2015 Spanish 3 - Home - Northern Valley Regional High School

Office of Curriculum and Instruction
World Language Department
Demarest and Old Tappan
Spanish 3
June 2015
Unit 1
Families & Communities
Unit 2
Technology & Science
Unit 3
Health and Wellbeing
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Contemporary LIfe
Curriculum Addendum: Grades 9 - 12
Engagement in
literacy practices as
21st Century Skills
9.1 Per. Financial Lit.
9.2 Career Awareness
9.1.12.A.3: Analyze the relationship between various careers and personal earning goals.
9.1.12.A.4: Identify a career goal and develop a plan and timetable for achieving it, including educational/training
requirements, costs and possible debt.
9.1.12.A.9: Analyze how personal and cultural values impact spending and other financial decisions.
Core Instructional
Physical Models,
Transparencies, Geometric
Software, Cylinders, Cones,
Matter, Forms of Energy,
Forces, Motion, Heredity,
Climate, Weather, Objects
in the Universe
Social Studies:
Westward Expansion, Slavery, Civil
WW I, WW II, Advertising
Influences, Economics,
Industrialization, Prejudice and
Discrimination, Genocide
9.2.12.C.4: Analyze how economic conditions and societal changes influence employment trends and future education.
9.2.12.C.7: Examine the professional, legal, and ethical responsibilities for both employers and employees in the global
8.1.12.A.1: Create a personal digital portfolio which reflects personal and academic interests, achievements, and career
aspirations by using a variety of digital tools and resource.
8.1.12.D.1: Demonstrate appropriate application of copyright, fair use and/or Creative Commons to an original work.
8.1.12.D.2: Evaluate consequences of unauthorized electronic access (e.g., hacking) and disclosure, and on dissemination of
personal information.
8.1.12.D.4: Research and understand the positive and negative impact of one’s digital footprint.
See “Suggested Strategies and Resources” list for each unit of study.
Unit 1 : Families & Communities
Time Line: 6 weeks
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Content Standard(s):
7.1.IL.A.1 Identify the main idea and most supporting details contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information and other
sources related to targeted themes.
7.1.IL.A.2 Demonstrate comprehension of oral and written instructions connected to daily activities through appropriate responses.
7.1.IL.A.3 Compare and contrast the use of verbal and non-verbal etiquette (i.e., the use of gestures, intonation, and cultural practices) in the target
culture(s) and in one’s own culture.
7.1.IL.A.4 Use the target language to describe people, places, objects, and daily activities learned about through oral or written descriptions.
7.1.IL.A.5 Demonstrate comprehension of conversations and written information on a variety of topics.
7.1.IL.A.7 Infer the meaning of a few unfamiliar words in some new contexts.
7.1.IL.A.8 Compare and contrast unique linguistic elements in English and the target language.
7.1.IL.B.1 Use digital tools to participate in short conversations and to exchange information related to targeted themes.
7.1.IL.B.2 Give and follow a series of oral and written directions, commands, and requests for participating in age- and level appropriate classroom
and cultural activities.
7.1.IL.B.3 Use appropriate gestures, intonation, and common idiomatic expressions of the target culture(s)/language in familiar situations.
7.1.IL.B.4 Ask and respond to factual and interpretive questions of a personal nature or on school-related topics.
7.1.IL.B.5 Engage in short conversations about personal experiences or events and/or topics studied in other content areas.
7.1.IL.C.1 Use knowledge about cultural products and cultural practices to create a multimedia-rich presentation on targeted themes to be shared
virtually with a target language audience.
7.1.IL.C.2 Present student-created and/or authentic short plays, skits, poems, songs, stories, or reports.
7.1.IL.C.3 Use language creatively to respond in writing to a variety of oral or visual prompts.
7.1.IL.C.4 Compare and contrast age- and level-appropriate culturally authentic materials orally and in writing.
7.1.IL.C.5 Explain the cultural perspective associated with a few cultural products and cultural practices from the target culture(s) and one’s own
Understanding (s)/goals
Students will understand:
● an extended list of family members
● an extended list of descriptive adjectives
● that families are vastly different depending on their
● that activities we like are influenced by our living
situations, personalities, culture, etc.
Essential Question(s):
1. How does one’s personality affect relationships with others?
2. How does one’s personality affect their role in society, family, class, etc.?
3. How does one’s personality drive their interests?
4. How does one’s living situation affect their activities?
Student objectives (outcomes):
Students will be able to:
● Describe their contributions to society, family, class, etc.
