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Spring 2015 BIOL 2154 Kidd
Human Physiology
Spring 2015 Syllabus
Instructor: Adjunct Professor, Dr. Lacey Kidd, ND
Office Hours: Tuesday 11:30-12:30 or Thursday 2-4(By appointment only)
Phone: 918-595-7673 (ACS)
Course: BIOL 2154
Section #: 304
Lecture: Tuesday 12:30 pm – 1:50 pm
Lab: Tuesday 2 pm – 4:50 pm
Call #: 21513
Room: 8296
Room: 8204
Division: Science and Mathematics
Associate Dean: Lyn Kent
Office: SEC 8125
Phone Number: 918-595-7742
Director: Susan Burlew
Office: SEC 2202
Phone: 918-595-7673
1. Introduction To Biology for Majors (BIOL 1224)
2. Human Anatomy (BIOL 2134)
3. General Chemistry (CHEM 1315)
Human physiology provides the scientific foundation for the field of medicine and other professions related to
human health and physical performance. This course covers the function of mammalian organ systems
including cell-molecular properties, maintenance systems, communication and control systems, and integration
of activities with emphasis on humans in homeostasis. Those students desiring to transfer to a four year college
are strongly advised to check with the receiving school regarding the transfer of this course.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
1. Identify three components of a feedback system used in the human body to maintain
homeostasis. Students will compare and contrast a negative and positive feedback mechanism.
2. Describe the relationship between structure and function as seen in molecular interactions,
compartmentation of the human body, and the mechanical properties of cells, tissues, and
3. Design a model explaining the process by which the two control centers of the human body
4. Research using the internet to examine quality, peer-reviewed scientific journal articles
pertaining to current medical research.
5. Describe information flow within human body systems including cell to cell
communication, signal transduction pathways, and mass flow.
Spring 2015 BIOL 2154 Kidd
General Education courses at TCC ensure that our graduates gain skills, knowledge, and abilities that comprise a
common foundation for their higher education and a backdrop for their work and personal lives. TCC’s General
Education goals are: Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Engaged Learning, and Technological
Course Information
• Human Physiology, An Integrated Approach: TCC Custom Edition, 6th edition, Silverthorn
This is the book that has been customized for TCC. It has an instruction sheet for students at
the very beginning of the book, instructions of how to log on thru Blackboard, and is bundled
with a Modified Mastering access code.
a. Access to Internet Site: Mastering A&P (online tutorial & homework program) with
access to PhysioEX 9 and InteractivePhysiology (IP) [comes with purchase of new
textbook or access kit is available for purchase from the book store and online]
b. How to register in Mastering A&P is via an access code (comes in the student access
code card/kit packaged with your new textbook or available separately in the
bookstore. Otherwise you can access online at
✴ The first laboratory session will deal with obtaining access
• Physiology Lab Manual, Dusti Sloan and Paulette Ramsey
~ available at SEC bookstore only
SUGGESTED SOFTWARE: Microsoft Office or IWorks
If you do not have Office, you can download it from student resources in Blackboard for free.
A Short Guide To Writing About Biology by Jan Pechenik (copies available in library)
Literature Search:
1. Pub Med,
2. NCBI,
3. Ebsco Host,
It is highly recommended that you have regular (daily) computer access, preferably a home computer with broadband
Internet access. This course can be completed using public computers at TCC or other public access areas. However,
be aware that using public computers may create a hardship. All course requirements remain the same whether your
computer access is public or private (home).
Students are expected to use the TCC Blackboard site to obtain course information: Grades, Syllabus, PowerPoint
lectures, Assignments, and Announcements.
Spring 2015 BIOL 2154 Kidd
Occasionally, changes to the syllabus may be necessary. Students will be notified of any changes to the syllabus
verbally and in writing.
Classroom Policies & Procedures
This course will meet twice a week for one and a half hour lectures. Lecture topics and associated readings are
listed in the schedule and posted on Blackboard. The schedule is subject to change.
It is the student’s responsibility to be to lecture ON TIME. The instructor has the discretion to not allow the
student into lecture or lab if he/she is late.
