Chapter 4

Human Resource Management Chapter 4 Exam
Name: __________________________ Date: _____________
1. In Work flow Analysis, numbers and types of employees, monetary requirements,
materials and equipment make up our ______.
A) structure
B) assignments
C) work processes
D) productivity
E) Resource inputs
2. Melissa wants to apply the Job Characteristics Model to her employees' work. She
plans to redesign jobs so that each employee will be creating widgets from start to
finish. Melissa is trying to change the ________ of the jobs.
A) feedback
B) task identity
C) task significance
D) autonomy
3. After analyzing the end result of the process – organizational outputs - the next step in
Work flow analysis is:
A) Identifying the materials needed to generate the output.
B) Identifying the number of people needed for operations.
C) Examining the required organizational tasks to create the desired end results.
D) Analyzing the administrative and secretarial needs to accomplish the goal.
E) Training the Self-Managed Work Teams.
4. Which one of the following interventions should generally NOT be used as part of
motivational job design?
A) Increased skill variety
B) Autonomy
C) Job enrichment
D) Job simplification
E) Task specialization
5. Which job tool involves eliminating tasks, combining tasks, and changing task
A) Job enrichment
B) Job enlargement
C) Job rotation
D) Job simplification
E) Job operations
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6. What would be a common example of a compressed work week?
A) Five-day, 40-hour week
B) Four-day, 10-hour-per-day work week
C) Two-day, 5-hour-per-day week
D) Three-day, 8-hour-per-day week
E) Six-day, 7-hour-per-day week
7. Katrina performs data analysis all day. She places each page of new data on the left
side of her computer terminal. After she enters the data, she places the page facedown on the right side of her terminal. Katrina's job has a(n) _______ design.
A) mechanistic
B) organic
C) Biological
D) perceptual-motor
8. Which of the following is an example of job rotation?
A) Angie is the office receptionist on Tuesdays and Fridays, but Bill fills this job on
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
B) A worker paints chairs on Monday, operates the metal stamping press on Tuesday
and Wednesday, and works on final assembly Thursday and Friday
C) A customer service representative deals with multiple customers during the week.
D) A manager Skypes into a meeting while dealing with a crisis in another part of the
E) Employees are given quality control authority over their own work.
9. Alex wants to apply the Job Characteristics Model to her employees' work. She plans to
sit down with each employee and describe how the employee's job impacts the
organization and brings in customers. Alex is trying to change the ________ of the
A) skill variety
B) autonomy
C) task significance
D) feedback
10. Stable jobs are a characteristic of ____________ organizations
A) mechanistic
B) organic
C) fluid
D) sustainable
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11. Rosie assigned her employees a goal. The employees planned, organized, led, and
controlled one another to reach the goal. This is an example of a(n) _______.
A) self-managed work team
B) rotating work team
C) enriched work team
D) integrated work team
12. What is a job analysis method that asks workers to write down the tasks that they
accomplish as they go about their job?
A) Diaries
B) Interviews
C) Observation
D) Competency
E) Questionnaires
13. In _________ sharing, two or more people share one whole job, including the workload
and any benefits that are associated with that job.
A) office
B) people (or employee)
C) position (or labor)
D) Work (or job)
E) engagement
14. Michaela is trying to identify the work performed and the working conditions of a
software engineer. She plans to ask questions of the person who currently holds the
job and compile the answers into a profile of the job. In this case, the ________ job
analysis method would be most appropriate.
A) subject matter expert panel
B) interview
C) diary
D) observation
15. Core hours are most associated with what concept?
A) Compressed work weeks
B) Flex time
C) Job sharing
D) Telecommuting
E) Hoteling
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16. Harrington manufacturing just received a very large order from a customer. They don't
have the ability to fill the order using their current workforce working a normal
workweek and don't expect to continue receiving such orders from this customer.
Which of the following options would best address this temporary shortage of
A) Reducing turnover
B) Outsourcing
C) New hires
D) Overtime
E) Retraining non-manufacturing employees
17. _________________is a measurable pattern of knowledge, skills, abilities, behaviors,
and other characteristics that an individual needs to perform work roles or occupational
functions successfully.
A) Performance evaluation
B) Competency modeling
C) Design specification
D) Selection design
18. __________ is the process used to identify the work performed and the working
conditions for each job in the organization.
A) Educational analysis
B) Resource availability
C) Workflow design
D) Job Analysis
19. Wynn's Marketing Designs requires all employees to be at work from 10:00 a.m. to
noon and from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., but allows people to come and go as desired during
the rest of their eight-hour workday. This is an example of:
A) Job simplification
B) Job expansion
C) Work teaming
D) Flextime
E) Job rotation
20. _______________ focuses on designing jobs that remain within the worker's normal
mental capabilities and limitations.
A) Mechanistic job design
B) Perpetual-motor job design
C) Biological job design
D) Motivational job design
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21. Job analysis questionnaires can be given to many different people, including:
A) the incumbent and the incumbent's supervisor
B) the incumbent's family
C) supervisors from other departments
D) former employees
22. Lauren and Casey are working to identify the work processes that create Acme
Global's products. They are beginning with the organizational output. Next they will
identify the tasks and the inputs. The tool they are using is _______.
A) job design
B) job specification
C) workflow analysis
D) hoteling
23. When Melissa arrived at work on Monday, her boss asked her to do some research on
the state legislature. Melissa spent the morning looking up the information. At
lunchtime, her boss asked her to stop doing the research and begin typing up some
financial information. Melissa's job has a(n) _______ design.
A) motivational
B) organic
C) Biological
D) perceptual-motor
24. In a workflow analysis, after we identify the end result, and the activities or steps, we
have to identify the _____________ that carry out those activities.
A) outputs
B) inputs
C) management process
D) labor hours
25. What job design method focuses on the job characteristics that affect the employee's
psychological state, and views attitudinal variables as the most important outcomes of
job design?
A) Biological job design
B) Perceptual/Motor job design
C) Motivational job design
D) Engineered job design
E) Mechanistic job design
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