Policy Subcommittee Update, Hugh Conroy, Whatcom Council of

Actions identified in Winnipeg
1. Clarify the mission: make very plain that the
involvement of states and provinces is why the TBWG
can expect to be effective and that the state-province
level is where the TBWG expects projects to be
prioritized and administered.
2. Continue highlighting success stories
3. Connect with the Joint Working Group (U.S.-Mexico)
4. Apply the above actions to the pursuit of selected
action items.
5. Report
DRAFT February 1, 2010
Current mission statement
The Mission of the Transportation Border Working
Group (TBWG) is
Proposed Update
to facilitate the safe, secure, efficient, and
environmentally responsible movement of people
and goods across the Canada-U.S. border.
The TBWG brings together multiple transportation
and border agencies, and other organizations,
to coordinate transportation planning, policy
implementation, and the deployment of technology
to enhance border infrastructure and operations.
As such, this forum fosters on-going
communication, information sharing, and the
exchange of best practices
to improve the transportation and the safety and
security systems that connect our two countries.
To improve the transportation and inspection
systems that connect our two countries,
the TBWG enhances border related
infrastructure, operations, safety, security,
and environmental stewardship
by convening federal, state, provincial
agencies, and other organizations
to coordinate federal planning and policy
implementation; improve information
technology applications and data sharing;
support states’ and provinces’ work with
federal agencies and with each other as an
essential component of this mission; and
foster communication, information sharing,
and the exchange of best practices.
Detail on proposed changes
The opening phrase repeats the title so, for brevity, propose deletion.
To begin the mission with a general description of overarching purpose, suggest moving this phrase to the top. Also proposed
to focus on transportation and inspection (as the primary agency types involved in TBWG), and leave other themes later in the
mission statement.
Combining two parts of the original statement which both spoke to goals.
We could leave this the same or we could use the opportunity to be more definitive about the core of TBWG. This is not meant to
define who can and should come to meetings.
This last section—the concluding statement of actions—combines two current sections’ similar references to “technology” and
“information sharing, adds a separation between “information technology” and “data sharing” as well as adds a new strategic
emphasis on the essential role of provinces and states. This last addition was a specific recommendation of the policy
subcommittee co-chairs at the 2009 Winnipeg plenary meeting.
Actions identified in Winnipeg
1. Clarify the mission: make very plain that the
involvement of states and provinces is why the TBWG
can expect to be effective and that the state-province
level is where the TBWG expects projects to be
prioritized and administered.
2. Continue highlighting success stories
3. Connect with the Joint Working Group (U.S.-Mexico)
4. Apply the above actions to the pursuit of selected
action items.
5. Report
Draft, Proposed, Rail Issues Synthesis
1. List of current U.S.-Canada cross-border intercity passenger rail
services (WA-BC Amtrak Cascades, NY – QB Amtrak Adirondack, NY – ON
Amtrak/VIA Maple Leaf, others?)
2. Past services taken off line.
3. Possible future route additions.
4. U.S. overall policy on intercity passenger rail
5. Canadian overall policy on intercity passenger rail
6. Other policy initiatives regarding cross-border passenger rail.
7. Recent operational changes, projects, & funding announcements
8. Planning documents
9. Inventory of involved owners, operators, regulators & customers
10. Intersection with other and international policy objectives?
11. Observations
Policy Subgroup Memo to Co-chairs
1. Intro
a) Chicago, new US admin, SPP?, various calls for new
b) Winnipeg, ministerial dialog…
c) Leading up to Boston… formation of US IPC on borders
2. The “Winnipeg proposal”
a) Mission statement update
b) Best assessment of new and emerging executive mechanisms
c) Broad inventory of successes (direct action plan and indirect
collaborations enhanced by TBWG).
d) Highlight / advance specific action items
a) Freight data
b) Joint project funding
c) Others?
Other issues
•Issues and status list
• SPP?
• Intermodal strategies
• Short Sea Shipping
• New USDOT program