- National Audit of Cardiac Rehabilitation

NACR DATASET - RECORD FORM (mandatory fields are shown in red)
Patient Information
Hospital No.
Marital Status:
☐Permanent Partnership
Ethnic Group:
☐White/Black Caribb
☐Any other mixed
☐Other Ethnic Group
Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
☐Not Known
☐Not specified
☐White/Black African
☐Other Asian
☐Black Other
☐Not Stated
☐White (other)
☐Black Caribbean
☐Not Known
Telephone No:
Did you measure Patient Satisfaction? ☐Yes ☐ No
GP Practice Code:
Initiating Event
Initiating Event (IE)
☐MI Unknown
☐MI (NStemi)
☐MI with Heart Failure
☐Unstable Angina
☐Heart Failure
☐Congenital Heart
☐Peripheral Arterial Disease
Ankle Brachial Indice Ratio (assoc. with PAD)
Treatment associated with IE
☐Mitral Valve Repair/Replace
☐Tricuspid Repair/Replace
☐Medical Management
☐LV Assist Device
☐Staged PCI
Treatment Date:
Discharge Date:
Source of Referral: ☐BMI Hospital ☐Private Hospital ☐GP
Referring Trust (Initiating Event):
Referred by: ☐Consultant ☐Cardiac Nurse ☐GP ☐PC Nurse
Risk Ass ☐Low
Acute Events During Rehab
☐ MI
☐ Angioplasty/PCI
☐ Cardiac Arrest
☐ Other Surgery
☐ Heart Failure
☐ Congenital Heart
☐LV Assist Device
☐ Other
☐ Readmission other cause
☐ Period Acute Non Card Illness
Previous Events
☐LV Assist Device
☐ Bypass Surgery
☐ Congenital Heart
☐ Angioplasty/PCI
☐ Transplant
☐ Other
☐ Arrhythmia
☐MI Stemi
☐Valve Disease
☐Cardiac Arrest
☐High Risk
☐Use Treatment
IE Date:
☐Aortic Valve Repair/Replace
☐Other Surgery
Invited to Join Date:
☐NHS Trust
☐ Bypass Surgery
☐ Angina
☐ Pacemaker
☐ Transplant
☐ Readmission CHD
☐ Unknown
☐Cardiac Arrest
☐ Angina
☐ Other Surgery
☐ Heart Failure
☐Chronic Bronchitis (COPD)
☐Emphysema (COPD)
☐Chronic Back Problems
☐Family History
☐Arthritis (Osteo)
☐Erectile Dysfunction
☐Other Comorbid Complaint
Rehabilitation (NB: Please complete either Commissioning Pack or Phases, not both)
Early Rehab
Referred Date:
Start Date:
Reason Not Taking Part:
☐Not Interest/Refused
☐Ongoing Investigation
☐Physical Incapacity
☐Returned to work
☐Local Exclus Criteria
☐Language Barrier
☐Mental Incapacity
☐No transport
☐Not Referred
☐Too Ill
☐Rehab Not Needed
☐Rehab Not Appropriate
☐Staff Not Available
☐Rapid transfer/tertiary
☐DNA/No Contact
☐Patient Req transfer
☐No Service Available
☐Transfer for PCI Interv
☐Transfer to DGH/Trust
Reason Not Completing:
☐DNA/Unknown Reason
☐Returned to work
☐Left this area
☐Planned/Emerg Interv
☐Too Ill
☐Hospital Readmission
Rehab Delivery:
☐Group Based
☐Home Based
☐Web Based
☐Home Visit
☐Tel Call &/or Self Mgt
☐Face to Face
Core Rehab
Referred Date:
Start Date:
End Date:
Reason Not Taking Part:
☐Not Interest/Refused
☐Ongoing Investigation
☐Physical Incapacity
☐Returned to work
☐Local Exclus Criteria
☐Language Barrier
☐Mental Incapacity
☐No transport
☐Not Referred
☐Too Ill
☐Rehab Not Needed
☐Rehab Not Appropriate
☐Staff Not Available
☐Rapid transfer/tertiary
☐DNA/No Contact
☐Patient Req transfer
☐No Service Available
☐Transfer for PCI Interv
☐ Transfer to DGH/Trust
Reason Not Completing:
☐DNA/Unknown Reason
☐Returned to work
☐Left this area
☐ Planned/Emerg Interv
☐Too Ill
☐Hospital Readmission
Rehab Delivery:
☐Group Based
☐Home Based
