FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2/18/14 Contact: Karen Garcia 940/898-3456 TWU releases Fall 2013 dean’s, chancellor’s lists Feb. 18, 2014 – DENTON — Texas Woman’s University has released its dean’s and chancellor’s lists for the Fall 2013 semester. Undergraduate students who complete at least 12 graded credit hours and achieve at least a 3.5 grade point average are eligible for the dean’s list. Those students who have achieved a 4.0 grade point average are named to the chancellor’s list and are indicated with an asterisk (*). Students are listed by their hometowns. Students from states other than Texas are listed alphabetically by state at the end of the text. CITY Abilene Abilene Addison Alamo Aledo Aledo Aledo Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen ST ZIP 79606 79601 75001 78516 76008 76008 76008 75002 75002 First Victoria Amy Quiana Rosalynn Calen Amanda Savannah Shayla Ashley Last Crook Wages Kirkland Rodriguez Bratcher Fleming Prickett Bailey Baker 75002 75002 75002 75002 75002 75002 75013 75002 75002 75002 75002 75002 75013 Amanda Heather Savannah Alexandria Stephanie Charrisa Tatyana Miranda Heather Emily Elizabeth Rachel Courtney Bales Chapman Covert Detwiler Duran Grubbs Gyerman Haynes Hester Hudson Humphrey Jackson Jergensen Major biology nutrition psychology dance kinesiology psychology psychology nursing kinesiology business administrationmanagement family studies communication sciences kinesiology child development nursing dental hygiene undeclared social work nursing nursing health studies undeclared * * * * * * * * * * * * * Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Alvord Alvord 75013 75002 75013 75002 75002 75013 75013 75013 75002 75002 75013 75002 75002 75002 75013 75013 76225 76225 Jordan Brittney Juli Usha Rachelle Kristen Erica Sandy Ingrid Ukachi Mary Samantha Cara Samantha Natalie Nina Vanessa Jordann Kiefer Koruthu Lannom Maratta May-Dunn Mazza Moghtader Moore Nelson Nwachukwu Reams Smith Smith Sok Sundell Yamin Alberts Warren Anna Anna 75409 75409 Ashley Jennifer Anna 75409 Luis Brozewicz Curiel OrnelasQuezada Anna Anna Anna Argyle Argyle Argyle Argyle Argyle Argyle Argyle Argyle Argyle Argyle 75409 75409 75409 76226 76226 76226 76226 76226 76226 76226 76226 76226 76226 Deborah Emily Ashley Sonila David Jordan Ella Barbarascott Brittany Jameson Krystin Erin Breanna Rodriguez Sibley Trevino Begaj Caltrider Durham Galvin Kolb Kuhl Peckham Potter Strelke Wahlberg Argyle Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington 76226 76001 76010 76010 76001 76018 76002 76017 76016 76012 76012 76017 76018 Skyler Chelsea Jeanette Felicia Laquindra Travis Latrice Alexandrea Sarah Brenna Jesse Candace Olivia Webbe Adesulu Antwi Antwi Carroll Condon Cooper Dean Driessner Figueroa Frankland Gonzalez Gratts kinesiology nursing nursing health studies music social work English nursing kinesiology biology nursing communication sciences dental hygiene undeclared business administration family studies sociology nursing business administrationhuman resources general studies art family & consumer sciences interdisciplinary studies general studies dental hygiene undeclared family studies interdisciplinary studies psychology nutrition computer science social work business administration interdisciplinary studies business administrationmarketing nursing health studies health studies psychology art child development nursing interdisciplinary studies child development health studies family studies nutrition * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington 76017 76017 76017 76016 76016 76001 76014 76016 76018 76014 76016 76001 76063 76010 76006 76006 76014 76014 76017 76001 76017 76001 76018 Megan Jordyn Katherine Allison Gabrielle Isabel Alissa Taylor Natalie Maggie Jessica Sydnyy Staci Monserrat Susan Anastasia Benedicta Brittney Kormalotta Rennisha Taylor Katie Sara Harman Hayes Kellett Kiger Larson Lopez Love Martin McCarty Morales Morlock Mosby Muckleroy Olmos Oloya Osei Ansong Owusu-Addai Parker Porche Ravin Scott Sparkman Thomas Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Aubrey Aubrey Aubrey Aubrey Aubrey Aubrey Aubrey Aubrey Aubrey Aubrey Aubrey Aubrey Aubrey Aubrey Aubrey Aubrey Aubrey Aubrey 76002 76018 76017 76001 76013 76002 76227 76227 76227 76227 76227 76227 76227 76227 76227 76227 76227 76227 76227 76227 76227 76227 76227 76227 Melissa Destiney Gabriella Alexia Zachary Jingqiong Naomi Casey Katherina Meghan Kathryn Richele Jeremy Carely Kimberly Kasey Hollie Sheree Loren Arland Christina Lou Andrea Jennifer Turner Uzaka Velder Wilson Winfield Yang Acosta Bachus Cohen Ensminger Fairman Guest Guthrie Ibarra Lambert Long Morris Phelps Rankin Reyes Rosado Rose Sholin Tovar Aubrey 76227 Bailey Vonnahme social work nursing social work communication sciences English nursing undeclared kinesiology communication sciences communication sciences child development undeclared psychology nursing biology nursing nursing interdisciplinary studies nutrition nursing psychology kinesiology kinesiology food & nutrition in business & industry nursing kinesiology dance nutrition kinesiology mathematics music therapy business administration history interdisciplinary studies general studies nursing biochemistry social work nursing undeclared social work English undeclared interdisciplinary studies family studies nursing interdisciplinary studies business administrationmarketing * * * * * * * * * * * * Aubrey Austin Austin Austin Austin Avinger Azle Azle Azle Bartonville Bastrop Baytown Baytown Beaumont Bedford 76227 78729 78753 78749 78739 75630 76020 76020 76020 76226 78602 77520 77521 77706 76021 Michaela Hailey Paige Alyssa Ronni Ashley Melyssa Joan Candace Christine Priscilla Clerissa Audrey Danielle Hyun Jung Wilson Faul Hall Mangold Preiss Klaus Andrews Scullin Turner Manos De Los Santos Hadley Parker Fontenot Chang Bedford Bedford Bedford Bedford Bedford Bedford Bedford Bedford Bedford Bedford Beeville Bellaire Bells Benbrook Benbrook Benbrook Blossom Blue Ridge Blue Ridge Bonham Bowie Bowie Boyd Boyd Boyd Breckenridge Bridgeport Bridgeport Bridgeport Bridgeport Bridgeport 76021 76022 76021 72022 76021 76021 76022 76021 76021 76022 78102 77401 75414 76126 76126 76116 75416 75424 75424 75418 76230 76230 76023 76023 76023 76424 76426 76426 76426 76426 76426 Sydney Kenneth Tyler Heather Stephanie Cynthia Alina Lindsey Melanie Krystal Alicia Kayla Katelyn Margie Susan Martha Keelan Rachel Lacie Solmayra Kristan Jenna Taylor Michaela Kristina Cydnee Rebecca Angelica Kristie Domenica Erika Gerlikovski Handel Heifort Humphrey King Lachappelle Newpane Rusk Skinner Tomlinson Wakeland Bell Montgomery Long McCauley Roberts Mauldin Loven Mayes Longoria Fitts Hamilton Anderson Calvert West Lowe Grinnell Reyes Sandoval Santoyo Santoyo Brownsboro Brownsville 75756 78521 Hillary Samantha Shaffer Lopez sociology dental hygiene biochemistry music fashion design art child development undeclared dance general studies social work undeclared mathematics kinesiology dance business administrationmarketing nutrition general studies undeclared interdisciplinary studies general studies nursing interdisciplinary studies nutrition nutrition child development nursing art interdisciplinary studies health studies art computer science nutrition child development biology dental hygiene interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies dental hygiene nursing psychology business administration dental hygiene interdisciplinary studies social work social work business administrationmarketing kinesiology * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Brownwood Bryan Buda Buna Burkburnett Burleson Burleson Burleson Burleson Burleson, Caddo Mills Callisburg Canton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton 76801 77802 78610 77612 76354 76028 76028 76028 76028 76028 75135 76240 75103 75007 75006 75010 Cassandra Elizabeth Amanda Brooke Lexi Karen Nitza Robyne Amanda Maranatha Kristen Kristin Joelle Dessy Patrick Melvin Goforth Pruett Ruiz Morgan Boswell Baker Guadarrama Harbin Stewart Smith Maxwell Williams Logan Adont Alessandra Alexander Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton 75006 75006 75010 75007 75006 75010 75006 75007 75010 75010 75007 75007 75007 75006 75007 75007 75006 75007 Fnu Lenci Kendrya Kristeen Cristina Anum Gerri Kristin Sorayah Cynthia Claudia Pedro Amber Alyssa Laura Cayla Andrea Leah Almas Alvares Arledge Bardeloza Barron Bashwani Bergman Blanset Bourenane Briceno Camargo Carvajal Casey Coleman Cooper Crenshaw Dominguez Ferlita Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton 75006 75010 75010 75010 75006 75007 75007 75006 75010 75007 75010 75007 75010 75007 75007 Lenciy Kayla Naarah Karla Maira Forrest Taylor Mercy Roxana Nausheen Justin Claire Amy Janice Tiffany Flores Gorney Granado Guss Gutierrez Herrmann Huizenga Huynh Ipson Jaffer Joseph Kiddy Kim Kwon Lam nutrition nursing general studies nursing child development general studies health studies dental hygiene music music nursing kinesiology undeclared undeclared history biology business administrationfinance interdisciplinary studies undeclared kinesiology art biology nursing nursing nursing nursing social work kinesiology child development business administration communication sciences child development child development interdisciplinary studies business administrationfinance nutrition interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies nursing nursing social work nursing nutrition dental hygiene social work nursing interdisciplinary studies undeclared English * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton Carrollton 75010 75007 75007 75007 75007 75010 75007 75007 75006 75010 75007 75007 75006 75006 75010 75007 75010 75007 75007 75007 75007 75006 75006 75010 75007 75007 75010 75010 75007 75010 75007 75007 75010 75010 75006 75007 75007 75007 75007 75006 75010 75007 75006 75010 Trang Alicia Bethany Kirstin Rachael Cha in Nirmal Yen Connie Melissa Thao Yvantiffany Rosie Karleen Eunseo Laura Gabriela Julietta Nhat-Tien Nichole Zahid Yesenia Christina Nathalie Jessica Diana Patricia Renet Alisha Marissa Lexi Alexandra Mary Amanda Mallorie Mary Ann Jessley Paola Dolly Anum Caitlin Angela Manisha Lam Lamar Larimer Latta Lee Lee Mawani McCord Munoz Newman Ngo Nguyen Ortiz Osborne Park Parker Penagos Perez Pham Phan Rajwani Rangel Raptis Reza Rhoten Rivera Rodgers Roy Sarfani Sherfey Siler Sorrels Story Sweazy Tabor Thormahlen Truong Varghese Vega Viera Virani Webb Whitton Youngblood Castroville Cedar Hill Cedar Hill Cedar Hill Cedar Hill 78009 75104 75104 75104 75104 Cory Patrice Hope Brandy Stephanie Lee Briggs Crockett Fields Howard dental hygiene English kinesiology undeclared nursing art communication sciences nursing social work business administration nursing biology interdisciplinary studies English music therapy interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies kinesiology dental hygiene communication sciences kinesiology interdisciplinary studies undeclared nursing nutrition interdisciplinary studies undeclared biology communication sciences interdisciplinary studies nursing kinesiology general studies nursing nursing communication sciences interdisciplinary studies social work history interdisciplinary studies child development nursing nutrition nursing business administrationaccounting psychology dance nursing kinesiology * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cedar Hill Cedar Hill Cedar Hill Cedar Hill Celeste Celina Celina Center Cleburne Cleburne Cleburne Cleburne Cleburne Cleburne Cleburne Cleveland Clint Colleyville Colleyville Colleyville Collinsville Collinsville 75104 75104 75104 75104 75423 75009 75009 75935 76033 76033 76031 76033 76031 76033 76033 77328 79836 76034 76034 76034 76233 76233 Raechelle Natalia Otoniel Mara Samantha Kayla Devon Marissa Bailey Charles Jennifer Ashton Megan Ashleigh Mary Ariadna Selina Maysa Courtney Rebekah Samantha Sara Robles Salazar Santiago Wait Thornton Looper Walther Jones Greenslade Greenslade Head Martinez Small Stegall Stegall Sandoval Saenz Budri Dion Wilson Bates Eakerns Collinsville Collinsville Cooper Coppell Coppell Coppell Coppell 76233 76233 75432 75019 75019 75019 75019 Hailey Traci Ellen Darren Natalie Kaeli Hayley Coppell Coppell Coppell Coppell Coppell Coppell Coppell Coppell Coppell Coppell Coppell Coppell Coppell Coppell Coppell Coppell Copperas Cove Copperas Cove 75019 75019 75019 75019 75019 75019 75019 75019 75019 75019 75019 75019 75019 75019 75019 75019 Natalie Ruth Ashley Luis Nicole Ji Yeon Mindy Courtney Davina Latania Emily Richard Jayca Alyssa Amy Sarah Harris Whisenant