Owner: Version number: Effective date: Date of last review: Due for review: Educational Development and Quality 3.0 15th September 2014 (For 2014-15 and 2015-16 Academic Years) August 2014 Every 3 years [Title] Policy This document is part of the Academic Regulations, Policies and Procedures which govern the University’s academic provision. Each document has a unique document number to indicate which section of the series it belongs to. 10A - Quality Management Records Retention: Policy and Procedure 1. SCOPE AND PURPOSE 1.1 This policy and procedure is intended for Bournemouth University (BU) staff. 1.2 This policy and procedure provides a guide for the retention of documentation generated through the quality management activities of the University in relation to teaching, learning and student administration. This document is based upon the earlier University Records Retention Schedule and is informed by JISC infoNET guidance. 1.3 BU staff are required to adhere to the procedure given within this document for quality assurance purposes. Members of staff need to be able to access information and documentation where necessary to respond to external queries and therefore it is important that the guidelines given here are reflected in the practice employed within Professional Services and Faculties. 1.4 The procedure outlines responsibilities for the core documentation, therefore clarifying the requirements for staff and their respective departments. 2. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 Faculties and Professional Services: to maintain records as specified within this document. 3. LINKS TO OTHER BU DOCUMENTS 3.1 Other documents with direct relevance to this one are: 10B - Committees: Policy and Procedure 10C - Committees: Guidelines Use of Cohort for online applications Data Protection Policy Policy 4. PRINCIPLES 4.1 All records relating to an individual student should be complete, accurate and up to date. A record of education needs to be kept in perpetuity for all students. 4.2 All personal data should be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose for which it is retained. 4.3 Records should be held securely to prevent unauthorised access to them and duplication of student information should be kept to a minimum. 1 10A - Quality Management Records Retention: Policy and Procedure 4.4 Some professional, statutory or regulatory bodies (PSRBs) may have additional requirements which need to be adhered to in addition to those stated for BU. 4.5 BU aims to retain the majority of records in electronic format, although it should be remembered that for retention purposes the format of the record is immaterial. Procedures 5. RESPONSIBILITIES AND RETENTION PERIODS FOR CORE RECORDS 5.1 Retention periods vary considerably depending upon the type of record. separates out records into four key areas: 2 This procedure Student Records – where information will relate specifically to individual students, applicants or enquirers; Programme Documentation - includes all documentation relevant to programme creation, delivery, management and monitoring; Assessment Records - details documentation relating to assessment including assignment/examination briefs and papers through to assessment board paper management; Meetings and Documentation held centrally - includes guidance on committee paperwork, External Examiners, PSRBs, Partner contracts and Audit materials. 10A - Quality Management Records Retention: Policy and Procedure 5.2 Student Records Core student record. To include at a minimum: Student name Date of birth Address at start and end of programme Previous qualifications/ fulfilment of admissions criteria Programmes undertaken (with dates) Overall grades and classification achieved Name, date and result of award Professional registrations with PSRBs Where core record is held Are additional copies required Held in Unit-e (or other locations e.g. HEMIS where records were not transferred over). Other information may be held on student file for as long as is necessary for operational purposes within Faculty/ Partner Normally kept as an electronic record within the student record system Faculty/ Partner No Format of record electronic or hard copy (E or H) E or H1 Retention Period E or H 6 years from graduation or any subsequent action/ correspondence whichever is later. Note: The UKBA require that visa and passport copies are kept for 1 year after the student completes their programme Permanently retained For Partners under the Validation Model: the Partner will maintain the core record within their own database system Student files and any associated information (such as that relating to application, transfer, withdrawal, ALS, mitigation etc) students on programmes that do not lead to a professional registration with a PSRB 1 3 Pre-Electronic Student Records 10A - Quality Management Records Retention: Policy and Procedure Where core record is held Are additional copies required Student files and any associated information (such as that relating to application, transfer, withdrawal, ALS , mitigation etc) students on programmes that do lead to a professional registration with a PSRB Faculty/ Partner No Additional Learning Support (ALS) student records (initial assessment, screening, diagnostic assessment, medical evidence, Disabled Students Allowance (DSA), Individual Learning Programme (ILP), independent study management info, all e-mails, letters, texts and general communications) ALS Marked student work not collected by students Faculty/ Partner Note: students to be advised at the start of the programme that any uncollected work will be destroyed