ROTARY DISTRICT 5870 Club Leader / Committee Training (District Assembly) Central Texas College Killeen, Texas April 12, 2014 ROTARY’S CORE VALUES Rotary's core values represent the guiding principles of our organization's culture, including what guides members' priorities and actions within Rotary. As you will see, these values are an important component in our strategic plan because they drive the intent and direction of the district's leadership team. Service We believe that our service activities and programs bring about greater world understanding and peace. Service is a major element of our mission. Through the plans and actions of individual clubs, we create a culture of service throughout our organization that provides unparalleled satisfaction for those who serve. Fellowship We believe that individual efforts focus on individual needs, but combined efforts serve humanity. The power of combined efforts knows no limitation, multiplies resources, and broadens our lives and perspectives. Fellowship leads to tolerance and transcends racial, national, and other boundaries. Diversity We believe Rotary unifies all people internationally behind the ideal of service. We encourage diversity of vocations within our membership and in our activities and service work. A club that reflects its business and professional community is a club with a key to its future. Integrity We are committed to and expect accountability from our leaders and fellow members, both in the results of our efforts and in the processes we use to accomplish our goals. We adhere to high ethical and professional standards in our work and personal relationships. We are fair and respectful in our interactions, and we conscientiously steward the resources entrusted to us. Leadership We are a global fellowship of individuals who are leaders in their fields of endeavor. We believe in the importance of leadership development and in leadership as a quality of our members. As Rotarians, we are leaders in implementing our core values. Rotary District 5870 Club Leader/Committee Training Agenda April 12, 2014 Purpose: The purpose of the district assembly is to provide Rotary Club leaders with the necessary skills, knowledge and motivation to: Support and Strengthen their Rotary Club Focus and Increase Humanitarian Service Enhance Public Image and Awareness 8:00 am -8:30 am Registration 8:30 am- 9:15 am Opening Plenary Session Call to Order/Logistics Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Introduction Welcome Engage Rotary, Change Lives Remarks for 2014-2015 Room 1069 Room 1075 Rob Glass Oliver Smith Sarah Carriker Pat O’Farrell DGE Hanspeter Tobler RI President-elect Gary Huang DGE Hanspeter Tobler 9:15 am -9:30 am Break 9:30 am - 10:45 am Presidents-elect (2014-2015) DGE Hanspeter Tobler Discussion and Approval of the 2013-2014 District Budget Presidential Citation Continue work on Planning Guide and Goals Club Visits Room 1075 Club Secretary (Resource – Club Secretary Manual) District Secretary Steve Walden/Bruce Golden Responsibilities of the Club Secretary Member Access/Reporting Requirements Club Runner Governing Documents Club Bulletin Presidential Citation Room 1082 Membership (Resource – Club Membership Manual) District Membership Chair Dave Edwards Responsibilities Membership Recruitment and Diversity Retention of Members Setting Membership Goals Room 1072 Public Image (Resource – Club Public Relations Manual) District PR Chair Gene Holiman/AG Teresa Chavez Responsibilities Qualifications for committee members Working with the media & press releases Attracting positive media attention Social Media Texting Jennifer McCann Setting PR Goals Presidential Citation Room 1070 The Rotary Foundation (Resource – Club Rotary Foundation Manual) DRFC Ken Adam/PolioPlus Chair Kelly Barr Responsibilities Rotary Foundation Programs Funding of Foundation Programs Stewardship of Rotary Foundation Funds Annual Programs Fund and Permanent Fund Setting Rotary Foundation Goals Presidential Citation Room 1080 Youth Services (Resource – Individual Program Handbooks) Room 1071 Youth Services Chair Suresh Pahwa Overview Suresh Pahwa Youth Protection Ed Martin EarlyAct/FirstKnight Mary Reynolds Interact KC Smith Rotaract Amy Bawcom and Martha Myers Scouting Carl Cummins 11:00 am - 12:15 pm Club Secretary (Resource – Club Secretary Manual) District Secretary Steve Walden/Bruce Golden Responsibilities of the Club Secretary Member Access/Reporting Requirements Club Runner Governing Documents Club Bulletin Presidential Citation Room 1082 Club Treasurer (Resource – Club Treasurer Manual) District Treasurer Gene Silverblatt Responsibilities Fundraising activities Club Budgets Role with Rotary Foundation Contributions Club Finances & Tax Requirements Use and Purpose of Dues Remitting RI and District Dues Room 1073 Membership (Resource – Club Membership Manual) District Membership Chair Dave Edwards Responsibilities Membership Recruitment and Diversity Retention of Members Setting Membership Goals Room 1072 Fundraising Tom Perkins, Jr. Responsibilities Guidelines ABC’s of Fundraising Room 1070 The Rotary Foundation Grant Management Refresher Room 1080 DRFC Ken Adam Responsibilities Rotary Foundation Programs Funding of Foundation Programs Stewardship of Rotary Foundation Funds Annual Programs Fund and Permanent Fund Setting Rotary Foundation Goals Presidential Citation (Resource – Club Rotary Foundation Manual) Youth Services (Resource – Individual Program Handbooks) Youth Services Chair Suresh Pahwa Overview Suresh Pahwa Youth Protection Ed Martin Youth Exchange Jennifer