Kiser Barker Cannon Cantwell Carrell Eakapongpais al Galea Golz Guerra Hoffman Kwon Lies Little Nguyen Page Peng Reindl Russell Slaight Thomas Wilson 76522 Carolyn Littlefield fashion design 76522 Rosalinda Sanchez communication sciences kinesiology nursing nutrition undeclared interdisciplinary studies undeclared interdisciplinary studies undeclared interdisciplinary studies art undeclared child development nursing communication sciences communication sciences kinesiology dance psychology biology communication sciences mathematics communication sciences family & consumer sciences interdisciplinary studies communication sciences English child development social work health studies nursing undeclared undeclared psychology psychology nursing nutrition nursing child development nursing nursing communication sciences interdisciplinary studies dance psychology interdisciplinary studies * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Corinth Corinth Corinth 76210 76208 76210 Patrick Ladislao Shelby Abu Aguilar Brooks Corinth Corinth Corinth Corinth Corinth Corinth Corinth Corinth Corinth Corinth Corinth Corinth Corinth Corinth Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Corsicana Corsicana Corsicana Corsicana Crockett Crosby Cross Roads Cross Roads Cross Roads Crowley Crowley 76210 76210 76210 76210 76210 76208 76210 76210 76210 76208 76210 76208 76210 76210 Brittney Kealey Holly Spencer Jennifer Nancy Emma Desiree Amanda Ashly Alison Courtney Andres Lauren Buckhanan Cross Emery Jones Mehrmann Myers Nelsen Patterson Thompson Valle Ventura Watkins Yebra Zazula chemistry kinesiology interdisciplinary studies business administrationaccounting social work mathematics psychology kinesiology psychology nursing kinesiology communication sciences undeclared nursing business administration undeclared kinesiology 78418 Alicia Black interdisciplinary studies 78410 Darlene Lira psychology 78413 75110 75110 75110 75110 75835 77532 76227 76227 76227 76036 76036 Julia Tineshea Ryan Diana Annabelle Courtlynn Shannon Anna Michael Talena Jeannine Ashley Rendon Brewster Dillman Driver Lake Howard Simon Bird Milligan Scott Thomas White Crowley Cypress Cypress Cypress Cypress Daingerfield Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas 76036 77433 77433 77433 77433 75638 75243 75287 75235 75224 75229 75243 75287 75211 75235 Hannah Courtney Victoria Charlotte Zeann Deandrea Tiffanie Daruselam Monica Vicente Lydia Ellen Sarah Victoria Arabely Winkler Cochefski Cochefski Gutierrez Zopfi Doddy Aaron Abderahman Aguilar Almazan Alvarado Amoakoah Anthonypillai Arias Ariza kinesiology interdisciplinary studies nutrition kinesiology nursing nursing nursing dental hygiene computer science child development undeclared nursing food & nutrition in business & industry communication sciences communication sciences nursing nursing dental hygiene fashion design undeclared interdisciplinary studies art nursing child development undeclared psychology interdisciplinary studies * * * * * * * * * * * * * Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas 75203 75230 75217 75232 75211 75243 75248 75216 75249 Alberto Sandra Guadalupe Rosa Dulce Serena Emily Shanitta Joanet Armijo Arredondo Arreola Ayala Badillo Bailey Barbeau Barree-Busby Batiste Dallas Dallas 75243 75229 Rebecca Alexandra Bekele Berry Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas 75234 75206 75211 75243 75203 75218 Sydney Jose Genaro Brianna Patrick Elizabeth Dallas 75243 Manuel Blalock Blanco Bonilla Brown Busby Cabral CarreonGarcia Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas 75216 75211 75206 75211 75232 75287 75249 75232 75238 75243 75231 75240 75287 75217 75206 75235 75217 75217 75243 75228 75215 75217 75287 75223 75243 75214 75229 75233 75248 Marcopolo Abel Cheston Raul Charque Orper Brittni Kyra Nathaniel Michaela Belle Brianna Jessica Quenesha Stephen Emily Demi Lillian Fayrutt Sarah Tatiana Crescenda Angelica Paula Nohelli Azadeh Nedelia Sanlyn Saidah Jessica Castillo Celis Chan Chavarria Chenard Chibvongodze Collins Cook Corley Cortes Covington Crosby Cuff Curry Dalzell Davila Davila De la Paz Dossou Duran Ekwere Escareno Espinosa Estrada Farid Favela Ferguson Fletcher Fletcher computer science nursing nursing fashion merchandising undeclared social work kinesiology health studies interdisciplinary studies business administrationaccounting interdisciplinary studies business administrationmanagement nutrition nursing nursing health studies interdisciplinary studies mathematics business administrationfinance kinesiology nursing nursing dance social work kinesiology history music nursing nursing interdisciplinary studies biology psychology music kinesiology interdisciplinary studies psychology kinesiology nursing undeclared criminal justice interdisciplinary studies nursing undeclared government interdisciplinary studies psychology kinesiology * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas 75234 75244 75253 75205 75211 75219 75219 75235 Marne Silver Ashley Laura Leticia Patricia Gabriela Erika Flynn Ford Fridia Fritz Gallegos Garcia Garcia Garcia Dallas Dallas Dallas 75208 75227 75206 Mark Sergio Lianne Garcia Garcia Giffin Dallas Dallas Dallas 75211 75243 75217 Neftali Crystal Mayra Gomez Gonzales Gonzalez Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas 75232 75241 75241 75236 75254 Evelyn Yvonne Sasha Tamara Kaleen Gonzalez Grande Greene Griggs Guzman Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas 75243 75287 75228 75219 Jessica Monique Melva Ashley Harris Hayes Henderson Hendrix Dallas 75219 Lizzy Hernandez Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas 75223 75224 75217 75287 75223 75252 75235 75217 75287 75243 75216 75243 75227 75220 75217 75201 75229 75235 Alejandra Laura Tonya Chakira Camillia Brian Ming Chu Me'chelle Millia Kayla Quaticya Ebony Shaliyah Ana Selorm Gianna Elena Jessica Hernandez Hernandez Hicks Hite Holman Horalan Hsu Hutchins Ia Jenkins Johnson Johnson Johnson Juarez Kakrada King Klassen Krzeminski Dallas Dallas 75206 75230 Han Sarah Lee Levitt undeclared interdisciplinary studies family studies nursing nursing child development child development kinesiology business administrationmarketing criminal justice sociology business administrationmanagement child development health studies business administrationmanagement child development interdisciplinary studies general studies government-legal studies business administrationfinance interdisciplinary studies social work psychology business administrationmarketing business administrationaccounting nursing undeclared undeclared dance kinesiology undeclared general studies undeclared government-legal studies social work nursing undeclared undeclared psychology nursing music nursing business administrationfinance communication sciences * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas 75223 75252 75211 75236 75203 75211 75211 75220 75238 75215 75219 75232 75243 75216 75211 75225 75224 75224 75218 75241 75206 75287 75229 Melissa Andrea Olga Quietera Alejandra Yvonne Ana Zuleyma Joy Marjorie Jennifer Ana Shillan Nancy Jennifer Blair Evelyn Cristian Jackie Alexandria Tiffany Jacqueline Natalie Lira Loera Lomas Lomax Lopez Macias Maldonado Marroquin Martin Mason McCluskey Mejia Mekonnen Mendoza Merth Mitchell Monsivais Montoya Moreno Morris Moscrey Mueller Mulvey Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas 75220 75243 75228 75208 75214 Brigitte Anna Jacqueline Gisely Hugo Munoz Nagasako Najera Navarro Negrete Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas 75230 75219 75204 75254 75208 75220 75215 Chantel Tony Jacquelyn Miriam Zaina Julie Guadalupe Nguyen Nguyen Nosenzo Obiorah Ocon Olalde Orozco Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas 75224 75208 75241 75252 75249 75228 75248 75237 Dulce Maribel Chelse Irayda Karolyn Bianca Jennifer Cherokee Ortiz Ortiz Owens Pacheco Palmer Perez Perla Polk Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas 75254 75224 75235 75287 Tia Margarita Elizabeth Kelsea Ponder Portugal Puga Raborg undeclared nursing psychology general studies nursing social work interdisciplinary studies nursing social work undeclared mathematics health studies nursing undeclared nutrition music interdisciplinary studies art social work dance undeclared business nursing business administrationhuman resources social work communication sciences fashion merchandising dance business administrationmarketing biochemistry interdisciplinary studies nursing criminal justice biochemistry government-legal studies business administrationaccounting kinesiology communication sciences English nursing interdisciplinary studies nursing fashion merchandising business administrationhuman resources nursing mathematics interdisciplinary studies * * * * * * * * * * * * * Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas 75228 75217 75229 75208 75216 75243 75235 75223 75243 75203 75223 Thomas Jessica Chelsea Paola Breneshia Guadalupe Karen Susan Michael Miriam Savannah Ramirez Rangel Rayna Regalado Reine Renteria Reyes Reynolds Richter Rivera Rivera Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas 75287 75217 75243 75217 Clifton Daniel Heather-Lynn Cristina Rodgers Rodriguez Rojo Rosales Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas 75234 75218 75220 75217 Dulce Consuelo Enrique Jacqueline Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas 75217 75228 75231 75287 75241 75216 75243 75206 75248 75220 75206 Claudia Maria Elizabeth Ivy Liliana Brittany Eun Young Austin Ramita Jessica Juliana Rubio Ruiz Saldana Sanchez SanchezLucas Sandoval Sands Sankowski Santiago Sears Seo Shafer Shrestha Silos Smith Dallas Dallas 75236 75287 Destiny Kathleen Southall Stone Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas 75238 75228 75287 75206 75402 75248 75243 75204 75238 75204 75228 75225 75211 Leila Sabrina Sailu Meagan Ashton Rachel Danait Elizabeth Elizabeth Ana Luz Uday Stephanie Stroud Suaste Subedi Talley Taylor Templer Tesfaye Torres Tracy Trejo Trejo Uprety Valdez business administrationmanagement government-legal studies psychology nursing psychology interdisciplinary studies chemistry nursing undeclared nursing nursing business administrationaccounting computer science undeclared undeclared family & consumer sciences nursing mathematics psychology health studies interdisciplinary studies nutrition kinesiology child development psychology nursing nursing biology interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies business administrationaccounting interdisciplinary studies business administrationmarketing nursing undeclared undeclared nursing nursing chemistry interdisciplinary studies general studies fashion design nursing kinesiology social work * * * * * * * * * Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Danbury Decatur Decatur Decatur Decatur Decatur Decatur Del Rio Del Valle Denison Denison Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton 75201 75211 75211 75235 75216 75228 75216 75229 75254 75208 75238 75228 75243 75248 75203 75203 77534 76234 76234 76234 76234 76234 76234 78840 78617 75020 75020 76201 76201 76210 76201 76207 76210 76210 76208 76209 76201 Sarah Jeannette Ricardo Jazmin Natalie Briana Daisy Jessica Krystal Madeline Brandi Danielle Brittany Perla Carmen Celina Bailey Kari Megan Rachel Mary Kathryn Steve Kitara Rianna KayCee Ashley Annmary Kimberly Lindsay Melissa Rebekah Miranda Lauren Casey Jung Macarena Emily Vangorden Vargas Vargas Vazquez Vazquez Vela Villegas Waltz Waters Watkins Wedding Willard Williams Yates Zambrano Zavala Vrazel Gage Maxwell McGregor Olson Salinas Wright Rodriguez Macik Armstrong Thomas Atkins Adams Alday Alexander Alfonso Allen Allison An Astorga Auteri Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton 76207 76205 76201 76201 76210 76205 76210 76207 76209 76209 Stephanie Karly Mary James Jennifer Jasmine Jessica Craig Shawn William Avila Baker Banks Bardo Barnett Barton Batura Beane Benny Benton Denton 76204 Thomas Berry nursing social work criminal justice kinesiology nursing nursing nursing nursing interdisciplinary studies nutrition interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies nursing music child development psychology kinesiology interdisciplinary studies business administration interdisciplinary studies English psychology communication sciences dance interdisciplinary studies kinesiology health studies interdisciplinary studies undeclared interdisciplinary studies nursing dental hygiene art kinesiology kinesiology nursing communication sciences business administrationaccounting art art computer science art interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies music kinesiology kinesiology business administrationmarketing * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Denton 76208 Jenna Bird Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton 76208 76210 76209 76208 76210 76208 76201 76208 76205 76208 76209 76205 76209 76207 76201 76208 76205 76204 76201 76201 76209 76209 76209 76201 76210 76205 76201 76204 76209 76210 76201 76204 76207 76207 76205 76201 76209 76208 76201 76209 76210 76210 76210 76210 Jacquline Logan Justin Nicola Jasmine Jelisa Karalee Megan Natalie Felisha Tinesha Michael Michellie Courtney Amber Brittany Vivian Carley Anika Christina Bessie Stephanie Wen Kaitlin Meg Cassandra Sara Heather Allison Rachel Kadie Candice Merisa Myra Laura Foram Jordan Rana Kymifo Jeffrey Alexas Hannah Brett Amie Bolden Bolling Brack Brady Brew-Smith Brown Brown Bunton Burgos Burleson Bustos Cabrera Camp Campbell Canady Carr Carter Carter Chansen Chau Chavez Cherry Chong Clothier Cohen Cornell Cox Craig Craig Creager Davenport Davies Davis Davis Derousselle Desai Desmarais Dewaidi Diarrassouba Dillard Dodson Dooley Driver Du Denton Denton Denton 76209 76201 76209 Diana Michael Bryanna Dumitrescu Duplanty Durst nursing business administrationhuman resources nursing interdisciplinary studies art health studies family studies art nursing kinesiology undeclared kinesiology computer science interdisciplinary studies kinesiology interdisciplinary studies nursing general studies mathematics interdisciplinary studies communication sciences undeclared art biology English interdisciplinary studies nursing history undeclared social work social work dental hygiene kinesiology art undeclared music psychology drama art undeclared nutrition art interdisciplinary studies nursing biochemistry business administrationmanagement biology interdisciplinary studies * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton 76209 76209 76201 76210 75701 76206 76207 76210 76201 76209 76201 76207 76201 76209 76201 76209 76209 76209 76208 76209 76210 76210 76210 Rebecca Heidi Elizabeth Miranda Lauren Shamaria Caitlin Jessica Ausencio Kristine Christina Edward Anna Vanna Laura Hailey Victoria Violet-Alicia Fatima Elizabeth Renee Courtney Victoria Dyer Early Eckols Ellinghaus Emmerson Fahie Fairchild Feyen Flores Fogle Garceau Gaudet Geery George German Gidcumb Glaser Goforth Gonzalez Good Grayson Gregory Gross Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton 76210 76201 76205 76205 76210 76209 76210 76208 76205 76209 Heather Tamanna Clara Kaylee Candace Daneydy Tiana Sarai Breanna Nasmita Hall Hamal Harris Henderson Henslee Hernandez Hernandez Heskett Hinson Hirachan Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton 76210 76201 76209 76201 76204 76201 76205 76210 76209 76207 76208 75551 76201 76201 76207 Lauren Michael Kalah Ashlen Sarah Amatuzzainab Charles Kimberly Stephanie Katrina Rachael Whitney Jacy Yvonne Iruna Hoebee Hollinshead Hood Horak Horton Hussain Hutti Hyde Inmon Jankiewicz Jerome Johnson Joplin Keyrouz Kharel interdisciplinary studies biology social work health studies social work psychology psychology biochemistry sociology social work child development kinesiology nutrition child development social work psychology music drama health studies nutrition social work interdisciplinary studies communication sciences business administrationhuman resources mathematics biochemistry undeclared government-legal studies nursing kinesiology biology kinesiology medical technology business administrationmanagement English nutrition interdisciplinary studies nutrition art biology nursing music therapy nursing dance psychology nutrition dance nursing * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Denton Denton Denton 76209 76205 76204 Alessandra Stephanie Mariia Khraish Kincy Kovtun Denton Denton Denton Denton 76210 76205 76209 76209 Jorge Chelsea Jonny Elizabeth Lazos Leavell Lee Leshikar Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton 76207 76209 76201 76209 76208 76210 76205 76201 76201 76209 76202 76210 76210 Sarah Cassidy Epiphani Sharmila Rebecca Elisabeth Hannah Alyson Janeth Rachel Dakota Jacquelyn Andrea Lilly Lindsay Lowe Maharjan Maine Mallory Marshall Matthews Maturino May McCarty McCary McCurdy Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton 76201 76209 76210 76205 76201 76201 76209 76209 76204 76201 76201 76205 76205 76205 76204 Vernon Brittany Samantha Emily Desiree Emily Shelley Breana Brendy Elyse Stacey Taelor Kasy Lisa Tequira McNece McPherson Metzler Millender Miller Miller Miller Minick Molina Moody Moore Moreno Morgan Mumford Murrell Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton 76209 76201 76205 76209 76209 76205 76210 76205 76201 76207 76208 76208 Avinab Jessica Fatou Jenifer Matthew Lucia Emily Kimberly Jeffrey Connie Roberta Cindy Nakarmi Nakos Ndiaye Newberry Noble Nunez Nunley Nyland Oneal Oramas Orellana Parker art business administration sociology business administrationmarketing undeclared nursing nutrition food & nutrition in business & industry government-legal studies sociology medical technology undeclared interdisciplinary studies biology interdisciplinary studies social work undeclared kinesiology music child development food & nutrition in business & industry social work child development child development interdisciplinary studies undeclared interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies child development nursing social work interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies social work fashion merchandising business administrationfinance psychology nursing mathematics kinesiology nursing dental hygiene child development kinesiology interdisciplinary studies government-legal studies undeclared * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Denton Denton Denton 76208 76208 76210 Andrea Terri Jane Parker Parker Pascual Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton 76208 76210 76204 76209 76207 76209 75209 76210 76201 76210 76207 76201 76204 76204 76201 76201 Kanisha Ritu Grigoria Tammi Natalee Angela Nicte Ha Jennifer Kathryn Brittany Joshua Paras Rebekah Alexi Romany Crystal Patel Patel Pateraki Paul Peak Pearson Pereira Picazo Pierre Pierson Pinson Pohler Pongrac Price Prince Pursche Denton Denton Denton Denton 76201 76210 76204 76201 Cynthia Nicole Jorge Crystina Ramirez Ramirez Ramirez Renteria Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton 76208 76205 76209 76207 76210 76207 76207 76209 76207 76201 76025 76210 76210 Alexandria Shelly Stephanie Danielle Cymre Gabrielle Tamika Erin Christine Rejena Sylvia Chaz Macy Reyes Reynolds Reynolds Richards Richter Ricky Roach Roark Roberts Roberts Rodriguez Rollins Rousseau Denton Denton 76209 76201 Cynthia Erin Ruiz Russell Denton Denton 76209 76210 Adam Ana Russell Sanches Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton 76204 76201 76201 76204 76201 Josiane Kimberly Corey Charlsie Jordan Santos Schmidt Schneider Schultz Scott general studies social work nutrition business administrationaccounting nursing business administration art nursing social work fashion merchandising dental hygiene undeclared interdisciplinary studies nursing English nursing nutrition nutrition biology business administrationmanagement family studies mathematics communication sciences business administrationmarketing nutrition music interdisciplinary studies English nutrition history social work English psychology interdisciplinary studies biochemistry interdisciplinary studies business administrationfinance English business administrationfinance social work business administrationmarketing undeclared undeclared business administration psychology * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Denton Denton 76201 76210 Andrew Elizabeth Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton 76201 76209 76205 76205 76208 76205 76207 76205 76209 76208 76207 76205 76208 76209 76209 76210 76201 Zakiyyah Callie Meaghan Kimberly Lauren Bronwynne Jessica Stephanie Julia Brianna Heather Alyssa Haleigh Abigail Samantha Ambreia Camille Scott Sears ShaheedMcdonald Shirey Smith Smith Smith Smith Soberanes Soto Spicer Stanisha Stensgard Stevens Stubbs Stuckey Sullivan Thomas Thomas Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton Denton DeSoto DeSoto DeSoto DeSoto DeSoto DeSoto DeSoto 76201 76204 76209 76202 76205 76210 76205 76204 76209 76204 76201 76208 76207 76210 76210 76208 76201 76201 76208 76201 76205 76205 75115 75115 75115 75115 75115 75115 75115 Tara Madeline Sandra Anna Stephen Addison Kenneth Katee Huyen Courtney Fathima Monica Kelly Sharon Candace Emily Sarah Hou Si Denyenoh Kristel Kimberly Maria Mallory Aneshia Dominique Jade Excellence Brandon Monya Thrasher Timm Torres Totty Tutt Tyler Vandenberg Voirin Vu Washington Wazeer Weisinger Wetherbee Wilder Williams Willis Wittenburg Wong Wreh Wright Youngs Zuniga Aleem Ballestar Lynn May Nora Sanders Seals art nutrition dance undeclared interdisciplinary studies art kinesiology drama kinesiology nutrition child development nursing kinesiology nursing music therapy communication sciences nursing psychology fashion design business administrationhuman resources art nursing nursing kinesiology biology nursing psychology health studies social work child development interdisciplinary studies art undeclared government-legal studies nursing criminal justice music kinesiology health studies nutrition art family studies criminal justice criminal justice nursing communication sciences kinesiology interdisciplinary studies * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Dickinson Dickinson Donna Double Oak Double Oak 77539 77539 78537 75077 75077 Olivia Alaina Eminia Emily Kimber Addison Hughes Vanegas Hartnack Mabra Double Oak Double Oak Double Oak Duncanville Duncanville Duncanville Duncanville Duncanville Duncanville Eastland Edinburg El Paso El Paso El Paso El Paso El Paso El Paso El Paso El Paso El Paso Emory Ennis Ennis Ennis 75077 75077 75077 75116 75116 75116 75138 75116 75137 76448 78541 79936 79936 79928 79938 79912 79902 79928 79938 79936 75440 75119 75120 75120 Madison Traci Sara Marie Janette Cassandra Damonique Lucy Frances Juana Amanda Chestina Bailey Yvette Samantha Denisse Dante Deeandra Alejandra Sonia Torie Clarissa Shanna Anna Martin Resendis Sparks Corral Gula Hines McPeters Russell Sinsel Ojeda Avila Bryant Feuerstein Flores Foley Hernandez Oviedo Pedroza Quezada Saenz Talkington Garcia Hornik Lane Euless Euless Euless Euless Euless Euless Euless Euless 76039 76039 76040 76039 76040 76040 76040 76039 Ashley Aliya Afsheen Cynthia Sapana Melanie Laura Erin Colbert Dhanani Jamal Kemboi Khadka Knecht Longwell Meier Euless Euless Euless Euless Euless 76039 76039 76040 76039 76039 Roni Ambreen Tiffani Sophia Macy Euless Euless Euless Euless Euless 76040 76039 76039 76040 76040 Calvin Josie Nicolle Sarda Deanna Melton Moorani Neuville Nguyen Pace Pravongviengk ham Rodriguez Rulff Tapleshay Tichy-Garcia nursing dance child development music therapy interdisciplinary studies business administrationmarketing psychology health studies interdisciplinary studies child development criminal justice dance psychology general studies social work social work nursing business administration undeclared biology undeclared music child development child development nursing business administration nursing undeclared nursing business administrationhuman resources nursing nursing undeclared undeclared music therapy art undeclared culinary science & food service management nursing kinesiology child development nursing * nutrition nursing interdisciplinary studies family studies nutrition * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Euless Evadale Fairview Farmers Branch Farmers Branch Farmers Branch Farmers Branch Farmers Branch Farmers Branch Farmers Branch Farmers Branch Farmers Branch Farmersville Farmersville Ferris Flint Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound 76039 77615 75069 Sarah Brittnee Jennifer Zemen Rawls Duncan kinesiology nutrition biology * * 75234 Coraima Campos * 75234 Kelyn Carcamo interdisciplinary studies business administrationmarketing 75234 Marcela Castillo nursing 75234 Melissa Cruz kinesiology 75234 Amber Holmes kinesiology 75244 Helena Jones social work 75234 Cristina Marban English 75244 Alysia Robinson undeclared * 75234 75442 75442 75125 75762 Jennifer Elizabeth Lauri Camry Mallory Santana Blake Kelley Butler Kuechle nursing drama undeclared psychology kinesiology * * * * 75022 Kelly Allen child development 75022 Tayler Allen business administration 75028 Cathryn Barfield child development 75022 Miranda Barmore interdisciplinary