● Interpret the results of a personality quiz
● Identify personality traits in a character from literature, media, etc.
● Compare and contrast their interests with those of different cultures, socio-economic status, countries, etc.
● Understand authentic resources (e.g. text, audio, video, etc.)
● Analyze their specific role in their families
● Describe what their community has to offer (pasttimes, etc.)
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s):
● Read and comprehend authentic text about non-traditional
● Engage in a simulated conversation about family dynamics
(living circumstances, pastimes) with an exchange student
who has come to stay
● Create a digital representation of emotional states,
personality, feelings (e.g. video acting out of emotions,
feelings, etc.)
Other Evidence:
● Oral evaluation
● Homework
● Quizzes/tests
● Listening, reading, writing comprehension
● Class participation
● Class discussion
● Class debate
● Short story
● Skits
● Language lab evaluation
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Materials & resources (this list is not exhaustive and materials should be included as released):
Textbook and workbook (including on-line version), Language Lab, Internet sites and activities , Web 2.0 tools, Maps, PowerPoints
Authentic Spanish newspapers, magazines, TV and radio ads
Web 2.0 tools to create visual dictionary of Unit 1
Developmental activities:
● Complete a personality survey
● Compare and contrast results of survey
● Read authentic text(s) on the effects of technology on the family life in the target language culture
● Analyze and discuss results of personality quiz
● Converse about the roles in families based upon age, personality, gender, cultural differences
● Discuss how technology has affected family dynamics
● Describe the free time activities common where you live
● Create and perform conversation between individuals from 2 different situations (e.g. generational, cultural, socio-economic)
● Describe family members using an extended variety of adjectives
Closing activities:
● create a cortometraje encompassing cultural aspects from the unit (e.g. a modern day version of “Di Algo” cortometraje, sitcom of
family life in different cultures, etc.)
Unit 2 : Technology & Science
Time Line: 6 weeks
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Content Standard(s):
7.1.IL.A.1 Identify the main idea and most supporting details contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information and other
sources related to targeted themes.
7.1.IL.A.2 Demonstrate comprehension of oral and written instructions connected to daily activities through appropriate responses.
7.1.IL.A.3 Compare and contrast the use of verbal and non-verbal etiquette (i.e., the use of gestures, intonation, and cultural practices) in the target
culture(s) and in one’s own culture.
7.1.IL.A.4 Use the target language to describe people, places, objects, and daily activities learned about through oral or written descriptions.
7.1.IL.A.5 Demonstrate comprehension of conversations and written information on a variety of topics.
7.1.IL.A.7 Infer the meaning of a few unfamiliar words in some new contexts.
7.1.IL.A.8 Compare and contrast unique linguistic elements in English and the target language.
7.1.IL.B.1 Use digital tools to participate in short conversations and to exchange information related to targeted themes.
7.1.IL.B.2 Give and follow a series of oral and written directions, commands, and requests for participating in age- and level appropriate classroom
and cultural activities.
7.1.IL.B.3 Use appropriate gestures, intonation, and common idiomatic expressions of the target culture(s)/language in familiar situations.
7.1.IL.B.4 Ask and respond to factual and interpretive questions of a personal nature or on school-related topics.
7.1.IL.B.5 Engage in short conversations about personal experiences or events and/or topics studied in other content areas.
7.1.IL.C.1 Use knowledge about cultural products and cultural practices to create a multimedia-rich presentation on targeted themes to be shared
virtually with a target language audience.
7.1.IL.C.2 Present student-created and/or authentic short plays, skits, poems, songs, stories, or reports.
7.1.IL.C.3 Use language creatively to respond in writing to a variety of oral or visual prompts.
7.1.IL.C.4 Compare and contrast age- and level-appropriate culturally authentic materials orally and in writing.
7.1.IL.C.5 Explain the cultural perspective associated with a few cultural products and cultural practices from the target culture(s) and one’s own
Students will understand:
● a variety of general science and technology terms
● how our culture is impacted by technology
● how technology is impacted by our culture
Essential Question(s):
1. What is the impact of science and technology on our lives?
2. How should science and technology be used in our lives?
3. In a world of constant change, what technology skills should be learned?
4. What responsibilities do we have in regards to scientific advancement and
technology usage?
