MASTERING By Mimi Hull, Ph.D. HULL & Associates 225 S.Swoope Avenue, Suite 210 Maitland, Fl. 32751 407 628-0669, Fax 407 539-2133, Email Web site Seminar Goals • To have a working definition of change management. • To recognize the importance of change management. • To review the various types of change. • To recognize the changing values and beliefs in the Junior League. • To learn obstacles and contributors to successful league change management. “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 2 Seminar Goals • Review strategies for navigating organizational change. • To learn the roles people take in the change process. • To understand common individual reactions and over reactions to change. • To have fun!!!!! “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 3 • • • • • • • We Learn 10% of what we read. 20% of what we hear. 30% of what we see. 50% of what we both see and hear. 70% of what we discuss with others. 80% of what we experience personally. 95% of what we TEACH someone else. David Lazear in his book Seven ways of Knowing, attributes the % on learning to William Glasser. “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 4 The Impact of Change 1. It took radio 38 years to reach 50 million users… 2. television took 13 years… 3. the Internet took 4 years. Traffic on the Internet doubles every 100 days. “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 5 The Impact of Change Raise your hand if you owned a cell phone 10 years ago. Raise your hand if you own one now. Raise your hand if you owned a DVD Player two years ago. Raise your hand if you own one now. 47% of all DVD players have been bought in the last year. “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 6 Two fields of thought • An engineer’s approach to improving organization performance • A psychologist’s approach to managing the human side of change “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 7 Key differences in the two approaches Engineer Psychologist Focus Process, systems, structure People Starting point organization issues or Personal change, opportunities member resistance Measure of success organization Member satisfaction, performance, financial retention, productivity & statistical metrics Perspective on change “Shoot the stragglers, carry the wounded.” “Help members make sense of what the change means to them.” “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 8 Convergence of mechanical & human focus Engineers (mechanical focus on change) Convergence over time Psychologists “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 (human focus on©2003 change) all rights reserved 9 Definition: Change Management Change management: the process, tools & techniques implemented to manage the people-side of change so as to achieve a desired organizational performance outcome. “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 10 Why is change management a required competency for Junior Leagues today? “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 11 Types of Change 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Philosophical Programmatic Economic Technical Social Give examples of each type of change and its impact. “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 12 New Values & Belief Systems • Empowerment (Make the right decision for and by the stakeholders not just the leaders) • Systems thinking (A systematic way to manage the new mentality/culture of the organization) “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 13 New Values & Belief Systems • Continuous improvement (Look for ways to improve everything you do, everyday) • Accountability (Why? How does this impact me?) “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 14 Janssen’s Model of Change “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 15 Top-Five Contributors to Success 1. Well planned & organized approach 2. Buy-in from stakeholders at all levels 3. Having an exceptional leadership (sponsorship) team 4. Continuous & targeted communication 5. Ongoing training and support “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 16 1. Well planned & organized approach Planned use of methodology, 1. Initiation of change management activities early in the project 2. Systematic approach to the change 3. Anticipation of specific resistance “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 17 2. Buy-in from stakeholders Who are your stakeholders? “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 18 2. Stakeholders buy in at all levels “The right people… highly professional, highly motivated, highly focused, highly questioning and highly resourceful.” “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 19 3. Exceptional Leadership (Sponsorship) 1. Show active & visible support. 2. Ensure that the change remains a priority. 3. Demonstrate commitment as a role model of change. 4. Provide justification for why change is happening. 5. Communicate clearly the goals & objectives of the change. 