studies * 75022 Kimberly Belmont undeclared * 75022 Kelly Belmont psychology 75028 Brianne Blasingim interdisciplinary studies * 75028 Shelby Bowen family studies * 75028 Marian Browning nutrition * 75028 Sarah Carlisle medical technology 75028 April Carmona nutrition 75022 Jeanette Cates undeclared * Wing-Kei Chiu undeclared * Staci Cornell dental hygiene * 75028 75028 * Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound 75028 Melissa Croyl nutrition Kelsey Davis nursing 75022 Danelle Dixon psychology 75022 Samantha Ewing kinesiology 75028 Celeste Florence interdisciplinary studies 75028 Lauren Guevara interdisciplinary studies * 75028 Bridgette Hansen 75022 Jessica Helton undeclared business administrationhuman resources * 75028 Chloe Hillpot child development * 75022 Matleena Impola nursing * 75022 Yooli Jeong nursing * 75028 Alisha Kockler 75028 Sarah Kowalczyk psychology business administrationaccounting * 75028 Kayleigh Kvancz art Jordyn Lichti nursing 75028 Julia Macke art 75028 Rebekah Meeks psychology 75028 Jon Mitchell social work 75028 Emily Nguyen undeclared 75028 Devon Orsini interdisciplinary studies 75028 Chinyere Osondu general studies 75028 Katheryn Parman nursing 75028 Sean Peters music * 75028 Katherine Rankin art * Sara Rasti interdisciplinary studies * 75028 Courtney Ray nursing * 75022 Tonya Riddle interdisciplinary studies 75028 75028 75022 * * * Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Flower Mound Forestburg Forney Forney Forney Forney Forney Forney Forney Forney Forney Forney Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth 75028 Samantha Salois business administration 75028 Dion Sepolen interdisciplinary studies 75028 Melissa Umphress interdisciplinary studies 75028 Amy Vaja undeclared Alexandria Van Der Stuyf social work 75022 Miri Yeom nursing * 75022 76239 75126 75126 75126 75126 75126 75126 75126 75126 75126 75126 76114 76177 76120 76120 76244 76115 76244 76244 76179 76137 76137 76137 76244 76135 76140 76137 76177 76177 76106 76116 76108 76117 76133 76179 76131 76123 Sue David Michael Erika Meredith Kaysie Natalie Kathryn Victoria Ashtin Kristin Kristen Maria April Kymberly Marquita Trisha Karla Lindsey Alexa Rebekah Lauren Meghan Irina Monique' Samantha Gemaya Christopher Abbie Shamaine Cristobal Amber Kristyn Nathaly Jennifer Carolyn Leslie Calvin Yi Wiley Barwick Billings Cantwell Guillory Harris Heatherly Laky Plessinger Rogers Vitovsky Abreu Acevedo Akpowowo Allen Allen Alvarado Amend Barisonek Beaman Birney Borman Boulet Bradley Brechbuhl Butler Canada Carrier Carter Cecenas Chambers Collins Contreras Cooper Cox Creed Crosby English nursing nursing interdisciplinary studies psychology nursing health studies undeclared nursing nursing psychology interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies chemistry government-legal studies communication sciences general studies nursing interdisciplinary studies nursing kinesiology undeclared interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies fashion design kinesiology health studies English history sociology mathematics nursing English government general studies English dance undeclared * 75028 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Fort Worth 76164 Lorena Fort Worth 76244 Nina Delgado DhondeKeeler Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth 76134 76111 76103 76104 76112 76164 76102 76135 76244 76177 76132 76155 China Billie Cayce Magda Gabriela Paola Kylie Marguerite Rachel Theresa Kathryn Nicole Dickerson Dorado Ervin Escalante Espinosa Estala Fitzgerald Freeman Gillis Goodwin Haggerty Harrer Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth 76177 76179 76105 76244 76119 76244 76119 Holly Amy Lourdes Ashley Tamala Leanne Ashley Harrison Henry Hernandez Hernandez Hickman Hoffman Holiday Fort Worth 76244 Sarah Holt Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth 76244 76244 76137 76121 76137 76244 76177 76133 76133 76140 76116 76117 76137 76114 76111 76244 76107 76107 76107 76111 76244 76137 76112 76137 Jerry Ahmyl Kelly Ashley Jenelle Danielle Jessica Ashleigh Cassandra Brittney Christian Kim Sherri Denise Jessica Samantha Megan Kara Elizabeth Jessica Anastasia Lorrie Deandrea Kristi Holt Jaber James Johnson Jones Jones Jones Kady Kellum Knight Knowles Kurosky Longino Lopez Luna Luna-Pittser Lyle Lyle Martinez Mauricio McClung McKee Miller Moon chemistry business administration business administrationmarketing dental hygiene biology art communication sciences nursing business administration nursing kinesiology interdisciplinary studies nursing dental hygiene business administrationmarketing interdisciplinary studies business administration kinesiology dental hygiene nutrition health studies business administrationhuman resources business administrationhuman resources family studies undeclared fashion merchandising undeclared nursing nursing social work child development kinesiology nursing interdisciplinary studies psychology child development interdisciplinary studies family studies biology biochemistry interdisciplinary studies social work nursing family studies undeclared nursing * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth 76137 76110 76108 76137 76134 76164 76134 Kayla Izamar Amanda Kendra Mai Lizbeth Alyssa Mullen Munoz Murillo Nelson Nguyen Parra Petty Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth 76177 76244 76118 76137 76137 76133 76116 76177 76118 76177 76244 76137 76177 Amberly Andrea Victoria Jauni Steven Melissa Angelina Dijonnae Courtney Brittany Brandi Valerie Bryanna Poole Price Radford Rambo Reed Ridings Rivera Robinson Rogers Roland Romero Ruiz Ruiz Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth 76244 76132 76133 76123 76116 76179 76177 76119 76137 76179 76179 76137 Ketsana Meredith Kate Jasmine Tesha Constance Cassandra Simone Tenisha Danielle Sara Sharla Russell Rutledge Sanchez Shelton Shreves Siegel Sloan Smith Smith Smith Solter Sosa Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth 76244 76137 76137 76244 76104 76244 76131 76133 76123 Susana Ryleigh Amber Shelly Rachel Meagan Carolyn Lisa Antanette Sotelo Spivey Statham Stevenson Stovall Sullivan Swen Theobald Thomas Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth 76179 76106 76244 76135 76118 76135 Torrie Veronica Jacqueline Jordan Adis Velia Thomas Trevino Trinh Tucker Umpierre Varela nutrition health studies psychology interdisciplinary studies nursing nursing health studies business administrationmarketing nursing English dance general studies mathematics criminal justice interdisciplinary studies general studies business administration English dental hygiene psychology business administrationaccounting undeclared nursing interdisciplinary studies criminal justice undeclared interdisciplinary studies child development kinesiology child development kinesiology social work business administrationhuman resources nursing nursing child development health studies kinesiology English undeclared social work business administrationmarketing interdisciplinary studies nursing nursing nursing interdisciplinary studies * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fort Worth Fresno Fresno Friendswood Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco 76135 76180 76244 76137 76104 76137 76131 77545 77545 77546 75035 75034 75033 75035 75035 75034 75034 75035 75035 75033 75035 75034 75034 75035 75033 75034 75034 75033 75034 75035 75035 75034 75035 75035 75035 75035 75035 75034 75034 Vanessa Katherine Harrison Lauren Dre'anna Amy Dericka Brittney Abigail Keenan Paula Hannah Kristine Alexandra Priscilla Christopher Valencia Mary Kevin Katlyn Courtney Mellisa Maria Corinne Kevin Qiyamah Jenny Stacey Nychelle Holly Alexa Jon Candace Linda Taylor Billye Ifra Ashley Kelsey Vasquez Vonrosenberg Wendland Whited Williams Worthy Young Powell Ukpong Palmer Allen Berg Boncales Bracaglia Bryant Buliga Butler Callan Cao Castella Chance Connor Diosdado Divine Emmert Farmer Fugere Garcia Grant Hardy Hartsell Hawthorne Hendricks Hiort Hoffman Jackson Khan Lantrip Lawrence Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco 75033 75035 75033 75035 75035 75034 Brittany Kelsey Stephanie Kaitlyn Rosiane Margarita Lay Ledee Lesko Levin Maia Martinez Frisco Frisco Frisco 75034 75034 75034 Terese Blessed Bless McSpadden Onaiwu Onaiwu child development communication sciences kinesiology biology social work interdisciplinary studies undeclared nursing psychology interdisciplinary studies social work dental hygiene business administration biology nursing biology nutrition interdisciplinary studies kinesiology mathematics general studies nursing computer science English nursing social work nursing child development art nursing dance biology business administration music interdisciplinary studies general studies biology interdisciplinary studies general studies business administrationaccounting interdisciplinary studies art psychology kinesiology undeclared food & nutrition in business & industry music biology * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco 75033 75034 75034 75034 Jennifer Alexis Kara Ashton Plash Ritvalski Rogers Rueb Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco 75035 75034 75033 75034 75035 75033 Ana Jason Kara Carolyn Christina Alyssa Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco Frisco 75035 75033 75035 75035 75035 75035 Sruthi Congling Haleigh Taylor Alejandra Wei Nee Sanchez Snyder Stewart Taylor Titus Turzai Venkataraman Sriram Wang Wanzer Wooten Worley Yean Frost Gainesville Gainesville Gainesville Gainesville Gainesville Gainesville Gainesville Gainesville Gainesville Gainesville 76641 76240 76240 76240 76240 76240 76240 76240 76240 76240 76240 Alejandra Ryan Keilah Tamera Job Kaileigh Sarah Tisha Cristina Mary Irene Hernandez Adair Blakey Broyles Change Fuhrmann Gerken Green Hennigan Jeffries Perez Gainesville Gainesville 76240 76240 Charisma Jennifer Tell Turner Gainesville Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland 76240 75040 75044 75040 75041 75040 75043 75040 75043 75042 75043 75043 75043 75040 75040 75040 75043 Emily Erika Loreyn Madeline Ingrid Rebeca Sarita John Violeta Ruth Erika Angela Katie Stephen Nancy Aleah Claudia Sha'calya Wall Agpawa Alvarez Anaya Andrade Armas Ashley Bedolla - Lara Blair Carrillo Carrington Castro Chacko Chavez Coleman Cuellar Daniels English undeclared nursing business administration business administrationmanagement undeclared nursing criminal justice nursing interdisciplinary studies nutrition biology kinesiology kinesiology child development nutrition food & nutrition in business & industry child development health studies social work undeclared interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies communication sciences undeclared interdisciplinary studies business administrationfinance child development business administrationaccounting nursing nursing interdisciplinary studies nursing biology kinesiology art fashion merchandising interdisciplinary studies music nursing child development business administration interdisciplinary studies music social work * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland 75043 75040 75042 75042 75043 75040 75040 75041 75040 75044 75042 75040 75043 75040 Selene Kelley Sukayna Odilia Laneya Alexandra Christopher Marisa Leslie Shawntea Cynthia Thai Suedabeh Tina Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland 75040 75040 75043 75043 75040 75043 75040 75043 75043 75043 75043 75043 75040 75042 75040 75041 75041 75044 75043 75040 75044 75041 75044 75042 75043 75042 Kaothar Allison Kerianne Jordan Abigail Edith Marixa Deandrea Martha Rebecca Crystal Alisha Brianna Annette Jessica Magdelene Cecilia Carolyne Paola Stephanie Madeleine Bijal Madelyn Jessica Ashley Sally De Luna Deanda Elmoumi Espino Floyd Galvan Gibbs Gonzalez Gonzalez Hall Henderson Ho Husseinzadeh Huynh Ibrahim Hashim Ince Jones Karnes Langston Lopez Lopez Lozano Macabare Marquez Martinez Mathew Morris Nguyen Nguyen Nguyen Nguyen Nguyen Ochoa Ortega Owens Patel Paul Paz Phillips Portillo Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland 75043 75041 75043 75042 75044 75043 75043 75044 Claudia Wendy Feba Jobin Madison Christian Jaimy Bethel Rodriquez Romero Roy Samuel Saward Sopoco Sunny Tafesse interdisciplinary studies psychology art interdisciplinary studies communication sciences interdisciplinary studies biology interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies business administration general studies nursing art nursing nursing English kinesiology kinesiology undeclared fashion merchandising communication sciences undeclared music therapy child