SDR-14 & SpectraVue S o f t w a r e D e f i n e d By: Moe Wheatley, AE4JY and Pieter Ibelings, N4IP R a d i o 1 SDR-14 FFT Spectrum Analyzer Digital Receiver Direct Input Port I I I N ADC HF Input Port Q Variable Gain Preamp COS 30 MHz Low Pass Filter Q Q CIC Filter FIR Filter Decimator Complex Data -SIN Real Data Switch 66.666 MHz Oscillator Complex NCO PIC Processor USB Interface 8 32 to 8 Bit MUX CPLD 32 512K x 32 Memory 16 Bit IQ or Real Data 2 AD6620 DIGITAL DOWNCONVERTER 3 FTDI FT245 USB Interface Block Diagram 4 SpectraVue Block Diagram Input Sources IQ Display SDR-14 FFT Parameters 2D FFT Display FFT Functions Sound card 3D FFT Display Waterfall Displays RIFF Wave File Demod Parameters Continuum Display Internal Generator Demodulation Functions Sound card RIFF Wave File 5 SpectraVue Capabilities • FFT analysis using 2048 to 262144 point FFT's (real or complex). • FFT amplitude resolutions from 10dB to .2dB per division. • FFT amplitude power is in dB referenced to full scale (a single sine wave with amplitude of +/-32767 or 16 bits). • Various FFT data view modes including waterfalls and 2D and 3D plots. • Display markers for accurate amplitude/frequency measurement. • A continuum display for measuring spectral power over the entire span and/or the peak power within the span. • Frequency Spans from 5KHz to 30MHz in various step sizes.(using SDR-14 unit) • Signal demodulation of AM, NBFM, USB, LSB, narrow CW modes when using the 100 KHz Frequency Span and SDR-14 unit. • Saving and playback of captured spectrum using RIFF .wav files. 6 The AD6620 Setup Menu 7 The Wave File Input Menu 8 The Data Output Menu 9 The Data Output Menu 10 RAW DISPLAY Shows in-phase and quadrature waveforms over time. 11 2D FFT DISPLAY Shows amplitude vs. frequency. 12 3D FFT DISPLAY Shows amplitude vs. frequency vs. time. 13 V WATERFALL DISPLAY Shows amplitude vs. frequency vs. time 14 H WATERFALL DISPLAY Shows amplitude vs. frequency vs. time 15 CONTINUUM DISPLAY Shows channel power vs. time. 16 Military Satellite Transponder 17 Decoding AO-40 using AO40RCV and SpectraVue 18 The whole 20 meter band in one snapshot. 19 Additional Info. Visit for more information regarding the SDR-14. Additional information on SpectraVue can be found at 20