Presented by: Creekview High School Student Services Copyright, 1996 © Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. What are we doing for your student? • College Planning Groups through History classes •ACT/SAT—Which one is best for me? •How to apply and send transcripts •Scholarship opportunities Five subtests given: English Math Reading Science Reasoning *Writing *optional, but recommended Subtest and Composite scores range from 1-36 If taken multiple times, student selects scores to be sent Given at Creekview: Feb. 9 ( to register) 3 Subtests given: • • • Critical Reading Math Writing Scores range from 200-800 If taken multiple times, student selects scores to be sent Given at Creekview: March 9 to register SAT success requires stronger Reasoning Skills Recommendation based on: Current Math Course Course rigor—Honors or AP courses PSAT percentiles from sophomore year ACT success requires exposure to College Prep curriculum Students planning on attending a 2-Year or Technical College do not have to take either the ACT or SAT Required by many highly selective colleges/universities for admission Examples include: • Duke University • Harvard University • Georgetown University Can take up to three subject tests on a test date Examples include: US History, Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, Literature ACT Contact your child’s caseholder at the beginning of the year to fill out a request for accommodations PSAT/SAT/AP SSD (Services for Students with Disabilities) paperwork needs to be filled out during sophomore-year annual reviews. All accommodations must be approved and in place within the classroom/school for a student to be eligible for national test accommodations. Courses SAT Prep Creekview HS The Huntington Exam Prep Center PSAT given in grades 9, 10 and 11 Materials Workbooks, software, and online programs ACT and SAT websites offer test prep Georgia College 411 website Provide information—Student Services Website Help support your family in the college discussion Help your family make the application process manageable Help create a realistic and comfortable list of schools If needed…write a recommendation Finding a good match Junior meetings with counselor Decide on criteria—size, location, cost, major Attend college representative visits at Creekview Campus visits - size, location, major Probe Fairs GACollege411 Online college searches/comparisons Want to start early? Dual Enrollment Understanding the entrance requirements Subject patterns (course rigor) GPA & Class rank Test scores* Applications and essays Activities Recommendations Auditions and Portfolios *Students must request test scores be sent directly from ACT & College Board (SAT, AP) November Get information from Counselors during class advisement week 2nd Semester Start College Visits & Research Take the ACT and /or SAT Work on Grades Continue research & visits February—June All Year Summer August– September→ Complete Research—List of schools to which you plan to apply September – November → Complete Applications November – February → Apply for financial aid and search for scholarships March – May → Final decisions made May 1→ Notify your school of your decision and request final transcript Apply to some “stretch” schools… - schools one would like to attend, but may not fully meet admissions criteria Apply to some “within reach” schools… - schools where GPA, test scores and activities are very similar to published guidelines Apply to some “safety” schools… - schools that have open admission or where GPA and Test scores exceed guidelines Technical Colleges For students seeking certification in a technical field Chattahoochee Tech now open in Canton Community Colleges For students seeking 2 year Associate degree Credits transfer to 4 year colleges Local Examples—GA Perimeter College; Georgia Highlands Year established: 1785 Undergrad enrollment: 26,142 students Application fee: $60 Tuition, fees, housing, meals= approx. $20,820 Year established: 1885 Undergrad enrollment: 14,527 students Application fee: $65 Tuition, fees, housing, meals= approx. $22,254 Applications Received: 18,954 Applicants Admitted: 10,454 Freshmen Enrolled: 4,950 Mid 50% GPA: 3.73—4.03 Mid 50% SAT Critical Read, Math, & Write: 1790-2040 Mid 50% ACT Composite: 27--31 Applications Received: 14,731 Applicants Admitted: 8,036 Freshmen Enrolled: 2,650 Mid 50% GPA: 3.77—4.08 Mid 50% SAT Crit Read, Math & Write: 1960-2160 Mid 50% ACT Composite: 28--32 • Some smaller in size • Entrance Criteria less competitive • Many students from Atlanta Metro area Selectivity differs from state to state, with the Universities of Michigan, Wisconsin, Virginia, Texas, North Carolina, and Florida among the Most Competitive for out-of-state students. Be aware of specific program requirements School environment varies greatly from campus to campus Degree Completion Contracts Cost range $25,000 - $46,000 per year Academic Common Market ~ Cost range $24,000 - $59,000 ► Chance for financial assistance ~ Admissions criteria: High school coursework Grades in courses Involvement/Activities or Job/Work Test Scores Essay/Personal Statement Upward trend in coursework important… most schools evaluate based on the “whole” person I. Gift Aid Scholarships Grants II. Self-help Aid Loans Student Work-study Programs Federal Grants, Loans, Work-study State College Hope Scholarship Hope Grant Grants, Institutional loans, Scholarships Free Application for Federal Student Aid Free Application for Federal Student Aid (January 1 – March 1) Needs Analysis Center (crunch numbers) Student Aid Report (EFC – Expected Family Contribution) Award Letter (from each college, after acceptance) Loans Work study Grants Scholarships The FAFSA can be completed online at → turnaround time is 72 hours! Before starting the FAFSA, register for a PIN on the same website. FAFSA on the Web Worksheet ∙ Pre-application available online in November and December (NOT to be submitted to FAFSA) Georgia Student Finance Corporation Free Application for Federal Student Aid Reputable college scholarship search sites: Student Services Website Private scholarships Local scholarships Any agency that charges a fee to help students find scholarships is suspect and possibly a SCAM! Tuesday, December 4 Financial Aid Planning Seminar Creekview High School Theater 7:00pm Sponsored by: Georgia Student Finance Corporation Review requirements for eligibility at NCAA— After Junior year, register with the NCAA Eligibility Center if you are being recruited (For Division I & Division II schools only). Communicate with coach, counselor, and school’s admissions office. NAIA— Student Services Website Presentation Thank You for attending! Have a good evening!