4 Section Four: Family Pets DAY ONE If you hear the words ‘family pet’, what comes to mind? Can you list, on the lines below, the types of pets you know. Some examples are dogs, cats, goldfish and birds. Do you have a pet? Pg 1 1. View again the animation “Un perrito marrón” and answer the following questions in English using complete sentences. a. What types of animals did María see at the pet store? Animals listed may include: snakes, lizards, frogs, guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits, gerbils, white mice, rabbits, birds, kittens, puppies b. What type of pet did María buy? María bought a puppy. c. What colour was it? Can you name the colour in Spanish? The puppy was brown.The Spanish word for the color brown is Marrón. d. What name did she give her new pet? María named her new pet Roque. Pg 2 2. Below you will find pictures of the animals María saw at the pet shop. Listen to Track 47 on the Module 3 CD. Number the pictures from 1 to 14 according to the order in which you hear them. The first one is done for you. You may use the animation or the Glossary to help you understand. 6 1 12 la serpiente 4 el conejo 11 el cobayo 14 7 9 2 5 el gerbo 3 el pájaro el pez de colores el gatito el gato el perrito 10 el hámster 8 la rana el ratón 13 el lagarto el perro Pg 3 DAY TWO Do you have a pet? If so what kind of animal is it? What is its name? If you don’t have a pet, would you like a pet? What kind would you choose? What would you name it? Write your answers to these questions in English on the lines below. Pg 4 1. Listen to Track 48 on the Module 3 CD. For each of the questions below, circle the picture that corresponds to the pet that was named in the sentence you heard. The first one is done for you. a. b. c. d. Pg 5 e. f. g. h. Pg 6 2. Below you will find pictures of possible family pets. Using the structure Es, write a sentence naming each pet. Follow the model. Use the appropriate definite article el or la, in front of each noun. Model: Es el gato. a. Es el ratón. b. Es el hámster. c. Es el perro. d. e. Es el perrito. Es el gatito. Pg 7 f. Es el gerbo. g. Es el cobayo. h. Es la rana. i. Es la serpiente. j. Es el lagarto. k. Es el pájaro. l. Es el pez de colores. Pg 8 m. Es el conejo. 3. Record yourself saying the sentences you wrote in number 2. Submit your recording with the Workbook. Start your recording by introducing yourself. Say: Me llamo (give your name). This is Module 3, Section 4, Day 2, Number 3. Pg 9 4. Complete the Word Search below. If you have access to a computer, play Sopa de letras 3 online. Los animales A R K H N O T R A G O L L E S Y J B C J O E K O U T L S Q S C D N E J L M O T R R Z T E E P U N Ó P J C R I I A C R T R E O L E T O B Z T G G J L N O L R R E L A R P A A A C Á E L C R W L B T R A G H L P A I O O L R P U R W L L D L H L P C N A H E U V A E E A E Y W R E E R W R M R E T S M Á H L E D J A X R D E L C O B A Y O S Z O N Z I T O B R E G L E U A E el gerbo el cobayo la rana el hámster el ratón el conejo el gatito el lagarto el perro el pez de colores el perrito la serpiente X A C T D E L P Á J A R O L P H M Y O J H O E T V B T W V L A N H M X H M E Y A A N J A E el pájaro Pg 10 DAY THREE 1. In the last two Modules, we have often talked about numbers and colours. Do you remember the rule for correctly placing these adjectives with a noun? Which comes before the noun and which comes after? Write your answer on the lines below. You may want to look back in Modules One and Two if you don’t remember. Number adjectives come before the noun and colour adjectives come after the noun 2. View again the animation “Un perrito marrón” on the Animation CD or Website. Pay close attention as María talks about her brother’s two goldfish. She uses the number dos and the adjective de colores to describe the word peces. On the line below, write these four words in the order used by María. dos peces de colores Pg 11 3. Listen to Track 50 on the Module 3 CD. You will hear Señor García describing the animals for sale in his pet shop. He will tell you how many are available and the colour for each type of animal. Listen carefully and fill in the chart below with what you hear. The first one is done for you. Los animales en venta Nombre Color a. 2 marrones b. 4 anaranjados c. 5 negros d. 10 rubios e. 3 amarillas f. 15 verdes g. 18 de colores Pg 12 4. Below are various cages in Señor García’s pet shop. Look at what is inside each of them. Write a sentence to describe the animals using numbers and colours. Use Hay to start your sentence. Follow the models. Remember that gender matters. Use the Glossary if you are unsure of the gender of the following words. Models: Hay cuatro conejos marrones. Hay dos ranas verdes. Hay diez ratones marrones. Hay seis lagartos verdes. Pg 13 Hay tres hámsteres