development criminal justice nursing social work nursing nursing nursing nursing nursing biology interdisciplinary studies dance nursing biology undeclared music dance business administrationmanagement history nursing kinesiology child development fashion merchandising nursing interdisciplinary studies * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown Gladewater Godley Graford Granbury Granbury Granbury Grand Praire Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 75043 75043 75040 75042 75042 75042 75040 75040 75041 75044 78628 78628 78633 75647 76044 76449 76049 76048 76049 75052 75052 75052 Tesia Angela Julie Prethy Anabel Nguyet Jennica Jessica Alejandra Jinjin Savannah Kandis Ana Katy Christine Brooke Brandy Ashley Sarah Christian Crystal Elizabeth Grand Prairie Grand Prairie Grand Prairie Grand Prairie Grand Prairie Grand Prairie Grand Prairie Grand Prairie Grand Prairie 75051 75052 75052 75051 75050 75052 75052 75052 75052 Rocio Bria Meagan Mary Analee Fatoumata Amber Taylor Adrian Grand Prairie Grand Prairie Grand Prairie Grand Prairie Grand Prairie Grand Prairie Grand Prairie Grand Prairie Grand Prairie Grand Prairie Grand Prairie Grand Prarie Grand Prarie Grandview Grapevine Grapevine Grapevine Grapevine 75051 75052 75051 75052 75050 75050 75051 75050 75050 75051 75052 75052 75052 76050 76051 76051 76051 76051 David Niya Celina Cricket Krispin Jessica Alicia Amalia James Alisa Angolwa Gabriela Melissa Felicia Angela Jennifer Christina Courtney Thomas Trinh Valverde Varghese Vega Vu Wong Wong Zamarripa Zhao Guerra Kerlin Merry Stephens Sage Jones Bonner Bonugli Sanville Pridemore Altamero Anderson CastilloFranco Dein Elizondo Erwin Gonzalez Jallow Jones Kasper Lee Melgar Romero Mohammed Nigo Oke Pinder Reyes Rodriguez Siller Smith Velasquez Wabali Alcazar Moore Kenny Anderson Ballance Blandino Boyle kinesiology chemistry mathematics nursing nursing dental hygiene nursing psychology interdisciplinary studies nursing art nursing nursing mathematics health studies nutrition dental hygiene nursing health studies psychology nursing kinesiology nursing kinesiology nursing nursing child development undeclared nutrition child development kinesiology business administration chemistry communication sciences undeclared kinesiology nutrition general studies chemistry nursing nursing child development child development health studies music interdisciplinary studies nutrition interdisciplinary studies undeclared * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Grapevine Grapevine Grapevine Grapevine Grapevine Grapevine Grapevine Grapevine Grapevine Grapevine Grapevine Grapevine Grapevine Grapevine Grapevine Grapevine Grapevine Grapevine Grapevine Grapevine Grapevine Greenville Greenville Greenville Greenville Gun Barrel City Gunter Hallsville Haltom City Haltom City Haltom City Haltom City Harlingen Harlingen Harlingen Harper Haskell Haslet 76051 76051 76051 76051 76051 76051 76051 76051 76051 76051 76051 76051 76051 76051 76051 76051 76051 76051 76051 76051 76051 75402 75402 75403 75402 Billie Nicholette Lenore Lisa Kara Chantal Lynda Alyxx Kathryn Erin Mary Clinton Victoria Jo Ana Talia Hasina Sydnie Lauren Seo Young Arezou Nacole Haley Melissa Raigan Byers Custable Diemicke Ennis Erickstad Hanna Hatley Herring Knowlton Lewis Lucignani Musgrove Pool Rhodes Rolfe Slanker Sunderji Suttles Walker Yoon Zekri Beaty Hinson Phillips Wimberley nursing nutrition music kinesiology nursing psychology nursing undeclared nursing business administration undeclared kinesiology music undeclared interdisciplinary studies health studies health studies nursing nursing nursing nursing medical technology nursing English undeclared 75156 75058 75650 76117 76137 76137 76148 78550 78550 78550 78631 79521 76052 Brandie Karen Joanna Kristen Linh Yesenia Jonathan Elizabeth Shwaun Lakyn Heather Sarah Sarah Lander Eldredge Evans Lamar Le Martinez Rea Coalson Dizayee Duvall McCain Garcia Archer Haslet Haslet Haslet Haslet Haslet Haslet Hawkins Heath Heath Heath 76052 76052 76052 76052 76052 76052 75765 75032 75032 75032 Lisa Justine Erin Jessica Mark Jenni Courtnee Amanda Emma Morgan Brizan Chanthamany Deck Dominguez Hayes Monteath Davis Chung Lenk Madrid mathematics interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies social work nursing computer science nutrition art kinesiology dental hygiene mathematics fashion merchandising music business administrationhuman resources undeclared dental hygiene nutrition business administration nursing kinesiology fashion merchandising kinesiology kinesiology * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Henrietta Hewitt Hickory Creek Hickory Creek Hickory Creek Highland Village Highland Village Highland Village Highland Village Highland Village Highland Village Highland Village Highland Village Highland Village Highland Village Hitchcock Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston 76365 76643 Robert Sara Blevins May general studies music * 75065 Alexa Duysak nursing * 75065 Julia Pease undeclared * 75065 Tammy Randel social work * 75077 Jamie Anderson interdisciplinary studies 75077 Jenna Bigbie kinesiology 75077 Heather Gonzalez undeclared 75077 Leah Herzog psychology 75077 Allison Hobbs interdisciplinary studies 75077 Shannon Ireland child development 75077 Rebekah Jones criminal justice 75077 Emily Nickles English 75077 Kailey Tue mathematics 75077 77563 77065 77018 77064 77095 77088 77023 77009 77228 77054 77029 77091 77041 77084 77014 77018 77084 77077 77059 77091 77084 77011 77044 77081 Kristen Jasmynn Kaitlyn Kelly Emily Kerri Jazmine Victoria Jennifer Addie Mary Carrie Brittany Allison Angela Norrelle Andrea Falynn Karen Simone Jahlia Dung Brenda Katy Erin Weier Randle Abruzzese Acosta Anderson Annis Beadle Belmont Biles Blackshure Boyd Briones Bullock Butler Calvert Carter Castro Chapman Cordoba Crotteau Culmer Dao De la Cruz Dedo Edgemon nutrition nutrition kinesiology nursing nursing business administration interdisciplinary studies child development nursing business administration undeclared nursing fashion design nursing general studies dance music nursing nursing communication sciences nursing dental hygiene nursing nursing undeclared * * * * * * * * * * * * * Houston Houston Houston 77051 77062 77053 Kadejah Alyssa Bria Franklin Garcia Golden Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston 77084 77088 77040 77089 77083 77082 77072 77072 77040 Rachelle Adriana Demitra Kamille Tameka Arielle Vincent Dynasty Karen Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston 77095 77071 77069 77099 77099 77096 77059 Rina Jelisa Courtney Sahibah Heidi Amber Catherine Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Howe Howe Howe Howe Hudson Oaks Humble 77080 77072 77072 77054 77082 77036 77083 77081 77044 77065 77054 77071 77099 77089 77057 77038 77082 77041 77085 77042 77035 77033 77043 75459 75459 75459 75459 76087 77338 Juana Christine Kayonna Rebecca Esther Etinosa Van Magali Alisha Amber Janis Erika Jasmin Beatrice Lina Somaly Lorissa Paul Tochukwu Laila Marizza Rochelle Melissa Paige Madeline Jayme Amber Lindsie LaSondra Golding Gonzalez Green Harris Harvey Heath Hoang Jackson Janda JimenezAvelar Jones Knight Kugshia Lau Loflin MacGregor MendozaGuerrero Mikula Mitchell Montgomery Muthini Obadagbonyi Pham Pichardo Price Quick Quintana Rachal Ramos Soto Suarez Taing Tatum Tien Tiko-Okoye Tubaila Villarreal Watts Williams Potter Potter Ross Thurston Adams Howard nursing psychology nursing business administrationmanagement fashion merchandising business administration nursing nursing general studies dental hygiene health studies interdisciplinary studies child development psychology general studies art nursing nursing kinesiology business administrationaccounting nursing fashion merchandising nursing undeclared kinesiology nursing nursing nursing nursing undeclared interdisciplinary studies undeclared kinesiology fashion design nursing nursing nursing nursing health studies nursing nursing child development biology art social work kinesiology kinesiology undeclared * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Humble Hurst Hurst Hurst Hurst 77396 76053 76054 76053 76054 Catherine Jenna Nicholas Kimberly Ryan Sanchez Cryer Golding Kettler Larson Hurst Hurst 76053 76053 Jesse Melissa Hurst 76053 Karla Malone Marsh NarvaezZamora Hurst Hutchins Iowa Park Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving 76053 75141 76367 75038 75060 75062 75063 75060 75062 75063 75038 75038 75061 75060 75063 75061 75060 75062 75063 75061 75062 75061 Melody Taqiyyah Sarah Sushma Laura Courtney Tikpha Grace Rachel Sarah Piagete Sameetra Cynthia Leslie Pablo Clarisvel Joselyn Judith Sara Yesenia Stephanie Yesenia Theriot Akbar Folkening Acharya Acosta Ard Asuncion Barr Bass Blackstock Brady Brown Brown Cabrera Cacho Carranco Castillo Chavez Chavez Dios Duncan Duran Irving Irving Irving 75039 75063 75039 Ashley Amanda Ashley Ferguson Fernandez George Irving 75061 Amber Gill Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving 75062 75063 75061 75060 75039 75060 75063 75060 75038 75038 75063 Deepak Sylvia Amanda Sharon Nicholas Cheng-Shiou Lorraine Gina Sushma Amanda Laura Gurung Henderson Hernandez Hobbs Hooks Huang Jackson Jimenez Kc Kilburn Krone health studies nursing government-legal studies social work kinesiology business administrationmanagement interdisciplinary studies child development business administrationmanagement undeclared music therapy health studies communication sciences nursing general studies nursing kinesiology undeclared undeclared general studies history biology psychology psychology interdisciplinary studies undeclared nursing interdisciplinary studies fashion merchandising social work business administrationmanagement general studies biology family & consumer sciences business administrationaccounting social work art English kinesiology nursing interdisciplinary studies psychology undeclared child development interdisciplinary studies * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving 75063 75061 75061 75062 75060 75062 Emily Dania Tuyet Emily Kayla Yamileth Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Irving Jacksboro Jacksboro Jacksonville Jacksonville Joshua Justin Justin Justin Justin Justin Justin Justin 75062 75061 75063 75061 75062 75038 75060 75060 75060 75062 75061 75061 75060 75062 75038 75038 75062 75060 75062 75063 75039 76458 76458 75766 75766 76058 76247 76247 76247 76247 76247 76247 76247 Jasmine Monserrat Andrea Angela Edith Jayna Cathy Audrey Mia Tonia Waverly Aya Wala Lucas Kriti Shobha Antara Amanda Amber Charteka Shaunda Christine John Crystal Ronni Mariely Megan Madison Cherlyn Amanda Rachel Christina Gennel Kora Leenerts Lopez Ly Malzac Martinez Mendez MonsivaisMendez Moreno Navarro Nunez Ochoa Palguta Pham Philaly Philip Reynolds Riyal Riyal Sansone Shrestha Tripathi Upadhyaya Urista Vaughan Webb Whiteside Yoo Barry Phariss Boyer Silva Kidd Allison Fraser Harris Kysiak Laplant Lassen Livingston Justin Justin Justin Justin Justin Justin Katy Katy Katy 76247 76247 76247 76247 76247 76247 77450 77449 77450 Gina Alaina Julie Paula Erin Brookelyn Molly Valeria Katherine Lucin Miller Nolting Scotton Wages Wiggins Camp Carreon Kovalcik child development biology interdisciplinary studies undeclared kinesiology criminal justice child development nursing nursing interdisciplinary studies nursing business administration child development dental hygiene nursing undeclared interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies health studies undeclared undeclared nursing psychology nursing interdisciplinary studies dental hygiene biology music drama child development nursing interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies health studies communication sciences undeclared interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies family studies business administrationaccounting fashion merchandising interdisciplinary studies nursing child development dental hygiene child development biology nursing * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Katy Katy Katy Katy Kaufman Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller 77449 77449 77494 77449 75142 76248 76248 76244 76248 76244 76248 76244 76244 76244 76248 76244 76244 76244 Heather Yessenia Victoria Jennifer Gabriela Michelle Rachel Rhonesha Bianca Kelsi Lydia Andrea Nicole Paola Elizabeth Tracie Erin Carlos Legault Munoz Rehage Vermillion Ayala Blanton Brohammer Cannon Castillo Clarke Corwin Dirnu Endersby Felix Gahwiler Gray Hagin Iruegas Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Keller Kennedale Kerens Kerrville Killeen Killeen