Graham RYLA Carroll Sharp 12:30 pm- 2:00 pm Lunch Program – Food, Fellowship and Networking Room 1071 Campus Center STRATEGIC PLAN (Effective March 2012) ROTARY INTERNATIONAL Rotary International is a network of inspired individuals who seek to translate their passion for humanitarian service into relevant action that changes lives in both their communities and around the world. VISION Rotarians worldwide will be recognized for commitment to service above self to advance world understanding, good will, and peace. MISSION District 5870 exists solely to support local clubs. Our mission is to organize district leadership, communications, and programs with a view of enhancing local Rotary Club leadership to evolve clubs consistent with the Rotary Effective Club Model. CORE VALUES District 5870 is committed to Rotary's five core values which represent the guiding principles of our culture and help set our priorities. 1. Service. We seek to have our service activities and programs bring about greater world peace and understanding. 2. Fellowship. We believe that our combined efforts serve humanity and know no limitations, multiplies resources and broadens our lives and perspectives. 3. Diversity. We seek to have our membership reflect the business, professional, ethnic, cultural, gender and age diversity of Central Texas. 4. Integrity. We are committed to, and expect accountability and high ethical standards from, our leaders and fellow members, both in the results of our efforts and in the processes we use to achieve them. 5. Leadership. We believe in the importance of leadership development and in leadership as an indispensible quality of our members. STRATEGIC ANALYSIS District 5870 has identified significant internal strengths and weakness, and external opportunities and threats that impact our ability to achieve our primary goals. District Strengths 1. Experienced Rotarians with strong leadership skills exist throughout District 5870. 2. Our commitment to New Generations service promotes the positive change that comes from youth and young adults involved in leadership development activities, and community and international. 3. Our long-term bilateral relationship with District 4130 facilitates the District’s ability to undertake meaningful international humanitarian service. 4. Our overall financial support of The Rotary Foundation provides the District with adequate resources to participate in the full spectrum of Foundation programs. District Weaknesses 1. Inadequate membership retention rates minimize the effect of our new member recruiting efforts. 2. The lack of ethnic, cultural and gender diversity in our membership reduces our ability to attract and retain talented people of all backgrounds. 3. Weak nurturing has produced a number of struggling, ineffective new clubs. 4. The lack of a defined process for developing leaders diminishes the number of Rotarians prepared to serve at both the Club and District level. 5. Ineffective communications down to the individual Rotarian level hampers our ability to get the most from their membership. 6. Our Public Image program has not significantly raised awareness of Rotary’s action-oriented humanitarian efforts among the general public, media, and local government officials. 7. A number of our clubs do not contribute yearly to the Annual Programs Fund. 8. A number of our clubs are not working toward achieving a minimum annual per capita contribution of $100. 9. Interact, Rotaract and Early Act, First Knight--not yet dispersed to District clubs. Opportunities 1. The rapidly growing population in most areas of the District provides a large pool of potential members. 2. The robust ethnic and cultural nature of this population provides a solid basis to increase the diversity of the District’s membership.. 3. Relationships developed at multi-District and Zone level programs provide the basis for enhanced working relationships with neighboring Districts. 4. An improving economic outlook enhances our ability to increase contributions to The Rotary Foundation. Threats 1. Resistance to implementing change endangers the District’s ability to remain as a vibrant force for good. 2. The aging of our leadership endangers the relevancy to younger generations. DISTRICT PRIORITY GOALS Into the near future, District 5870 will focus its primary efforts to achieve the following five priority goals: 1. Provide leadership to successfully transition to Future Vision 2. Focus on and increase Humanitarian Service 3. Increase support for The Rotary Foundation 4. Focus membership on growing diversity within Rotary Clubs 5. Enhance the Districts’ public image IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 1. The District Governor has the responsibility to organize and establish an annual Plan of Action (POA) to address the priority goals set out in this plan. This plan will contain measures of performance that quantitatively tell us whether or not we are making progress to achieving these goals. 2. The District shall establish a Strategic Planning Monitoring Committee, chaired by the District Governor which will meet quarterly to review progress toward achieving the priority goals. The committee will consist of: a. District Governor and Immediate Past District Governor b. District Governor-elect, Governor Nominee, and Nominee-designate c. District Foundation Chair d. District Membership Chair The priority goals established in this plan remain in force until changed. However, the plan is dynamic in nature and designed so that future District Governors can modify it as needs change over time.