☐Web Based
☐Home Visit
☐ Tel Call &/or Self Mgt
☐Face to Face
Reason Not Taking Part:
☐Not Interest/Refused
☐Ongoing Investigation
☐Physical Incapacity
☐Returned to work
☐Local Exclus Criteria
☐Language Barrier
☐Mental Incapacity
☐No transport
☐Not Referred
☐Too Ill
☐Rehab Not Needed
☐Rehab Not Appropriate
☐Staff Not Available
☐Rapid transfer/tertiary
☐DNA/No Contact
☐Patient Req transfer
☐No Service Available
☐Transfer for PCI Interv
☐ Transfer to DGH/Trust
Reason Not Completing:
☐DNA/Unknown Reason
☐Returned to work
☐Left this area
☐ Planned/Emerg Interv
☐Too Ill
☐Hospital Readmission
Rehab Delivery:
☐Group Based
☐Home Based
☐Web Based
☐Home Visit
☐ Tel Call &/or Self Mgt
☐Face to Face
Reason Not Taking Part:
☐Not Interest/Refused
☐Ongoing Investigation
☐Physical Incapacity
☐Returned to work
☐Local Exclus Criteria
☐Language Barrier
☐Mental Incapacity
☐No transport
☐Not Referred
☐Too Ill
☐Rehab Not Needed
☐Rehab Not Appropriate
☐Staff Not Available
☐Rapid transfer/tertiary
☐DNA/No Contact
☐Patient Req transfer
☐No Service Available
☐Transfer for PCI Interv
☐ Transfer to DGH/Trust
Reason Not Completing:
☐DNA/Unknown Reason
☐Returned to work
☐Left this area
☐ Planned/Emerg Interv
☐Too Ill
☐Hospital Readmission
Rehab Delivery:
☐Group Based
☐Home Based
☐Web Based
☐Home Visit
☐ Tel Call &/or Self Mgt
☐Face to Face
Onward Referral:
☐Hospital Programme
☐Comm Based Prog
☐Ph 4 Exercise Prog
☐Patient Support Group
☐Medical Spec/Treat
☐Sexual Health Clinic
☐GP (Med Treatment)
☐Prim Care CHD Clinic
☐Community Matron
☐Specialist Nurse
☐Clinical Psychology
☐Counselling Service
☐Council Activity
☐Social Services
☐Voluntary Body
☐Smoking Cessation
☐Home Based
Discharge to Trust:
How likely are you to
recommend the service?
☐Extremely Likely
☐Neither Likely/Unlikely
☐Extremely Unlikely
☐Don’t Know
Onward Referral:
☐Hospital Programme
☐Comm Based Prog
☐Ph 4 Exercise Prog
☐Patient Support Group
☐ Medical Spec/Treat
☐Sexual Health Clinic
☐ GP (Med Treatment)
☐ Prim Care CHD Clinic
☐Community Matron
☐Specialist Nurse
☐Clinical Psychology
☐Counselling Service
☐Council Activity
☐Social Services
☐Voluntary Body
☐Smoking Cessation
☐Home Based
Discharge to Trust:
How likely are you to
recommend the service?
☐Extremely Likely
☐ Neither Likely/Unlikely
☐Extremely Unlikely
☐Don’t Know
Onward Referral:
☐Hospital Programme
☐Comm Based Prog
☐Ph 4 Exercise Prog
☐Patient Support Group
☐ Medical Spec/Treat
☐Sexual Health Clinic
☐ GP (Med Treatment)
☐ Prim Care CHD Clinic
☐Community Matron
☐Specialist Nurse
☐Clinical Psychology
☐Counselling Service
☐Council Activity
☐Social Services
☐Voluntary Body
☐Smoking Cessation
☐Home Based
Discharge to Trust:
How likely are you to
recommend the service?
☐Extremely Likely
☐ Neither Likely/Unlikely
☐Extremely Unlikely
☐Don’t Know
Onward Referral:
☐Hospital Programme
☐Comm Based Prog
☐Ph 4 Exercise Prog
☐Patient Support Group
☐ Medical Spec/Treat
☐Sexual Health Clinic
☐ GP (Med Treatment)
☐ Prim Care CHD Clinic
☐Community Matron
☐Specialist Nurse
☐Clinical Psychology
☐Counselling Service
☐Council Activity
☐Social Services
☐Voluntary Body
☐Smoking Cessation
☐Home Based
Discharge to Trust:
How likely are you to
recommend the service?