Student objectives (outcomes):
Students will be able to:
● discuss the role technology plays/should play in our daily lives
● analyze the impact (social, financial, educational, environmental, etc) of technology in our lives
● create guidelines for proper use of technology
● debate the moral and ethical implications of scientific advancement
● predict future advancements in science and technology
● discuss the cultural differences with respect to technology and its usage
● evaluate the positives and negatives of specific technologies
● evaluate the importance of certain technologies used daily
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s):
Other Evidence:
● Oral evaluation
● Homework
● read and understand an article on the release of a new device
● Quizzes/tests
● listen and understand a current events scientific discussion
● Listening, reading, writing comprehension
● Class participation
● maintain a simulated conversation about technology skills
● Class discussion
learned in school
● Class debate
● Short story
● give directions showing how to utilize a new technology, app,
● Skits
● Language lab evaluation
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Materials & resources (this list is not exhaustive and materials should be included as released):
Textbook and workbook (including on-line version), Language Lab, Internet sites and activities , Web 2.0 tools, Maps, PowerPoints
Authentic Spanish newspapers, magazines, TV and radio ads
● http://www.cnet.com/es/
● http://es.engadget.com/
● http://spanauthenticresources.wikispaces.com/
● https://phone.lingnet.org/default_spanish.asp
● https://spanishobsessed.com/audio/
● http://www.spanishlistening.org/
● http://www.profedeele.es/
● http://newspapermap.com/
● http://www.ver-taal.com/index.htm
● http://tweentribune.com/spanish
Developmental activities:
● read and understand an authentic text on a science or technology related topic
● listen and understand to authentic speaker on a science or technology related topic
● evaluate the latest upgrade of a specific device
● evaluate the importance of certain technologies
● discuss the role of technology in your specific family, school, life situation
● discuss how technology has made your lives easier as compared to the lives of your parents/grandparents
● debate the moral implications of a scientific advancement
● interview classmates on technology use
● engage in twitter chat/backchannel discussion about science related topic
● write a persuasive essay for or against the use of technology in a particular situation
(e.g. school, fertility, environment, cloning, space exploration, etc.)
● create a proposal for funding for a new app, technology or scientific advancement
● create memes related to science and technology that are humorous, sarcastic, informational, etc.
● write/speak about your opinions on a topic of science
Closing activities:
● Create a “how to” video or screencast on the use of your favorite technology that also incorporates the importance of learning
and knowing this technology
● Create an infographic highlighting the technology usage of all students in class
Unit 3 :
Health & Wellbeing
Time Line: 6 weeks
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Content Standard(s):
7.1 - All students will be able to use a world language in addition to English to engage in meaningful conversation, to understand and interpret spoken
and written language, and to present information, concepts, and ideas, while also gaining an understanding of the perspectives of other cultures.
Through language study, they will make connections with other content areas, compare the language and culture studied with their own, and
participate in home and global communities.
7.1.IL.A.1 Identify the main idea and most supporting details contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information and other sources
related to targeted themes.
7.1.IL.A.2 Demonstrate comprehension of oral and written instructions connected to daily activities through appropriate responses.
7.1.IL.A.3 Compare and contrast the use of verbal and non-verbal etiquette (i.e., the use of gestures, intonation, and cultural practices) in the target
culture(s) and in one’s own culture.
7.1.IL.A.4 Use the target language to describe people, places, objects, and daily activities learned about through oral or written descriptions.
7.1.IL.A.5 Demonstrate comprehension of conversations and written information on a variety of topics.
7.1.IL.A.7 Infer the meaning of a few unfamiliar words in some new contexts.
7.1.IL.A.8 Compare and contrast unique linguistic elements in English and the target language.
7.1.IL.B.1 Use digital tools to participate in short conversations and to exchange information related to targeted themes.
7.1.IL.B.2 Give and follow a series of oral and written directions, commands, and requests for participating in age- and level appropriate classroom
and cultural activities.
7.1.IL.B.3 Use appropriate gestures, intonation, and common idiomatic expressions of the target culture(s)/language in familiar situations.
7.1.IL.B.4 Ask and respond to factual and interpretive questions of a personal nature or on school-related topics.
7.1.IL.B.5 Engage in short conversations about personal experiences or events and/or topics studied in other content areas.
7.1.IL.C.1 Use knowledge about cultural products and cultural practices to create a multimedia-rich presentation on targeted themes to be shared
virtually with a target language audience.
