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Official Veterinarian Competencies
Ian McLeish
Lead Veterinarian, MHS
MHS Operational Organogram
Chief Executive
Business Director
(North) (1)
Veterinary Advice
Business Managers
Senior Meat Hygiene
Business Director
(South) (1)
Business Managers
Veterinary &
Technical Director &
Lead Veterinarian
Inspection Team
Inspection Team
The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive
agency of the Food Standards Agency
Senior Meat Hygiene
Area / Cluster Structure
• 12 Business Areas – 12 Business
Managers (employed)
• 37 Clusters (not including the Scottish Islands &
London Central Market) – 37 Lead
Veterinarians (employed and
• Generally 3 Clusters per Business
• Number of approved premises
within each Cluster
Current at May 2009
The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive
agency of the Food Standards Agency
Official Veterinarian as Team Leader (OVTL)
Overall work objective:
– Operate as the Team Leader in an approved establishment by line
managing & providing technical advice to the plant team to ensure
the efficient & consistent delivery of Official Controls.
– Seek to build & manage effective relationships with the plant Food
Business Operator (FBO) & other stakeholders.
– Take responsibility for health & safety management at plant level.
The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive
agency of the Food Standards Agency
Competencies vs Competence
– Competencies are the skills, knowledge & behaviours an individual
must have, or must acquire, in order to fulfil his or her role & achieve
required levels of performance.
– Competence is a minimum standard or the level of output required
by an individual (e.g. highly competent, competent).
– Competencies are not lists of job tasks or a type of job description.
– Competencies are cumulative & build upon each other (e.g. where
Competency Level 2 applies to a job, ALL of the indicators at Level 1
within a Competencies area must be achieved by the post-holder as
well as those at Level 2).
The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive
agency of the Food Standards Agency
Competencies in the MHS (1)
Leadership & Management
Business Administration
Technical Competencies Frameworks:
– Finance & Commercial Management
– Human Resources
– Information & Communications Technology
– Internal Audit
– Veterinary & Operational Policy Delivery
The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive
agency of the Food Standards Agency
Competencies in the MHS (2)
Each role within the MHS has an Individual Competencies
Role Profile defining the level of competencies required
from the following Frameworks:
– Leadership & Management Competencies
– Business Administration Competencies
– Relevant Technical Competencies
Each Framework has a number of areas with up to 5 levels
in each & the role itself defines the level that applies.
The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive
agency of the Food Standards Agency
Competencies in the MHS (3)
The Competencies Role Profile is defined by the job & each
individual is assessed against this through the Performance
& Development Review.
Any gap between the Role Profile & the individual defines
their learning & development need.
Individuals can then use this information to inform their
desired career path, understanding what skills, knowledge
& behaviours would be required for the role to which they
The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive
agency of the Food Standards Agency
MHS Competencies Frameworks: Leadership & Management
High Level Definitions (1)
Business Awareness
– Understands the MHS business environment. Able to understand others’
perspectives & collaborates both internally & externally. Is able to empathise
with customers, monitor levels of satisfaction & respond appropriately in line
with business needs.
Understanding & Knowing Self
– Has a high awareness of own strengths & limitations & is able to express
themselves clearly & openly. Welcomes constructive criticism & feedback &
has a willingness to learn. Displays self confidence & takes responsibility for
own decisions & actions.
Understanding Your Impact on Others
– Achieves positive outcomes by utilising strengths and understanding
limitations of self & others. Demonstrates self control, remains calm & level
headed under pressure & is adaptable & flexible in a range of situations.
Embraces change, is a strong team player & generates an atmosphere of
respect, friendliness & cooperation.
The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive
agency of the Food Standards Agency
MHS Competencies Frameworks: Leadership & Management
High Level Definitions (2)
Managing & Influencing Others
– Has the ability to inspire people with a clear vision & common purpose, & is
able to influence across all levels in a wide range of situations. Shows
genuine interest in developing others through understanding their goals &
aspirations & coaching them towards success. Challenges unethical
behaviour in others & drives for performance improvements in self & others.
Decision Making
– Has a clear understanding of their remit for decision making. Finds &
delivers solutions by effectively analysing all the information, probing to
develop alternatives & taking sound & timely decisions. Is able to prioritise
tasks & provide direction against agreed objectives.
