PAYMENT PLAN FUNCTIONALITY MATRIX I think a lot of these functions should follow the same protocol as similar, standard day-to-day functions (for example: do Front of House and Contact Center typically extend/change membership expiration dates? Is Barb the only person out of FoH, CC, and Membership that does refunds: what about downgrades vs upgrades) but chatted with Barb and a lot of the activities that are passed over to the Membership Dept. are not written protocol, more just became habit or if someone does not know what they would pass it over the Barb….. opportunity in the future to revisit who is in charge of what via departments (or gather manuals for different departments- and create an all-encompassing document that really maps out what actions/transactions GE & CC and Membership staff and supervisors are permitted to do. Standard Functions Action Membership GE Staff GE supervisor CC Staff CC Supervisor BizApps Create a new membership with autorenewal y y y y y Y Create a new membership with payment plan Y Y Y Y Y Y Renew membership with autorenewal Y Y Y Y Y Y Renew membership with payment plan Y Y Y Y y y Gift membership with autorenewal y y Y Y Y Y Gift membership with payment plan y Y Y Y Y Y Search for a plan y Y Y Y Y Y Enroll someone in autorenewal after purchase y N Y N Y Y Enroll someone in PP after purchase y N Y N Y Y Credit Card Updates Action Membership GE Staff GE Supervisor CC Staff CC Supervisor BizApps Update Credit Card for Payment plan y N Y y y Y Update Credit Card for Autorenewal y N Y Y Y Y Updating Cardholder Name y N Y Y Y Y Updating Card Number y N Y Y y Y Updating Expiration date *does FoH and/or CC usually update expiration dates?* y N n n n Y Upgrading Payment Plan (Includes processing payment of difference) Action Membership GE Staff GE Supervisor CC Staff CC Supervisor BizApps Upgrading Payment Plan y N y- only an upgrade- a few extra steps, would it be confusing to only be able to do upgrades? n y- only an upgrade- a few extra steps, would it be confusing to only allow these 2 departments to do upgrades? Y Upgrading Autorenewal y n y- only an upgrade- a few extra steps, would it be confusing to only be able to do upgrades? n y- only an upgrade- a few extra steps, would it be confusing to only allow these 2 departments to do upgrades? Y Downgrading Payment Plan y n n- have to refund, which only Barb does? n-have to refund, which only n-have to refund, which only Barb does? Y Action Membership GE Staff GE Supervisor CC Staff CC Supervisor BizApps n- have to refund, which only Barb does? Y Barb does? Downgrading Autorenewal y N N- have to refund, which only Barb does? n- have to refund, which only Barb does? Removing a payment plan Action Membership GE Staff GE Supervisor CC Staff CC Supervisor BizApps Remove Payment Plan in middleonly if membership is paid in full….this could be paid in full in person or over the phone y n Y n Y Y Remove Payment Plan at end- y N Y n Y Y Remove AR in middle y n Y n Y Y Remove AR at end y N Y n Y Y Set Pass status to blocked y n n n n Y Set Pass status to returned y N n n n Y Do not change pass status y n n n n Y Set pass status to blocked (can be changed later)- Does membership only handle membership cancellations of regular memberships or can the cancellation of a membership happen at Front of House and Contact Center Set Pass status to returned (cannot be changed) Do not change pass status (doesn't change anything, member may be able to still come?) Contract Options Action Membership GE Staff GE Supervisor CC Staff CC Supervisor BizApps Edit Pass information y n n n n Y Remove Pass from payment contract y N n n n y issue tickets and passes on payment contract y n n n n Y Upgrade pass to another pass on contract with difference paid y N n n n Y Upgrade with difference spread out y n n n n Y Void Contract y N n n n Y Payment options Action Membership GE Staff GE Supervisor CC Staff CC Supervisor BizApps Manual Payments y n n n n y Scheduled Payment y N n n n Y Arrears Payment y n n n n Y Full Payment y N n n n Y Make Payment y n n n n Y Renew contract after processing arrears y n n n n y Change Down Payment N n n n N y Change Payment Schedule (impossible) n N n n n y Action Membership GE Staff GE Supervisor CC Staff CC Supervisor BizApps Refunds y N n n n y Partial Refunds y N n n n y Recurring Payment Method Action Membership GE Staff GE Supervisor CC Staff CC Supervisor BizApps Edit credit card info y Y Y Y y y View statement history y Y Y y Y y Print Statement history y Y Y Y Y y Email Statement history y Y Y Y Y y Resend Payment Contract y Y Y Y Y y Audit Log y Y Y y y y Notes Action Membership GE Staff GE Supervisor CC Staff CC Supervisor BizApps Add note y y y y Y y view note y y y y Y y