7.1.IL.C.2 Present student-created and/or authentic short plays, skits, poems, songs, stories, or reports.
7.1.IL.C.3 Use language creatively to respond in writing to a variety of oral or visual prompts.
7.1.IL.C.4 Compare and contrast age- and level-appropriate culturally authentic materials orally and in writing.
7.1.IL.C.5 Explain the cultural perspective associated with a few cultural products and cultural practices from the target culture (s) and one’s own
7.1.IL.C.6 Summarize requirements for professions/careers that require proficiency in a language other than English based on exploration of the 16
Career Clusters.
Students will understand that:
● successful communication involves a comprehensive
toolbox of health, nutrition and well-being vocabulary in
order to be able to express health care needs
● daily habits of nutrition and exercise affect overall health
● health, nutrition and exercise vary from country to country
● technology plays a role in monitoring their health and
fitness activities
Essential Question(s):
1. What constitutes a healthy lifestyle?
2. Are Americans healthy compared to people from other countries?
3. How does diet affect various parts of the body?
4. How do we take care of our medical needs?
5. How can we use technology to monitor and improve our health?
Student objectives (outcomes):
Students will be able to:
● discuss what constitutes a healthy lifestyle
● analyze the role technology plays in monitoring and improving our health
● express their health care needs in an emergency
● understand that the concept of health and fitness varies from country to country
● interpret the messages being conveyed throughout the media related to health and fitness
● debate the “sugar ban” in school and its overall effectiveness
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s):
● students will read an authentic text related to health
and wellbeing and demonstrate understanding and
comprehension by answering questions and
formulating personal reflection
● students will engage in a simulated conversation with
a health care professional expressing their immediate
health care needs (in class or in World Language Lab)
● students will create a public service announcement
using current and appropriate technology to convey a
message related to health and wellbeing
Other Evidence:
● Oral evaluation
● Homework
● Quizzes/tests
● Listening, reading, writing comprehension
● Class participation
● Class discussion
● Class debate
● Short stories
● Language lab evaluation
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Materials & resources (this list is not exhaustive and materials should be included as released):
Textbook and workbook (including on-line version), Language Lab, Internet sites and activities , Web 2.0 tools, Maps, PowerPoints
Authentic Spanish newspapers, magazines, TV and radio ads
Developmental Activities:
● use target language to paraphrase what is heard or read in oral or written articles related to health, wellbeing, current issues and trends
● analyze, critique and apply information conveyed from authentic texts to one’s own health and wellbeing
● demonstrate comprehension of health and wellness vocabulary by completing written, listening, comprehension and oral activities
● analyze infographics and make inferences
● role-play a conversation between a healthcare professional and a patient (in-class or in Lab using a simulated conversation)
● interpret and debate the messages being conveyed through the media and defend their position
● debate “sugar ban” during the school day
● compare and contrast nutrition and daily lifestyles in the United States and a Spanish-speaking country
● create a presentation (TED Talk, etc.) explaining how technology has impacted health and fitness of society
Closing activities:
● IPA (Integrated Performance Assessment) using Intermediate Low guidelines and expectations:
○ read an authentic text related to health and wellbeing and demonstrate understanding and comprehension by answering questions
and formulating personal reflection
○ create and present public service announcement using technology of student’s choice to convey a message related to health and
Unit : 4 Travel
Time Line: 6 weeks
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Content Standard(s):
7.1.IL.A.1 Identify the main idea and most supporting details contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information and other sources
related to targeted themes.
7.1.IL.A.2 Demonstrate comprehension of oral and written instructions connected to daily activities through appropriate responses.
7.1.IL.A.3 Compare and contrast the use of verbal and non-verbal etiquette (i.e., the use of gestures, intonation, and cultural practices) in the target
culture(s) and in one’s own culture.
7.1.IL.A.4 Use the target language to describe people, places, objects, and daily activities learned about through oral or written descriptions.
7.1.IL.A.5 Demonstrate comprehension of conversations and written information on a variety of topics.
7.1.IL.A.7 Infer the meaning of a few unfamiliar words in some new contexts.
7.1.IL.A.8 Compare and contrast unique linguistic elements in English and the target language.
7.1.IL.B.1 Use digital tools to participate in short conversations and to exchange information related to targeted themes.
7.1.IL.B.2 Give and follow a series of oral and written directions, commands, and requests for participating in age- and level appropriate classroom
and cultural activities.