If assignments are due, they must be turned in at the BEGINNING of class. Nothing will be accepted during 10
minutes after the beginning of class.
Food and drink are permitted as long as they do not distract and/or disrupt one another. They must not have a
strong odor or make loud noise when consumed. Drinks must be in containers that are spill proof.
Open and mutually respectful communication of varied opinions, beliefs, and perspectives during classroom or
online discussion encourages the free exchange of ideas that is essential to higher learning and provides the
ability to learn from one another.
The laboratory session will reinforce concepts and principles learned in the lecture section of the course.
Students will become familiar with a broad range of methods and technologies/instrumentation used in clinical
and research settings related to physiology.
The laboratory session will meet once a week for 3 hours. Missing a laboratory session constitutes a zero.
Attendance to laboratory sessions is mandatory. Lab sessions cannot be made up.
It is the student’s responsibility to be ON TIME and with the appropriate materials. The instructor has the
discretion to not allow the student into lab if he/she is late.
If assignments are due, they must be turned in at the BEGINNING of lab. Nothing will be accepted during the
10 minutes after the beginning of class.
Absolutely NO FOOD or DRINK is allowed in the lab!
Closed-toe shoes must be worn at ALL times. Safety goggles may also be required during certain labs when
working with glass or liquids.
Gloves must be worn when working with any biohazard materials.
You must arrive on time. Students arriving late will not be able to take the exam if another student has already
finished and left the room. Once exams are distributed, you may not leave the room until the exam is completed.
Cellphones MUST be turned off. No food is allowed. Only drinks in a spill-proof container are permissible.
All cellphones, IPads, etc., must be turned to silent during lecture and laboratory hours. Any abuse of these devices
during class or lab may result in the student being asked to leave the room without the ability to return.
Attendance and participation are required in both lecture and laboratory sessions. Passing the class will be highly
unlikely without regular attendance. Assignments may be given out in class that will NOT be posted on Bb as will
quizzes be given in lecture only that may not be made up.
▪ All TCC students receive a designated TCC Outlook address (ex: All
communications to you about TCC and course assignments will be sent to your TCC Outlook email
Spring 2015 BIOL 2154 Kidd
address; you must use TCC Outlook email to send email to and receive email from the instructor regarding
this course.
I will communicate using the TCC email address ONLY. Emails received during the week (M-F) will be
answered within 24 hours.
Campus Policies & Procedures
The deadline to withdraw from a course shall not exceed 3/4 the duration of any class. Contact the Counseling Office
at any TCC campus to initiate withdrawal from a course ('W' grade) or to change from Credit to Audit. Check the TCC
Academic Calendar for deadlines. Students who stop participating in the course and fail to withdraw may receive a
course grade of “F”, which may have financial aid consequences for the student.
TCC rarely closes. If extreme weather conditions or emergency situations arise, TCC always gives
cancellation notices to radio and television stations. Do NOT go by any public school closings!
This information is also posted on the TCC website (
It is advised that you sign up to receive alerts for TCC at ( Use your TCC
Outlook email address for signing up.
Class sessions will be held through Blackboard Collaborate if class is cancelled. More details will be
given in class regarding how to obtain ensure your computer will run the software.
Please advise the instructor of pertinent health issues or medications you may be taking in case an
emergency arises. Should you become ill or suffer an injury while in class or in lab, please notify the
instructor immediately. Southeast campus has a Student Health Office (staffed with an RN) located in
room 2116 (ext.7769).
If you are pregnant or should become pregnant this semester, please inform the instructor. Your instructor
will discuss laboratory safety and guidelines.
Tulsa Community College is a Tobacco Free college in accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order 2012-01 and
Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes, Section 1-1523 which prohibits smoking or the use of any tobacco products in all
public places, in any indoor workplace, and all vehicles owned by the State of Oklahoma and all of its agencies and
instrumentalities. This Order includes property leased, rented, or owned by TCC including, but not limited to, all
grounds, buildings, facilities, and parking lots. Tulsa Community College’s policy includes a tobacco free
environment on all campus and off-campus locations conducting TCC credit or non-credit classes. The TCC Campus
Police is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Tobacco-Free Environment Policy. Violations of the policy
may be addressed through issuance of campus or state citations.
