November 4, 2015 - Louisiana Tech University

6. Reports
6.1 Standard 1:
Mission and
6.2 Standard 2:
Faculty & Staff
6.3 Standard 3:
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For November 4, 2015 Faculty Meeting
M&AC will meet Monday, Nov 9th at 8:30 a.m. Standard 1 Cr 1.4 addresses partnership. We are tracking the effectiveness
of WK Virtual simulation with ELA >80% of students will agree that they feel better prepared to take care of their patient
following the simulation experience. The Director does not receive all WK simulation summaries. Please forward all
evaluation summaries to Dr. Hood in order to include in data collection and analysis. ELA was met in 7/8 reported evals
with 1unmet in NURS210 due to maternal child simulation specialist out on maternity leave.
The committee met on Monday, September 14, 2015 at 1:15 pm. A new committee chair was elected. Dewanna Blake
will assume the committee chair position for the next two years. The follow-up report for Standard 2 was submitted by
the October 1 deadline with all areas of the Standard having been reviewed and revised by the current committee chair
and Dr. Hood. The SEP for Standard 2 has been updated to include new hire information for Melissa Maddox and Norlyn
Hyde. The committee welcomes them to the Division of Nursing. The new multi-phase mentoring tool was approved and
added to the Faculty Handbook for this Fall quarter of 2015. The pinning dates for the upcoming year are Friday,
February 26, 2016 and Friday, May 22, 2016. The next meeting time and date for the committee have not been
scheduled at this time.
Recruitment: Recruitment efforts have yielded 175 student contacts from seven recruitment events. Of those, three
were visits to area high schools (Cedar Creek, Junction City, Weston High), two were College and Career nights (Lincoln
Parish & Bossier Parish), one Time Out for Tech event and one on-campus event (Crossroads). Tara Haskins is planning a
recruitment visit to Minden High School and Glenbrook (Minden) prior to the Christmas holidays. See attachment for
breakdown of recruitment numbers.
Scholarship: Committee to meet November 4th for scholarship selections.
Publicity: LASN and 40th celebration publicity was sent to Scott Boatright and Dave Guerin. We are hopeful that the 40 th
Celebration will be given some coverage.
We will be reviewing the following Standards on November 16th @ 10am: 3.3 (policy
changes/communication), 3.9 (Distance education), 3.4 (review of student services).
Website: Changes were made to the website for the SEP regarding NCLEX pass rates (with comparison to state and
national rates) and job placement rates under the “Program Highlights” tab. ACEN information was updated to reflect
our current accreditation status. LASN information was updated to reflect 2015 achievements at the state convention.
Nursing News is current. We encourage you to review your information under faculty if your information is in need of
updates or changes.
Student Handbook: Major revisions were made to the student handbook to reflect current costs of the nursing program,
clarity in the uniform policy verbiage and general edits. Should you find something that needs to be clarified or edited,
please forward that information to Tara Haskins or Mary Wilson.
6.4 Standard 4:
Curriculum Committee met October 14, 2015. New student representative Trey Dees was welcomed. Criterion for
Standard 4 that was due for review was discussed and as follows:
Criterion 4.2: Review of data for Spring and Summer 2015 demonstrated that all courses demonstrated competency in
QSEN standards. Nursing 116 began using Web Quest as a way to evaluate and demonstrate competency in Informatics.
Currently, each course is continuing to Blue Print at least one exam per quarter.
Criterion 4.5: ELA #1 & #2 have been completed. All nursing course syllabus have been color coded, showing that 8 of 9
courses include concepts related to cultural, ethnic, and social diversity. Also, each nursing course has incorporated
regional, national, or global experience through nursing community service, or nursing service learning.
Criterion 4.6: Faculty Evaluation of Practice Learning Environment Question #6 from Spring & Summer 2015 results show
that all faculty agree that clinical agency/facilities exhibited interdisciplinary/collaboration. With one exception being
SFMC Cath Lab. This was based on student feedback of this site during Spring 2015. SFMC Cath Lab is currently under
new management and neither faculty nor students have voiced any new concerns regarding this unit.
