Human Trafficking PowerPoint

Human Trafficking:
Modern Day Slavery
Central Ohio
Rescue & Restore Coalition
What is Human Trafficking?
• A form of modern-day slavery
• Exploitation of men, women and children for
commercial sex or labor purposes.
• The second largest and fastest growing criminal
industry in the world.
Human Trafficking Pre-Test
 1.) To be considered a victim of trafficking one
must be transported across state or country
borders (T/F)?
 2.) Generally Human Trafficking is an
international issue most often present in
underdeveloped countries (T/F)?
 3.) There are multiple forms of human
trafficking and victims may fall in multiple
categories (T/F)?
 4.) Under the Federal definition, trafficked
persons can only be foreign nationals
(immigrants from other countries) (T/F)?
 5.) Human Trafficking and “Smuggling”
humans are considered to be different crimes
 6.) Currently there are countries where
“slavery” is legal (T/F)?
 7.) The terms “pimp” and “trafficker” are
synonymous (T/F)?
 8.) For a person to be convicted of sex/labor
trafficking they must use physical
force/brutality against their victim (T/F)?
 9.) There is estimated to be more humans
living in slavery now than when it was legalized
in America (T/F)?
 10.) If you are arrested for
prostitution/soliciting and you are under the
age of 18 are you automatically considered to
be a victim of sex trafficking (T/F)?
Through the Eyes of Victims
• “Not My Life”
Trafficking Victims Protection Act 2000
“Severe Forms of Trafficking in Persons” defined as:
• Sex Trafficking: the recruitment, harboring, transportation,
provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a
commercial sex act , in which a commercial sex act is induced
by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person forced to
perform such an act is under the age of 18 years; or
• Labor Trafficking: the recruitment, harboring, transportation,
provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services,
through the use of force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of
subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage or
Two Broad Categories of Human Trafficking
Labor Trafficking:
Sexual Trafficking:
Domestic Service
Sweat Shops/Factories
Agricultural Work
Brick Kilns
Child Soldiers
Lap Dancing
Live-Sex Shows
Mail-order Brides
Child Brides
International Scope of Trafficking
• About 800,000 men, women and children are
trafficked across international borders each year.
• The International Labor Organization estimates that
12.3 million people are living in slavery around the
globe today.
• Annually, up to 17,500 individuals are trafficked into
the US from other countries.
• Approximately 80 percent of transnational victims
are women and girls and up to 50 percent are
US Department of State Trafficking in Persons Report 2008
What is Labor Trafficking?
Using force, fraud or
coercion to recruit, harbor,
transport, obtain or
employ a person for labor
or services in involuntary
servitude, peonage, debt
bondage or slavery
Vulnerability Factors: Labor Trafficking
High unemployment
Political Conflict
Cultural Acceptance of Practice
US Trafficking in Persons Report, 2008
Debt Bondage
Illegal in the United States.
Considered trafficking-related exploitation by the
United Nations TIP Protocol.
Trafficking victims must reimburse his/her traffickers
for travel, room and board, hygiene and other
personal items.
Amount to be repaid is set by the traffickers.
Who Are The Traffickers?
Organized crime
Neighbors, friends, family members, village chiefs
Agricultural operations
Business owners
Commercial Sex act induced by force, fraud, coercion,
or in which the individual is under the age of 18
Sex Trafficking in the US?
Each year an estimated 100,000 to 300,000 US
children are at high risk of commercial sex
According to the Ernie Allen, Executive Director of the
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, at
least 100,000 US children are caught up in child
Average age of entry into prostitution is 12 to 14.
Studies suggest that up to 90% of runaway youth
become involved in the commercial sex industry.
Estes, R., & Weiner, N. A. (2001) Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the U.S., Canada and Mexico
Shared Hope International, Demand: A Comparative Examination of Sex Tourism and Trafficking in Jamaica, Japan, The Netherlands,
and the United States
US Department of Justice.