It is the policy and practice of Tulsa Community College to create inclusive learning environments. Accommodations
for qualifying students in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act are available. To request accommodations, contact the Education Access Center (EAC) at or call (918) 595-7115 (Voice). Deaf and hard of hearing students may text (918) 809-1864.
Academic dishonesty (cheating) is defined as the deception of others about one’s own work or about the work of
another. Academic dishonesty or misconduct is not condoned or tolerated at campuses within the Tulsa Community
College system. Tulsa Community College adopts a policy delegating certain forms of authority for disciplinary action
Spring 2015 BIOL 2154 Kidd
to the faculty. Such disciplinary actions delegated to the faculty include, but are not limited to, the dismissal of
disrespectful or disorderly students from classes. In the case of academic dishonesty a faculty member may:
Require the student to redo an assignment or test, or require the student to complete a substitute assignment
or test;
Record a "zero" for the assignment or test in question;
Recommend to the student that the student withdraw from the class, or administratively withdraw the
student from the class;
Record a grade of "F" for the student at the end of the semester. Faculty may request that disciplinary
action be taken against a student at the administrative level by submitting such a request to the Dean of
Student Services.
Course Drop or Withdrawal: A student who has been found responsible for academic dishonesty in a course
may not drop or withdraw from the course. If the student processes a drop or withdrawal from the course, the
action will be reversed and the appropriate grade will be recorded on the student's transcript.
Each student is responsible for being aware of the information contained in the TCC Catalog, the TCC Student Policies
& Resources Handbook, and semester information listed in the class schedule. All information may be viewed on the
TCC website:
Access to computing resources is a privilege granted to all TCC faculty, staff, and students. Use of TCC computing
resources is limited to purposes related to the College’s mission of education, research, and community service. See
TCC Student Code of Conduct Policy Handbook.
LECTURE TOTAL ~ 820 points
Exams – 450 points
90%-100% = A
80%-89% = B
70%-79% = C
60%-69% = D
Exam 1 – 100 points
Exam 2 – 100 points
Exam 3 – 100 points
Final – 150 points (50% new material 50% cumulative)
Exams will be composed of multiple choice, fill in the blank, illustrations, or short answer questions
A scantron must be purchased and brought to the exam.
Exams will be graded and returned within 2 classes. Students may review their exam IN CLASS and must
return it to the instructor before leaving.
Quizzes – 120 points
13 in class quizzes worth 10 points each will take place every Tuesday at the beginning of class
They will take place during the first 10 minutes of class and no later.
Your lowest quiz grade will be dropped at the end of the semester.
The quizzes may NOT be made up. You may use your one-drop if you are not in class the day of a quiz.
Assignments ~ 250 points
Students are expected to complete the online Mastering assignments. A block of assignments corresponding to
the book chapter will be due prior to the exam in which the topics are covered.
Other work might be given out in class and not posted to Bb or in Mastering.
Lab Assignments – 260 points
13 assignments worth 20 points each
Spring 2015 BIOL 2154 Kidd
The instructor will inform you each week what will be due the following week
Scientific Article Summary / Critique & Presentation – 50 points
▪ 2 Summaries (25 points each)
A summarization and critique of one scientific journal article of choice
A short in class presentation will be given over the paper / research
More instructions will be given in lab
Exam - 50 points
Lab Final - Week 15
~ You have 1 week to contest a grade after it has been posted to Blackboard!
CLASS TOTAL ~ 1180 points
✴ Your grade will be calculated as a percentage of the total points earned
✴ Point totals are subject to change
Extra Credit - 10 points
▪ Community Service - 10 points
▪ Exams:
Only in extenuating circumstances, such as family crisis, illness, birth, etc., will makeup exams be provided.