Criterion 4.9: Faculty Evaluation of Practice learning Environment Question #4,5,8 from Spring & Summer 2015 results
show that all faculty agree that clinical agency/facilities provided a variety of resources, met course objectives, reflects
professional standards and practice competencies. With three exceptions being; Nursing 114 use of SFMC Cath Lab and
P&S Cath Lab and Nursing 116 use of Second Beginnings. The Cath Lab sites are being reused and will be re-evaluated
after the conclusion of the quarter. Second Beginnings is a community led resource that while it may not offer a variety
of student resources, it is one that is efficient to meet course objectives and community exposure.
Student Evaluation of Practice Learning Environment Evaluation showed that 80% or more of the students agreed that
the environment during Spring & Summer 2015 supported achievement of course objectives and student learning
Criterion 4.10: Faculty Evaluation of Practice Learning Environment Question #1, 2, 3 from Spring & Summer 2015 results
show that all faculty agreed that the environment incorporates evidence based practice, contemporary practice, and
reflect NPSG. The only exception is Nursing 116 use of Second Beginning facility which is a community led resource that
while it may not offer a variety of student resources, it is one that is efficient to meet course objectives and community
Criterion 4.11: Curriculum Committee would like to show that all faculties have reviewed current clinical contracts for
facilities in which the students of the course attend. Dr. Donna Hood and Armi have set up an area in the nursing office
(GTM 139) so that contracts can be reviewed and a sign-in sheet can document.
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Next Curriculum meeting will be held December 9, 2015 @ 1:15pm in GTM 301.
6.5 Standard 5:
The Resources Committee met October 28 at 1:15 p.m. Students representatives are Heather Deshazo (alternate Jenny
Threlkeld) from Nursing 210 and Dena Selmer from Nursing 114 (alternate Samantha Frederick). The winter quarter
textbook order was submitted to the Barnes and Noble campus bookstore via Faculty Enlight by the September 14
deadline. Dr. Hood reported that the Carl Perkins basic grant for 2015-16 totals $14,400 and includes an IM Injection
Simulator, Survey Monkey subscription, travel for Director to NLN Educational Summit and a junior faculty member to
the Nurse Educator Institute, SimChart EMR pilot for Fall 2015 cohort. Carl Perkins carryover grant includes $5,890 to
purchase 2 electronic copy boards and stands and 1 IV infant injection arm. A grant application requesting $101,000.00
for 5 patient care stations and a nursing station for the Skills Lab in GTM 329 and a birthing suite in in GTM 325 was
submitted to the Board of Regents. A grant to purchase “April Age” was submitted to the Living Well Foundation.
Faculty members are encouraged to review the new ATI student tutorial You Tube links. The ATI Critical Thinking
entrance and exit exams are no longer required. Nursing 110 students will continue to take the Self-assessment
Inventory. Medcom contract was renewed for 80 T-3 Medcom online videos. Online access is available for one year at a
cost of $2,500. Ten memorial books were donated to Prescott Library in honor of deceased members of the LA Tech
Nursing family (see complete listing in Resources October Minutes).
Matt Newman and Cooper Gouge, Elsevier publishers hosted a Lunch & Learn October 14 related to new products and
answered questions from Nursing 110 faculty related to Simchart. Eleven members of the nursing faculty attended. The
9th edition of Potter and Perry Fundamentals of Nursing and the 5th edition of Ladwig’s Mosby’s guide to Nursing
Diagnosis care plan book are due for spring publication.
Resources committee goals and bylaws were reviewed. The committee plans to compare student performance on the
ATI pharmacology exam of those who did and did not take the optional Nursing 280 Pharmacology course online.
Student representatives requested that we review options for a different Dosage Calculation text. Committee members
were asked to update the SEP for Standard 5-Resources by December 11. Prescott Memorial Library at LA Tech and the
LSU libraries were designated as Libraries of the Year for 2015 by the federal government. Resources committee will
meet again on January 27 at 1:15 p.m.