6. Provide sufficient resources for the change to be successful. “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 20 4. Continuous & targeted communication “the Right communication to the Right stakeholder at the Right time during the project.” “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 21 5. Ongoing Training and Support “When you are through learning… You’re through.” -Benjamin Franklin “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 22 What are the Basic Mistakes organizations make in dealing with change? Give at least 7. “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 23 Top-five change management obstacles • Ignoring the targets of change • Poor communication • Poor or no training • Limited time, budget and resources • League inertia & politics “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 24 1. Ignoring the targets of change “Many people feel that if they wait long enough, this too shall pass or if not, they’ll go elsewhere to volunteer.” “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 25 2. Poor communication “Lack of active communication. We have surface ‘buy-in’ but lacked true knowledge of the resistance to the change.” “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 26 3. Poor or No training “We had no idea of how we were supposed to do this. By the time we figured it out the year was about over and some of us were ready for our next placement, others resigned.” “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 27 4. Limited time, budget & resources “Our resources are stretched nearly beyond capacity. We are trying to do too much with too little.” “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 28 5. League Inertia & Politics “Unshackling the embedded culture of our League … too many members who won’t try anything new.” “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 29 Top Things Change Agents Said They Would Do Differently 1. 2. 3. 4. Ensure ongoing leadership support. Begin change management planning earlier. Talk, listen and address member concerns. Use outside resources with organizational knowledge. 5. Have long, medium and “quick win” goals. 6. Increase time & resources allocated for change. “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 30 How to Navigate League Change 1) Have a clear sense of mission and defined behavioral expectations. 2) Have compelling reason(s) for change. 3) Foster inclusion and consensus of all affected constituencies. 4) Give and get feedback on progress. “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 31 How to Navigate League Change 5) Use all internal and external resources. 6) Be willing to acknowledge and learn from setbacks. 7) Celebrate successes. 8) Anticipate future changes. “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 32 Just as organizations go through a change process… so do individuals. “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 33 “It’s not so much that we’re afraid of change or so in love with the old ways, but it’s that place in between that we fear… It’s like Linus when his blanket is in the dryer. There’s nothing to hold on to.” “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 34 Roles in Change 1. Change Sponsor 2. Change Agent 3. Change Target “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 35 Predictable Paths through Change 1. Denial 2. Resistance 3. Exploration 4. Commitment “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 36 3 Reactions to Change Body Mind Emotions “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 37 3 Emotional Reactions to Change Excitement Fear Anger “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 38 Manifestation of Reactions 1. Lone Ranger - internalizes, tries to go it alone 2. Toxic Dripper- complains, promotes negativity 3. Eager Beaver - ready, excited, jumps the gun 4. No Problem - laid back, “go with the flow” 5. “Make My Day” - vengeful, angry, hostile 6. Comic - uses humor to distract/lighten the mood “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 39 Manifestation of Reactions 7. Deliberator - logical, considers all factors or options 8. Chicken Little- panics, adds to the chaos 9. Dreamer - quietly idealistic, expects the best 10. Woe is Me- depressed, feels sorry for self 11. Ostrich - head in the sand, pretends, denies 12. Boy/Girl Scout - prepared, knows what to do “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 40 Personal Power Grid CAN CONTROL CANNOT CONTROL TAKE ACTION MASTERY FRUSTRATION NO ACTION GIVING UP LETTING GO “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 41 Dealing with Change Personally 1. Determine how the League has Changed and reorder your __priorities . 2. Put yourself in charge of dealing with your own stress related to change. 3. Invest your energy in making _quick__ adjustments to change. 4. Don’t indulge in self pity . 5. Take pride that the Junior League has the __resiliency to withstand change. “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 42 Dealing With Change Personally 6. Nobly _accept_ what you cannot change. 7. Pick battles big enough to small enough to win. 8. Don’t obsess might happen. count and about bad things that 9. Keep others _informed__ about changes. 10. Keep a positive attitude! “Change ” (V2) courtesy: HULL & ASSOCIATES (407) 628-0669 ©2003 all rights reserved 43 Thank you! Mimi Hull, Ph.D. HULL & Associates 225 S. Swoope Avenue Suite 210 Maitland, Florida 32751 Phone 407 628-0669, Fax 407 539-2133 E-mail: web site: