California State University Monterey Bay Academic Affairs Division Program Proposal Guidelines for Revision of Academic Program, Learning Outcomes, or Degree Requirements 1. The completed Cover Sheet with Signatory Page should be the first two pages of the proposal. Please insert your responses below to the remaining questions and prompts by using emboldened text. 2. Description: What is the catalyst for the program change(s)? (e.g., assessment results, program review, etc.) The CSUMB College of Business is preparing to apply for accreditation by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), and this change is being made to bring the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) MLOs in alignment with AACSB standards and requirements. In anticipation of working toward AACSB accreditation, in our 2008 Program Review Program Improvement Plan the then School of Business added General Knowledge and Skills Outcomes (GKOs) to its existing MLOs. At the time, this was the process recommended and used by AACSB-accredited Colleges of Business throughout the CSU. The GKOs prioritized by our School of Business included Written Communication, Oral Communication, Critical Thinking, Quantitative Reasoning, and Teamwork. In 2013, AACSB International released new Business Accreditation Standards, which has triggered the realignment of our MLOs with the new Accreditation Standards and the elimination of GKOs in that process. How will the proposed change(s) improve the quality and rigor of the program? The revised MLOs align not only with AACSB standards, but also with WASC core competencies and CSUMB ILOs (specifically the Intellectual Skills and Specialized Knowledge ILOs), as illustrated in Attachments 1 and 2. This change gives an even greater emphasis to the knowledge and skills employers expect students to have mastered upon graduation (explained under the next bullet). Program rigor will be enhanced through the balanced focus on discipline-specific knowledge and skills embedded in MLO 1, and the core competencies/intellectual skills of written communication, oral communication, critical thinking, and quantitative reasoning embedded in MLOs 2 through 5. How will the proposed change(s) contribute to student success? Local employers have reported anecdotally to BUS faculty that the skills they consider most critical for college graduates to possess upon graduation are communication skills, interpersonal skills, and critical thinking skills. In 2012, the Monterey Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, with the involvement of surrounding community Chambers of Commerce, released the results of the Monterey County Education Survey conducted among employers throughout the region. The survey results indicated that the areas where skills of new employees are lacking include written communication, critical thinking, problem solving, Revised: 2/21/14 1 and basic math, to name a few. Of those who responded to the survey, 81% also indicated that they were either not satisfied or were only somewhat satisfied with the readiness of locally educated entry-level employees. Additionally, a nationwide survey of employers released this year that was conducted on behalf of the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) by Hart Research Associates reveals that 60% of employers believe recent college graduates should have “both field-specific . . . and a broad range of skills and knowledge that apply to a variety of fields” (p. 2). Four out of five employers surveyed rate the following learning outcomes as “Very Important” for recent college graduates to possess: the ability to effectively communicate orally, the ability to effectively communicate in writing, the ability to think critically and analytically, and the ability to apply knowledge and skills to real-world settings (Hart Research Associates, p. 4). This report can be accessed at AAC&U Employer Study. This study has been conducted over a number of years and influenced how the AACSB reshaped its standards and guidelines that it provides accreditation-seeking Colleges of Business, such as ours. Focusing on these learning outcomes that both local and national employers rate as important for new college graduates