6.6 Standard 6
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Outcomes committee met on October 7th at 1:15 pm. The SEP Follow-Up report was submitted to the ACEN before the
10/01/2015 deadline date. It will be evaluated by the Evaluation Review Panel with their recommendation forwarded to
the Board of Commissioners in March 2016.
The DON website has been updated to include:
1. NCLEX pass rates from the AYs 2012-2015
2. Required ACEN information
3. Graduate Employment rates
The program outcomes were voted on in the September Faculty meeting. All documents will be updated to reflect the
new program outcomes.
The ELA for Standard 6.2, criterion 4, was adjusted to reflect the LA Tech group mean of each nursing cohort (graduating
class) will perform above the national average in Safety on the ATI Comprehensive Predictor. The areas with below 50%
will be reviewed by the faculty during the November 2015 faculty meeting.
Work for the faculty attendance for the Nurse Educator Institute in Branson, MO is underway. The director is to start the
process of the travel authorization in anticipation of faculty attendance. Reservations will be made and the
Outcomes/Curriculum workshop will be held at that time.
The pass rate for the last 2 cohorts (Winter and Spring 2015) was 100% for first time test takers.
The job placement rate for the last 2 cohorts (Winter and Spring 2015) was 100% for graduates 6-12 months postgraduation.
The next scheduled meeting is 2/17/2016 at 1:15pm.
6.7 University
Yolanda Hoof (Division of Nursing) is a new University Senate member from ANS.
6.8 Administrative
Administrative Council met 9/23, 10/14, and 10/28. ANS and individual units are working with Donnie Bell to redesign
recruitment materials with emphasis on approaches targeting current traditional students; VP McConathy requested fee
proposals from individual units (submitted by Nursing); we have not received feedback on any proposals submitted from
ANS for curriculum revision r/t QEP; Student Technology Fee requests were ranked and submitted to University (none
from nursing); ANS Travel grants were awarded (3 from Nursing). Recommend faculty attend Quality Matters inservicesthis is coming. A 1-hr summer course related to health professions is proposed (associated with AHEC).
Meet with Don Braswell on 10/14/15 regarding specific compliance for Division of Nursing. The following suggestions
were identified during the walk through of GTM rooms 329, 325 and 323.
 Our eye wash station that is in 329- we need an additional sign above the current
eyewash station. In addition we need to get either a faucet eye wash station or order
another eye wash station and eye wash solution, because the current station has been
discontinued and new eye solution that fits the station cannot be ordered.
o Solution- the faucet eyewash station has been ordered. Currently we has two
6.9 Safety Report
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bottles of eye was solution in the current station and temporary sign above the
eye wash station.
Any cleaning supplies that we use we need to have SDS sheets for them. We do not
need more than one bottle of bleach under the sink in 329, no towels under the sink
with the cleaning solution, and no need for red biohazard bags if we do not handle any
blood or body fluids
o Solution- SDS sheets have been printed for all cleaning solutions found in 329.
The SDS binder will be placed in 329 on the chart by the sink. If any additional
cleaning supplies are used, an SDS sheet needs to be printed and placed in the
The white trash cans with the red biohazard signs, we need to either place a sign sawing
this is for demonstration purposes only and that there is no biohazard items that will be
placed in them or remove the biohazard signs.
o Solution- Signs have been placed on all the white trash cans with biohazard signs
on them stating, “The biohazard signs are for demonstration purposes only. No
blood or body fluids are placed in this trash can. For demonstration purposes
In room 325 there has to be a clear passage way to both doors.
o Solution- clear passage way will be maintained for all rooms in case of an
emergency: rooms 301, 323, 325. 327, & 329. All staff will ensure that this will be
The liquids and powders that are in 325, behind the glass by the Meti-Man computer;
needs to be labeled as what is in the Ziploc bags, bottles, etc.
o Solution-All staff is to ensure that whatever items that are used for simulation
with any manikin in 325, 327 & 329 are labeled.
