Management Information Systems



College of Professional and Continuing Education


Management Information Systems

Lection 02


• Hardware:

– architecture;

– classification;

– basic devices.

• Software:

– classification;

– system software;

– application software;

– instrumental software.

Personal computer and

Electronic computer machine

Computer – a programmable electronic device capable of processing data and computation, as well as performing other tasks of symbols manipulation.

Electronic computer machine – complex of technical and software tools, designed for the automation of the preparation and decision of users’ tasks.


Computer arrangement



Computer structure

– the combination of its functional elements and links between them.


From the main logical nodes of the computer until the simplest schemes.

Graphical representation:

The structural scheme, with the help of which you can give a description of the computer on any level of detail.

Computer structure

We distinguish the structure of hardware, software and hardwaresoftware.

Choosing a computer for the solution of our problems, we are interested in the functional capabilities of the hardware and software modules.

The characteristics of the computer, determining its structure

Technical and operational characteristics :

– performance and productivity,

– indicators of reliability, validity, accuracy;

– the capacity of the RAM and the external memory,

– overall dimensions,

– the value of technical equipment and software,

– the features of the operation, etc.


… of computer:

– the speed of the processor

– throughput of the bus or the exchange rate to external hard drives

– frequency of the images shift on display

… of CPU - the speed of execution of operations by processor.


Productivity of processor is measured :

• by the speed of execution of commands over numbers with a floating point (flops);

• By the speed of execution of commands


• clock rate of processor.


– property of computers to perform the functions for a set period of time necessary to solve the task.


- malfunction of the individual elements or the connections between them.

Sudden fault mechanical destruction of elements



Gradual refusal degradation of the parameters of the computer

Computer accuracy

– possibility to distinguish almost equal values:

32-, 64-, 128-bit

Computer reliability

– property of the information to be correctly perceived by the user.

Characteristics: probability of receiving accurate (correct) results.

Computer reliability

Possible methods of control of reliability of:

1. To solve standard tasks

2. To repeat calculations

3. To control decisions on other computers and to compare the results.

Computer architecture

– multilevel hierarchy of hardware and software tools.

The specific implementation of the levels determines the specifics of the structure of computer.

Single processor computer

All functional blocks are connected by a common bus.

Multi-processor architecture

If a computer has multiple processors then there may be organized many streams of data and many streams of commands.

Multi computing system

Multiple processors, entering into a computer system, don’t share a common memory, and have each its own (local).

Each computer in the multimachine system has a classical architecture.

Classification of computers powerful machines and computer systems

Net computers

Role of computer in the network clusters workstation s servers

Computer memory

The memory is a set of devices that serve to memory, storage and issue of information.

Some devices, included in this set, are called mass-storage device (RAM).

Storage devices with random access

RAM - random access memory

Access time does not depend on the location of the area of the memory (for example, RAM).





The hardware implementation: the SIMM, the DIMM

Storage devices with direct access

Due to the continuous rotating, the possibility to appeal to a certain area of the storage device cycle is repeated.

Access time depends on the mutual arrangement of the site and read/write heads and is determined by the speed of rotation of the storage device

Storage devices with serial access

Consistently reviewed areas, while we does not take a position opposite the read/write heads

Magnetic tapes

Иерархическая организация памяти в современных ЭВМ


Processor – crystal grown according to the special technology of silicon.

It contains many millions of separate elements – transistors: processor, co-processor, cash I, cash II


Main computing device

Cache I

На кристалле процессора расположены

Special unit for floating point operations. Maintenance of high-precision and complex calculations, work with a number of graphical programs.

Small (a few tens of Kilobytes) ultra-fast memory that is used to store intermediate results of calculations

Cache II

More slow, size from

128 КB to 2048 KB

Processor features

• the architecture type (CISC, RISC)

• Bit-depth: internal (registers) and external

(data bus)

• the presence of the cache-memory

• clock rate (MHz)

• the degree of integration

Hard drive

Tracks and sectors of the hard disk

The logical structure of a hard disk

File systems

File system - part of the operating systems, which defines a way to organize, store and naming data to the information media.

The file system determines the format of the physical storage of the information, which is grouped in the form of files.


a set of programs, systems of information processing and program documents, necessary for their operation



a set of programs, systems of information processing and program documents, necessary for their operation


System software


Instrumental systems


System software

System software

Base software

Operation systems

Network operation systems

Operating shell

Service software


Programs for disk service

Programs for efficiency diagnostics

Anti-virus programs





Programs of general purpose

Multimedia software

Problemoriented software

Intellectual software


Desktop publishing systems


Data exchange technologies

• Clipboard





The start and ending of the programs don’t affect on the contents of the buffer.

One and the same fragment can be used in the documents several times: when you insert the contents of the clipboard does not change .




Component Object model (COM)

Component Object Model is a technical specification, representing a strict set of rules by which objects are created and destroyed, interact with each other and show their functions



Drag&Drop specifies the visual, oriented on the use of the mouse way of exchanging information using the clipboard


Compound documents

Compound documents integrate objects created in a variety of applications that support OLE.

Such documents can contain many objects of other documents. For example, the Microsoft Word text editor that supports OLE, can receive the tables and graphs from processing program Microsoft Excel spreadsheets



Embedding - the possibility to insert an item in a multiple-document without saving the references to the data source object. For example, you can embed an Excel spreadsheet to a Word document.

Then the object, which is located in a compound document, will be completely independent from the original source. Then change the primary object will not affect the embedded object



Microsoft Word document can contain a link to the

Excel spreadsheet. The table and all its data are completely in Excel, but can be used in a Word document. If the initial data of the table are changed, these changes are automatically displayed in the Word document

Binding depends on the location of the objects. In other words, if the Excel table move to the new folder, the link is broken.


Immediate activation of objects

If you need to change or edit the object, created in another application, library OLE will cause the necessary application


Instrumental software

Intrumental software

Programming languages

Algorithmic programming languages


Declarative systems programming languages

Instrumental user environment