after one year 4 Format of record electronic or hard copy (E or H) E or H Retention Period Copy of ALS advice note to be kept on the student file within the Faculty/ Partner E or H 6 years from graduation or any subsequent action/ correspondence whichever is later No E or H (Electronic records held in myBU can be retrieved if necessary) Current academic year + 1 year 10A - Quality Management Records Retention: Policy and Procedure 6 years from graduation or any subsequent action/ correspondence whichever is later providing information relating to the professional aspect of the programme is available within the electronic student record, ie. nursing/ midwifery - records need to be permanently retained. Note: The UKBA require that visa and passport copies are kept for 1 year after the student completes their programme 5 Where core record is held Are additional copies required Format of record electronic or hard copy (E or H) E or H Retention Period Academic Appeals For appeals resolved at Local Stage, core record will be the documentation held on student file by the Faculty/Partner. For appeals that reach the Mediation/Formal Stage, Academic Services hold the definitive record Yes, in student core record Admissions Appeals For appeals resolved at Local Stage, core record will be the documentation held on student file by the Faculty/Partner. For appeals that reach the Mediation/Formal Stage, Academic Services hold the definitive record Yes, in applicant file E or H 6 years from last action on appeal Student Complaints For complaints resolved at Local Stage, core record will be the documentation held on student file by the Faculty/ Partner. For complaints that reach the Mediation/Formal Stage, Academic Services hold the definitive record Yes, in student core record E or H 6 years from graduation or 6 years from last action on complaint, whichever is later 10A - Quality Management Records Retention: Policy and Procedure 6 years from graduation or 6 years from last action on appeal, whichever is later Disciplinary records Successful applicants who then enrol as students Application forms may have been submitted electronically via Cohort or UCAS or be in hard copy format to include personal data, previous education and qualifications, employment details etc, supporting documentation or evidence Where core record is held Are additional copies required For disciplinaries resolved at Local Stage, core record will be the documentation held on student file by the Faculty/ Partner. For disciplinaries that reach the Mediation/ Formal Stage, Academic Services hold the definitive record Yes, in student core record. Ensure info on student file is destroyed after the appropriate period Electronic - within Unite under student profile No Format of record electronic or hard copy (E or H) E or H 6 years from graduation or 6 years from last disciplinary, whichever is later Note: normally written warnings will be held on file for a specified time. They should then be removed and destroyed E or H Hard copy Faculty/Partner (on student file) RPL information, fee status forms etc (may be held on hard copy file) 6 Retention Period 10A - Quality Management Records Retention: Policy and Procedure 6 years from graduation or any subsequent correspondence whichever is later Unsuccessful applicants or applicants who do not enrol Application forms may have been submitted electronically via Cohort or UCAS or be in hard copy format - to include personal data, previous education and qualifications, employment details etc, supporting documentation or evidence Where core record is held Are additional copies required Electronic - within Unit-e under student profile Not unless there is an appeal Format of record electronic or hard copy (E or H) E or H Retention Period E or H Current academic year + 1 year Hard copy Faculty/Partner (on student file) Current academic year + 1 year (or remainder of academic year plus one year from date of last activity on application) RPL information, fee status forms etc (may be held on hard copy file) Records documenting the handling of enquiries by prospective students 5.3 7 Academic Services No Programme Documentation Annual Reports on Framework/Programme Monitoring (ARFM/ARPM) EDQ No E Current academic year + 6 years Design Phase documentation to include Briefing and Resources document, Framework/Programme Specification, Unit Specifications, Course Costing Form EDQ No E Current academic year + 10 years 10A - Quality Management Records Retention: Policy and Procedure Where core record is held Are additional copies required Retention Period No Format of record electronic or hard copy (E or H) E Evaluation Phase documentation to include Briefing and Resources document, Framework/Programme Specification, Unit Specifications, CVs, ARFMs EDQ Modifications EDQ No E Current academic year + 10 years Final Approved Programme Specification and Unit Specifications EDQ No E Permanently retained All programme files which includes a historical record of programme evaluation events – include email correspondence, EPM documentation EDQ No E or H Permanently retained Records documenting the design, conduct and review of induction programmes for new students Faculty/Partner No E or H Completion of induction programme + 5 years Records documenting the administration of induction programmes and events for new students Faculty/Partner No E or H Current academic year + 1 year Student Handbook Faculty/Partner No E or H 6 years from graduation of the last student on the cohort Faculty No E or H Remainder of academic year +1 year to allow for trend data Current academic year + 5 years