
Binary Search and Binary Tree
• Binary Search
• Heap
• Binary Tree
Search on Data
• Search is one of fundamentals in computer science
• It consists of methods to quickly answer the question, “is
there this in the data?” (called query)
 One way is to use buckets and hashes
• We here approach this problem not from the way of
memorizing the data but from the search method
Consult a Dictionary
• We will find out the position of a word in the dictionary
• How do we do this?
+ check all words one by one from the beginning
 called linear scan; O(n) time
+ open an arbitral page
if the word is not there, check the former/latter half
 faster than linear scan; the candidate pages are refined
Binary Search
• For conciseness, we assume that data is a collection of numbers
• As preparation, sort the data
Let s be the position (index) of 1st number, and t be that of the last
• For query of finding q, we first look at the center
 if the center is q, answer the position
 if not, compare q and center to refine the area to be searched
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Refine the Search Area
• The center > q
 q must be in the left side
 set t to the position just before the center
• The center < q
 q must be in the right side
 set s to the position just after the center
• When t < s, end
• Search space is refined to half and half, iteratively
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Computation time for Binary Search
• In each iteration, the search area becomes half or less
 after at most log2 n iterations, the search area will be of
length one, and the search will terminate
 computation time is O(log2 n), that is optimal in the sense of
complexity theory
• No need of large extra memory, just two variables and the
input data of O(n) (called “in place”)
• So, very good
• On the following number sequence, perform a binary search for
queries of finding 8,17 and 19 (trace the movements of s and t )
Weak Points of Array Data
• Array needs long time (O(n) time) to keep the increasing order
for insertion and deletion at a random position
• If we use a list instead of arrays, we can insert/delete in O(1)
time, but needs long time (O(n) time) to find the center of the
• In general, it is not trivial to attain efficiency for both search
and insertion/deletion
• … however, there are some ways
Finding the minimum
• We begin with, fast insertion/deletion, and fast search for
minimum value, as a first step
+ store several (many) numeric values
+ insertion of new value, and deletion of a value in the data
structure has to be done quickly
+ the minimum value among the values in the data can be found
• Generally, a data structure having these functions are called heap
Determine the Winner
• Determine the fastest runner in a school
• They can not run at once, thus each class determine its fastest;
then, we can find the fastest among the class-fastest
• The class-fastest is also determined by classifying the students
in smaller groups
• For determining the strongest football team, two teams can
play at once, thus we have a knockout system
Finding the Minimum
• Let’s have the same for numeric values (knockout system)
• … after the determination, the minimum would be changed
when we modify a value; how can we update?
• ”A non-minimum value gets smaller” is easy; just compare the
value and the minimum.
It means that we have to keep only the minimum, for this
• When the minimum value increases
(or we delete it), we may have to
re-compute everything?
Re-computation is NOT Whole
• Where do we have to re-compute, when a minimum increases
(and becomes non-minimum?)
 actually, it is not all
• The results above the modified value can change, and others never
• In the opposite view, the result which has the modified value
below has to be checked
Time for Re-computation
• How long is the time for re-computation?
 it’s linear in the height of the knockout system tree
(this tree is often called heap tree)
• #teams that are not knocked out increases exponentially, by
going down the tree from the top
• So, we take at most log2n +1 steps to get the bottom level
• The time for re-computation is O(log n )
Insertion and Deletion
• We keep that the left branch is always no less than the right,
everywhere in the tree
• To insert a new value to the heap, we put it at the right most
position of the bottom level
(or, the leftmost of new level if there is no space)
• To delete a value, assign the value of the
rightmost of the bottom level to the position
to be deleted, and reduce the size by one
• Both needs O(log n) time
Realize Heap
• To realize the heap, we may need something to structure
 shall we use cell & pointers as list?
