Public Comment Analysis and Final RMP/ EIS Review A. General Information 1. Introduction and Background The Rio Puerco Field Office (RFPO) anticipates releasing for a 90 day public comment period the Draft Resource Management Plan (DRMP) on August 1, 2012. Public comments will be submitted through a variety of methods: via an e-mail address that will be provided by RPFO; via fax at a number provided by the contractor; via a physical address that the contractor will provide; and via written comments delivered at the RPFO office which will be forward to the contractor. It is anticipated, based on initial scoping comments, that RPFO may receive up to 4,000 comments. The overall goal is to ensure that, at the completion of the comment processing, all comments are accounted for and accurately classified, file and coded to allow RMP core team and specialists the ability to cross reference and analyze and respond to the comments. 2. Purpose The purpose of this work is to analyze the timely comments submitted during the public comment period for the DRMP. The contractor shall return all deliverables, comment letter, and working (coded) copies to the Government assigned COR in accordance with: section 3. Deliverables. B. Scope of Work: Public Comment Analysis Concurrent with the public meetings and after the completion of the public comment period the contractor will process the public comments received. The comment processing will consist of: 1. Cataloging, dating and filing comments received from public and government agency submittals. a. Unique alphanumeric identifiers will be utilized to catalog comment letters or e-mails. b. All original comment letters received will be scanned and copied as to maintain at least the original, one clean copy of the original and a digital working copy for comment analysis. c. Comments will be filed hard copy (original) by resource in the administrative file along with an alphanumeric coded digital data base file that allows multi-use, collaborative public comment analysis by RMP core team. 2. Classifying comments into substantive or non-substantive. a. The contractor will summarize and categorize comments by resource in accordance with NEPA and BLM guidance into substantive and non-substantive comments. The resource categories as listed in the Rio Puerco Field Office Draft Resource Management Plan will be utilized to develop the category data base. b. A sub-classification of comments within the substantive or non-substantive categories will be created within the data base that at minimum clearly identified the comments in to one of the following categories: i. Comments that do not need a detailed response, which would include: 1. General comments, opinions or position statement, 2. Issues already decided by law, policy or regulation, 3. Issues / comments beyond the scope of this DRMP’s document / decision scope, 4. Comments not related to the document, subsequent supplements. (This includes comments related to other plans, or areas outside the jurisdictional boundaries of the Rio Puerco Field Office.) 5. Editorial correction to be made. ii. Comments that do need a detailed response that are salient, on-topic, and in-scope which would include: 1. Issues requiring modification of an alternative. 2. Issues requiring development of an alternative that was not previously given serious consideration that meets purpose and need of the proposed document. 3. Issues that can be resolved through the clarification of the intent in a section of the final EIS. 4. Issues brought up regarding conformity or compliance of the DEIS with existing CEQ rules or applicable acts. 5. Issues that would lead to a revised or supplemental draft EIS. 3. Deliverables 4. Subtask A 1 B Receive Mail Deliverables C Schedule (Calendar Days Unless Otherwise Noted) D Begin no later than 15 days after comment period starts, or when 20 letter have been received, or as otherwise agreed Description and Requirements E Receive, open, date-stamp, review for “flag” criteria, and identify out of scope submissions. The cutoff for determining timely comments will be the “postmarked Minimum Acceptable Quality F 99% 2 Create Coding Structure Submit coding structure for approval to the RPFO. 3 Print Email Same as 1 4 Number Comments Same as 1 5 Copy Comment Letters Same as 1 6 Log Letters and Emails Cumulative Letter Log Prior to the commencement of 1. Same as 1 date”. Late mail will be held by contractor who will notify the RPFO of late mail senders. Coding structure should be based on all analyzed resources in the DRMP and associated comments. At minimum the coded designator should clearly identify a comment with an associated DRMP chapter and the comment category (e.g., substantive, non-substantive, request for extension of public comment, request for hard copy, cd or electronic copy of DRMP…) mode of delivery (mail, email..), resource interest ( oil and gas; recreation; wildlife; grazing…..), organization identification (citizen, industry and type, grazing permitee, special interest groups, government….) Electronically retain all email comment submissions. Legibly print all emails including attachments. For processing and record keeping, hard copies can be treated as originals. Assign letter number to each comment received. Number consecutively without duplication or omission. Make one (1) complete, legible electronic copy of all letters to be used as working copies. Format should be PDF or other similarly convenient format. If coding letters using hard copy format, make 1 hard copy of each codable letter. Log all letters and emails. Minimally include letter and email number, submitter’s name, email address, organization name, date received. 99% 99% 99% 95% 7 File Original Letters Original Letters (Record) Same as 1 (All original comments shall be turned over to RPFO within 7 days of final contract completion. Same as 6 8 Extract email addresses Email address list 9 Enter Contact Information (Mail ID) Same as 1 10 Enter Comment s Attributes, Comment Text, and Commend Codes Submitter’s contact information in project database. Information in Project Database 11 Code Comment Attributes Same as 1 or otherwise agreed. 