Congressional Victims Rights Caucus and Congressional Trafficking Caucus July 21, 2009.
Factors Associated with Domestic Minor Sex
Use of prostitution by runaway and thrownaway
children to provide for subsistence needs
Presence of pre-existing adult prostitution markets in
communities where large numbers of street youth are
Prior history of child sexual abuse and child sexual
Estes, R., & Weiner, N. A. (2001) Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the U.S., Canada and Mexico
Factors Associated with Domestic Minor Sex
• Large numbers of unattached and transient
males in local communities including military
personnel, truckers, and conventioneers.
• Membership in gangs
• Promotion of child prostitution by parents, older
siblings and boy friends
• Recruitment by organized crime units
Estes, R., & Weiner, N. A. (2001) Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the U.S., Canada and
Pimp Control/Traffickers
Pimps are masters of the art of seduction; they are able to
identify the vulnerabilities of a specific child and exploit them.
Once seduced, pimps use torture tactics to control their
Such tactics consistently lead to complete obedience and a
breakdown of personal agency and autonomy.
These behaviors include both physical and psychological
Pimps use the increased glamorization of pimp/ho culture, as
well as cultural acceptance of demand for child victims, to
help maintain control of the child.
Dr. Celia Williamson, University of Toledo and Second Chance
"Ohio is not only a destination place for foreign-born
trafficking victims, but it's also a recruitment place"
-Celia Williamson, associate professor at the University of Toledo
Human Trafficking in Ohio
• According to the Polaris Project, Ohio ranks 7th in the
number of calls placed to the National hotline between
12/07 and 6/09.
• The FBI identified Toledo, Ohio as “the top U.S.
recruitment city for trafficking children into the sex
• Ohio is said to be the 5th Leading state in Human Trafficking
by Mark Logan
Why Ohio?
• Proximity to Canada/Toronto
• Extensive highway system
- I-71/I-75 & I-70
• Growing immigrant community allows traffickers to
hide victims in plain sight
- 30% Increase between 1999-2000
• Poverty among minorities, women and children
• Wright Patterson Air Force Base
- Largest concentration of strip clubs in the state
• Migrant Labor
Polaris Project
Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray Human
Trafficking Study Commission
• Purpose
– To understand the problem of HT in Ohio
– To make recommendations about ways to
strengthen Ohio’s response to the problem
• Committees
– Victim Services
– Legislation
– Public Awareness
– Law Enforcement Training
– Research
Report on the Prevalence of Human Trafficking
in Ohio, February 2010
• Ohio Trafficking in Persons Study Commission Research
and Analysis Sub-Committee
• Conservative Estimate: At least 6,316 Ohioans are at
risk of being trafficked and at least 1,861 are believed
to be trafficked in Ohio today.
– This estimate does not include domestic adults who are
victims of sex trafficking.
• In 2007/2008, Central Ohio law enforcement filed
3,575 prostitution charges. 35 arrests for “Johns”
Examples of Central Ohio HT Cases CORRC
Foreign national woman married to US citizen
who forced her into domestic servitude.
Latina woman trafficked in a brothel.
Foreign national woman sexually trafficked by
her husband.
Undocumented immigrants trafficked in ethnic
14 year old American girl prostituted by a gang.