As ARFM As Committee papers Student Feedback Unit Level Feedback data SES data Student Reps Feedback Student Forum Discussion 8 Academic Services Faculty - ARFM Faculty - Committee papers E E E 10A - Quality Management Records Retention: Policy and Procedure Current academic year + 10 years 5.4 9 Where core record is held Are additional copies required Retention Period No Format of record electronic or hard copy (E or H) E or H Registers and attendance records Faculty/Partner Final version of taught unit material Faculty/Partner No E No formal requirement but myBU retains content indefinitely and can be retrieved/ accessed on request Current academic year + 1 year (if necessary) Assessment Records Assignment briefs Faculty/Partner No E or H Current academic year + 1 year Exam papers Faculty/Partner LLS No E or H E Current academic year + 1 year Permanently retained Exam scripts Faculty/Partner Academic Services Exams office No H E Current academic year + 1 year, although for exams contributing to the final award end of programme + 1 year Assessment Board spreadsheets and minutes Faculties (pre 2006 records held by Academic Services) This is the document with the Chair and EE signatures Yes, for as long as required for operational purposes held electronically in Academic Services folders E or H Permanently retained Results lists Faculties (pre 2006 records held by Academic Services) Yes, for as long as required for operational purposes E or H Permanently retained Schedules for submission, marking & return of coursework Faculty/ Partner No E or H Current academic year 10A - Quality Management Records Retention: Policy and Procedure 5.5 10 Where core record is held Are additional copies required Format of record electronic or hard copy (E or H) E or H Retention Period Samples of student assessment Faculty/Partner No Summary assignment marksheets with first/second marker signatures Faculties No E or H (preferably H) Current academic year + 1 year Invigilation and Absence Sheets for Examinations Dissertations Faculties No H Current academic year + 1 year Faculty/Partner LLS (accept up to 20 from each Faculty per annum) H or E LLS Yes – Library, BURO and British Library H – LLS E – BURO and British Library Current academic year + 1 year for dissertations generally. Current academic year + 3 years for those dissertations held by LLS Permanently retained – access to electronic copies is sometimes restricted depending upon content and authorisation Theses (PhD or DBA) Theses (MPhil, PhD,DBA) Current academic year + 1 year (often the sample kept is the same as that sent to the EE) Meetings and Documentation held centrally Papers and Minutes of formal BU Committee meetings Servicing Faculty/Profession al Service No E (preferably as combined pdf document) Permanently retained. Further guidance on the management of committee papers is available in the Committee Policy and Procedures document Papers and Minutes of other Committee meetings Servicing Faculty/Profession al Service No E Will depend on the nature, purpose and composition of the meeting. Minutes of meetings with individual students/staff should be placed on the student/staff file. See note above about further guidance 10A - Quality Management Records Retention: Policy and Procedure Where core record is held Are additional copies required Retention Period No Format of record electronic or hard copy (E or H) E External Examiner reports EDQ External Examiner appointment files EDQ No E or H 3 years after termination of contract Partnership Contracts Academic Partnerships No H Permanently retained Key partnership correspondence Academic Partnerships No E or H Permanently retained Internal and External Audits EDQ No E or H Current academic year + 5 years PSRB information and approvals EDQ No E or H Permanent retention 6 years (also included in ARFM/ARPM) 6 ELECTRONIC STORAGE 6.1 It should be noted that any requirement to retain records applies to records in all formats therefore the format of the record (i.e. electronic or hard copy) is irrelevant for retention purposes. 6.2 Where electronic records are not retained within a business application or service e.g. business documents, it is recommended that staff use the BU central storage area. See links below for further information I Drive Appropriate Use Policy Personal and Shared Electronic Storage Backup Policy 6.3 Where electronic records, not retained within a business application, require archiving the recommended method for storage is CDR or DVDR. CDRW or DVDRW should not be used. 2 It is recommended that CDRs or DVDRs are adequately named to enable ease of retrieval of information. It is recommended that Faculties determine a standard method and annotation for records storage. 6.4 myBU units are archived 90 days after the end date of a unit in Unit-e. Units can be reenabled for a chosen length of time, either with or without enrolments also enabled. To gain access to archived materials, staff are requested to log an IT job by the standard method through the Staff Intranet. 2 Guidance received from Enterprise Architecture – August 2013 11 10A - Quality Management Records Retention: Policy and Procedure General 7 REFERENCES AND FURTHER INFORMATION If further guidance is required, access can be gained to the JISC recommendations at the link below: http://www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/partnerships/records-retention-he 7.1 12 This document has been mapped against the requirements outlined in meeting the equality duty in policy and decision-making at Bournemouth University. 10A - Quality Management Records Retention: Policy and Procedure