2009-2010 Update to Perkins IV Local 5-Year Plan Local Improvement Plan Annual Application April 30, 2009 Oregon Department of Education 2009 Changes Happen Feedback about the structure We need to tell our story Too complicated Confusing Results did not reflect the great work that we know is happening Gather models of effective practices Federal accountability has increased Identify technical assistance & professional development needs Oregon Department of Education 2009 Are we asking for too much? Everything we’re asking for now is based on what we asked for in the 5-year plans! There are no new expectations Improvement planning is required Not having an improvement planning process is an unsupportable position It is no longer assumed, it must be explicit Oregon Department of Education 2009 Update-at-a-Glance Introduction A. Local or Consortium Basic Grant Plan Program Design Performance Standards and Content Alignment and Articulation Accountability and Evaluation Student Support Services Professional Development B. Plan and Distribution of Perkins IV Consortium Funds C. Plan for Regional Reserve Fund Student Performance/Local Improvement Plan R1. Technical Skill Assessments R2. Professional Development D. Improvement Planning Process Oregon Department of Education 2009 Appendices Introduction Overview RESPONSE REQUIRED What is the vision for CTE students in your region as a result of the implementation of CTE Programs of Study? Briefly describe the work of your school, district, or consortium in developing and implementing CTE Programs of Study. Identify major opportunities and challenges that will be addressed in this plan. Oregon Department of Education 2009 Update-at-a-Glance A. Local or Consortium Basic Grant Plan o Program Design Performance Standards and Content Alignment and Articulation Accountability and Evaluation • Student Performance/Local Improvement Plan Student Support Services Professional Development B. Plan and Distribution of Perkins IV Consortium Funds C. Plan for Regional Reserve Fund R1. Technical Skill Assessments Oregon Department of Education 2009 R2. Professional Development Update-at-a-Glance A. Local or Consortium Basic Grant Plan B. Plan and Distribution of Perkins IV Consortium Funds C. Plan for Regional Reserve Fund D. Improvement Planning Process Oregon Department of Education 2009 A. Local or Consortium Basic Grant Plan (2008-2013 Local 5-Year Plan) By 2012-2013: a. 100% of Perkins-eligible programs of study align with Oregon Skill Sets [Oregon Skill Sets] or other industry-based standards; b. 95% of Perkins-eligible programs of study use relevant technology that directly supports increasing student academic knowledge and technical skill attainment. Oregon Department of Education 2009 A. Local or Consortium Basic Grant Plan (2008-2013 Local 5-Year Plan) Please respond with an explicit description of activities to be planned and implemented that will lead toward the attainment of each indicator for this benchmark. Describe what evidence or documentation [progress markers] you will gather to indicate progress toward meeting the 2012-2013 level. Oregon Department of Education 2009 A. Local or Consortium Basic Grant Plan (2008-2013 Local 5-Year Plan) Explicit description of activities to be planned and implemented Describe what evidence or documentation [progress markers] you will gather to indicate progress Oregon Department of Education 2009 A. Local or Consortium Basic Grant Plan (2008-2013 Local 5-Year Plan) Activities Progress Markers 2008-2009 a. b. a. b. 2009-2010 a. b. a. b. 2010-2011 a. b. a. b. 2011-2012 a. b. a. b. 2012-2013 a. b. a. b. Oregon Department of Education 2009 A. Local or Consortium Basic Grant Plan (2009-2010 Update) Overview Short and Measurement Process Narrative term Narrative Plan for 2009-2010 Long term Narrative Plan for 2010-2013 Oregon Department of Education 2009 A. Local or Consortium Basic Grant Plan (2009-2010 Update) Overview and Measurement Process Narrative What is the context (overview) for this goal? Include rationale, strategies, and activities that you plan to use to increase performance. How will you measure progress? (What process will you use?) Oregon Department of Education 2009 A. Local or Consortium Basic Grant Plan (2009-2010 Update) Short What will you do to improve the program? Strategies, Activities, etc. Long term Narrative Plan for 2009-2010 term Narrative Plan