Since July 2008, The Salvation Arm/CORRC has
provided services to 85 victims of human
“They didn’t see us as human beings, but just as whores,
just as flesh that they could use. That’s all”
Physical Harms of Human Trafficking
Older broken bones that did not heal properly
Bed bug bites
Traumatic Brain Injury
Bodily injuries: broken bones, concussions, burns,
bruising, bite marks, vaginal/anal tearing from
violence including assault, stabbings, rape, and
Polaris Project
Physical Harms of Human Trafficking
 Reproductive Health Problems
 Exposure to STDs, including HIV
 Pregnancies
 Abortions
 Fertility issues
 Malnutrition, rotting teeth
 Stunted growth (in children)
 Alcohol and other Drug Use
 Chronic back, visual or respiratory problems from working in
agriculture, construction or manufacturing in dangerous conditions
Polaris Project
Psychological Harms of Sex Trafficking
 Mind/body separation/disassociated
ego states, dissociative disorders
 Shame and grief
 Depression, hopelessness
 Anxiety disorders
 Self destructive behaviors, including
 Traumatic bonding with perpetrator
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Acute anxiety, depression, insomnia,
persistent flashbacks, physical hyper-alertness, selfloathing that is long-lasting and resistant to change
 “In a study of prostituted women
from 9 countries, level of PTSD was
68%, which is in the same range as
that of treatment-seeking combat
Farley et al. (2003). Prostitution and Trafficking in Nine
Countries: An Update on Violence and Posttraumatic
Stress Disorder. Prostitution, Trafficking, and Traumatic
Faces of Prostitution: Grace
“Every Home Computer is Red Light District”
-Dr Mary Anne Layden
Potential Signs of Domestic Minor Sex
Hotel room keys
Numerous school absences
False ID’s and lying about age
Teen’s dating much older, abusive, or controlling men
Having large amounts of cash, jewelry, new clothes
Recurrent STI’s/STD’s and/or need for pregnancy tests
Signs of physical assault including: branding or
tattooing, broken bones, black eyes, etc
• Being a runaway is a risk factor
Dr. Celia Williamson, University of Toledo and Second Chance
Communicating with Victims
• Before questioning potential trafficking victim:
– Isolate individual from person accompanying
her/him without raising suspicions
– Individual accompanying patient may be trafficker
posing, or a recruiter
• Enlist trusted translator/interpreter who also
understands victim’s cultural needs
Identifying Victims of Human Trafficking
• Is potential victim accompanied by another person
who seems controlling?
• Does person accompanying potential victim insist
on giving information to you?
• Can you see or detect any physical abuse?
• Does person seem submissive or fearful?
• Does potential victim have difficulty
communicating because of language or cultural
• Does potential victim have any identification?
Questions to Ask
Can you leave your job or situation if you want?
Can you come and go as you please?
Have you been threatened if you try to leave?
Have you been physically harmed in any way?
What are your working or living conditions like?
Where do you sleep and eat?
What to you do to have a roof over your head?
Do you sleep in a bed, on a cot or on the floor?
Questions to Ask
• Have you ever been deprived of food, water, sleep
or medical care?
• Do you have to ask permission to eat, sleep or go
to the bathroom?
• Are there locks on your doors and windows so
you cannot get out?
• Has anyone threatened your family?
• Has your identification or documentation been
taken from you?
• Is anyone forcing you to do anything that you do
not want to do?
Communicating with Victims
• For victim’s safety, strict confidentiality is paramount
– Ask questions in safe, confidential and trusting environment
– Limit number of staff members coming in contact with
suspected trafficking victim
• Importance of indirectly and sensitively probing to
determine if person is trafficking victim
– May deny being a victim, so best not to ask direct questions
– Phrase “trafficking victim” will have no meaning
Barriers to Identification
• Many victims in the U.S. do not speak English and are
unable to communicate with service providers, police,
or others who might be able to help them.
• Often kept isolated and activities restricted to prevent
them from seeking help
• Victims comply and don’t seek help because of fear
Barriers to Identification
• Typically watched, escorted or guarded by traffickers or
associates of traffickers
• Traffickers may “coach” victims to answer questions with
cover story about being wife, student or tourist
• Unaware of what is being done to them is a crime
– Do not consider themselves victims
– Blame themselves for their situations
• May develop loyalties, positive feelings toward trafficker
as coping mechanism
Barriers to Identification
• Often victims don’t know where they are, because
traffickers frequently move them to escape detection
• Fear for safety of family in home country
• Fear and shame
• Self-blame and hopelessness
• Dependency
“The responsibility of freedom is to free someone
Ohio Law
• Ohio Substitute House Bill 280
– Signed into law by Governor Strickland on 1/6/09
– Increases penalties and requires a mandatory prison
term for engaging in a pattern of sex trafficking
– Sex traffickers will now face a 1st Degree Felony
– Traffickers have to provide restitution
– Attorney General’s Office will study HT in Ohio
Senate Bill 235
• Senate Bill 235: Fedor & Grendell
• As introduced, it will make human trafficking a stand-alone
second degree felony under state law.