☐Extremely Likely
☐ Neither Likely/Unlikely
☐Extremely Unlikely
☐Don’t Know
Phase 2
Referred Date
Date Started
Date Complete
Reason Not Taking Part:
☐Not Interest/Refused
☐Ongoing Investigation
☐Physical Incapacity
☐Returned to work
☐Local Exclus Criteria
☐Language Barrier
☐Mental Incapacity
☐No transport
☐Not Referred
☐Too Ill
☐Rehab Not Needed
☐Rehab Not Appropriate
☐Staff Not Available
☐Rapid transfer/tertiary
☐DNA/No Contact
☐Patient Req transfer
☐No Service Available
☐Transfer for PCI Interv
☐ Transfer to DGH/Trust
Phase 3
Referred Date
Date Started
Date Complete
Reason Not Taking Part:
☐Not Interest/Refused
☐Ongoing Investigation
☐Physical Incapacity
☐Returned to work
☐Local Exclus Criteria
☐Language Barrier
☐Mental Incapacity
☐No transport
☐Not Referred
☐Too Ill
☐Rehab Not Needed
☐Rehab Not Appropriate
☐Staff Not Available
☐Rapid transfer/tertiary
☐DNA/No Contact
☐Patient Req transfer
☐No Service Available
☐Transfer for PCI Interv
☐ Transfer to DGH/Trust
Phase 4
Referred Date
Date Started
Date Complete
Reason Not Taking Part:
☐Not Interest/Refused
☐Ongoing Investigation
☐Physical Incapacity
☐Returned to work
☐Local Exclus Criteria
☐Language Barrier
☐Mental Incapacity
☐No transport
☐Not Referred
☐Too Ill
☐Rehab Not Needed
☐Rehab Not Appropriate
☐Staff Not Available
☐Rapid transfer/tertiary
☐DNA/No Contact
☐Patient Req transfer
☐No Service Available
☐Transfer for PCI Interv
☐ Transfer to DGH/Trust
Phase 1
Referred Date
Date Started
Date Complete
Reason Not Taking Part:
☐Not Interest/Refused
☐Ongoing Investigation
☐Physical Incapacity
☐Returned to work
☐Local Exclus Criteria
☐Language Barrier
☐Mental Incapacity
☐No transport
☐Not Referred
☐Too Ill
☐Rehab Not Needed
☐Rehab Not Appropriate
☐Staff Not Available
☐Rapid transfer/tertiary
☐DNA/No Contact
☐Patient Req transfer
☐No Service Available
☐Transfer for PCI Interv
☐Transfer to DGH/Trust
Reason Not Completing:
☐DNA/Unknown Reason
☐Returned to work
☐Left this area
☐Too Ill
☐Hospital Readmission
Rehab Delivery:
☐Group Based
☐Home Based
☐Web Based
☐Home Visit
☐ Tel Call &/or Self Mgt
☐Face to Face
Onward Referral:
☐Hospital Programme
☐Comm Based Prog
☐Ph 4 Exercise Prog
☐Patient Support Group
☐ Medical Spec/Treat
☐Sexual Health Clinic
☐ GP (Med Treatment)
☐ Prim Care CHD Clinic
☐Community Matron
☐Specialist Nurse
☐Clinical Psychology
☐Counselling Service
☐Council Activity
☐Social Services
☐Voluntary Body
☐Smoking Cessation
☐Home Based
Discharge to Trust:
How likely are you to
recommend the service?
☐Extremely Likely
☐ Neither Likely/Unlikely
☐Extremely Unlikely
☐Don’t Know
Reason Not Completing:
☐DNA/Unknown Reason
☐Returned to work
☐Left this area
☐Too Ill
☐Hospital Readmission
Rehab Delivery:
☐Group Based
☐Home Based
☐Web Based
☐Home Visit
☐ Tel Call &/or Self Mgt
☐Face to Face
Onward Referral:
☐Hospital Programme
☐Comm Based Prog
☐Ph 4 Exercise Prog
☐Patient Support Group
☐ Medical Spec/Treat
☐Sexual Health Clinic
☐ GP (Med Treatment)
☐ Prim Care CHD Clinic
☐Community Matron
☐Specialist Nurse
☐Clinical Psychology
☐Counselling Service
☐Council Activity
☐Social Services
☐Voluntary Body
☐Smoking Cessation
☐Home Based
Discharge to Trust:
How likely are you to
recommend the service?
☐Extremely Likely
☐ Neither Likely/Unlikely
☐Extremely Unlikely
☐Don’t Know
Reason Not Completing:
☐DNA/Unknown Reason
☐Returned to work
☐Left this area
☐Too Ill
☐Hospital Readmission
Rehab Delivery:
☐Group Based
☐Home Based
☐Web Based
☐Home Visit
☐ Tel Call &/or Self Mgt
☐Face to Face
Onward Referral:
☐Hospital Programme
☐Comm Based Prog
☐Ph 4 Exercise Prog
☐Patient Support Group
☐ Medical Spec/Treat
☐Sexual Health Clinic
☐ GP (Med Treatment)
☐ Prim Care CHD Clinic
☐Community Matron
☐Specialist Nurse
☐Clinical Psychology
☐Counselling Service
☐Council Activity
☐Social Services
☐Voluntary Body
☐Smoking Cessation
☐Home Based
Discharge to Trust:
How likely are you to
recommend the service?