The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive
agency of the Food Standards Agency
MHS Competencies Frameworks: Business Administration
High Level Definitions
Contributes to a positive Health and Safety culture & the achievement of Health
and Safety objectives
Actively manages risk (including Health and Safety) to maximise return on
Understands own role & responsibility with regards to the use & management of
Understands own role in all aspects of a project in order to achieve the project
objectives appropriately & within agreed time, cost & performance parameters
Understands own role in all aspects of a delegated budget in order to retain
financial control & to ensure adherence to financial standards
The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive
agency of the Food Standards Agency
MHS Competencies Frameworks: Veterinary & Operational
Policy Delivery
High Level Definitions (1)
MHS & Meat Industry Knowledge
– Understands the MHS & the Meat Industry environment
Legislative Framework & The Manual for Official Controls
– Understands the relevant legislation, its framework & the Manual for Official
Controls (MOC) & applies appropriately
Knowledge of HACCP-Based Food Management Procedures
– Understands & appropriately uses the principles & applications of HACCPbased procedures
Ante-Mortem & Pre-Slaughter Inspection
– Clearly understands how to carry out pre-slaughter inspection & antemortem activities & actions appropriately
The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive
agency of the Food Standards Agency
MHS Competencies Frameworks: Veterinary & Operational
Policy Delivery
High Level Definitions (2)
Slaughter & Processing
– Clearly understands how to carry out slaughter & processing activities &
takes appropriate actions
Post-Mortem Inspection
– Clearly understands post-mortem inspection process & carries out activities
as appropriate
Health Marking & Identification Marking
– Clearly understands the correct use of the health mark & identification mark
& applies as appropriate
Specified Risk Material Procedures & the Controlled Removal of
Animal By-Products, & Edible Co-Products
– Understands the controlled removal of by-products of slaughter & applies
legislation as appropriate
The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive
agency of the Food Standards Agency
MHS Competencies Frameworks: Veterinary & Operational
Policy Delivery
High Level Definitions (3)
Service Level Agreements & Sampling Operations
– Understands the purpose of Service Level Agreements & the need for
sampling & carries such duties out appropriately.
– Understands the role of the MHS as an enforcement body & applies
enforcement as appropriate to role.
The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive
agency of the Food Standards Agency
Lead Veterinarian / Official Veterinarian Competencies Role
Business Awareness
Understanding & Knowing Self
Understanding Your Impact on Other
Managing & Influencing Others
Decision Making
Business Administration
MHS & Meat Industry Knowledge
Legislative Framework & Manual Of Official Controls
Knowledge of HACCP-Based Food Management
Ante-Mortem & Pre-Slaughter Inspection
Slaughter & Processing
Post-Mortem Inspection
Health & Identification Marking
Specified Risk Material Procedures & the Controlled
Removal of Animal By-Products & Edible Co-Products
Service Level Agreements & Sampling Operations
The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive
agency of the Food Standards Agency
LV / OV Competencies: Some details
Business Awareness: Level 3
– Builds productive & co-operative working relationships with external
customers / stakeholders / OGDs & communicates MHS’ responsibilities,
aims & objectives.
– Advocates & builds effective & consultative working relationships with key
customers / stakeholders across MHS directorates, & actively encourages
others to do the same.
– Plans work activities for self & others in response to strategic direction
supplied by senior managers & adapts & expands business & technical
knowledge to meet new requirements.
– Ensures that viable & verifiable evidence is used in assessing the success
of policies, procedures, projects & processes.
– Presents bids for resources which demonstrate an understanding of key
issues & are based on sound evidence & the principles of cost-efficiency &
the value added.
The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive
agency of the Food Standards Agency
LV / OV Competencies: Some details
Understanding & Knowing Self : Level 3
– Creates & welcomes opportunities for feedback, uses feedback to
strengthen working relationships both within the MHS & with other bodies as
– Supports individuals within own area of responsibility in identifying their own
development needs & creates & provides realistic learning opportunities for
staff taking into account individual’s learning style & motivators.
– Creates an environment & opportunities for teams / individuals to take
personal responsibility. Supports & works in partnership with colleagues to
achieve agreed outcomes.
– Works with others to ensure that new challenges & ideas are communicated
positively & ensures that these are embedded within own work area & the
commitment of staff gained through explaining the reason for change.