• This proposed language was replaced by a sub-bill in March that
also amends the criminal charges of conspiracy and a pattern of
corrupt activity to include human trafficking.
• This sub-bill also amends the definition of human trafficking in to
cover both labor and sex trafficking.
What are the Needs of Trafficked Persons?
The following services delivered in a CULTURALLY
Basic Needs (Food, Clothing)
Safe, Temporary Housing
Residential Trauma Treatment
Permanent Housing
Comprehensive Case Management
Legal Advocacy
Workforce Development Training
Educational Services
Spiritual Services
Alcohol & Other Drug Treatment
Life Skills
Culturally Appropriate Social Support
Central Ohio Rescue & Restore Coalition
• Coordinated by The Salvation Army Central Ohio
• Comprised of over 60 member organizations from a wide
cross section of the community:
Social services providers
Law enforcement (FBI, ICE, CPD)
Faith community
Medical providers
State Refugee Coordinator
Ohio Attorney General Office
Ohio Department of Public Safety
Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
Ohio Latino Affairs Commission
Central Ohio Rescue & Restore Coalition
• Four Areas of Focus:
– Public Awareness
Annual Unlocking the Chains Conference
Speakers Bureau: spoken to over 5,000 individuals to date
Outreach materials
Public awareness events
– Legislation & Lobbying
• Support for strong anti-trafficking legislation in Ohio. Tracks and maintains up
to date information on all local and national HT laws.
– Law Enforcement
• Works with local law enforcement agencies to identify trafficking cases and
support the investigation and prosecution of traffickers.
– Demand Reduction
• Focusing on reducing the demand aspect of sex trafficking
– Services to Victims of Human Trafficking
• 24/7 Hotline 614-285-4357 (HELP)
• Since 7/2008, CORRC has assisted 45 victims of human trafficking.
What Will CORRC Provide?
• Comprehensive case management from rescue
through restoration.
• Adults served by The Salvation Army.
• Youth served by Gracehaven.
Organize safe shelter for the victim(s).
Assess and meet basic and immediate needs.
Arrange for interpretation and translation if necessary.
Locate a legal advocate.
Conduct intake.
What Will CORRC Provide?
• Develop a Service Plan
– Residential Treatment
– Permanent Housing
– Mental Health Services
– Employment Training and Placement
– Legal Services
– Medical Services
– Cultural/Community Orientation
– Life Skills Education
– Referral to Public Benefits
– Interpretation and Translation Services
How to become and Abolitionist!
• ***Tell someone***
• Educate yourself
• Look beneath the surface
and beyond the stereotypes
• Boycott harmful internet
sites (Craig’s list)
• Eliminate Pornography
• Join the coalition
• Screen for potential victims
• Don’t glorify pimps
• Report injustices that you
– CORRC Hotline
– Police Non-Emergency
• Buy fair trade
• Sponsor public awareness
• Encourage others to do
these same things
You Can Be a Change Agent!
• Donate $ and Time
• Awareness Displays
• Affiliate with an preexisting
Second Chance
Not for Sale
Shared Hope
Perverted Justice
• Contact state and local
• Attend conferences and
anti-trafficking events
– Salvation Army
– Central Ohio Rescue and
Restore Coalition
• Start something new
Change requires action….be creative and take action!
Central Ohio Rescue & Restore Coalition
• Contact Information:
614-285-4357 (HELP)
– Trisha Smouse; Anti-Human Trafficking Program Manager
• 614-358-2614
– Christina Conrad; Anti-Human Trafficking Specialist
• 614-358-2629