7.1.IL.B.3 Use appropriate gestures, intonation, and common idiomatic expressions of the target culture(s)/language in familiar situations.
7.1.IL.B.4 Ask and respond to factual and interpretive questions of a personal nature or on school-related topics.
7.1.IL.B.5 Engage in short conversations about personal experiences or events and/or topics studied in other content areas.
7.1.IL.C.1 Use knowledge about cultural products and cultural practices to create a multimedia-rich presentation on targeted themes to be shared
virtually with a target language audience.
7.1.IL.C.2 Present student-created and/or authentic short plays, skits, poems, songs, stories, or reports.
7.1.IL.C.3 Use language creatively to respond in writing to a variety of oral or visual prompts.
7.1.IL.C.4 Compare and contrast age- and level-appropriate culturally authentic materials orally and in writing.
7.1.IL.C.5 Explain the cultural perspective associated with a few cultural products and cultural practices from the target culture(s) and one’s own
Understanding (s)/goals
Students will understand that:
● Travel is beneficial to one’s life.
● Being aware of differences in street signs, currency
exchange, customs, cultures and modes of
transportation can make one’s travel enjoyable and
Essential Question(s):
Why does one travel?
What impact does travel have on us personally and how we see the world in
which we live?
Student objectives (outcomes):
Students will be able to:
● understand that people travel for a variety of reasons
● research modes of travel as they vary from country to country
● negotiate the purchase of train/metro/airline tickets and make lodging arrangements
● interpret schedules, rate of exchange, boards, road signs and maps
● create a travel itinerary including transportation, lodging, and cultural activities/excursions
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s):
Other Evidence:
● Oral evaluation
● Homework
● Interpret information on a variety of authentic materials
● Quizzes/tests
such as: train tickets, plane tickets, maps, hotel registration
● Listening, reading, writing comprehension
cards, schedules etc.
● Class participation
● Analyze messages conveyed in advertising for airlines,
● Class discussion
railroads, countries and hotels.
● Class debate
● Short story
● Language lab evaluation
● Maintain a simulated conversation about travel
arrangements/procedures (e.g. hotel, plane, train)
● Compose a recorded message requesting and/or
confirming travel/lodging accommodations (using
GoogleVoice, Lab, etc.)
● Create and share a travel itinerary
● Create a visual presentation about one’s travels (e.g.
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Materials & resources (this list is not exhaustive and materials should be included as released):
Textbook and workbook (including on-line version), Language Lab, Internet sites and activities , Web 2.0 tools, Maps, PowerPoints
Authentic Spanish newspapers, magazines, TV and radio ads
Developmental activities:
● Read an authentic text/article on travel
● Listen and understand an authentic travel commercial
● Evaluate the pros and cons of travel options
● View and understand signs in places of travel (airports, bus terminals, highways, etc)
● Understand and respond accordingly to safety procedures
● Discuss how travel broadens one’s horizons
● Interview classmates about their travels
● Discuss recommendations for successful travel
● Compare and contrast vacation styles
● Create and describe a travel poster/brochure/website
● Create and present a travel journal with the class
Closing activities:
Create a travel campaign
Create a travel video
Unit : 5 Nature
Time Line: 6 weeks
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Content Standard(s):
7.1.IL.A.1 Identify the main idea and most supporting details contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information and other
sources related to targeted themes.
7.1.IL.A.2 Demonstrate comprehension of oral and written instructions connected to daily activities through appropriate responses.
7.1.IL.A.3 Compare and contrast the use of verbal and non-verbal etiquette (i.e., the use of gestures, intonation, and cultural practices) in the target
culture(s) and in one’s own culture.
7.1.IL.A.4 Use the target language to describe people, places, objects, and daily activities learned about through oral or written descriptions.
7.1.IL.A.5 Demonstrate comprehension of conversations and written information on a variety of topics.
7.1.IL.A.7 Infer the meaning of a few unfamiliar words in some new contexts.
7.1.IL.A.8 Compare and contrast unique linguistic elements in English and the target language.
7.1.IL.B.1 Use digital tools to participate in short conversations and to exchange information related to targeted themes.
7.1.IL.B.2 Give and follow a series of oral and written directions, commands, and requests for participating in age- and level appropriate classroom
and cultural activities.
7.1.IL.B.3 Use appropriate gestures, intonation, and common idiomatic expressions of the target culture(s)/language in familiar situations.