☐Extremely Likely
☐ Neither Likely/Unlikely
☐Extremely Unlikely
☐Don’t Know
Reason Not Completing:
☐DNA/Unknown Reason
☐Returned to work
☐Left this area
☐Too Ill
☐Hospital Readmission
Rehab Delivery:
☐Group Based
☐Home Based
☐Web Based
☐Home Visit
☐ Tel Call &/or Self Mgt
☐Face to Face
Onward Referral:
☐Hospital Programme
☐Comm Based Prog
☐Ph 4 Exercise Prog
☐Patient Support Group
☐ Medical Spec/Treat
☐Sexual Health Clinic
☐ GP (Med Treatment)
☐ Prim Care CHD Clinic
☐Community Matron
☐Specialist Nurse
☐Clinical Psychology
☐Counselling Service
☐Council Activity
☐Social Services
☐Voluntary Body
☐Smoking Cessation
☐Home Based
Discharge to Trust:
How likely are you to
recommend the service?
☐Extremely Likely
☐ Neither Likely/Unlikely
☐Extremely Unlikely
☐Don’t Know
Examinations and Tests
Reason Not Sending Q’naire
☐No resources
☐Ass sent and not returned
☐Never Smoked
☐Ex Smoker
☐Stopped since event
☐Currently Smoking
Units of Alcohol/wk
TAM2: Strenuous: No.Sessions:
Mild: No.Sessions:
METS (other measures)
Heart Failure (NYHA)
6 min walk:
Shuttle Walk: Level
Assessment Date:
☐Mental Incapacity
☐Language Barrier
☐Left the Area
Blood Pressure:
Assessment No:
☐Too Ill
☐Not Interested/Refused
☐Unable to Contact
BMI (auto-calc)
Mmol/L Or %
Canadian Angina Scale
Moderate: No.Sessions
150 mins mod/wk
75 Mins Vigorous ex/wk
Mediterranean Diet Score:
Sub Level
Total Metres
Quality of Life:
Dartmouth Co-op:
Physical Fitness
Social Activities
Overall Health
HAD Anxiety Score
Current Employment Status
☐Self-Employed Full Time
☐Govt Training Course
☐Permanently Sick/Disabled
☐Other Reasons
Social Support
HAD Depression Score
☐Employed Full Time
☐Self-Employed Part Time
☐Looking after Family/Home
☐Temp Sick/Injured
Daily Activities
Change in Health
Quality of life
☐Employed Part Time
☐Unemploy/Looking for work
ACE Inhibitors
☐Other/Not Specified
Diuretic: Thiazide
☐Other/Not Specified
Calcium channel blockers
☐Other/Not Specified
Current Diabetes Therapy
☐Other/Not Specified
Angiotensin receptor blockers
☐Other/Not Specified
Selective aldosterone
receptor antagonist (SARA)
☐Other/Not Specified
Therapy for Lipids (Statins)
☐Other/Not Specified
Heart Rate Meds
☐Other/Not Specified
☐Other/Not Specified
Diuretic: loop
☐Ethancrynic acid
☐Other/Not Specified
☐Other/Not Specified
☐Nitrates (incl GTN
☐Other/Not Specified
Core Components
Health Behaviour
Change & Education
Lifestyle Risk
Factor Management
Psychosocial Health
Medical Risk Factor Mgt
Cardioprotective Therapies
Long Term Management
Audit & Evaluation
☐Individual assessment of health behaviour
☐Agreed & written treatment plan
☐Goal setting for health behaviour change for core components
☐Regular review of progress with goals
☐Education about smoking
☐Individual counselling/motivational interviewing for smoking cessation
☐Individual assessment of diet needs
☐Education about healthy diet
☐Individual goal setting for dietary change
☐Referral to dietetics/weight management prog
☐Baseline assessment of activity level
☐Education about physical activity
☐Group based exercise programme
☐Individual Exercise
☐Assessment of illness beliefs / misconceptions
☐Relaxation & stress management training
☐Referral to psychological care
☐Vocational advice
☐Financial Social Security / Benefits advice
☐ADL, aids or home adaption assessment
☐Regular monitoring & education of risk factors
☐Regular monitoring & education of cardioprotective therapies
☐Long-term maintenance plan for goals
☐Final review of goals & progress
☐Other/Not Specified