The Syllabus

Corporate Finance Syllabus
Curriculum Details
 Teacher Information
Full Name: Maggie Foley Title: Assistant Professor of Finance
Office: 301
Email Address:
Office Hours:
 Course Information
Course Name (Chinese): 财务管理
Course Name (English): Corporate Finance
Course Code:
Class Hour:
Credit: 3
Major: Economics
 Course Description
This course is designed for a thorough review of corporation financial management. This
course goes into more depth on topics covered in prior courses, introduces new concepts, uses
cases to show how finance theory is used in practices, and explains how Excel is used to
analyze financial problems. These topics include capital budgeting and structure, distributions
to shareholders, financial restructuring, and working capital management.
 Course Goal
To develop the student’s ability to approach and make fundamental financial decisions with
emphasis on the tools of financial analysis and problem solving.
 Tentative Teaching Content and Schedule
Chapter 1
a. Class hour: one hour
b. Content and Emphasize
This chapter introduces the concepts of each player in the financial market and
emphasizes the roles of each one.
c. Learning task
After reading this chapter, students should be able to:
 Explain the role of finance and the different types of jobs in finance.
 Identify the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of business
 Explain the links between stock price, intrinsic value, and executive compensation.
 Discuss the importance of business ethics and the consequences of unethical
 Identify the potential conflicts that arise within the firm between stockholders and
managers and between stockholders and bondholders, and discuss the techniques
that firms can use to mitigate these potential conflicts.
d. Teaching Forms and Methods: Lecturing and Class Discussion
e. Requirements for Extra-curricular Studying: n/a
Homework: End of Chapter Questions 1, 12, 13.
Chapter 2
a. Class hour: 1 hour
b. Content and Emphasize:
Chapter 2 presents an overview of financial markets and institutions. It explains the
roles played by each player in the financial market.
c. Learning task
 Identify the different types of financial markets and financial institutions, and explain
how these markets and institutions enhance capital allocation.
 Explain how the stock market operates, and list the distinctions between the different
types of stock markets.
 Explain how the stock market has performed in recent years.
 Discuss the importance of market efficiency, and explain why some markets are more
efficient than others.
d. Teaching Forms and Methods: Lecturing and Class Discussion
e. Requirements for Extra-curricular Studying: n/a
Homework: End of Chapter Questions 2, 9.
Chapter 3
a. Class hour
b. Content and Emphasize
Chapter 3 provides a bridge between accounting, which students have just covered, and
financial management.
c. Learning task
 List each of the key financial statements and identify the kinds of information they
provide to corporate managers and investors.
 Estimate a firm’s free cash flow and explain why free cash flow has such an
important effect on firm value.
 Discuss the major features of the federal income tax system.
d. Teaching Forms and Methods: Lecturing and Class Discussion
e. Requirements for Extra-curricular Studying: n/a
Homework: End of Chapter Questions 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15.
Chapter 4
a. Class hour
b. Content and Emphasize
This chapter explains what ratio analysis is.
c. Learning task
 List the 5 groups of ratios and identify, calculate, and interpret the key ratios in each
 Discuss each ratio’s relationship to the balance sheet and income statement.
 Discuss why ROE is the key ratio under management’s control, how the other ratios
impact ROE, and explain how to use the DuPont equation for improving ROE.
 Compare a firm’s ratios with those of other firms (benchmarking) and analyze a given
firm’s ratios over time (trend analysis).
Discuss the tendency of ratios to fluctuate over time (which may or may not be
problematic), explain how they can be influenced by accounting practices as well as
other factors, and why they must be used with care.
d. Teaching Forms and Methods: Lecturing and Class Discussion
e. Requirements for Extra-curricular Studying: n/a
Homework: End of Chapter Questions 2, 3,5,6,8, 10, 14, 21
Chapter 5
a. Class hour
b. Content and Emphasize
This chapter explains how the time value of money works and discuss why it is such an
important concept in finance.
c. Learning task
 Calculate the present value and future value of lump sums.
 Identify the different types of annuities, calculate the present value and future value of
both an ordinary annuity and an annuity due, and calculate the relevant annuity
 Calculate the present value and future value of an uneven cash flow stream. You will
use this knowledge in later chapters that show how to value common stocks and
corporate projects.
 Explain the difference between nominal, periodic, and effective interest rates. An
understanding of these concepts is necessary when comparing rates of returns on
alternative investments.
 Discuss the basics of loan amortization and develop a loan amortization schedule that
you might use when considering an auto loan or home mortgage loan.
d. Teaching Forms and Methods: Lecturing and Class Discussion
e. Requirements for Extra-curricular Studying: n/a
Homework: End of Chapter Questions 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 19, 25, 26, 32, 33
Chapter 6
a. Class hour
b. Content and Emphasize
c. Learning task
d. Teaching Forms and Methods: Lecturing and Class Discussion
e. Requirements for Extra-curricular Studying: n/a
Homework: End of Chapter Questions
Chapter 7
a. Class hour
b. Content and Emphasize
c. Learning task
d. Teaching Forms and Methods: Lecturing and Class Discussion
e. Requirements for Extra-curricular Studying: n/a
Homework: End of Chapter Questions .
Chapter 8
Class hour
Content and Emphasize
Learning task
Teaching Forms and Methods: Lecturing and Class Discussion
Requirements for Extra-curricular Studying: n/a
Homework: End of Chapter Questions
Chapter 9
a. Class hour
b. Content and Emphasize
c. Learning task
d. Teaching Forms and Methods: Lecturing and Class Discussion
e. Requirements for Extra-curricular Studying: n/a
Homework: End of Chapter Questions
Chapter 10
f. Class hour
g. Content and Emphasize
h. Learning task
i. Teaching Forms and Methods: Lecturing and Class Discussion
j. Requirements for Extra-curricular Studying: n/a
Homework: End of Chapter Questions
Chapter 11
k. Class hour
l. Content and Emphasize
m. Learning task
n. Teaching Forms and Methods: Lecturing and Class Discussion
o. Requirements for Extra-curricular Studying: n/a
Homework: End of Chapter Questions
Chapter 14
p. Class hour
q. Content and Emphasize
r. Learning task
s. Teaching Forms and Methods: Lecturing and Class Discussion
t. Requirements for Extra-curricular Studying: n/a
Homework: End of Chapter Questions
Chapter 15
u. Class hour
v. Content and Emphasize
w. Learning task
x. Teaching Forms and Methods: Lecturing and Class Discussion
y. Requirements for Extra-curricular Studying: n/a
Homework: End of Chapter Questions
Course Requirements:
The required text for this course is:
Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th edition
by Brigham and Houston
ISBN 13: 978-0538482127
ISBN 10: 0538482125
Final Exams
The final exam will be given by the end of the semester. Exams are closed book and closed
note. The exam will include material from assigned readings and class discussions. Your
attendance in class will help ensure that you do not miss any pertinent information.
There will be several homework sets assigned during the semester. Homework due dates are
specified during the course work. Homework is generally due at the beginning of class. The
goal of homework is to help your understanding of the material.
Two Case Studies %
I will assign you two mini cases this semester. Working on mini cases can reinforce your
understanding on the materials from the lectures and from the text book. Besides this, you can
gain knowledge using EXCEL to resolve finance problems. Excel is used for most real work
calculations and your proficiency with it can prepare you better for your future career.
One Final Exams
Two Case Studies
Course Resource: n/a
Others: n/a