12 Flag Comments Information in project data base. Identify comments that will require early attention. 13 Database Reports Working Copies of Comments Project Database. Within 10 no later than 5 days from close of comment period: Final database and all working copies. 14 Executive Summary Executive Summary Draft summary due 30 days from close of comment period. Final executive summary due Same as 1 Weekly, as comments are received within the first week of commencing work. File all comments by letter numbers. A list of all email addresses with associated names for email submissions, including forms. Remove from the process, and log action, all duplicate names / addresses. Date should be delivered in a spreadsheet. Without duplication, record submitter contact date and remarks for all comments. Identify and remove from process all duplicate submissions. Enter comment attributes (e.g. response type, form type, delivery type, etc.) coded comments and codes in to the project database. Codes shall be designed by the contractor in a format that is approved by the RPFO. Assign letter attributes to comments usingproject specified and approved coding structure. Summarize flagged submissions in a weekly report that identifies flagged comments which include: Early Attention Comments; Extension Requests; FIOA Requests or Threats of Harm. A final data base shall submitted to RPFO for final quality inspection. Any deficiencies identified in the database shall be fixed prior to RPFO accepting final database. The Executive Summary should at a minimum describe the Process Description, Coding Structure, Demographics, 95% 95% 95% 95% 99% Timely Format; Accuracy. Pass / Fail Approved draft for final print. 45 days from close of comment period. 15 Create and Reproduce Project CDs 10 CDs delivered to the RPFO Due 45 days from close of public comment period. 16 Web-based comment and Executive Summary posts. Comments shall be posted on RPFO web site. Post organized comments within 45 days from close of the public comment period. Organized campaigns (i.e., Sierra Club form letters…), a summary of public concerns by resource type and geographic area. Produce user-friendly project CDs. All CDs Pass/Fail shall contain: project database with search functions, electronic copies of organized comments, comment log and Executive Summary. In addition the CDs shall contain flagged comment reports and Avery or similar mailing labels. Comments shall be posted in electronic 100% format in numeric order as they were received along with a copy of the Executive Summary. 5. Contractor Quality Control Inspection System a. The Contractor shall be responsible for quality control assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) beginning before the public comment period and continuing throughout the process. The Contracting Officer may observe the Contractor’s QAQC efforts at any time and shall otherwise have unlimited access. 6. Acceptance a. The BLM shall review all progress and accept all draft and final work products upon Contractor’s receipt of written request and assurance that work has been completed. Request shall be for a reasonable portion of the work. Acceptance may be made for progress completed at agreed to stages of work. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION DATA A. 452.215-73 Post-award Conference. (NOV 1996) A post award conference with the successful offeror is required. It will be scheduled within 5 days after the date of contract award. The conference will be held at the Rio Puerco Field Office at 435 Montano NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107 and will include discussion of contract terms and work performance requirements, and work progress schedule. B. 52.211-8 TIME OF DELIVERY (JUN 1997) The Government requires delivery to be made according to Section 3: Deliverables. C. SCHEDULES AND REPORTS Pursuant to contract requirements, all schedules and reports shall be submitted to the contracting officer or designated contracting officer’s Representative (COR). D. AGAR 452.237-74 KEY PERSONNEL (FEB 1988) (a) The Contractor shall assign to this contract key personnel with at least 3 years experience in the role they will have on this project: Overall Project Manager (Contractor). (b) During the first 90 days of performance, the Contractor shall make no substitutions of key personnel unless the substitution is necessitated by illness, death, or termination of employment. The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer within 15 calendar days after the occurrence of any of these events and provide the information required by paragraph (c) below. After the initial 90 day period, the Contractor shall submit the information required by paragraph (c) to the Contracting Officer at least 15 days prior to making any permanent substitutions. (c) The Contractor shall provide a detailed explanation of the circumstances necessitating the proposed substitutions, complete resumes for the proposed substitutes, and any additional information requested by the Contracting Officer. Proposed substitutes should have comparable qualifications to those of the persons being replaced. The Contracting Officer will notify the Contractor within 15 calendar days after receipt of all required information of the decision on substitutions. The contract will be modified to reflect any approved changes of key personnel. INSTRUCTIONS, CONDITIONS AND NOTICES TO BIDDERS A. Proposal Instructions (a) General Instructions. Proposals submitted in response to this solicitation shall be furnished in the following format with the numbers of copies as specified below. (1) The proposal must include a technical proposal. Each of the parts shall be separate and complete so that evaluation of one may be accomplished independently from evaluation of the other. The technical proposal must not contain reference