[624] 7/2-[514]) 8- - 1293 keV W-S calculation of levels in 254No 5/2- [512] -1.87 106 -2.54 -2.81 Fermi level -3.28 104 102 9/2+ [624] 7/2- [514] 1/2- [521] 100 -4.11 -4.49 CEA DSM Dapnia SphN 98 7/2+ [633] 3/2- [521] Kp= 8Kp= 3+ 254 102 No152 R.-D. Herzberg et al., Nature 442 (2006) 896-899 Systematics for N=150, N=152 known isotones CEA DSM Dapnia SphN 7/2+ 11/2– 9/2+ 7/2– 1/2– 100 152 Z 100 Fermi level N 100 Z 7/2+ 11/2– 9/2+ 7/2– 1/2– 250Fm 7/2+ 3/2– 1/2+ CEA DSM Dapnia SphN 7/2+ 11/2– 3/2+ 1/2+ 152 7/2+ 9/2– 3/2– 1/2+ 7/2+ 5/2+ N 7/2+ 5/2+ N 100 9/2– Z Fermi level 9/2– 9/2+ 7/2– 1/2– 3/2+ 1/2+ 152 Fermi level 152 3/2– 1/2+ 7/2+ 5/2+ 254No 3/2+ 1/2+ 7/2+ 9/2– 3/2– 1/2+ 7/2+ 11/2– 9/2+ 7/2– 1/2– 3/2+ 1/2+ 7/2+ Z 252No 7/2+ 5/2+ N 252Fm Can modern theories reproduce experiments ? n p X data CEA DSM Dapnia SphN J.P. Delaroche et al., NPA 771 (06) 103 Summary The study of deformed nuclei in the region of Nobelium through the use of in beam and focal plane decay spectroscopy isomeric states have been observed in 250,252, 254No and 250Fm Investigation of deformed shell gaps Determination of the single particle orbitals Long term goal Location of the next closed proton and neutron closed spherical shells above 208Pb. Excitation energies and configurations of two quasi particle states = stringent test for current nuclear structure models. Planned investigation: Z=102 isotopes 252No (RITU 2008) Structure the K-isomer (neutron or proton?) N=150, 152 isotones like CEA DSM Dapnia SphN 254.256Rf OUTLOOK • S3 (Super Separator Spectrometer): very high intensity stable beams of SPIRAL2 ranging from 1pµA up to 1pmA . Synthesis (Z>118) and delayed Spectroscopy (Z>106) of SHE Examples : 58Fe + 208Pb 264Hs + 2n (σ=60pb) 32S + 238U 266Hs +4n (σ= ? pb) CEA DSM Dapnia SphN OUTLOOK • SAGE (Silicon And Germanium): electron detection coupled with JUROGAM gamma detector spectroscopy of odd nuclei dominated by highly converted M1 transition CEA DSM Dapnia SphN