to achieve will help ensure our CSUMB COB graduates can achieve greater success throughout their careers. Include any additional anticipated implications of the program change(s). Once the MLOs are approved, all Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) will be aligned to the MLOs and a curriculum map will be developed to support the scaffolding of knowledge and skills development across the BSBA curriculum. All syllabi will be updated and curriculum revisions in place for the 2016/17 academic year. These are also essential steps in meeting the accreditation and documentation requirements of AACSB. Identify any potential impacts on other programs (e.g., shared courses, impact on FTEs, etc.). NOTE: affected programs should be consulted, and the appropriate department chair must be a signatory to the proposal. All degree programs in the College of Business must comply with AACSB standards and requirements for accreditation. Therefore, the newly approved COB BS in Sustainable Hospitality Management (BSSHM) pilot program was developed to align with these proposed BSBA MLOs, with the two degrees having MLOs 2 through 5 in common. Additionally, as a result of conducting its Program Review and having to meet AACSB standards, the COB MBA program MLOs will also be revised to align with these BSBA MLOs. These changes for the MBA will be submitted to the SCCC at a future date. 3. Resources: Are any new resources necessary to implement the proposed change(s) (e.g., new courses or new course sections; new or additional space; new or increased library or technology resources; other)? Implementing the changes to the BSBA MLOs will not require any additional resources. 4. Assessment: What criteria have been established to help the department to gauge whether the program change(s) will successfully achieve the objectives described in #2? Our first criteria for gauging whether the new MLOs will achieve the objectives we have set forth is for them to align with the CSUMB vision, mission, core values, and Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs). This alignment is illustrated in Attachment 1, as indicated above. The alignment of the proposed MLOs with specific ILOs is illustrated in Attachment 2, as well as points of assessment of these outcomes for students both entering Revised: 2/21/14 2 the BSBA major and graduating from the BSBA program. As indicated in item #2, above, under our 2008/9 Program Review Program Improvement Plan the School of Business (at the time) established the process and criteria to assess our proposed MLO2 through MLO5, which include Written Communications, Oral Communications, Critical Thinking, and Quantitative Reasoning Skills. This action supported our plan to seek AACSB accreditation within the next decade. During the 2015/16 academic year we will establish the process and criteria for assessing MLO1 Knowledge in the Major and activate the College of Business Assurance of Learning Committee. This committee will lead the development of indirect measures (surveys, focus groups, and more) of student success to administer among students, alumni, employers, service learning and internship supervisors, capstone clients, and more, to serve as additional indicators of whether the new MLOs are contributing to and/or enhancing student success. These indirect measures will be used to triangulate the findings from multiple direct measures of student learning. What is the plan and the timeframe for this assessment? The chart in Attachment 3 illustrates the progress made to date in our first cycle of assessing and closing the loop (through the second measure) on what will become our new MLOs. We have addressed the assessment of these MLOs (formerly GKOs) in our annual assessment plans and reports since 2009 and will continue to do so over the coming years. The chart also highlights the assessment tasks in process the current academic year to complete the first cycle of assessment of MLO5 Quantitative Reasoning Skills (in conjunction with the campus-wide assessment of this ILO) and those tasks planned for coming years to begin evaluating MLO1 Knowledge in the Major. The timeline for this first cycle of assessing the new MLOs extends over a 10 year