7.1.IL.B.4 Ask and respond to factual and interpretive questions of a personal nature or on school-related topics.
7.1.IL.B.5 Engage in short conversations about personal experiences or events and/or topics studied in other content areas.
7.1.IL.C.1 Use knowledge about cultural products and cultural practices to create a multimedia-rich presentation on targeted themes to be shared
virtually with a target language audience.
7.1.IL.C.2 Present student-created and/or authentic short plays, skits, poems, songs, stories, or reports.
7.1.IL.C.3 Use language creatively to respond in writing to a variety of oral or visual prompts.
7.1.IL.C.4 Compare and contrast age- and level-appropriate culturally authentic materials orally and in writing.
7.1.IL.C.5 Explain the cultural perspective associated with a few cultural products and cultural practices from the target culture(s) and one’s own
Understanding (s)/goals
Students will understand that
● there are various ecosystems that are endangered in
Spanish-speaking countries
● we have the power and responsibility to conserve
energy, natural resources and wildlife.
● there are tangible ways to protect our planet
Essential Question(s):
1. Why do natural phenomena affect countries differently?
2. How do we help conserve our planet?
3. How are habitats, weather and wildlife related?
Student objectives (outcomes):
Students will be able to:
● compare global saving efforts in the US and hispanic countries
● discuss the different natural phenomena (disasters) and how they affect different parts of our world
● debate the necessity of recycling and conservation of energy
● discuss the importance of environmentally friendly developments such as solar energy, hybrid vehicles, etc.
● read and interpret newspaper articles and/or written material regarding hurricanes and other natural phenomena in the Spanish-speaking
● watch and interpret an extreme weather report on television (e.g. hurricanes, flooding, mudslides)
● identify animals that are endangered throughout the Spanish-speaking world
● identify ways to reduce, reuse and recycle
● identify major landforms in the Spanish-speaking world
● investigate the correlation between location of countries and weather related problems
● discuss problems of deforestation and identify major regions where deforestation occurs
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s):
● After reading an article about environmental conservation,
summarize the main point
● Watch a short film about environmental events and debate
consequences of such events.
● Compare and contrast another’s perspectives regarding
environmental issues with your own.
● Debate the importance of various environmental issues (recycling,
using solar energy, driving hybrid vehicles, etc.)
● Analyze and discuss the pros and cons of “going green.”
● Create a public service announcement about an environmental issue
and present it to the class.
● Create a literary work (e.g. poem) about an environmental issue,
e.g. endangered animal
Other Evidence:
● Oral evaluation
● Homework
● Quizzes/tests
● Listening, reading, writing comprehension
● Class participation
● Class discussion
● Class debate
● Short story
● Language lab evaluation
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Materials & resources (this list is not exhaustive and materials should be included as released):
Textbook and workbook (including on-line version), Language Lab, Internet sites and activities , Web 2.0 tools, Maps, PowerPoints
Authentic Spanish newspapers, magazines, TV and radio ads
● http://spanauthenticresources.wikispaces.com/
● https://phone.lingnet.org/default_spanish.asp
● https://spanishobsessed.com/audio/
● http://www.spanishlistening.org/
● http://www.profedeele.es/
● http://newspapermap.com/
● http://www.ver-taal.com/index.htm
● http://tweentribune.com/spanish
● www.bbcmundo.com
● http://www.greenpeace.org/espana/es/
● http://www.worldwildlife.org/
● https://www.smart.com/es/es/index.html
● https://ic.fsc.org/index.htm
● Spanish language music, e.g. “Dónde jugarán los niños”, song by Maná
● Movies (e.g. Wall*e, Disney-Pixar film, Bee Movie, Dreamworks Pictures)http://www.bbcmundo.com
● Cortometrajes, e.g. “El día menos pensado”
Developmental activities:
● Read and interpret article about environmental issue (e.g. coral reefs in Caribbean Sea, rainforests, etc.)
● Watch and interpret a movie (e.g. Bee Movie, Wall*e) about environmental issues and discuss message of film.
● Research/investigate one endangered animal in a Spanish-speaking country.
● Watch documentary to understand the direct impact of our actions on an ecosystem, e.g. “Accidental Eden”
● Interview member of family (or person of different generation) about their perspectives on environmental issues
● Brainstorm and discuss possible solutions for conserving natural environments
● Debate the need for solar panels and/or hybrid cars.
