COMPENSATION & REHAB, JOINDER, INTERCONECTIVITY CRIMINAL PROCEDURE LAW – by FD Criminal Procedure Law Today’s Subjects: 1. 2. 3. 4. Suspect/Accused’s Rights Compensation & Rehabilitation Interconnectivity Joinder of Case of Claims For Compensation Suspect/Accused’s Right KUHAP (CP Code) gives more attention than HIR. See Art. 50- 68 KUHAP Legal Aid: Art. 69-74 jo. Art.56 CP Code ICCPR Article 14 ratifitied via Law No.12/2005 Advocate obligation to give free legal aid (pro bono). See Art. 22 UU No. 18 Tahun 2003 Concerning Advocate. Within Sight But Not Within Hearing (Art. 71 : (1) and Art. 115 : (2)) - State security case (terrorisme) Within Sight and Within Hearing (Art. 71 ayat (2) , Art. 115 ayat (1)) - for general crime case Compensation Definition: See Art. 1 section 22 CP Code. Compensation: Right for a claim; payment in the amount of money; being arrested, prosecuted, tried illegally (error in person, not on a basis reason of law) Legal Basis: Art. 9 Act No. 14/1970 Art. 9 Act No. 4/2004 Art. 95-96 CP Code Competent/Interesting Party: The Suspect, Accused, Convicted, or his/her Heirs. Request of Compensation by: Civil Suit base on an offense/conduct against the law/rule (1365 BW) Joinder of case of claims for Compensation Procedure: In Pre Trial, when it is not submitted to the DC. To the competent DC Been Adjudicated after Pre Trial Review. Form of Judgment: Ruling Amount of Payment of Compensation: For illegal legal forces: (arrest, detention, etc) Rp. 500.000-Rp1000.000 Cause handicap/deathRp. 3000.000. REHABILITATION See Art. 1 section 23 CP Code Rehabilitation: restored their status, integrity, dignity; which is granted on the investigation, prosecution, and adjudication process; being arrested, prosecuted, tried illegally (error in person, not on a basis reason of law). REHABILITATION Legal Basis: Art. 97 CP Code If the Final and binding Verdict is acquit or dismiss of all charges. Decided by DC Judges or Pre Trial Judges. Shall be granted and mentioned at the same time in the court judgment. Interconnected Jurisdiction an offense/offenses conducted/ committed together by those who belong to: 1. Public Judicial System 2. Military Judicial System Legal Basis: Act No. 14/1970 Art.22 Act No. 8 /1981 Art. 89-94 Act No. 4 /2004 Art. 23 Concerning Joinder (Deelneming) Object: all offenses belong to general district court jurisdiction Procedure: Examined and adjudicated at public judicial system. Unless under the Decision of Minister of Justice + Min of Defense and Security: the case shall be examined and adjudicated at military judicial system. Procedure Interconnected Jurisdiction Investigation: Permanent Team, consisting of: 1. Investigator 2. The Military Police of the Armed Forces of RI 3. Military Prosecutor/ High Military Prosecutor. Pre Trial: depends on the status of the suspect/accused (SEMA No. 15/ 1983) Adjudication Process: If the damage caused by offense falls on the public interest : the case shall be submitted and adjudicated by the public judicial System. Judges: 1. chief Judge from public judicial system 2.Judge form Public 3. Judge from Military If the offense falls on the military interest: military judicial system. (1 public judge, 2 military judge) Pengadilan koneksitas kasus Aceh dengan terdakwa tentara/ TNI Foto: J. Kamal Farza Joinder of Cases of Claims for Compensation Legal Basis: Art. 98- 101 Competent Person: The Victim / 3rd Interesting Party. Procedure: Submitted by the victim/3rd Interesting Party Before Bill of Charge or before the judge render a final judgment. Joinder of Civil Suit and a Criminal Case, shall continue at the level of exam on appellate level. Applied provisions of rules of civil procedure. Plus and Minus of Civil Suit Plus: Independent Materiel and immaterial Compensation Shall submitted anytime Minus: Need more time Higher Cost Not a simple procedure Difficult proof Plus and Minus Joinder of Cases of Claims for Compensation Plus: Immediate Procedure cepat; Low Cost; Simple way of proof Minus: Depend on the Primary Case (accessoir) Materiel Compensation only. Submitted before bill of Charge. Legal Remedy depends on the Primary Case Decision.