period because of the formation of our College of Business, the onboarding of our first Dean, and the completion of tasks required to begin the process of seeking AACSB accreditation (including participating in AACSB assessment training, developing a College-level strategic plan, establishing program goals for the BSBA, revising our MLOs, and much more). Please note that the second measure of student learning on the chart (under #7) is also the first step in our second cycle of assessing each of the MLOs—beginning the process again the current academic year. Two cycles of assessment must be completed within five years to meet AACSB accreditation requirements. Supporting the assessment plan is the work faculty members have done this academic year, illustrated in Attachment 4, to identify assignments that can be used to assess student achievement of MLO2 through MLO5 in required courses. 5. Catalog Changes: Copy and paste from relevant areas of the current CSUMB Web Catalog, and use Track Changes (in MS Word) to illustrate how the requested changes will appear in future catalogs. The revisions to the BSBA MLOs are indicated below, with the current wording for each MLO marked through and the new wording provided: Revised: 2/21/14 3 LEARNING OUTCOMES CSUMB College of Business graduates will MLO 1 Understand and apply the terminology, concepts, theories, and tools of management MLO 2 Produce business writing that meets professional standards MLO 3 Prepare and deliver professional presentations MLO 4 Produce a critical analysis of a business scenario MLO 5 Analyze data using quantitative tools to support business analysis 6. Pathways: Include a sample pathway that illustrates recommended course sequencing. ‐ If the proposed change is for a degree or a concentration, the pathway must demonstrate that the proposed change(s) can accommodate 120-units-to-degree. ‐ If applicable, include a pathway that reflects 60-units-to-degree that correlates to the approved Transfer Model Curriculum. The pathways are included in Attachment 5. Note that there are no changes to the pathways as a result of revising the BSBA MLOs as proposed. SUBMIT THE COMPLETED PROPOSAL & COVER SHEET WITH SIGNATORY PAGE TO YOUR DEPARTMENT CHAIR Revised: 2/21/14 4 ATTACHMENT 1 CSUMB/College of Business Alignment CSUMB College of Business To become a recognized U.S. business college, engaged regionally and globally, for developing responsible and workforce-ready business graduates. Refer to CSUMB Vision Statement. To build a multicultural learning community founded on academic excellence from which all partners in the educational process emerge prepared to contribute productively, responsibly, and ethically to California and the global community. Applied, active, and project-based learning activities Ethical reflection and practice Multicultural and global perspectives Collaboration Service learning Technological sophistication We provide engaged teaching and learning for business knowledge and skill development to promote our students’ success in their chosen careers. We provide integrated, hands-on education and responsible (Profit, People, Ethics, Equity and Planet) engagement with real-world challenges. We support positive organizational outcomes and regional development by our students and faculty members engaging in practice-based research in collaboration with community partners. Excellence ~ Collaboration ~ Passion ~ Integrity ~ Innovation ~ Responsibility Academic Affairs Student Affairs Social Life Intellectual Skills (Critical Thinking, Information Literacy, Quantitative Literacy, Written Communication, Oral Communication) Personal, Professional, and Social Responsibility Integrative Knowledge Specialized Knowledge PG1 Have business knowledge and skills PG2 Be effective written communicators PG3 Be effective oral communicators PG4 Be skilled critical thinkers PG5 Be competent in quantitative skills MLO1 Understand and apply the terminology, concepts, theories, and tools of management MLO2 Produce business writing that meets professional standards MLO3 Prepare and deliver a professional presentation MLO4 Produce a critical analysis of a business scenario MLO5 Analyze data using quantitative tools to support business analysis *Required by AACSB for accreditation. Are not measurable. Must align with University, as well as College, mission and learning objectives (outcomes). BSBA MLOs must align with these. ** Contained in each course syllabus. Revised: 2/21/14 5 ATTACHMENT 2 ALIGNMENT OF ASSESSMENT OF INSTITUTIONAL LEARNING OUTCOMES AND COLLEGE OF BUSINESS BSBA MAJOR LEARNING OUTCOMES The following chart illustrates alignment of the College of Business (COB) Major Learning Outcomes (MLOs) with the CSUMB Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs). It also maps points of assessment for student achievement of General Education Learning Outcomes (GELOs), ILOs, and COB MLOs. All are assessed at or near the point of graduation for both WASC and AACSB accreditation purposes; all are assessed at the GE areas and other areas noted to determine student achievement of learning outcomes entering the major and for planning intervention to close the loop in the assessment process. The COB has approved the following five MLOs that all graduates are expected to achieve by the time of graduation: COB graduates will (MLO1) understand and apply the terminology, concepts, theories, and tools of management; (MLO2) produce business writing that meets professional standards; (MLO3) prepare and deliver professional presentation; (MLO4) produce a critical analysis of a business scenario; and (MLO5) analyze data using quantitative tools to support business analysis. * While there is no current BSBA MLO aligned with this ILO, the curriculum does include areas of focus and points of assessment to support student achievement of this ILO for all BSBA graduates. Revised: 2/21/14 6 ATTACHMENT 3 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS MAJOR LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT TASKS CYCLE ONE 2009-2019 Task Lead 1. PLAN: Develop MLO/GKO area of focus a. Develop research question b. Research and develop rubric/exam c. Test rubric/exam in classroom settings d. Adapt rubric/exam 4. MEASURE #1: Collect and evaluate evidence of learning (student work) a. Determine courses b. Determine assignments MLO2 Written Com 2009/10 MLO3 Oral Com 2009/10 MLO4 Critical Thinking 2010/11 MLO5 Quant Literacy 2014/15 MLO Lead MLO Lead 15-16 ✔ 09-10 ✔ 09-10 ✔ 10-11 14-15 15-16 ✔ 09-10 ✔ 09-10 ✔ 10-11 14-15 FT Faculty 15-16 ✔ 09-10 ✔ 09-10 ✔ 10-11 14-15 FT Faculty 15-16 ✔ 09-10 ✔ 09-10 ✔ 10-11 14-15 FT Faculty MLO Lead/ Instructors Instructors Instructors 15-16 ✔ 09-10 ✔ 09-10 ✔ 10-11 14-15 ✔ 09-10 ✔ 09-10 ✔ 10-11 14-15 c. Assign and grade d. Submit evidence for evaluation 5. EVALUATE/REPORT #1 a. Norm use of rubric FT Faculty b. Independently evaluate evidence MLO Lead/Chair c. Report findings to faculty MLO Lead/Chair 6. INTERVENE a. Plan and implement faculty FT Faculty/ development Instructors b. Plan and implement teaching FT Faculty/ interventions Instructors 7. CLOSE THE LOOP: Collect and evaluate evidence of learning a. Measure #2 (go back to steps 4a-d) FT Faculty b. Evaluate #2 (go back to step 5a) FT Faculty c. Report #2 (go back to step 5b) MLO Lead/Chair ✔ Completed tasks Tasks for current academic year Revised: 2/21/14 MLO1 Knowledge in the Major NA 15-16 ✔ 09-10 ✔ 09-10 15-16 ✔ 09-10 ✔ 09-10 NA ✔ 09-10 ✔ 09-10 NA ✔ 09-10 ✔ 09-10 15-16 ✔ 09-10 ✔ 09-10 16-17 ✔ 11-12 14-15 ✔ 10-11 ✔ 10-11 14-15 ✔ 10-11 ✔ 10-11 ✔ 10-11 15-16 15-16 15-16 ✔ 11-12 ✔ 11-12 15-16 16-18 ✔ 11-13 ✔ 11-13 ✔ 11-13 15-17 18-19 14-15 14-15 14-15 18-19 14-15 14-15 14-15 18-19 14-15 14-15 14-15 Tasks for upcoming academic years 17-18 17-18 17-18 7 ATTACHMENT 4 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS MAJOR LEARNING OUTCOMES FACULTY-DESIGNATED POINTS OF ASSESSMENT CSUMB College of Business graduates will . . . (MLO1) Understand and apply the terminology, concepts, theories, and tools of management BUS 299 Excel spreadsheet Ratios Formulas BUS 300S Ethical formula Stakeholder theory assignment Triple Bottom Line assignment BUS 304 In-class ethics essays Case studies BUS 305 Team case presentations (2) Individual papers (3) Team business analysis & presentation BUS 306 Mid-term exam Final exam BUS 307 Report Team project BUS 308 Spreadsheet Team project Individual project BUS 309 Assignments Case