Inform your instructor in advance. You may be required to provide the instructor with doctor’s note or
hospital verification. Missed examinations cannot be made up unless justification for missing the exam is
provided before the exam. If a student is permitted to makeup an exam, the exam must be completed within
one week of the due date, or the student receives a zero on the exam. All makeup examinations will be taken
at the Testing Center at the TCC Southeast Campus.
Quizzes are NOT allowed to be made up. You may use your one-drop for a missed quiz.
Due dates are strictly adhered to. You will receive “0” points for assignments not turned in by the deadline.
Only in extenuating circumstances, such as family crisis, illness, birth, etc., will makeup assignments be
accepted. Inform your instructor in advance. You may be required to provide the instructor with a doctor’s
note or hospital verification. Assignments cannot be made up unless justification for missing the assignment is
provided before the assignment is due. If a student is permitted to makeup an assignment, the assignment must
be completed within one week of the due date, or the student receives a zero on the assignment.
Lab Assignments:
Labs MAY NOT be made up. You must inform the instructor IN ADVANCE if you cannot make it to a lab.
You may then have the opportunity to complete the assignment for ½ of the points if the instructor chooses to
give this opportunity.
Biology 2154 Tentative Course Schedule
Spring 2015 BIOL 2154 Kidd
Week 1
Jan 13, 15
Lab 1 - Current Issues / Research
Chpt 1 - Introduction &
Chpt 2 - Molecular Interactions
Chpt 3 - Compartmentation & Structure
Week 2
Jan 20, 22
Chpt 4 - Energy & Metabolism
Chpt 5 - Membranes
Block 1
Due Jan 29
Lab 2 - Microscopes & Metrics
Lab 3 - Histology
12:30 pm
Chpt 6 - Communication
Exam 1 (Chpt 1-6), Jan 29
Lab 5 - Osmosis
Week 4
Feb 3. 5
Chpt 7, 22-23 — Endocrine System
Lab 4 - Enzymes
Week 5
Feb 10, 12
Chpt 7, 22-23 — Endocrine
Lab 8 - Endocrine Histology
Week 3
Jan 27, 29
Lab 6 - Homeostasis
Chpt 8 - Neurons
Week 6
Feb 17, 19
Chpt 9 - Central Nervous System
Chpt 10 - Sensory Physiology
Block 2
Due Feb 26
12:30 pm
Lab 7 - BIOPAC Tutorial
Lab 10 - Protein Purification
Article Summary #1 Due
Week 7
Feb 24, 26
Chpt 11 - Autonomic & Somatic
Nervous System
Exam 2 (Chpt 7-11, 22-23), Feb 26
Lab 9 Electrophoresis
Week 8
Mar 3, 5
Chpt 12 - Muscle Physiology
Chpt 13 - Movement
Lab 11 - CNS & Sensory Physiology
Week 9
Mar 10, 12
Chpt 14 - Cardiovascular System
Lab 12 - Muscle Physiology
Week 10
Mar 17, 19
Spring Break !!!
Block 3
Due Apr 7
Spring Break !!!
12:30 pm
Week 11
Mar 24, 26
Chpt 15 - Blood Flow & Blood
Lab 13 - CV Physiology
Chpt 16 - Blood
Week 12
Mar 31, Apr 2
Chpt 17 - Respiratory System
Lab 14 - Blood Cells & Typing
Chpt 18 - Gas Exchange
BIOPAC: Blood Pressure
Week 13
Apr 7, 9
Exam 3 (Chpt 12-18), Apr 7
Chpt 19 - Kidneys
Lab 15 - Respiration
Week 14
Apr 14, 16
Chpt 20 - Fluid & Electrolyte
Lab 16 - Urinalysis
Article Summary #2 Due
BIOPAC: Spirometry
Chpt 24 - Immune System
Week 15
Apr 21, 23
Chpt 21 - Gastrointestinal System
Block 4
Due Apr 30
Lab Final
12:00 pm
Week 16
Apr 28, 30
Chpt 26 - Reproduction
Community Service Form Due-Apr 28
Spring 2015 BIOL 2154 Kidd
Week 17
May 5, 7
Final Exam
May 5, 12 - 1:50 pm
(Note the time difference)