February 25, 2015 Agenda

February 25, 2015 REGULAR MEETING
Meeting Place: Bert J. Harris Agri-Civic Center, Auditorium
4509 George Blvd., Sebring, FL 33875
Meeting Time: 4:00 PM
Kevin Main
Hilary Swain
Sarah Childs (absent)
Benjamin Butler (excused abs)
Shirley Whitsitt
Russ Danser
Dale McQuillen (excused abs)
Tim Hurner (excused abs)
Erin McCarta
Bill Buchans
County Staff
Commissioner Brooks
Joedene Thayer
Isis Brown
Michael McMillian
Dr. Elton Gissendanner
Frances Gissendanner
Meeting was called to order by Kevin Main at 4:05 pm. Mr. Main read the public notice.
Pledge of Allegiance followed by introductions.
Approval of the January 2015 minutes – Motion: Mr. Buchans, Second: Ms. Whitsett; No discussion;
Unanimous approval.
A. Membership Update. Mr. McMillian stated that the public advertisement for one vacant Environmental
Position and one vacant Professional Position would run through March 3. At the March meeting, the
members of NRAC will be able to vote to fill these two slots and make a recommendation to the BCC.
B. Land acquisition flow chart. Dr. Swain walked the members of NRAC through Version 2 of the draft of
the land acquisition flow chart. This version included comments/suggestions from NRAC members made
during the January meeting. Mr. McMillian was asked to make a few additional edits; most minor in
nature. Following those changes Mr. McMillian was asked to show Version 3 to Chris Benson, Rebecca
Perry, and Gaye Sharp (Polk County Natural Resources). Comments/suggestions will be returned to the
members of NRAC at the March meeting.
C. Florida Forever Ranking for 2015. Mr. McMillian presented a spreadsheet detailing the 2015
Acquisition and Restoration Council (ARC) land acquisition projects. Dr. Swain explained that ARC has
responsibility for the evaluation, selection and ranking of state land acquisition projects on the Florida
Forever priority list, as well as the review of management plans and land uses for all state-owned
conservation lands. For 2015, under Critical Natural Lands Projects, the Lake Wales Ridge (Lake, Osceola,
Highlands, and Polk Counties) ranked Number 1. The Bombing Range Ridge (Polk, Highlands, and
Osceola Counties) ranked Number 3, and Blue Head Ranch (Highlands) ranked Number 6. Under LessThan-Fee Projects, Fisheating Creek (Glades and Highlands Counties) ranked Number 2, the Arbuckle
Creek Watershed (Highlands) ranked Number 16, and the Eastern Scarp Ranchlands (Highlands) ranked
Number 17. These are priority rankings which have effect on state spending. Dr. Swain asked Mr.
McMillian to find out who the project manager is for the Lake Wales Ridge Ecosystem Project and find out
how many acres have been purchased. Dr. Swain stated that many of these properties have languished on
the list for quite some time due to lack of money. Dr. Swain went on to say that the squeaky wheel can get
results in Tallahassee and that maybe a delegation could propose completing the mega-parcel project.
Commissioner Brooks stated that rural counties are scared to death that Amendment 1 monies could take
lands out of the tax roll. Dr. Swain mentioned an upside to completing the mega-parcel project according
to Carl Cool; considerable monies held for road obligations could be spent elsewhere. Dr. Swain asked if
the Avon Park Air Force Range paid taxes and Commissioner Brooks responded no. Ms. McCarta
mentioned that the Bombing Range does pay both Polk and Highlands County approximately 40K/year
from timber monies. Commissioner Brooks asked if any of the lands listed under Critical Natural Lands
Projects could be purchased as easements (more palatable from a tax roll point of view) and Dr. Swain said
she thought Blue Head would eventually move to the Less-Than-Fee Projects list because the new owner
isn’t interested in selling. Dr. Swain and Ms. McCarta suggested using past lists created for NRAC
concerning for example, Carter Creek, and presenting to Department of State Lands (DSL) making their job
easier. All members agreed that NRAC should wait to see what the legislators are going to do with
Amendment 1 before getting hopes too high.
A. Chairperson’s Report: Nothing to report.
A. Conservation Trust Fund –Mr. McMillian updated the current status of the Conservation Trust
Fund. Currently there is 500K earmarked for the county contribution of a possible 2015 REPI grant.
Additionally 495K was loaned to the BCC (electronic transfer of funds occurred on Feb 24) to assist
with closing on the conservation easement for the Rafter T Ranch. The money will be used to cover
closing cost on a conservation easement for a portion of the Rafter T Ranch. The money will be
returned within 30-60 days.
CITIZENS NOT ON THE AGENDA – Dr. Gissendanner stated that there needs to be a place in the
land acquisition flow chart for public opinion. The process should be very open and transparent to the
public. Dr. Swain responded that all NRAC and BCC meetings are publically noticed and open to the
public and that a small edit to the flow chart could reflect this. Dr. Gissendanner informed the members of
NRAC that he had listened to the digital recording of the December 3, 2014 NRAC meeting. Dr.
Gissendanner stated that he holds no ill-will towards anyone on NRAC for anything said during the
December meeting and he knows all comments were made in good faith. Dr. Gissendanner went on to
provide members with his interesting personal and business background.
ANNOUNCEMENTS –Next meeting will be decided at a later date however April 1 was proposed by
several members.
ADJOURN – meeting adjourned at 5:38 pm.