negros. Hay dos cobayos rubios. Hay cinco peces de colores. Hay siete pájaros azules. Pg 14 5. Record yourself reading the sentences you wrote in number 4. Submit your recording with the Workbook. Start your recording by introducing yourself. Say: Me llamo (give your name). This is Module 3, Section 4, Day 3, Number 5. Pg 15 DAY FOUR 1. Listen again to Track 51 on the Module 3 CD. María and her dad use two different words to describe ‘where’ the pets are located in their cages. Did you recognize these two words? Write these words in Spanish on the lines below. en detrás de Pg 16 2. Listen to Track 53 on the Module 3 CD. Look at each picture below. Circle the preposition of place that corresponds to the one you heard. Follow the model. Model: What you heard: El pez rosado está en el acuario. Your answer: a. en, delante de, detrás de a. en, delante de, detrás de b. en, delante de, detrás de d. en, delante de, detrás de e. en, delante de, detrás de c. en, delante de, detrás de Pg 17 3. Look at the pictures and the sentences below. For each sentence, write the preposition of place which will describe where the animal is located. Choose between en, delante del/de la and detrás del/de la. Follow the model. Model: El pájaro está en la jaula. a. La serpiente negra está detrás de la roca. b. El gatito gris está delante del bol. c. El pez de colores está en el acuario. d. El conejo blanco está en la jaula. e. El hámster marrón está detrás de la botella de agua. Pg 18 El perro negro está delante del perro marrón. f. 4. Below are types of family pets. The letters have been mixed up. Unscramble each word. When you have discovered the word, use an article to show if it is feminine or masculine and singular or plural. The first one is done for you. Use the Glossary to help you. aroalgt el lagarto pretesnie la serpiente eotprir el perrito agitot el gatito ajopár el pájaro yoobca el cobayo Pg 19 DAY FIVE 1. Listen again to Track 54 on the Module 3 CD. María uses two words to explain where Roque is playing. Did you recognize them? One word begins with the letter s and the other with the letter d. Write your answers on the lines below. sobre debajo de Pg 20 2. Use the words in parentheses and write a sentence describing each image below. Choose the correct preposition of place to indicate where the animal is located. Follow the model. Remember that debajo is followed by either del or de la, depending on the gender of the following noun. Model: El gato está sobre la silla. (el gato, la silla) El perrito está debajo de la mesa.. (el perrito, la mesa) El lagarto está sobre la roca.. (el lagarto, la roca) Pg 21 3. Record yourself reading the sentences you wrote in number 2. Submit your recording with the Workbook. Start your recording by introducing yourself. Say: Me llamo (give your name). This is Module 3, Section 4, Day 5, Number 3. Pg 22 DAY SIX 1. View again the animation “Un perrito marrón”. What name did María give her new puppy? Write it on the line below. Roque 2. Listen again to Track 56 on the Module 3 CD. Below you will find the dialogue you just heard. Some of the words have been omitted. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear. Sra. de la Torre: ¡Hola amigos y bienvenida a nuestros invitados! Vamos a tomar algunos minutos para presentar a nuestras mascotas a la clase. Empecemos contigo María. María: Les presento a mi perrito . se llama Roque. Bárbara: Les presento a mi gerbo . Ella se llama Cacahuete. Enrique: Les presento a mi gato . Él se llama Minú. Raúl: Les presento a mi ratón Ella se llama Chocolate. Pg 23 3. Below are pictures of other pets that were brought into the classroom. Their names and gender are written below each. Using Él se llama or Ella se llama, write a sentence naming each pet. For the last one, draw a picture of your pet and write a sentence naming it. If you do not have a pet, draw a picture of one you would like to have and give it a name. Follow the model. Model: Él se llama Roque. Roque (male) Él se llama Prince. a. Prince (male) Ella se llama Rosie. b. Rosie (female) Él se llama Zazoo. c. Zazoo (male) Pg 24 Ella se llama Sally. d. Sally (female) Él se llama Bubble. e. Bubble (male) f. Draw a picture of your pet or a pet you would like to have and name it. Pg 25 DAY SEVEN 1. Can you remember the names of the following parts of the body in Spanish? You will need these to help you understand the descriptions of the animals visiting Sra. de la Torre’s classroom. Use the Glossary to find the Spanish words and write them on the lines below. a. head: cabeza b. legs: piernas c. nose: nariz d. eyes: ojos e. ears: orejas Pg 26 2. Look at the words and images below. Draw a line to associate each image with the correct word. el rabo la garra las plumas el pelo la pata la piel las escamas Pg 27 3. Listen again to Track 58 on the Module 3 CD. Write the descriptions from the list next to the matching pet. Listen to the CD as often as you need to properly place each description. Sus orejas son pequeñas. Lleva un collar negro. Tiene los ojos negros. Sus garras son pequeñas. Su rabo es largo. Sus patas son pequeñas. Su pelo es largo y blanco. Lleva un collar azul. 1. Sus patas son pequeñas. 