for 2010-2013 Brief descriptions of how the activities in 09-10 affect your long term plan What adjustments are necessary? Oregon Department of Education 2009 A. Local or Consortium Basic Grant Plan (2009-2010 Update) Goal 3c Action Plan An Action Plan/Local Improvement Plan is required for each Performance Measure that does not meet the 90% threshold. Oregon Department of Education 2009 A. Local or Consortium Basic Grant Plan (2009-2010 Update) Goal 3c Action Plan It is highly recommended that an Action Plan/Local Improvement Plan be included for goals that do not meet the current performance target. Recipients should plan strategies/activities to meet increased performance levels in the future. Oregon Department of Education 2009 A. Local or Consortium Basic Grant Plan (2009-2010 Update) Goal 3c Action Plan If all Performance Measures have been met, identify those Performance Measures that will be used to focus your work and expenditures for next year; include a complete Action Plan/Local Improvement Plan for each of those goals. Oregon Department of Education 2009 A. Local or Consortium Basic Grant Plan (2009-2010 Update) Performance Measure Specific Activity Person Responsible Timeline for the Activity Perkins or Local $$$ Investment How the Implementation of the Activity Will Be Monitored What You Will Monitor for Evidence of Success of the Activity (Include criteria for “success”) Oregon Department of Education 2009 A. Local or Consortium Basic Grant Plan (2009-2010 Update) Long term Narrative Plan for 2010-2013 Oregon Department of Education 2009 B. Plan and Distribution of Perkins IV Consortium Funds Describe: How the regional eligible recipient for the consortium will distribute Perkins IV funds Include The rationale for such allocation Attach A signed copy (all members) of the consortium’s operational agreement The job descriptions of staff supported by Perkins funded consortium dollars. Oregon Department of Education 2009 B. Plan and Distribution of Perkins IV Consortium Funds Required Activities Description of: •Strategies & activities •Proposed outcomes •Methods to measure your performance & progress Oregon Department of Education 2009 C. Plan for Regional Reserve Fund Action Plan/Local Improvement Plan for each of the goals A one-year plan An expectation and a requirement that plans reflect coherent planning that leads toward meeting the 2012-2013 performance goals For activities beyond those outlined in the 20092010 Local Plan Update Oregon Department of Education 2009 C. Plan for Regional Reserve Fund Explain how you measure your progress and performance for this goal Describe how you will use the Regional Reserve Funds for activities beyond those outlined in your 2009-2010 Local Plan Update, and the ‘value added’ that those activities will provide Oregon Department of Education 2009 C. Plan for Regional Reserve Fund 2009-2010 Action Plan for Regional Reserve Funds Specific Activity Person Responsible Timeline for the Activity How the Implementation of the Activity Will Be Monitored What You Will Monitor for Evidence of Success for the Activity (Include criteria for “success”) Oregon Department of Education 2009 D. Improvement Planning Process Team Member Role and Responsibility Oregon Department of Education 2009 D. Improvement Planning Process Describe the different people/groups you consulted, and how you worked with them Oregon Department of Education 2009 D. Improvement Planning Process Describe the process you used to: Identify your priority needs Develop your yearly goals Decide what strategies/activities you would adopt Oregon Department of Education 2009 D. Improvement Planning Process Describe the process you used to develop your: Action Plan/Local Improvement Plan Monitoring plan Evaluation plan Oregon Department of Education 2009 D. Improvement Planning Process If you cannot complete the above information: Explain why you could not complete the above information Explain how decisions were made concerning the distribution of federal Perkins funds Describe how you will implement an improvement planning process next year Oregon Department of Education 2009 What Do We Expect? A summary of the overall planning process NOT Detailed planning processes for each goal The actual planning process used (REALLY!!!) A commitment to improving the process Oregon Department of Education 2009 Thank You! Oregon Department of Education 2009