studies BUS 310 Business plan Cases Essay BUS 311 Assignments Case studies BUS 499 Team report sections Team strategic analysis final reports Revised: 2/21/14 (MLO2) Produce business writing that meets professional standards BUS 299 Case study Memos (4) Final reports (4) BUS 300S Case studies BUS 304 Case study Write Right assessments Reflective paper Final case project BUS 305 Team cases (2) Individual papers (3) Team business analysis BUS 306 Final report BUS 307 Final report Project (10k analysis) BUS 308 SBIS project BUS 309 Assignments Business plans Case studies Course project BUS 310 Case study Essay All BUS plan sections except financial BUS 311 Business plans Case studies BUS 499 Individual personal life strategy paper (MLO3) Prepare and deliver professional presentation (MLO4) Produce a critical analysis of a business scenario BUS 299 Individual project Peer evaluations Case studies (4) BUS 300S Oral presentations Team/workshop presentations BUS 304 Final oral presentations BUS 305 Team case presentations (2) Individual paper presentations (3) Team analysis presentation BUS 306 Presentation BUS 307 Presentation BUS 308 Team project presentation BUS 309 Case studies Course project BUS 310 Presentations (2) Market analysis Cases BUS 311 Case studies BUS 358 Micro marketing presentations BUS 499 Capstone festival presentations BUS 299 Analyze loans Retirement HR Case studies (4) BUS 300S Case study BUS 304 Case studies BUS 305 Team case presentations (2) Individual papers (3) Team business analysis & presentation Team jigsaw exercise BUS 307 Presentation Project: 10k analysis BUS 308 SBIS project BUS 309 Case studies Course project BUS 310 Industry analysis Market analysis Funding (debt, financial, equity) BUS 311 Case studies BUS 358 Computer simulation (business game) BUS 499 Strategic business analysis (MLO5) Analyze data using quantitative tools to support business analysis BUS 299 Goal seek Scenario manager Pivot tables Statistical tools BUS 300S Community scans BUS 304 Assignments applying averages and percentages BUS 305 Team case presentations (2) Individual papers (3) Team business analysis & presentation BUS 307 Homework Quizzes Exams Presentation Project 10k analysis BUS 308 SBIS project BUS 309 Spreadsheets Software suite Statistical tools BUS 310 Financial plan Excel-linked spreadsheets (5) Weighted scorecard -Target segments -Distribution channels BUS 311 Spreadsheets BUS 499 Ratio analysis 8 Attachment 5 General Freshman Pathway Fall Freshman Units Requirement Course Fall Junior Units Course Requirement FYS 4 E BUS 300S 4 D4/Major MATH 115 OR MATH 130 4 B4/Major BUS 304 4 A4/Major BUS 201S 6 D1/D3/Major Language 201 4 Language Proficiency 1 BUS 305 4 Major 15 Total Units 16 Any Approved Course Total Units Course Any Approved Course BUS 299 Any Approved Course Any Approved Course Total Units Spring Freshman Units Requirement Requirement 4 A1 BUS 306 4 Major 2 Major BUS 307 4 Major 4 D2 BUS 308 4 Major 4 C2 BUS 358 4 D1/Major Total Units 16 14 Fall Sophomore Units Requirement Course Course Spring Junior Units Fall Senior Units Course Requirement BUS 203 3 Major BUS 309/311/312 4 Major Any Approved Course 4 B1/B3 BUS 310 4 Major Language 102 4 C3/Language Proficiency 4 Major 4 A2/A3 Upper Division BUS Elective Upper Division BUS Elective Total Units 4 Major Any Approved Course Total Units Course 15 Spring Sophomore Units Requirement BUS 205 3 Major Any Approved Course 4 B2 BUS 206 3 Major 4 C1 Any Approved Course Total Units 14 Course Spring Senior Units BUS 499 Upper Division BUS Elective Upper Division BUS Elective Total Units 16 Requirement 6 Major 4 Major 4 Major 14 General Transfer Pathway Fall Junior Course Units Requirement BUS 299 2 Major BUS 300S 4 D4/Major BUS 304 4 A4/Major BUS 305 4 Major Total Units 14 Spring Junior Course Any Approved Upper Division Course Units Requirement 4 D2 BUS 306 4 Major BUS 307 4 Major BUS 308 4 Major Total Units 16 Fall Senior Course Units Requirement BUS 309/311/312 4 Major BUS 310 4 Major 4 Major 4 Major Upper Division BUS Elective Upper Division BUS Elective Total Units 16 Spring Senior Course BUS 499 Upper Division BUS Elective Upper Division BUS Elective Total Units Units Requirement 6 Major 4 Major 4 Major 14