Ladybugs By: Mrs. Wilson April 26, 2007 Appearance Ladybugs come in many colors A ladybugs head has a shield A ladybugs body has two sets of wings, inner and outer wings Not all ladybug wings have spots Ladybugs have 6 legs Diet Aphids are a main source of food Can eat 100 aphids a day Habitat Ladybugs live on leaves They look for leaves with plenty of aphids Ladybugs love fruit tree leaves Metamorphosis Is complete Egg Larvae Molts three times Pupa Adult ladybug Three Amazing Facts Ladybugs molt three times Can eat 100 aphids in one day Just one dozen ladybugs can save a fruit tree from being ruined by insect pests Comprehension Questions Why are ladybugs heroes? What and how much will a ladybug eat in a day? What is the ladybugs life cycle? How many times does a ladybug molt? Work Cited California Department of Education Standards for my unit United Streaming Ladybug in a jar Google url= start=181&tbnid=P8iYEBu4WXnmGM:&tbnh=85&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dladybugs%26start%3D18 0%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN Ladybug Life Cycle Google Ladybug Anatomy Google Ladybug on a leaf