There is a pink and silver personal beverage cup in 329 by the sink. No personal drinking
or eating containers can be left in the labs
o Solution- any personal items(eating or beverage containers) left in the
simulation labs, except for Mrs. Hyde’s Office area, will be/have been discarded.
The Lab Safety manual currently available is out dated.
o Solution-Don Braswell will provide the Division of Nursing with an up to date Lab
Safety Manual and Emergency phone number stickers for all faculty phones. In
the mean time you can access the Lab Safety Manual online by following the
directions in one of the documents attached.
We now have 4 first aid bags/kits. One is located in 323, 325, 329, and 139. I sign has
been placed to signify where they are located in each room.
6.10 SNA
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(See the attached sheet that shows the inventory list of each first aid bag and the
example of the monthly inspection/inspection sheet).
o Yolanda Hoof will inventory the bags monthly for any expired items and
 Continue to document the 110 Skills lab orientation sheets. They will be keep in a binder
in 329 by the SDS, first aid bag, Lab Safety Manual binders. (See the attached copy of the
110 Skills Lab Orientation Checklist and a generic Orientation checklist for skills lab to
be used as necessary, i.e. for AHEC students)
o The 110 orientation checklist needs continue to be sent to Don Braswell and a
copy given to Yolanda Hoof to be placed in binder in 329. An orientation that is
done to any group of individuals needs to be given to Yolanda Hoof so, she can
place in the appropriate binder.
 Continue to dispose of sharp containers by contacting Don Braswell and he will come
and pick them up.
 The Division of Nursing incident report book will be kept in 329 along with the above
mentioned binders.
 An extra binder has been made with examples of incident reports to be filled out on
students, staff, and visitors. The will directions that will instruct you on where to find
these additional forms on the LaTech website. The binder will be kept in 329 along with
the above mentioned binders. I am also trying to get an copy of each faculty, in which
conduct clinicals/observation/simulation and keep an copy of these for easy access and
provide directions on where to find them on the intranet for each facility.
 Yolanda Hoof will conduct a monthly Checklist of the general condition of the following
rooms, 301, 325, 327, & 329. The binder with the checklist will be kept in the same
location as the above mentioned binders.
 No additional orientation is needed for lab student workers or new employees.
The Louisiana Tech University Student Nurses Association attended the 61st annual LASN (Louisiana Association of
Student Nurses) Convention in Kenner, LA, September 24-27, 2015. Thirteen SNA members and three chapter advisors
attended the convention, which hosted keynote speakers and nursing focus sessions that included global health,
leadership, health policy, pharmacology, nursing careers and licensure examination preparation. The chapter gained
statewide recognition with receipt of seven awards at the convention, some of which include: Best Overall Community
Service Project, Best representation of the Image of Nursing Project: 2nd Place, Best Overall Project related to Health
Promotion, as well as awards for SNA Scrapbook and Theme for the Convention. The chapter advisors for SNA are Paula
Books, Patti McFadden, and Tanya Sims. The President is Erika Craft. Any nursing major is eligible for membership in the
Louisiana Tech University Student Nurses’ Association and is encouraged to join.
An SNA meeting was held Wednesday, October 21, 2015. Mr. Paul Ford from Paramount Healthcare and Hospice of
Caring Hearts was in attendance to discuss volunteer opportunities with these agencies. Potential fund raisers were also
discussed. The SNA chapter is to sell fleece jackets with the DON insignia for $35 as a fund raiser. Erika Craft, SNA
President, informed the group that voting for the officers will be held in January. The next meeting time and date has not
been scheduled as of this date and the SNA Career Fair is to held on Tuesday, January 26, 2016. Paige Williams, SNA VicePresident, is in charge of the career day and is in the progress of sending save-the-date reminders to the vendors and is
making all arrangements for the event.
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