The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive
agency of the Food Standards Agency
LV / OV Competencies: Understanding your Impact on Others
Level 3
a) Actively communicates appropriately all
relevant information, using methods of
communication / information sharing that
are timely, appropriate to the knowledge
level & needs of the audience, the
prevailing circumstances & any
accessibility & diversity issues. Checks
own correct understanding of
communications & seeks advice where
a) Encourages & creates appropriate
communication channels (up, down and
across) & mediums & ensures their
correct usage. Supports, communicates
& explains complex issues clearly,
accurately & concisely. Ensures
correction of message where appropriate.
b) Positively supports decisions through
actively implementing agreed actions
within specified timeframes.
b) Actively drives the implementation of
decisions & supports colleagues in
delivering such decisions in practice.
b) Communicates support for
decisions to others, providing clear
direction on implementation of such
b) Ensures that decisions made are
supported & communicated within the
MHS & to other interested external
stakeholders showing active
commitment to the agreed message.
c) Demonstrates respect & consideration
for self & others at all times, showing
honesty, integrity & tact & using assertive
behaviours to support approach. Listens
to others & appreciates their views &
opinion. Actively seeks to understand
own strengths & limitations & develop as
c) Understands own approach to various
situations & is prepared to adapt such
approaches to ensure positive &
equitable working relationships whilst
ensuring personal integrity.
c) Understands approaches of others
& demonstrates respect &
consideration for such differences by
adapting own approach &
influencing that of others to ensure
positive outcomes for the work area.
c) Creates a culture (supported by
policies, procedures, working practices
& actions) which encourages diversity &
equality, supports different approaches
& acknowledges that all individuals
have a contribution to make to the
success of the MHS.
d) Is receptive to constructive feedback
regarding work approach & gives
accurate, timely & constructive feedback
to others in an appropriate manner & is
willing to discuss further.
d) Identifies & creates opportunities for
giving & gaining feedback from MHS
contacts on own work approach.
d) Creates & welcomes opportunities
for feedback to be given & received
from internal & external stakeholders
on approach & impact on
organisational relationships
d) Creates & supports a culture where
feedback is encouraged to & from
industry / OGDs / parliamentary bodies
as to approach & impact & drives
relevant changes through the MHS.
The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive
agency of the Food Standards Agency
a) Ensures that all communications &
their messages to team & peers are
managed appropriately.
a) Creates & supports a culture of open &
honest communication & drives this
through the MHS & in its relationships
with industry / OGDs / parliamentary
bodies. Demonstrates an understanding
of the wider Government
communication agenda.
LV / OV Competencies: Some details
Managing and Influencing Others: Level 3
– Drives MHS behavioural standards through providing a positive example &
encourages & develops such standards in staff within own area of
responsibility, addressing inappropriate behaviours & taking any necessary
action as required.
– Drives the process of continuous improvement within work area, champions
positive contributions from individuals & ensures lessons learned are
– Uses area business plan to set priorities & required SMART outcomes for self
& work area, defining and redistributing resources to support the meeting of
– Encourages the use of coaching within own work area, developing others as
coaches as appropriate & drives personal & professional development across
the work area.
– Champions a pro-active relationship management & conflict resolution culture
within own area(s) of responsibility & working towards positive outcomes.
– Uses awareness of MHS business priorities & issues & external factors to give
clear direction to others within own area(s) of responsibility.
The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive
agency of the Food Standards Agency
LV / OV Competencies: Some details
Decision Making: Level 3
– Defines and agrees team decisions & supports where necessary.
Takes responsibility for team actions & decisions & their outcomes.
– Makes decisions that are appropriate to the MHS, balancing risk against
potential benefits, & ensuring that relevant links are made with other
internal & external stakeholders.
– Understands MHS strategic objectives & ensures decisions support
these & are translated into achievable actions, ensuring that appropriate
contingency plans are made where necessary.
– Communicates & promotes MHS corporate decisions, translating into
workable actions for self & others within own work area.
– Takes the MHS business environment (including any legislative
constraints) into account when recommending a range of creative &
workable solutions to issues /opportunities raised. Is prepared to take
decisions that may prove unpopular but are in the best interests of the
The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive
agency of the Food Standards Agency
Assessment of Competencies
Competencies can be assessed through:
– Directed Questioning:
• ‘Please tell me about the last team meeting you attended and how you
ensured that contributions were encouraged from all participants.’
• ‘How does the MHS communicate new policies / amendments to
policies etc.? How have you cascaded this to your team?’
– Use of Scenarios:
• Provide sets of circumstances and ask the individual what action s/he
would take, with particular reference to the related legislation /
regulation etc.
• Ask ‘Who would you contact if you saw [describe situation]?’
– Observation:
• Observe the individual carrying out a specific task.
The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive
agency of the Food Standards Agency
Any questions?
The Meat Hygiene Service is an executive
agency of the Food Standards Agency