● Brainstorm with a classmate what it means to “be green” and its advantages and disadvantages
● Create a public service announcement about an environmental issue
● Defend and present a car purchase to the class (Smart Car, hybrid, SUV, etc).
● Write and illustrate an original poem about an endangered animal in the target language. (Poems can be bound to create a final class book.)
● Calculate your family’s carbon footprint and devise a realistic proposal to reduce it
Closing activities:
● Create a multimedia commercial about saving an endangered animal or landform as landmark (e.g. coral reefs, glaciers, rainforest)
Unit 6 : Contemporary Life
Time Line: 6 weeks
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Content Standard(s):
7.1.IL.A.1 Identify the main idea and most supporting details contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information and other sources
related to targeted themes.
7.1.IL.A.2 Demonstrate comprehension of oral and written instructions connected to daily activities through appropriate responses.
7.1.IL.A.3 Compare and contrast the use of verbal and non-verbal etiquette (i.e., the use of gestures, intonation, and cultural practices) in the target
culture(s) and in one’s own culture.
7.1.IL.A.4 Use the target language to describe people, places, objects, and daily activities learned about through oral or written descriptions.
7.1.IL.A.5 Demonstrate comprehension of conversations and written information on a variety of topics.
7.1.IL.A.7 Infer the meaning of a few unfamiliar words in some new contexts.
7.1.IL.A.8 Compare and contrast unique linguistic elements in English and the target language.
7.1.IL.B.1 Use digital tools to participate in short conversations and to exchange information related to targeted themes.
7.1.IL.B.2 Give and follow a series of oral and written directions, commands, and requests for participating in age- and level appropriate classroom
and cultural activities.
7.1.IL.B.3 Use appropriate gestures, intonation, and common idiomatic expressions of the target culture(s)/language in familiar situations.
7.1.IL.B.4 Ask and respond to factual and interpretive questions of a personal nature or on school-related topics.
7.1.IL.B.5 Engage in short conversations about personal experiences or events and/or topics studied in other content areas.
7.1.IL.C.1 Use knowledge about cultural products and cultural practices to create a multimedia-rich presentation on targeted themes to be shared
virtually with a target language audience.
7.1.IL.C.2 Present student-created and/or authentic short plays, skits, poems, songs, stories, or reports.
7.1.IL.C.3 Use language creatively to respond in writing to a variety of oral or visual prompts.
7.1.IL.C.4 Compare and contrast age- and level-appropriate culturally authentic materials orally and in writing.
7.1.IL.C.5 Explain the cultural perspective associated with a few cultural products and cultural practices from the target culture(s) and one’s own
students will understand:
● the current issues and trends that affect adolescents
● how our choices impact our local and global
Essential Question(s):
1. What are the issues affecting adolescents today?
2. How are adolescents portrayed in society today?
3. How does a society recognize and promote beauty?
4. How do decisions made today affect you in the future?
Student objectives (outcomes):
Students will be able to:
● Identify key challenges, issues, and trends popular among adolescents today
● Evaluate the value systems of societies and cultures
● Recognize the ramifications of their choices in the short and long term
● Analyze the effects of current decisions in their future lives
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s):
● read and understand an article on a topic of interest to adolescents
● watch and understand a video portraying stereotypes (cultural,
gender, ethnic, etc)
● debate what different societies value and the what effect that has on
all members
● create a culminating cause and effect project (e.g. video) that
highlights decisions made during adolescence and its future impact
Other Evidence:
● Oral evaluation
● Homework
● Quizzes/tests
● Listening, reading, writing comprehension
● Class participation
● Class discussion
● Class debate
● Short story
● Skits
● Language lab evaluation
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Materials & resources (this list is not exhaustive and materials should be included as released):
Textbook and workbook (including on-line version), Language Lab, Internet sites and activities , Web 2.0 tools, Maps, PowerPoints
Authentic Spanish newspapers, magazines, TV and radio ads
Developmental activities:
● watch/listen to authentic videos/audios of Spanish speakers discussing contemporary issues and trends (e.g. fashion, technology, family,
● read articles (newspapers, magazines, blogs, etc.) related to contemporary issues affecting adolescents today
● interview any/all members in community about decisions made and their outcome
● discuss with classmates successes and failures experienced in high school
● make a list of key decisions made during adolescence that will profoundly affect the future
● based upon your experiences, create a guide for success for students following in your footsteps
Closing activities:
● discussion and provide feedback on classmates’ culminating projects