to cost; however, resource information (such as data concerning labor hours and categories, materials, subcontracts, etc.) may be contained in the technical proposal so that the contractor's understanding of the statement of work may be evaluated. (2) Offerors may, at their discretion, submit alternate proposals or proposals which deviate from the requirement; provided, that an offeror also submit a proposal for performance of the work as specified in the statement of work. Any "alternate" proposal may be considered if overall performance would be improved or not compromised, and if it is in the best interest of the Government. Alternate proposals, or deviations from any requirement of this RFP, must be clearly identified. (3) Offerors shall submit their proposal(s) in the following format and the quantities specified: 1 copy of the completed signed offer (SF-1449) 1 copy of the Pricing (Page 3) 1 copies of the technical proposal (b) Technical Proposal Instructions. Technical proposals will be evaluated to determine the ability of the contractor to meet the requirements of the Government. Therefore, the technical proposal must present sufficient information to reflect a thorough understanding of the requirements and a detailed description of the organization, techniques, procedures and program for achieving the objectives of the specifications/statement of work. Proposals that merely paraphrase the requirements of the Government's specifications/statement of work, or use such phrases as "will comply" or "standard techniques will be employed" will be considered unacceptable and will not be considered further. As a minimum, the proposal must clearly provide the following: (1) Technical Capability a. Plan of Operations: Describe how you will organize and manage the work so that all activities are completed in accordance with the Scope of work and deliverables, the contract specifications, and within the allotted time. Address both completion of work within individual units and a general plan for sequence of work across the project, including all work items. b. Organization: List the names and proposed duties of key personnel. Provide information on their qualifications and recent work experience. List all areas of work that will be subcontracted out and the subcontractor you intend to use. c. Quality Control: Identify or describe your quality control and self-inspection procedures that will ensure objectives are being met during operations. The contractor will meet the Acceptable rating level by demonstrating they have the organization, equipment, plan of operations, quality control plan and strategy needed to accomplish the work described in the solicitation in a timely and efficient manner. Additional merit may be awarded to vendors who exceed the standard. (2) Past Performance The technical proposal must address past performance for both the offeror and proposed subcontractors. OFFERORS SHOULD PROVIDE ONLY THE INFORMATION LISTED BELOW. PERFORMANCE INFORMATION WILL BE REQUESTED FROM REFERENCES PROVIDED. Contractors may also discuss past accomplishments that indicate your firm's ability to perform the work required by this solicitation. The government will contact a sample of the vendor’s past customers to determine the rating for this factor. The currency and relevance of the information and general trends in contractor’s performance shall be considered. The BLM considers that current (within the last 3 years), relevant (similar in nature and scope) performance is a better indicator of ability than older or less similar work. Any offeror who does not have a record of relevant past performance or for whom information on past performance is not available will receive a rating of neutral. At a minimum, provide the following information: Names, telephone and fax numbers of principal officials who were in charge of the project and that are familiar with your performance. A description of the work performance, The agency/company or individuals you worked for, The size (value) and location of the contracts, Contract numbers. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has authorized Federal agencies to collect past performance information under OMB clearance number 9000-0142. Both the information provided in the proposal and Government records will be used to evaluate the Offeror's past performance; however, references other than those listed may also be contacted. The Contractors will earn the Exceptional rating if all references rate the Contractor as Excellent on all sub-factors listed above. The Contractor will meet the Acceptable rating level if a majority of references rate the Contractor as Acceptable or better. B. Evaluation The Government will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible offeror whose offer conforming to the solicitation will be most advantageous to the Government, price and other factors considered. The following factors shall be used to evaluate offers: Factor 1 - Technical Proposal a. Plan of Operations b. Organization c. Quality Control Factor 2 - Past Performance Factor 3 - Price Technical and past performance, when combined, is essentially equal when compared to price. The evaluation factors are listed in descending order of importance Factor 1 is more important than Factor 2 and Factor 1a is more important than Factor 1b. Proposals that do not address one or more criteria or sub-factors, may not be considered further for award. All factors will be evaluated and proposals will be ranked based on how well the factors meet the specified requirements. A factors will be rated on a point system of 0-3 points. The basis for the rating will be: 3-Exceeds factors, 2-Meets; 1-Paritally Meets; 0-Does not Meet. C. 452.204-70 Inquiries. (FEB 1988) Inquiries and all correspondence concerning this solicitation should be submitted in writing to the Contracting Officer. Offerors should contact only the Contracting Officer issuing the solicitation about any aspect of this requirement prior to contract award.