2. Lleva un collar azul. a. Roque 1. Su rabo es largo. 2. Tiene los ojos negros. b. Cacahuete 1. Su pelo es largo y blanco. 2. Lleva un collar negro. c. Minú 1. Sus orejas son pequeñas. 2. Sus garras son pequeñas. d. Chocolate Pg 28 4. Cut out the game cards in the Appendix and play a game of ¿Tienes buena memoria? (Memory) Refer to “Games Instructions” at the back of Module Three for instructions on how to play. If you have access to a computer, play ¿Tienes buena memoria? 2 online. Pg 29 DAY EIGHT 1. If you were to talk about your pet or something that belongs to you, which possessive adjective would you use? If you were to talk to a friend about something that belongs to someone else, which one would you use? Write your answers in Spanish on the line below. something that belongs to me – mi something that belongs to someone else – su 2. Below and on the next page are pictures and incomplete descriptions of other animals that were brought to class on Pet Day. Listen again to Track 58 on the Module 3 CD. Place, in the spaces, the correct possessive adjectives, from inside the parentheses, to complete each sentence. In the last question, use your pet from Day Six, number 3 and write two sentences to describe it. Use the previous descriptions as a model. Les presento a mi rana. Él se llama Prince. Su piel es verde. Sus ojos son negros. Sus patas son a. pequeñas. Le gusta saltar. Prince (male) (sus, mi, su, sus) Les presento a mi gata. Ella se llama Rosita. Es grande. Su pelo es blanco y negro. Sus ojos son verdes. Su collar es rosado. b. (su, mi, su, sus) Rosita (female) Pg 30 Les presento a mi pájaro. Él se llama Zazoo. Sus plumas son azules y verdes. Sus patas son pequeñas. Sus garras son largas. Le gusta cantar. c. (sus, mi, sus, sus) Zazoo (male) Les presento a mi serpiente. Ella se llama Sally. Sus escamas son verdes y amarillas. Sus ojos son d. amarillos. Es larga. Sally (female) (sus, mi, sus) Les presento a mi pez de colores. Él se llama Bubble. Es pequeño. Sus ojos son negros. Sus e. escamas son anaranjadas y blancas. Bubble (male) (sus, mi, sus) f. Use your pet from Day Six, number 3 and write two sentences to describe it. Pg 31 Pg 31 3. Record yourself reading the description of your pet in number 2. Submit your recording with the Workbook. Start your recording by introducing yourself. Say: Me llamo (give your name). This is Module 3, Section 4, Day 8, Number 3. 4. Take your cards out from Day Seven and play another game of ¿Tienes buena memoria? (Memory). Refer to “Game Instructions” at the back of the Module Three for instructions on how to play. If you have access to a computer, play ¿Tienes buena memoria? 2 online. Pg 32 DAY NINE Make a list of all the objects you might need in order to take care of your pet. Write your answers in English on the lines below. You should be able to write at least 4 items. For example, you may need food for your pet, water, a cage, toys or a leash. Pg 33 1. Listen again to Track 60 on the Module 3 CD and look at the images below. For each image, look at the list and choose its matching word. Write your answer below each image. la rueda para hámsters el bol la jaula el collar el acuario la comida la correa el agua la rueda para hámsters la jaula el agua la correa la comida el bol el collar el acuario Pg 34 2. Look at the pictures below. What do you think these pets would need to be well looked after? Using the pictures and words below to help you, complete your answers beside each image. The first sentence is done for you. Note that there may be more than three possible answers for each. Possible answers include: un acuario un bol una jaula un collar agua una correa comida una rueda para hámsters Ella necesita un acuario. Ella necesita comida. Ella necesita agua. Pg 35 Él necesita una jaula. Él necesita agua. Él necesita comida. Él necesita una rueda para hámsteres. 3. Think about your pet or the pet you would like to have. What do you think you need to take care of it? On the first line, write the name of your pet and what kind it is. On the other lines, write what you need. Use the images and the vocabulary words from number 2 to help you. Possible answers include: Necesito un acuario. Necesito un bol. Necesito una jaula. Necesito un collar. Necesito agua. Necesito una correa. Necesito comida. Necesito una rueda para hámsteres. Mi mascota: Necesito Necesito Necesito Necesito Pg 36 Pg 37 Pg 38