• Actually, this is a good way
Representing the adjacency relation by the pointers, to up, right
child, and left child
• However, actually, we can do this
without pointers
Structure by Array
• Trace the heap from top to down, and trace each level from left
to right, and put indices to the nodes from 0
 When #leaves is n, the size of array is 2n-2
• Then, actually, the index of the parent/children can be
computed in an arithmetic way
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The Index of Adjacent Cell
• The index of the cell adjacent to cell i
up (parent)
(i-1)/2 (flooring)
left-down (left child)
right-down (righ child) 
• if i > n-1, then no child
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Structure of Heap
• Heap structure is composed of array, array size, and heap size
• A subroutine changes the value of cell i to a
typedef struct {
void AHEAP_chg ( AHEAP *H, int i, int a ){
int *h;
// array for values
int j;
int end; // size of array
H->h[i] = a;
int num; // current size of heap
while ( i>0 ){
j = i - 1 + (i%2)*2; // j := sibling of i
if ( H->h[j] < a ) a = H->h[j];
i = (i-1) / 2; // i := parent of i
if ( H->h[i] == a ) break; // no need to update
H->h[i] = a;
Insert & Delete
• To insert, increase num and change the value of the last cell to a
void AHEAP_ins ( AHEAP *H, int a ){
H->h[H->num*2-3] = H->h[(H->num*2-2)/2]
AHEAP_chg ( H, H->num*2-2, a);
void AHEAP_del ( AHEAP *H, int i ){
AHEAP_chg ( H, i, H->h[H->num*2-2]);
AHEAP_chg ( H, (H->num*2-2)/2,
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Find the Cell of the Minimum Value
• 一start from the top cell, and (セル i )からスタートして、最小値
int AHEAP_findmin ( AHEAP *H, int i ){
if ( H->num <= 0 ) return (-1);
while ( i < H->num-1 ){
if ( H->h[i*2+1] == H->h[i] ) i = i*2+1;
else i = i*2+2;
return ( i );
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Find all ≤ Threshold
• Find the left most one ≤ threshold
int AHEAP_findlow_leftmost (AHEAP *H, int a , int i){
if ( H->num <= 0 ) return (-1);
if ( H->h[0] > a ) return (-1);
while ( i < H->num-1 ){
if ( H->h[i*2+1] <= a ) i = i*2+1;
else i = i*2+2;
return ( i );
• Find the one right to cell i ≤ threshold
int AHEAP_findlow_nxt (AHEAP *H, int i){
for ( ; i>0 ; i=(i-1)/2 ){
if ( i%2 == 1 && H->h[i+1] <= a )
return (AHEAP_findlow_leftmost (H, a, i+1));
return (-1);
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Example of Usage
• Sort the numbers (in increasing order)
+ insert all numbers to a heap
+ extract the minimum number repeatedly
• Clustering on similarity graph
(gather nearest pairs, iteratively)
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Ex. Huffman Tree
• We have n words, or something, and each has frequency
+ insert all frequencies to a heap
+ extract two minimums, and merge them with the frequency of
their sum (they are two children and merged one is their parent)
+ insert the new one to the heap
• Finally, we obtain a tree structure
• Assigning 0 to left, 1 to right child,
each word gets a 01 code, obtained by
tracing the path from the root to it
• This code gives an optimal
code assignment
A9 B6 C5 D4 E3 F8
Exercise: Heap
• Construct a heap with the following values, and insert the values
of 7, 2, and 13, iteratively
4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 17
Memory Efficiency
• 2n-1cells are used to store n values
 using almost twice
• Are there any way to more efficient storage?
 store values on inner cells
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Heap on Textbooks
• Heap in usual texts is this type
• In the “usual heap”, we keep the condition “parent has value
smaller than its children”
 top cell always has the minimum value
• We update the heap with keeping this condition, so minimum is
easy to find
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Update Heap
+ Modification of the value is done by swapping the parent and
child in the opposite relation, and go up (down) until the
condition will be satisfied
+ Insertion is done by appending a cell at the right end
+ Deletion is done by moving the right end cell to there, and
decrement the size
• Almost the same as the previous one
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A Code for Value Change
• Heap structure is the same
• Modify the value of cell i to a
void HEAP_chg ( AHEAP *H, int i, int a ){
int aa = H->h[i];
H->h[i] = a;
if ( aa > a ) HEAP_chg_up ( H, i );
if ( aa < a ) HEAP_chg_down ( H, i );
typedef struct {
int *h;
// array for values
int end; // size of array
int num; // current size of heap
Update Heap (upward)
• Go upward with updating for decreasing the value, and go
downward otherwise
void HEAP_up ( AHEAP *H, int i ){
int a;
while ( i>0 ){
if ( H->h[(i-1)/2]<= H->h[i] ) break;
a = H->h[(i-1)/2];
H->h[(i-1)/2] = H->h[i];
H->h[i] = a;
i = (i-1)/2
typedef struct {
int *h;
// array for values
int end; // size of array
int num; // current size of heap
• The position of a value changes, thus is disadvantage if we want
to store the position of a value
Update Heap (downward)
• Increasing a value may result reversal on the parent child constraint
• Then, we have to swap parent and child, but we choose the smaller one,
and we go down further
void HEAP_down ( AHEAP *H, int i ){
int ii, a;
while ( i<H->num/2 ){
ii = i*2+1;
if (i*2+1 < H->num && H->h[ii]>H->h[ii+1]) ii = ii+1;
if ( H->h[ii] >= H->h[i] ) break;
typedef struct {
a = H->h[ii];
int *h;
// array for values
H->h[ii] = H->h[i];
H->h[i] = a;
int end; // size of array
i = ii;
int num; // current size of heap
Find Values ≤ Threshold
• Relatively simple by using recursion
int HEAP_findlow ( AHEAP *H, int a , int i ){
if ( i>=H->num ) return;
if ( H->h[i] > a ) return;
printf (“%d\n”, H->h[i]
HEAP_findlow ( H, a, i*2+1)
HEAP_findlow ( H, a, i*2+2)
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Exercise: Heap (2)
• Construct a usual heap with the following numbers, and insert
numbers 7, 2, and 13, iteratively
4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 17
Column: Speed of Heap in Practice
• A heap needs O(log n) time for one operation
• However, in practice, it takes 4 or 5 times more compared to
usual arrays, even it has 1,000,000 cells
(log2 1,000,000 ≒ 20 )
• Why does it happen?
Column: Speed of Heap in Practice (2)
• A heap update involves operation from the root to a leaf
• Once it is done, the cells accessed are stored in cache memory,
and can be quickly accessed in the next time
• Do this several times, then the upper part of the heap is inside
the cache; only lower part needs long memory access time
• The phenomenon implies that
the lower part is composed of 4 or 5
Here, Terminology on Trees
• (In graph theory) the structure composed of vertices (or node) and edges
connecting two vertices is called a graph
• A graph without a ring (circle, cycle) is called a tree
• A tree specified a top vertex called root is called a 根rooted tree
• For a vertex x of a rooted tree
+ vertices on the path between x and the root are ancestors of x
+ vertices one of whose ancestors is x are descendants of x
+ the vertex adjacent to x and is an ancestor is the parent of x
+ the other vertices adjacent to x are children of x
+ the tree composed of all descendants of x is the subtree rooted at x
• A vertex having no child is a leaf
• A vertex having some children is an inner vertex
• Distance to the root is the depth of a vertex
• The max. depth among all vertices is height (depth)
• A tree is a binary tree if for any vertex, #children ≤ 2
• A tree is a full binary tree if #children = 0 or 2
Find any Value
• Heap is simple, so is good, but we want to find any value from
the data in short time
• To perform binary search, tree structure like heaps is good, but
insertion/deletion take long time under keeping the increasing
• To keep the ordering, we have to be
able to delete/insert any position quickly
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When Order is kept
• If the value at the leaves are sorted, we can perform a binary
search by going down the tree from the top
• To realize this, we write to each node the maximum value
among its descendants
 able to determine left or right, by looking at this value
• This is realized with quick insertion/deletion,
by allowing ill-formed tree
+ we attach two children to the vertex having
the value just larger than the inserting value
+ copy the sibling vertex to the parent,
and delete the both children
Skew would Grow
• Search/update time is linear in the depth of the target leaf
• They are fast when the tree is balanced so that the height of the
tree is low, but take long time when the tree is skewed
 happens by many insertion at the same place
• To fasten the operation,
we need to derive something
Eliminate the Skew
• Optimal search time is O(log n )
• So, try to bound the time by c log n for some constant c
• When deep leaves exist, shallow places must be somewhere else
 deepen the shallow area and make deep places shallow,
with keeping the ordering
• This could be done by re-formulation
of trees locally, by rotating the children
and their parents
Balancing by Rotation
• Suppose that there are consecutive two vertices such that the left is
two more higher than the right
• We swapping the positions of the parent and the child (rotation)
• By a rotation, gap of the heights decreases by two
Bounding the Height
• For any vertex, the heights of children do not differ two, by
repeatedly applying the rotation
• Can we say something about the height k?
+ there is at least one vertex of depth k-1
(in another branch, branched at the root, or the child of the root)
+ At least two vertices of k-2
(branched at the depth of 2 or 3)
+ At least 2h-1 vertices of depth k-h
(branched at 2h or 2h+1)
 The number of vertices in the tree is at least 2k/3
• If there are n leaves, ら、高さは 3log2 n = O(log n)
Such a tree of height O(log n) is called a balanced tree
Time for Search
• ”Finding a value” needs to trace the path from the root to a leaf
• The time for the search is, at most, the depth of the tree
• When #leaves is n, the height ≤ 3log2 n = O(log n)
 therefore, time for search is O(log n)
Effects by Rotation
• When we rotate the tree at vertex x, are there any new vertex such
that we now have to rotate the vertex?
+ descendants of x: OK, the heights of their children do not change
+ non-ancestor & non-descendants of x is also OK
+ For ancestors x, the height of one child can change
• … so, if we rotate at a vertex, its ancestors may have to be rotated
We thus rotate from the vertex to the root, iteratively
Insertion and Deletion
• We insert or delete a vertex, then its ancestors may violate the
condition to be balanced
• The height increase/decreases by one, thus one rotation is sufficient
to each ancestor
• Trace the ancestors from the vertex operated, and perform rotation
if necessary (can stop if rotation is not needed at an ancestor)
• The height of tree is O(log n), and a rotation
can be done in a constant time, thus
insertion and deletion with re-balancing
can be done in O(log n) time
• This rotation does not affect to any its ancestor
(the number of descendants is not changed by rotation)
Rotation by Other Criteria
New criteria: the size of a subtree rooted at its grandchild is more
than half, then rotate
• By rotating, the maximum size of grandchildren will decrease at
least one
 the size of subtree gets half by going down two levels
The height of Tree
• Get half by two levels, thus we can go down at most 2log2 n levels
 the height is at most 4log2 n = O(log n) if #leaves is n
Insertion and Deletion
• This rotation does not affect to any its ancestor
(the number of descendants is not changed by rotation)
• Trace the ancestors from the vertex operated, and perform rotation if
necessary (not stop even if rotation is not needed at an ancestor)
• The height of tree is O(log n), and a rotation
can be done in a constant time, thus
insertion and deletion with re-balancing
can be done in O(log n) time
Structure for Binary Tree
• We need pointers in this case, since the shape of binary tree is
not uniform and periodical
• For the rotation threshold, we keep the height and size of the
subtree, rooted at each vertex
• We can represent the structure by array, as list
typedef struct {
BTREE *p; // -> parent
BTREE *l; // -> left child
BTREE *r; // -> rigth child
int height; // height of subtree
int height; // height of subtree
int value; // (max) value
Example of Usages
• Dictionary data, storage for IDs
• Keyword search in a document
Exersice: Binary Tree
• Rotate the vertices of the following tree, that are necessary
(examine two criteria)
Many Children
• Each vertex of a binary tree always has two children
• Why two?
+ update cost is optimal
+ search and update will be the same costs
+ operation for children becomes simple
• Can we get advantage by allowing more than two children?
• 2-3 tree is an example; #children is 2 or 3
+ the depths of all leaves are the same
+ however, operations for children are not simple
(choosing minimum among three, split
three into two,…)
• Can we increase the number more?
• A tree is a B-tree if #children of any vertex is bounded by B
• There are some motivations for this
• Consider HDD or tape, that take much cost to access a block, but
reading a block takes not so long time compared to reading a bit
 the computation time depends on #blocks we accessed
• Then, simple solution is to increase the maximum
number of children, that fits a block
Update of B-tree
• If the definition is “all vertices have exactly B children”, the
memory usage is efficient
however, we have to frequently update everywhere
• However, the efficiency is less if many vertices have few children
 bound the number of children from B/2 to B
 if a parent and its child, or two siblings have at most
B children in total, we merge them into one node
• By applying rotation, the height of the
tree is bounded by O(logB/2 n)
Binary search: search area is refined half, at most log n times
Heap: simulate update of knockout system
Binary tree: rotate at vertices to re-balance the tree
B-tree: minimize the blocks to be accessed