Killeen Killeen 76248 76248 76244 76248 76248 76248 76248 76244 76244 76244 76244 76248 75067 76248 76244 76248 76248 76244 76244 76244 76248 76248 76244 76248 76060 75144 78028 76549 76542 76549 76549 Michelle Taylore Kara Mollie Tara Rebecca Spencer Melissa Iziengbe Charlie Lauren Juliann Susan Brooke Melissa Katherine Angela Stephanie Janell Jenna Melissa Jennifer Danezell Kaela Mary Taylor Jaycee Akeibia Kiara Ayanna Latrisha Jackson Jansen Karlis Latham Lee Luttrell McCoy Norman Ogbomo Oshel Parks Phan Reddick Sims Smith Tbaba Thresher Valle Vargo Vaughan Vining Wells Williamson Winn Heidt Davis Knoulton Jackson Johns Taylor Whitfield child development nursing nursing undeclared nursing interdisciplinary studies undeclared child development communication sciences nursing dance kinesiology interdisciplinary studies music therapy nursing general studies interdisciplinary studies drama food & nutrition in business & industry nursing kinesiology music nursing nutrition child development criminal justice undeclared undeclared nursing nursing health studies interdisciplinary studies undeclared nursing interdisciplinary studies English interdisciplinary studies dental hygiene kinesiology child development dance criminal justice psychology family studies child development nursing health studies health studies kinesiology * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Killeen Kingwood Krugerville Krugerville Krugerville Krum Krum Krum Krum Krum Krum Krum Krum Krum Krum Krum Krum Kyle Lago Vista Lake Dallas Lake Dallas Lake Dallas Lake Dallas Lake Dallas Lake Dallas Lake Jackson Lake Jackson Lakeside Lancaster Lancaster Lancaster Lancaster Lancaster Lantana Lantana Lantana Laredo League City Leander Leander Leonard Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville 76549 77339 76227 76227 76227 76249 76249 76249 76249 76249 76249 76249 76249 76249 76249 76249 76249 78640 78645 75065 75065 75065 75065 75065 75065 77566 77566 76108 75146 75146 75146 75134 75134 76226 76226 76226 78045 77573 78641 78641 75452 75067 75067 75067 75056 75067 75029 75067 Brittany Jaimie Hallie Amy Mahaley Emma Jeremy Erin Emilee Caira Brandi Chantel Paige Dorina Christopher Laura Staci Jenna Angela Nicholas Cynthia Samantha Kendra Maritsa Natasha Nicole Megan Katelynn Aracely Dalphne Lexus Sierra Ariel Savanna Victoria Sherrie Caleb Nkechinyem Megan Jillian Kristin Carla Perla Daniza Ericka Rachel Vicki Kayla Lewisville 75067 Daniel Young Crane Crawford Funk Millican Bowles Cole Dickson Gammons Heinze Kindiger Martinez Perches Salam Smith Stephenson Willingham Kadjar Moore Bazaldua Contreras Dela Cruz Freeman Guerrero Johnson Cannon James Whitacre Contreras Davis Gordon Manning Richardson Doroodchi Goolsby Roberts Pattarasakol Ugezene Escobar Riojas Rhoden Aguilar Aguillon Aguillon Armendariz Bagley Bailey Bartley Berumen Melendez interdisciplinary studies child development kinesiology interdisciplinary studies communication sciences biology child development dental hygiene interdisciplinary studies government kinesiology business dental hygiene biology English government-legal studies social work music therapy nursing undeclared nursing interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies nutrition dental hygiene child development kinesiology kinesiology social work business administration general studies undeclared social work nursing kinesiology undeclared nursing nursing biochemistry undeclared biology history psychology nursing nursing undeclared undeclared interdisciplinary studies kinesiology * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville 75067 75067 75077 75077 75067 75077 75067 75067 75067 75067 75056 Carly Emily Robin Emanuela Shanice Brandi Jennifer Melissa Barbara Denise Veena Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville 75057 75067 75067 75067 75067 75077 75067 75077 75067 75067 75077 75067 75077 Kimber Melissa Lauren Sarah Melissa Tiffany Ashley Jenna Amanda Christina Misty Shannon Emily Beshers Blanchett Bowman Bujenita Burgess Buschmann Butler Carrillo Carter Castro Charals CorbittSanchez Courtad Douget Dressler Eans Edwards Enyart Flanagan Foster Frizzell Funk Gibson Gilbert Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville 75067 75067 75077 75057 75077 75067 Sarah Brittany Jenna Rachel Kaitlynn Tara Harris Harris Harvey Hayes Hoehne Hollingsworth Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville 75067 75067 75067 75057 Linda Tomeka Andrea Lacaundra Hordern Hunt Jackson Johnson Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville 75067 75067 75067 75077 75077 Kyung Jin Cynthia Ana Jason Traci Leem Martinez Medina Mims Munden Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville 75057 75029 75077 75056 75067 75067 Lien Tiffany Niata Grace Brianna Pashong Nguyen Owen Owens Park Perez Plata business administrationmanagement history interdisciplinary studies nutrition health studies business administration nursing communication sciences criminal justice interdisciplinary studies nursing interdisciplinary studies kinesiology psychology child development interdisciplinary studies government undeclared nursing kinesiology family studies interdisciplinary studies family studies nursing business administrationhuman resources kinesiology child development general studies mathematics history business administrationhuman resources nursing criminal justice social work culinary science & food service management interdisciplinary studies undeclared undeclared social work business administrationfinance biology government-legal studies undeclared interdisciplinary studies English * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lewisville Lincoln Lindale Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm 75067 75067 75067 75067 75056 75057 75057 75057 75006 75077 75056 75067 75077 75077 75067 75077 75077 75067 75067 75067 75067 75077 75034 75077 75057 78948 75771 75068 75068 75068 75068 75068 75068 75068 75068 75068 Alicia Robbie Oscar Crystal Rayne Juan Tamara Kevin Alexa Margaret Amy Tiffany Lauren Caroline Anthony Katie Rachael Mary Joyce Alexis Rebecca Ashley Anastasiya Jaeeun Courtney Crystal Shelby Kelci Cristian Justin Hayden Sydney Daisy Diane Seanna Jennifer Jean Powell Pumphrey Ramirez Reed Reynolds Salazar Saunders Smith Spaulding Stewart Summers Taylor Taylor Tinklepaugh Tran Tubbs Villalpando Villanueva Walker Waller Watson Wells Wi Williamson Willis Morgan Lind Baltazar Barger Blazer Britton Castilleja Chenault Corley Cox Dhanani Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm 75068 75068 75068 75068 75068 75068 75068 75068 75068 75068 75068 75068 75068 Tandi Luz Julia Clayton Wilma Jennifer Vera Kaitlyn Tracy Robin April Kayla Rebecca Fougerousse Gudino Hanson Hettinger Jackson Jimenez Jones Kent Kimball Lehman Logsdon Mahaffey Metts general studies English nursing psychology undeclared business administration undeclared art communication sciences health studies English general studies nursing interdisciplinary studies nursing dental hygiene nursing nursing child development nursing nursing general studies nursing nursing nursing music psychology mathematics nursing nursing kinesiology criminal justice art nursing communication sciences family studies business administrationaccounting interdisciplinary studies biology kinesiology business administration interdisciplinary studies business administration interdisciplinary studies nursing government-legal studies nursing general studies kinesiology * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm 75068 75068 75068 75068 75068 75068 Danya Crystal Lisa Lauren Aljean Anthony Briana Ramirez Ray Rugg Sanchez Santos Sargent Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm Little Elm 75068 75068 75068 75068 75068 Christian Yesica Tamiel Giselle Nakesha Terry Trejo Turley Vigil Walker Little Elm Little Elm Longview Longview Lorena Lubbock Lubbock Lucas Lucas Lufkin Mabank Magnolia Magnolia Malakoff Mansfield Mansfield Mansfield Mansfield Mansfield Mansfield Mansfield Mansfield Mansfield Mansfield Marlin Marshall Marshall 75068 75068 75605 75604 76655 79423 79424 75002 75002 75901 75156 77354 77355 75148 76063 76063 76063 76063 76063 76063 76063 76063 76063 76063 76661 75670 75672 Jayna Lakeitra Cameron Maria Lloyd Amber Tiana Ashlynn Kristin Angela Nancy Kendra Meagan Elizabeth Angelica April Stacey Lindley Ambria Jordan Bria Chloe Alyssa Meagan Jannifer Breana Davionne West Willis Dimond Toscano Wilson Amen Fenno Gibson Miller Oden Murff Sancet Sayers White Anyanwu Eastman Hall Hopkins Mabry Meese Reid Terrell Urban Wright Stimmel Flanagan Onic May Maypearl McAllen McAllen McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney 76857 76064 78504 78504 75071 75069 75070 75070 75071 Jessica Veronica Carisse Samantha Genesha Maria Sydney Yasmin Michael Zondag Rayfield Elizondo Tijerina Agyemang Alcacio Arthur Asgarali Basham undeclared psychology general studies nursing nursing sociology business administrationmanagement undeclared biology biology social work business administrationaccounting fashion merchandising kinesiology general studies family studies fashion merchandising fashion merchandising kinesiology undeclared undeclared interdisciplinary studies mathematics biology communication sciences communication sciences undeclared social work interdisciplinary studies health studies nursing nursing psychology government-legal studies nursing undeclared child development kinesiology business administrationaccounting social work music interdisciplinary studies nursing health studies nursing kinesiology undeclared * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney 75070 75071 75071 75070 75069 75070 75070 75070 75070 75069 75070 75070 75069 Christina Chelsea Chelsea Paige Tara Jason Lilian Lindsey Leslie Deane Christine Kyle Lori Bass Black Bowen Brolsma Busch Bushland Caballero Coleman Consiglio Delape Deocampo Derossett Deza McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney 75071 75070 75070 75069 75071 75071 75070 75071 75069 75071 75070 75070 75070 75070 75070 75070 75071 75071 75071 75071 75069 75071 75070 75071 75070 75071 75071 75070 75070 75070 75070 75070 75070 75070 Danielle Leah Andrea Marie Jessica Melissa Meagan Lindsey Tiffany Angel Emily Veronica Jessica Leslie Brittany Vi-Thuy Jennifer Deidre Elizabeth Kirstin Cassidy Claire Alexandria Kayla Roxana Sarah Elizabeth Natasha Andres Ashley Caryn Michelle Monique Michelle Kayla Dickenson Durham Ellis Elsea Feeny Feeny Fry Gainer Garcia Griffin Hansen Hartman Hein Hill Hoang Horton Johnson Kallal Kenealey Mannis McCartney Meek Modesto Mohhebali Morley Nelson Palmer Pardo Parma Powers Railey-Jones Rivera Rivera Rivero McKinney 75070 Britton Rowley nursing nursing undeclared nursing history kinesiology undeclared health studies dental hygiene general studies nursing kinesiology health studies business administrationmanagement business administration nursing kinesiology communication sciences child development communication sciences social work art history nursing criminal justice communication sciences nursing dental hygiene undeclared child development psychology kinesiology interdisciplinary studies nursing nursing social work undeclared psychology nursing social work kinesiology child development art undeclared nursing nursing mathematics business administrationaccounting * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney Melissa Mercedes Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite 75071 75070 75070 75070 75070 75071 75070 75071 75070 75070 75071 75070 75070 75454 78570 75149 75181 75150 75149 75180 75150 75181 75149 75149 75149 75150 Chaniece Amy Hannah Lohgan Sana Rocio Jami Olivia Kivinly H. Karen-Anne Sarah Justin Olivia Savannah Kassandra Azeezat Olivia Alicia Ashley Mariejoselle Karlie Terrin Juanita Lisa Liliana Michelle Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite 75150 75149 75149 75181 75181 75181 75149 75181 75149 75181 75149 75181 75180 75181 75150 75150 75181 75149 Mariana Kayla Brooke Laura Megan Joslin Miriam Jose Laura Kaitlin Lesly Sarah Linda Eugenia Danya Checail Candace Diandra Small Smith Stafford Swaggard Syed Tabor Therriault Underwood Vale Warren Wayman Williams Willingham Peer Garcia Ashiru Baker Blanton Burke Cariaga Cash Chacko Dominguez Galvin Garcia Gonnet GonzalezBerrocal Harris Hill Hilton Huddleston John Magana Mananghaya Martinez McBride Mendoza Miech Penaloza Peprah Rangel-Rivera Robertson Robinson Rodriguez Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite 75150 75149 75181 75150 Citlalli Emily Priyanka Lincy Rodriguez Ruiz Saji Sam business administration nutrition kinesiology health studies biology health studies government-legal studies kinesiology psychology interdisciplinary studies mathematics nursing child development nutrition child development biology kinesiology psychology kinesiology kinesiology dental hygiene nursing nursing interdisciplinary studies health studies business administration * dance drama interdisciplinary studies English child development nursing social work kinesiology biology interdisciplinary studies nursing undeclared interdisciplinary studies health studies child development communication sciences general studies nursing business administrationmarketing nursing interdisciplinary studies undeclared * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Mesquite Midland Midland Midlothian Midlothian Midlothian Midlothian Midlothian Midlothian Midlothian Milford Mineral Wells Mineral Wells Mineral Wells Mineral Wells Mission Missouri City Missouri City Missouri City Missouri City Missouri City Missouri City Missouri City Missouri City Morgan Mount Pleasant Muenster 75149 75149 75150 75149 75150 75149 75181 75181 75181 75181 75181 75181 75150 79707 79707 76065 76065 76065 76065 76065 76065 76065 76670 76067 76067 76067 76067 78572 77489 77489 77459 77489 77459 77459 77459 77459 76671 Jessica Alexandria Annie Ryan Angelica Roxana Chioma Ontaya Kelsey Kayla Adrienne Sharif Alexia Hannah Morgan Jaclyn Jennifer Gabriela Rebecca Randi Katelyn Breanne Rebekah Lacy Jessica Chelsea Laura Stephanie Cynthia Dominique Me'chelle Abriana Kevin Lester Tasha Josilyn Amber Skinner Soto Thampan Thomas Thompson Torres Udenkwo Weathers Westbrook Williams Wilson Wilson Wright Dumas Lane Kliman Martin Padilla Penn Penn Walker Wilson Jackson Coots Culver Norris Rubio Cantu Bravo Campbell Lincoln Miles Miranda Pinto Stephen Thomas Thomas 75455 76252 Aaryn Mark Taylor Bartush Muenster Muenster Muenster Muenster 76252 76252 76252 76252 Toby Andi Madeline Christina Eberhart Felderhoff Hanson Rohmer Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy 75094 75094 75094 75094 Siham Itzel Alexandra Michelle Abubaker Alvarez Kick Pagano business administrationaccounting dental hygiene nursing kinesiology social work child development chemistry interdisciplinary studies child development business administration nursing kinesiology social work child development music psychology undeclared psychology kinesiology nursing dental hygiene dance fashion design general studies nutrition undeclared dental hygiene social work general studies health studies health studies undeclared kinesiology kinesiology child development child development nutrition nursing kinesiology business administrationfinance dental hygiene nursing biology business administrationaccounting art health studies nursing * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Murphy Murphy Murphy Nacogdoches Naples Nevada Nevada Nevada New Caney Newark Newark North Richland Hills North Richland Hills North Richland Hills North Richland Hills North Richland Hills North Richland Hills North Richland Hills North Richland Hills North Richland Hills North Richland Hills North Richland Hills North Richland Hills Northlake Oak Point Odessa Ovilla Palestine Palestine Palestine Palmer Paradise Paradise Paradise Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris 75094 75094 75094 75963 75568 75173 75098 75173 77357 76071 76074 Lynna Michael Sammantha Crystal Anna Fatima Morgan Angeline Nick Jocelyn Elizabeth Pham Richardson Solvin Smith Ranes Herrera Hofacker Wiersema Friesz Guadamuz Jarvis nursing music therapy child development family studies undeclared music nursing interdisciplinary studies kinesiology music dental hygiene 76182 Lindsey Crase family studies * 76180 Kaitlyn Gottlob nursing * 76182 Lauren Landers * 76180 Jennifer McLain nursing business administrationhuman resources 76182 Matthew Nafa computer science 76180 Payton Nally interdisciplinary studies * 76182 Amy Ornelas undeclared * 76180 Megan Payne child development 76182 Rachel Renfro social work 76182 Rosa-Maria Rincon interdisciplinary studies * 76180 Veronica Roque mathematics * 76180 76262 75068 79762 75154 75803 75802 75803 75152 76073 76073 76073 75460 75460 75462 75460 75460 75462 Virginia Diana William Emily Erin Katelyn Nicole Aracely Amber Taylor Sarah Saira Courtney Adilene Cody Makala Megan Robert Sinclair Mares Gusick Scown Beattie Calhoun Johnson Martinez Babroski Blount Buell Fernandez Cunny Herrera Malone Methvin Spann Talley nursing criminal justice biology dance interdisciplinary studies English undeclared mathematics undeclared nutrition undeclared undeclared child development nursing biology child development criminal justice kinesiology * * * * * * * * * * * * * Paris Pasadena Pattonville Pearland Pearland Pearland Pearland Pearland 75462 77505 75468 77584 77584 77584 77584 77581 Betsabe Rachel Catrina Erika Jane Jordaine-Fai Ressa Brenda Nneka Pflugerville Pflugerville Pflugerville Pharr Pilot Point 78660 78660 78660 78577 76258 Deamber Melissa Shaterra Gianna Suzan Pilot Point Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano 76258 75025 75023 75025 75025 75074 75075 75023 75025 75023 75025 75025 75023 75023 75024 75025 75024 75024 75025 75025 75093 75093 75024 75074 75075 75024 75075 75074 75024 Kristi Deborah Lindsay Diane Carrie Celia Rachael Erin Ja Lessa Amy Leah Kellie Sandra Lani Megan Whitney Brittany Megan Rachana Bohdan June Alyssa Victoria Rhea Allison Taylor-Devin Yingquan Peggy Smithu Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano 75025 75023 75023 75093 75025 75093 Nazanin Haley Laura Hannah Jordan Kathleen Torres Keller Elliott Barcelona Enriquez Gallardo Martinez Nweke HoustonDailey Salinas Stevenson Lombardi Sanchez Sprabary Albrecht Arthur Bankhead Bellerive Belmont Betancourt Bolinger Bonds Boyer Boyer Carlson Carranza Centeno Chow Colvin Cooper Cornelison Dahal Danylenko Deibel Dunlap Dutton Edmond Edwards Emsoff Gan Garcia George Gharehkhania n Glover Grentz Hogg Holmes Kans kinesiology dance kinesiology kinesiology kinesiology music therapy fashion merchandising psychology dance nursing social work health studies nursing business administrationmanagement nursing nutrition nutrition nursing mathematics nursing kinesiology English interdisciplinary studies history criminal justice undeclared interdisciplinary studies art child development art kinesiology health studies government-legal studies health studies fashion merchandising nursing biology nursing general studies nursing history kinesiology nutrition interdisciplinary studies music nutrition undeclared undeclared * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano 75025 75093 75075 75074 75024 75025 75024 75025 75093 Sadikshya Kasey Leyla John Shin Angeli Andrea Khamile Jason Khadgi Kiley Koyuncuoglu Lemay Liew Lu Mapua Marsh Mingori Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano 75025 75024 75093 75023 75075 Franziska Meredith Pegah Monica Linh Moberly Molge Moradi Mott Nguyen Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano 75074 75025 75093 75023 75023 75093 75074 75075 75074 75074 75074 75023 Soraya Priyal Autumn Ameena Paul Gabriela Jessica Paul Alberto Rosalba Carolyn Ebony Oliva Patel Patrick Phillips Piepenbrok Puche Faria Ramos-Cerna Roby Rodriguez Ruiz Russell Sample Plano Plano Plano 75024 75093 75024 Melanie Alicia Sheila Sceiczina Seney Sims Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Ponder Ponder Ponder Ponder Ponder 75025 75075 75075 75023 75023 75093 75023 75024 75074 75093 75025 75024 75023 76259 76259 76259 76259 76259 Danielle In Ah Chelsea Mark Elizabeth Taryn Par Rachael Joscelyn Joshua Hannah Yasmine Yelena Shelby Lydia Tyne Brittany Dana Son Song Stanford Stephenson Sterling Surovik Tial Tran Trompeter Underwood Watkins Yaiche Yudelevich Baker Boomer Deussen Gregg Hall health studies nursing nursing family studies undeclared interdisciplinary studies nursing art nursing business administrationaccounting kinesiology nursing child development nursing business administrationmanagement nursing kinesiology general studies undeclared nutrition interdisciplinary studies kinesiology nutrition kinesiology health studies health studies business administrationfinance nursing health studies business administrationmarketing chemistry health studies nutrition interdisciplinary studies kinesiology business administration nursing kinesiology biology nursing health studies health studies fashion design interdisciplinary studies health studies communication sciences nursing * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ponder Ponder Ponder Ponder Ponder 76259 76259 76259 76259 76259 Randi Jacquelyn Jessica Lili Megan Hall Kerner Kerner Looper Martin Ponder Ponder Ponder Ponder Ponder Ponder Port Neches Pottsboro Pottsboro Powderly Princeton Princeton Princeton Princeton 76259 76259 76259 76259 76259 76259 77651 75076 75076 75473 75407 75407 75407 75407 Angela Anna Summer Sarah Karen Rachel Courtney Ashlyn Lynne Jacquelyn Keyon Guadalupe Sara Allyson Meadows Orr Sadiyeh Smith Smith Vedral Champagne Choate Hancock Allen Chapuredima Miralrio Morrison Rogers Princeton 75407 Colleen Stanford Prosper Prosper Prosper Prosper Prosper Providence Village Providence Village Providence Village Providence Village Providence Village Providence Village Providence Village Quinlan Quinlan Quinlan Red Oak Red Oak Red Oak Red Oak Rhome Rhome 75078 75078 75078 75078 75078 Lyndon Jourdan Alexandria Amy Bianca Bartlett Esquenazi Goldberg Krigsman Van Osdol family studies biology biology nursing English business administrationaccounting English government-legal studies interdisciplinary studies mathematics kinesiology nursing undeclared child development kinesiology business administration nursing child development music family & consumer sciences business administrationaccounting nursing music business administration art 76227 Elizabeth Danforth interdisciplinary studies 76227 Annie Detsouriphonh nursing 76227 Dusty Fife health studies 76227 Maria Garcia health studies 76227 Courtney Johnson * 76227 Stephanie Rojas biochemistry business administrationfinance 76227 75474 75474 75474 75154 75154 75154 75154 76078 76078 Jennifer-Eri Maria Dakota Kelsie Alexandra Brenda Gabrielle Amy Bettina Shiloh Weaver Hurd Mason Turman Lynch Mancilla Pena Tamez Davis Hofacket nursing nursing nursing child development child development nursing kinesiology nursing dance undeclared * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Rhome Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richland Hills Richland Hills Richland Hills Richmond Richmond Richmond Richmond Richmond Rio Grande City Roanoke Roanoke Roanoke Roanoke Roanoke Roanoke Roanoke Roanoke Rockwall Rockwall Rockwall Rockwall Rockwall 76078 75080 75082 75082 75080 75080 75082 75080 75080 75080 75081 75082 75080 75083 75081 75082 75080 75031 75081 75081 75082 75080 75081 75080 75081 75080 75080 76118 76118 76118 77469 77407 77406 77407 77407 Natalie Paige Abeba Jennifer Susan Christina Geno Alexandria Deeanna Arifa Michelle Allison Lizbeth Rolly Khanh Nhu Chisom Janette Soo Krystal Asmait Mikaela Alexa Tam Jacqueline Cristal Kelsey Michelle Marissa Sheree Carly Nicole Tam Ngoc Lauren Helen Erica Klasek Barnett Berhane Carpenter Flagg Ganschow George Herrera Hui Hussaini Le Linsteadt Luciano Mireles Nguyen Nzelu Palacios Park Paul Solomon Sprosty Swords Ta Tubby Venegas Vernon Wells Baca Brown Rastandeh Obih Phan Smith Tran Trull psychology psychology nursing history nursing undeclared nursing nursing family studies social work biochemistry interdisciplinary studies communication sciences music nursing nursing interdisciplinary studies nursing kinesiology nursing nursing child development undeclared interdisciplinary studies communication sciences nursing fashion merchandising undeclared general studies English sociology nursing music nursing business administration 78582 76262 76262 76248 76262 76262 76262 76262 76262 75032 75032 75087 75087 75087 Selena Natalie Adrienne Emily Alysen Nicole Ashley Carlie Delanie Caley Kaylee Megan Patricia Melanie Flores Beech Bloodgood Boaz Duty Escue Fayyazi Ross Sager Carpenter Fritz Garrity Hughes Jensen drama drama kinesiology nutrition psychology child development nursing interdisciplinary studies music health studies nursing medical technology nutrition undeclared * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Rockwall Rockwall Rockwall Rockwall Rockwall Rockwall Rockwall Rockwall Rosenberg Round Rock Round Rock Round Rock Rowlett 75032 75087 75032 75087 75087 75032 75087 75087 77471 78665 78664 78681 75089 Sean Ashley Ashley Kim Jameson India Guilla Caroline Jazmine Marina Alissa Caroline Anjaly Kilgore McClintic McCormick Nielsen Oldham Robinson Santos Stephens Reyes Anim Robinson Salam Antony Rowlett Rowlett Rowlett Rowlett Rowlett Rowlett Rowlett Rowlett Rowlett Rowlett Rowlett Rowlett 75089 75088 75089 75089 75089 75089 75088 75089 75089 75088 75088 75088 Lorretta Jana Ginelle Britney Danielle Alexandra Jobin Charles Kent Canda Elizabeth Amy Mersida Black Brumley Bulanadi Burton Carty Chavarria Cherian Dolinta Estes Kroger Godwin Hampton Kolenovic Rowlett Rowlett Rowlett Rowlett Rowlett Rowlett Rowlett Rowlett Rowlett Rowlett Rowlett Rowlett Rowlett Royse City Royse City Royse City Royse City Royse City Royse City Rusk 75088 75088 75089 75088 75089 75089 75089 75089 75088 75088 75088 75088 75088 75189 75189 75189 75189 75189 75189 75785 Megan Meaganne Evia Margaret Cecilia Ngoc Kristen Renee Regina Christian Morgan Gladys Emily Hannah Kristina Cynthia John Irma Lauren Savannah Leff Loftin Maselli Mayfield Morales Nguyen Nguyen Ronquillo Salinas Solano Stephens Varghese York Aicha Dahmer Finefrock Gutilla Hernandez Vandiver Lemon Sachse Sachse 75048 75048 Jack Brittany Alexander Ali nursing dental hygiene communication sciences nursing music psychology nursing computer science nursing health studies kinesiology kinesiology interdisciplinary studies business administrationhuman resources kinesiology nursing nursing social work mathematics kinesiology nursing communication sciences nursing nutrition kinesiology business administrationmarketing psychology nursing mathematics communication sciences biology nursing English kinesiology medical technology kinesiology biology nursing fashion merchandising art general studies history interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies psychology business administrationhuman resources business administration * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sachse Sachse Sachse Sachse Sadler Saginaw Saginaw Saginaw Saginaw 75048 75048 75048 75048 76264 76179 76131 76179 76179 Laura Kari Rachael Mai Mary Maritza Alexandra Sandra Kelsey Griffin Logan Mantsch Phan Hollandsworth Barajas Degarmo Gallegos Jones Saginaw Saginaw Saginaw Saginaw Saginaw San Angelo San Angelo San Antonio San Antonio San Antonio San Antonio San Antonio San Antonio San Antonio San Antonio San Benito San Benito San Marcos Sanger Sanger Sanger Sanger Sanger Sanger Sanger Sanger Sanger Sanger Sanger Sanger Savannah Savannah Savannah Savannah Savannah Savannah Savoy Seagoville Seagoville Seagoville 76131 76131 79179 76131 76131 76903 76904 78247 78217 78229 78232 78244 78254 78250 78232 78586 78586 78666 76266 76266 76266 76266 76266 76266 76266 76266 76266 76266 76266 76266 76227 76227 76227 76227 76227 76227 75479 75159 75159 75159 Patrick Deborah Rachel Jenny Kallie Liza Stephanie Dina Kara Kourtney Rachel Barbara Hope Andrea Laken Amy Kassandra William Christy Haley Kelsey Tiffany Jessica Daniel Shelby Brandie Ashley Kyla Elizabeth Elizabeth Jeannine Marilyn Zahra Megan Kimberlie Gennifer Diana Kristen Jasmine Melissa Patterson Puckett Reeves Vaughan Weaver Bergara Jones Acosta Beadle Black Cannon Dyer Shaw Vega Walker Del Toro Ramirez Stelter Bennett Bortz Burton Butler Carter Fedorisko Gange Shumate Stamper Stevens Teniente Thompson Cox Hall Johnson Lowder Padilla Rouson Nino Penner Ramires Reyes nursing general studies nursing dental hygiene interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies kinesiology dental hygiene undeclared business administrationhuman resources general studies government-legal studies psychology psychology communication sciences general studies kinesiology dance biology child development health studies nursing music therapy music dental hygiene child development music therapy interdisciplinary studies child development interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies music undeclared art interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies interdisciplinary studies social work dance chemistry criminal justice interdisciplinary studies nutrition nursing undeclared nutrition biology nursing interdisciplinary studies * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Selma Shady Shores Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Socorro Southlake Southlake Southlake Southlake Southmayd Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Sugar Land Sugar Land Sugar Land Sugar Land Sugar Land Sugar Land SugarLland Sugar Land Sugar Land Sugar Land Sugar Land Sugar Land Sugar Land Sunnyvale Sunnyvale Sunnyvale Sunray Sunset Sunset Sweetwater Taylor Terrell Terrell Terrell Terrell 78154 76208 75090 75092 75092 75090 75090 75092 75090 79927 76092 76092 76092 76092 76268 77388 77389 77373 77379 77388 77389 77388 77373 77388 77388 77498 77479 77479 77479 77498 77479 77498 77479 77498 77478 77479 77498 77479 75182 75182 75182 79086 76270 76270 79556 76574 75161 75160 75160 75161 Domanique Caitlynd Emily Selene Taylor Monica Darby Mikayla Ashley Deanna Paulette Christina Irene Bryena Miriam Kathryn Amanda Clarissa Erin Brittany Sydney Angeline Sapphire Katherine Symphony Faatimah Sahmeen Jacqueline Mecala Tiffany Tiffany Michelle Kyra Sunaina Eseose Ashley Andrew Christine Kevin Amy Sebastian Nicole Sierra Bailey Tyler Chasity Jenna Cheri Jaynie Katie McIver Stolzer Burditt Dominguez Ferguson Mathis Nichols Sample White Solis Cunningham Osondu Philip Tewalt Lord Allen Amaral Baker Carrell Graham Koshnick Malegro Rosales Thompson Turner Ali Ali Chan Crawford Cun Cyriac Dragoo Lucio Noorani Okpamen Patiag Voelkel Yu Cherian Green Thomas Taylor Sharon Whatley Brauneck Douglas Butte Crutcher Jones King nursing kinesiology family studies criminal justice nursing kinesiology dental hygiene nursing communication sciences nursing communication sciences interdisciplinary studies nursing sociology family studies music art nursing nursing English dance music psychology nursing nursing nursing communication sciences nursing nursing dental hygiene child development nursing nursing dental hygiene nursing nursing nursing nursing psychology psychology kinesiology nursing business administration communication sciences nursing kinesiology undeclared music mathematics nursing * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Terrell Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana The Colony The Colony 75160 75503 75503 75501 75056 75056 Shelby Angela Jiwon Sherell Reshma Johanna The Colony The Colony The Colony The Colony 75056 75056 75056 75056 Claudia Adrienne Lindsey Madelyn Robert Bultemeier Choi Coleman Abraham Alvarado AlvaradoJuarez Anderson Barthuly Bertrand The Colony The Colony The Colony 75056 75056 75056 Elizabeth April Alexandra Brown Brown Cole The Colony The Colony The Colony 75056 75056 75056 Nicole Hye Jin Candice Ferrier Gong Gould The Colony The Colony The Colony The Colony The Colony The Colony 75056 75056 75056 75056 75056 75056 Kristi Kelly Jasmyne Lauren Amber Jenna Greer Heiman Henry Hull Jagt Little The Colony The Colony The Colony The Colony The Colony The Colony 75056 75056 75056 75056 75056 75056 Stephanie Nicole Michelle Serena Amanda Raegan Miller Obar Paris Singh Sitton Snider The Colony The Colony The Colony The Colony 75056 75056 75056 75056 Jillian Merlin Genesis Christy Strong Thomas Trigueros Vilmont The Colony The Woodlands Thorndale Tioga Tioga Tomball Trophy Club Trophy Club Trophy Club Trophy Club Tuscola 75056 Sarah Wallace kinesiology family studies nursing nursing business administrationhuman resources psychology dance family & consumer sciences music therapy health studies business administrationmarketing kinesiology nursing nutrition psychology interdisciplinary studies business administrationmarketing undeclared interdisciplinary studies art social work chemistry business administrationmanagement nursing interdisciplinary studies art business administrationaccounting 77380 76577 76271 76271 77377 76262 76262 76262 76262 79562 Megan Amanda Sabrina Mariah Hope Tonia Christina Ariana Jordan Michelle Pillow Hall Howell Switzer Gibson Bridges Capili Morrison Scheller Stucker business administration kinesiology nursing nutrition nursing nursing music nutrition dental hygiene kinesiology kinesiology communication sciences nursing undeclared communication sciences social work * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Valley Mills Valley View Valley View 75702 75704 75707 75706 76689 76272 76272 Shaniqua Ciara Krystal Jessica Keri Lauren Stacy Butler Maradiaga Peterson Peterson Brookshire Pethtel Richter Valley View Van Van Alstyne Van Alstyne Van Alstyne Van Alstyne Venus Vernon Victoria Victoria Waco Waco Watauga Watauga Watauga Watauga Watauga Watauga Watauga Watauga 76272 75790 75495 75495 75495 75495 76084 76385 77904 77904 76711 76708 76148 76148 76148 76148 76148 76148 76148 76137 Lydia Kaysie Aaron Cassandra Shannon Alicia Yesenia Schea Joseph Brittany Sandra Emilyann Sidra Kaydra Sara Raymond Kimberly Cailen Victoria Katlin Zimmerer Hemby Emdy Hipo Lawson Wells Lares Porter Kaminski Mowdy Araiza Kinlaw Ashraf Brannan Gomez Heath Littlefield Oest Sprabary Stevens Waxahachie Waxahachie Weatherford Weatherford Weatherford Weatherford Weatherford Weslaco Weslaco Weslaco White Settlement White Settlement Whitehouse Whitesboro Whitesboro Whitesboro Whitesboro Wichita Falls Wichita Falls Wichita Falls 75165 75167 76086 76087 76085 76088 76088 78596 78596 78596 Alyssa Emily Rebecca Marie Sierra Kimberly Tristin Sarah Alejandra Analisa Lyle Price Friend Harbour Lykins Neill Wright Cavazos Cavazos Martinez child development kinesiology child development child development mathematics nutrition art food & nutrition in business & industry child development computer science nursing kinesiology fashion merchandising interdisciplinary studies health studies music music English nutrition interdisciplinary studies communication sciences interdisciplinary studies health studies undeclared social work biology undeclared business administrationhuman resources child development undeclared dance nursing interdisciplinary studies nursing communication sciences psychology communication sciences 76108 Andrea Jarvis kinesiology * 76108 75791 76273 76273 76273 76273 76305 76309 76306 Tiffany Bethany Whitney Katelyn Barbara Delyndia Tina Rebekah Maria Wells Peek Marietti Puckett Simpson Vaughn Barrager Cluley Cobos interdisciplinary studies art nutrition social work sociology nutrition nutrition business administration criminal justice * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Wichita Falls Wichita Falls Wichita Falls Wichita Falls Wichita Falls Willow Park Willow Park Wills Point Wills Point Windthorst Wylie Wylie Wylie Wylie Wylie Wylie Wylie 76310 76309 76309 76310 76309 76087 76087 75169 75169 76389 75098 75098 75098 75098 75098 75098 75098 Veronica Adam Conor Ivy Chelsea Cheryl Kaitlyn Katrina Claire Mary Sarah Lindsey Payge Erin Anna Kalee Samantha Hackbusch Leslie Mullin Noack Reeves Kalmoe Sheppard Reed Watson Wolf Adams Biggs Borjas Cunningham Johnson Knight Lowry Wylie 75098 Kallen Ly Wylie Wylie Wylie Wylie Wylie Wylie Wylie 75098 75098 75098 75098 75098 75098 75098 Ashley Shelby Laura Lisa Marilynn Linda Thanh Morton Ortiz Rollins Shields Shillington Trinh Vo Dierks Rogers Phoenix Carlsbad San Diego Upland Arvada Monument Peyton Aurora Champaign Napervile West Chicago Wichita Mooringsport Allston AR AR AZ CA CA CA CO CO CO IL IL IL IL KS LA MA 71833 72757 85032 92011 92150 91786 80007 80132 80831 60504 61820 60565 60185 67212 71060 02134 Caitlin Amanda Alexis Katie Ashley Porsha Kristine Margaret Jeanette Jill Athena Madison Courtney Isabel Devaney Scott Lites Dickerson Fergis Simpson Burnworth Stockton Roed MacNabb Janes Roel Clark Kremer Cochefski Valdez Benedict Teja Ellicott City Old Town MD ME 21042 4468 Samantha Victoria Jeffers Glaser Indian Trail Albuquerque NC NM 28079 87123 Kayla Stephanie Jones Repp social work nursing history child development drama music communication sciences nursing drama kinesiology nursing kinesiology music interdisciplinary studies undeclared interdisciplinary studies music culinary science & food service management culinary science & food service management nursing interdisciplinary studies undeclared nursing health studies nursing kinesiology kinesiology biochemistry undeclared interdisciplinary studies kinesiology undeclared child development health studies history nutrition fashion merchandising communication sciences fashion merchandising child development kinesiology business administrationmanagement music business administrationmanagement family studies * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Claremore OK 74019 Taylor Swift sociology *